power of humanity, power of education

Red Cross Red Crescent Learning network Learning and Organizational Development May 2012 AIESEC Youth 2 Business Forum Reda Sadki / 20 August 2013 Power of { humanity education

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Power of Humanity, Power of Education: IFRC presentation at the AIESEC Youth 2 Business Forum in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, on 20 August 2013.


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Red Cross Red CrescentLearning network

Learning and Organizational DevelopmentMay 2012

AIESEC Youth 2 Business ForumReda Sadki / 20 August 2013

Power of {humanityeducation

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The power of humanity

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$20,000,000,000Non-emergency income, ongoing programming

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13,600,000Active community-based volunteers

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130,397,371Number of people reached by 46 National Societies

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7Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence Voluntary service Unity Universality

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✓Learning platform

✓Academic courses

✓World Disasters Report

✓Research coordination

✓Reference centers

Red Cross Red CrescentLearning network

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17,000,000Number of people trained to do first aid

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46,000,000Number of people helped by first aiders

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What is a university?

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Which of these is a university?

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The value of a degree

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Innovative?✓ "The Role of Auditory Cues in

Modulating the Perceived Crispness and Staleness of Potato Chips”

✓ "The Dignity of Living Beings With Regard to Plants. Moral Consideration of Plants for Their Own Sake"

✓ "The Role of Armadillos in the Movement of Archaeological Materials: An Experimental Approach”

✓ "Intelligence: Maze-Solving by an Amoeboid Organism”

✓ "Ovulatory Cycle Effects on Tip Earnings by Lap Dancers: Economic Evidence for Human Estrus?"

✓ "You Bastard: A Narrative Exploration of the Experience of Indignation within Organizations.”

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Teaching?1. hierarchy of teacher and student2. credentialing, ranking3. disciplinary divides4. discrete disciplines5. segregation of "high" versus "low" culture6. restriction of admission to those considered worthy of

admission7. individual training, isolated achievement and

accomplishment8. peer review and institutionally ordained authority9. passive, lecture driven, hierarchical10.largely unidirectional from instructor to student

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✓modes of organization

✓structures of knowledge

✓relationships between and among groups of students, faculty, and others across campus or around the world

Need to rethink

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Activity #1

✓What is learning?

✓What is a learning organization?

✓Is AIESEC a learning organization? Why or why not?

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Distance learning vs.Face-to-face learning

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Question #1

Is the final academic performance of students in distance learning programs better than that of those enrolled in traditional FTF programs, in the last twenty-year period?Mickey Shachar and Yoram Nuemann. Twenty years of research on the academic performance differences between traditional and distance learning: summative meta-analysis and trend examination. Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Vol 6, No. 2, June 2010

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Yes.Distance learning results in increasingly better learning outcomes since1991.

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Question #2

Does supplementing face-to-face instruction with online instruction enhance learning?U.S. Department of Education. Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. September 2010.

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No.Positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se.

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Learning {architecturecontext

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Greece, 1983

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Sri Lanka, 2006

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Afghanistan, 2011

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Kenya, 2013

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Haiti, April 2010

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Kenya, 2009

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Portugal, 2013

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Bangladesh, 2009

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Jordan, 2013

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Thailand, 2009

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7 fundamental principles

An agenda for new

learning and assessment

Anywhere, anytime

Ubiquitous learning

Recursive feedback

Formative assessment

Text, image, video, audio

Multimodal meaning

Designing meanings

Active knowledge-making

Knowledge you can reach

for and useCollaborative intelligence

Thinking about


Each according

to their interest and



Kalantzis and Cope. New Learning (2011).

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What is a MOOC?

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Massive participation

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Open to all

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What has changed?How much has changed?

✓how we teach

✓where we teach

✓who we teach

✓who teaches

✓who administers

✓who services

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Activity #2

✓As people get their degrees online, will AIESEC become obsolete?

✓What is the value of the residential experience in education?

✓Choose a topic for AIESEC’s first massive, open online course and define 3 learning objectives for it

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Learning in a VUCA world




✓Ambiguity= practical code for awareness and readiness

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Knowledge has a half-life.Courses are fairly static. Knowledge is dynamic—changing hourly, daily. [This] requires an understanding of the nature of the half-life of knowledge in their field [to ensure] that they select the right tools to keep content current for the learners.

Siemens, G., 2006. Knowing knowledge.

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% knowledge stored in your brain needed to do your job











Robert Kelly, Carnegie-Mellon University.

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What happens when knowledge flows too fast for processing or interpreting?

Siemens, G., 2006. Knowing knowledge.

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Traditional approaches won’t work✓No classroom is large enough

✓No individual is smart enough

✓No response time is fast enough

✓No intervention is complete enough

✓No program lasts long enough

✓No solution is global enoughTodd, A. MOOCs for business presentation, 14 May 2013. WEF/Corp U.

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21st century knowledge skillsAnchoring Staying focused on important tasks while undergoing a deluge of distractions.

Anchoring Managing knowledge flow and extracting important elements.

Connecting with each other Building networks in order to continue to stay current and informed.

Being human together Interacting at a human, not only utilitarian, level...to form social spaces.

Creating and deriving meaning Understanding implications, comprehending meaning and impact.

Evaluation and authentication Determining the value of knowledge... and ensuring authenticity.

Altered processes of validation

Validating people and ideas within appropriate context.

Critical and creative thinking Question and dreaming.

Pattern recognition Recognizing patterns and trends.

Navigate knowledge landscape

Navigating between repositories, people, technology, and ideas while achieving intended purposes.

Acceptance of uncertainty

Balancing what is known with the unknown... to see how existing knowledge relates to what we do not know.

Contextualizing Understanding the prominence of context... seeing continuums...ensuring key contextual issues are not overlooked in context-games.

Siemens, G., 2006. Knowing knowledge.

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The skills and processes that will make us people of tomorrow are not yet embedded in our educational structures

Siemens, G., 2006. Knowing knowledge.

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Que faire?

✓Learning is less and less about recalling information

✓Learning is more and more about know-where

✓Most of what people need to do cannot be learned through formal training

✓Improving the structure and quality of formal training therefore won’t get the job done

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“Attempting to do more of what has been done in the past is not the answer. We need to do new things in new ways.”

Siemens, G., 2006. Knowing knowledge.

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Global Youth ConferenceRedTalk #13

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www.ifrc.org Video gallery Image gallery

Enroll in RedTalk #13, a short course in global youthempowerment– OCTOBER 26, 2012 (EDIT POST)POSTED IN: LEARNING, REDTALK

RedTalk #13 is an opportunity to learn about global youth empowerment, running as a weekly interactiveonline learning experience in the lead up to the 2012 IFRC Global Youth Conference in Vienna on 9-12December.

Accepting RedTalk #13 Share missions will give you an opportunity to engage in real-time conversationswith other participants from around the world. Every Monday, you will receive an email outlining yourmission for the week, which will be based around one of the four themes from the Global YouthConference. Once a week, meet other RedTalkers online to share what you are learning. Each week’smission should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Those who wish to deepen their learning mayspend additional time on optional learning activities.

Get involved – become a RedTalker to share, understand and act.

After you’ve signed up, please tell your friends about RedTalk #13 on Twitter and Facebook.

Enroll in RedTalk #13, a short course in global youth empowerment

Enrollment is super-simple. Type your e-mail address and check the boxes that apply. *Obligatoire

Your e-mail address *

You are... * ...a National Society volunteer


Tweets from @RCRCLearning

Belgian #RedCross CEO describes support 2design of Africa #FirstAid manual; evidence-based success story #evaidconf2012 via@matzschmale3 hours ago

RT @HFitzke: @IFRCRedTalk @RCRCLearningI have enrolled! Forget #halloween, bring onthe 29th of October... #youth #leadership#GYC201223 hours ago

@PieraViCattaneo Please try again, you willimprove -- and let us know what you think ofthis course about the #RedCross and#RedCrescent23 hours ago

RT @PieraViCattaneo: Just took #WORC finaltest @RCRCLearning, I obtained a 71% score. Iknow it sucks. Gotta study n take the test agai...


Learning Opportunities

Our world. Your move.Our world. Your move. YouTube EmbedYouTube Embed 88 NewNew Edit PostEdit Post EventsEvents Howdy, Reda SadkiHowdy, Reda Sadki

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1. Youth Promoting Humanitarian Values and Life Skills

2. Youth as Innovators3. Youth as Beneficiaries4. You(th) as Leaders


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Live Learning Moments

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Activity #3

✓Science fiction: AIESEC 2025

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Learning platform (2009)

✓Self-learning, doesn’t require tutoring

✓Scales up (100x cheaper than FTF)

✓Can do more than transmit information

✓Massive, open, online learning

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GOAL (2013)Mentoring, leadership development, 21st century knowledge skills

✓Practical case-based problem-solving courses on critical thinking and solving unstructured problems

✓Affordances (benefits) of online learning

✓Learning together, across borders (social, peer-to-peer)

✓Red Cross Red Crescent contexts and cases

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Scholar (2013)

Develop case studies, implementation plans, lessons learned, etc.

✓Write – Peer review – Revise

✓Connect local and global knowledges

✓Evaluate, analyze, apply knowledge

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Acknowledgement, credits, gratitude, and inspiration: Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Robert Kelly, Doug Lynch, Michael Moe, Gabriel Pictet, George Siemens, Alan Todd

@RedaLearning [email protected]