pocket guide to flourescent lamp ballasts

Pocket Guide to Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts Philips Lighting Electronics N.A. 10275 West Higgins Road Rosemont, Illinois 60018 Tel: 800.322.2086 Fax 888.423.1882 Customer Support/Technical Services: 800.372.3331 www.philips.com/advance Form No. RT-8020-R02 9/08

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Phillips guide to flourescent lamp ballast and troubleshooting


Page 1: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts

Pocket Guide to Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

Philips Lighting Electronics N.A.10275 West Higgins RoadRosemont, Illinois 60018Tel: 800.322.2086 Fax 888.423.1882Customer Support/Technical Services: 800.372.3331


Form No. RT-8020-R02 9/08

Page 2: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


Ballast & Lamp Fundamentals ...................................... 4

Circuitry............................................................................. 8

Performance.................................................................... 12

Regulatory........................................................................ 23

Troubleshooting Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

General ............................................................................. 26

Preheat.............................................................................. 38

SlimLine and Instant Start.............................................. 40

Rapid Start ....................................................................... 43

Electronic Ballast ............................................................ 48

Index ................................................................................. 74

2 3

American inventor, Peter Cooper Hewitt, patented the first fluorescent lamp over100 years ago. Cooper Hewitt's low pressure mercury arc lamp is the direct par-ent of today's modern fluorescent lamps. Far more efficient than incandescentlamps, fluorescent lamps use electrical energy to excite molecules of Argon orKrypton together with mercury vapor to create luminescence. Unlike incandes-cent lamps, a fluorescent lamp does not connect directly to electric powersources. A ballast is required to provide high voltage to start the lamp(s) andlimit the current flowing through it (them). The ballast also provides properelectrode or filament heating.

For most of the last century electromagnetic ballasts, sometimes referred to as"core-and-coil" or "magnetic" ballasts, were the only fluorescent lamp ballastsavailable. Since 1988, when they began to penetrate the market, electronic bal-lasts have proven themselves, not only as workhorses of efficiency but also as acatalyst for revolutionizing lighting system design and specification.

The electronic ballast revolution has resulted in dramatic improvements in bal-last performance. The electronic ballast is a different technology than traditionalelectromagnetic ballasts. It starts and regulates fluorescent lamps with electron-ic components rather than the traditional core-and-coil electromagnetic assem-bly. The results are dramatic differences in efficiency, reliability and flexibility toaccommodate various lamp types and sizes.

There are also differences in the suitability of magnetic and electronic ballastsfor various applications. To receive peak performance from a fluorescent lightingsystem, it is essential that the fluorescent lamp ballast match the requirementsof the lamp or lamps it operates. A basic lighting system consists of thefixture/reflector; one or more fluorescent lamps; the ballast or ballasts used tooperate the lamps; and the controls that switch current on and off, or, in somecases, dim the lamps as required.

Electronic ballasts incorporate technology that is new to many ballast specifiers,purchasers, electrical technicians and users who have a working familiarity withelectromagnetic ballasts. This handy FLUORESCENT POCKET GUIDE will giveyou a greater understanding of magnetic and electronic ballasts and presenttrouble shooting procedures to help solve inoperative problems.

For more detailed operational descriptions and specifications, refer to the"Advance Atlas", "ABC's of Electronic Fluorescent Ballasts", or www.philips.com/advance.


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Even though nearly 90% of the energy consumed by incandescent lamps dissipates as heat, they are still being used in American homes and used throughoutbusiness and industry.

Their operation is simple and self-regulating: when elec-tricity passes through the lamp's filament it heats until itglows (incandesces) and produces light. The amount oflight generated depends upon the amount of electricalcurrent that passes through the filament. In addition toproducing light, the filament also limits the current tosafe operating values. The quantity of light generatedby a lamp is measured in lumens.

Fluorescent lamps operate at cooler temperatures thanincandescent lamps and convert electrical energy tolight more efficiently. Their operation relies upon an elec-trical arc passing between two electrodes, typically, oneon each end of the lamp. This arc passes through aglass tube coated with phosphor in a mixture of vapor-ized mercury and purified gases, mainly Argon orKrypton. The resulting ultra-violet energy reacts with thephosphor coating to produce a glow (fluorescence) andemit visible light.


Fluorescent lamps sold in the United States today are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes rangingfrom miniature versions, rated at 4 watts, 6" in lengthand 5/8" diameter, to 215 watt types, 96" long and 2"in diameter. Commercially available fluorescent lamptypes include T12, T8, and T4 compact and T5-linear

and compact. Base types include bi-pin, single pin,several compact bases and recessed double contact.

T12 lamps, which can be operated electronically, butare typically operated by electromagnetic ballasts, arel-1/2" in diameter are now outsold by T8 lamps whichhave a 1" diameter. T8 lamps typically operate by elec-tronic ballasts, but may also operate using magneticballasts. T8 lamps produce a better quality light andare dual rated for rapid or instant start operation, whichmaximizes application flexibility. T4 compact lamps arespecial ½" diameter, high lumen output, lamps devel-oped to replace incandescent lamps in many downlighting applications. T5 lamps, 5/8" in diameter, pro-vide some application flexibility and enhanced opticdesign due to its smaller diameter.


Lumens is the measurement for lamp light output.Fluorescent lamps are measured in initial lumens or indesign lumens. Initial lumens are a measure of theamount of light that the lamp produces after about 100hours of operation. Design lumens are a measure of theamount of light that the lamp produces after it hasoperated for approximately 40 percent of its rated life.

Because light output from a fluorescent lamp diminish-es over the life of the lamp - a process known as LampLumen Depreciation - a lamp's design lumens (or meanlumens) are always lower than its initial lumens. Lumenmaintenance refers to the rate at which light outputdeclines over time and lumen maintenance percentagesare typically based on light output at 40% of a lamp'srated life.

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Lamp Life is a measure of how long a fluorescent lampoperates and determined by that point in time when50% of the lamps have failed. Lamp life is a function ofemitter depletion - when you run out of emitter emissionmaterial the lamp will no longer operate. Some lampswill last longer than the rated life and some fail sooner.Starting methods, switch cycles, the type of ballastused and other factors can significantly affect lamp life.In general, life ratings for fluorescent lamps range from6,000 to 30,000 hours based on the industry standardof three burning hours per start.


Lumens per Watt is a rating of a lamp's light output inrelation to the current passing through it or the watts ituses. The more efficient a lamp, the more lumens it willproduce per watt of power consumed. This measure-ment (LPW) is also referred to as lamp "efficacy".


Lamp manufacturers use crest factor to determineballast performance as it relates to lamp life. LampCurrent Crest Factor is a measurement of current sup-plied by a ballast to start and operate the lamp. It isthe ratio of peak current to RMS current. High crestfactor currents may cause the lamp electrodes towear out faster, reducing lamp life. Crest factorrequirements are regulated by ANSI (AmericanNational Standards Institute) standards and specifiedby lamp manufacturers. For rapid start and instantstart T8 lamps the ratio is 1.7 maximum, and forinstant start slimline lamps, it is 1.85 maximum.


What Does a Ballast Do?In all fluorescent lighting systems, the ballast's basicfunctions include:

◆ Providing the proper voltage to establish an arc between two lamp electrodes, one at each end of the lamp.

◆ Regulate the electric current flowing through the lamp to stabilize light output.

◆ In some fluorescent lighting systems provide con-trolled electrical energy to heat the lamp electrodes.

To receive peak performance from fluorescent lighting itis essential that the fluorescent lamp ballast - the heartof the fluorescent fixture - match precisely the require-ments of the lamp it is designed to operate.

6 7

Crest Factor =



R.M.S.I PeakI

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Preheat Circuit is the original, magnetic ballast technol-ogy, which requires the lamp electrodes to be preheat-ed by a separate starter switch, which can be manualor automatic. During the starting cycle, the ballast lim-its the current flow to a calibrated value for preheatingthe electrodes. In a few seconds, the electrodes attainthe proper temperature, at which time the startingswitch opens manually or automatically. The opening of the starting switch breaks the preheatpath for the current, leaving the gas in the fluorescentlamp as the only current path and the lamp ignites.Generally, low wattage linear and compact lamps (4 to30 watts) use the preheat circuit.

Slimline Instant Start systems produce light instantlywithout the assistance of a starter. These lamps aremostly T12 single pin lamps without preheat. Toachieve this quick response, without preheat, the bal-last must provide an open circuit voltage to the lampelectrodes about three times the normal lamp operat-ing voltage to initiate the arc. There are magnetic andelectronic ballasts for these lamps.

an inventor, Peter Cooper Hewitt, patented the first fluorescent lamp

Instant Start Electronic ballasts start lamps withoutdelay (<0.1 second) or flicker by providing a startingvoltage that is sufficiently high to start a dischargethrough the lamps without the need for heating thelamp electrodes. For F32T8 systems, the startingvoltage is about 600V. The elimination of electrodeheating maximizes energy savings - typically savingtwo watts per lamp compared to rapid start ballasts.Instant start ballasts are best suited for applicationswith limited on - off switches each day. Lamps oper-ated by instant start ballasts typically operate10,000 to 15,000 switch cycles before failure.

Rapid Start electronic and magnetic ballasts startlamps quickly (0.5 - 1.0 second) without flicker byheating the lamp electrodes and simultaneouslyapplying a starting voltage. The starting voltage fortwo F32T8 lamps in series produced by an electronicballast is about 500V. This is sufficient voltage tostart an arc through the lamps when the electrodeshave reached adequate operation temperature.Electrode heating continues during operation andtypically consumes two watts per lamp. Lamps oper-ated by rapid start ballasts typically operate 15,000to 20,000 on - off switch cycles before failure.

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Programmed Start electronic ballasts start lampsquickly (1.0 - 1.5 seconds) without flicker.Programmed start ballasts provide maximum lamplife in frequent lamp starting applications such as inareas where occupancy sensor controls are used.Programmed start electronic ballasts precisely heatthe lamp electrodes, tightly controlling the preheatduration before applying the starting voltage. Thisenhancement over rapid start ballasts minimizeselectrode stress and depletion of emitter materialduring lamp starting, thereby maximizing lamp life.Lamps operated by programmed start ballasts typi-cally operate up to 50,000 or more on/off switchcycles before failure.

Programmed Start is also used for most compactlamp systems and electronic dimming systems toprovide proper starting of lamps when starting in thedimmed mode.

Series vs. Parallel Lighting systems are typicallywired in a series or parallel circuit. When a ballast isoperating multiple lamps in a series circuit, if onelamp fails, the circuit is opened and all the lamps willextinguish. When a ballast operates multiple lamps ina parallel circuit, the lamps operate independently ofeach other so, if one lamp fails, the other can keepoperating as the circuit between each lamp and theballast remains unbroken.

Generally, rapid start ballasts are wired with thelamps in series. Programmed start ballasts are alsotypically wired with lamps in series. However, somethree- and four-lamp ballasts feature series-paralleloperation; so that when a single lamp in one branchfails, the lamp(s) in the parallel branch will continueto operate. Instant start ballasts are typically wiredwith the lamps in parallel.

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Parallel Circuitry

Series Circuitry

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Supply Voltage (dedicated vs. multiple voltage andfrequency) - Most ballasts are designed to operateat the specific nominal voltage shown on the label.Newer electronic ballasts, including Philips Advancemodels that use IntelliVolt® technology, offer muchgreater input voltage and frequency flexibility andother advantages such as inventory reduction.Today's increasing demands on electrical utilitiescan cause wide voltage variations during loaddemand changes which in turn cause light outputfrom lamps operated on dedicated input voltageelectronic and electromagnetic ballasts to vary withthe input voltage changes.

The tables below are the recommended limits forelectronic and magnetic ballasts.

Input Watts/ANSI Watts - Input watts published byballast manufacturers are the total watts consumedby both the ballast and the lamps it operates. ANSIwatts are the rating given for a ballast measuredunder the strict testing procedures specified byANSI standards and are the only dependable mea-sure of this performance. Energy savings can bedetermined by comparing the input watts of differentlighting systems.

Ballast Factor (BF) - Ballast Factor is the ratio of light output from a lamp(s) operated on a commer-cial ballast to the light output of that same lamp(s)operated on a "reference ballast" as specified byANSI ballast standards. Light output ratings pub-lished by lamp manufacturers, are based on this"reference ballast".

BF is a measure of light output, best thought of as a'multiplier'. Multiplying the BF times rated lumens willdetermine actual light output of a given lamp-ballastcombination.

Ballast Efficacy Factor (BEF) is the ratio of ballastfactor to input watts. This measurement is generallyused to compare the efficiency of various lightingsystems - higher numbers being more efficient.

12 13

light output of lamp operated on commercial ballastBF =

light output of lamp operated on reference ballast

Nominal Voltage









Magnetic Voltage Limits

112 – 127

199 – 216

210 – 230

225 – 250

235 – 260

255 – 290

322 – 365

450 – 500

Electronic Voltage Limits

108 – 132

187 – 229

198 – 242

216 – 264

225 – 275

249 – 305

312 – 382

432 – 495


60 Hz.

50 Hz.

Frequency Limits

57.5 to 62.5

47.5 to 52.5

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This comparison is only valid, however, for ballastsoperating the same number and type of lamps. Inorder to compare different types of lighting systems,the lumen output of the lamps must be used. Formore information, see the "ABC's of ElectronicFluorescent Ballasts".

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) - Harmonic distortionoccurs when the wave-shape of current or voltagevaries from a pure sine wave. Except for a simpleresistor, all electronic devices, including electromag-netic and electronic ballasts, contribute to power-line distortion. Generally, for ballasts, THD is thepercent of harmonic current the ballast adds to thepower distribution system. The ANSI standard forelectronic ballasts specifies a maximum THD of32%. However, most electric utilities now requirethat the THD of electronic ballasts be 20% or less.Almost all Philips Advance electronic ballasts are ratedfor either less than 20% THD or less than 10% THD.

Power Factor (PF) is the measurement of how effec-tively a ballast converts the voltage and current sup-plied by the power source into watts of usable powerdelivered to the ballast and lamps. Perfect power uti-lization would result in a power factor of one.

Power factor measurements pertain only to theeffective use of power supplied to the ballast. Theyare not an indication of the ballast's ability to supplylight through the lamps. Because low power factorballasts require about twice the current needed byhigh power factor ballasts, they allow fewer fixturesper circuit and create added installation wiringcosts. Commercial lighting applications generallyspecify high power factor ballasts.

Thermal Protection - Almost all indoor fluorescent fix-tures must incorporate ballast thermal protectionaccording to the National Electrical Code (NEC).Ballasts meeting thermal protection requirementsare designated "Class P" by UnderwritersLaboratories, Inc (UL).

14 15

Ballast Factor x 100Ballast Efficacy Factor = Input Watts

Actual WaveformThird Harmonic


60 Hz SineWave

Phase A

Phase BLow Current

Neutral WireIf low Third

Harmonic on balanced system

Phase C

Phase A

Phase B100% Plus Current

Neutral Wire(Overheated)

Third Harmonic

Phase C

PF = Input Watts / (Input Current x Input voltage)

High Power Factor (HPF) 0.90 or greater

Power Factor Corrected (PFC) 0.80 to 0.89

Normal (Low) Power Factor (NPF) 0.79 or less

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Class P magnetic ballasts incorporate a thermal protector within the ballast case. Operation of thisthermally actuated, automatic resetting, protectivedevice will disconnect the ballast from the powersource in the event of over temperature.

Electronic ballasts are also "Class P" rated but maynot incorporate the thermal protector in their design.These ballasts inherently limit their case temperaturebelow the "Class P" limits as require by UL.

"Class P' rated ballasts help protect against excessivesupply voltage, internal ballast short circuiting, inade-quate lamp maintenance and improper fixture applica-tion. They also reduce the need for individual fixturefusing. "Class P" ballasts should be replaced with thesame type to not void the fixture safety rating by UL.

Fuse Protection - Individual fusing is sometimes con-sidered when many fixtures operate on a single circuitand where it is desirable to isolate an inoperable fix-ture quickly. This helps avoid complete circuit outagewhen troubleshooting.

If used, fuses should be of the slow-blow type andshould accommodate inrush current and abnormalstarting cycle currents of the ballast. Electronic bal-lasts generally have higher inrush current than electro-magnetic ballast, but for a shorter duration. This willnot be a problem if the correct fuse is specified.

Inrush Current - All electrical devices including ballastshave an initial current surge that is greater than theirsteady-state operating current. A new standard published by the National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation (NEMA) - NEMA 410 - PerformanceTesting for Lighting Controls and Switching Deviceswith Electronic Fluorescent Ballasts - covers worst-case ballast inrush currents. All circuit breakers andlight switches are designed for inrush currents. Theelectrical system should be designed with this issuein mind.

EMI/RFI - Because they operate at high frequency,electronic ballasts may produce electromagneticinterference (EMI) or radio frequency interference(RFI). RFI frequencies are a subset of EMI frequen-cies. EMI issues cover all possible operating frequencies while RFI is only concerned with radioand television frequencies. This interference couldaffect the operation of sensitive electrical equipment,such as radios, televisions or medical equipment. All Philips Advance electronic ballasts incorporatefeatures necessary to afford maximum protection forthe operating environment and operate well within regulatory limits. For more information, see the section on "FCC Regulations - EMI/RFI" in the"Regulatory Requirements" on page 23.

Electronic ballasts that operate the lamps at highfrequency may also affect the operation of infraredand powerline carrier equipment. Philips Advanceelectronic ballast designs operate the lamps at a frequency above the infrared range and are not likely

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to cause interference. Powerline carrier interferenceshould be determined before electronic ballastinstallation. Some powerline carrier equipment hasbeen designed to operate with electronic ballasts.

Ballast Noise - The slight "humming" sound associat-ed with fluorescent lighting systems results fromvibration caused by the inherent electromagneticaction in the core & coil assembly of the ballasts. Allelectromagnetic and some electronic ballasts makethis sound. Ballasts are assigned a sound rating, "A" through "F", based on the amount of sound produced, with "A" being the quietest. Generally, thelarger the lamp and ballast, the higher the sound leveland the sound rating will be. Because electronic bal-lasts have smaller components, they have the lowestsound rating. Some electronic ballasts make almostno sound. There is no ANSI standard for this ratingand it is up to the manufacturer to rate their ballasts.

Sound Ratings

Ballast Life - Philips Advance fluorescent electronicand magnetic ballasts are designed and manufac-tured to engineering standards correlating to anaverage life expectancy of 50,000 hours of opera-tion at maximum rated case temperature (70°C forelectronic and 90°C for magnetic). Since PhilipsAdvance ballasts operate below their maximumcase temperature in the majority of applications,increased ballast life can be expected. Ballast lifedoubles for every 10°C reduction in ballast caseoperating temperature and decreases by half forevery 10ºC over the maximum case operating tem-perature. However, there are many variables, suchas input voltage, ambient temperature, etc. whichaffect ballast operating temperatures, and thereforeballast life.

18 19

For any Installation In:

Average AmbientNoise LevelOf Interior



TV or Radio Station,Library, Reception or Reading Room, Church, School Study Hall

Residence, Quiet Office,Night School Classroom

General Office Area, Commercial Building, Storeroom

Manufacturing Facility, Retail Store,Noisy Office








D*These sound ratings are based on measurements of Average Ambient noise levels

during conditions of normal occupancy. Audible ballast hum may appear amplified during exceptionally quiet periods and at times when area is unoccupied.

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Effects of Ambient Temperature - All fluorescent fix-tures are tested at an ambient temperature of 25°C,which supposedly duplicates the temperature in anormal lighting installation. Yet, in new construction,before turning on the air conditioning, or in industrialplants that are not air conditioned, it is not uncom-mon to have ambient temperatures as high as 40°Cto 50°C at the light fixture location.

This higher ambient temperature will greatly affectballast operating temperatures. Typically, in a fix-ture/ballast combination, a 1°C ambient temperaturerise results in a 0.9°C rise in ballast case tempera-ture. The rise in temperature will also affect light out-put of the lamps, as will lower temperatures. Mostfluorescent lamps have an optimum light output tem-perature of about 25°C ambient. Light outputdecreases above and below this optimum tempera-ture. To realize optimum operation of light fixturesambient operating temperature of the installationmust be considered.

There are other fixture installation factors that alsoaffect ballast operation temperature, such as fixturetype (surface mounted to ceiling, drop-in recessed,lensed or open). Regardless of the fixture type orinstallation, the ballast must always operate belowthe maximum rated case temperature to realizemaximum ballast life and optimum operation.

Cold Weather Operation - Low temperature and coldweather applications such as outdoors and walk-infreezers can affect lamp starting and operation.

Lumen ratings of fluorescent lamps apply for opera-tion in still air that has a temperature of 25°C (77°F).While many fluorescent lamps and fluorescent lampballasts are designed to give their best performance at25°C, they will provide reasonably good light outputdown to 10°C (50°F) for standard lamps and 16°C(60°F) for energy saving lamps. Further decreases inambient temperature will result in decreased light out-put and more difficult lamp starting.

Such variables as humidity, line voltage, fixturedesign and variations within the particular design ofthe lamp and the fluorescent lamp ballast plays animportant part in determining the low temperaturestarting limit.

The 800 mA and 1500 mA lamps with their higherbulb wall temperatures are recommended for mostefficient low temperature operation. Even with highoutput fluorescent lamps, satisfactory operation ofthe lamps depends upon adequate shielding to per-mit them to reach recommended operating temper-atures. Also, exercise care in fixture designs for theprevention of overheating of the fluorescent lampballast in summertime operation.

Lamp Operating Frequency - Electromagnetic ballastsand the lamps connected to them operate at aninput voltage frequency of 60 Hertz (Hz), 60 cyclesper second-which is the standard alternating volt-age/current frequency provided in the United States.Electronic ballasts, on the other hand, convert this60 Hz input to operate lamps at much higher

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frequencies above 20 Kilohertz (kHz), 20,000 cyclesper second. Philips Advance designs operate above20 kHz, but avoid certain ranges such as 30-40 kHz(infrared) and 56-62 kHz (theft deterrent systems)due to interference issues.

Because electronic ballasts function at high frequen-cy, the fluorescent lighting systems that they oper-ate can convert power to light more efficiently thansystems operated by electromagnetic ballasts (SeeChart Below). For example, lamps operated on elec-tronic ballasts can produce over 10 percent morelight than if operated on electromagnetic ballasts atthe same power levels. In effect, today's electronicballasts provide additional energy savings by match-ing the light output from electromagnetic ballastswhile operating the lamps at lower power. This is themain reason why electronic ballast systems aremore efficient than magnetic ballast system.

ANSI Ballast Requirements - Electrical manufacturersof lamps and ballasts are part of the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) that creates com-mon standards to ensure compatibility betweenlamps and ballasts and interchangeability of productsbetween manufacturers. These performance stan-dards allow manufacturers to design products toindustry standards rather than individual manufactur-er's requirements. Magnetic ballasts meet ANSIC82.1 and electronic ballasts meet ANSI C82.11.

FCC Regulations - EMI/RFI - Because electronic ballastsoperate at high frequency, high frequency energy mayfeed back into the power system (conducted EMI) orradiate from the ballast, wiring or lamps (radiatedEMI/RFI). This interference could affect the operation ofsensitive equipment. Magnetic ballasts, which operate the lamps at 60 Hz, usually do not cause thistype of interference.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interference from radio and electromagneticfrequencies from 450 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 megahertz(MHz). For electronic ballasts, the limits and regulationsare listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47,Part 18, Subpart C entitled RF Lighting Devices.Tablesare published for absolute levels of radio and magneticfrequency radiation at certain frequencies. There aretwo levels given: one for non-consumer applicationsand a stricter one for consumer applications. Most Philips Advance electronic ballasts provide per-formance that already falls within the non-consumer(Class A) limitation, assuring their suitability for com-

22 23








Excitation Frequency

100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz





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mercial and industrial applications. Some special elec-tronic ballasts are available that meet the more strin-gent consumer (Class B), or residential EMI limits.

ANSI Transient Requirements - Electronic componentsare more sensitive to sudden surges of high voltagethan are core & coil assemblies. These surges (ortransients) may be caused by lighting strikes to near-by transformers, overhead lines or to ground.Transients may also be caused by load switchingsuch as motors or compressors and by short circuitsor utility system switching. Some facilities have powerback-up generation or UPS systems that switch inand out to provide constant power for hospitals, etc.Transients are generated when these systems areactivated and deactivated. Although these surgessometimes last less than a second, they may causeelectronic ballast failure due to the energy in the tran-sients. All Philips Advance electronic ballasts aredesigned to withstand the conditions of ANSIC62.41, Category A for transient protection.

Safety Requirement - Philips Advance magnetic andelectronic ballasts meet all safety requirements of UL935 established for fluorescent ballasts. Many modelsalso meet CSA safety requirements for Canada.


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The following equipment is recommended for testing fluorescent fixtures:

True RMS Voltmeter (voltage ranges 0 to 1000 VoltsAC and frequency range of at least 500 KHz for electronic measurements.

Ammeter (clamp-on type acceptable) for magnetic ballast current measurements and electronic ballastinput current measurements. Ranges: 0 to 10 amperesAC with at least one range 0 to 250 milli-Ampere (mA).

Magnetic ballast input and output voltage and currentfrequencies are 60 Hz. Input voltage and current frequen-cies for electronic ballasts are 60 Hz, but the output frequency of most electronic ballasts is above 40 KHz.



SAFETY FIRST: Voltage and current measurements present possibility of exposure to hazardous voltagesand should be performed only by qualified personnel.

Many troubleshooting techniques require measurementwith input voltage applied requiring extra precautionsto avoid electrical shock. Use proper safety equipmentsuch as eye protection and gloves when performingelectrical measurements.

If possible, any work performed on a lighting system,including inspection, troubleshooting and maintenance,

should be done with the fixture properly de-energized andthe circuit locked and tagged according to OccupationalSafety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements.


When installing Philips Advance ballasts, socket typeand socket wiring are important. Good lamp pin-to-socket contact and correct socket wiring are requiredto produce flicker free operation and ensure longestlamp life. There are several types of lamp sockets.Some sockets are dedicated to a particular lamptype. Most socket wiring errors relate to sockets used for T8 instant start and rapid or programmedstart installations.

INSTANT START VS. RAPID START SOCKETSFOR DIMMINGWhen using dimming ballasts in fixtures, sockets must beof the RRAAPPIIDD SSTTAARRTT type. Many fixtures with T8 InstantStart electronic ballasts use jumpered or “shunted” InstantStart sockets. Controllable ballasts require two distinctlyseparate wires for each lamp socket. If you encountershunted or jumpered sockets in a retrofit application, theymust be removed and replaced with Rapid Start sockets.

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Improper socket application will damage the ballast and void the ballastwarranty. Refer to ballast wiring diagram for proper installation.

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Often a fixture becomes inoperative due to causesnot attributable to the ballast. It is therefore impor-tant to examine all fixture components before remov-ing the ballast for replacement. We recommend thefollowing general procedures for both magnetic andelectronic ballast:

1. Replace or check all lamps to ensure satisfactory operation.

2. As lamps are removed, examine all sockets to ensure they are not damaged or broken and are making proper and positive contact with the lamps.

3. If starters are required, check each starter and replace, where necessary.

4. Examine all electrical connection within the fixture, including at the lamp sockets, to ensure confor-mance with the wiring diagram on the ballast.

The following troubleshooting techniques in this guide will be presented separately for magnetic and electronic ballasts due to the many differencesin operating characteristics and parameter measurement limitations.


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30 31


Measure Voltage At Sockets Using Tables On Pages 39,41,44

All Voltages Measure LowNo Voltage At Any Socket Voltage Out Of Tolerance

Open Channel CoverTo Visually Inspect ConditionOf Ballast And Connections. Check Lamps And Ballast

For Matching

If Improper Correct

Replace Lamps WithKnown Good Lamps Lamps Light

If Lamps Were Recently Replaced, Go To "Measure

Voltage At Sockets"

Check GroundingOf Fixture And Ballast Check Supply VoltageCheck Supply Voltage And Fuse

or Circuit Breaker

Cut Leads To SocketWith Voltage Out Of Tolerance –

Measure Voltage At Ballast

Check Spacing BetweenLamps And Sockets

Lamp Must Be Seat In Socket

Low Supply Voltage Check Power Distribution SystemReplace Ballast

Voltage At Ballast Out Of Tolerance – Replace Ballast

Voltage At BallastWithin Tolerance – Problem With

Wiring Or Socket

Close Fixture Lamps Should Light

New LampsDo Not Light






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The National Electrical Code® (NEC) and UL stipulates that most magnetic ballasts installedindoors must contain a cutout device that protectsthe ballast from overheating.

If abnormal ambient conditions cause the ballast tooverheat, the thermal protection device disconnectsthe ballast from the power source. Once cooled, theswitch in the protection device reconnects the ballastto the power source and the lamps restart.

If the conditions persist, the ballast will switch offagain repeatedly in a process called cycling.

Most electronic ballasts do not contain this thermalprotection device but protect the ballast from over-heating by other means. If the ballast does contain athermal switch, it could cycle from excessive heating.

32 33


Check Supply Voltage

Remove InsulationHigh Ambient Temperature Check For Insulation Above Fixture

Measure Ambient Temperature

Open Channel Cover To Visually Inspect Condition Of

Ballast And Connections. Check Lamps And Ballast For Matching

If ImproperCorrect

Ballast May Be Inoperative Test Ballast Electrically Remote Mount Ballast Remote Mount Ballast

If Not Possible Replace Ballast With Cooler Operating Ballast

High Supply VoltageConsult Power Company

Reduce Ambient Temperature Or Replace Ballast With A Cooler

Operating Ballast

Everything Okay

Everything Okay

Everything Okay

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Cold temperatures usually cause lamplight swirling orspiraling, where the light appears to swirl or spiralinside the tube. In this case, shield the lamps fromthe cold draft, from air-conditioning or other sourcesby using a plastic jacket available from distributors.Make sure the plastic jacket is rated for the lamp/ballast combination.

This problem may also be caused by low input voltage or lamp and ballast incompatibility. Check theinput voltage, which should be the ballast rated voltage±7.5 percentage or change the lamp to a known goodlamp. If the condition still exists, change the ballast.


Fluorescent lamps can provide an energy efficient lightsource in many applications, however, under certainconditions; there can be an undesirable visual aspect,commonly known as striations. Striations are a seriesof bright and dim areas in a fluorescent lamp, some-times moving down the length of the lamp and some-times taking the appearance of a standing wave.Striations are determined by lamp physics.

Striations are common in lamps made with heavy fillgases such as Krypton. This phenomenon is exacer-bated when these lamps are operated at low temper-atures. This can be due to a low overall ambient tem-perature or more localized air blowing across thelamp. Although it is much more common in energysaver lamps, it can also occur in full wattage lamps.

While this condition is not desired, it is an aestheticcondition, and is not an indication that the ballast orlamp is not operating electrically correct. Striationsshould have no-long term effect on lamp performanceor life.

Fluorescent lamp striations have been experiencedever since fluorescent lamps have been in existence.For better understanding of this condition and possi-ble corrections, it is best to divide the applicationsinto those with full wattage lamps and those withenergy saving lamps. It is also important to under-stand that lamps are rated for use in certain temper-ature ranges. In general, full wattage lamps can beoperated at much lower temperatures than energysaving lamps. Typically, energy saving lamps have aminimum temperature of 60ºF, or in some caseseven higher temperatures may be recommended.User should verify lamp operating temperaturerequirements with the particular lamp manufacturerto insure proper application.



With full wattage (non-energy saving) type of fluores-cent lamps, striations, although less likely, can occur.When full wattage lamps exhibit striations, it usually isresult of one or both of the following conditions.

Low lamp currents - If the lamps currents get too low(i.e. deep dim operations), striations can occur. In dimming ballasts, this is typically overcome by additional circuitry.

34 35

Page 19: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


The light output of a fluorescent lamp is directly relat-ed to its bulb wall temperature and operating environ-ment, particularly its ambient temperature.

Airflow across the lamp(s) - Many times airflow acrossa lamp will produce lamp striations. This is commonlyexperienced where the lamp(s) is in close proximity toan air vent. Typically, shielding or deflecting the flow ofair to the lamp will rectify this condition.

Ambient Temperature - Fluorescent lamp output isdirectly proportional to its bulb wall temperature.Every lamp has its optimum temperature for maxi-mum light output. If extreme cold ambient tempera-tures exist, the light levels will be visually less andlamp striations may occur. It may be possible toreduce or eliminate this condition by using lamp tubeguards or utilizing a luminaire that retains more heatin the lamp compartment. Please contact the lampmanufacturer for information regarding the use oftube guards with their lamps.


With the recent introduction of many new energy savingfluorescent lamps in the market, especially Kryptoncontaining energy saving versions of the F32T8, there isa possibility of more lamp striation occurrences. Energysaving lamps are more temperature sensitive. Again, itis recommended to verify if the application of energysaving lamps is proper for the application with desiredlamp manufacturer. Energy saving lamps, typically arenot rated for use below 60ºF, nor with dimming ballasts.

If striations are experienced with energy saving lamps,it is first recommended to verify if they are due to coolair blowing across the lamps or too low ambient tem-peratures as is covered in full wattage lamps above.

If ambient temperature conditions are in the properrange and the conditions mentioned above are not thecause, then the lamp striations could be attributed tolamp characteristics. When these energy saving T8lamps are utilized with electronic ballasts, especiallythose with reduced light output this condition couldoccur. It is not an indication that the ballast is at fault,that the lamps will fail prematurely, or that the overallperformance will suffer. It is a "cosmetic" effect, whichmay or may not be objectionable.

As ballast technology continues to expand, there arenow available electronic ballasts that can reduce lampstriations with energy saving F32T8 lamps such asPhilips Advance's Optanium series of ballasts. Lampstriations may occur with electronic ballasts withoutanti-striation technology with energy saving F32T8lamps such as 30W, 28W, or 25W.

It is important to understand that ballasts with anti-stri-ation circuitry cannot always remedy lamp striations inapplications where airflow or colder temperatures arethe cause. It is also important to remember that stria-tions, although sometimes a visual nuisance, will haveno lasting effect on lamp performance and life and typ-ically will not influence light levels on the work plane ofnormal fluorescent lamp applications and are only typi-cally perceivable when looking directly at the lamp.

36 37

Page 20: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts



To measure starting current and operating current,connect the ammeter between the colored high volt-age secondary leads of the ballast and the lamp.

To determine starting voltage, remove lamp and connect voltmeter between respective primary andsecondary leads of each lamp according to ballastwiring diagram.


One of the major causes of trouble with a Preheat cir-cuit is mis-wiring of the fluorescent ballast. This condi-tion can be noted by short lamp or starter life, non-starting of lamp, or premature failure of the ballast. Forexample, with a two-lamp ballast, the starter leadsfrom the two pairs of lamp holders may be crossed. Ifboth starters open at the same time, the lamps willstart. However, if one lamp starts before the other, thenon-starting lamp may blink on and off for a long timebefore starting if it will start at all.

To determine if wired correctly, short the terminals of a fluorescent starter with a fine bare wire. Remove allstarters from the fixture but leave the lamps in. Insertthe short starter in one starter slot. If the fixture is wiredproperly both ends of the same lamp will glow. Ifcross-wired, one end of each lamp will glow.

There have been many installations of Preheat fluores-cent lighting in which two lamp ballasts are operatingwith one lamp on and one lamp out, or with shortedstarters. These conditions will cause premature ballastfailures due to the ballast coils being operated abovetheir coil temperature limitation. Thus, it is advisable toimmediately replace inoperative lamps and starters.

38 39



(Minimum)(Open Circuit)

108108108180108108108108108108108108176 176 132




(Ampere).16-.25.16 -.25.16 -.25.18 -.27.44 -.65.44 -.65.44 -.65.44 -.65.35 -.80.35 -.80.44 -.65.41-.95.40-.65.55 -.75

1.45 - 2.2








BlackWhite Ballast







Page 21: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


Other causes of difficulty could be (1) low or high cir-cuit voltage, (2) improper lamp holder contact, (3)pinched wires or (4) improper lamps.


There are two common electromagnetic ballast cir-cuits for the two-lamp operation of Slimline lamps:The Lead Lag circuit and the Series Sequence circuit.Electronic ballasts operate the lamps in parallel.

The Lead Lag Slimline Ballast operates one lampindependently of the other. Thus, if one lampbecomes inoperative, the other lamp will still light.There are two legs in the Lead Lag circuit: one leg ofthe circuit is called the lead section and contains aninductive coil and a capacitor in series with the lamp.The other leg just contains an inductive coil and iscalled the lag section. This is how the name "LeadLag" was derived. It is permissible to use Lead LagSlimline Ballasts for starting of Slimline lamps down totemperatures of 0°F and above.

The Series Sequence Slimline Ballast was introducedin order to reduce the size, weight, and cost of theSlimline Ballast. In this circuit, two lamps operate inseries, with the lamps starting in sequence. If onelamp becomes inoperative, the other will not fullylight or light at all. Short lamp life or premature endblackening can be due to (1) low supply voltage, (2)improper lamp-socket contact or (3) mis-wiring ofthe ballast.



To determine starting voltage, lamp must be removedand voltmeter connected between the respective primary and secondary leads of each lamp as designated on ballast label. For series-sequence ballasts, the red lead must be in position while measuring the starting voltage of the remaining lamp.

40 41

F24T12F36T12F40T12/ISF40T17/ISF42T6F48T12F64T6F72T8F72T12F96T8 (200mA)F96T8 (265mA)F96T12



* For Single Lamp, measure voltage between Red & White leads. For Two Lamp (SERIES SEQUENCE), measure voltage between Red & White Insert lamp in Red & White position, then read voltage between Blue & Black. For Two Lamp (Lead Lag), measure voltage between Red & White and Blue & White leads. For Electronic (parallel), measure voltage between Red & Blue leads.

* Starting Voltage


Page 22: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


The open circuit voltage of a Slimline Ballast, in manycases, is great enough to start a lamp with one lampfilament de-activated. This lamp will become extremelyblack at one end and will flicker. If the lamp is notreplaced, the ballast will overheat and eventually fail.

If an Electromagnetic Slimline Ballast is operated withone lamp on and one lamp off, the ballast will experi-ence higher coil temperatures which could result inpremature ballast failures. In cases of short ballast life,check this factor. Electronic Slimline ballasts generallyare not affected by lamp failure.


To measure starting voltage, connect voltmeterbetween the highest reading Red lead and Blue leadwith lamp removed. To measure filament voltage on asingle lamp unit, read voltage between Red-Red andBlue-Blue leads. For two lamp units, read voltagebetween Red-Red, Blue-Blue and Yellow-Yellow leads.

42 43

F14T12F15T8F15T12F20T12F17T8F25T8F25T12F30T12F32T8F40T8F40T10F40T12FC6T9FC8T9FC12T9FC16T9FC8T9 &FC12T9FC12T9 &FC16T9

FilamentVoltage7.5 - 9.07.5 - 9.07.5 - 9.07.5 - 9.03.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.5

3.4 - 4.5

3.4 - 4.5

Single Lamp108108108108140170200150200250200200150180200205

Two Lamp157157157157210260256215300385256256225———



Rapid Start –430 MA.

Lamp Type

Starting Voltage(Minimum @ 50 F)

Series Sequence|Ballast








WhiteLead LagBallast



White Red

Black Blue

Series Sequence|Ballast



White Red

Black Blue

Series Sequence|Ballast



White Red

Black Blue







Page 23: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


NOTE: Electronic ballasts generally provide startingvoltages higher than those listed in the above tables.These open circuit voltages are listed on the ballast’slabel. Filament voltages for electronic and electromag-netic ballasts are the same.


The Rapid Start circuit (described on page 9) eliminates the annoying flicker associated with startingPreheat systems. Rapid Start circuits also simplifymaintenance since no starter is used. The Rapid Startlamp operates on the principle of utilizing a startingvoltage, which is insufficient to start the lamps whilethe cathodes are cold, but is sufficient to start thelamps when the cathodes are heated to maintainemission temperature.

This voltage range between starting cold and startinghot is a very narrow band of voltage, which must beclosely controlled in order to prevent either failure ofthe lamps to start or instant starting of the lamps withcold cathodes, which is detrimental to the lamps.

In order to stay within this range of voltage, it is nec-essary to excite the gas within the lamps by means ofan external voltage, which is applied to the gas withinthe lamps to create ionization. This external excitationis created by means of the capacity that is presentbetween the lamp and the reflector or channel. Inorder to act effectively, the fixture must be connectedto ground and the white lead of the ballast connectedto ground lead of power supply. Thus it is stated onthe label of Rapid Start ballasts "MOUNT LAMPSWITHIN 1/2 INCH (3/4 INCH or 1 INCH) OFGROUNDED METAL REFLECTOR."

The majority of new fluorescent installations today useballasts of the Rapid Start design. High Output (800MA), and Very High Output (1500 MA) lamps are ofthe Rapid Start design.

Refer to the figure on page 47. BLUE-BLUE, YELLOW-YELLOW, RED-RED LEADS are the built-infilament windings which supply a voltage of 3.4 to4.5 volts to the lamp cathodes. If the cathodes arenot properly heated, premature lamp end blackeningwill result.

44 45



50 F85



-20 F140190240290340360—



0 F110155203240283330—



Rapid Start –800 & 1500 MA.

Lamp Type

Starting Voltage (Minimum)Single Lamp Two Lamp Filament

Voltage50 F145195256325395430775465


-20 F225260310365420455—490


3.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.6 - 4.83.4 - 4.5

3.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.53.4 - 4.5

0 F195235290350410445—



Page 24: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


The lack of heating could be due to:1. Improper seating of the lamp within the socket.2. Broken sockets.3. Broken lamp pins.4. Too great of socket spacing.5. Damaged lamp cathode(s).6. Ballast lead wire not properly connected to socket.7. Low supply voltage.8. Inadequate ballast filament voltage.9. Improper wiring.

To determine if there is adequate voltage at the lampcathodes, measure the voltage at the socket termi-nals. The voltage at the sockets should read between3.4 and 4.5 volts. If there is adequate voltage, thelamp end blackening can be due to conditions 1, 2,3, 4, or 5. If the voltage is not adequate, it can bedue to one or more of conditions 6, 7, 8, or 9.

If random starting of Rapid Start lamps is experienced,be sure the fixture is properly grounded. As previouslystated, for completely reliable starting in Rapid Startcircuits it is necessary to have a starting aid.

The starting aid should be an electrically groundedmetal strip at least 1 inch wide and extending the fulllength of the lamp. The lamp should be within 1/2inch of the grounded strip for 40-watt lamps andsmaller (3/4 inch for T8 lamps) and 1 inch for higheroutput lamps.

If, under high humidity conditions, Rapid Start lampsstart slowly or do not start at all although the cath-odes are properly heated, this may be due to dirt onthe lamps which is offsetting the silicon coating onthe lamps, or it may be due entirely to a poor siliconcoating. If it is a new installation (in operation only afew months) which experiences random startingunder high humidity conditions, in most cases it willbe due to low supply voltage or poor silicon coatingon the lamps.

When random starting is experienced under highhumidity conditions in an installation in operation for alonger period of time this is usually due to dirt on thelamps. Wash the lamps in water to remove the dirt.

Sometimes with two lamp Rapid Start series ballastsonly one lamp will light to full brilliance and the otherwill not light. Refer to the figure below. If the lampbetween the Red leads and Yellow leads is lit and theother lamp is out, look for a pinched Yellow lead. If thelamp between the Red and Yellow leads does not lightand the other does, it is probably due to a short withinthe ballast.

46 47







Page 25: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts



This type of ballast starts and operates the lampssimilar to Rapid Start Ballasts, so troubleshootingprocedures are the same as Rapid Start. The onlydifference is the filament heating voltage is eliminatedafter the lamps ignite so the 3.4-4.5 volts specifiedcannot be measured during normal operation.



The same safety precautions must be used when trou-bleshooting, inspecting or maintaining electronic ballast-ed lighting. However, most recently developed PhilipsAdvance electronic ballasts are now controlled by anintegrated circuit. Troubleshooting procedures for theseproducts will be addressed in a separate section.

Often when a fixture appears to be inoperative, thecause can be attributed to these possible items:

Fixture Voltage Supply

Lighting Control Systems


Fixture Wiring


NNOOTTEE:: It is assumed at this point of the trou-bleshooting procedure that input voltage is availableat the fixture. Usually loss of voltage to a fixture willinvolve more than one fixture, however, fixtures innew installations have had components replacedwithout success due to lack of available voltage at

the fixture or the fixture has not been connected inthe junction box.

Lighting control systems are used primarily for energy management and are supplied and installed by inde-pendent installers contracted by the lighting controlsupplier. Philips Advance controllable ballasts can beoperated and tested independent of the control sys-tem and should be independently tested for properoperation without the control system.

It is important to examine all of the components listedabove before randomly replacing any of them. ThisFixture Troubleshooting Guide for electronic ballasts willassist in correcting deficiencies due to lamps, fixturewiring and ballasts. The first two items should havebeen checked or bypassed as suggested in the Note.


CChheecckk ffoorr ffiixxttuurree ssuuppppllyy vvoollttaaggee aanndd ffoorr ffaaiilleeddllaammppss ffiirrsstt..

Instant or rapid start electronic ballasts without inte-grated circuit control, such as the one and two lampREL/VEL/GEL models, will show similar symptoms asmagnetic fluorescent systems. The electronic rapidstart should follow the same charts for magnetic rapidstart fixtures on pages 30 & 31. Make sure that thelamp sockets are rapid start sockets as discussedearlier. Due to the higher starting voltage of instantstart electronic ballasts, it is generally not recommend-ed to measure these voltages in the field.

48 49

Page 26: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


NNOOTTEE:: It is very difficult to accurately measure opencircuit volt due to the combination of high frequencyand higher voltage required to start lamps with electronic ballasts. The presence of the voltage canbe determined but the voltage value will probably notbe accurate when using most portable meters used inthe field. The presence of voltage does indicate theelectronic ballast is operating.

Instant start ballasts can have a single lamp not lit and the remaining lamps all operating. Replacing theindividual lamp should correct the problem. If not,check the wiring and lamp sockets in the fixture toverify that the ballast is connected per the circuit diagram on the ballast label.

If all lamps are out, check the availability of fixture supply voltage and check open circuit voltage, asnoted above, to verify ballast operation. Change theballast if supply voltage is available and there is noopen circuit voltage.



Many electronic ballasts today utilize IntegratedCircuits or IC's. These IC's perform and /or controlmany functions of the ballasts. These IC ballastssometimes are diffcult to troubleshoot in the field sincethey are "smart" and may shut themselves off duringabnormal conditions. Abnormal conditions could be,poor connections between the ballast, lampholder,and lamp or when a lamp reaches its end-of-life. IC

ballasts could be instant start or of the programmed-start type. If a ballast is a "Programmed-Start" type itwill have an IC. Many instant start ballasts today alsoutilize an IC. One way to identify if an instant start bal-lasts utilizes an IC is if it has lamp "EOL" (end-of-lamp-life) protection or is rated "UL Type CC". Also, the ballast label label may indicate that it has an IC

Ballasts operated by integrated circuits are designedto start and control the lamp(s) in a fixture(s) to maximize lamp life and to sense lamp operation. Dueto lamp operation sensing, a defective lamp or lampconnection and/or defective or incorrect fixture wiringwill cause the ballast to shut down (cease to supplyoutput to the lamps) and all lamps connected to thatballast will go out or not start. The integrated circuitdesigns sense for high lamp voltage (sometimescaused by poor lamp pin to lamp socket connection),open filament (cathode) and failure of a lamp to start.Any one or a combination of these conditions willcause a fixture to not operate properly. Because of thesensing circuits special troubleshooting techniquesmust be used, voltage measurement, in most condi-tions, will not determine the problem(s).

50 51

Page 27: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts





Contained in this Guide are wiring diagrams and pro-cedures for evaluating light fixtures using fixed lightoutput, 1, 2, 3, and 4 lamp ballasts. The proceduresare contained in troubleshooting flow charts and fix-ture wiring diagrams.

In general, the flow chart will methodically help deter-mine the cause of fixture malfunction. Just replacinglamps that "appear" to be defective can mask otherpossible problems within the fixture. The quick fix isnot necessarily the right one. Replacing defectivelamps may allow the fixture to operate again for ashort time but will later exhibit the same problem.Defective lamps should be replaced once the prob-lem is corrected. DDOO NNOOTT iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy rreemmoovvee aannyyllaammpp((ss)) ffrroomm tthhee iinnooppeerraattiivvee ffiixxttuurree.. EExxaammiinnaattiioonn oofftthhee eexxiissttiinngg llaammpp((ss)) mmaayy ggiivvee cclluueess ttoo tthhee ccaauussee oofftthhee ffiixxttuurree pprroobblleemm..

All lamps require adequate cathode heating for proper lamp operation and lamp life. If the cathodesare not adequately heated, premature lamp endblackening will result. Inadequate cathode heatingmay be due to:

1. Improper seating of lamps in the lamp sockets

2. Damaged/broken sockets

3. Broken/poorly crimped lamp pins

4. Too great of socket spacing causing poor lamp pin connections

5. Damaged lamp cathode(s)

6. Ballast lead wire not connected at ballast or lampsocket

7. Inadequate ballast filament voltage

8. Improper fixture wiring

Other troubleshooting items to be aware of include:Pinched wires in a fixture and leads that are notsecured to lamp sockets and/or connector terminalson the ballast will eventually lead to ballast failure dueto intermittent arcing.

Poor connections within the system can lead to lamp/ballast failure.

Several particular items that have been found tocause most fixture problems are:

1. Poor lamp pin crimps

2. Wire out of lamp socket(s)

3. Wire out of ballast connector terminal

4. Lamp not seated properly in socket(s)

5. Incorrect fixture wiring at ballast and/or lamp sockets

To take proper electrical measurements, if necessary,high frequency test equipment is required. SSeeee tthhee sseeccttiioonn oonn ppaaggee 2266 rreeggaarrddiinngg hhiigghh ffrreeqquueennccyymmeeaassuurreemmeenntt eeqquuiippmmeenntt..

52 53

Page 28: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


The pages that follow will provide a systematicapproach for troubleshooting most problems thatarise regarding fixtures using ballasts withProgrammed Start technology. FFoorr tthhoossee ssiittuuaattiioonnsswwhheenn tthheessee ddooccuummeennttss ddoo nnoott aassssiisstt iinn ccoorrrreeccttiinnggtthhee pprroobblleemm,, tthhee ffiixxttuurree mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr sshhoouulldd bbee ccoonn--ttaacctteedd ttoo ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh tthhee llaammpp aanndd bbaallllaasstt mmaannuu--ffaaccttuurreerrss ffoorr ffuurrtthheerr aaccttiioonnss..

NNOOTTEE:: Programmed Start Ballasts include lamp end-of-life circuitry. This circuit is included to maxi-mize lamp life when one lamp fails in the circuit. Thefeature enables the ballast to detect when lamps failand safely remove power from the lamps by goinginto a shutdown mode. The ballast also goes into ashutdown mode when it detects lamps not properlyplaced in the sockets. When troubleshooting the cir-cuit, make sure to replace inoperative lamps or makesure lamps are placed properly in the sockets.Programmed Start ballasts also include a re-strikefeature that will restart the lamps after the failed lamphas been replaced. Open circuit voltage cannot bemeasured due to lamp end-of-life circuitry.

54 55

Diag. 138


ProperSupply Voltage

to Ballast?No Correct Voltage



Power WiresSecured @


No Resecure Hot &Common Wires


Ballast isshutdown

Proper WiringAt LampSockets?



Rewire Socket perfigures 1, 2, or 3

and ReplaceLamp(s)

Loose wiringat connector?

No Re-insert wire intothe connector

YesRemove lamps

and reinsert aftermin. 3 seconds

Lamps Start?


Switch WithKnown Good

LampLamps Start? No Replace Defective


Troubleshooting Guide for Field Installations(Chart B)

Lamp OutQuantity?




Bring Lamps toFull Output

All Lamps Out Scenario

Page 29: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts



Contained in this Guide are wiring diagrams anddirections for evaluating light fixtures.

The evaluation procedure is contained in three flowcharts for various situations:

1. Initial fixture construction in the factory (page 60), chart A

2. All lamps out in a fixture after installation in a facility(page 61) chart B

3. Some lamps out in a fixture after installation in afacility (page 62) chart C

Supporting these flow charts are schematic wiringdiagrams:

1. 4-2 Switching (page 63) diagram 1

2. 3-2 Switching (page 63) diagram 2

3. 3-1 Switching (page 64) diagram 3

In general, the flow charts will methodically help todetermine the cause of fixture malfunction. Justreplacing lamps that "appear" to be defective canmask other possible problems within the fixture. Thequick fix is not necessarily the right one. Defectivelamps should be replaced once the problem is corrected. DDOO NNOOTT iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy rreemmoovvee aannyy llaammpp((ss))ffrroomm tthhee iinnooppeerraattiivvee ffiixxttuurree.. EExxaammiinnaattiioonn ooff tthhee eexxiissttiinngg llaammpp((ss)) mmaayy ggiivvee cclluueess ttoo tthhee ccaauussee ooff tthheeffiixxttuurree pprroobblleemm..

This application requires adequate cathode heatingfor proper lamp operation and lamp life. If the cath-odes are not adequately heated, premature lamp endblackening will result. Inadequate cathode heatingmay be due to:

1. Improper seating of the lamp within the socket

2. Damaged/broken sockets

3. Broken/poorly crimped lamp pins

4. Too great of socket spacing causing poor lamp pinconnections

5. Damaged lamp cathode(s)

6. Ballast lead wire not connected at ballast or lampsocket

7. Inadequate ballast filament voltage

8. Improper wiring

Other troubleshooting items to be aware of include:pinched wires in a fixture and leads that are notsecured to lamp sockets and/or connector terminalson the ballast will eventually lead to ballast failure dueto intermittent arcing.

Poor connections within the system can lead to lamp/ballast failure.

56 57

Page 30: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


Several particular items that have been found tocause most fixture problems are:

1. Poor lamp pin crimps

2. Wire out of lamp socket

3. Wire out of ballast connector terminal

4. Lamp not seated properly in socket

5. Incorrect fixture wiring at lamp sockets

To take proper electrical measurements, if necessary,high frequency test equipment is required. SSeeee tthheesseeccttiioonn oonn ppaaggee 2266 rreeggaarrddiinngg hhiigghh ffrreeqquueennccyy mmeeaa--ssuurreemmeenntt eeqquuiippmmeenntt..

The pages that follow will provide a systematicapproach for troubleshooting most problems thatarise regarding fixtures utilizing the 4-lamp T5HO pro-grammed start ballast. FFoorr tthhoossee ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwhheenntthheessee ddooccuummeennttss ddoo nnoott aassssiisstt iinn ccoorrrreeccttiinngg tthheepprroobblleemm,, tthhee ffiixxttuurree mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr sshhoouulldd bbee ccoonnttaacctt--eedd ttoo ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh tthhee llaammpp aanndd bbaallllaasstt mmaannuuffaacc--ttuurreerrss ffoorr ffuurrtthheerr aaccttiioonnss..

NNOOTTEE:: T5/HO Programmed Start Ballasts includelamp end-of-life circuitry. This circuit is included tomaximize lamp life when one lamp fails in the circuit.This feature enables the ballast to detect when lampsfail in the circuit and safely remove power from thelamps by going into a shutdown mode.The ballastalso goes into a shutdown mode when it detectslamps are not properly placed in the sockets. For fourlamp ballasts, when one lamp goes out only its

companion lamp goes out. The other two lampsremain lit. When troubleshooting the circuit, makesure to replace inoperative lamps or make sure lampsare placed properly in the sockets. Programmed Startballasts also include a re-strike feature that will restartthe lamps after the failed lamp has been replaced.OOppeenn cciirrccuuiitt vvoollttaaggee ccaannnnoott bbee mmeeaassuurreedd dduuee ttoollaammppee eenndd--ooff--lliiffee cciirrccuuiittrryy..

58 59

Page 31: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


60 61

Test the ballast

Are all lamps lit? Wiring FineYes


Potential WiringIssue

Compare to"schematic wiring

diag (fig 1, 2, or 3)"

Identify Wiring Issueand Fix

Are all lampslit? Wiring FineYes


DefectiveComponent in

BallastReplace Ballast

Troubleshooting Guide for Factory Installation(Chart A)


Note: Assuming proper input voltage applied


ProperSupply Voltage

to Ballast?No Correct Voltage



Power WiresSecured @


No Resecure Hot &Common Wires


Ballast isshutdown

Proper WiringAt LampSockets?



Rewire Socket perfigures 1, 2, or 3

and ReplaceLamp(s)

Loose wiringat connector?

No Re-insert wire intothe connector

YesRemove lamps

and reinsert aftermin. 3 seconds

Lamps Start?


Switch WithKnown Good

LampLamps Start? No Replace Defective


Troubleshooting Guide for Field Installations(Chart B)

Lamp OutQuantity?




Bring Lamps toFull Output

All Lamps Out Scenario

Page 32: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts


62 63



(Hot) BlackWhite

Grey (-)250V, 1mA

(neutral or any hot)

3-2 Switching


F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp



F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp

F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp



Advance 4 LampT5/HO Ballast




Diagram 2

Which lampsdo not




Proper wiring atRed, Orange, Blue

lamp socket?

Switch controlwire "on"

Is the controllead (grey wire)switched on?

Troubleshooting Guide for Field Installations(Chart C)

Rewire Socketand Replace Lamp

Loose wiringat connector?No

Re-insert wire intothe connectorYes

Remove lampsand reinsert aftermin. 3 seconds

Lamps Start?


Switch WithKnown Good

LampLamps Start? No

Replace DefectiveBallast



Bring Lamps toFull Output

Partial Lamps Out Scenario

Proper wiring ofcontrol lead

(grey wire) atballast?

Red, Orange, Blue Yellow, Blu/Wht, Brown

Fix control lead(grey wire) wiring

at ballastNo


Proper wiring atYellow, Blu/wht,

Brown lampsocket?


No Yes





(Hot) BlackWhite

Grey (-)250V, 1mA

(neutral or any hot)

4-2 Switching


F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp Blue/W




F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp

F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp

F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp



Advance 4 LampT5/HO Ballast


Diagram 1

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64 65


Contained in this Guide are wiring diagram and direc-tions for evaluating Mark 7, T8 4 - Lamp light fixtures.Other Mark 7 controllable ballasts for compact lampsand 1, 2 and 3 lamp ballast configurations operatethe same. However, the wiring diagrams and lampsockets are different. Refer to the Advance Atlas orgo to www.philips/advance.com for the correct wiringdiagrams.

The evaluation procedure is contained in three flowcharts for various situations:

1. Initial fixture construction in the factory - whatmeasures to take (page 69) chart A

2. All lamps out in a fixture after installation in a facility(page 70) chart B

3. Some lamps out in a fixture after installation in a facility (page 71) chart C

Supporting these flow charts are two wiring diagramsand a table for 4-lamp ballasts:

1. Schematic wiring diagram (page 72) figure 1

2. Fixture wiring diagram (page 72) figure 2

3. Mis-wiring table (page 73) Table 1

In general, the flow charts will methodically help todetermine the cause of fixture malfunction. Just replac-ing lamps that "appear" to be defective can maskother possible problems within the fixture. The quick fixis not necessarily the right one. Defective lamps shouldbe replaced once the problem is corrected.



(Hot) BlackWhite

Grey (-)250V, 1mA

(neutral or any hot)

3-1 Switching

F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp



F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp

F54T5/HO, FT55W, FT36/39W, F58T8 Lamp



Advance 4 LampT5/HO Ballast






Diagram 3

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66 67

DDOO NNOOTT iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy rreemmoovvee aannyy llaammpp((ss)) ffrroomm tthheeiinnooppeerraattiivvee ffiixxttuurree.. EExxaammiinnaattiioonn ooff tthhee eexxiissttiinngg llaammpp((ss))mmaayy ggiivvee cclluueess ttoo tthhee ccaauussee ooff tthhee ffiixxttuurree pprroobblleemm..

Lamps in dimming applications require adequatecathode heating throughout the dimming range inorder to operate properly. Too little or too much volt-age to the lamp sockets will decrease lamp life. Forexample, mis-wired lamp sockets might double thecathode heater voltage at the sockets during thedimming mode. This doubling of heater voltage willeventually cause the lamp end to blacken and the fil-ament to fail. If this happens, the lamp may still lightat full light output, but will not light when attemptingto start in the full dim mode. For this reason, whenpossible, troubleshooting should be completed withthe lamps in the full dim mode. The full dim modeputs the lighting system into the worse case scenario.Full dim is achieved by simply connecting the violetand grey wires together. Evaluation of the systemduring this situation will provide for the most benefi-cial results.

If the cathodes are not adequately heated, prematurelamp end blackening will result. The lack of heatingmay be due to:

1. Improper seating of the lamp within the socket

2. Damaged sockets

3. Broken/poorly crimped lamp pins

4. Too great of socket spacing causing poor lamp

pin connections

5. Damaged lamp cathode(s)

6. Ballast lead wire not properly connected at ballast

or lamp socket

7. Inadequate ballast filament voltage

8. Improper wiring

Other troubleshooting items to be aware of include:

When the light output setting is above ~30%, a singlelamp failure will cause all four lamps to shutdown.Conversely, if the light output setting is below ~30%,only the failed lamp will go out. Once the light outputis raised above ~30%, then all the lamps will go out.

Pinched wires in a fixture and leads that are notsecured to lamp sockets and/or connector terminalson the ballast will eventually lead to ballast failure dueto intermittent arcing.

Poor connections within the system can lead tolamp/ballast failure.

Several particular items that have been found tocause most fixture problems are:

1. Poor lamp pin crimps

2. Wire out of lamp socket

3. Wire out of ballast connector terminal

4. Lamp not seated properly in socket

5. Incorrect fixture wiring at lamp sockets

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68 69

To take proper electrical measurements, if necessary,high frequency test equipment is required. SSeeee tthheesseeccttiioonn oonn ppaaggee 2266 rreeggaarrddiinngg hhiigghh ffrreeqquueennccyy mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt eeqquuiippmmeenntt..

The documents that follow will provide a systematicapproach for troubleshoot most problems that ariseregarding fixtures utilizing the 4-lamp dimming ballast.FFoorr tthhoossee ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwhheenn tthheessee ddooccuummeennttss ddoo nnoottaassssiisstt iinn ccoorrrreeccttiinngg tthhee pprroobblleemm,, tthhee ffiixxttuurree mmaannuuffaacc--ttuurreerr sshhoouulldd bbee ccoonnttaacctteedd iinn oorrddeerr ttoo ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthhtthhee llaammpp aanndd bbaallllaasstt mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss ffoorr ffuurrtthheerr aaccttiioonnss..

NNOOTTEE:: Mark 7 controllable ballasts include end oflamp life circuitry. This circuit is included to maximizelamp life when one lamp fails in the circuit. This fea-ture enables the ballast to detect when lamps fail inthe circuit and safely remove power from the lampsby going into a shutdown mode. The ballast alsogoes into a shutdown mode when it detects lampsare not properly place in the sockets. When trou-bleshooting the circuit, make sure to replace inopera-tive lamps or make sure lamps are place properly inthe sockets. These ballasts also include a re-strikefeature that will restart the lamps after the failedlamp(s) has been replaced. OOppeenn cciirrccuuiitt vvoollttaaggee ccaannnnoott bbee mmeeaassuurreedd dduuee ttoo eenndd ooff lliiffee cciirrccuuiittrryy

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70 71

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72 73

Mis-Wiring Table for VZT4S328LLB (Table 1)


100% off normal normal normal Short between Red and Yellow wires or switch of Red and Yellow wires

100% off off normal normal Short between Red and Blue/White wires or switch of Red and Blue/White wires

100% off off off normal Short between Red and Brown wires or switch of Red and Brown wires

100% off off off off Short between Red and Blue wires

100% normal off normal normal Short between Yellow and Blue/White wires

100% normal off off normal Short between Yellow and Brown wires

100% normal off off off Short between Yellow and Blue wires or switch of Yellow and Blue

100% normal normal off normal Short between Blue/White and Brown wires

100% normal normal off off Short between Blue/White and Blue wires or switch of Blue/White and Blue wires

100% normal normal normal off Short between Blue and Brown wires or switch of Blue and Brown wires

5% off normal normal dim Short between Red and Yellow wires

5% off off bright dim Short between Red and Blue/White wires or switch of Red and Blue/White wires

5% off off off bright Short between Red and Brown wires or switch of Red and Brown wires

5% off off off off Short between Red and Blue wires

5% off off off dim Short between Red wire and fixture housing

5% off normal normal dim Switch of Red and Yellow wires

5% dim dim normal bright Short of Yellow filament

5% dim off off off Short between Blue wire and fixture housing

5% dim normal normal normal Short of Red filament

5% dim normal normal bright Red or Yellow filament open

5% dim normal dim dim Switch of Blue/White and Blue wires

5% bright off off off Short between Yellow and Blue wires or switch of Yellow and Blue

5% bright off off dim Short between Yellow wire and fixture housing

5% bright dim dim bright Short of Blue/White filament

5% normal off normal dim Short between Yellow and Blue/White wires

5% normal off off dim Short between Yellow and Brown wires

5% normal off bright bright Short between Blue/White wire and fixture housing

5% normal off off normal Switch of Red and Blue wires

5% normal dim off bright Short between Brown wire and fixture housing

5% normal dim dim normal Switch of Yellow and Brown wires or Blue/White filament open or Blue/White wire not in socket

5% normal bright dim normal Switch of Blue/White and Brown wires

5% normal normal dim dim Short of Brown filament

5% normal normal dim dim Brown filament open or Brown wire not in socket

5% normal normal normal off Short between Blue and Brown wires or switch of Blue and Brown wires

5% normal normal normal dim Short of Blue filament or Blue filament open or Blue wire not in socket

5% normal normal normal bright Short of Yellow filament


Lamp PattenDimlevel

Possible Causes

Blue Red

Page 38: Pocket guide to Flourescent Lamp Ballasts



Ballast Efficiency Factor ................................................................... 13Ballast Factor ................................................................................ 13Ballast Function .............................................................................. 7Ballast Sound ................................................................................ 18Circuits: Instant Start ................................... 9

Preheat ......................................... 8Programmed Start ............................ 8Rapid Start ........................................ 9Slimline Instant Start ........................ 8

Class P Thermal Protection ................................................................. 15Cold Weather Operation ....................................................................... 20Crest Factor ................................................................................... 6EMI/RFI ..................................................................................... 17Fluorescent Lamps ......................................................................... 4Fuse Protection .............................................................................. 16Incandescent Lamps ........................................................................ 4Inoperative Fixture .......................................................................... 28Lamp Cycling ................................................................................ 32Lamp Swirling ............................................................................... 34Lamp Striations ............................................................................. 34Lamps Not Starting ......................................................................... 30Light Output .................................................................................. 5Power Factor ................................................................................. 15Sound Ratings .............................................................................. 19Supply Voltage and Frequency .......................................................... 12Temperature Effects ........................................................................ 20Total Harmonic Distortion ................................................................. 14Troubleshooting: Instant Start ................................... 41

Modified Rapid Start ........................ 48Preheat ........................................ 39Rapid Start .................................... 44Slimline Instant Start ........................ 41


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