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F:\Biznis\Greske u isporuci Greska u sadrzaju isporuke.txt Poštovana gospodo, Zahvaljujemo na hitnoj isporuci. Međutim, ustanovljene su izvesne razlike između tovarnog lista i sadržaja kontejnera. Pored ostale robe, poručili smo kese za usisivače, a umesto njih smo dobili PVC vreće; nedostaje 200 komada naručenih rezervnih creva, kao i 10 usisivača, model Omega. Ostatak isporuke odgovara porudžbini. Molimo vas da robu koja nedostaje pošaljete kamionom kao dopunsku isporuku. Mi ćemo pogrešno isporučene pozicije vratiti istim kamionom. Sigurni smo da neće biti problema sa našim budućim isporukama. Srdačan pozdrav, Dear Sirs, We thank you for the prompt arrival of our shipment. However, discrepancies have arisen between the B/L and the container contents. Among other goods, we ordered vacuum cleaner bags, but we received PVC bags instead. 200 spare hoses are missing, as well as 10 Omega vacuum cleaners. The rest of the shipment is as ordered. We would be grateful if you would rectify this situation and send the missing goods in a makeup shipment by truck. We will return the items sent by mistake by the same truck. We are confident that there will be no further problems with our future shipments. Yours faithfully, F:\Biznis\Greske u isporuci Ostecenje zbog loseg pakovanja.txt Poštovani gospodine, Primio sam isporuku nameštaja, ali su dve od pet stolica stigle sa polomljenim nogama zbog neodgovarajućeg pakovanja. U prilogu vam dostavljam fotografiju oštećenih stolica i primerak zapisnika o kontroli. Tražim obeštećenje za oštećenu robu kao i nadoknadu svih dodatnih troškova. S poštovanjem,

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F:\Biznis\Greske u isporuci Greska u sadrzaju isporuke.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na hitnoj isporuci. Međutim, ustanovljene su izvesne razlike između tovarnog lista i sadržaja kontejnera.Pored ostale robe, poručili smo kese za usisivače, a umesto njih smo dobili PVC vreće; nedostaje 200 komada naručenih rezervnih creva, kao i 10 usisivača, model Omega. Ostatak isporuke odgovara porudžbini. Molimo vas da robu koja nedostaje pošaljete kamionom kao dopunsku isporuku. Mi ćemo pogrešno isporučene pozicije vratiti istim kamionom.Sigurni smo da neće biti problema sa našim budućim isporukama.Srdačan pozdrav,Dear Sirs,We thank you for the prompt arrival of our shipment. However, discrepancies have arisen between the B/L and the container contents. Among other goods, we ordered vacuum cleaner bags, but we received PVC bags instead. 200 spare hoses are missing, as well as 10 Omega vacuum cleaners. The rest of the shipment is as ordered.We would be grateful if you would rectify this situation and send the missing goods in a makeup shipment by truck. We will return the items sent by mistake by the same truck. We are confident that there will be no further problems with our future shipments. Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Greske u isporuci Ostecenje zbog loseg pakovanja.txtPoštovani gospodine,Primio sam isporuku nameštaja, ali su dve od pet stolica stigle sa polomljenim nogama zbog neodgovarajućeg pakovanja.U prilogu vam dostavljam fotografiju oštećenih stolica i primerak zapisnika o kontroli. Tražim obeštećenje za oštećenu robu kao i nadoknadu svih dodatnih troškova.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,I have received my shipment of furniture, but two of the five chairs have arrived with broken legs due to inappropriate packing.I am enclosing a photograph of the damaged chairs and a copy of the inspection protocol. I expect compensation for the damaged goods as well as reimbursement for any additional costs.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Neformalno propratno pismo.txtPoštovani g. Salinger,Pre par dana sam za vas kupio englesko-srpski rečnik, ali sam bio prezauzet i nisam mogao ranije da vam ga pošaljem.Uživao sam u interesantnom razgovoru koji smo imali u restoranu Madera.Nadam se da ćemo uskoro imati priliku da se ponovo sretnemo u Beogradu.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Salinger,I bought the English Serbian Dictionary you requested several days ago but I have been very busy and have not been able to send it to you until now.


I enjoyed our conversation at the Madera restaurant and found it very interesting. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again soon in Belgrade. Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Odgovor na upit.txtDatum: 29. septembar 1998 Poštovani g.Janković,Zahvaljujemo na vašem interesovanju za prevođenje CD ROM enciklopedije na srpski. Imamo nekoliko pitanja u odgovoru na vašu ponudu:Da li predlažete da platite troškove prevođenja i izrade CD-ROM-a?Koji multimedijski alat biste koristili?Koliki je vaš ukupan tržišni potencijal i koja je maloprodajna cena izražena u USD za jedan referentni CD-ROM ovog tipa u vašoj zemlji?Molim vas da mi dostavite više podataka i primerak vaših postojećih CD-ROM-ova.Pozdrav,John SmithUrednikDate: 29. September 1998 Dear Mr. Jankovic,We would like to thank you for your interest in translating our CD-ROM Encyclopedia into Serbian.We have a few questions in response to your request.Are you proposing to pay for the translation costs and for producing the CD-ROM yourself?Which multimedia engine are you intending to use?What is your total market potential, and what is the equivalent in U.S. dollars of the retail price of a single reference CD-ROM of this type in your country?We would be grateful if you would send us more details and a sample of your existing CD-ROMs.Yours sincerely,John SmithEditorF:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Otkup autorskih prava.txtPoštovana gospođo Miles,Naše preduzeće je značajan izdavač u oblasti stručne literature. Tim poslom se bavimo već 15 godina i za to vreme smo objavili 120 knjiga jugoslovenskih autora i preko 90 naslova u prevodu sa stranih jezika.Zainteresovani smo da objavimo vašu knjigu u prevodu na srpski jezik. Sve troškove prevoda snosili bismo mi.Molimo vas da nas obavestite o vašim uslovima za otkup autorskih prava. Takođe nas interesuje da li posedujete knjigu u elektronskoj formi pogodnoj za prelom teksta i da li su ilustracije u obliku grafičkih filmova ili kompjuterske grafike, jer bi to znatno ubrzalo izlazak knjige iz štampe.U očekivanju vašeg odgovora.S poštovanjem,Dear Mrs. Miles,


Our company has a significant reputation as a publisher of technical literature. We have been in the business for 15 years and have published 120 books by Yugoslav authors and translated over 90 titles from varying foreign languages.We are interested in publishing your book translated into Serbian. We would be willing to bear the entire translation costs.We would be grateful if you would kindly send us your terms for purchasing the copyright. We would also be interested to know whether you have the book in electronic form suitable for prepress and whether the illustrations are in the form of graphic films or computer graphics for this would speed up the printing process.We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Slanje na stampu.txtPoštovani g. Jones,Izvinjavam se što nisam bio u mogućnosti da vam brošure dostavim na vreme. Nažalost, morali smo da izvršimo neke promene u likovnom delu, a za to nam je potrebno još nekoliko dana. Trebalo bi da sav materijal bude spreman do utorka sledeće nedelje. Materijal ću vam tada dostaviti lično. Bio bih vam veoma zahvalan ukoliko biste nakon toga mogli da odšampate brošure što je pre moguće.Svestan sam da ovo zakašnjenje utiče na vaš plan štampanja i izvinjavam se zbog neugodnosti koje vam je ono izazvalo.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,I regret that I was unable to get the brochure materials to you on time. Unfortunately, we needed to make some changes in the art work, and they will take several more days to complete. I should have all the materials ready by Tuesday next week, and will deliver them to you in person at that time. I would appreciate your printing the brochures as soon as possible after that.I realize that this tardiness affects your printing schedule, and apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused you.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Trazenje izdavaca.txtPoštovani gospodine Johnes,A. A. me je zamolio i ovlastio da u njegovo ime razgovaram o objavljivanju njegove knjige XX u Velikoj Britaniji.Mislim da ne treba da napominjem da je A. A. jedan od najistaknutijih jugoslovenskih pisaca čije su knjige prevođene na mnoge jezike i objavljivane u SAD, Nemačkoj, Rusiji (da nabrojim samo neke od zemalja gde njegova dela uživaju popularnost). Knjiga je u SRJ objavljena 1984. godine.Mišljenja sam da bi u ovom vremenu bilo veoma dobro da se ova knjiga objavi u Velikoj Britaniji kao snažna poruka lepote i bogatstva multikulturalnosti suživota u SRJ.Molim Vas da založite svoj uticaj kod DD fondacije i drugih institucija kako bi pomogli izdavanje.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Johnes,A. A. has requested and given me the authority to discuss on his behalf the publishing of his book XX in Great Britain.


I feel sure that you are aware that XX is one of the most prominent writers in Yugoslavia whose books have been translated into many languages and published in the USA, Germany, Russia to name but some of the countries where his work has found popularity.The book was originally published in the FRY in 1984.It is my opinion that it would be very useful at this point in time to publish this book in Great Britain as a powerful message of the beauty and wealth of multicultural coexistence in the FRY.Your influence with the DD Foundation as well as other institutions which could facilitate the publishing would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Upit za izdavanje knjige.txtDictionary Publishing94 Reading AvenueChats,Ca. 91311U S APoštovani gospodine Smith,Bilo mi je veliko zadovoljstvo da dobijem primerak vašeg rečnika. Molim vas da primite moje iskrene čestitke. Kako se i sam bavim izdavaštvom, posebno u oblasti rečnika,kao stručnjak mogu da kažem da je moje mišljenje o vašem rečniku izuzetno visoko.Naše preduzeće je uspešno objavilo nekoliko rečnika na jugoslovenskom tržištu koje pokazuje veliko interesovanje za takva izdanja. Mišljenja sam da će vaš rečnik biti interesantan za naše tržište i želeo bih da iskoristim ovu priliku da ponudim saradnju.Mi smo vrlo zainteresovani da objavimo vaš rečnik u Jugoslaviji. Nameravamo da dopunimo izdanje za Jugoslaviju srpskim rečnikom sa objašnjenjima i pomoći na srpskom. Takodje, postoji mogućnost da se rečnik dopuni sa italijanskim, nemačkim i ruskim rečnikom. Naša firma ima mogućnost da obavi kompletan posao dodavanja novih rečnika.Imajući u vidu činjenicu da je naše tržište malo i da raspolaže skromnim finansijskim sredstvima, maloprodajna cena ne bi trebalo da bude veća od USD 20, a tiraž oko 2000 primeraka. Molim vas da ovo uzmete u obzir kada određujete naknadu za vaša autorska prava.S poštovanjem,Dictionary Publishing94, Reading Avenue,Chats, Ca. 91311U S ADear Mr. Smith,It gave me great pleasure to receive a copy of your dictionary. Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations. Being in the publishing business myself, dealing in dictionaries in particular, and speaking as an expert, my opinion of your dictionary is highly positive.Our company has successfully published several dictionaries on the Yugoslav market which shows great interest in such books. It is my opinion that your dictionary would be of interest on our market and I would like to use this opportunity to propose some form of co-operation with you.


Our company is very interested in publishing your dictionary in Yugoslavia. We intend to supplement the edition for Yugoslavia with a Serbian dictionary, with explanations and help in the Serbian language. We are also considering supplementing the dictionary with an Italian, German and Russian version. Our company has the means to perform the entire job. In view of the fact that our market is small and disposes of modest financial means, the retail price should not exceed US$ 20 and the number of copies would be 2,000. We would be grateful if you would take this into consideration when determining a suitable reimbursement for your copyright.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izdavastvo Zahtev za sponzorstvo.txtINTERNET SAJT ZA PSIHOLOŠKU POMOĆ DECI I ODRASLIMA - ZAHTEV ZA SPONZORSTVOPoštovana gospodo,Naše preduzeće ABD namerava da otvori sajt za pomoć deci i odraslima u prevazilaženju psiholoških problema izazvanih ratom u Jugoslaviji.Kao nekomercijalnom, sajtu je potrebna finansijska pomoć od strane neprofitabilnih organizacija.Sajt bi bio postavljen na lokalnom serveru kod lokalnog provajdera.Poznati psiholozi i psihijatri, kao što su gospođa MM i gospodin VB, članovi "Psihološke organizacije Srbije" će davati odgovore i pružati savete za prevazilaženje psiholoških problema.Sajt bi bio interaktivan, što znači da bi se adekvatan odgovor mogao dobiti u roku od 10 ili 15 minuta od postavljanja pitanja.Najinteresantnija pitanja bi se postavila na sajt za stalno.Gorenavedeni konsultanti su se saglasili da će svaki da dežura po 6 sati dnevno. Dva službenika bi ažurirala i uređivala sajt u toku 24 časa.Analiza troškova:1. Troškovi postavljanja i održavanja sajtadin mesečno2. Dizajn grafičkog interfejsadin paušalno3. Telefonski troškovidin mesečno4. Troškovi ažuriranja i uređivanja sajtadin mesečno5. Honorari psihologa i psihijataradin mesečno1. Obračun se vrši u skladu sa cenom lokalnih provajdera.2. Troškovi se obračunavaju na cenu dizajnera do 10 html strana3. Obračun se vrši prema naknadi za korišćenje telefonske linije.4. Troškovi se obračunavaju na osnovu honorara dva operatora koji bi ažurirali i obrađivali sajt 24 časa dnevno.5. Obračun se bazira na prosečnoj tarifi za radni dan psihologa i psihijatara od x din. Rekapitulacija:1. Početni troškovi: din


2. Mesečni troškovi: dinReference:Prethodni projekti:- XYZ- ZZZ- VVVUkoliko su vam potrebne bilo kakve dodatne informacije, bez odlaganja kontaktirajte g. Miloša Savića na sledeće telefone +381 11 555444.S poštovanjem,Beograd 8/6/99Jovan JojićDirektorINTERNET SITE FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS-REQUEST FOR SPONSORSHIP-Dear Sirs,Our firm ABD intends to open a site to help children and adults to overcome the psychological problems caused by the recent war in Yugoslavia.As a non-commercial one, the site requires financial support from non-profitable organizations.The site would be placed on a local server with a local provider.Eminent psychologists and psychiatrists, such as Mrs. M M and Mr. V B , members of ''the Psychological Association of Serbia'' will respond and give advice in treating psychological problems.The site would be interactive, which means that within 10 or 15 minutes of a request for help being made, a related response would be given.The most interesting questions would be placed on the site permanently.The above mention consultants have agreed to be on duty 6 hours a day. Two employees would update and administrate the site over any 24 hour period.Cost analysis:1. Cost of establishing and maintaining the sitedin monthly2. Design of graphic interface one initial payment of din3. Telephone costs din monthly4. Cost of updating and administrating din monthly5. Psychologists and psychiatrists' feesdin monthly1. The calculations have been made according to local providers' prices.2. Costs have been calculated on designer's prices up to 10 html pages 3. The calculations have been made according to the rental fee of a telephone line.4. Costs have been calculated based on the fees of two operatives who would update and administrate the site 24 hours a day.5. The calculations are based on the average daily rate for psychologists and psychiatrists of x din.


Totals:1. Initial costs: din2. Monthly costs: dinReferences:Previous projects:- XYZ- ZZZ- VVVShould you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Milos Savic on +381 11 555444.Yours faithfully,Belgrade, 6/8/99Jovan JojicDirectorF:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Greska u kolicini robe.txtPoštovani gospodine Biggs,Veoma nam je žao što ste primili samo 24 umesto 36 komada poručene robe.Nakon provere smo utvrdili da su radnici na pakovanju pogrešno pročitali broj, pa smo sa njima organizovali da odmah pošalju robu koja nedostaje.Zahvaljujemo na vašem razumevanju i uveravamo vas da se ovo neće ponoviti.Pozdrav,Dear Mr. Biggs,We deeply regret that you received only 2 dozen instead of the 3 dozen items ordered.On investigation we find that the packers misread the number, and we have arranged with them for the immediate dispatch of the missing goods.We thank you for your understanding in this matter and would like to reassure you that this will not happen again.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Kasnjenje uplate.txtPoštovani gospodine Hayes,Veoma nam je žao zbog zakašnjenja u plaćanju. Zbog poznatih okolnosti, prekinut je platni promet sa našom zemljom. Tražimo rešenje i nadamo se da ćemo izvršiti uplatu do kraja ovog meseca.Izvinjavamo se zbog eventualnih neprijatnosti koje ste možda imali zbog ovoga i nadamo se da ćemo u budućnosti moći da nastavimo našu uspešnu saradnju.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Hayes,Please accept our apologies for the delay in payment. Due to well known circumstances, payment operations with our country have been stopped. We are currently looking for a solution to this problem and hope to make the payment by the end of this month. Once again we would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and hope that we will be able to continue our successful cooperation in the future.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Neispravni proizvodi.txtPoštovani gospodine Jones,Zahvaljujemo na vašem dopisu od 11. decembra 1999 u kojem nas obaveštavate o


neispravnim olovkama koje ste primili u našoj isporuci.Dozvolite prvo da vam se izvinimo zbog ove neprijatne greške. Problem je nastao zbog novog osoblja, nedavno zaposlenog u odeljenju za pakovanje i špediciju, koje je očigledno, a sasvim slučajno, u vašu porudžbinu upakovalo neispravne proizvode.Danas vam kurirskom dostavom šaljemo 3000 ispravnih olovaka i nadamo se da će vam stići najkasnije do 15. decembra.Zahvaljujemo na vašem strpljenju u ovoj situaciji i ponovo se izvinjavamo zbog ove neugodnosti.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,Thank you for your letter of 11th December 1999 informing us of the defective pens amongst our consignment.Please accept our apologies for this embarrassing oversight. The problem lies with recently hired staff in our packaging and shipping departments who apparently, and quite accidentally, included these defective items in with your order.We are sending you today 3,000 non-defective pens by special courier and trust these will reach you by 15th December at the latest.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience in this matter and we apologize once again for any inconvenience.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Nekvalitetna roba.txtPoštovani g. Smith,Bilo nam je veoma žao kada smo primili vašu reklamaciju na materijal koji ste dobili, a koji nije očekivanog kvaliteta.Nedostaci mogu biti posledica kvara na mašini i mi sada sprovodimo kontrolu svih mašina.U međuvremenu smo organizovali da vam se odmah pošalje zamena.Iskreno nam je žao što smo vam napravili probleme i preduzećemo sve potrebne mere da osiguramo da se ovakva greška ne ponovi u budućnosti.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Smith,We were very sorry to receive your complaint that the material you received was not of the quality expected. The defect may be due to a fault in our machinery and we are having all our machines tested.In the meantime we have arranged for an immediate dispatch of replacements. Please accept our sincere apologies for the trouble caused to you. We will take all possible steps to ensure that such a mistake is not repeated in the future.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Nepravilno zaduzenje.txtPoštovani gospodine,Najiskrenije se izvinjavamo zbog nepravilnog zaduženja vaše Diners kreditne kartice za usluge koje smo vam pružili tokom vašeg boravka u Beogradu. Do greške je došlo u našem odeljenju računovodstva.O svojoj grešci smo obavestili firmu koja je izdala karticu i oni će umanjiti troškove na vašem računu.Cenimo mogućnost da vam pružamo usluge i izvinjavamo se zbog greške. Nadamo se da


ćete prilikom vaše sledeće posete Beogradu opet koristiti naše usluge.Sa poštovanjem,Dear Sir,Please accept our sincere apologies for the incorrect billing to your Diners credit card for services rendered to you during your stay in Belgrade. The error was made in our accounting department. We have notified the credit card company of our error and they are removing the credit card charges from your bill.We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and deeply regret the error. We hope you will use our services again on your next visit to Belgrade.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Pogresna posiljka 2.txtPoštovani gospodine Jones,Veoma nam je žao što niste dobili deset motora od 4.5 Ks koje ste želeli i pretpostavljam da krivica leži na obe strane.U vašoj porudžbini ste naveli motore od 7.5 Ks sa kataloškim brojem, međutim, cena se odnosi na motore od 4.5 Ks. Kako vi redovno poručujete motore od 7.5 ks, pretpostavili smo da je to ono što ste zaista želeli. Trebalo je da to proverimo sa vama i žao mi je što to nismo učinili.Odmah ćemo vam isporučiti deset motora od 4.5 Ks. Da li smatrate da ćete moći da prodate motore od 7.5 Ks? Ako mislite da je tako, možda biste mogli da ih zadržite neko vreme, pa ako ne mogu da se prodaju, možete da nam ih vratite. U svakom slučaju, mi ćemo platiti troškove transporta.Zahvaljujemo vam na razumevanju i obećavamo da sledeći put neće biti zabune.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,We deeply regret that you did not receive the ten 4.5 hp motors you required, and I expect both of us are to blame in this matter.Your order lists the 7.5 hp motor along with its stock number, but the price indicated pertains to the 4.5 hp motor. Since you regularly order the 7.5 motor, we assumed that this was what you really required and shipped it. We should have checked with you. Please accept our apologies for not doing so.We will ship the ten 4.5 hp motors immediately. We were wondering whether you might be in a position to sell the 7.5 hp motors. If so, you might want to keep them for a while, and if they cannot be sold you can return them to us at a later date. In any event, we will pay for the shipping charges.We would like to thank you for your understanding in this matter and will do our utmost to ensure there are no more mix-ups in the future.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Izvinjenja Pogresna posiljka 1.txtPoštovani g. Savić, Danas vam je kurirskom poštom poslato deset satova sa motivom kluba "Ajax" kao zamena za satove sa motivom kluba "Texan" koje ste pogrešno primili. Trebalo bi da su vam već stigli.Veoma mi je žao što je došlo do greške i primite moje iskreno izvinjenje zbog neprijatnosti koja vam je ovim prouzrokovana. Vi ste u svom pismu jasno naznačili da ovi satovi treba da se dodele pobednicima teniskog turnira kluba Ajax 1.


septembra.Podaci koje ste vi naveli su ispravni i greška se, očigledno, potkrala nama.Ipak, veliko mi je olakšanje da će vam ispravni satovi stići na vreme za ceremoniju. Ljubazno vas molimo da nam vratite pogrešne satove.Još jednom se izvinjavam za neprijatnost koju smo vam napravili.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Savic,I am writing to inform you that ten watches with an "Ajax" club sign were sent today by courier service to replace the watches with the "Texan" club sign you received in error. You should have received them by now. I deeply regret that such an error was made and offer my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. In your letter you clearly specified that these wathces were to be awarded to winners of the Ajax tennis club tournament on September 1st. The data you supplied was correct and the error was clearly made at this end. It is a great relief, however, that you will have the right watches in time for the award ceremony. We would be grateful if you would ship the wrong watches back to us at your convenience. Once again I apologize for the anxiety we have caused you.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Bolest radnika.txtPoštovani g. Smith,Veoma nam je žao što nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam juče dostavimo nameštaj. Zbog činjenice da imamo samo dvoje ljudi koji rade na dostavi, ostali smo bez dovoljno radne snage kada se jedan od njih razboleo.Da bismo sprečili da nam se ovo ponovo desi, angažovali smo privremene radnike i pomerili termin za dostavu vaše isporuke za 9 h u petak ujutro. Zahvalni smo vam na strpljenju. Za nas je posao koji radimo za vas važan i nadamo se da ovaj događaj neće uticati na naš odnos.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Smith,We regret that we were unable to deliver your furniture yesterday. Since we have only two delivery people, we were left shorthanded when one of them fell ill.To ensure that this does not happen again, we have hired temporary staff and rescheduled your delivery appointment for 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. Your business is very important to us, and we hope that this incident will not effect our business relationship. Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Moguce storniranje.txtPoštovani gospodine Jackson,Raspitujemo se o našoj porudžbini Br. XYZ koju smo vam juče poslali.Saznali smo da ste pretrpeli velike štete zbog poplava. Svesni smo da nećete biti u mogućnosti da ispunite našu porudžbinu.Pod takvim okolnostima, želimo da vas obavestimo da nećemo stornirati porudžbinu, već ćemo sačekati da se situacija stabilizuje.Molimo vas da nas obavestite o vašim planovima i da li smatrate da treba da storniramo porudžbinu.


Svesni smo vaše situacije.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jackson,We are writing to inquire about our order No. XYZ which we sent to you yesterday.It has come to our attention that you have suffered severe damages due to flooding and we are aware that you will not be able to complete any of our orders.In such circumstances we wish to advise you that we will not cancel our order but wait for the situation to stabilize.We would be grateful if you would let us know what your plans are concerning deliveries and whether you feel we should cancel our orders.We appreciate the difficulties posed by this unfortunate situation.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Nedostatak sirovina.txtPoštovani gospodine Summers,Veoma nam je žao što moramo da vas obavestimo o kašnjenju u isporuci vaše porudžbine nastalom usled zakašnjenja u isporuci sirovina. Bojimo se da nećemo biti u mogućnosti da realizujemo vašu porudžbinu pre 1. februara.Molimo vas da nam potvrdite porudžbinu za taj datum i izvinjavamo se zbog nastalog problema.Zahvaljujemo na razumevanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Summers,We regret to have to advise you of a delay in dispatching your order which has resulted from a delay in the delivery of raw materials. We fear that we will not be able to execute your order before February 1st. We would be grateful if you would kindly confirm your order for this date and offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.We would like to thank you for your understanding in this matter.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Novi propisi.txtPoštovani gospodine Nuns,Veoma nam je žao što moramo da vas obavestimo o zakašnjenju u realizaciji vaše porudžbine br. 256 od 5. juna. Kao što vam je možda poznato, naša vlada je nedavno uvela embargo na slobodan izvoz bakra i primorani smo da obezbedimo posebnu dozvolu da bismo izvršili vašu porudžbinu. Nadamo se da zakašnjenje neće biti duže od 2 nedelje. Vašoj porudžbini ćemo dati maksimalan prioritet čim dobijemo dozvolu da krenemo.U međuvremenu, molimo vas da prihvatite naše izvinjenje zbog ovog neželjenog zakašnjenja. S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Nuns,We regret to have to advise you of a delay in executing your order No. 256 of June 5th.As you may know, our government has recently introduced an embargo on the free export of copper, and we have to obtain a special license to proceed with your order. We expect that the delay will be no longer than 2 weeks. We shall give your order priority as soon as we receive permission to proceed.


Meanwhile, please accept our sincere apologies for this unfortunate delay.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Storniranje zbog kasnjenja.txtPoštovani gospodine Havers,Primili smo vaš dopis od 5. juna u kome nas obaveštavate o zakašnjenju u isporuci.Veoma nam je žao što moramo da vas obavestimo da nismo u mogućnosti da čekamo do kraja meseca. Rezervni delovi su nam hitno potrebni jer moramo da dovršimo popravke vozila do kraja ove nedelje.Mada smo svesni da je do zakašnjenja došlo zbog okolnosti koje su van vaše kontrole, nažalost, moramo da storniramo porudžbinu i nađemo drugog proizvođača.Nadamo se da ćete imati razumevanja za našu situaciju.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Havers,We have received your letter of June 5th informing us about the delay in delivery.We regret to have to inform you that it is impossible for us to wait until the end of the month. We need the spare parts urgently as we must complete the vehicle repairs by the end of this week.Although we understand that the delay is beyond your control, we regret that we must cancel our order and find another manufacturer.We appreciate your understanding in this matter.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Strajk.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na faks poruci kojom nas obaveštavate da još niste dobili pošiljku kompjuterskih komponenti. Izvinjavamo se zbog zakašnjenja. Usled štrajka, od isporučioca nismo mogli da dobijemo kutije neophodne za transport. Komponente smo poslali avionom u subotu, tako da bi trebalo da ih dobijete ubrzo nakon ovog pisma. Žao nam je zbog neugodnosti do kojih je ovo moglo da dovede. Ubuduće ćemo držati dodatnu količinu ambalaže u rezervi. Očekujemo da ćemo sa vama da poslujemo još dugi niz godina.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Thank you for your fax message informing us that you have not received your shipment of computer components. Please accept our apologies for the delay. Due to the current strike, we were unable to get the necessary shipping cartons from our supplier. We did ship the components by air freight on Saturday, so you should receive them soon after this letter. We regret any inconvenience this delay may have caused. In the future we will keep an extra supply of shipping materials in stock. We look forward to doing business with you again in the future. Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Veliki obim posla 1.txtPoštovana gospodo,Izvinjavamo se zbog kašnjenja u isporuci vaše porudžbine. Imali smo neobično veliki broj porudžbina, što nam je poremetilo normalnu dinamiku isporuka. Da bismo mogli da vam pružimo bolju i bržu uslugu, radimo na povećanju broja našeg osoblja.


Ponovo vam se izvinjavamo za nelagodnosti koje ste možda imali zbog nas. Spremni smo da ubuduće realizujemo vaše porudžbine na vreme.Zahvaljujemo na razumevanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Please accept our apologies for the delay in dispatching your order. We have had an unusually large number of orders, which has disrupted our normal delivery schedule. To serve you better and faster, we are busy expanding our staff.Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience we might have caused and look forward to filling your future orders on time.Thank you for your understanding in this matter.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Veliki obim posla 2.txtPoštovana gospodo,Reakcija na našu ponudu je bila tako velika da nismo bili u mogućnosti da obradimo sve porudžbine do našeg prvobitnog roka 31. avgusta. Angažovali smo dodatnu pomoć i radimo maksimalnom brzinom, u granicama naših mogućnosti. Međutim, i pored toga, vaša porudžbina neće moći da vam se pošalje poštom pre 1. oktobra.Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti koje ste možda imali zbog ovog. Ukoliko želite da stornirate svoju porudžbinu, molimo vas da nam javite na broj 555-5555. Ukoliko nam se ne javite, mi ćemo produžiti sa ispunjenjem vaše porudžbine. Sigurni smo da ćete se složiti da je vredelo čekati.Zahvaljujemo na razumevanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We have received such an overwhelming response to our offer that we will be unable to process all the orders by our original deadline of August 31. We have hired extra staff and are working as quickly as we can, but in spite of this, your order will not be mailed until October 1.We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you wish to cancel your order, we would be grateful if you would call and let us know on 555-5555. If we do not hear from you, we will go ahead and fill your order. We feel confident you will agree that it was worth the wait. We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Vremenske neprilike 2.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašoj faks poruci koja se odnosi na vašu porudžbinu br. XPY koja je trebalo da bude isporučena 10. januara. Izvinjavamo se što vam porudžbina nije isporučena u roku. Do zakašnjenja u isporuci je došlo zbog velikih snežnih padavina koje su prouzrokovale zastoj kompletnog saobraćaja. Međutim, roba je sada krenula, a dokumenta su predata banci. Veoma nam je žao zbog ovog zakašnjenja i nadamo se da će roba stići do vas u dobrom stanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Thank you for your fax message referring to order No. XPY which should have been


supplied to you on January 10. Please accept our apologies that your order was not delivered on the due date. The delay in delivery was due to heavy snowfalls which brought the entire traffic system to a standstill.However, the goods are now on their way and the documents have been handed over to the bank. We sincerely regret this delay and hope the goods will reach you in good condition.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje isporuke Vremenske neprilike 1.txtPoštovani gospodine,Pišem vam u vezi sa vašom porudžbinom br. XYZ koju smo juče primili.Nažalost, usled velikih problema prouzrokovanih poplavama, nismo bili u mogućnosti da izvršimo nijednu od naših porudžbina.Svesni smo da pod ovim okolnostima nećemo biti u mogućnosti da realizujemo nijednu isporuku do kraja ovog meseca.Molimo vas da nas obavestite da li ste voljni da čekate do tog datuma ili radije želite da stornirate porudžbinu.Žao nam je zbog ove neugodnosti i očekujemo vaš odgovor što je moguće pre S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,I am writing in reference to order No. XYZ which we received from you yesterday.Unfortunately, major problems have arisen due to floods which have prevented us from completing any of our orders.In such circumstances, we regret that we will be unable to carry out any deliveries before the end of this month.Please let us know whether you are willing to wait until that date or would rather cancel the order.We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju Prekid platnog prometa.txtPoštovana gospodo,Žao nam je što još niste primili uplatu koju smo izvršili prošlog meseca. Nedavno smo obavešteni da je prekinut platni promet sa vašom zemljom. Banka pokušava da nađe rešenje i nadamo se da će uplata biti izvršena do kraja ovog meseca.Veoma nam je žao zbog neprijatnosti koje ste možda imali zbog ovoga i nadamo se da ćemo u budućnosti moći da nastavimo našu uspešnu saradnju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We sincerely regret that you have not yet received our last month's payment. We were recently informed that payment transactions with your country have been stopped. The bank is looking for a solution and we do hope that payment will be effected before the end of this month. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we hope that we will be able to continue our successful cooperation in the future.Yours faithfully,


F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju Vanredne okolnosti.txtPoštovana gospodo,U prilogu vam dostavljam ček za isplatu za pet meseci i naknadu za kašnjenje. Izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjenja, ali usled dobro poznatih okolnosti u mojoj zemlji, nisam bio u mogućnosti da izvršim plaćanje na vreme.Veoma cenim mogućnost da poslujem sa vama i molim za vaše razumevanje u toku ovog nesrećnog perioda.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Please find enclosed a check for five months' payment plus a late penalty fee. I apologize for the delay, but due to the well known circumstances in my country I was unable to make the payment on time.I appreciate the opportunity to do business with you and ask for your understanding during this unfortunate period. Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju\Opomene Druga opomena.txtPoštovani g. Jones,Pozivamo se na naš telefonski razgovor od 5. maja kada ste obećali da ćete odmah izvršiti uplatu na naš račun.Želeo bih da vam skrenem pažnju na činjenicu da vaš ček još nije stigao. Ukoliko ga već niste poslali poštom, molimo vas da to učinite još danas.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,I am writing with reference to our phone conversation of May 5 when you promised to make immediate payment to our account . I wish to draw your attention to the fact that your check has not yet arrived. If it is not already in the mail, I urge you to send it today.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju\Opomene Opomena pred utuzenje.txtPoštovani g. Jones,Ovim vas obaveštavamo da ćemo ukoliko vaš ček na USD 1200.00 ne dobijemo do 1. aprila, predati vaš slučaj advokatu radi naplate.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,This is to notify you that unless we receive your check for US$ 1200,00 by April 1, we will be forced to place your account in the hands of our attorney for collection.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju\Opomene Prva opomena.txtPoštovani g. Jones,Do danas nismo dobili vašu uplatu i želeli bismo da saznamo zašto. Možda je samo u pitanju previd sa vaše strane.Ukoliko postoje neki drugi razlozi sa kojima treba da budemo upoznati, molimo vas da nam javite. U suprotnom, molimo vas da nam pošaljete vaš ček na USD 1300.00.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,We have to this date received no payments from you and are anxious to know why this is.


We expect this is just an oversight on your part. If there are other reasons we should be aware of, please let us know as soon as possible. Otherwise, we would be grateful if you would send us your check for US$ 1300,00.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kasnjenje u placanju\Opomene Treca opomena.txtPoštovani g. Jones,Mi smo vam 20. januara poslali opremu u vrednosti od USD 1200.00. Vi ste se složili da plaćanje izvršite u roku od trideset dana - ili do 20. februara. Danas, nakon šezdeset dana, nekoliko dopisa, telefonskih poziva i telegrama, vi niste učinili nikakav napor da izvršite plaćanje svog računa, niti da nam makar date valjan razlog zbog čega to niste učinili.Iskreno sam verovao, posebno nakon našeg telefonskog razgovora, da ćete se pridržavati ponuđenih kreditnih uslova. Na kraju krajeva, mi smo vam isporučili opremu koja vam je bila potrebna i koja, koliko sam upoznat, u potpunosti zadovoljava. Zar niste mišljenja da imate obavezu da uzvratite sa svoje strane?Do sada mi nije pala na pamet ideja da koristimo druga sredstva za naplatu novca koji nam se duguje, jer znam šta to može da znači za nečiju reputaciju. Znam da je vama stalo do vaše reputacije kao što je i nama stalo do naše.Molim vas da nam pomognete da izbegnemo preduzimanje nekih drugih mera, tako što ćete nam poslati ček odmah po dobijanju ovog pisma.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jones,I am writing regarding the equipment we sent you on January 20 to the value of US$ 1200,00. You agreed to make payment within thirty days - or by February 20. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that now, sixty days later, and after several reminders, telephone calls and telegrams, you have still failed to settle your account or even give us a valid reason why you have not done so.I sincerely believed, especially after our telephone conversation, that you would abide by the credit terms offered to you. We did, after all, supply you with the equipment you required which, to the best of my knowledge, reached you in satisfactory condition. In such circumstances we feel you are bound to comply with your part of our business agreement. The idea of using other means of collecting the money owed to us had not even occurred to me until now because I know what this can mean to one's reputation. I know you value yours just as we do ours.We would be grateful if you would send your check the moment you receive this letter so as to avoid any further unpleasantness.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Konacna ponuda Konacna ponuda 1.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu od 5. jula u kojem tražite ponudu za 10 metričkih tona kikirikija za isporuku u Beograd.Pod uslovom da potvrda prihvata ponude stigne do nas najkasnije do 30. jula dajemo vam sledeću ponudu:10 metričkih tona kikirikija, ručno branog i neklasiranog, CIF Beograd, za isporuku u toku novembra/decembra. Drugi uslovi ostaju isti kao i obično.Kako ne postoji direktan prevoz odavde do Beograda, roba mora da se pretovaruje u


Solunu. Napominjemo da su dodatni troškovi od Soluna do Beograda obuhvaćeni ponuđenom cenom.Nadamo se da vam je ponuda prihvatljiva i očekujemo vašu porudžbinu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of July 5 requesting an offer for 10 metric tons of peanuts for shipment to Belgrade.Subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than July 30, we are happy to make you the following offer:10 metric tons of peanuts, hand-picked and ungraded, CIF Belgrade for shipment during October/November 1994. Other terms and conditions will be the same as usual.As there is no direct transportation available from here to Belgrade, the goods will have to be transhipped from Thessaloniki. Please note that the additional cost from Thessaloniki to Belgrade is included in the price quoted above.We hope that you will find our offer acceptable and look forward to your purchase order.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Konacna ponuda Konacna ponuda 2.txtPoštovana gospodo,U vezi sa vašim dopisom od 5. januara u prilogu vam dostavljamo naš katalog sa cenovnikom za rezervne delove za kompresore iz našeg proizvodnog programa.Molimo vas da se u vašoj porudžbini pozovete na broj dela koji je naveden u katalogu. Naše cene uključuju i isporuku.Sa zadovoljstvom očekujemo saradnju sa vama.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,With regard to your letter of January 5 please find enclosed our catalogue of spare parts for compressors from our production program along with the relevant price list. We would appreciate it if you would refer to the part numbers listed in the catalogue when you make your purchase order. Our prices include delivery.We look forward to doing business with you.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Konacna ponuda Konacna ponuda 3.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu od 5. marta. U prilogu vam dostavljamo cenovnik i uslove prodaje.Kada vidite cene i uslove koje nudimo, shvatićete zašto radimo puno radno vreme da bismo zadovoljili potražnju. Preporučujemo vam stoga da nam dostavite porudžbinu do kraja meseca, ukoliko ste zaista zainteresovani da imate na lageru ove atraktivne linije do letnje sezone.Radujemo se mogućnosti da budemo na usluzi.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would like to thank you for your inquiry of March 5th. We are sending you herewith the price list as requested. We have also enclosed details of our terms and conditions of sale. As you will understand from the competitive prices and terms we offer, we are currently


working full time to meet demand. We would therefore advise you to let us have your order by the end of the month should you be interested in having a stock of these attractive lines in time for the summer season.We look forward to the opportunity of being of service to you.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Konacna ponuda Konacna ponuda 4.txtPoštovani g. Hope,Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu od 10. januara i potvrđujemo naš današnji telefonski razgovor u kom smo vas obavestili da možemo da isporučimo deo tražene robe sa lagera u skladu sa priloženom detaljnom ponudom.Za ostatak robe nam je potrebno najmanje 3 nedelje od datuma prijema vaše potvrde da je ova isporuka prihvatljiva.Cene su nuđene za isporuku na paritetu FOB luka u Grčkoj.Pakovano u drvenim sanducima.Isporuka kako je gore navedeno.Plaćanje uz podnošenje dokumenata putem menice.Nadamo se da vam odgovaraju naši uslovi i rokovi isporuke. Budite uvereni da možete da računate na našu potpunu saradnju po ovom pitanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Hope,We would like to thank you for your inquiry dated January 10th, and confirm our telephone conversation today in which we informed you that we can deliver part of the goods required from stock in accordance with the enclosed detailed offer.We require the balance at least 3 weeks from the date of receipt of your confirmation that this delivery is acceptable.Prices as quoted are FOB Greek portPacking in wooden cases.Delivery as specified above.Payment against documents, by draft.We hope you will find our terms and delivery dates acceptable and we can assure you that you may count on our full cooperation in this matter.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Konacna ponuda Poziv za ponudu.txtPoštovana gospodo,Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo da podnesete ponudu za isporuku butera i mleka u prahu. Molimo vas da uz ponudu bude priložen certifikat o izvršenoj fizičkoj i hemijskoj analizi. Karakteristike proizvoda treba da odgovaraju međunarodnim standardima.Molimo vas da vašu ponudu dostavite u zapečaćenoj koverti što je pre moguće, jer odluku treba da donesemo do 3. marta.Molimo, naslovite vašu ponudu na:____________________________________________S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We are pleased to invite you to submit a bid for the supply of butter and powdered milk. Please submit your bid together with the certificate of physical and chemical analysis.


The product properties should comply with the international standards.Your bid in a sealed envelope would be appreciated as soon as possible since we need to make the decision by March 3rd. Please address your bid to:____________________________________________Sincerely yours,F:\Biznis\Kontra ponuda Ponuda druge robe 1.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo se na vašem upitu od 3. marta. Žao nam je što nismo u mogućnosti da vam ponudimo model 63A, koji ste tražili, jer ga trenutno nemamo na lageru. Očekujemo da ćemo imati sledeću količinu spremnu do sredine aprila.Predlažemo da umesto toga uzmete model 64, 65 ili 66. Cena je ista, a količine na lageru su dovoljne da možemo da izvršimo isporuku odmah po dobijanju vaše porudžbine.Nadamo se da vam ovo nije stvorilo nikakve neprijatnosti.Sa zadovoljstvom očekujemo vašu sledeću narudžbinu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would like to thank you for your inquiry of March 3rd. We regret that we are unable to provide you with model No. 63 as requested because we are currently out of stock. We expect the next batch to be ready by the middle of April. We suggest you take model 64, 65 or 66 instead. The price is the same and we have sufficient quantities in stock so as to be able to make the delivery immediately upon receipt of your order.We hope this will not cause you any inconvenience and look forward to receiving your amended order.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Kontra ponuda Ponuda druge robe 2.txtPoštovani gospodine,Pozivamo se na vašu porudžbinu br. 456 od 3. marta.S obzirom da se većina kupaca radije opredeljuje za elektronske pisaće mašine i personalne računare, mi više ne prodajemo mehaničke pisaće mašine.Prilažem naš najnoviji katalog sa novom ponudom, ukoliko odlučite da promenite svoj prvobitni plan i pređete na elektronske proizvode.Žao nam je što nismo u mogućnosti da ispunimo vašu porudžbinu i nadamo se da ćete se opredeliti za našu novu liniju proizvoda.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,We are referring to your order No. 456 of March 3rd.Since most buyer today prefer the electronic typewriters and PCs, we no longer sell the mechanical typewriters.I am enclosing our latest catalog with the new offer if you decide to change your original plan and switch to electronic products.We regret that we are unable to fulfill your order and hope that you will decide in favor of our new line of products.Respectfully yours,


F:\Biznis\Kontra ponuda Povecanje rabata.txtPoštovani gospodine Henries,Zahvaljujemo na vašem dopisu od 5. juna u kojem tražite dodatni rabat od 2% iznad uobičajenog trgovinskog rabata, a na osnovu vaše porudžbine od 20.000 olovaka tip "Zerox".Cenimo vašu porudžbinu, ali smatramo da moramo da istaknemo da su nam cene već svedene na minimum i da je nemoguće drugde nabaviti olovke po ceni koju mi nudimo.Međutim, bilo bi nam zadovoljstvo da vam odobrimo zahtevan rabat od 2% ukoliko povećate vašu porudžbinu na 40.000 komada.Očekujemo vašu potvrdu.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Henries,We would like to thank you for your letter of June 5th in which you requested a further discount of 2% over and above the usual trade discounts regarding your order for 20,000 "Zerox" pens.We appreciate your order but feel that we must point out that our prices have already been cut to the minimum and that pens are unobtainable elsewhere at such competetive rates.We should, however, be pleased to allow you the requested 2% discount should you care to increase your order to 40,000. We await your confirmation of this matter.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Kontra ponuda Zahtev za snizenje cene.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašem dopisu od 2. juna u kojem nam nudite 5 tona stočne hrane po ceni od USD 500 po toni, FOB Frankfurt, pod uobičajenim uslovima.Veoma nam je žao što moramo da vam odgovorimo da je našim krajnjim korisnicima vaša cena isuviše visoka i u raskoraku sa nivoom cena koje vladaju na tržištu. Informacije ukazuju da su neke vrste francuske proizvodnje prodavane po ceni od USD 450 po toni.S obzirom na ovo, nismo u mogućnosti da ubedimo naše krajnje korisnike da prihvate vaše cene, jer se materijal sličnog kvaliteta lako može nabaviti po nižoj ceni. Ako ste spremni da smanjite svoju najvišu cenu za, recimo, 10%, mogli bismo da sklopimo posao. Obraćamo vam se sa ovom kontra ponudom imajući u vidu našu dugogodišnju saradnju. Kako su cene na tržištu trenutno u padu, nadamo se da ćete prihvatiti našu ponudu kao najpovoljniju i obavestiti nas putem faksa o svom pristanku što je moguće pre.Očekujemo hitan odgovor.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Please accept our thanks you for your letter of 2nd June offering us 5 tons of fodder at US$ 500 per ton, FOB Frankfurt, on the usual terms.We regret to inform you that our end users have found your price too high and out of line with current market levels. Information indicates that some French brands have been sold at US$ 450 per ton.Such being the case, it is impossible for us to persuade our end users to accept your prices, as material of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower price. Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say 10%, we might be able to come to terms.It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-


offer. As the market is presently declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and fax us your acceptance at your earliest convenience.We look forward to your early reply, Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenje isporuci brodom.txtPoštovana gospodo,Vaša porudžbina br. XYZ - brodom SEAGULL, Cunard LineObaveštavamo vas da je roba po gore navedenoj porudžbini isporučena navedenim brodom koji sutra isplovljava iz Londonske luke za Njujork.Očekujemo konosmane od vlasnika brodova i iste ćemo vam poslati avionskom poštom sledećeg dana po prijemu, zajedno sa fakturom i potvrdom o osiguranju, u skladu sa našom uobičajenom procedurom.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Re: Order No. XYZ - perS/S SEAGULL, Cunard LineWe are pleased to confirm that the goods from the above order have now been shipped by the named vessel, sailing tomorrow from the Port of London to New York. We are waiting for the Bs/L from the shipowners which will be airmailed to you the day after we receive it along with the invoice and insurance certificate, in accordance with our usual procedure.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenje isporuci kamionom.txtPoštovani gospodine Jameson,Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo o isporuci robe koju ste poručili.Roba je utovarena na kamion, registarski broj X12-56, u ponedeljak, 12. januara u Parizu i očekujemo da će do vas stići do srede,14.januara, ukoliko ne dođe do zadržavanja na graničnim prelazima. Priložili smo sva neophodna transportna dokumenta i očekujemo da ćemo moći da izvršimo naplatu kada dobijete robu.Zahvaljujemo na poverenju koje ste nam ukazali i uvek možete da računate da ćemo brzo obraditi vaš zahtev.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Jameson,It is with pleasure that we advise you of the dispatch of the goods you have ordered.The goods were loaded onto a truck, licence plate No. X12-56 on Monday, 12th January in Paris and we expect them to reach you by Wednesday, 14th January provided there are no delays at the border crossings. We have enclosed all the necessary shipping documents and expect to be able to collect payment on your receipt of the goods.We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and assure you of our prompt attention in this and all future dealings with our company.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenje isporuci avionom.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašoj porudžbini čarapa od 15. januara i zadovoljstvo nam je što ćete biti naši kupci.


Potvrđujemo isporuku čarapa po cenama koje su navedene u vašem dopisu i organizujemo isporuku sledeće nedelje avionskim prevozom. Sigurni smo da ćete biti zadovoljni robom kada stigne do vas.Možda niste upoznati sa činjenicom da trgujemo širokim asortimanom robe, stoga vam prilažemo naš katalog i nadamo se da će realizacija vaše prve porudžbine dovesti do daljeg poslovanja među nama i označiti početak uspešnog poslovnog odnosa.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We were pleased to receive your order of January 15 for stockings and welcome you as one of our customers.We can confirm supply of the stockings at the prices quoted in your letter and are arranging for dispatch next week by air freight. When the goods reach you we feel confident that you will be completely satisfied with them.As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in, we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that our handling of your first order with us will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a successful working relationship.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenje isporuci izvrsena isporuka.txtPoštovana gospodo,Veza: Isporuka 500 šivaćih mašinaZadovoljstvo nam je da vas obavestimo da smo izvršili isporuku 500 šivaćih mašina u skladu sa odredbama navedenim u vašem akreditivu br. 234 i da potvrdimo naš današnji telegram koji glasi:UGOVOR 1455 AKREDITIV 234 500-ŠIVAĆIH MAŠINAISPORUČENO KAMIONOM D-2567 23. APRILAPrilažemo sledeće primerke tovarnih dokumenata da ne biste imali problema kod preuzimanja isporuke robe po njenom prispeću:Faktura br. 478 u duplikatuOtpremnica br. 479 u duplikatuNeutrživ tovarni list br. XY123Polisa osiguranja br. BG887Zahvalni smo za porudžbinu koju ste kod nas plasirali i uveravamo vas da će sva vaša buduća korespondencija, upiti i porudžbine imati našu najveću pažnju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Re: shipment of 500 Sewing MachinesWe are pleased to inform you that we have completed the shipment of 500 Sewing Machines in accordance with the stipulations set forth in your L/C No. 234 and confirm our cable of today, reading:CONTRACT 1455 L/C 234 500-SEWING MACHINESSHIPPED TRUCK D-2567 ON APRIL 23. We are enclosing the following copies of the shipping documents in order to facilitate the delivery of the goods on their arrival to you:Invoice No. 478 in duplicatePacking List No. 479 in duplicateNon-negotiable Waybill No. XY123


Insurance Policy No. BG887We are grateful for the order you have been able to place with us and assure you that all your future correspondence, inquiries and orders will continue to receive our most careful attention.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Ispravka akreditiva.txtPoštovana gospodo,Primili smo vaš akreditiv br. 111. Među odredbama koje su navedene u vašem akreditivu, utvrdili smo da dve tačke nisu u skladu sa ugovorom.1. U vašem akreditivu se traže potvrde proizvođača, što nije predviđeno našim ugovorom. U stvari, ugovorena roba je vrsta poljoprivrednog proizvoda i za nju je nemoguće obezbediti potvrdu proizvođača.2. Broj ugovora je 99/123 umesto 89/123.Pošto je roba spremna za isporuku, molimo vas da nam telegrafski dostavite izmene akreditiva što je pre moguće.Očekujemo hitan odgovor.Iskreno vaš,Dear Sirs,We would like to thank you for sending your L/C No. 111. so promptly. However, among the clauses specified in your credit note, we find that the following two points do not conform to the initial contract.1. Your credit note calls for Manufacturer's Certificates, which is not included in our contract. In fact, the contracted goods are agricultural products and it is impossible to obtain a manufacturer's certificate for them.2. The contract number is 99/123 instead of 89/123.Since the goods are now ready for shipment, you are kindly requested to cable your amendments to the credit note as soon as possible.We look forward to a prompt reply.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Kasnjenje isporuke 2.txtPoštovani gospodine,Izgleda da isporuka moje porudžbine prilično kasni. Proverio sam kod svoje banke i obavešten sam da je ček realizovan. Molim vas da izvršite proveru svoje evidencije u vezi sa ovom porudžbinom. Kancelarijski materijal,niženaveden po stavkama, poručio sam 5. maja.Tražio sam da se isporuka izvrši na sledeću adresu:XYZMolim vas da hitno izvršite isporuku robe koju sam poručio i platio ili da izvršite povraćaj novca.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,Delivery of my order seems to be taking rather a long time. I have checked with my bank and they say that the check for payment has been cashed. I would appreciate it if you would check your records regarding this matter. I ordered the office supplies itemized below on May 5 and requested delivery to the following address:XYZI would be grateful if you would either send the goods that I have ordered and paid for


immediately, or failing that, provide me with a full refund.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Kasnjenje isporuke 1.txtPoštovani gospodine,Pre mesec dana sam poručio memorandume i vizit karte za svoju firmu.Još uvek nisam dobio svoj kancelarijski materijal a ovih dana imam poslovne sastanke sa klijentima i primam porudžbine. Kao što se iz priznanice može videti platio sam i dodatak za hitnu isporuku. Molim vas da mi se hitno javite u vezi sa ovim problemom na broj 123 980. Očekujem vaš poziv.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,I placed an order for letterheadings and business cards for my company a month ago. I am now meeting with clients and receiving orders but have not yet received my stationary. As you can see from my cash receipt I paid extra for a rush order.I would be grateful if you would call me regarding this matter immediately on 123 980. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Licno izvinjenje.txtPoštovani gospodine Jackson,Veoma mi je žao što sam propustio naš sastanak zakazan za prošli petak. Sigurno ste bili prilično nezadovoljni kada me, nakon uloženog truda da stignete na vreme, niste zatekli u mojoj kancelariji. Nažalost,toga dana sam imao saobraćajnu nesreću i nisam uopšte ni dolazio u kancelariju.Da li bi vam više odgovaralo da zakažemo sastanak za neki drugi put kada budete u Beogradu ili jednostavno želite da stvar prodiskutujemo preko telefona. Dolazim u Atinu sledećeg meseca i možemo tada da organizujemo sastanak ukoliko vam to odgovara.Očekujem vaš odgovor.Srdačan pozdrav,Dear Mr. Jackson,I am writing to apologize for missing our appointment scheduled for last Friday. You must have felt quite frustrated after the effort you made to arrive at my office on time only to see that I was absent. Unfortunately, I was involved in a car accident that day and did not make it into the office at all.Would you prefer to reschedule our meeting for the next time you are in Belgrade or simply discuss the matter over the phone. I will be visiting Athens next month so we can arrange a meeting then if that would suit you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Najava poslovne godisnjice.txtMAGNA HOUSE sa ponosom objavljuje svoju tridesetogodišnjicu.Molimo Vas da nam se pridružite u Sava Centru, gde ćemo organizovati izložbu naših najnovijih izdanja, pozvati pisce da lično potpisuju svoje knjige i pripremiti ugao iznenađenja za decu. Zvanično otvaranje će biti u subotu, 5. maja u 10 h, a zatvaranje u nedelju, 6. maja u 19 h.MAGNA HOUSE is proud to announce its 30th anniversary. Please join us at the Sava


Center where we will be organizing an exhibition of our latest editions, inviting authors to autograph their books and preparing a surprise children's corner. The official opening will be on Saturday, May 5 at 10 a.m. and the closing on Sunday, May 6 at 7 p.m.F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Obavestenje o smrti 2.txtIzgubili smo dragog prijatelja i cenjenog kolegu. Nakon kratke borbe sa teškom bolešću, g. X je juče preminuo. Saosećamo i molimo se sa njegovom porodicom u ovim teškim trenucima. Kratka komemoracija će biti održana u našim prostorijama u ponedeljak, 4. aprila, u 12 hWe have lost a dear friend and valued colleague. After a short struggle with a terminal illness, Mr. X. passed away yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. There will be a short memorial service at our office on Monday, April 4 at 12:00 noon.F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Obavestenje o smrti 1.txtSa velikom žalošću Vas obaveštavamo o smrti našeg glavnog inženjera g. J. Smitha. Svi smo ožalošćeni ne samo zbog toga što je preminuo izvanredan čovek, već i zbog gubitka koji je pretrpela njegova porodica. Sahrana će se obaviti u četvrtak, 5. maja u 13 h na Centralnom groblju.It is With deep regret that we inform you of the death of our Chief Engineer, Mr. J. Smith. Each of us not only grieves at the passing of a wonderful individual but also for the loss suffered by his family. The funeral will be held on Thursday, May 5 at 1 p.m. at the Central Cemetery.F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Obavestenje novom sluzbeniku.txtPoštovani gospodine Zoriću,Zadovoljstvo nam je da Vam poželimo dobrodošlicu kao najnovijem članu Delta Group.Kao što smo razgovarali u toku intervjua, Vi ćete biti novi direktor umetničkog dizajna, koji će raditi pod rukovodstvom direktora marketinga, g. J. Smith-a. Prvog dana vašeg zaposlenja, 1. oktobra, upoznaću vas sa g. J. Smith-om i ostalim službenicima.U prilogu Vam dostavljam kopiju vašeg ugovora o radu o kojem smo razgovarali u toku intervjua. Molim Vas da ga pažljivo pročitate i ukoliko imate bilo kakve primedbe ili pitanja, odmah mi se javite. Ako ste zadovoljni ugovorom, molim Vas da ga potpišete i vratite našem kadrovskom odeljenju.Sigurni smo da ćete Vi biti veliko pojačanje Delta Group-u. Molim Vas da se ne ustručavate da mi se obratite za bilo kakvu pomoć kako na početku tako i u budućnosti.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Zoric,We are pleased to welcome you as the newest member of the Delta Group.As we discussed in your interview, you will be the new art design manager, working under the direction of the marketing manager Mr. J. Smith. On your first day, October 10, I will introduce you to J. Smith and the rest of the staff.Enclosed you will find a copy of your employment contract as discussed during our interview. Please review it carefully and if you have any remarks or questions, call me immediately. If the contract meets with your approval, please sign it and return it to our personnel department.We are certain that you will be an asset to the Delta Group. Please do not hesitate to call if I can be of any assistance, either now or in the future. Yours sincerely,


F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Odbijanje poziva.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujem na pozivu da prisustvujem vašoj konferenciji 13. oktobra. Veoma mi je žao što moram da odbijem vaš poziv, ali za isti dan već imam zakazano učešće na konferenciji u Kanadi.Siguran sam da će ova konferencija biti korisna za sve učesnike i nadam se da ću biti u mogućnosti da prisustvujem sledeći put.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,I am writing to thank you for the invitation to attend your conference on October 13. I am afraid that I have to decline the invitation on this occasion since I am scheduled to participate in a conference in Canada on that day. I am sure the conference will be rewarding for all concerned and I hope to attend the next time.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Odobrenje zahteva.txtPoštovani gospodine Brown,Dobili smo vaš dopis od 5. maja i nakon iscrpnog razmatranja odlučili da udovoljimo vašem zahtevu i odobrimo produženje roka sa 1. jula na 1. avgust. Slažemo se da je potrebno dodatno vreme da se nađu najbolja rešenja za nove predloge.Hvala vam što vodite računa o našim interesima. Sa nestrpljenjem očekujemo da vidimo gotov projekat.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Brown,We received your letter dated May 5 and after thorough consideration have decided to grant your request to extend the July 1 deadline to August 1. We agree that the new proposals require additional time in order to provide the best solutions.We would like to thank you for bearing our best interests in mind. We look forward with anticipation to viewing the finished work. Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Otkazivanje sastanka.txtPoštovani gospodine James,Veoma mi je žao što moram da odložim naš sastanak zakazan za 10. novembar u Hotelu Hyatt.Primoran sam da otputujem na dve nedelje u Italiju zbog problema nastalih u vezi sa našim projektom. Javiću vam se odmah po povratku kako bismo se dogovorili o novom sastanku.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. James,I am afraid I must postpone our meeting scheduled for November 10, at the Hotel Hyatt. Some problems have arisen with our project in Italy and they will keep me out of the country for two weeks. I will contact you immediately upon my return to confirm a new appointment.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda poslovnog dogovora.txtPoštovani gospodine Samuels,Ovim pismom vas obaveštavamo da smo prihvatili vašu ponudu za održavanje naših


instalacija za grejanje. Kompletni uslovi sporazuma izloženi su u priloženom ugovoru.Ukoliko prihvatate ove uslove, molimo da potpišete ugovor i isti vratite preporučenom poštom do 20. novembra. Ako imate nekih pitanja ili želite razjašnjenje bilo kog dela ugovora, molim vas da sa mnom što pre kontaktirate preko telefona 234 789.Cenimo mogućnost da radimo sa vama i očekujemo dalju uspešnu saradnju.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Samuels,We are pleased to inform you that we have accepted your bid to provide maintenance services for our heating system. The complete terms of the agreement are outlined in the accompanying contract. Should these terms be acceptable to you, please sign the contract and return it by registered mail before November 20. If you have any questions or need clarification of any part of the contract, please contact me on 234 789 at your earliest convenience.We appreciate the opportunity to do business with you and look forward to a rewarding cooperation.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda usmenog dogovora.txtPoštovani gospodine Brown,Ovim pismom potvrđujem uslove našeg dogovora postignutog juče u telefonskom razgovoru. Kako sam razumeo iz našeg razgovora, vi ćete obezbediti prevoz iz Nemačke do jugoslovenske granice (Subotica) gde će se obaviti pretovar.Molim vas da troškove ovog neplaniranog prevoza fakturišete našoj kancelariji u Nemačkoj.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Brown,I am writing to confirm the terms of our agreement made yesterday on the telephone. As I understand from our conversation, you will provide transportation from Germany to the Yugoslav border (Subotica) where the transshipment will take place. I would be grateful if you would invoice our office in Germany for the cost of this unforeseen transportation. Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda rezervacije ili registracije.txtPoštovana gospodo,Ovim dopisom potvrđujem svoju registraciju za godišnji skup Podunavskih zemalja koji se održava 25. januara. Prilažem ček na DEM 250 za troškove učešća.Podsećam vas da još nisam primio informativni materijal. Kako se dan skupa brzo približava, molim vas da mi ekspresnom poštom dostavite materijal i potvrdu moje registracije na datu adresu.Zahvalan sam vam na pomoći i radujem se što ću prisustvovati skupu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,I am writing to confirm my registration at the annual convention of Danube Basin Countries on January 25. I have enclosed a check for DM 250 as payment for my attendance fees. I would like to remind you that I have not yet received my information pack. As the day of the convention is rapidly approaching, I would be grateful if you would express mail


the pack and confirmation of my registration to the given address.I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to attending the convention. Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda prijema prijave.txtPoštovani gospodine Jones,Ovim potvrđujemo vaše učešće na Kongresu pravnika. Molimo vas da pokažete ovo pismo na prijemnom pultu kako biste podigli identifikacionu karticu sa svojim imenom i radni materijal.Da bi ste se pripremili za Kongres, podsećamo vas da su glavne teme sledeće:..........................Možete očekivati jedan izazovan i plodan Kongres. Kongres će se održati na planini Kopaonik, dobro poznatoj po svojim skijaškim i rekreativnim mogućnostima Ukoliko imate nekih pitanja, molimo obratite se g. Jovanoviću na tel. 111-111.Iskreno Vaš,Dear Mr. Jones,This letter is to confirm your attendance at the forthcoming Lawyers Convention. Please present this letter at the registration desk in order to obtain your name tag and conference pack. To prepare you for the Convention we would like to remind you that the main objectives are as follows:..........................You can expect the Convention to be both challenging and rewarding.The Convention will be held in the Kopaonik mountain resort, well known for its skiing and other recreational facilities. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jovanovic on 111-111.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda poslovnog puta.txtPoštovani gospodine,Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da smo uspeli da vam rezervišemo kartu na direktnom letu Pariz - Budimpešta za 3. maj sa povratkom 10. maja. U prilogu vam dostavljamo avionsku kartu za let br. AF256.Organizovali smo posetu našoj fabrici koja se nalazi u blizini Pariza, kao i sastanak sa rukovodstvom.Radujemo se vašoj poseti i uspešnom zaključenju posla.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,We are happy to report our success in booking you on a direct flight Paris - Budapest on May 3 with a return flight on May 10. Please find enclosed the airline tickets for flight No. AF256.We have organised a visit to our plant near Paris and a meeting with our management team.We look forward to your visit and a successful closing of the deal.Yours faithfully,


F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Potvrda o ucescu - organizator.txtPoštovani gospodine Smith,Veoma nam je drago što ćete doći na Sajam tehnike u Beogradu ove godine. Podsećamo vas da je zvanično otvaranje u sredu, 2. novembra u 10 sati.Molimo vas da nas obavestite ukoliko želite da ostvarite neke posebne poslovne kontakte, da bismo na vreme ugovorili sastanke.Obratite nam se ako možemo bilo šta da učinimo da bi vaš boravak bio što prijatniji.Iskreno vaš,Dear Mr. Smith,We are delighted that you will be able to attend the Technical Fair in Belgrade this year. Please remember that the official opening will be at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 2. Please let us know if you have any particular wishes concerning the business contacts you wish to make so that we can arrange appointments in good time. Please advise us if there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Prihvatanje poziva za sastanak 2.txtPoštovani gospodine Jameson,Zadovoljstvo mi je što smo se upoznali prošle nedelje.Drago nam je što ćemo se ponovo susresti u našoj kancelariji u ponedeljak, 20. novembra u 9 h, da bismo razmotrili uslove našeg ugovora o zastupanju.Ukoliko su vam potrebne neke dodatne informacije, molimo da bez ustručavanja stupite u kontakt sa nama.Srdačan pozdrav,Dear Mr. Jameson,I was delighted to make your acquaintance last week. We look forward to meeting with you again on Monday, November 20 at our office at 9 a.m. to discuss the terms of our agency agreement.Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Prihvatanje poziva za sastanak 1.txtPoštovani gospodine Andrews,Sa zadovoljstvom prihvatam vaš poziv da se sastanem sa vašim projektantskim timom. Da bismo usaglasili detalje, naći ćemo se 10. novembra u predvorju Hotela Hyatt u 9 h. Ima mnogo toga što bi trebalo da prodiskutujemo.Unapred se radujem ovom sastanku.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Andrews,It gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation to meet with your design team. To confirm the details, I will meet you in the lobby of the Hyatt Hotel at 9 a.m. on November 10. There are many things we need to discuss. I look forward to this meeting.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Promena imena firme.txtPoštovana gospodo,Ovim vas obaveštavamo da smo promenili naziv firme. Kao što vam je verovatno poznato, udružili smo se sa firmom Alfa Tours i naš novi naziv je Alfa Haven Tours.


Mi pružamo iste usluge kao i ranije na domaćem tržištu, a sada smo u prilici da vam ponudimo usluge i na međunarodnom tržištu. Od sada možemo da u potpunosti zadovoljimo sve vaše potrebe u oblasti turizma.Iskreno vaš,Dear Sirs,This is to inform you that we have changed our name. As you probably know we have merged with Alfa Tours and our new name is Alfa Haven Tours.We will be offering the same domestic services as before as well as now being in a position to assist you with your international needs. We are committed to being your full-service travel agency.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Promena poslovne adrese.txtPoštovana gospodo,Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo o završetku naših novih poslovnih prostorija na sledećoj adresi:XYZNaši novi telefonski brojevi su: 444 555, 678 999.Radujemo se da nastavimo sa pružanjem usluga na našoj novoj lokaciji.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We are pleased to announce the completion of our new business premises at the following address:XYZOur new telephone numbers are: 444 555, 678 999We look forward to continuing to serve you at our new location.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Uspostavljanje kontakta 1.txtPoštovani gospodine,Prošle nedelje na konferenciji na Kopaoniku upoznao sam g. Smith-a. On je direktor marketinga firme Star u Beogradu i odgovoran je za marketing nekoliko uspešnih proizvoda.Njegove ideje o prezentaciji našeg proizvoda su izvanredne. Mislim da bi bilo korisno da u razgovoru sa njim detaljno razmotrite njegov angažman na našem marketingu. Siguran sam da ćete biti impresionirani kao što sam i ja bio.S poštovanjem,Dear Sir,Last week at the conference in Kopaonik I met Mr. Smith. He is the marketing manager for Star Company in Belgrade and has been responsible for marketing several successful products.He has brilliant ideas about how to present our product. I think it would be to our advantage to talk with him in more detail about the possibility of engaging him for our marketing. I am confident you will be as impressed as I was.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Uspostavljanje kontakta 2.txtPoštovani gospodine Adams,Ovim pismom vam predstavljam g. Chase-a, umetničkog dizajnera. Imao sam priliku da


poslednjih nekoliko meseci radim sa g. Chase-om na nekoliko velikih projekata. Smatram da bi neke njegove ideje mogle da vas interesuju.On će sledećeg meseca biti u Beogradu.Ako želite da se sastanete sa njim, molim da me odmah pozovete da bih vam dao sve potrebne informacije.Obavestio sam ga da ste veoma zauzeti i da možda nećete imati vremena da se sastanete sa njim.Pozdrav,Dear Mr. Adams,I am writing to introduce Mr. Chase, an art designer. Over the past few months I have had the opportunity of working with Mr. Chase on several large-scale projects. He has some ideas I think you may find quite interesting.He will be in Belgrade next month so should you be interested in meeting him, please contact me and I will provide you with all the necessary information. I told him that you have a busy schedule so he realizes that you might not be able to meet with him.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Zahvalnost na gostoprimstvu.txtPoštovani gospodine Peters,Želim da vam se zahvalim na prijatno provedenoj večeri u toku mog boravka u Atini. Uživao sam u večeri i razgovoru i bilo mi je veliko zadovoljstvo što sam upoznao vašu ženu.Zahvaljujem vam na vašem ljubaznom gostoprimstvu.S poštovanjem,Dear Mr. Peters,I wish to express my appreciation for your inviting me out for the evening during my stay in Athens. I enjoyed the dinner and conversation and it was a great pleasure to meet your wife.Thank you for your kind hospitality.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Zvanicni poziv na proslavu 1.txtU čast našeg novog potpredsednika srdačno pozivamo vas i vašeg gosta da prisustvujete banketu koji će se održati u Hotelu Interkontinental 1. aprila od 18 - 21 čas. Molimo vas da popunite priloženu kartu za potvrdu dolaska i istu vratite da biste nam olakšali organizaciju banketa.We cordially invite you and a guest to attend the banquette in honor of our new Vice President at the Hotel Intercontinental on April 1, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please fill out the enclosed R.S.V.P. card and return it so that we can make adequate serving arrangements.F:\Biznis\Obavestenja i najave Zvanicni poziv na proslavu 2.txtGospodin i gospođa Jones imaju zadovoljstvo da pozovu vas i vašeg partnera na godišnju božićnu proslavu koju organizuje firma 22. decembra uveče u Hotelu Hyatt. Nadamo se da ćete doći i proslaviti praznik i uspešnu poslovnu godinu uz dobru trpezu i zabavu.Molimo da vaš odgovor pošaljete gospođi. Jones do 20. decembra. Očekujemo vaše prisustvo.Mr. and Mrs. Jones are pleased to invite you and your partner to the Annual Company Christmas Party on the evening of December 22, in the Hyatt Hotel. We hope that you will join us for an evening of excellent food and good fun to celebrate both the season and the end of a great business year. R.S.V.P. to Mrs. Jones by December 20. We hope to see you there.


F:\Biznis\Odbijanje i storniranje porudzbine Odbijanje zbog visoke cene.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašoj ponudi od 5. juna za 1.000 kg kolumbijske kafe.Žao nam je što ne možemo da prihvatimo ovu pošiljku, jer je cena koju tražite značajno iznad nivoa cena na ovom tržištu za taj kvalitet. Kafa koja nam je isporučena prošle godine, istog porekla, nije bila kvaliteta koji smo očekivali za ponuđenu cenu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would like to thank you for your offer, dated June 5th, of 1.000 kilos of Colombian Coffee.We regret that we are currently unable to make use of this consignment as the price you ask is above the market level here for the quality in question. The coffee supplied from this source last year was not of the quality we had expected for the price quoted.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Odbijanje i storniranje porudzbine Storniranje porudzbine.txtPoštovana gospodo,Pozivamo se na našu porudžbinu od 5. marta.Žao nam je što moramo da vas obavestimo da, pošto niste izvršili isporuku u dogovorenom roku, nemamo drugog izbora osim da storniramo našu porudžbinu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We are writing with reference to our order of March 5th. We regret to inform you that since you have failed to make the delivery within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order. Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Odbijanje i storniranje porudzbine Vec izvrsena porudzbina.txtPoštovana gospodo,Zahvaljujemo na vašoj ponudi za isporuku metalnog nameštaja, ali smo bili primorani da, za sada, plasiramo porudžbinu na drugom mestu.Zadržaćemo vaše kataloge za buduće potrebe, ali smatramo da su vaši proizvodi isuviše skupi za ovo tržište.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would like to thank you for your quote for the supply of steel furniture. Unfortunately, we have been obliged to place our order elsewhere in this instance.We will keep your catalogue on hand for future reference, but feel we should point out that your products are too highly priced for this particular market.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Osiguranje Organizovanje osiguranja robe.txtPoštovana gospodo,Veza: Naša porudžbina br.YU84 - 500 sanduka igračakaPozivamo se na predmetnu porudžbinu iz koje se vidi da je ta porudžbina plasirana na


paritetu isporuke CFR.Kako nam je želja da isporuka bude osigurana sa vaše strane, molimo vas da organizujete osiguranje robe u naše ime od svih rizika na fakturisanu vrednost plus 10%, tj. USD 39.000.Mi ćemo vam naravno refundirati za premiju po dobijanju vašeg izveštaja o zaduženju ili, ukoliko želite, možete da izdate menicu na nas sa isplatom po viđenju.Iskreno se nadamo da se slažete sa našim predlogom.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Re: Order No. YU84 for 500 cases of toysWe refer you to the above order, which was placed on a CFR basis.As we now wish to have the shipment insured at your end, we would be grateful if you would arrange to cover the goods on our behalf against all risks at invoice value plus 10%, i.e. US$ 39,000.We shall of course reimburse you for the cost of the premium upon receipt of your debit note or, should you prefer, you may draw on us on sight for the amount required.We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Osiguranje Osiguranje sluzbenika.txtPoštovana gospodo,Mi smo veliki proizvođač čokolade u Jugoslaviji i želeli bismo da se raspitamo o ličnom osiguranju u slučaju nesreće za naša dva trgovačka putnika koji redovno kamionom putuju poslom iz Beograda za Minhen.Da li postoji mogućnost da osiguramo naše službenike na godinu dana, da bi bili pokriveni dok su na putu?Unapred zahvaljujemo na vašoj saradnji u ovom poslu.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We are a major chocolate manufacturing company in Yugoslavia and would like to inquire about personal accident insurance for two of our representatives who travel regularly on business from Belgrade to Munich by truck.Would it be possible for us to insure our employees for one year, covering them while on the move?Thank you in advance for your co-operation in this matter.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Osiguranje Osiguranje od skladista do skladista.txtPoštovana gospodo,Molimo vas da nam ponudite cene za osiguranje od svih rizika za isporuku:500 šivaćih mašina od Minhena do Beograda kamionom; vrednost DEM 425.000. Osiguranje treba da pokriva isporuku od skladišta do skladišta, važnost od 15. aprila.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would be grateful if you would send us a quote for insurance against all risks of the transportation of:500 Sewing Machines from Munich to Belgrade by truck; value DM 425,000.The insurance is to be from warehouse to warehouse, valid from the 15th April.


Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Osiguranje Otvoreno pokrice od svih rizika.txtPoštovana gospodo,Siguran sam da ste upoznati sa činjenicom da smo vaši redovni klijenti nekoliko godina i u toku tog perioda smo kod vas osiguravali pojedinačne isporuke naše drvne građe za Francusku.Trenutno planiramo da proširimo izvoz na SAD i interesuje nas da li možete da nam organizujete otvoreno pokriće od svih rizika za USD 50,000.00 kojim bi se osigurale redovne isporuke do luke Njujork, SAD.Očekujemo vaš brz odgovor.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,As I am sure you are aware, we have been regular clients of yours for several years, during which time we have insured individual shipments of our lumber with you, mainly to France.We are now planning to expand our exports to the USA and would be grateful if you could arrange open cover to the value of US$ 50,000.00 against all risks to insure regular consignments to the port of New York, USA.We hope to hear from you in the near future.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Osiguranje Upit za tarife osiguranja.txtPoštovana gospodo,Molimo vas da nam date vašu ponudu cene za osiguranje od svih rizika za sledeću isporuku:50 sanduka dečjih kolica od Londona do Bara, brodom kompanije Cunard Line, u vrednosti od DEM 10.000.Osiguranje treba da bude od skladišta do skladišta,sa važnošću od 5. februara.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We would be grateful if you would send us a quote for the insurance against all risks of a shipment of the following:50 cases of baby carts from London to Bar, by the Cunard Line shipping company, to the value of DM 10,000.The insurance is to cover transportation from warehouse to warehouse and will be effective from February 5th.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Pakovanje Lose pakovanje 1.txtPoštovani gospodine Jameson,Ovim potvrđujemo prispeće vašeg kontejnera od 20 stopa sa materijalom za montažne kuće.Imajući u vidu činjenicu da treba da dobijemo još kontejnera sa građevinskim materijalom, želimo da vam skrenemo pažnju na loše pakovanje.Kontejner je punjen bez vođenja računa o redosledu kojim će se materijal vaditi. Molimo vas da se sledeće isporuke koriguju tako da bismo imali što manje oštećenja.Zahvaljujemo na vašoj pažnji.S poštovanjem,


Dear Mr. Jameson,I am writing to confirm the arrival of your 20' container with the material for the prefabricated houses.In view of the fact that we are to receive more containers with the building material, we wish to draw your attention to the poor packing.The container was filled without any consideration of the order in which the material is to be taken out. We would be grateful if you would see to it that future deliveries are packed more carefully so as to avoid any further damage.We appreciate your attention in this matter.Yours sincerely,F:\Biznis\Pakovanje Lose pakovanje 2.txtPoštovana gospodo,Prilikom prethodne isporuke robe primetili smo da je izvesna količina porcelanskih čajnika koje ste nam poslali oštećena.Pošto se radi o oštećenju zbog lošeg pakovanja, molimo vas da ubuduće povedete računa da svaki proizvod bude upakovan u posebnu kutiju sa dovoljnom količinom zaštitnog stiropora.Molimo vas da oštećenu robu, na osnovu priložene dokumentacije, nadoknadite novom već prilikom prve sledeće isporuke.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,It has come to our attention that several porcelain teapots were damaged in your last delivery.Since the damage is as a result of poor packaging, we would be grateful if you would take care in future to ensure that each product is packed in a separate box with a sufficient quantity of protective styrofoam.We would also appreciate it if you would make good the damaged goods on the basis of the enclosed documents with the next delivery.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Pakovanje Odobravanje nacina pakovanja.txtPoštovana gospodo,Porudžbina br. 156 za 500 šivaćih mašinaZahvaljujemo na vašem dopisu od 5. maja u kojem nas obaveštavate da je predmetna roba, upakovana u kartonske kutije, isporučena kamionom registracije D-23875.U vezi sa pakovanjem gorenavedene porudžbine, vi navodite da ste ovo pitanje razmotrili sa nadležnim sektorom i da ste mišljenja da će pakovanje u kartonskim kutijama sprečiti veštu krađu; a pored toga ove kutije su dobro zaštićene od vlage; lagane i pogodne za rukovanje, itd. Nakon razmatranja ovog pitanja sa našim kupcima, utvrdili smo da vaše primedbe zvuče prilično razumno.Nadamo se da će pakovanje u kartonskim kutijama rezultirati zadovoljstvom naših kupaca. Ukoliko bude tako, možete ubuduće da nastavite sa primenom ovog pakovanja. Onog trenutka kada roba isporučena kamionom stigne do nas, odmah ćemo vam javiti naš stav.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,Order No. 156 for 500 Sewing Machines


Thank you for your letter of May 5 informing us that the above goods packed in cartons have been transported by truck license plate No. D-23875.With regard to the packing of the above order, you say that you have taken up the matter with the competent departments and are of the opinion that packing in cartons will prevent skillful pilferage; such cartons are well protected against moisture; they are light and convenient to handle, etc. After discussing the matter with our clients, we find that your comments sound quite reasonable.We hope that the result of packing in cartons turns out to the satisfaction of our clients. Should this be the case, you may continue to use this packing in future.We will contact you again as soon as the goods reach us.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Pakovanje Pad kvaliteta pakovanja.txtPoštovana gospodo,Vaše proizvode kupujemo redovno već pet godina.U poslednjih nekoliko meseci ste promenili pakovanje. Nažalost, promena nije bila na bolje. Roba nam stiže sa priličnim oštećenjima. Predlažemo vam da razmotrite mogućnost poboljšanja pakovanja. U protivnom ćemo biti prinuđeni da potražimo drugog isporučioca.Bilo bi nam zadovoljstvo da što hitnije nešto učinite po ovom pitanju.S poštovanjem,Dear Sirs,We have been buying your products regularly for the last five years. It has come to our attention that in the last couple of months you have changed the packing. Unfortunately, this change is not for the better. We are now as a result receiving damaged goods. We would like to suggest that you consider making some improvements to the packaging or we will have no alternative but to find another supplier.We would appreciate your prompt attention in this matter.Yours faithfully,F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Bag.txtVreća, kesa - može da bude izrađena od jakog papira, lana, grubog platna, gume, itd.Bag - may be made of strong paper, linen, canvas, rubber, etcF:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Bale.txtBala - Paket meke robe (npr. pamuk, vuna, jagnjeća koža) zajedno čvrsto stisnute i upakovane u zaštitni materijal. Može da bude ojačan metalnim trakama.Bale - A package of soft goods (e.g. cotton, wool, sheepskin) tightly pressed together and wrapped in a protective material. May be strengthened by metal bands.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Barrel.txtBure - drveno bure. Kapacitet 95/230 litara. Ojačano obručima.Barrel - Wooden drum. Capacity 25/60 gallons. Hoops strengthen the barrels.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Box.txtKutija - Mali sanduk; može biti izrađen od drveta, kartona ili metala.Box - A small case, but may be of wood, cardboard or metal.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Bundle.txSvežanj, paket - Razna roba pakovana bez kontejnera. Određen broj malih kartonskih


kutija i dr. zajedno učvršćenih može da se nazove svežanj.Bundle - Miscellaneous goods packed without a container. A number of small cartons etc. fixed together could be called a bundle.tF:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Can.txtKonzerva - Mali metalni kontejner poput onih u koje se pakuju male količine boje, ulja ili određenih prehrambenih proizvoda.Can (or tin) - A small metal container; such as small quantities of paint, oil, or certain foodstuffs are packed in.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Carboy.txtOpleteni balon - Veoma veliki stakleni kontejner zaštićen oklopom od metala ili pletenog pruća sa mekom ispunom između stakla i oklopa; koristi se za hemikalije.Carboy - A very large glass container protected in a metal or wicker cage with soft packing between glass and cage; used for chemicals.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Carton.txtKartonska kutija - lagana ali jaka kutija od kartona ili lesonita. Dupli poklopac i dno, pričvršćeni lepkom, lepljivom trakom, metalnim trakama ili žičanim spojnicama. Ponekad svežanj od nekoliko kartonskih kutija čini jedan paket koji se drži zajedno pomoću traka.Carton - Light but strong cardboard, or fiberboard. Double lids and bottoms, fixed with glue, adhesive tape, metal bands or wire staples. Sometimes a bundle of several cartons is made up into one package, held by metal bands.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Case.txtSanduk - čvrst kontejner izrađen od drveta. Kao dodatno ojačanje može da ima letvice. Za dodatnu jačinu, ali manju težinu može da se koristi tanje drvo sa metalnim trakama ili žicom omotanom oko sanduka. Unutrašnjost sanduka može biti obložena različitim materijalima, npr. papirom otpornim na vlagu, limenom folijom i dr. da bi se sprečilo oštećenje od vode, vazduha ili insekata.Case - Strong container made of wood. For extra strength these may have battens. For extra strength, but less weight, thinner wood may be used, but metal bands or wires passed around the case. The inside of the case may be lined with various materials, e.g. damp resistant paper, tin-foil, etc. to prevent damage by water, air, or insects.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Crate.txtGajba, kavez - Sanduk koji nije potpuno zatvoren; ima dno i okvir; ponekad je otvoren sa gornje strane. Mašine koje se pakuju u krletku moraju da dobiju specijalno dno da bi se olakšalo rukovanje.Crate - A case, but not fully closed. It has a bottom and a frame, sometimes open at the top. Machinery packed in crates needs a special bottom to facilitate handling.F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Drum.txtBure - Kontejneri cilindričnog oblika za prevoz tečnosti, hemikalija, boje, itd. Obično su izrađeni od metala. Neke suve hemijske materije /nezapaljive/ ili praškovi se ponekad pakuju u drvenu ili kartonsku burad.Drum - Cylindrical-shaped containers for carrying liquids, chemicals, paint, etc. Usually made of metal. Certain dry chemicals /non-inflammable/ or powders are sometimes packed in wood or cardboard drums.


F:\Biznis\Pakovanje\Vrste ambalaze za transport Sack.txtDžak - velika vreća. Obično izrađena od jute.Sack - a large bag. Usually made of hessian.