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  • 8/1/2019 Power Point Presentation Notes


    Hi, I'm Adam Steinberger, a Computer Science and

    Music student here at Skidmore. This summer, Prof.

    Mike Eckmann and I have been researching Digital

    Image Source Identification.

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  • 8/1/2019 Power Point Presentation Notes


    Cameras often insert data into digital photos that

    state make, model, time and place, among other

    things. This extra data is easily spoofed using

    modern software, so we can't trust it. When given an

    image, we want to determine which camera took it.

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    Since we can't trust the text data cameras already

    provide, we need something else to trust. We want to

    create a fingerprint per camera based on the pixels

    of digital photos. Certain data in the pixels will

    hopefully allow us to uniquely determine the source

    cameras of a given photo. Some examples of image

    data include sensor dust markings, noise and white

    balancing. These have been used to create almost

    unique fingerprints and are a lot harder to spoof than

    text data.

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    Given a digital image, we want to determine what camera took

    it. We created a classifier built up from image attributes. The

    way we created our classifier was by training it using the

    attributes from about half of our images. By training the

    classifier we mean that it creates a fingerprint for each camera.

    The attributes from the other half of our images are used to test

    the classifier to determine its accuracy. We took the pictures

    ourselves, along with our colleagues, from 25 different

    cameras. So obviously we know which camera each image

    belongs to. The attributes the classifier uses relates to the pixel

    colors in images. These attributes also relate to the

    demosaicing process in cameras, which I will describe shortly.

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    Digital images are composed of pixels, each containing a red, green

    andblue component. When a digital photo is taken, light from the

    outside world hits sensors inside the camera that make up a Color

    Filter Array. Each of these sensors couldcapture red, green orblue.

    To keep costs down, cameras capture only one color per pixel. The

    other two colors are computed using neighborhoods of pixels.

    For example, a pixel corresponding to a blue sensor. (show blue

    sensor in middle)

    needs some way to obtain red and green values. Cameras will

    estimate a red and green component by some computation of the

    neighboring red and green sensors. (show different neighborhoods)

    Differing weights of sensor outputs and different sized

    neighborhoods are used in different camera makes and models.

    These differing processes can help us create fingerprints for cameras.

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    The process I just described, where cameras

    compute the two missing colors for each pixel from

    some neighborhood around it, is called demosaicing.

    Typically cameras use unique proprietary

    demosaicing processes. Also, a pixel in a smooth

    area is usually processed differently than pixels on

    edges. (show smooth and edge pixels)

    Different makes and models of cameras use different

    proprietary demosaicing processes.

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    Just a head's up: We're approaching some details

    worth mentioning about our attributes. I've

    developed original software to generate attributes

    from photos related to the demosaicing process

    inside cameras. I've written code that can tell the

    difference between pixels in smooth areas versus

    those on an edge. The next couple slides are details

    to give you a sense of how some of these attributes

    were computed. The implementation of this next

    process is a small sample of the stuff I worked on

    this summer.

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    Here we have one color for a single pixel. This is the red channel of

    a pixel, which by the way also has a green and blue channel. Since I

    developed code that worked on red separately from green and blue,

    I'm showing you an example here where we are just focusing on the

    red channel. But this works for green and blue channels, too. (click)

    The neighborhood of a smooth pixel might look like this, where the

    values here are within a small range. This is a defining characteristic

    of smooth areas. (click)

    To get an error, we start with the origin pixel. (click)

    Then we sort the pixel's neighbors. (click)

    Removing the outer pixels, we find the median neighbor. (click)

    Subtracting the origin pixel with its median neighbor gives us an

    error value. (click)

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    Now let's consider an edge pixel. (click)

    This is what the neighborhood of an edge might look

    like. Notice the pixels on the left have significantly

    smaller values than those on the right. (click)

    Start with the origin pixel. (click)

    We remove the edge that doesn't belong. (click)

    Then sort the remaining neighbors. (click)

    Next, we get the median of these neighbors. (click)

    Finally, subtract the origin pixel with its median

    neighbor to get an error value. (click)

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    We compute errors for 3 neighborhood sizes, and all

    3 color channels all separately. That's 9 different

    groups of data that are all handled separately. For

    each group of data, we compute the mean, standard

    deviation, skewness, kurtosis, energy and entropy of

    the pixel errors.

    (Show what each statistics moment is)

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    So from what I just described, the attributes come

    from 4 statistics moments, energy and entropy for 3

    colors and 3 neighborhood sizes for both edge and

    smooth pixel types. That plus 18 unrelated

    attributes, that due to time constraints and since

    they're unrelated to the demosaicing process I won't

    include in this talk, adds up to 126 total attributes.

    The classifier uses these attributes to create a

    fingerprint for each camera. The attributes will also

    fit into our collaborator's larger system, which

    includes data about noise in images.

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    For all 25 cameras, our original classifier used smooth

    errors attributes to trace images to their cameras with

    34.96% accuracy. When we added attributes for edge

    errors, our accuracy rate rose to 36.72%. So, processing

    edge pixels differently and adding the 18 other attributes

    produced only marginally better results. We created an

    additional classifier for a subset of 3 iPhones to see if

    the attributes can distinguish between different instances

    of the same make and model of cameras. This

    classifier's accuracy was 79.1%, so it seems that these

    can differentiate between the same camera models.

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    The attributes we designed for the classifier clearly are

    capturing some good information, as our classifier beats

    random choice easily. But they don't do well enough on

    their own. We plan to incorporate our attributes along

    with our colleagues attribute sets to improve overall

    accuracy rates. We also plan to extract the top N camera

    choices for each test image in our classifier. Hopefully,

    we'll be able to predict with 99% accuracy the correct

    top N camera choices for an image. And we plan to

    implement a few common demosaicing processes that

    cameras use and compute attributes from these to try to

    increase our classifier's accuracy.

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    Please feel free to contact me

    by visiting my website at

    amsteinberger.com. Now, I'd

    like to open the floor for


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