plays be stars at the leading capital theaters this …18 the washington times. sunday, march...

18 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SUNDAY, MARCH 8,' 1914. Plays to Be STARS AT THE LEADING CAPITAL THEATERS THIS WEEK COLUMBIA AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Here Next Week Mh Johnston Forbes-Robcrt.o- n, wh' makes his farewell "Washington appear- ance at the Belasco Theater next weeij with his wife. Gertrude Elliott, and Lon- don company in repertoire. Is essentially a natural actor. Y.'hether it is Ham-Je- t. Dick Heldar, la "The LWit That d." Mark Brobtiry. in Sirs. Ry-lej- 's Old World tomedj. "Mice ano Men." or the Ken'le stranger In "Pass- ing of the Third Floor Back,'' it Is no. a stage puppet dallying on wires that presents itself to the audience. It is i-a- snd withal a most numah man During his Ions and busy career this actor has Dlaved manv parts, has pio-duc- manv nlavs. but it can always be Mid of him that he "nothing common or mean." And though it is to be regretted that he has decided to leave us while he &tills remains the greatest c aF,icaI actor of his d:w, cs George Hernard Shaw has describe. I him, we cannot deny that he earned his retire- ment. Korbcs-Robertson- 's program for his Pwltivelv last visit to Washington U open with "Hamlet" on Monday nlgnt. Hamlet" will be repeated at the IVed- - iirHiav matinee and on Saturday night. "The Licht That Failed." a dramatiza- tion of Kipling's novel, will be played on Tuesday and Friday nights, and 'Passing of the Third Floor Back Wednesday night and Saturday after- noon "Mice and Men'1 nil have Its only performance on Thursday night. The seat sale opens tomorrow morning at the box office. . Gertrude Elliott (Lady Forbes-Rob-etison- ), the charming American, will bo seen in all the leading feminine idea. All local lovers of Dickens will have a w P 8tore for them next week at .c uiumDia inoairr. when lom- - lemss and an excellent company of Dickens' Associate Piajers, and all .ciiKiisn aciors, appear in a repertoire adapted from the works of this famous author. The transfer of the work of Charles Dickens to Ihe stage, has been often uieu on ooxn sides ot tne Atlantic, and. " a ruie, me resu-- t nas been disap pointing. There is such a wealth of detail to all the stories of the greatest of English novelists, that even the best piaywngnts have found it difficult to compress into reasonable length the best features of the various stories which run through each of his great novels, uowever, Mr. Ternss Has been happy in his adaptations, and has made it possible to present two complete productions in one evening. His repertoire for Washington in cludes "A Christmas Caro.,' "Fagin the Jew." ("Oliver Twist"); "The Cricket On the Hearth." and "Nicholas "ickle- - by. The usual Thursday and Satur day matinees will be given. The National Theater will have as Its attraction next week a new comedy, "The Dummy." by Harvey J. O'Higgins and Harriet Ford, who won conspicuous theatrical distinction recentlv by their detective play. "The Argyle Case." Their latest effort also deals with de- tectives and "shady" people, but with a distinctively comedy treatment, end ex- citing situations and thrills are blended with humor. The play is in four arts, and fhtf lUvnM rfl lnlH In Vddt Vrtrb- - and In the Catsklll mountains. A note-- 1 worthy company has been engaged fori the production. It includes, among UU.CIC, AUd DttJCr, J3.KMVU AlKCUCUl, Joyce Fair, a talented child actress; Joseph Brennen, as the detective; Ed- ward Ellis, Ernest Truex, as the "boy;" Joseph Tuohy, Frank Connor, John X. "Whreler. Nicholas Judels, Arthur E. Hohl, and other well-kno- actors. "Stop Thief," a farce In threo acts, written by Carlyle Moore, will be re- lived next week by the Poli Players. The storv of the comedy deals with kleptomania. There are two klepto- maniacs and a real crook in "Stop Thlof." One of the kleptomaniacs Is a millionaire, and th other is his pros-ject."- ke bon-in-la- The bride-to-- b 1 'iow s that her father iias a mania for rtealing. but she Is Ignorant of the fact that her future husband is similarly afflicted. Into this remarkable house- hold a real thief Is smuggled by a new maid. As a result of a series of baffling rcys-te-i- es that occur in de first act. a bat- talion of policemen appear in the second j-t- . in which thrill follows thrill in tuick succession. The remarkable dis- appearance of various valuably articles and the frantic search for the culprits provide the numerous irresistibly funny incidents of the story. The play had a long run at the Gaiety Theater in New York last season. Its revival next week at Poll's Theater will Le its first pretentatlon in stoclc ' Arcadia." the latest B. A. noire, spectacular musical succesB, with a 'ast t,f eleven noted vocal and artists, an elaborate ycenle rt'Iuctlon. staged by Lewis Hooper, tnd under the personal direction pf the popular vauderille impresario, will ,e chief among the features at B. F Keith's Theater next week. Joseph Howard and Mabel McCan '' song writer and petite comedi- enne, will be next in prominence in their new series of melodies by Mr. Howard with patter and badinage. r,other offering will be "The Bov With the Funny Hat," Ed Wynri. vith a company of three funmakers, 'n a new travestv. "The King's Jes- ter, a George Ade farce. "SnentMni- - i Father" dealing with the winning' r a parent'8 consent' to matrimony, i i ue given ov Milton Pollock, with Trohmar.. and a company "" "" Mil Keiths one. n famous ".ly alliance, Jl in triple 'Ions. Sam Rice, the comedian, will fcten at me Theater next Miner'h u"-- ' me enicle for the Big Frolic umpHny liorman nf any oi ueorge onan s successful mas- terpieces. Is refponsible for this pro-- d Dave Marion wrote its books and tho music is made jp of late soiik hits of the day. Tho first act of lcklc" thows the home Fritz setting re- plete with grounds, and with lenty of room for a Miner to dance and sing The first scene in the nc finwb Prof. school and the second tceno Miows the town hall. Friday country store will be contlnued. For next week an attractlvo program is in store for the ot t r at Crandall's Theater. 1 the successful presentation of ful. plays exactly as plajed in the legi- timate the famous drama. X'-- i ill be given entire. A f Aldrich's famous ltook "Judith of Bethulla," is a four-uu- ri lilorauh feature. Germinal, or the Toll of L..bor." is a d to a graphic story of a great Inbor Mrike and the harrowing experl- - M-- e of a man and woman ;ntonl)ed in a mine. This h a Pathc in tic i rt A of Jnck most successful lxok "The Sea v. olf" rich In shrilling leaturesr. will Vi ie i:lven in four reels. Others to 'h urecented are "Jess," in four tiartfc. v luring Constance Crawley uul Maude, ln Rider Hagpard'5 gre'it of love anS "Tli n ilion Kobbery,'' an Anex feature in reels: "A Soul's Tetcjiest," said to be a drama in pints. j2suannM&losBP39nnnnnnnnu&Bnnnnr r Jf,r& " J& Xv'annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnV. NaV. L? aa & .TannaBiannaaaaaaVBnnr'''' ? :JBnLZannnnaBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnV!?4. ; 'BBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV7nasnCskJVS. 1 " f -- -' A ; v -- ' '" - )a- - I l1,'jv'i'i " ;$ naf'.JsnvsswiP!snTar ' ' .sanraR ? v " JkR mx lW- - e f:"' r- -'m .flBvKAH a'A iwiHi :. -- f- M' r,3M(Wl ilHMy 4w sill i i ii ii x; l iFv!,liri'r-.vv-- r' ' -- ?v f r; -- vs- i B vr m jrdK. !ua . i.Yr--r;!- ' :, -- ,.Av.x'?::iv'--- ,'- - v,BMPHL:;t-'ji- i "mmiMii l -- 3& im?x&xiwkMz&mt2mii ivnsivy i?r a crk m&5Hws&ffy' VsBxJF,' Pleasure Seekers." Ltw Fields 1 VCPK? VkCSsJXVN j- - and Marcus Loew's productim. 7VT4TTn7VAT NS2?5X rQjNON"' to the Belasco Theater tomorrow nlsht -- Coaooc - POLFS "Kindling," the three-ac- t drama by Charles in Margaret starred last year and the season before, will be revived tomorrow n uht by the Poll Players. The play tells a stori' of life in the tenements of New- - York. It voices the plea of wretched women for a wholesome atmosphere KEITH'S nmoier "chucw ShSw" dtir.i' Polalre-Richards- 1 ppe,aoVSn P,S5U'erttlX "mivuw'ith6 dramatization dramatization psychological WiZZMZKJ ti'Si-ViW;' &zz- - J"UU.?B interpre- tative Hayward-Stufffi- nl Antony Cleopatra. prpoiitnt'ons matinees Wednesday, Friday company people, includes twelve They Hugh Gilbert. Montgomery added skaters, pearing in Iao Europe. garnet" a bandU - which their chtdren be born, of the chorus of 100 girls, widw who is as !eutl-u:r.- 'jl :is - It deals, specillcally, the of e..dvoil to ecu , tB pwtUau ou the who becomes a AICi UULUJJl UAUH UULf IICLW tU IO.I I.UU11VU in I s ., been In the big of play, far biggest production tectlves arrest a young wife fir the Fields has ever mad' Edsar Smltli theft diamonds, she piakes a the book and rj. Ray the passionate defenie of a crime in which music. The piece is described as a she g'ories, audience a melodious jratherinj of of conditions prises and a veritable carnival of enter-an- d Is brought face to faco tho rolled into one." greatest that confronts the The story of play is woven around governments cities. . I two who take lliclr Schultz, the young wlfo tho I tcmers a Europe, fctory. is of the most Interesting and themselves stranded in Paris. The appealing invented a effects represent the ball room modern playwright. is a woman of the Rltz-Carlto- n. New York, In spite of breeding l cabaret in progress; the three-ti- er decks and of education. Her fierce love enormous at sen; her unborn child Is almost enm na- - i Monte Carlo. Mor.iz. Switzerland. I in its savage qualities, but it glories the of Puna, and a great woman. Auditors of her cenuncia- - modiste a siiop. .1 ne scene in tlon of tlie people who are responsible for wretched life in tenements readily understand why she see no wrong in the crime she committed. In- deed, when the detectives arrest hor for theft, it is impossible for even the most law-abidi- theatergoer to escape tho conviction that the common punishment for crimes does not fit certain The play is a that is not easily and which is a spur to the omb of actors. Jt will ofter to the Poll Players a num- ber of bis, fine roles. Mis? Frances Neilson. as the wife in the play, ana Richard Buhler, as tho yojng stevedore husband, will have best I characters in the now famous story will be Interpreted Dudlej Hawle.-- , Frank Stan'ey James, WiU'am D. Corlvtt, Cec I Bowser. Miss Oertrude Bondhlll. Mi."s Helen Tracy, Miss Louise Kent and Miss Haze) May. rtVneri , Jtviv i w .Un, ln Polnt of COht number of artists r . , concrned. t;ie at B. F. 'Lain . , TJV i?tc aler ll"s week a remarkable "OvVr RivV- r- e.0 Tllp P" attraction will be Gertrude ner nnT ui,u C,huk n,el?" ' Hoffman, late of the Hoftman-- a 8t'S I and a tecrets. ' attraction iTen the" forty '. S I "ot-- b! "roadway .players., many . of w ekdavs. are reminln ntf: I l"F. mnaving i.een wun ner Daffydll Uaety "Mixed lnInutei; james nroducer jction. lyrics, while 'Mixed Dills, clubhouse, tvplcal horus e;onl Whackem's The ni'lit unusuillv fo'lowers "movies" ollowing "Madame Thomas Bailey 5ofded nKnee war: three X&S' tsis "The which Kenyon which "iny trip with Shannon, alliance which created furore In the 12 theater?. There will twelve bcenes dividing the action and interpola tions company, tixty-pl- x " "-- In new show. w11' ? running time of the i of a be l.on-iloti- 'i. a be spectacle which, as a matter fact, will quite and sartonally elaborate and diversified as Miss Hoff- man's feature in the previous produc- tion. She Introduce dances. fr-a- h mimicry of the latest stars, and other novel and sensa- tional effects. Tho extra added attraction v. ill be Dane Claudius and Lillian Scarlet in "The Call of the a musical reminiscence of the times, with the folk-tong- s, patriotic ballads, and other melodies of the Wi, America's jumping they ucnee sensation year in New Other supporting i.oveltics will the piqunnte little com- edy. "The Devil Outwitted John and Winnie Helming? as "Kill Kouple;" bi others in I'athe weekly review, the recitals, and the wo dally dansantes weekdays and I'oMtlvcly this city of the Klelne-1'Ine.- s "Antony I.. mo.n picture will given noon in and this evening .it S:JS til tho Columbia Theater. George Kline's (limn the romantic side of has been attraction four montl.s a week engagement, with and Saturday. The has and the cast the Tamous of stars that were seen with "Hanky Panky" last year. are Max Rogers, Eobby North, Harry Cooper, Cameron, Clay Smith. Vera Michelena. Myrtle Flo May, Virginia Evans. Sally Daly and and Moore. An at- traction is' tho Naeascs, Europe's fa mous Ice who have Iwc ap-- capitals of I from and, of Lew Melds In hs to a and rich Into has ivith stout. one woman thief that life. vl as King of Mountains' Pleastir Sek..rH is raid to he, i and has often referred to zs tho scene when by that Lev of and wrote Uoctz an hears ter- - "brilliant sur-rif- lc indictment with tainments problem of drummers, Maggie of on to llnd one characters by scenic She at a fine Instincts, her lack of Imporator St. live boulevards the can cases. story forgotten, t'ons they t and ..;..-- : The will be $3.'J0o the inc. by the Ed Ar- -' by of be scenlcallv new Sixties." war organ Cleopatra" aft present 157 de- - cus- - the mountains of Alps repreacniing ice carnival at St. Morltt is to ti ore of the mou: remarkable and rcnlintlc .:- - produced in musi- cal comedy. Th: stags Is with lcj upon which th- - Vacssivs perform scuar.i:onal teats of ditn : ' .lit Vl. Naoshes ha ; -n des-rlb-cd uf Pavlowa and Mordkln of New songo golor am ki '." to a:h fiiriiiakers. f.ti'i n dances. GAYETY The Gay New Yorkers Company, with Will Fox and Harry Stewart the leading comedians, como to layety Theater this week ln a two-a- ct musical burlesque entertainment adapteil from French and entitled "Who Arc Yoj, Madame?" Practically all of musle of this farce is original, and written by Harry Von Tilzer Don Roth is tho author of book and lyrics. ThiE plav It built on lines of a legiti- mate musical comedy, and has more of a plot than is usually found in a burlesque. Act 1 the Interior of a Selgcl-Coopi- r department store in New Vorlc Two Hebrew merchants. Fox and Stewart, are tne proprietors, and their troubles with a mysterious woman lead thp.m into so many dif- ficulties that they arc forced to go to Paris to regain their health. James J. Lake, who acts a3 a foil all of their unique comedy methods. Is seen In role of a department store manager. A feature of the performance on Friday night will lie country store. This feature given with great success tho first time lust Friday night, and will bo repeated everv Friday night the remainder of the season, o.v.-i-.- n .... - . are g'vcn away, from ledsteads to bread. Ml be CRANDALL'S Another special stellar feature will be Today at Crandall's Theater Rodman Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, t,h.w the man who was made famous loremosi. exponents oi society uanee?. t)V the Singer Building, who will be seen in motion pictures of ,ne Rrooklyn Hi dge, and going up into the "Castle walk and others of their ti,e. a skyrocket, be on famous conceptions. Tlie. films arc the ,,le .rCen In "The Dare Devil Rescue." first successful ones or in- - hind evr Diamond Maker." a thrilllnc taken, and have proved the of the stellar and be the company In :'- - the Kure the Dare athletic surprises, the the last in o suid Iks this 3 o'clock the StUl J. the for for the the the overnl tli? the Ice. if w the the the was the the shows for the the was for for air will The dra- - m;.. and good comedies make up the remu nder of the program. For Monday and Tuesday, Helen Gard- ner will be Hecn In the rollicking farce comedy in three juris. "The Girl .i Hole in Her Stocking," written by Charles GankUl Wednesday "Tim Black 1.1," a thrill- ing .vttry filled with startling and adventures, will bo shown. As a Fequcl to "On tho Track of the Spider Gang." this Is one the best thier-le- el stories ever released by the Apex l':lm Company. Thursdav and Frldav, riou'lman Blind. ' In live parlr. featuring VI1poii Barret tind an ;ill-st- cast, will be the principal picture Tills la om nf the greatest of Kngliiih dianuts Sa'urdaj. "The for the Rubies," an edfode In the of Nat B'nkerton, a great detective, and other good Dliuto- - If!, will 'be hown. A company of 100, including an orches- tra of thirty-seve- n and flfty-fb- ur young chorus girls, will present "Maids of Athens" at the National this week. Henry W. Savage has gathered a com- petent coterie of players interpret the operetta which was written by Franz Lehar and Victor Leon, the men who made "The Merry Widow" nino years ago. is first operetta they have written together since then. Caroiyn Wells, who furnished the English dialogue and lyrics, has a won- - der.i.! iit of vmk. li.-.-i- !a'd the scenes In Greece and the action tnkes .",- -, course. pi nice corpuien American mav igction she case kno'vn "Tho the the the the but the for the the the old effects t'.e as lire tho "Merry Widow's" big sister. The cast inc udes Miss Berenice Mcshon, In the prima donna role; Miss Lelle Hughes, who played the role of Phllen In "My Little Friend," and Nadine in "The Chocolate Soldier;" James Harrod, Ar- thur Wooley and other comedians. There are nineteen musical numbers ln tho play and they range from a sim- ple, delicious little song to a sublime symphony. COSMOS A typical Scotch act whose charm Is said lo be alluring will bo presented at the Cosmos Theater this week by tho Eleven Merrie Macs, braw Scotch lad- dies and bonnlo lassies, who w.ll pre- sent a revue of tho songs of their na-- t ve land. Its dances and pastimes, with incidental humor. The ait has made Eon cthing of a sensation In vaudeville this season, and the press , criticisms where t has been bhown tpeuk highly of It. "The volcanic comedienne," Alice Hai son, is billed for a sensat onal of- fering of four comedy song hits, with costumes to match, as one of the spe- cially big numbers of the bill. An exhibition of marvelous hcad-to-hea- u balancing and unusual acrobatics !s promised for the Daily Brothers; a laughable bit of grotesqucrle fur Cole and Rogers, "the suffragette and the voter;" pretty songs and clover dances "frr the Wheeler S ster?. a team with a reputation, and "Just a Girl. th sketch by Walker and III. which made such a nig hit with Cohnios patrons last reason. The Pathc motion pictures of big events of recent occurrence throughout the world and a number of photoplays will complete the bill. Keith's Sunday Concerts. The prima dotrvs, Mario and Mary McFarland; Minnie Dupree and com-- ! pany; Kate JSllnnre and Sam Williams, Marshall P. Wilder. Nick's Roller Skat- ing Ballet. Emily Darrell and Charley Conwuy, Hal and Francis, the two Torn Boy Girls, and other permanent and attractive features will compose the bill at the cmcerts to bo given at 3 and p. m., ut B. F. Keith's The- ater today. Cosmos Concerts. Suppe's overture. "J'iriue Dame," Llncke's "Melsternlnger von Berlin' . fmrl C?jflaa 11 ffe1Cf t'Caarh'lt.l. It manner of nrljM I m .'? """"'" ?, xv ending to from in pipe With I.. or Kaec to This March" are leading numbers in thi. ex- ceptional orchestral program that will bo offered in the Sunday concerts of the Cosmos Theater from 3 to 10:30 p. m. today. Other selections Include De KuVen'H "Algerians." Drrila's "Serenade." Ciemleux ,s "Love's Last Word, ' Von 1 ".Ion's " i D'Am-our,- " Obiern's tango Argentine, "Uc-fctacl- ," "Anitia's Dance" from Greig's "Poor Gvnt Suite," .mil llolzmnn's vals Boston, "'Mrst Love," nnd other j attractive veiettions in aiiaitlnn all the atrnctioiis of the Comiios Theater during the past vvtcl. will appear. Baumgardt Lecture. B. R. Biumgaidt hail nut been on the stage .if the Itel.iseo Th. atei fifteen J minutes Ihsi n't 'it iiefoi" the1 audience r "lizcd Ii. tin- - mini before t hem a raielv gifldl j . i .niialitv A man of unusual iiinmii :.i riving e.-l- ir .msIoii mil) in. i.i nl I.. i,,Iith -- n.l niii-ti- e Illld ill the llet ,. i bt.lll.-i- itiHjilon by 'lis pouii to cliarni, or (hi 111 alike in puetrv or pi--i.i'- i, nnd with equal in tin Ion,. ' - .nf all men. In nil honest t liaun- - ii.!t Is the uian-liuirv- .ill". n- - 'lonlghL In 1 111 . '..,1. .f Inn series at tin l'i'!:i- - The ' i l.l.s ja.b-le- ct lielng "Vi nice I'll i lit nf "ire.-iniT-- It It", u fu. eilialm viiin, . i . nl i,ivI has it been .l.uulle.I an v i as nj Ii Haumgaiiit The let t ire U ll.i.traeil with 122 rental kuble k- - , rxeeliUil III wttr color, which elvc not only a 2alU ful portrayal to the Venice of today, but also of Venice at the height of her glory. AMUSEMENTS MAT55!rTiin IllVllVllALiWidntsbavaidSatiriav rni voaBi-jOsv-Tf-- a 'aCaaaaKaf'fitH. vST aaiaaaa"j!l aaMaaaaayfro MAT., 4:30 P.M. Tleketn, .O, K.OU, ?l..10, l.0O, 75o, treet. In nnnderx UN DAY 15 SU T.S ?i'.oo, fi.oo tS.OV. TUE 4:30 P. MCH. With a parted couple willing to while a Jaw court miles away has divorced them, and the man, struck with tho happy thought of getting a justice of the peace to retle the matri- monial knot, that they may pass the night in a roadside Inn, only to mako the additional discovery that the law- - has said that the man cannot marry again. Edgar Sclwvn has worked out a I play In three acts which he calls "Near- ly Married." and which will be present-Je- d at the Columbia Theater all this week. A joung couple, whose domestic has been disturbed by a meddling Drotner, are on the verge or a divorce, applied for by the young wife. They meet in the reception room of a fash- ionable hotel and. through the wife's jealousy and the husbands devotion, a reconciliation i effected. Jofull they declrtul to elope on a post-nupti- al honey moon leaving ln the lurch a party Of menus timing in the same hotel, the brother of the wife aild a woman, new in American farces, "a profession who has been engaged to dine with the husband in order to give grounds for a divorce. The happy hus- band and wlfo itart in a motor car to his country home e, only a lit- tle previous to a te'ephor.e tressage that the court .has granted an Interlocu- tory decreo of forbidding the husband to marry again In the State of New York. Pandemonium breaks loose among the friends of the pair when they discover the couple have eloped for parts un- known, und it Is the chase, discovery and events ithat occur before the tangle is straightened out. that make tho unusual situations ln "Nearly Married." The same oast that presentc' the play there will be seen In the piece at the National Thaatvr Bruce McRae heads the comoany, which also Inc'udes Jane Crey, Ruth Shepley, Mabel Acker, Rosamond Harris, Phoebe Bates. Mark Smith. John Westley, William Phlnney. Harry Loralne, Delmar E. Clark, Schuy- ler Ladd, and others. There' will be matinees Thursday and Saturday. CASINO genuine hand of artistlS Russian singers and dancers, the famous Boris Fridkln Troupe, will appear at tho Casta? Theater this week with their splendid offering of Russian terpsl-chore- an specialties, gorgeous cos- tumes, delightful music and scenic accessories. The '"act is one of the big features of . the past season's vaudeville of the better class, and comes highly praised In the advance notices. The Conroy-L- e Malre Players, a clever band of farceurs, viir present their laughable playlet. "A King for a Night."" which Is described as a veritable "scream." The Pepper Twins will be seen in a novel offering combining songs, dances. musical specialties, and kaleldescoplc costume changes. Al Wild, who Is said to be as funny as he Is fat. will sing comical parodies and give an amusing exhibition of mimicry, whilo P'Alglon will give a sensational exhibition of feats in mid- air on tho horizontal Added night attractions Include the surprise party tomorrow, the country store Tncsday nnd Wednesday, the prize dancing contests Thursday, and the amateurs In their own specialties rriday. Today Sunday concerts will be given 'continuously from 3 to 10:30 p. m., anJ feature last week's attractions with an exceptionally high class or- chestral program. AMUSEMENTS week I Only theater in Washington oftcrlDg exclusively American and foreign stars of tint nunc J W so A Hm-y' Je off AffiRRTT WIDOWS BIG SISTER MAIDS THENS frodveer f Tfc Merry SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Fascinating, Alluring, Glorious Girls NEXT WliEK-tt- ..,. "Y'-- , Seats Thursday A NKW COMEDY, "THE DUMMY" By 1IARVKV O'HIGGI.NS and HARRIET FORD, Author of "The Araryle Cane." A Great Cnnt Ada Dirjer, Helen .Macbeth. Joyce Fair. Jos. Brenaan, Kdtvard UIIIm, i;rnet Troex, Frank Connor, J. W. AMieeler, Arthur E. Hohl, Mckolan Judrla, Ac. 3:15 25c 50c I of 1 m.r.u, I M"'1! .'.. .Tm. m vuiau.a & Sta at T. IIIISII .March I'rli-ea- , S2.H0, $1.00. f2.1 EVE., ALEXANDRE GREAT PLAY THE THREE E wLjJ'ML THURS., TODAY MUSKETEERS LMENDORF EASTERN "DELIGHTFUL HOURS OF TRAVEL" fob, 75, $1 For All hectares T4US- - DhilharmoniP I hoclcty New ork nTlorkll ORCHESTRA U jman'o. Eve.8:30 MARCH Iloxrs, divorce ladder. WTrfoWw'Swi" 8:15 25c 50c DUMAS' t Alma Gluck Soprano Smith'H, 1.T27 1" V. I., ltadclirfr l'reneiitu In Knaemble Program MARIE RAPPOLD i'SV,"."- - pc7o. OTTILIE METZGER SISSU GEORGE SHEFFIELD ZZl:J:LT"n THF.OnnRP. HAPnKnW Harltoncol . w Vlenn newcrvtlonii at .New .National Theatre. HMme.GAOSKl &OWG RECITAL nl ppenrnnre In Waahlngtiin (his xcnmin nlr of Nratn Tnmiirrinv .Morning at Droop'x, Kllb and t. fur JOHN McCOMACK ti;.mhi, l'rida, 'M, ICO. Z...0, 50, .00. Soloist Arthur .Vunlch. Berlin. dvnni-- c Opena ai.SO, Boxes, ra '"- - &LASC0 8ALLERY,25c Every performance SIlINGTONlS PLWMOUSfcBLUTTIFlJL .THT.TTorTions Lew Fields ud Btatraa Loew's Massive, Xswleal TRIP AROITND THE BPBaaaaa OF LAUGHTER HAnlr Kdear SsAtk. by William WIIscb. 100 lew Fields Girl Ben titles In DazallaK Costumes cm of DREAMS ONuemtram of X. Ftmi Far HmOu M.Y. later Gi Merry, WHIM. WORLD aRRRRRM 9 A u w,l i : a JRRRRLI RRRRRRRRRRRRjR Stased RRRRRRRRRRRRRb- - Y. BRaa of X. Winter Garden. Hippodrome, FLWSIAKERS, INCLUDING MAX ROGERS, BOBBY SOIITH, HARRY COOPER. HUGH CAMEROV, CLAY S3IITH, fas!e P.M. BRRRaw RRRRi Voestlla MICHELENA, VIRGINIA EVANM. FLO (m.) MONTGOMERY MOORE (Florence) TO Tomorrow KIsht and all Week. Prices, 50c to tl. Wed. Mat, So to n. Res. Bat Mat. to n.a. a Fas Frolic A -- " I! A l,r JRI W m Rjl Rr m f ' Y - 137 , A asle kr Rar Gsets. Saeetal Effects Latest U0B oa Extra THE N'AESSES. From Enroae. AUDIENCE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE OX THE STAGE Tang DaRcfas After Friday Matfaee Perfanaaaee lONIuNT Venice Hoaeatr the Marvel Amoar Sabllme Pictured la Color. I March 29. I Mat. Mar. 30. 1 April Ii With the Stars AT EM THE PUBLIC. MR'. D. R. had not been on the stage of the Belasco TheateH flrteea mlnutpa last Sunflar evening before tne audience .realized in tne man Be- fore tnem rarely sifted nrOnal.t a nun of unusual mazneCsm. gtvlnK one moment to mirth and music, and in the next acallnc every human emotion 'by his power-to-char- or thr 11 alike in poetry or panlon, and with eqral ease In the tonsuear of I alt mea. In all honesty. BAUMGARDT Is man-mar:- el among He brings to us through scene end story tne world of yes-crfa- y and today. How human mind In the fcr.'ef span of a single lifetime could 'Compass such a wealth of world-wid- e knowledge, embracing History and Science. Painting and Sculpture. Drama and Music. Politics and Power. Language and Literature. Nature and Art. almost pisses belief; yet this modest man seem su- preme master of all topics, classy, and masses, who sit under the spell of tlu many-side- d genius all echo this single opinion. L. STODDARD TATLOR. NEXT WEEK OS1F SEAT SALE PRICES, 8 TO Mc with Mon.. Sat. e,e.. Wed. n. HAMLET Wed. eve.. FU)QR BA(X Tucs., FrL eve. ..LIGHT THAT FAILED Thurs MICE AND MEN- - SELWTX'S Farioaaly Farce , The Orlsjiaal Cant aad Production Direct Freaa Foar at tta . Gaiety Theater, Xew York, aad Three Sf oaths, at Coaam'a Grand Opera Chicago. Here-'- a a Play That Is Indorsed by the Dost Worry Clab. It It Doat Make Yoa Lanh Never Mind Seeing; a Doctor, You're Past All Hose. KEXT WEK Sf Snl, ftH A. Iff. The Eminent English Actor, And His Company. Including "A Christmas Carol, the Jew" I Oliver Twi:t) Cities." WHOLE PKwmflooNnsstMBbATAtxiines at WITH BAU UHILI MYRTLE DALY, Earopes Daoelas; tetarerB. Sceaerr NAPJUON 'BACMQARDT TOMORROW FAREWELL GERT1.CDE ELLIOT) PROGRAMME Sgggfc ftfctff&ft? and. Sat. and BRUCE McRAE and TOM TERRBS TODAY At3P..M. Tonight 8S" THE """tnuaisiwm7 TbsPbRRRRw vi OllUrUV OUI1UHI WINNIE MATS, GILBERT, IVIGAKDT FORBES-ROBERTSON- 'S WASfflNCTOySLEADtfrGTHEATEl ALL THIS WEEK Matinees Than. Another Cohan Harris SncceM Nearly Married with TfaJhSaaaay. Notable Dramatisations Charles Oickins' GREATEST NOVELS Cricket on Hearth." "Faain. Nicholas Nlckelby," Tale Last Time GEO. KLcJ-.E'- S LATEST SENSATIOlf ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA Greater Thai "QUO VADIS" fcy Saae Fir MEXICO Wednesday Friday mnniliM At 43 M.Xh.U M.MM. Bescrreel eats ABOUT Vs5iiS By TENNYSON NEELY Over 200 Colored Views from Actual Photographs, among which are: Americans murdered as spies In Juarez, bodies of Americans belnc buried to conceal tho means of death, German and his wife murdered, hanging three torelencrs, disgrace being: greater than shooting: ex- ecution by shoot ng- three' Villa's officers, an American robbed and murdered, woundfd soldiers, no medicine nor surgeons: Villa capturlnfr OJlnaga 4,500 federals retreating- across the Rio Grande, officers burn trie dead on tne Dattieneia, -- oj aeaa ounea in one grave. fliil V 2:15 P.M. 3:03 P- - 8:15 P.M. 8:15 The nenlua o( Innovation la seT "The of Two F. of oeing P.M. MAT.25c,cVE. 25to7Se The Star In American Vanderille GERTRUDE D'erS.'it HOFFMAN IX THE PIIUMIEKK OF 1IEH MAMMOTH NEW MUSICAI. RETTsb 12 Scenes Players 66 Minutes' Length A C!nv, Cllttt-rlni;- , Coricrona Cele or "oqkn Dances. Imltatlsas, TmTestlaa Xoieltle. Forming the Laraieat Coatllest Finest Stellar Featnxa. lJXTIl ADDED VTTHACTIOX EXTRA A Mulcal r.emlnlscence Awakoiilng 01J Memories and Touching Lonr-Stllle- d Chotdi DANE CLAUDIUS and LILLIAN SCARLET rriscntlr.s In Its Washinston Premier The!" PatrlotlcArscInatinglnstruinental Ni The Ki'Ik Songs "THC Al.l. THE SIXTIES"' The War Ballads. Tho "Danco Craze" Orators m- - VxRNON MRS. EUKA.. House, Greatest 40 CASTLE In liraulile Motion l'l.-tu- .Mnwlnt; "TIi, alK &c JOHN & hEHNINGS '11k A '"Kill Kare Koupl" Pulhe Wceklj Itclew Top. Se Artknr VERA SALLY Seasa- - Ice- - I the lecJireri.- - the Fumay Moataa The the and Positively ing HEltn and and OP The Cotnedy Hit KiYsVlHD-STIFFOR- D CO First Here In Their Semi-CUss- Ia "THE DEVIL OL'TWITTED" A Uuel of Wits With Satan THE DARE MOTHERS Thrilling Teats of Fearlessness Pipe Organ Recitals. Dansaatea After Shawm. TODAY- -2 CONCERTS j:?g ALL HUT WEEK'S NITS 1. v

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Here NextWeek

Mh Johnston Forbes-Robcrt.o- n, wh'makes his farewell "Washington appear-ance at the Belasco Theater next weeijwith his wife. Gertrude Elliott, and Lon-don company in repertoire. Is essentiallya natural actor. Y.'hether it is Ham-Je- t.

Dick Heldar, la "The LWit Thatd." Mark Brobtiry. in Sirs. Ry-lej- 's

Old World tomedj. "Mice anoMen." or the Ken'le stranger In "Pass-ing of the Third Floor Back,'' it Is no.a stage puppet dallying on wires thatpresents itself to the audience. It is

i-a- snd withal a most numah manDuring his Ions and busy career thisactor has Dlaved manv parts, has pio-duc-

manv nlavs. but it can always beMid of him that he "nothing commonor mean." And though it is to beregretted that he has decided to leaveus while he &tills remains the greatestc aF,icaI actor of his d:w, cs GeorgeHernard Shaw has describe. I him, wecannot deny that he earned his retire-ment.

Korbcs-Robertson- 's program for hisPwltivelv last visit to Washington Uopen with "Hamlet" on Monday nlgnt.Hamlet" will be repeated at the IVed- -

iirHiav matinee and on Saturday night."The Licht That Failed." a dramatiza-

tion of Kipling's novel, will be playedon Tuesday and Friday nights, and'Passing of the Third Floor BackWednesday night and Saturday after-noon "Mice and Men'1 nil have Itsonly performance on Thursday night.The seat sale opens tomorrow morningat the box office. .

Gertrude Elliott (Lady Forbes-Rob-etison- ),

the charming American,will bo seen in all the leading feminineidea.

All local lovers of Dickens will have aw P 8tore for them next week at.c uiumDia inoairr. when lom- -

lemss and an excellent company ofDickens' Associate Piajers, and all.ciiKiisn aciors, appear in a repertoireadapted from the works of this famousauthor.

The transfer of the work of CharlesDickens to Ihe stage, has been oftenuieu on ooxn sides ot tne Atlantic, and." a ruie, me resu-- t nas been disappointing. There is such a wealth ofdetail to all the stories of the greatestof English novelists, that even the bestpiaywngnts have found it difficult tocompress into reasonable length thebest features of the various storieswhich run through each of his greatnovels, uowever, Mr. Ternss Has beenhappy in his adaptations, and has madeit possible to present two completeproductions in one evening.

His repertoire for Washington includes "A Christmas Caro.,' "Fagin theJew." ("Oliver Twist"); "The CricketOn the Hearth." and "Nicholas "ickle--by. The usual Thursday and Saturday matinees will be given.

The National Theater will have as Itsattraction next week a new comedy,"The Dummy." by Harvey J. O'Higginsand Harriet Ford, who won conspicuoustheatrical distinction recentlv by theirdetective play. "The Argyle Case."Their latest effort also deals with de-tectives and "shady" people, but with adistinctively comedy treatment, end ex-citing situations and thrills are blendedwith humor. The play is in four arts,and fhtf lUvnM rfl lnlH In Vddt Vrtrb--

and In the Catsklll mountains. A note-- 1worthy company has been engaged forithe production. It includes, amongUU.CIC, AUd DttJCr, J3.KMVU AlKCUCUl,Joyce Fair, a talented child actress;Joseph Brennen, as the detective; Ed-ward Ellis, Ernest Truex, as the "boy;"Joseph Tuohy, Frank Connor, John X."Whreler. Nicholas Judels, Arthur E.Hohl, and other well-kno- actors.

"Stop Thief," a farce In threo acts,written by Carlyle Moore, will be re-lived next week by the Poli Players.The storv of the comedy deals withkleptomania. There are two klepto-maniacs and a real crook in "StopThlof." One of the kleptomaniacs Is amillionaire, and th other is his pros-ject."- ke

bon-in-la- The bride-to-- b

1 'iow s that her father iias a mania forrtealing. but she Is Ignorant of thefact that her future husband is similarlyafflicted. Into this remarkable house-hold a real thief Is smuggled by a newmaid.

As a result of a series of baffling rcys-te-i- es

that occur in de first act. a bat-talion of policemen appear in the secondj-t- . in which thrill follows thrill intuick succession. The remarkable dis-appearance of various valuably articlesand the frantic search for the culpritsprovide the numerous irresistibly funnyincidents of the story.

The play had a long run at the GaietyTheater in New York last season. Itsrevival next week at Poll's Theater willLe its first pretentatlon in stoclc

' Arcadia." the latest B. A. noire,spectacular musical succesB, with a'ast t,f eleven noted vocal andartists, an elaborate ycenlert'Iuctlon. staged by Lewis Hooper,

tnd under the personal direction pfthe popular vauderille impresario,will ,e chief among the features atB. F Keith's Theater next week.Joseph Howard and Mabel McCan'' song writer and petite comedi-enne, will be next in prominence intheir new series of melodies by Mr.Howard with patter and badinage.r,other offering will be "The BovWith the Funny Hat," Ed Wynri.vith a company of three funmakers,'n a new travestv. "The King's Jes-ter, a George Ade farce. "SnentMni- -i Father" dealing with the winning'r a parent'8 consent' to matrimony, i

i ue given ov Milton Pollock,with Trohmar.. and a company

"" "" Mil Keithsone.


".ly alliance,

Jlin triple


Sam Rice, the comedian, willfcten at me Theater next

Miner'h u"--'me enicle for the Big Frolic

umpHny liorman nfany oi ueorge onan s successful mas-terpieces. Is refponsible for this pro-- d

Dave Marion wrote its booksand tho music is madejp of late soiik hits of the day.

Tho first act of lcklc" thowsthe home Fritz setting re-plete with grounds, and withlenty of room for a Miner

to dance and sing The firstscene in the nc finwb and the second tceno

Miows the town hall.Friday country store will be


For next week an attractlvoprogram is in store for the ott r at Crandall's Theater.1 the successful presentation offul. plays exactly as plajed in the legi-timate the famous drama. X'-- i

ill be given entire. Af Aldrich's famous

ltook "Judith of Bethulla," is a four-uu- ri

lilorauh feature.Germinal, or the Toll of L..bor." is

a d to a graphic story of a greatInbor Mrike and the harrowing experl- -

M-- e of a man and woman ;ntonl)ed ina mine. This h a Pathc in tic

i rt A of Jnckmost successful lxok "The Sea

v. olf" rich In shrilling leaturesr. willVi ie i:lven in four reels. Others to

'h urecented are "Jess," in four tiartfc.v luring Constance Crawley uul

Maude, ln Rider Hagpard'5 gre'itof love anS "Tlin ilion Kobbery,'' an Anex feature in

reels: "A Soul's Tetcjiest," saidto be a drama inpints.

j2suannM&losBP39nnnnnnnnu&Bnnnnr r Jf,r& " J& Xv'annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnV. NaV. L? aa & .TannaBiannaaaaaaVBnnr'''' ?

:JBnLZannnnaBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnV!?4. ; 'BBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV7nasnCskJVS. 1 "f -- -' A ; v -- '

'" - )a- - I l1,'jv'i'i " ;$ naf'.JsnvsswiP!snTar ' ' .sanraR ? v " JkR

mx lW- - e f:"' r--'m

.flBvKAH a'A iwiHi :. --f- M' r,3M(Wl ilHMy 4w sill

i i ii ii x; l iFv!,liri'r-.vv-- r' ' -- ?v f r; --vs- i B vr mjrdK. !ua . i.Yr--r;!- ' :, -- ,.Av.x'?::iv'--- ,'-- v,BMPHL:;t-'ji- i

"mmiMii l -- 3& im?x&xiwkMz&mt2mii

ivnsivy i?r a crk m&5Hws&ffy'VsBxJF,' Pleasure Seekers." Ltw Fields 1 VCPK?VkCSsJXVN j- - and Marcus Loew's productim. 7VT4TTn7VAT NS2?5X

rQjNON"' to the Belasco Theater tomorrow nlsht

-- Coaooc -

POLFS"Kindling," the three-ac- t drama by

Charles in Margaretstarred last year and the season

before, will be revived tomorrow n uhtby the Poll Players. The play tells astori' of life in the tenements of New--

York. It voices the plea of wretchedwomen for a wholesome atmosphere


nmoier "chucw

ShSw" dtir.i' Polalre-Richards-

1ppe,aoVSn P,S5U'erttlX "mivuw'ith6









Hayward-Stufffi- nl

Antony Cleopatra.prpoiitnt'ons

matineesWednesday, Friday

company people,includes



Montgomery added

skaters,pearing in Iao Europe. garnet" a bandU-

which their chtdren be born, of the chorus of 100 girls, widw who is as !eutl-u:r.- 'jl :is -

It deals, specillcally, the of e..dvoil to ecu , tB pwtUau ou thewho becomes aAICi UULUJJl UAUH UULf IICLW tU IO.I I.UU11VUin I


.,beenIn the big of play, far biggest production

tectlves arrest a young wife fir the Fields has ever mad' Edsar Smltlitheft diamonds, she piakes a the book and rj. Ray thepassionate defenie of a crime in which music. The piece is described as ashe g'ories, audience a melodious jratherinj of

of conditions prises and a veritable carnival of enter-an- dIs brought face to faco tho rolled into one."

greatest that confronts the The story of play is woven aroundgovernments cities. . I two who take lliclr

Schultz, the young wlfo tho I tcmers a Europe,fctory. is of the most Interesting and themselves stranded in Paris. Theappealing invented a effects represent the ball roommodern playwright. is a woman of the Rltz-Carlto- n. New York,

In spite of breeding l cabaret in progress; the three-ti- er decksand of education. Her fierce love enormous at sen;

her unborn child Is almost enm na-- i Monte Carlo. Mor.iz. Switzerland.I in its savage qualities, but it glories the of Puna, and a great

woman. Auditors of her cenuncia- - modiste a siiop. .1 ne scene intlon of tlie people who are responsiblefor wretched life in tenementsreadily understand why she see nowrong in the crime she committed. In-deed, when the detectives arrest hor fortheft, it is impossible for even the mostlaw-abidi- theatergoer to escape thoconviction that the common punishmentfor crimes does not fit certain

The play is a that is not easilyand which is a spur to the

omb of actors.Jt will ofter to the Poll Players a num-

ber of bis, fine roles. Mis? FrancesNeilson. as the wife in the play, anaRichard Buhler, as tho yojng stevedorehusband, will have best I

characters in the now famous story willbe Interpreted Dudlej Hawle.-- ,Frank Stan'ey James, WiU'amD. Corlvtt, Cec I Bowser. Miss OertrudeBondhlll. Mi."s Helen Tracy, Miss LouiseKent and Miss Haze) May.

rtVneri , Jtviv i w .Un, ln Polnt of COht number of artistsr . , concrned. t;ie at B. F.'Lain . , TJV i?tc aler ll"s week a remarkable

"OvVr RivV- r- e.0 Tllp P" attraction will be Gertrudener nnT ui,u C,huk n,el?" ' Hoffman, late of the Hoftman-- a

8t'S I and atecrets. ' attraction iTenthe" forty'. S I "ot-- b! "roadway .players., many

. ofw ekdavs. are reminln ntf: I l"F. mnaving i.een wun ner


"Mixed lnInutei;

james nroducer

jction.lyrics, while





The ni'lit




Thomas Bailey


nKnee war:





Kenyon which





alliance which created furore In the12 theater?. There will twelvebcenes dividing the action and interpolations company, tixty-pl- x

" "-- In new show. w11' ? running time of the


of a


l.on-iloti- 'i.


spectacle which, as a matter fact,will quite and sartonallyelaborate and diversified as Miss Hoff-man's feature in the previous produc-tion. She Introduce

dances. fr-a- h mimicry of thelatest stars, and other novel and sensa-tional effects.

Tho extra added attraction v. ill beDane Claudius and Lillian Scarlet in"The Call of the a musicalreminiscence of the times, withthe folk-tong- s, patriotic ballads, andother melodies of the Wi,


they ucneesensation year in New

Other supporting i.ovelticswill

the piqunnte little com-edy. "The Devil Outwitted John andWinnie Helming? as "KillKouple;" bi others in

I'athe weekly review, therecitals, and the wo dally

dansantes weekdays


this city of the Klelne-1'Ine.- s

"Antony I.. mo.npicture will given noon in

and this evening .it S:JS til thoColumbia Theater. George Kline's(limn the romantic side of

has been attraction four montl.s

a week engagement, withand Saturday.

The has and thecast the Tamous of

stars that were seen with"Hanky Panky" last year. areMax Rogers, Eobby North, HarryCooper, Cameron, Clay Smith.Vera Michelena. Myrtle FloMay, Virginia Evans. Sally Daly and

and Moore. An at-

traction is' tho Naeascs, Europe's famous Ice who have Iwc ap--

capitals of I

fromand, of Lew Melds In hs to a and richInto hasivith stout.

one woman thief thatlife. vl as King of Mountains'Pleastir Sek..rH is raid to he,i and has often referred to zs thoscene when by that Lev

of and wrote Uoctz

an hears ter- - "brilliant sur-rif- lc

indictmentwith tainments

problemof drummers,

Maggie of on to llndone

characters by scenicShe at a

fine Instincts, herlack of Imporator boulevardsthe





t and..;..-- : The

will be


the inc.

by theEd

Ar- -'


ofbe scenlcallv








cus- -

the mountains of Alps repreacniingice carnival at St. Morltt is

to ti ore of the mou: remarkable andrcnlintlc .:- - produced in musi-cal comedy. Th: stags Is withlcj upon which th- - Vacssivs performscuar.i:onal teats of ditn : ' .litVl. Naoshes ha ; -n des-rlb-cd ufPavlowa and Mordkln of Newsongo golor am ki '." to a:h

fiiriiiakers. f.ti'i n dances.

GAYETYThe Gay New Yorkers Company,

with Will Fox and Harry Stewartthe leading comedians, como tolayety Theater this week ln a two-a- ct

musical burlesque entertainmentadapteil from French and entitled"Who Arc Yoj, Madame?"

Practically all of musle of thisfarce is original, and written byHarry Von Tilzer Don Roth is thoauthor of book and lyrics. ThiEplav It built on lines of a legiti-mate musical comedy, and has moreof a plot than is usually found in aburlesque.

Act 1 the Interior of a Selgcl-Coopi- r

department store in NewVorlc Two Hebrew merchants. Foxand Stewart, are tne proprietors, andtheir troubles with a mysteriouswoman lead thp.m into so many dif-ficulties that they arc forced to go toParis to regain their health. JamesJ. Lake, who acts a3 a foil all oftheir unique comedy methods. Is seenIn role of a department storemanager.

A feature of the performance onFriday night will lie countrystore. This feature given withgreat success tho first time lustFriday night, and will bo repeatedeverv Friday night the remainderof the season, o.v.-i-.- n.... - .

are g'vcn away, from ledsteadsto bread.


CRANDALL'SAnother special stellar feature will be Today at Crandall's Theater Rodman

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, t,h.w the man who was made famousloremosi. exponents oi society uanee?. t)V the Singer Building,who will be seen in motion pictures of ,ne Rrooklyn Hi dge, and going up intothe "Castle walk and others of their ti,e. a skyrocket, be onfamous conceptions. Tlie. films arc the ,,le .rCen In "The Dare Devil Rescue."first successful ones or in- - hind evr Diamond Maker." a thrilllnctaken, and have proved the

of the

stellar andbe the company



the Kurethe Dare athletic

surprises, the

the last in

o suidIks this

3 o'clock

theStUl J.

the for





tli?the Ice.











air will

The dra- -m;.. and good comedies make upthe remu nder of the program.

For Monday and Tuesday, Helen Gard-ner will be Hecn In the rollicking farcecomedy in three juris. "The Girl.i Hole in Her Stocking," written byCharles GankUl

Wednesday "Tim Black 1.1," a thrill-ing .vttry filled with startling and

adventures, will bo shown. As aFequcl to "On tho Track of the SpiderGang." this Is one the best thier-le- el

stories ever released by the Apexl':lm Company.

Thursdav and Frldav, riou'lmanBlind. ' In live parlr. featuring VI1poiiBarret tind an ;ill-st- cast, will be theprincipal picture Tills la om nf thegreatest of Kngliiih dianuts

Sa'urdaj. "The for the Rubies,"an edfode In the of Nat B'nkerton,a great detective, and other good Dliuto- -If!, will 'be hown.

A company of 100, including an orches-tra of thirty-seve- n and flfty-fb- ur youngchorus girls, will present "Maids ofAthens" at the National this week.Henry W. Savage has gathered a com-petent coterie of players interpretthe operetta which was written byFranz Lehar and Victor Leon, the menwho made "The Merry Widow" ninoyears ago. is first operettathey have written together since then.

Caroiyn Wells, who furnished theEnglish dialogue and lyrics, has a won- -der.i.! iit of vmk. li.-.-i- !a'd thescenes In Greece and the action tnkes

.",- -,course. pi nice corpuien Americanmav igction shecase

kno'vn "Tho thethe the




the the








"Merry Widow's" big sister. The castinc udes Miss Berenice Mcshon, In theprima donna role; Miss Lelle Hughes,who played the role of Phllen In "MyLittle Friend," and Nadine in "TheChocolate Soldier;" James Harrod, Ar-thur Wooley and other comedians.

There are nineteen musical numbersln tho play and they range from a sim-ple, delicious little song to a sublimesymphony.

COSMOSA typical Scotch act whose charm Is

said lo be alluring will bo presented atthe Cosmos Theater this week by thoEleven Merrie Macs, braw Scotch lad-dies and bonnlo lassies, who w.ll pre-sent a revue of tho songs of their na-- t

ve land. Its dances and pastimes, withincidental humor. The ait has madeEon cthing of a sensation In vaudevillethis season, and the press , criticismswhere t has been bhown tpeuk highlyof It. "The volcanic comedienne," AliceHai son, is billed for a sensat onal of-fering of four comedy song hits, withcostumes to match, as one of the spe-cially big numbers of the bill.

An exhibition of marvelous hcad-to-hea- u

balancing and unusual acrobatics!s promised for the Daily Brothers; alaughable bit of grotesqucrle fur Coleand Rogers, "the suffragette and thevoter;" pretty songs and clover dances"frr the Wheeler S ster?. a team with areputation, and "Just a Girl. thsketch by Walker and III. which madesuch a nig hit with Cohnios patronslast reason. The Pathc motion picturesof big events of recent occurrencethroughout the world and a number ofphotoplays will complete the bill.

Keith's Sunday Concerts.The prima dotrvs, Mario and Mary

McFarland; Minnie Dupree and com-- !pany; Kate JSllnnre and Sam Williams,Marshall P. Wilder. Nick's Roller Skat-ing Ballet. Emily Darrell and CharleyConwuy, Hal and Francis, the twoTorn Boy Girls, and other permanentand attractive features will composethe bill at the cmcerts to bo given at3 and p. m., ut B. F. Keith's The-ater today.

Cosmos Concerts.Suppe's overture. "J'iriue Dame,"

Llncke's "Melsternlnger von Berlin'. fmrl C?jflaa 11 ffe1Cf t'Caarh'lt.l. Itmanner of nrljM I m .'? """"'" ?, xv endingto










March" are leading numbers in thi. ex-ceptional orchestral program that willbo offered in the Sunday concerts ofthe Cosmos Theater from 3 to 10:30p. m. today. Other selections IncludeDe KuVen'H "Algerians." Drrila's"Serenade." Ciemleux ,s "Love's LastWord, ' Von 1 ".Ion's " i D'Am-our,- "

Obiern's tango Argentine, "Uc-fctacl- ,"

"Anitia's Dance" from Greig's"Poor Gvnt Suite," .mil llolzmnn'svals Boston, "'Mrst Love," nnd other j

attractive veiettions in aiiaitlnn allthe atrnctioiis of the Comiios Theaterduring the past vvtcl. will appear.

Baumgardt Lecture.B. R. Biumgaidt hail nut been on

the stage .if the Itel.iseo Th. atei fifteen J

minutes Ihsi n't 'it iiefoi" the1audience r "lizcd Ii. tin- - mini beforet hem a raielv gifldl j . i .niialitv Aman of unusual iiinmii :.i riving e.-l- ir

.msIoii mil) in. i.i nl I.. i,,Iith -- n.l niii-ti- e

Illld ill the llet ,. i bt.lll.-i-itiHjilon by 'lis pouii to cliarni, or (hi 111

alike in puetrv or pi--i.i'- i, nnd withequal in tin Ion,. ' - .nf all men.In nil honest t liaun- - ii.!t Is the uian-liuirv-

.ill". n- -'lonlghL In 1 111 . '..,1. .f Inn

series at tin l'i'!:i- - The ' i l.l.s ja.b-le- ct

lielng "Vi nice I'll i lit nf "ire.-iniT--

It It", u fu. eilialm viiin, . i . nl i,ivIhas it been .l.uulle.I an v i as nj IiHaumgaiiit The let t ire U ll.i.traeilwith 122 rental kuble k-- , rxeeliUil III

wttr color, which elvc not only a 2alU

ful portrayal to the Venice of today, butalso of Venice at the height of herglory.




voaBi-jOsv-Tf-- a

'aCaaaaKaf'fitH. vST




4:30 P.M.

Tleketn, .O, K.OU, ?l..10, l.0O, 75o,treet. In nnnderx


15SU T.S

?i'.oo, fi.ootS.OV.

TUE4:30 P.MCH.

With a parted couple willing towhile a Jaw court miles away

has divorced them, and the man, struckwith tho happy thought of getting ajustice of the peace to retle the matri-monial knot, that they may pass thenight in a roadside Inn, only to makothe additional discovery that the law- -

has said that the man cannot marryagain. Edgar Sclwvn has worked out a

I play In three acts which he calls "Near-ly Married." and which will be present-Je- d

at the Columbia Theater all this week.A joung couple, whose domestic

has been disturbed by a meddlingDrotner, are on the verge or a divorce,applied for by the young wife. Theymeet in the reception room of a fash-ionable hotel and. through the wife'sjealousy and the husbands devotion, areconciliation i effected. Jofull theydeclrtul to elope on a post-nupti- al honeymoon leaving ln the lurch a party Ofmenus timing in the same hotel, thebrother of the wife aild a woman, newin American farces, "a profession

who has been engaged to dinewith the husband in order to givegrounds for a divorce. The happy hus-band and wlfo itart in a motor car tohis country home e, only a lit-tle previous to a te'ephor.e tressagethat the court .has granted an Interlocu-tory decreo of forbidding thehusband to marry again In the State ofNew York.

Pandemonium breaks loose among thefriends of the pair when they discoverthe couple have eloped for parts un-known, und it Is the chase, discovery andevents ithat occur before the tangle isstraightened out. that make tho unusualsituations ln "Nearly Married."

The same oast that presentc' the playthere will be seen In the piece at theNational Thaatvr Bruce McRae headsthe comoany, which also Inc'udesJane Crey, Ruth Shepley, Mabel Acker,Rosamond Harris, Phoebe Bates. MarkSmith. John Westley, William Phlnney.Harry Loralne, Delmar E. Clark, Schuy-ler Ladd, and others.

There' will be matinees Thursday andSaturday.

CASINOgenuine hand of artistlS Russian

singers and dancers, the famous BorisFridkln Troupe, will appear at thoCasta? Theater this week with theirsplendid offering of Russian terpsl-chore- an

specialties, gorgeous cos-tumes, delightful music and scenicaccessories. The '"act is one of thebig features of . the past season'svaudeville of the better class, andcomes highly praised In the advancenotices. The Conroy-L- e MalrePlayers, a clever band of farceurs,viir present their laughable playlet."A King for a Night."" which Isdescribed as a veritable "scream."The Pepper Twins will be seen in anovel offering combining songs,dances. musical specialties, andkaleldescoplc costume changes. AlWild, who Is said to be as funny ashe Is fat. will sing comical parodiesand give an amusing exhibition ofmimicry, whilo P'Alglon will give asensational exhibition of feats in mid-air on tho horizontal

Added night attractions Include thesurprise party tomorrow, the countrystore Tncsday nnd Wednesday, theprize dancing contests Thursday, andthe amateurs In their own specialtiesrriday.

Today Sunday concerts will be given'continuously from 3 to 10:30 p. m.,anJ feature last week's attractionswith an exceptionally high class or-chestral program.


week IOnly theater in Washington oftcrlDg exclusively American and foreign stars of tint nunc





Hm-y' Je off



frodveer f Tfc Merry


Fascinating, Alluring,

Glorious Girls

NEXT WliEK-tt- ..,. "Y'-- , Seats ThursdayA NKW COMEDY,


Author of "The Araryle Cane."A Great Cnnt Ada Dirjer, Helen .Macbeth. Joyce Fair. Jos. Brenaan,

Kdtvard UIIIm, i;rnet Troex, Frank Connor, J. W. AMieeler, Arthur E.Hohl, Mckolan Judrla, Ac.

3:1525c 50c


of 1


I M"'1! .'.. .Tm. m vuiau.a

& Staat T.


I'rli-ea- , S2.H0, $1.00. f2.1












fob, 75, $1For All hectares

T4US-- DhilharmoniPI hoclcty New ork

nTlorkll ORCHESTRA Ujman'o.







25c 50cDUMAS'




Smith'H, 1.T27 1"

V. I., ltadclirfr l'reneiitu In Knaemble Program



. w Vlennnewcrvtlonii at .New .National Theatre.

HMme.GAOSKl &OWG RECITALnl ppenrnnre In

Waahlngtiin (his xcnmin

nlr of Nratn Tnmiirrinv .Morning at Droop'x, Kllb and t. fur


l'rida, 'M, ICO.Z...0,






dvnni-- c


ai.SO, Boxes,


'"- -

&LASC08ALLERY,25cEvery performance



Lew Fields ud Btatraa Loew's Massive, XswlealTRIP AROITND


HAnlrKdear SsAtk.

byWilliam WIIscb.

100 lewFieldsGirl

Ben titlesIn




of X.

Ftmi Far HmOuM.Y. later Gi






Y. BRaa of X.Winter Garden. Hippodrome,









(m.) MONTGOMERY MOORE (Florence)


TomorrowKIsht and all

Week. Prices,50c to tl.Wed. Mat, Soto n. Res. BatMat. ton.a.

aFas Frolic

A --" I! A

l,rJRI W m Rjl Rrm f

' Y-137



asle krRar Gsets.

Saeetal Effects




Tang DaRcfas After Friday Matfaee Perfanaaaee


Venice Hoaeatr the Marvel AmoarSabllme Pictured la Color.

I March 29. I Mat. Mar. 30. 1 April IiWith the Stars AT EM

THE PUBLIC.MR'. D. R. had not been on the stage of the Belasco TheateH

flrteea mlnutpa last Sunflar evening before tne audience .realized in tne man Be-

fore tnem rarely sifted nrOnal.t a nun of unusual mazneCsm. gtvlnKone moment to mirth and music, and in the next acallnc every human

emotion 'by his power-to-char- or thr 11 alike in poetry or panlon, and with eqralease In the tonsuear of I alt mea. In all honesty. BAUMGARDT Is man-mar:- el

among He brings to us through scene end story tne world of yes-crfa-y

and today. How human mind In the fcr.'ef span of a single lifetime could'Compass such a wealth of world-wid- e knowledge, embracing History and Science.Painting and Sculpture. Drama and Music. Politics and Power. Language andLiterature. Nature and Art. almost pisses belief; yet this modest man seem su-preme master of all topics, classy, and masses, who sit under the spell of tlumany-side-d genius all echo this single opinion. L. STODDARD TATLOR.



Mon.. Sat. e,e.. Wed. n. HAMLET Wed. eve..FU)QR BA(X


SELWTX'S Farioaaly Farce


The Orlsjiaal Cant aad Production Direct Freaa Foar at tta.

Gaiety Theater, Xew York, aad Three Sfoaths, at Coaam'a

Grand Opera Chicago.

Here-'- a a Play That Is Indorsed by the Dost Worry Clab. It It DoatMake Yoa Lanh Never Mind Seeing; a Doctor, You're Past All Hose.

KEXT WEK Sf Snl, ftH A. Iff.The Eminent English Actor,

And His Company.Including "A Christmas Carol,

the Jew" I Oliver Twi:t)Cities."

















ftfctff&ft?and. Sat.





Tonight 8S"












ALL THIS WEEKMatinees Than.

Another Cohan Harris SncceM

Nearly Marriedwith

TfaJhSaaaay.Notable Dramatisations


Cricket on Hearth." "Faain.Nicholas Nlckelby," Tale



Greater Thai "QUO VADIS" fcy Saae Fir


FridaymnniliM At 43M.Xh.U M.MM. Bescrreel eatsABOUT Vs5iiS

By TENNYSON NEELYOver 200 Colored Views from Actual Photographs, among which

are: Americans murdered as spies In Juarez, bodies of Americans belncburied to conceal tho means of death, German and his wife murdered,hanging three torelencrs, disgrace being: greater than shooting: ex-ecution by shoot ng- three' Villa's officers, an American robbed andmurdered, woundfd soldiers, no medicine nor surgeons: Villa capturlnfrOJlnaga 4,500 federals retreating- across the Rio Grande, officers burn

trie dead on tne Dattieneia, -- oj aeaa ounea in one grave.

fliil V 2:15 P.M. 3:03 P- -8:15 P.M. 8:15

The nenluao( Innovation

la seT

"The of Two




P.M. MAT.25c,cVE. 25to7SeThe Star In American Vanderille


HOFFMANIX THE PIIUMIEKK OF 1IEH MAMMOTH NEW MUSICAI. RETTsb12 Scenes Players 66 Minutes' LengthA C!nv, Cllttt-rlni;- , Coricrona Cele or "oqkn Dances. Imltatlsas, TmTestlaa

Xoieltle. Forming the Laraieat Coatllest Finest Stellar Featnxa.lJXTIl ADDED VTTHACTIOX EXTRA

A Mulcal r.emlnlscence Awakoiilng 01J Memories and Touching Lonr-Stllle- d Chotdi

DANE CLAUDIUS and LILLIAN SCARLETrriscntlr.s In Its Washinston Premier The!" PatrlotlcArscInatinglnstruinental Ni

The Ki'Ik Songs "THC Al.l. THE SIXTIES"' The War Ballads.Tho "Danco Craze" Oratorsm- - VxRNON






CASTLEIn liraulile Motion l'l.-tu-

.Mnwlnt; "TIi, alK &c

JOHN & hEHNINGS'11k A '"Kill Kare Koupl"

Pulhe Wceklj Itclew






Seasa- -

Ice- -


thelecJireri.- -




The theand




and and

OPThe Cotnedy Hit

KiYsVlHD-STIFFOR- D COFirst Here In Their Semi-CUss- Ia

"THE DEVIL OL'TWITTED"A Uuel of Wits With Satan

THE DARE MOTHERSThrilling Teats of Fearlessness

Pipe Organ Recitals. Dansaatea After Shawm.


