
Emotional Wellness By Amanda Beckstead Employee Wellness Lunch & Learn April 2015

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Emotional Wellness

By Amanda Beckstead

Employee Wellness

Lunch & Learn April 2015

What Is Emotional Wellness?

Increased awareness, expression & acceptance of thoughts and feelings of yourself & others.

Achieving positive self esteem

Satisfying relationships

Handling life's’ challenges without undue stress

Which would you rather be?

Common Stressors

• Procrastination

Common Stressors

Clutter & Disorganization

Ways to Combat Procrastination

Recognize that you’re a procrastinator

Break it into smaller, more manageable steps

Reward yourself

Make a plan

Ways to Combat Procrastination

Complete the most difficult tasks

Complete time-consuming tasks.

Complete tasks that you don’t know how to do. Once you start you can start to pick up more knowledge.

Deal with those tasks that you are afraid of

Tell yourself you will work on something for 5 minutes straight, you probably will get so involved you’ll keep going

Realize that you are putting something off

Discover your real reason for the delay…not an excuse but the real reason. List them

Dispute those reasons you listed above

Begin the task, set you mind to it and just start doing it

Making a Plan

Set a Date and Time to have a task completed by

Review the items that need to be completed nightly

Have goals you would like to achieve

Brain mapping

Your brain doesn’t think linearly so using brain mapping really helps

Use a Planner

Using a planner is a great way to help stay on task!

Write down your monthly, weekly and daily goals or tasks

Use it to block out your schedule and time

Check it off: there is something satisfying about marking things done

Color code if that works for you


Meal Planning

Create a weekly menu Use pantry food & sales

Meal prep needed ingredients Set aside 1-2 hours to prep for the


Cut up all your vegetables for lunches and dinners

Cut up onions and root veggies

Portion out your crackers, nuts, seeds ect

Cook all your meat for lunches

Use your crockpot for meal prep

Chicken is super fast and easy

Hard Boil a batch of eggs

Plan the day ahead

Decide what you want to accomplish the next day

Pack your bags the night before

Go to the gym in the morning to jump start your day

Pack your briefcase the night before

Pack your gym cloths/bag the night before

Pack your lunch as you are putting away dinner and cleaning the kitchen

Using Google

Google has a lot of different apps to help you organize your life

Google Calendar

Google Notes


Google Drive

Organization at the office

You are trying to work, not dig through piles to find what you need, if you are digging it makes you distracted

De-clutter by throwing away garbage, shredding unwanted documents & get rid of what you don’t need

Gather items that aren’t in their place and put them away

Revise your filing system and file papers that have been piling up

Clean out the filing cabinet

Can you go paperless with some docs?

Organization at the office

Start from scratch. Clean out all of your drawers and junk on your desk and put it in a box. Go back to work. Add stuff back little by little.

Find a place for the stuff you bring back, not thrown everywhere

Evaluate whether you really need an item or not. Are you keeping it because you need it or MIGHT need it?

Organize the cords around your desk

Take some pictures of your office space to look at objectively

Office Organization

If you have a lot of papers you need create a filing system for your papers

Go through your “catch all” drawer a minimum of every 6 weeks and clean it out

Clean off your desktop and organize your computer files

After the office is all cleaned up…keep it that way

Clean up your desk area EVERYDAY when you finish for the night

Your office is going to get messy during the day

Clean up and put it all back together 5-10 min before you leave

Look over your game plan for what you’d like to achieve tomorrow

Look over your to do list for the next day

Wipe down your space regularly

De-Clutter the House

Work in small increments, 5-10 minutes at a time.

Try to fill one garbage bag with items to give/throw away.

Clean up those knick-knacks, do you want/use them?

Make a list of areas you want to work on first (I suggest bedroom to be the first!)

Be patient and keep going at it

Sort laundry daily, if you have a family wash and fold at least one load daily

Clean out the “junk” drawer

Clean up the stuff off the flat surfaces that is piling up

Use a filing system

Organize your closet/drawers and throw away unused items

Have you used the item in the last 6 months/year?

Bedroom Organization

Use under the bed storage, bed risers are a great way to do this

Invest in a shoe rack

Clean out old/worn/unused shoes

Use a belt hanger to manage all of your belts

Organize your jewelry instead of throwing it all over the place

Organizing Your Bedroom

Make your bedroom a place of relaxation, not of stress.

Bedrooms are for rest, not work.

It should be clean and simple, not tons of furniture and cloths exploding

Tackle it in 20 minute sessions Throw away garbage

Put away laundry

Throw away trash (including under the bed)

Get rid of unwanted or unused clothing (again have you worn them in the last 6 month?)

Keep that one or two outfits you love that you don’t fit in but throw the rest out

Rearrange the bedroom into a more relaxing arrangement, get rid of too much furniture

Any Questions????