pmgsy objectives

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  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives





    June 2013


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    CONTENTSPage No.


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Objectives of PMGSY-II 2



    3. Panning for !ura !oads 3

    ". #unding and $ocation 8

    %. Pro&osas 9

    '. State (eve $gencies 13

    ).Pre&aration of Project Pro&osas and t*eir +earance



    Prograatic !e/uireents

    Scrutin0 of Project Pro&osas



    1. &oered +oittee 2

    11. 4endering of 5or6s 2

    12. Prograe I&eentation 7nits 26

    13. 8ecution of 5or6s 29

    1". Nationa !ura !oads 9eveo&ent $genc0 31

    1%. :uait0 +ontro and Su&ervision of 5or6s 32

    1'. Monitoring 38



    Maintenance of !ura !oads

    !ura !oads Safet0





    1. #o of #unds !2

    2.  $udit !

    21. Misceaneous !8

    22. +onvergence !9


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives





    1.1 !ura !oad +onnectivit0; and its sustained avaiabiit0; is a 6e0

    co&onent of !ura 9eveo&ent as it assures continuing access to

    econoic and socia services and t*ereb0 generates increased agricutura

    incoes and &roductive e&o0ent o&&ortunities. It is aso as a resut; a

    vita ingredient in ensuring sustainabe &overt0 reduction *ic* deands

    sustainabe rura connectivit0 enco&assing a *ig* eve of /uait0 of construction fooed b0 continuous &ost construction aintenance of t*e

    road asset and in fact of t*e entire netor6.

    1.2 5it* t*e objective of &roviding rura connectivit0; Governent of 

    India *ad aunc*ed t*e Prad*an Mantri Gra Sada6 Yojana oever; a dire need to consoidate rura roads netor6 b0 u&gradation of seected 4*roug* !outes and soe Major !ura (in6s

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    aintenance front. 4*is *as ed to erosion of assets created under different

    &rograes and t*e sustainabiit0 of assets created *as not been ensured.

    4*e need for aintenance and consoidation of e8isting rura roads netor6*as been stressed at various fora; suc* as AII #inance +oission; AIII

    #inance +oission; 5or6ing Grou& on !ura !oads for 12 t*  #ive Year 

    Pan. In t*is bac6dro&; t*e need for consoidation of e8isting netor6 as fet

    to ensure t*at it fufis t*e &riar0 objective of connectivit0 aong it*

    obiit0 to t*e e8tent &ossibe for t*e oca counit0 and enabe

    econoica trans&ortation of goods and for services to &rovide better 

    ivei*ood o&&ortunities as a &art of &overt0 reduction strateg0. 4*is is no

    &ro&osed t*roug* a &rograe caed PMGSY-II.

    2#2 O$%&'t()&* + PMGS 5 II4

    PMGSY–II envisages consoidation of t*e e8isting !ura !oad Netor6 to

    i&rove its overa efficienc0 as a &rovider of trans&ortation services for 

    &eo&e; goods and services. It ais to cover u&gradation of e8isting seected

    rura roads based on t*eir econoic &otentia and t*eir roe in faciitatinggrot* of rura ar6et centres and rura *ubs . 9eveo&ent of grot*

    centers and rura *ubs are critica to t*e overa strateg0 of faciitating

    &overt0 aeviation t*roug* creation of rura infrastructure. Grot*

    centresBrura *ubs oud &rovide ar6ets; ban6ing and ot*er service

    faciities enabing to en*ance sef e&o0ent and ivei*ood faciities.

     $ Grot* +entre oud be defined as an area of reative0 in centraiCed

    &o&uation; &roviding rura socio-econoic services not on0 for t*e area butin a Dcatc*entE area it* a radius of severa 6ioeters. It oud genera0

    be a 4-junction of a rura road it* a 4*roug* !oute or a eeting &oint of 

    to rura roads. $ !ura >ub is a arge Grot* +entre; c*aracteriCed b0 t*e

    fact t*at it is connected to ore t*an one 4*roug* road ubs *e& to ensure eas0 access to ra aterias; abour in&uts etc. for off-

    far activities and bring t*e benefits of econoic grot* to t*e rura

    *interand; incuding avaiabiit0 of *ite goods; autoobies etc.


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    4*e seection of routes oud be it* t*e objective of identification of rura

    grot* centers and ot*er critica rura *ubs; rura &aces of i&ortance

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    *ubs; t*e ec*anis of ran6ing oud be based u&on socio-econoicB

    infrastructure variabes and eig*tages t*ereof as sti&uated in A//&r&- 1

    to t*ese Guideines. It oud be necessar0 t*at seection of candidate roads

    is objective0 based on t*e su tota of t*e ar6s of grot* centres *ic*fa on t*at road. N!!9$ a0 sti&uate a et*odoog0 to cacuate an u&&er 

    iit on t*e nuber of suc* candidate roads for eac* boc6Bdistrict to ensure

    broader coverage. ac* district oud t*us &re&are a +o&re*ensive

    7&gradation cu +onsoidation Priorit0 (ists

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    a&&rova of t*e concerned F!!P. It oud be siutaneous0 sent; aong

    it* t*e ist of *ig*er ran6ing grot* centres; a candidate 4*roug*

    routesB Majo r !ura (in6s to t*e Mebers of Pariaent

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    !ura >ub.

    It is notabe t*at a setteent a0 graduate to a grot* ∮ grot* centre

    or grot* &oe or !ura >ub de&ending u&on t*e e8tent of aenities

    avaiabe and t*eir eig*tages as identified in t*e Matri8. 5*en t*e grot*

    score is o itEs a grot* &oint and as t*e score increases to a *ig*er eve

    t*e setteent becoes a grot* center and furt*er a grot* &oe and

    fina0 a !ura >ub.

    4*e candidate roads are to be seected b0 tracing t*e road joining grot*

    &oints and grot* centers eading to *ig*er order grot* centers or *ig*er 

    order roads eading to suc* grot* centers.

    4*e grot* &oints or grot* centres or grot* &oes it* increasing scores

    are notab0 on0 &oints. $s suc* t*eir scores are &oint ise scores.

    >oever; since a road is a ine to be traced joining suc* grot* &ointsB

    centersB &oes; it is i&erative to arrive at ine score. 4*e ine score oud

    be co&uted as t*e cuuative score of t*e rura setteents direct0

    connected b0 t*e candidate road.

    4*ese candidate roads carr0ing different ine scores need to be noraiCed

    for seection of roads to be u&graded subject to P+I and aintenance

    investent. #or t*is &ur&ose; 7tiit0 aue

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    is 3 or ess and *ere t*e average annua aintenance &er 6 over t*e ast

    3 0ears is !s. JJJJJJJJJJJJ or ore.

    It is essentia t*at if a 4*roug* route is being u&graded to t*e *ig*er 

    categor0 road t*at it eads on to; sa0 a Major 9istrict !oad oever; a StateB74 can join; on0 after 1? of t*e neconnectivit0 and ? of u&gradation or6s under PMGSY-I are aarded.

    Fesides; t*ere ust be a coitent for crediting re/uisite instaents of 

    t*e State s*are before reease of corres&onding instaents of t*e centra

    s*are is ade. Maintenance and !enea of PMGSY-I roads as &er 

    PMGSY guideines is aso a &rere/uisite. 4*e &rograe i focus on

    u&gradation of 4*roug* routes and Major !ura (in6s

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    Fefore ta6ing t*e PMGSY-II &rojects it i need to be certified t*at a M9!s

    and 4*roug* routes and ateast %? of (in6 routes under 9!!P; are under 

    area based KFatc* MaintenanceL and a coitent b0 t*e State to &rovide

    t*e re/uisite funds oud be an essentia re/uireent to &artici&ate in t*e&rograe.

    7nder PMGSY-II; t*e target engt* &ro&osed for u&gradation oud be ta6en

    as 2%? of t*e PMGSY-I u&gradation per se target for eac* State and 74 in

    t*e countr0.

    4*e aocation of fund for PMGSY-II oud be it*in 1%-2? of t*e annua

    PMGSY budget of Ministr0 of !ura 9eveo&ent during t*e 4eft* &an; so

    as to ade/uate0 focus on PMGSY-I &rojects as e.

    4*oug* PMGSY-I is 1? centra0 funded &rograe; PMGSY-II is on

    cost s*aring basis beteen +entre and StatesB 74s. 4*e &ro&ortion of 

    s*aring oud be as foos.

    Nora $reas - )%? +entre and 2%? StateB 74

    S&ecia $reas suc* as >i States

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    !egister in t*e fooing foratH



    + r+a.






    Na& +





     &ar +


     &ar + 



  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    counicated in riting to Mebers of Pariaent it* reasons for non-incusion

    in eac* case.

    %." 4*e ist of road or6s to be ta6en u& under t*e PMGSY-II i befinaised eac* 0ear b0 t*e 9istrict Panc*a0at fro t*e u&dated +7+P( in

    accordance it* t*e $ocation of #unds eant for PMGSY-II counicated to

    t*e 9istrict. 4*e 9istrict Panc*a0at s*a finaise t*e ist t*roug* a consutative

    &rocess invoving oer eve Panc*a0ati institutions and eected re&resentatives.

    It ust be ensured t*at t*e &ro&osed road or6s are &art of t*e u&dated


    %.% 4*e $nnua &ro&osas i be based on t*e +7+P( fooing t*e Order of Priorit0 oever; it is &ossibe t*at t*ere are

    inadvertent errors or oissions; &articuar0 in t*e seection of 4*roug* routes.

     $ccording0 it is desirabe to aso associate &ubic re&resentatives *ie

    finaiCing t*e seection of road or6s in t*e annua &ro&osas. 4*e &ro&osas of 

    t*e Mebers of Pariaent are re/uired to be given fu consideration; for t*is


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    Organisation B !ura 5or6s 9e&artent B ia Paris*ad B Panc*a0ati !aj

    ngineering 9e&artent etc. *o *ave been in e8istence for a arge nuber of 

    0ears and *ave t*e necessar0 e8&erience; e8&ertise and an&oer. In States

    *ere ore t*an one 8ecuting $genc0 *as been identified b0 t*e StateGovernent for PMGSY-I; t*e State Governent i *ave to designate on0

    one of t*e for t*e State for t*e &ur&ose of PMGSY-II. 4*e 8ecuting $genc0

    i *ave a Pr+7ra& I;0&&/tat(+/ U/(t

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    '." 4*e State (eve Standing +oittee eat*; ducation and 4rans&ort . 4*e State 4ec*nica $gencies and

    State Inforatics Officer

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    4*e 8ecuting $genc0 and Prograe I&eentation 7nits

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    )." 5*ie coencing it* t*e &re&aration of t*e 9P!; t*e PI7 i *od a

    consutation it* t*e oca counit0 t*roug* t*e ec*anis of t*e Gra

    Panc*a0at in order to deterine t*e ost suitabe aignent; sort out issues of 

    and avaiabiit0

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    designed &referab0 as a +eent !oad or it* Paved Stones;

    besides being &rovided it* side drains. $&&ro&riate side drains

    and cross drainage i be &rovided; so t*at i&ro&er drainage

    does not daage t*e road or t*e deings aongside.

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    ). 4*e detaied estiates i be based on t*e State Sc*edue of !ates

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    &rovisions for PMGSY-I and PMGSY-II and !I9#

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    draings. S4$s oud scrutiniCe t*e &rojects on-ine and i recoend t*e

    &rojects on-ine itsef. S4$s a0 aso give rear6s; if an0 on t*e &ro&osa. P4$s

    oud furt*er securitiCe ateast 1 ? of t*e S4$ scrutiniCed &ro&osas on sa&e

    basis. 4*e &rojects recoended b0 S4$sBP4$s oud be t*en forarded to

    N!!9$ for scrutin0 and t*ereafter t*e &rojects; if found eigibe; oud be

    subitted before t*e &oered +oittee for consideration.


    5*ie cearing t*e &rojects of PMGSY-II; t*e &oered +oittee oud ado&t

    t*e sae &rocedure as t*at of PMGSY-I. >oever; it oud ensure t*at t*e

    StatesB74s are fu0 co&ied it* t*e re/uireents of Onine Monitoring

    Manageent and $ccounting S0ste #inancia $dviser

     $dviser; Panning +oission Meber 

    9irector; +!!I Meber  

    +; Ministr0 of !oad 4rans&ort and >ig*a0s Meber 

    S; Forder Manageent; M>$ Meber  

    oint Secretar0

    !e&resentatives of t*e State Governent oud be s&ecia invitees.


    11.1 4*e &rocureent of or6s under PMGSY-II oud be 1? t*roug* e-


    11.2 $fter t*e &roject &ro&osas *ave been ceared and 4ec*nica Sanction *as


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    been accorded; t*e 8ecuting $genc0 oud invite tenders. 4*e e-estabis*ed

    &rocedure for tendering; t*roug* co&etitive bidding; oud be fooed for a

    &rojects. $ t*e &rojects scrutinised b0 t*e S4$ and ceared b0 t*e Ministr0; i be

    tendered as suc*; and no c*anges s*a be ade in t*e or6 it*out t*e &rior a&&rova of t*e N!!9$. 4*e States i foo t*e Standard Fidding 9ocuent

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    12.1 $t t*e 9istrict eve; t*e Prograe oud be co-ordinated; and

    i&eented t*roug* a dedicated Pr+7ra& I;0&&/tat(+/ U/(t oever; t*e

    adinistrative and trave e8&enses of PI7s and S!!9$ costs i be et to t*e

    fooing e8tent; it* t*e State Governent bearing an0 additiona costsH

    Excluding cost of procurement of computer hardwares and laboratory equipment 

    #or t*is &ur&oseH

    oever; e8&enditure on &urc*ase of ve*ices; &a0entof saaries ages and &urc*ase or construction of buidings is not&erissibe.

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    13.2 5it* t*e above sc*edue and considering )% da0s as t*e average

    tendering tie; a ceared or6s s*oud be abe to be re&orted as co&eted at

    t*e end of 1%t* ont* fro cearance b0 t*e Ministr0. 4*e eigibiit0 for reease of 

    second instaent of a subse/uent 0earsE ceared or6s i be deterinedaccording0

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives



    1%.1 nsuring t*e /uait0 of t*e road or6s is t*e res&onsibiit0 of t*e State

    Governents; *o are i&eenting t*e Prograe :uait0 s*a be ensured in

    reation to bot* construction and aintenance. 4o t*is end; a or6s i be

    effective0 su&ervised. 4*e N!!9$ i issue genera guideines on :uait0

    +ontro and &rescribe a :uait0 +ontro >andboo6 to reguate t*e /uait0 contro

    &rocess at or6s eve. :uait0 +ontro !egisters containing t*e resuts of tests

    &rescribed in t*e :uait0 +ontro >andboo6 s*a invariab0 be aintained for eac*

    of t*e road or6s. $ site :uait0 +ontro (aborator0 i be set u& b0 t*e

    +ontractor for eac* &ac6age. Pa0ents s*a not be ade to t*e +ontractor 

    uness t*e (aborator0 *as been du0 set u& and e/ui&&ed; /uait0 contro tests are

    reguar0 conducted; recorded and *ave been found to be successfu. 4*e

    Standard Fidding 9ocuent

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  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    or6s under t*e Prograe. 4*ese &ersons a0 be designated as Nationa

    :uait0 Monitors

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    tender notices; ebsites; etc.= as t*e aut*orit0 e&oered to

    receive co&aints.

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    onitoring Guideines. $n aount u&to .%? of t*e ceared &roject cost s*a be

    reeased to t*e S!!9$ for t*e &ur&ose; as a &ro&ortion of t*e &rograe fund

    reeased. 4*e funds s*a be credited to t*e $dinistrative #und $ccount of t*e


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    4*e t*ree tier ec*anis of /uait0 anageent ado&ted in t*e i&eentation

    of PMGSY-I a0 be used in PMGSY-II to t*e e8tent t*e0 JJJJJ to t*ese

    guideines. >oever since t*ere is a t*rust in PMGSY-II; on !9 and use of 

    innovative tec*noogies; ore rigorous /uait0 contro anageent is necessar0.

    It is e&*asiCed t*at in t*e /uait0 anageent of PMGSY-II or6s; /uait0

    assurance; /uait0 contro and /uait0 audit; oud be strict0 fooed.

    In PMGSY-I t*e re&orts of second and t*ird tier /uait0 contro officers; after t*eir 

    ins&ection are u&oaded on to t*e OMM$S for faciitating verification and

    onitoring onine. In PMGSY-II; /uait0 tests of 6e0 &araeters i be ade

    onine even for t*e first tier; t*e baance being 6e&t at t*e PI7 eve.

    4*e i&eentation of &rojects under PMGSY-II i be onitored t*roug*

    !egiona !evie Meetings; &oered +oittee Meetings; &eriodic re&orts

    on OMM$S etc. 4*e eb based OMM$S oud be transaction based

    anageent s0ste in order to onitor t*e &rojects on continuous basis.

    OMM$S oud a6e a &a&eress anageent &rograe; and reguar 

    u&dation of OMM$S data b0 t*e i&eenting agenc0 oud be t*e &re-

    re/uisite for *oding &oered +oittee Meeting as it oud &a0 as a

    decision su&&ort s0ste.

    N!!9$ i issue detaied guideines on &rocedures re/uired to ove

    into &a&eress anageent of t*e &rograe.


    1'.1 ffective onitoring of t*e Prograe being critica; t*e State Governents

    i ensure t*at t*e officias are &ro&t in sending t*e re/uisite re&orts B


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    inforation to t*e S!!9$ as e as t*e N!!9$. 4*e On-ine Manageent;

    Monitoring and $ccounting S0ste ardare and

    Softare as e as t*e Internet connectivit0. 4*e Softare for t*e OMM$S

    deveo&ed b0 t*e N!!9$ s*a not be odified at an0 eve in t*e States@ an0

    re/uireent or suggestion for c*ange s*a be intiated to t*e N!!9$.

    1'.2 4*e State Governent oud &rovide necessar0 an&oer; s&ace and

    faciities to set u& t*e +o&uter >ardare at t*e 9istrict and State (eve. Since

    t*e data oud reside on t*e State Servers; t*e State eve $genc0 ust ensure

    t*at t*e State Server is functiona a 2" *ours.

    1'.3 It s*a be t*e res&onsibiit0 of t*e 8ecutive ngineer B >ead of t*e PI7 to

    ensure effective u&-tie and Internet connectivit0 of t*e co&uters at t*e PI7 B

    9istrict eve. >e s*a be res&onsibe for ensuring &aceent of a Master data

    incuding t*e !ura !oads Pan in t*e database and for t*e constant u&dating and

    accurac0 of data reating to t*e &rogress of road or6s; record of :uait0 contro

    tests as e as t*e &a0ents ade. Princi&a Secretar0 B Secretar0 In-+*arge of 

    PMGSY s*a aso ensure reguar u&dating of data on OMM$S. In case of 

    continued faiure to u&date data on t*e OMM$S; furt*er reeases to t*e State B

    district concerned oud be adverse0 affected.

    1'." ac* State Governent oud identif0 one officer of sufficient seniorit0 and

    *aving ade/uate 6noedge of Inforation 4ec*noog0 to function as State I4

    Noda Officer. >is function i be to oversee t*e reguarit0 and accurac0 of t*e

    data being furnis*ed b0 t*e 9istricts. 4*e I4 Noda Officer; *o s*a for &art of 

    t*e S!!9$; s*a aso be res&onsibe to oversee t*e u&6ee& of t*e >ardare and

    Softare as e as t*e co&uter training re/uireents of t*e &ersonne deaing

    it* t*e PMGSY-II.


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    1'.% 4*e 9istrict igiance Monitoring +oittee set u& b0 t*e Ministr0 i

    aso onitor t*e &rogress and e8ercise vigiance in res&ect of PMGSY-II.


    1).1 PMGSY is a *uge centra investent in t*e State sector as &art of a

    &overt0 reduction strateg0. 4*is investent in essentia0 t*e Dast ieE

    connectivit0 is i6e0 to be usefu on0 if t*e ain rura road netor6; &articuar0

    t*e rura +ore Netor6 is aintained in good condition. In t*e conte8t of a far to

    ar6et connectivit0; &ro&er aintenance is essentia if ris6s of ong ter

    investents; on-far as e as off-far; are to be ta6en b0 t*e rura

    entre&reneur. $ccording0; t*e &utting in &ace of institutiona easures to ensure

    s0steatic aintenance and &roviding ade/uate funding for aintenance of t*e

    rura core netor6; &articuar0 t*e 4*roug* !outes; i be 6e0 to t*e continuance

    of t*e PMGSY &rograe in t*e State. 4o t*is end; State Governents i ta6e

    ste&s to buid u& ca&acit0 in t*e 9istrict Panc*a0ats and s*a endeavour to

    devove t*e funds and functionaries onto t*ese Panc*a0ats in order to be abe to

    anage aintenance contracts for rura roads.

    1).2 $ PMGSY-II roads

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    &aced under ona aintenance contracts consisting of %-0ear aintenance

    incuding renea as &er c0ce. 4*e State Governent i a6e t*e necessar0

    budget &rovision and &ace t*e funds to service t*e Cona aintenance contracts

    at t*e dis&osa of t*e S!!9$ in t*e Maintenance #und $ccount.

    1)." $ big t*rust i be t*e ca&acit0 creation in t*e 9istrict eve P!Is for 

    aintenance. 4*e goa i be to ensure t*at b0 t*e end of t*e &rograe; a

    Fatc* Maintenance +ontracts are aarded and aintained b0 t*e districts

    Panc*a0ati !aj Institutions

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    it* N!!9$. In t*e ig*t of t*e fact t*at t*e 12t* and 13t* #inance +oissions;

    *ie aarding funds for road aintenance; *ad coented on t*e need for t*e

    aintenance anageent of !ura !oads; It is necessar0 no to &ro&er0

    account for aintenance e8&enditure. $ccording0 a road ise aintenanceaccounts odue s*a be estabis*ed on OMM$S for onitoring; aintenance

    anageent onine; based on a scientific Maintenance Manageent S0ste

    ig*a0s. $t t*e State eve; t*e State :uait0

    +oordinator at State eve and t*e >ead of t*e 9PI7 at 9istrict eve s*a be

    tas6ed b0 t*e State Governents to coordinate it* t*e State Governents road

    safet0 ec*aniss and &rograes; in &articuar t*roug* ebers*i& of t*e

    State !oad Safet0 +ounci and 9istrict !oad Safet0 +oittees res&ective0

    created as &er &rovision of Section 21% of t*e Motor e*ices $ct; 1,,

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    &oered +oittee aong it* t*e road &ro&osas.

    Since PMGSY-II covers i&ortant 4*roug* routes and Major !ura (in6s e8&ected

    to carr0 *ig* voue of traffic; traffic safet0 s*a be ensured t*roug* traffic safet0

    audit at t*e design stage; during i&eentation and after co&etion of t*e

    &roject. S&ecia attention is re/uired in correcting geoetrica deficiencies of od

    roads *ie &re&aring t*e detaied &roject re&ort. 4*e traffic safet0 audit is to be

    carried out b0 trained &ersonne eit*er fro P4$sBS4$s or ot*er agencies i6e


    N!!9$ i issue a detaied Guideines on !oad Safet0 in t*e !ura !oads

    Netor6 *ic* s*a incude &rovisions for buiding u& of road user counities to

    su&&ort aintenance and safet0 interventions.



    19# FLO" OF FUNDS

    1.1 4*e cost of t*e &roject i incude cost of construction

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    &receding t*at 0ear and fufient of ot*er re/uisite conditions if 

    an0 sti&uated *ie reeasing t*e &revious instaent.

    1.3 +entra s*are for eac* instaent i be reeased subject to t*e

    condition t*at State Governent *as first credited its s*are in t*e Fan6 account

    of t*e S!!9$.

    1." 4*e interest accrued on t*e funds de&osited in t*e ban6s as e as

    aount received toards i/uidated daages if an0; are Misceaneous recei&ts

    s*a aso counts toards reease of #unds.

    1.% !eease of $dinistrative 8&enses fund i.e. 2 ? of +entra s*are of t*e

    u&gradation construction cost oud be reeased aong it* eac* instaent of 

    Prograe fund t*roug* a different sanction etter for accounting

    &ur&oses.1.' 5or6s ceared and not aarded b0 t*e tie of t*e second

    instaent oud be deeed as a&sed and funds reeased in res&ect of un

    aarded or6s i be adjusted against t*e furt*er reeases b0 t*e res&ective

    Governent. 5*ere a or6 is decared Dunsatisfactor0E on co&etion; t*e

    aount s*a be refunded b0 t*e State Governent into t*e &rograe

    account and s*a be counted toards Davaiabe fundsE.

    1.) In order to onitor t*e s*aring of fund beteen +entra and State for 

    PMGSY II i.e. u&gradation of roads se&arate *ead of account for recei&t and

    e8&enditure in t*e c*art of accounts s*a be o&ened in t*e e8isting Prograe

    #und $ccount of PMGSY-I.1., #unds received fro t*e Mo!9 and State

    ;and reeases to PI7s s*a be s*on under se&arate *ead of accounts to be

    o&ened in t*e c*art of accounts.

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    2# AUDIT2.1 4*e S!!9$ i ensure t*at t*e accounts are audited b0 a +*artered

     $ccountant seected fro a &ane a&&roved b0 t*e +$G; it*in si8 ont*s of

    t*e cose of t*e financia 0ear. 4*is account i be su&&orted b0 a stateent of 

    reconciiation it* t*e accounts of PI7s and a certificate of t*e +*artered

     $ccountant on its accurac0.

    2.2 In addition to t*e $udit b0 t*e +*artered $ccountant; t*e or6s under t*is

    Prograe oud be subject to audit b0 t*e Office of t*e +o&troer and $uditor 

    Genera of India

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0

    State !rogramme

    Fund eceived.

    for up gradation

    of !"GS#$%%

    oad (&ormalarea)

    'an ccount

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0

    State !rogramme

    Fund eceived

    for up gradation

    of !"GS#$%%

    oad (Specialarea)

    'an ccount

    (iv). 'an ut*orisation issued to


    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    issued to !%+



    Fund issued to

    !%+ for up

    gradation of 

    !"GS#$%% oad(&ormal area)

    (iv) 'an ut*orisation issued

    to !%+

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    issued to !%+



    Fund issued to

    !%+ for up

    gradation of  

    !"GS#$%% oad(Specail area)

    En&!e+ !n &he -$$.+ $% PIU

    (v) ,n receipt of 'an  

    aut*orisation for Central

    !rogramme Fund for 

    normal area.

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    Fund received - !%+ From

    S/ for up

    gradation of 

    !"GS#$%% oad

    (&ormal area)



    ccount !%+

    (v) ,n receipt of 'an  

    aut*orisation for Central

    !rogramme Fund for Special area.

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    Fund received

     - !%+ FromS/ for up

    gradation of 

    !"GS#$%% oad

    (Special area)



    ccount !%+

    (iv) ,n receipt of 'an  

    aut*orisation for State

    !rogramme Fund for 

    normal area.

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    Fund received

     - !%+ From

    S/ for up

    gradation of 

    !"GS#$%% oad

    (&ormal area)



    ccount !%+

    (vi) ,n receipt of 'an  

    aut*orisation for State

    !rogramme Fund for 

    Special area.

    /e0!& Hea0 De-!& Hea0



    Fund received

     - !%+ From

    S/ for up

    gradation of 

    !"GS#$%% oad

    (Special area)



    ccount !%+


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    1. $ se&arate *ead of account for e8&enditure i.e. - K7& gradation of 

    PMGSY-II !oadsL s*a be o&ened under *ic* to sub *ead

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives



    Growth centres are habitations which have a high population, high level of 

    educational facilities, good health service facilities, good agricultural produce

    markets (mandis), are well served by buses, railways, are already electrified, have

    retail shops selling agricultural inputs and items of daily consumption and postal


    A system of marking shall be developed giving weightage as under:


    A. $%$&'A#!% (as per *++ ensus) -/-

    A score of + for each -* population sub0ectto a ma1imum of /*


    2. 3&A#!%A' 4A!'!#!5

    (5core of the highest category)


    $rimary 5chool

    7iddle 5chool

    "igh 5chool

    $re&niversity ourse ($&),8 +*9



    3egree ollege






    C. 73!A' 4A!'!#!5

    (5core of the highest category)


    5ub entre 8 A7 entre

    $rimary "ealth entre ($")

    ommunity "ealth entre (") 8 2edded

    "ospital (and referral for $" patients)



    3. 4A!'!#!5 -

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives


    $ost#elegraph %ffice, $%8 2ank8=egional

    =ural 2anks

    %ne diesel 8petrol authori?ed outlet

    Additional Authori?ed 3iesel %utlet +

    lectric 5ub station ++ @

  • 8/9/2019 PMGSY Objectives
