pipelineml component attribute definitions

PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 1 PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions Version 1.00.1

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PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions

Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 1

PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions Version 1.00.1

PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions

Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 2

I. DOCUMENT METADATA ....................................................................................................... 4

II. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4

1. PIPELINEML CORE ATTRIBUTES DEFINITION ....................................................................................................................... 4

2. NAMING CONVENTIONS AND PATTERNS ............................................................................................................................ 5

3. LIFECYCLE .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

4. CONCEPTUAL MODEL ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

III. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 7

1. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ................................................................................................................................................. 7

2. DEFINITION OF CONFORMANCE VALIDATION RULES ............................................................................................................ 9

IV. PACKAGE METADATA ......................................................................................................... 11

1. PMLDATASET............................................................................................................................................................ 11

V. COMPONENT COLLECTIONS ................................................................................................ 16

1. PIPELINE ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

2. ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................................................................. 22

3. COLLECTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 30

VI. COTERMINOUS COMPONENTS............................................................................................ 35

1. CAP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 35

2. COMPRESSOR ............................................................................................................................................................ 49

3. ELBOW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 67

4. FLANGE .................................................................................................................................................................... 81

5. LAUNCHERRECEIVER .................................................................................................................................................... 94

6. LINEPIPE ................................................................................................................................................................. 109

7. METER ................................................................................................................................................................... 127

8. PUMP .................................................................................................................................................................... 141

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9. REDUCER ................................................................................................................................................................ 157

10. TAP ................................................................................................................................................................... 173

11. TEE ................................................................................................................................................................... 186

12. VALVE ................................................................................................................................................................ 204

VII. COMPONENT CONNECTORS.............................................................................................. 219

1. PIPECONNECTOR ...................................................................................................................................................... 219

2. VIRTUALCONNECTOR ................................................................................................................................................. 230

VIII. APPURTENANT COMPONENTS .......................................................................................... 236

1. LOCATION METHODS ................................................................................................................................................ 236

2. CASING ................................................................................................................................................................... 243

3. COATING ................................................................................................................................................................ 262

4. SLEEVE ................................................................................................................................................................... 279

IX. APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 295

1. ATTRIBUTE REFERENCE LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 295

2. CHANGE LOG HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 307

PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions

Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 4


Name: PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions

Version: v1r00e1 (version 1, revision 00, edit 1)

Date: 2020.02.26

Authors: John Tisdale, Gary Hoover, Jan Stuckens

Editor: John Tisdale

Target Audience: Anyone who wants to review the component attributes being proposed for inclusion in the current version of the proposed standard for the purpose of providing feedback and recommended adjustments.

Intended Outcome: Enable readers to understand the intrinsic attributes being considered for inclusion in the current version of the proposed standard such that subject matter experts can offer comments for potential modification.


This section provides a contextual overview of the business needs being addressed by PipelineML.

1. PipelineML Core Attributes Definition

This document defines all core feature attributes and their properties required to support the business use cases that are in-scope for the initial release of PipelineML. PipelineML core features consist of inline components, connectors, appurtenance components as well as aggregate levels of those components. This includes the following business use cases:

1.1. Use Case UC001: New Construction Survey

This release shall support the need to capture a detailed inventory of assembled pipeline componentry as defined in a survey conducted at the conclusion of new pipeline construction. This type of data package would be prepared by a survey and mapping company. This data packet would be provided to the pipeline operator. It would be imported into the operator’s pipeline asset data management system. Supported componentry attributes shall be appropriate to the intrinsic properties knowable at the conclusion of pipeline construction.

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1.2. Use Case UC002: Pipeline Rehabilitation

This release shall support the need to capture a detailed inventory of assembled pipeline componentry as defined in a survey conducted at the conclusion of pipeline rehabilitation activities (such as repair sleeves, linepipe cut-outs and recoating jobs). This type of data package would be prepared by a survey and mapping company. This data packet would be provided to the pipeline operator. It would be imported into the operator’s pipeline asset data management system. Supported componentry attributes shall be appropriate to the intrinsic properties knowable at the conclusion of pipeline rehabilitation activities.

The intrinsic attributes in scope for this phase of the standards development effort are only those that are discoverable at the time of manufacture, assembly, rehabilitation and survey. Attributes that are of a transitory nature such as product flow direction, operating pressure, corrosion prevention readings and other observations and measurements are not in scope in the initial standard proposal. These attributes will be included in extension packages of the core PipelineML standard.

2. Naming conventions and patterns

The attributes, units of measure, and reference code list references are based on well-vetted existing OGC standards. The design pattern utilizes the following encoding standards:

• Component (feature) names begin with an upper case (capital) character

• Attribute names begin with a lower case character

• Attributes which must be universally unique for every component in a PipelineML file, utilize a UUID/GUID value (prefixed with the lower case characters id).

• Attributes which contain a units of measure (uom), utilize the format appropriate to the given unit of measure (i.e. numeric).

• Attributes which are constrained by an external reference code list, utilize an integer value.

3. Lifecycle

The following stages of pipeline component lifecycles are used throughout this and other pipeline component attribution definition documents:

• Manufacture – The process of manufacturing the component from raw materials.

• Construction – The process of installing the component into a pipeline system.

• Operation – The process of operating the pipeline system to flow product.

• Removal/Abandonment/Reroute/Divestiture/End Of Life/? – The process of removing the component from the pipeline system.

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• Abandonment – The process of abandoning the component from operations.

Along with the definition of proposed attributes, examples are provided. When an external reference code list is utilized, a URI link is included. These are provided to help clarify communication. The actual reference code list values will be vetted in a subsequent process.

4. Conceptual model

The diagram below shows the current PipelineML conceptual model in UML. This reference map will help provide the overall context of each component types described below. Abstract classes are have a red background and italic font. Concrete classes have a cyan background and a regular font.

At the top of the schema, the PMLDataset element contains the package metadata information. A PMLDataset consists of a number of Components, Assemblies and/or Collections. Assemblies group a set of connected coterminous components, mainly with the purpose of describing an installation, such as a pigging installation, that consists of multiple individual components. Conversely, collections are groupings of any number of connected or disjunct coterminous, appurtenance or connector components. Collections – contrary to assemblies - can contain other collections and thus allows users to create multiple hierarchical levels. The abstract component class is inherited by the CoterminousComponent, AppurtencantComponent and ConnectorComponent abstract classes. Each of these classes is inherited by the various concrete component classes.

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Figure 1


5. Definitions of Terms

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The following definitions describe terminology used throughout this document:

• Appurtenance – See Appurtenant Component

• Appurtenant Component – A component or element that is applied over or around a coterminous component. This includes coating, casing, and sleeve.

• Attribute – Information that describes characteristics of an element or feature. This includes id, name, code, comment, description, type, etc.

• Attribute Datatype – The type of data supported in a PipelineML element. If an element points to a reference code list, the attribute datatype is an integer. That is, the value stored in this element is an integer that points to a value found in a reference code list. For example, the code value 9 used for PumpType represents “Centrifugal, Between-bearings, Multistage, Axially Split.” Conversely, the native datatype is a string (or “Centrifugal, Between-bearings, Multistage, Axially Split”).

• Attribute Description – A description that explains information about an attribute.

• Cardinality – This information defines whether an element is required or optional.

• Conformance – A determination as to whether a data package adheres to the rules defined by the PipelineML data interchange standard.

• Component Lifecycle Stage – The discrete stages that a pipeline component or system will encounter over the course of its lifetime.

• Connector – Some means of connecting two coterminous components together such that they function cohesively together as members of a pressurized pipeline system. This includes a welded joint, a bolted flange, etc.

• Coterminous Component – A pipeline component that is physically connected in a series to form a pressurized pipeline system capable of transporting product.

• Dataset – A complete, compliant, and valid data package that is suitable for distribution and consumption.

• Heritage – This information defines whether an element inherits from a class.

• Namespace – A method use to establish a domain or scope in which names are required to be unique. In PipelineML, we define our own namespace as “pml.” This allows us to defines custom features or elements within this namespace that are unique to our needs. For example, XML supports the datatype date (xml:date), GML extends this type to include DateTime (gml:DateTime). In PML, we support features or elements that are unique to our namespace

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such as DecimalUOM (pml:DecimalUOM), which is a decimal value that requires the inclusion of a “Units of Measure” attribute that defines what units of measure the value represents.

• Native Datatype – The type of data being described for an element. If an element is pointing to a reference code list, it is possible that the attribute datatype and the native datatype are not the same. For example, the code value 17 used in LinepipeBoundSpecification stands for “API-5L; X-70; 70000”. That is, the native datatype is a string (“API-5L; X-70; 70000”), whereas the attribute datatype is an integer (17).

• Technical Name – The name as it must appear in a PipelineML element.

• Use Case – A specific business need that defined and addressed with a solution.

• Validation – The process used to determine whether a data package conforms with the PipelineML data interchange standard.

6. Definition of Conformance Validation Rules

The following conformance validation rules are used to assess whether a data package conforms to the PipelineML data interchange standard. Whenever a software application is exporting data into a PipelineML data package, the process shall conclude with a validation process in which the package is processed using a validation engine to determine whether it fully conforms to the standard. This shall result in a status of pass or fail. A list of error and warning messages shall be listed that describe the rule violations. Conversely, whenever someone receives a PipelineML file, the first step in the process of accepting it shall be to run it against a validation engine to determine whether there are any violations of the rules of the standard. This process results in the same status, along with a listing of any rule violations.

The following are conformance validation rules that may be assigned to an attribute. Which rules are applied to which attributes are determined based on the characteristics of each attribute:

6.1. Conformance Validation Rule 1

Rule Name: Required

Rule Type: Presence Requirement

Rule Description: Absence of a required attribute shall produce a conformance validation error “required attribute missing: attribute name.”

Rule Violation Result: Error

6.2. Conformance Validation Rule 2

Rule Name: Unique

Rule Type: Uniqueness Requirement

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Rule Description: Field must be unique within a PipelineML data package. If more than one object contains the same value, the conformance validation engine shall produce the error “duplicate ID value that must be unique within data package: duplicated attribute names listed.”

Rule Violation Result: Error

6.3. Conformance Validation Rule 3

Rule Name: Attribute

Rule Type: Attribute Missing

Rule Description: Data shall be validated to ensure the inclusion of an required attribute. A lack of an attribute shall produce a conformation validation error “attribute missing: attribute name.”

Rule Violation Result: Error

6.4. Conformance Validation Rule 4

Rule Name: Codelist

Rule Type: Reference Code List (RCL) Not Found

Rule Description: Data shall be validated to ensure a matching value is found in the cooresponding reference code list. If a matching value is not found in the given URI, the conformance validation engine shall generate the following error “reference code list value not found: attribute name, value provided.”

Rule Violation Result: Error

6.5. Conformance Validation Rule 5

Rule Name: Reference

Rule Type: Referenced ID Not Found

Rule Description: Referenced object ID shall be validated to ensure a matching object ID is found. If a matching object ID value is not found, the conformance validation engine shall generate the following warning “referenced object ID not found: attribute name, ID provided.”

Rule Violation Result: Warning

6.6. Conformance Validation Rule 6

Rule Name: Exclusive

Rule Type: Exclusivity Field Violation

Rule Description: Populated data is part of an exclusivity pair of fields. A value can only be provided in one of the two corresponding fields but not both (see exclusivity corresponding object). If both corresponding fields contain data, the conformance validation engine shall generate the following warning “An either or, but not both rule has been violated: attribute name, value provided.”

Rule Violation Result: Warning

6.7. Conformance Validation Rule 7

Rule Name: Substandard

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Rule Type: Use of Substandard Data Value

Rule Description: Provided data utilizes the “other” option rather than utilizing an authoritize code value. The conformance validation engine shall generate the following warning “Use of substandard data value provided: attribute name, value provided.”

Rule Violation Result: Warning


This section contains the root element PMLDataset. This feature contains metadata that describe the overall data contained in the package. Along with the definition of proposed attributes, examples are provided. When an external reference code list is utilized, a URI link is included. These are provided to help clarify communication. The actual reference code list values will be vetted in a subsequent process. Figure 1 shows the current PipelineML conceptual model in UML. This reference map will help provide the overall context of each component types described below.

1. PMLDataset

Name: [pml:PMLDataset]

Description: This is the required root element tag of all PipelineML files. This abstract element is used because the root element must be singular (only one instance of the root element). This approach allows the remaining elements to contain as many iterations as desired (i.e. the file can contain an unlimited number of pipelines, collections, assemblies, components, etc.).

1.1. Attribute: DatasetID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:datasetID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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1.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: An optional human-readable string that is unique within the context of this dataset

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

1.3. Attribute: Name Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:name]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional callname by which the assets grouped in this PMLDataset can commonly be references. It can be chosen to reference the installation project name if the dataset encompasses the entire project.


<pml:name>Bartlesville NGL 21174a Pipeline Data Export</pml:name>

<pml:name>Project ERK277592 Rehab Survey File</pml:name>

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<pml:name xsi:nil="true"/>

1.4. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comments to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of an assembly

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This file contains the data export showing all affected components that need to excavated for a non-destruction examination by the service provider.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This data file contains all of the surveyed components at the conclusion of the project rehabilitation.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

1.5. Attribute: DateTime Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:dateTime]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Attribute Description: A dateTime value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The dateTime when the PipelineML data file was generated


<pml:dateTime>2017-12-06 16:57</pml:dateTime>

<pml:dateTime>2017-11-12 09:39:25:41</pml:dateTime>

<pml:dateTime xsi:nil="true"/>

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1.6. Attribute: DatasetVersion Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:datasetVersion]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Attribute Description: An integer value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The version of this dataset. The first version of the database should be set to 1. Subsequent versions of the dataset should be increased by 1 integer value for each new release of this same package.



<pml:datasetVersion>5</pml:datasetVersion >

<pml:datasetVersion xsi:nil="true"/>

1.7. Attribute: Application Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:application]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The software application that was used to generate this dataset


<pml:application>BSD Consulting Dash</pml:application>

<pml:application>Bentley AssetWise</pml:application>

<pml:application xsi:nil="true"/>

1.8. Attribute: Author Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:author]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the person who oversaw the generation of the data package


<pml:author>Jim Bob Smith</pml:author>

<pml:author>Margaret Fisher</pml:author>

<pml:author xsi:nil="true"/>

1.9. Attribute: PMLVersion Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pmlVersion]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required

Pipeline Componentry Description: The version of the PipelineML standard against which this data package was generated



<pml:pmlVersion xsi:nil="true"/>

1.10. Attribute: Language Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:language]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The written language used for the generation of this data package

Reference Code List: See ISO 639-1 (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp)




<pml:language xsi:nil="true"/>

1.11. Attribute: DefaultCRS Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:defaultCRS]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:PMLDataset

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The default Coordinate Reference System used in this data package such that if a CRS is not explicitly stated for any given feature or element that this default CRS will be utilized.


<pml:defaultCRS>WGS84 (EPSG:4326)</pml:defaultCRS>

<pml:defaultCRS>NAD83 (HARN)</pml:defaultCRS>

<pml:defaultCRS xsi:nil="true"/>


This section contains component grouping features including Pipeline, Assembly, and Collection. These are involved in defining groups of components that each service different business needs.

1. Pipeline

Name: [pml:Pipeline]

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Description: A logical collection of assemblies to represent what is commonly understood as a pipeline. Typically represents only the components that are in service during normal operations and provide the primary transportation of liquids and natural gas.

1.1. Attribute: PipelineID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipelineID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of a pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: A required machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





1.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code] Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string Native Datatype: string Annotation: A unique integer code value assigned to the given pipeline collection for identification purposes (formerly known as PODS_ID).

Attribute Description: An optional human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A

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Examples: <pml:code>Bartlesville NGL 21174</pml:code> <pml:code>NGL RK1487</pml:code> <pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

1.3. Attribute: Name Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:name]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The common name by which the given pipeline collection is known.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:name>ACME Natural Gas Liquids RKJ30435</pml:name>

<pml:name>Crude Southwest Texas CRD1055928</pml:name>

<pml:name xsi:nil="true"/>

1.4. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A notable piece of information relevant to the given pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: An optional string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of an assembly

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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<pml:comment>Mount Bellview Liquid Gathering K87</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Capetown Principle Crude #9</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

1.5. Attribute: Number Name (namespace:name): [pml:number]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number for the given pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Operation

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The number of the pipeline as defined by the pipeline operator




<pml:number xsi:nil="true"/>

1.6. Attribute: PipelineBoundType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipelineBoundType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (classification; type; subtype) that collectively defines the given pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to define a bound combination of attributes as a concatenated string with each attribute being separated by a semicolon (;). An alternate method is provided (below) for defining each of these attributes in unbound form. Only the bound type or unbound types SHALL be populated, but not both. This bound form of attributes represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered best practice, as it provides a mechanism for identifying valid combinations of attributes. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Either Or Corresponding Objects: PipelineClassification, PipelineType, PipelineSubType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of classification, type, and subType in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineboundtype.xml


<pml:pipelineBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineboundtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipelineBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineboundtype.xml#id6534" xlink:title="Hydrocarbons; Gathering; Natural Gas Liquids"/>

<pml:pipelineBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineboundtype.xml#id6538" xlink:title="Hydrocarbons; Utility; Brine"/>

1.7. Attribute: PipelineClassification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipelineClassification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary classification that helps define the given pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to a string value is used to define the classification of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if pipelineBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipelineBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The classification for the pipeline

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineclassification.xml


<pml:pipelineClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineclassification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipelineClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelineclassification.xml#id6543" xlink:title="Hydrocarbons"/>

1.8. Attribute: PipelineType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipelineType]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The secondary classification that helps define the given pipeline collection. Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to a string value is used to define the type of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if pipelineBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipelineBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of assembly, such as mainline transmission, meter run, storage tank, etc.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinetype.xml


<pml:pipelineType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipelineType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinetype.xml#id6551" xlink:title="Distribution"/>

<pml:pipelineType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinetype.xml#id6554" xlink:title="Utility"/>

1.9. Attribute: PipelineSubType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipelineSubType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pipeline

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The tertiary classification that helps define the given pipeline collection.

Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to a string value is used to define the subtype of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if pipelineBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipelineBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The subtype of pipeline

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinesubtype.xml


<pml:pipelineSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinesubtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipelineSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinesubtype.xml#id6545" xlink:title="Crude"/>

<pml:pipelineSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipelinesubtype.xml#id6549" xlink:title="Natural Gas Liquids"/>

2. Assembly

Name: [pml:Assembly]

Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Components can be member of only a single assembly. Components in an assembly are physically connected.

2.1. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A required machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique, Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





2.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: An optional human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A



<pml:code>ML AJ2914</pml:code>

<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

2.3. Attribute: Name Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:name]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Assembly

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The common name by which the given pipeline assembly is known.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:name>Mt Sherring LaunchReceiver Assembly #48</pml:name>

<pml:name>Acme Mainline Liquid Transmission NKR2717</pml:name>

<pml:name xsi:nil="true"/>

2.4. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of an assembly

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Mainline assembly Oklahoma City to Bartlesville</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Meter run 12 off Edmond mainline</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

2.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the given component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional date when the assembly was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.6. Attribute: OperationDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:operationDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:operationDate

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the assembly was put into operations.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Operation

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional date when the assembly was put into operation in the pipeline system




<pml:operationDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.7. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date the assembly was remove from operations.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional date when the assembly was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.8. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the assembly was abandoned.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional date when the assembly was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.9. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated length of Assembly using Geometry of Location field.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional total length of the assembly


<pml:length uom="ft-i">27589.885</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="ft-i">128553.23</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

2.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

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Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object. This static attribute is designed to support legacy business use cases but is not part of a dynamic linear reference system.


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280823.77</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object. This static attribute is designed to support legacy business use cases but is not part of a dynamic linear reference system.


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523916.05</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

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2.12. Attribute: AssemblyBoundType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyBoundType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Assembly

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The bound set of concatenated values (classification; type; sub-type) that collectively defines a given type of assembly.

Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to define a bound combination of attributes as a concatenated string with each attribute being separated by a semicolon (;). An alternate method is provided (below) for defining each of these attributes in unbound form. Only the bound type or unbound types SHALL be populated, but not both. This bound form of attributes represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered best practice, as it provides a mechanism for identifying valid combinations of attributes. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: AssemblyClassification, AssemblyType, AssemblySubType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of classification, type, and subType in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyboundtype.xml


<pml:assemblyBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyboundtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:assemblyBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyboundtype.xml#id2" xlink:title="Facility; LauncherReceiver; Launcher Receiver Run"/>

<pml:assemblyBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyboundtype.xml#id11" xlink:title="Pipeline; Mainline Transmission; Pump/Compressor Loop"/>

2.13. Attribute: AssemblyClassification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyClassification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Assembly

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary classification of the assembly to indicate the integrity management program that covers all of the components within the assembly.

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Attribute Description: An optional value that SHALL be dereferenceable to a string value is used to define the classification of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if assemblyBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: AssemblyBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The classification for the assembly; such as pipeline or facility

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyclassification.xml


<pml:assemblyClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyclassification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:assemblyClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyclassification.xml#id15" xlink:title="Facility"/>

<pml:assemblyClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblyclassification.xml#id16" xlink:title="Pipeline"/>

2.14. Attribute: AssemblyType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Assembly

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The detailed configuration of typical assemblies.

Attribute Description: An optional value is used to define the type of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if assemblyBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: AssemblyBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of assembly, such as mainline transmission, meter run, storage tank, etc.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblytype.xml


<pml:assemblyType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblytype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:assemblyType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblytype.xml#id26" xlink:title="Mainline Transmission"/>

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<pml:assemblyType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblytype.xml#id30" xlink:title="Underground Storage"/>

2.15. Attribute: AssemblySubType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblySubType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Assembly

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary function or purpose that the assembly is designed to provide, such as pipeline tie-ins, crossovers, mainline transmission, etc.

Attribute Description: An optional value is used to define the subtype of the pipeline. This attribute SHALL NOT be provided if assemblyBoundType is provided for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: AssemblyBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The subtype of assembly, such as Breakout Tank Run, Bridge Span, Directional Drill, etc.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblysubtype.xml


<pml:assemblySubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblysubtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:assemblySubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblysubtype.xml#id18" xlink:title="LauncherReceiver"/>

<pml:assemblySubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/assemblysubtype.xml#id21" xlink:title="Products Handling Terminal"/>

3. Collection

Name: [pml:Collection]

Description: A collection represents a set of components, assemblies and/or pipelines that can be grouped for various reasons. Collection memberships are non-exclusive and optional: a component can be referenced in multiple collections or can be referenced in no collection. Components in a collection do not need to be physically or logically connected.

3.1. Attribute: CollectionID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:collectionID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

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Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this feature

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A



<pml:collectionID >idA9282B27-350B-4572-A875-00090243E39B</pml:collectionID>

<pml:collectionID >id8267980B-E7F7-428C-B443-0039663C568B</pml:collectionID>

3.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code] Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string Native Datatype: string Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems. Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A Examples: <pml:code>Population Area HCA0447</pml:code> <pml:code>Tax District RJ277439</pml:code> <pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

3.3. Attribute: Name Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:name]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The common name by which the given pipeline collection is known.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:name>Mount Bellview LaunchReceiver Assembly #48</pml:name>

<pml:name>Cushing Mainline Liquid Transmission NKR2717</pml:name>

<pml:name xsi:nil="true"/>

3.4. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of an assembly

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Regulatory Classification Liquids Transmission</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Operating Status Under Construction</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

3.5. Attribute: CollectionBoundType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:collectionBoundType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (classification; type; subtype) that collectively defines a given collection of components.

Attribute Description: An value that defines a bound combination of attributes for this collection. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CollectionClassification, CollectionType, CollectionSubType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of classification, type, and subType in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionboundtype.xml


<pml:collectionBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionboundtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:collectionBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionboundtype.xml#id1847" xlink:title="Product; Highly Volatile Liquid; Ethane/Propane"/>

<pml:collectionBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionboundtype.xml#id1866" xlink:title="Product; Natural Gas; Natural Gas"/>

3.6. Attribute: CollectionClassification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:collectionClassification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary classification to which thie collection of components has been designated.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CollectionBoundType

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Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The classification for the collection

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionclassification.xml


<pml:collectionClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionclassification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:collectionClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionclassification.xml#id1890" xlink:title="Operational"/>

<pml:collectionClassification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionclassification.xml#id1892" xlink:title="Regulatory"/>

3.7. Attribute: CollectionType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:collectionType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The secondary classification to which this collection of components has been designated.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CollectionBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of collection, such as regulatory class, operating system, etc.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectiontype.xml


<pml:collectionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectiontype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:collectionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectiontype.xml#id1956" xlink:title="OperatingBoundary"/>

<pml:collectionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectiontype.xml#id1962" xlink:title="Refined Products"/>

3.8. Attribute: CollectionSubType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:collectionSubType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Collection

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The tertiary classification to which this collection of components has been designated.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CollectionBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The subtype of collection

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionsubtype.xml


<pml:collectionSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionsubtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:collectionSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionsubtype.xml#id1895" xlink:title="AccountingCode"/>

<pml:collectionSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/collectionsubtype.xml#id1913" xlink:title="Equipment Hydrostatic Test"/>


This section contains coterminous component attribution definitions. All components that are physically connected together to comprise a pressurized pipeline system are coterminous components. This includes linepipes, flanges, valves, meters, etc.

1. Cap

Name: [pml:Cap]

Description: Pipeline caps are special fittings used for capping off pipes on a temporary or permanent basis. They are typically fastened to the pipe with a girth weld, but may be a threaded fitting.


1.1. Attribute: ComponentID

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





1.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of the cap entity type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

1.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a cap component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a 12 inch butt weld cap component</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This end cap component was field welded</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

1.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured



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<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed into the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

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1.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="mm">165</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="mm">305</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

1.9. Attribute: Location

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute



<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



1.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280823.77</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true">

1.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280824.05</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

1.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

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Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

1.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure at which the component was test at the mill


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/>

1.14. Attribute: CapManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:capManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmanufacturer.xml#id140" xlink:title="Vogtsberger"/>

<pml:capManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Cap Manufacturer"/>

1.15. Attribute: CapType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type (i.e. Butt Weld, Socket Weld, Threaded End) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of cap component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/captype.xml

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<pml:capType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/captype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/captype.xml#id201" xlink:title="Butt Weld"/>

<pml:capType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/captype.xml#id203" xlink:title="Threaded End"/>

1.16. Attribute: CapMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of material from which the given component was manufactured.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used in the manufacture of this component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmaterial.xml


<pml:capMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmaterial.xml#id144" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:capMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capmaterial.xml#id145" xlink:title="Steel"/>

1.17. Attribute: CapBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; weight) that collectively defines the specification of the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapSpecification, CapWeight

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specifications of manufacture of the pipeline component represented in a single value. The combination of specification and weight comprise the characteristics

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capboundspecification.xml


<pml:capBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capboundspecification.xml#id82" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Schedule 80"/>

<pml:capBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capboundspecification.xml#id79" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Schedule 20"/>

1.18. Attribute: CapSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: Explicit registration is supported for cases in which new attribute combinations are utilized but not yet vetted into the bound code list. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that indicates defines the specification applicable to this component. The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component.

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capspecification.xml


<pml:capSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capspecification.xml#id200" xlink:title="ASME B16.9"/>

1.19. Attribute: CapWeight Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capWeight]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The weight (i.e. Schedule 40, Schedule 80, etc.) of the given component.

Attribute Description: Explicit registration is supported for cases in which new attribute combinations are utilized but not yet vetted into the bound code list [pml:linepipeBoundSpecifications]. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the grade applicable to this linepipe component. The weight (i.e. Schedule 40, Schedule 80, etc.) of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capweight.xml


<pml:capWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capweight.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capweight.xml#id226" xlink:title="Schedule 40"/>

<pml:capWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capweight.xml#id228" xlink:title="Schedule 80"/>

1.20. Attribute: CapBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nominal pipe size; outer diameter; wall thickness; length) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: An integer value. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:





Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapNominalPipeSize, CapOutsideDiameter, CapWallThickness, CapLength

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number pertaining to the dimensions of the pipeline component. A text representation of the dimensions (nominal pipe size, outside diameter, wall thickness, and length)

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capbounddimension.xml


<pml:capBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capbounddimension.xml#id63" xlink:title="16" NPS; 16" OD; .375" WT; 7" LN"/>

<pml:capBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capbounddimension.xml#id78" xlink:title="48" NPS; 48" OD; .5" WT; 13.5" LN"/>

1.21. Attribute: CapNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value based on the unit of measure specified. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the nominal pipe size applicable to this cap component. The outside diameter of the line pipe as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capnominalpipesize.xml


<pml:capNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capnominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capnominalpipesize.xml#id161" xlink:title="14.000"/>

<pml:capNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capnominalpipesize.xml#id167" xlink:title="36.000"/>

1.22. Attribute: CapOutsideDiameter Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capOutsideDiameter]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value based on the unit of measure specified. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the outside diameter applicable to this cap component (see Figure 1, measurement D). The outside diameter of the component as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capoutsidediameter.xml


<pml:capOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capoutsidediameter.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capoutsidediameter.xml#id190" xlink:title="12.750"/>

<pml:capOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capoutsidediameter.xml#id198" xlink:title="42.000"/>

1.23. Attribute: CapWallThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:capWallThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Cap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness of the component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value based on the unit of measure specified. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the wall thickness applicable to this cap component (see Figure 1, measurement). The nominal wall thickness of the pipe as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capwallthickness.xml


<pml:capWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capwallthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:capWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capwallthickness.xml#id217" xlink:title="0.320"/>

<pml:capWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/capwallthickness.xml#id221" xlink:title="0.430"/>

2. Compressor

Name: [pml:Compressor]

Description: A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. An air compressor is a specific type of gas compressor. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. Liquids are relatively incompressible; while some can be compressed, the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids.

Turbine Compressor

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Reciprocating Compressor

2.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





2.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

2.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a compressor component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a Cooper Electric axial, multistage, 10 throw, 2 stroke compressor</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is positive displacement single stage compressor</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

2.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

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Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length (in feet) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="ft-i">21</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="ft-i">39.4</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

2.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

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<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



2.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: UOM

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280915.53</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

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Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280954.93</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this compressor component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

2.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

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Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

2.14. Attribute: CompressorManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:compressorManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:compressorManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormanufacturer.xml#id4068" xlink:title="Cooper Electric"/>

<pml:compressorManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Compressor Manufacturer"/>

2.15. Attribute: CompressorType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of the given compressor, such as screw, lobe or scroll, etc.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of compressor

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressortype.xml


<pml:compressorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressortype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressortype.xml#id5436" xlink:title="Centrifugal"/>

<pml:compressorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressortype.xml#id5438" xlink:title="Reciprocating"/>

2.16. Attribute: CompressorBoundType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorBoundType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (type; stage; throw; stroke) that collectively defines a given type of component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorType, CompressorStage, CompressorThrow, CompressorStroke

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of type, stage, throw and stroke in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundtype.xml


<pml:compressorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundtype.xml#id3443" xlink:title="Axial; Multistage; 4 Throw; 2 Stroke"/>

<pml:compressorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundtype.xml#id3814" xlink:title="Reciprocating; Multistage; 9 Throw; 1 Stroke"/>

2.17. Attribute: CompressorStage Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorStage]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The number of cylinders in the given compressor.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The number of cylinders in the compressor

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstage.xml


<pml:compressorStage xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstage.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:compressorStage xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstage.xml#id5412" xlink:title=" Dual"/>

<pml:compressorStage xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstage.xml#id5413" xlink:title=" Multistage"/>

2.18. Attribute: CompressorThrow Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorThrow]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The length or distance that the piston travels in the cylinder of the given compressor.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length or distance that the piston travels in the cylinder

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorthrow.xml


<pml:compressorThrow xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorthrow.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorThrow xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorthrow.xml#id5425" xlink:title="7"/>

<pml:compressorThrow xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorthrow.xml#id5434" xlink:title="16"/>

2.19. Attribute: CompressorStroke Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorStroke]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The number of compression strokes in the cylinder used in the given compressor.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The number of compression strokes in the cylinder used in compression

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstroke.xml


<pml:compressorStroke xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstroke.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorStroke xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstroke.xml#id5415" xlink:title="1"/>

<pml:compressorStroke xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorstroke.xml#id5418" xlink:title="4"/>

2.20. Attribute: CompressorNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the nominal pipe size applicable to this cap component. The outside diameter of the line pipe as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressornominalpipesize.xml


<pml:compressorNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressornominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressornominalpipesize.xml#id4251" xlink:title="22.000"/>

<pml:compressorNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressornominalpipesize.xml#id4236" xlink:title="30.000"/>

2.21. Attribute: CompressorBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorBoundManufacturer]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorManufacturer, CompressorProductName, CompressorModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:compressorBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundmanufacturer.xml#id2881" xlink:title="Joy Compressor; Twistair III; TA-1750"/>

<pml:compressorBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

2.22. Attribute: CompressorProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name of the given component, as specified by the manufacturer.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name for this component as defined by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:compressorProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorproductname.xml#id5275" xlink:title="UP6 15TAS-150"/>

<pml:compressorProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Compressor Product"/>

2.23. Attribute: CompressorModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The manufacturers model number for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CompressorBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:compressorModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormodelnumber.xml#id4135" xlink:title="ST75 Rotary Screw"/>

<pml:compressorModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressormodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Compressor Model"/>

2.24. Attribute: CompressorSerialNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorSerialNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer to distinguish it from all other manufacturered components.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The serial number assigned to the component by the manufacturer


<pml:compressorSerialNumber>A-02 56183912254</pml:compressorSerialNumber>


<pml:compressorSerialNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

2.25. Attribute: CompressorFuelType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorFuelType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of fuel used to power the given compressor motor.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of fuel used to power the compressor motor

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorfueltype.xml


<pml:compressorFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorfueltype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:compressorFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorfueltype.xml#id4063" xlink:title="Electricity"/>

<pml:compressorFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/compressorfueltype.xml#id4064" xlink:title="Natural Gas"/>

2.26. Attribute: CompressorPowerRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorPowerRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The power rating (given in specified unit of measure) at which the component was designed to operator, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specified power rating of the compressor is designed to generate


<pml:compressorPowerRating uom="HP">2000</pml:compressorPowerRating>

<pml:compressorPowerRating uom="HP">5000</pml:compressorPowerRating>

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<pml:compressorPowerRating xsi:nil="true"/>

2.27. Attribute: CompressorRatedFlow Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorRatedFlow]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The specified flow rate the given component is designed to produce.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specified flow rate to compressor is designed to produce


<pml:compressorRatedFlow uom="gpm">600</pml:compressorRatedFlow>

<pml:compressorRatedFlow uom="gpm">4000</pml:compressorRatedFlow>

<pml:compressorRatedFlow xsi:nil="true"/>

2.28. Attribute: CompressorPressureSuction Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorPressureSuction]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure on the suction (upstream) side of the given compressor.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure on the suction (upstream) side of the compressor


<pml:compressorPressureSuction uom="psi">400</pml:compressorPressureSuction>

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<pml:compressorPressureSuction uom="psi">750</pml:compressorPressureSuction>

<pml:compressorPressureSuction xsi:nil="true"/>

2.29. Attribute: CompressorPressureDischarge Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:compressorPressureDischarge]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Compressor

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure on the discharge (downstream) side of the given compressor.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure on the discharge (downstream) side of the compressor


<pml:compressorPressureDischarge uom="psi">580</pml:compressorPressureDischarge>

<pml:compressorPressureDischarge uom="psi">870</pml:compressorPressureDischarge>

<pml:compressorPressureDischarge xsi:nil="true"/>

3. Elbow

Name: [pml:Elbow]

Description: The function of an elbow is to change direction or flow in a piping system. By default, there are 5 configurations, the 45°, 90° and 180° elbows, all three in the "long radius" version, and in addition the 90° and 180° elbows both in the "short radius" version.

90 Degree Long Radius Elbow

3.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this elbow component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





3.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

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3.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of an elbow component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A



<pml:comment>CS, GR. WPHY-52 per B16.9</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

3.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the given component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.5. Attribute: InstallDate

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:abandonDate

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="ft-i">5</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="m">3</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

3.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



3.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

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Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280891.45</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

3.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2280896.45</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

3.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this elbow component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

3.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

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<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

3.14. Attribute: ElbowManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the elbow component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:elbowManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmanufacturer.xml#id5629" xlink:title="Koppel Steel"/>

<pml:elbowManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Elbow Manufacturer"/>

3.15. Attribute: ElbowType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: Indicates the specifications for manufacture and physical dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of elbow component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowtype.xml


<pml:elbowType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowtype.xml#id5683" xlink:title="Long Radius"/>

<pml:elbowType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowtype.xml#id5684" xlink:title="Short Radius"/>

3.16. Attribute: ElbowMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmaterial.xml


<pml:elbowMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmaterial.xml#id5637" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:elbowMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowmaterial.xml#id5638" xlink:title="Steel"/>

3.17. Attribute: ElbowBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; weight) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowSpecification, ElbowWeight

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: This attribute indicates the specifications for manufacture of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowboundspecification.xml


<pml:elbowBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowboundspecification.xml#id5610" xlink:title="ASTM A312; Schedule 40"/>

<pml:elbowBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowboundspecification.xml#id5616" xlink:title="ASTM A312; Schedule 160"/>

3.18. Attribute: ElbowSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowspecification.xml


<pml:elbowSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowspecification.xml#id5682" xlink:title="ASTM A312"/>

3.19. Attribute: ElbowWeight Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowWeight]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The weight (i.e. Schedule 40, Schedule 80, etc.) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The weight (i.e. ANSI Schedule 40, ANSI Schedule 80, etc.) of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowweight.xml


<pml:elbowWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowweight.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowweight.xml#id5728" xlink:title="Schedule 120"/>

<pml:elbowWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowweight.xml#id5737" xlink:title="XX-S"/>

3.20. Attribute: ElbowBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (angle; nominal pipe size; diameter outside; wall thickness) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:





Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowAngle, ElbowNominalPipeSize, ElbowOutsideDiameter, ElbowWallThickness

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: This attribute indicates the physical dimensions for manufacture of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowbounddimension.xml


<pml:elbowBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowbounddimension.xml#id5524" xlink:title="45 Deg; 42.000" NPS; 42.000" OD; 0.678 WT"/>

<pml:elbowBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowbounddimension.xml#id5594" xlink:title="90 Deg; 18.000" NPS; 18.000" OD; 0.500 WT"/>

3.21. Attribute: ElbowAngle Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowAngle]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,1)

Annotation: The angle of the given elbow, either 45 or 90 degrees.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The angle of the elbow, 45, 90 or 180 degrees

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowangle.xml

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<pml:elbowAngle xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowangle.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowAngle xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowangle.xml#id5439" xlink:title="45"/>

<pml:elbowAngle xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowangle.xml#id5440" xlink:title="90"/>

3.22. Attribute: ElbowNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal pipe size on which the fitting is designed to be installed

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbownominalpipesize.xml


<pml:elbowNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbownominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbownominalpipesize.xml#id5649" xlink:title="16.000"/>

<pml:elbowNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbownominalpipesize.xml#id5653" xlink:title="30.000"/>

3.23. Attribute: ElbowOutsideDiameter Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowOutsideDiameter]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter (in specified units of measure) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

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References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the fitting as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowoutsidediameter.xml


<pml:elbowOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowoutsidediameter.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowoutsidediameter.xml#id5673" xlink:title="12.750"/>

<pml:elbowOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowoutsidediameter.xml#id5680" xlink:title="36.000"/>

3.24. Attribute: ElbowWallThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:elbowWallThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Elbow

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ElbowBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal wall thickness of the component as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowwallthickness.xml


<pml:elbowWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowwallthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:elbowWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowwallthickness.xml#id5717" xlink:title="0.375"/>

<pml:elbowWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/elbowwallthickness.xml#id5726" xlink:title="0.750"/>

4. Flange

Name: [pml:Flange]

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Description: A flange is a method of connecting pipes, valves, pumps and other equipment to form a piping system. It also provides easy access for cleaning, inspection or modification. Flanges are usually welded or screwed. Flanged joints are made by bolting together two flanges with a gasket between them to provide a seal.

Weld Neck Flange

4.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





4.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules:

4.2.1. N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

4.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a flange component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a 8.625” raised-face weld-neck flange</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is a steel blind flange installed during a rehab project</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

4.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

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Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="mm">52</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="mm">79.4</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

4.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




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<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



4.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the component


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281137.41</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

4.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

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Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the component


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281140.54</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

4.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this flange component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

4.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number indicating the pressure rating of the component as determined by the manufacturer


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

4.14. Attribute: FlangeManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangemanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.

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<pml:flangeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangemanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangemanufacturer.xml#id5799" xlink:title="McJunkin Corporation"/>

<pml:flangeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangemanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Flange Manufacturer"/>

4.15. Attribute: FlangeType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: Indicates the specifications for manufacture and physical dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: FlangeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of flange

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangetype.xml


<pml:flangeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangetype.xml#id5841" xlink:title="Blind"/>

<pml:flangeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangetype.xml#id5849" xlink:title="Welding Neck"/>

4.16. Attribute: FlangeMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangematerial.xml


<pml:flangeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangematerial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangematerial.xml#id5811" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:flangeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangematerial.xml#id5812" xlink:title="Steel"/>

4.17. Attribute: FlangeBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (type; specification; class) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: FlangeType, FlangeSpecification, FlangeClass

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of nominal pipe size, type, specification, and class in text format in concatenated form.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeboundspecification.xml


<pml:flangeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:flangeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeboundspecification.xml#id5749" xlink:title="Welding Neck; ASME B16.5; 600#"/>

<pml:flangeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeboundspecification.xml#id5773" xlink:title="Welding Neck Orifice; ASME B16.36; 300#"/>

4.18. Attribute: FlangeSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: FlangeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangespecification.xml


<pml:flangeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangespecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangespecification.xml#id5838" xlink:title="ASME B16.36"/>

<pml:flangeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangespecification.xml#id5840" xlink:title="ASME B16.5"/>

4.19. Attribute: FlangeClass Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeClass]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: FlangeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeclass.xml


<pml:flangeClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeclass.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeclass.xml#id5793" xlink:title="600"/>

<pml:flangeClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeclass.xml#id5796" xlink:title="2500"/>

4.20. Attribute: FlangeNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimension (nominal pipe size) of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangenominalpipesize.xml


<pml:flangeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangenominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangenominalpipesize.xml#id5821" xlink:title="4.500"/>

<pml:flangeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangenominalpipesize.xml#id5813" xlink:title="36.000"/>

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4.21. Attribute: FlangeInsulationType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:flangeInsulationType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Flange

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of insulation, where applied, used to isolate one cathodic protection system from another for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of insulation, where applied, used to isolate one cathodic protection system from another

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeinsulationtype.xml


<pml:flangeInsulationType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeinsulationtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:flangeInsulationType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeinsulationtype.xml#id5797" xlink:title="Insulated"/>

<pml:flangeInsulationType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/flangeinsulationtype.xml#id5798" xlink:title="Not Insulated"/>

5. Launcherreceiver

Name: [pml:Launcherreceiver]

Description: Pig launchers and pig receivers are installed on pipelines to launch and receive pipeline pigs, pipeline spheres and pipeline inspection tools. Pig launchers & pig receivers offer a safe and effective means of inserting and removing pipeline pigs to and from pipelines. Pipeline Engineering fabricates pig launchers and pig receivers to meet the specific requirements of a pipeline.

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Launcher Reciever

5.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A

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5.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

5.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a launcherreceiver component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>IMU: Valve (Receiver), STA 35+37, Eccentric Reducer</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>IMU: Valve, STA 2492+45</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

5.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

5.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

5.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

5.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service


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<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

5.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical length of the component as manufactured. This is the amount of length added to the length of the pipeline system by the presence of this component.

Diagram: Below, the diagram shows the length of the Launcherreceiver with the label AR.


<pml:length uom="in-i">183.5</pml:length>

PipelineML Component Attribute Definitions

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<pml:length uom="in-i">268</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

5.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.011791124500174 -95.805993032500609</gml:pos>



5.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281247.72</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

5.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281270.05</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

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5.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this launcherreceiver component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

5.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">720</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/ >

5.14. Attribute: LauncherreceiverManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:launcherreceiverManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermanufacturer.xml#id5869" xlink:title="Pipeline Products Specialty Company"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Launcher Receiver Manufacturer"/>

5.15. Attribute: LauncherreceiverType

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of the given Launcher Receiver, such as launcher or receiver, etc.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of launcherreceiver (launcher or receiver)

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivertype.xml


<pml:launcherreceiverType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivertype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivertype.xml#id8886" xlink:title="Launcher"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivertype.xml#id8887" xlink:title="Receiver"/>

5.16. Attribute: LauncherreceiverNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimension (nominal pipe size) of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivernominalpipesize.xml


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<pml:launcherreceiverNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivernominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivernominalpipesize.xml#id5888" xlink:title="14.000"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivernominalpipesize.xml#id5895" xlink:title="30.000"/>

5.17. Attribute: LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverBoundManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LauncherreceiverManufacturer, LauncherreceiverProductName, LauncherreceiverModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:launcherreceiverBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverboundmanufacturer.xml#id5856" xlink:title="SWECO Fab, Inc."/>

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<pml:launcherreceiverBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverboundmanufacturer.xml#id5857" xlink:title="TD Williamson, Inc."/>

5.18. Attribute: LauncherreceiverProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name for the given component as defined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name as defined by the component manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:launcherreceiverProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Launcher Receiver Product"/>

5.19. Attribute: LauncherreceiverModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The model number for the given component as defined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:launcherreceiverModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceivermodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Launcher Receiver Model"/>

5.20. Attribute: LauncherreceiverSerialNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverSerialNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer to distinguish it from all other manufacturered components.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The serial number assigned to the component by the manufacturer


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<pml:launcherreceiverSerialNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

5.21. Attribute: LauncherreceiverName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The common name used to reference the Launcher Receiver or the name of the location where it is installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name for this component as defined by the operator.


<pml:launcherreceiverName>LR Burlington South #4</pml:launcherreceiverName>

<pml:launcherreceiverName>Richmond Ridge LR1174</pml:launcherreceiverName>

<pml:launcherreceiverName xsi:nil="true"/>

5.22. Attribute: LauncherreceiverClass Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:launcherreceiverClass]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Launcherreceiver

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the fitting

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverclass.xml


<pml:launcherreceiverClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverclass.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverclass.xml#id5861" xlink:title="600"/>

<pml:launcherreceiverClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/launcherreceiverclass.xml#id5864" xlink:title="2500"/>

6. Linepipe

Name: [pml:Linepipe]

Description: A single component of linepipe or tube as it is known in Europe. Zero or more linepipe component feature elements may be present in a PipelineML data package.

Random Length Pipe Joints

6.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A



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6.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of the linepipe entity type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

6.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a linepipe component with an induction down bend</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is a straight linepipe component containing no bend</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

6.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

6.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system


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<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

6.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

6.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




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<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

6.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="ft-i">60</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="m">20</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

6.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute

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<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



6.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281270.05</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true">

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6.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281330.05</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

6.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this linepipe component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store

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<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

6.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure at which the component was test at the mill


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/>

6.14. Attribute: LinepipeManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the line pipe

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipemanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:linepipeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipemanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipemanufacturer.xml#id6191" xlink:title="Youngstown Steel"/>

<pml:linepipeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipemanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Linepipe Manufacturer"/>

6.15. Attribute: LinepipeType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type (physical, or virtual) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of linepipe component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipetype.xml


<pml:linepipeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipetype.xml#id6358" xlink:title="Physical Linepipe Component"/>

<pml:linepipeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipetype.xml#id6359" xlink:title="Virtual Linepipe Component"/>

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6.16. Attribute: LinepipeMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary material used in the manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used in the manufacture of the linepipe component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipematerial.xml


<pml:linepipeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipematerial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipematerial.xml#id6287" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:linepipeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipematerial.xml#id6288" xlink:title="Steel"/>

6.17. Attribute: LinepipeBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; yield strength; grade) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

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References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeSpecification, LinepipeYieldStrength, LinepipeGrade

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specifications of manufacture of the pipeline represented in a single value. The combination of specification, grade and yield strength comprise the characteristics

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeboundspecification.xml


<pml:linepipeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeboundspecification.xml#id6168" xlink:title="API-5L; X-46; 46000"/>

<pml:linepipeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeboundspecification.xml#id6180" xlink:title="API-5LS; X-70; 70000"/>

6.18. Attribute: LinepipeSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipespecification.xml


<pml:linepipeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipespecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipespecification.xml#id6353" xlink:title="API-5L"/>

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<pml:linepipeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipespecification.xml#id6356" xlink:title="ASTM A-135"/>

6.19. Attribute: LinepipeYieldStrength Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeYieldStrength]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The maximum force at which the material of a pipeline component will yield or begin to deform. Also referred to as SMYS, or specified minimum yield strength.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the yield strength applicable to this component. A yield strength or yield point is the material property defined as the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point the material will deform elastically and will return to its original shape when the applied stress is removed. The maximum force at which the material of a pipeline component will yield or begin to deform (also referred to as SMYS, or specified minimum yield strength).

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeyieldstrength.xml


<pml:linepipeYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeyieldstrength.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeyieldstrength.xml#id6451" xlink:title="25000"/>

<pml:linepipeYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeyieldstrength.xml#id6457" xlink:title="56000"/>

6.20. Attribute: LinepipeGrade Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeGrade]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A portion of the specifications for manufacture that corresponds with the designed pressure handling capability for the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A portion of the specifications for manufacture that corresponds with the designed pressure handling capability

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipegrade.xml


<pml:linepipeGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipegrade.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipegrade.xml#id6182" xlink:title="A-25"/>

<pml:linepipeGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipegrade.xml#id6189" xlink:title="X-65"/>

6.21. Attribute: LinepipeBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nominal pipe size; outside diameter; wall thickness) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeNominalPipeSize, LinepipeOutsideDiameter, LinepipeWallThickness

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number pertaining to the dimensions of the pipeline component

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebounddimension.xml


<pml:linepipeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebounddimension.xml#id6050" xlink:title="10" NPS; 10.75" OD; .843" NWT"/>

<pml:linepipeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebounddimension.xml#id6134" xlink:title="22" NPS; 22" OD; .344" NWT"/>

6.22. Attribute: LinepipeNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the line pipe as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipenominalpipesize.xml


<pml:linepipeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipenominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipenominalpipesize.xml#id6303" xlink:title="12.000"/>

<pml:linepipeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipenominalpipesize.xml#id6313" xlink:title="42.000"/>

6.23. Attribute: LinepipeOutsideDiameter Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeOutsideDiameter]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the outside diameter of the component as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeoutsidediameter.xml


<pml:linepipeOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeoutsidediameter.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeoutsidediameter.xml#id6325" xlink:title="6.625"/>

<pml:linepipeOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeoutsidediameter.xml#id6328" xlink:title="12.750"/>

6.24. Attribute: LinepipeWallThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeWallThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness (in inches) of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: LinepipeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the nominal wall thickness of the pipe as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipewallthickness.xml

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<pml:linepipeWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipewallthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipewallthickness.xml#id6436" xlink:title="1.125"/>

<pml:linepipeWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipewallthickness.xml#id6446" xlink:title="1.562"/>

6.25. Attribute: LinepipeBendType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeBendType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type or fabrication technique used to form a straight joint of pipe into a bend to change the direction of the pipeline route.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture/Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that references the type or fabrication technique used to form a straight joint of pipe into a bend to change the direction of the pipeline route

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebendtype.xml


<pml:linepipeBendType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebendtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeBendType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebendtype.xml#id5899" xlink:title="Straight Pipe Joint"/>

<pml:linepipeBendType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipebendtype.xml#id5901" xlink:title="Induction"/>

6.26. Attribute: LinepipeSeamWeldType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeSeamWeldType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The type of welding technique used to form the longitudinal seam weld on the given pipe joint where present.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A string that references the longitudinal seam weld (not girth weld). The type of welding technique used to form the longitudinal seam weld on the pipe joint where present

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldtype.xml


<pml:linepipeSeamWeldType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:linepipeSeamWeldType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldtype.xml#id6342" xlink:title="Submerged Arc Weld"/>

<pml:linepipeSeamWeldType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldtype.xml#id6344" xlink:title="High Frequency Electric Resistance Weld"/>

6.27. Attribute: LinepipeSeamWeldOrientation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeSeamWeldOrientation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Sub-attribute: FromComponentIDPersepctive defines the connected component ID from which the orientation angle is determined

Annotation: The circumferential orientation (in degrees) of the seam weld, if the pipe is not spiral wound, or seamless.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number pertaining to the orientation (0-359 degrees) of linepipe seam weld applicable to this component instance. The circumferential orientation of the longitudinal seam weld of the pipe joint where present. The orientation is expressed in angles where the observer facing the direction of

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increasing engineering stationing. It is also expressed in clock readings where the observer is facing the direction of increasing engineering stationing.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldorientation.xml




<pml:OrientationAngle xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldorientation.xml#id8868" xlink:title="90"/>






<pml:OrientationAngle xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipeseamweldorientation.xml#id8880" xlink:title="270"/>




6.28. Attribute: LinepipePositionVertical Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipePositionVertical]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The vertical position of the given component relative to natural ground as it was originally designed and constructed.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The vertical position of the component relative to natural ground as it was installed. This attribute could include such values as On Ground, Below Surface, and Elevated or Suspended

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipepositionvertical.xml


<pml:linepipePositionVertical xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipepositionvertical.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:linepipePositionVertical xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipepositionvertical.xml#id6340" xlink:title="Suspended or Elevated"/>

<pml:linepipePositionVertical xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/linepipepositionvertical.xml#id6341" xlink:title="Underground"/>

6.29. Attribute: LinepipeCoverDepthMinimum Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:linepipe

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The depth of ground cover over the component as originally designed and constructed.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture/Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: This attribute applies to underground linepipes. It expresses the minimum cover depth over the length of the linepipe. The depth of ground cover over the component as originally designed and constructed


<pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum uom="ft-i">4</pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum>

<pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum uom="m">1.2</pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum>

<pml:linepipeCoverDepthMinimum xsi:nil="true"/>

7. Meter

Name: [pml:Meter]

Description: A meter is a device used to measure the individual phase flow rates of constituent phases in a given flow (for example in oil and gas industry) petroleum, water and gas mixtures produced during oil production processes.

Coriolis Meter

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7.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





7.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

7.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of this component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Liquid ultrasonic meter on mainline</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Flanged orifice 16 inch</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

7.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured

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<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

7.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

7.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

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7.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

7.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="ft-i">21</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="ft-i">39.4</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

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7.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.011791124500174 -95.805993032500609</gml:pos>



7.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281477.26</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

7.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281516.66</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

7.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

7.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">4500</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">720</pml:pressureRating>

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<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/ >

7.14. Attribute: MeterManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: MeterBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:meterManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:meterManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Meter Manufacturer"/>

7.15. Attribute: MeterType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of the given meter, such as orifice or coriolis.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of meter, such as orifice or coriolis

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml


<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id6489" xlink:title="Gas Ultrasonic"/>

<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id6496" xlink:title="Gas Turbine"/>

7.16. Attribute: MeterNumber Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The number of the meter. This may be used as a master key reference to measurement data systems.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Operation

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The number of the meter as defined by the pipeline operator




<pml:meterNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

7.17. Attribute: MeterNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

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Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the nominal pipe size applicable to this component. The outside diameter of the line pipe as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meternominalpipesize.xml


<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id6464" xlink:title="3.500"/>

<pml:meterType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metertype.xml#id6472" xlink:title="42.000"/>

7.18. Attribute: MeterBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterBoundManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: MeterManufacturer, MeterProductName, MeterModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meterboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:meterBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meterboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

7.19. Attribute: MeterProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name for the given component as defined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: MeterBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name for this component as defined by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meterproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:meterProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meterproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:meterProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/meterproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Meter Product"/>

7.20. Attribute: MeterModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The manufacturers model number for the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: MeterBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:meterModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:meterModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/metermodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Meter Number"/>

7.21. Attribute: MeterSerialNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterSerialNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0] Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer to distinguish it from all other manufacturered components.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The serial number assigned to the component by the manufacturer




<pml:meterModelNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

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7.22. Attribute: MeterFlowRateMinimum Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterFlowRateMinimum]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The minimum rate of flow the meter is designed to measure product flow as determined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the maximum flow rate the meter is capabilities of the measuring


<pml:meterFlowRateMinimum uom="MSCFH">1450</pml:meterFlowRateMinimum>

<pml:meterFlowRateMinimum uom=" MSCFH">6235</pml:meterFlowRateMinimum>

<pml:meterFlowRateMinimum xsi:nil="true"/ >

7.23. Attribute: MeterFlowRateMaximum Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:meterFlowRateMaximum]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Meter

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The maximum rate of flow the meter is designed to measure product flow as determined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the maximum flow rate the meter is capabilities of the measuring


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<pml:meterFlowRateMaximum uom="MSCFH">4725</pml:meterFlowRateMaximum>

<pml:meterFlowRateMaximum uom="MSCFH">12414</pml:meterFlowRateMaximum>

<pml:meterFlowRateMaximum xsi:nil=" true"/>

8. Pump

Name: [pml:Pump]

Description: A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), or sometimes slurries, by mechanical action. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps. Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work by moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources, including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power, come in many sizes. Mechanical pumps are used in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for operating cooling towers.


8.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




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8.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

8.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a pump component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A

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<pml:comment>This is a high-pressure centrifugal pump.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is an oil centrifuge Johnson Pump.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

8.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

8.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system



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<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

8.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

8.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

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8.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="in-i">48</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="in-i">71.5</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

8.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.


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<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



8.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281641.59</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

8.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2281713.09</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

8.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this pump component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




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<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

8.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2160</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

8.14. Attribute: PumpManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmanufacturer.xml

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Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:pumpManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Pump Manufacturer"/>

8.15. Attribute: PumpType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (primary; secondary; tertiary; quaternary; quniary) that collectively defines the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of pump

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumptype.xml


<pml:pumpType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumptype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumptype.xml#id6593" xlink:title="Centrifugal; Between-bearings; 1 & 2 Stage; Axially Split"/>

<pml:pumpType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumptype.xml#id6610" xlink:title="Positive Displacement; Reciprocating; Plunger"/>

8.16. Attribute: PumpBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (diameter outlet; diameter inlet; diameter impeller) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpDiameterOutlet, PumpDiameterInlet, PumpDiameterImpeller

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of attributes defined above in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpbounddimension.xml


<pml:pumpBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpbounddimension.xml#id6561" xlink:title="3 x 6 x 15"/>

<pml:pumpBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpbounddimension.xml#id6568" xlink:title="8 x 10 x 21"/>

8.17. Attribute: PumpDiameterOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpDiameterOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The diameter of the outlet for the given pump component as on the specified unit of measure.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the pump outlet

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Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 151

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameteroutlet.xml


<pml:pumpDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameteroutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameteroutlet.xml#id6583" xlink:title="6.000"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameteroutlet.xml#id6584" xlink:title="8.000"/>

8.18. Attribute: PumpDiameterInlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpDiameterIntlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The diameter of the inlet for the given pump component as on the specified unit of measure.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the pump inlet

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterinlet.xml


<pml:pumpDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterinlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterinlet.xml#id6575" xlink:title="4.000"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterinlet.xml#id6578" xlink:title="10.000"/>

8.19. Attribute: PumpDiameterImpeller Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpDiameterImpeller]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The diameter of the impeller for the given pump component as on the specified unit of measure.

Attribute Description: A string value

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The diameter of the pump impeller

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterimpeller.xml


<pml:pumpDiameterImpeller xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterimpeller.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterImpeller xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterimpeller.xml#id6571" xlink:title="13.000"/>

<pml:pumpDiameterImpeller xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpdiameterimpeller.xml#id6573" xlink:title="21.000"/>

8.20. Attribute: PumpBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpBoundManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpManufacturer, PumpProductName, PumpModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:pumpBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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8.21. Attribute: PumpProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name for the given component as defined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name for this component as defined by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:pumpProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Pump Product"/>

8.22. Attribute: PumpModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The model number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PumpBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:pumpModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpmodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Pump Model"/>

8.23. Attribute: PumpSerialNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpSerialNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer to distinguish it from all other manufacturered components.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The serial number assigned to the component by the manufacturer


<pml:pumpSerialNumber>P-ELT 341R00004321</pml:pumpSerialNumber>


<pml:pumpSerialNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

8.24. Attribute: PumpFuelType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpFuelType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of fuel used to power the motor of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of fuel used to power the compressor motor

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpfueltype.xml


<pml:pumpFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpfueltype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pumpFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpfueltype.xml#id6585" xlink:title="Electricity"/>

<pml:pumpFuelType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pumpfueltype.xml#id6586" xlink:title="Natural Gas"/>

8.25. Attribute: PumpPowerRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpFlowPowerRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The amount of horsepower produced by the component, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The amount of power (such as horsepower) produced by the component, as specified by the manufacturer


<pml:pumpPowerRating uom="HP">4625</pml:pumpPowerRating>

<pml:pumpPowerRating uom="HP">3200</pml:pumpPowerRating>

<pml:pumpPowerRating xsi:nil="true"/>

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8.26. Attribute: PumpRatedFlow Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpRatedFlow]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The specified flow rate the given component is designed to produce.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specified flow rate to pump is designed to produce


<pml:pumpRatedFlow uom="gpm">800</pml:pumpRatedFlow>

<pml:pumpRatedFlow uom="gpm">2000</pml:pumpRatedFlow>

<pml:pumpRatedFlow xsi:nil="true"/>

8.27. Attribute: PumpPressureSuction Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpPressureSuction]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure on the suction (upstream) side of the pump.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure on the suction (upstream) side of the pump


<pml:pumpPressureSuction uom="psi">400</pml:pumpPressureSuction>

<pml:pumpPressureSuction uom="psi">750</pml:pumpPressureSuction>

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<pml:pumpPressureSuction xsi:nil="true"/>

8.28. Attribute: PumpPressureDischarge Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pumpPressureDischarge]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Pump

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The amount of horsepower produced by the component, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure on the discharge (downstream) side of the pump


<pml:pumpPressureDischarge uom="psi">620</pml:pumpPressureDischarge>

<pml:pumpPressureDischarge uom="psi">850</pml:pumpPressureDischarge>

<pml:pumpPressureDischarge xsi:nil="true"/>

9. Reducer

Name: [pml:Reducer]

Description: A fitting designed to connect two pipe components of differing outside diameters. Zero or more reducer component feature elements may be present in a PipelineML data package.

Concentric Reducer

9.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





9.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of the entity type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

9.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a welded reducer (12" X 6").</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is a reduced to fit 2" plug valve plange.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

9.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

9.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

9.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

9.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

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Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

9.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="in-i">36</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="cm">91.44</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

9.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

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Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



9.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

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Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the component


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">1469230.58</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">1087057.39</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true">

9.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the component


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523916.05</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

9.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

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Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

9.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number indicating the pressure rating of the component as determined by the manufacturer


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">2000</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">4500</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

9.14. Attribute: ReducerManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:reducerManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermanufacturer.xml#id7186" xlink:title="Tubular Products"/>

<pml:reducerManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Reducer Manufacturer"/>

9.15. Attribute: ReducerType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reduce

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of the given component, such as eccentric or concentric.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

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Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of reducer such as eccentric or concentric

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducertype.xml


<pml:reducerType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducertype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducertype.xml#id7331" xlink:title="Eccentric"/>

<pml:reducerType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducertype.xml#id7332" xlink:title="Concentric"/>

9.16. Attribute: ReducerMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermaterial.xml


<pml:reducerMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermaterial.xml#id7188" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:reducerMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducermaterial.xml#id7189" xlink:title="Steel"/>

9.17. Attribute: ReducerBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; weight) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerSpecification, ReducerWeight

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component. The combination of specification and weight comprise the characteristics.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerboundspecification.xml


<pml:reducerBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerboundspecification.xml#id7173" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Standard"/>

<pml:reducerBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerboundspecification.xml#id7180" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Schedule 80"/>

9.18. Attribute: ReducerSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerspecification.xml


<pml:reducerSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerspecification.xml#id7330" xlink:title="ASME B16.9"/>

9.19. Attribute: ReducerWeight Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerWeight]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The weight (i.e. Schedule 40, Schedule 80, etc.) of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The weight of the fitting as defined by a specification (such as Schedule 40, Schedule 120, XX-S, etc.)

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerweight.xml


<pml:reducerWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerweight.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerweight.xml#id7510" xlink:title="XX-S"/>

<pml:reducerWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerweight.xml#id7502" xlink:title="Schedule 140"/>

9.20. Attribute: ReducerBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nps inlet; nps outlet; outside diameter inlet; outside diameter outlet; wall thickness inlet; wall thickness outlet) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:







Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerNominalPipeSizeInlet, ReducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet, ReducerOutsideDiameterInlet, ReducerOutsideDiameterOutlet, ReducerWallThicknessInlet, ReducerWallThicknessOutlet

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A value that indicates physical dimensions of the fitting that includes inlet pipe size and outlet pipe size.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerbounddimension.xml


<pml:reducerBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerbounddimension.xml#id6644" xlink:title="1.5" NPSI; 1" NPSO; 1.9" ODI; 1.315" ODO; .4" WTI; .358" WTO"/>

<pml:reducerBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerbounddimension.xml#id6957" xlink:title="16" NPSI; 12" NPSO; 16" ODI; 12.75" ODO; .844" WTI; .688" WTO"/>

9.21. Attribute: ReducerNominalPipeSizeInlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeInlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The size of the inlet (as specified in the units of measure as nominal pipe size) for the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimension of the inlet pipe size (nominal pipe size) of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeinlet.xml


<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeinlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeinlet.xml#id7200" xlink:title="6.000"/>

<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeinlet.xml#id7219" xlink:title="44.000"/>

9.22. Attribute: ReducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimension of the outlet pipe size (nominal pipe size) of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeoutlet.xml


<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeoutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeoutlet.xml#id7246" xlink:title="32.000"/>

<pml:reducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducernominalpipesizeoutlet.xml#id7252" xlink:title="44.000"/>

9.23. Attribute: ReducerOutsideDiameterInlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerOutsideDiameterInlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component inlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the fitting inlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameterinlet.xml


<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameterinlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameterinlet.xml#id7261" xlink:title="2.875"/>

<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameterinlet.xml#id7281" xlink:title="34.000"/>

9.24. Attribute: ReducerOutsideDiameterOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerOutsideDiameterOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the fitting outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameteroutlet.xml


<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id7313" xlink:title="12.750"/>

<pml:reducerOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reduceroutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id7320" xlink:title="26.000"/>

9.25. Attribute: ReducerWallThicknessInlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerWallThicknessInlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness of the given component inlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal wall thickness of the fitting inlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessinlet.xml


<pml:reducerWallThicknessInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessinlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerWallThicknessInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessinlet.xml#id7395" xlink:title="1.156"/>

<pml:reducerWallThicknessInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessinlet.xml#id7413" xlink:title="2.062"/>

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9.26. Attribute: ReducerWallThicknessOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:reducerWallThicknessOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Reducer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness of the given component outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ReducerBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal wall thickness of the fitting outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessoutlet.xml


<pml:reducerWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessoutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:reducerWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessoutlet.xml#id7430" xlink:title="0.215"/>

<pml:reducerWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/reducerwallthicknessoutlet.xml#id7443" xlink:title="0.307"/>

10. Tap

Name: [pml:Tap]

Description: A pipeline tap consists of a cut into an active pipeline to provide a side outlet or means to attach another fitting such as a coupon holder or chemical injector. Often used temporarily to gain access to the interior of the carrier pipe without significant disruption in normal operations.

Full Saddle Tap

10.1. Attribute: ComponentID

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





10.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this component type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

10.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of this component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This was a field tap for a CP coupon holder.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Welded 8” weld-o-let over existing collar.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

10.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured



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<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

10.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed into the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

10.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

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10.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

10.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="mm">54</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="mm">185</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

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10.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



10.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523952.05</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true">

10.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523959.32</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

10.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

10.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure at which the component was test at the mill


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">4500</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">740</pml:pressureRating>

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<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/>

10.14. Attribute: TapManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:tapManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmanufacturer.xml#id7805" xlink:title="Republic Steel"/>

<pml:tapManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Tap Manufacturer"/>

10.15. Attribute: TapType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of given tap (i.e. stopple or saddle).

Attribute Description: A string value

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of tap component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/taptype.xml


<pml:tapType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/taptype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/taptype.xml#id8032" xlink:title="Full Saddle"/>

<pml:tapType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/taptype.xml#id8034" xlink:title="Welded"/>

10.16. Attribute: TapMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used in the manufacture of this component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmaterial.xml


<pml:tapMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmaterial.xml#id7849" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:tapMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapmaterial.xml#id7850" xlink:title="Steel"/>

10.17. Attribute: TapBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nominal pipe size; inside diameter inlet; outside diameter outlet) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TapNominalPipeSize, TapDiameterInletInside, TapDiameterOutletOutside

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number pertaining to the dimensions of the pipeline component. A text representation of the dimensions (tap nominal pipe size, tap inlet inside diameter, and tap outlet outside diameter)

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapbounddimension.xml


<pml:tapBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapbounddimension.xml#id7752" xlink:title="6.625" NPS; 24" OD; 24" ID"/>

<pml:tapBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapbounddimension.xml#id7788" xlink:title="4.5" NPS; 16" OD; 16" ID"/>

10.18. Attribute: TapNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size (given in the specified unit of measure) on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

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Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the nominal pipe size applicable to this component. The outside diameter of the line pipe as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapnominalpipesize.xml


<pml:tapNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapnominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapnominalpipesize.xml#id7859" xlink:title="2.375"/>

<pml:tapNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapnominalpipesize.xml#id7867" xlink:title="6.625"/>

10.19. Attribute: TapOutsideDiameterInlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapOutsideDiameterInlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(8,5)

Annotation: The outside diameter (given in the specified unit of measure) of the inlet of the tap.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TapBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the inlet inside diameter applicable to this component as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameterinlet.xml


<pml:tapOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameterinlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameterinlet.xml#id7905" xlink:title="3.688"/>

<pml:tapOutsideDiameterInlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameterinlet.xml#id7926" xlink:title="13.813"/>

10.20. Attribute: TapOutsideDiameterOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapOutsideDiameterOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: decimal(8,5)

Annotation: The outside diameter (given in the specified unit of measure) of the outlet of the tap.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the outlet outside diameter applicable to this component as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameteroutlet.xml


<pml:tapOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id7983" xlink:title="7.125"/>

<pml:tapOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id8004" xlink:title="16.688"/>

10.21. Attribute: TapFunction Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapFunction]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the function of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapfunction.xml


<pml:tapFunction xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapfunction.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:tapFunction xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapfunction.xml#id7790" xlink:title="Blowoff"/>

<pml:tapFunction xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapfunction.xml#id7796" xlink:title="Stopple"/>

10.22. Attribute: TapInstallMethod Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:tapInstallMethod]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tap

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The method used to install the given component on a pipeline.

Attribute Description: The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number that defines the method of installation used in the field

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapinstallmethod.xml


<pml:tapInstallMethod xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapinstallmethod.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:tapInstallMethod xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapinstallmethod.xml#id7798" xlink:title="Hot Tap"/>

<pml:tapInstallMethod xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/tapinstallmethod.xml#id7800" xlink:title="Welded In"/>

11. Tee

Name: [pml:Tee]

Description: The primary purpose of a Tee is to make a 90° branch from the main run of pipe. There are 2 primary configurations - the equal tee and reducing tee. The equal tee (or straight tee) is used as the branch has the same diameter as the run-pipe. The reducing tee is used as the branch has a smaller diameter as the run-pipe.

Straight Tee

11.1. Attribute: ComponentID

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this tee component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





11.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of the tee entity type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

11.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a tee component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a 12” tee component with an 8” reducer</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This is an equal 20” tee component</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

11.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured



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<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

11.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

11.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

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11.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

11.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical length of the component as manufactured

Diagram: Below, the yellow arrow illustrates the component measurement being described

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<pml:length uom="mm">356</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="mm">1778</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

11.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>

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<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



11.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523959.32</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

11.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

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Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523965.32</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

11.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this tee component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

11.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

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Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">35500</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">52000</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>

11.14. Attribute: TeeManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the tee component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teemanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:teeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teemanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:teeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teemanufacturer.xml#id8518" xlink:title="Hackney"/>

<pml:teeManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teemanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Tee Manufacturer"/>

11.15. Attribute: TeeType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of the given component (i.e.straight or reducing).

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of elbow component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teetype.xml


<pml:teeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teetype.xml#id8626" xlink:title="Straight"/>

<pml:teeType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teetype.xml#id8627" xlink:title="Reducing"/>

11.16. Attribute: TeeMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teematerial.xml

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<pml:teeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teematerial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teematerial.xml#id8528" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:teeMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teematerial.xml#id8529" xlink:title="Steel"/>

11.17. Attribute: TeeBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; weight) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeSpecification, TeeWeight

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeboundspecification.xml


<pml:teeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeboundspecification.xml#id8396" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Standard"/>

<pml:teeBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeboundspecification.xml#id8407" xlink:title="ASME B16.9; Schedule 80S"/>

11.18. Attribute: TeeSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeSpecification]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teespecification.xml


<pml:teeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teespecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teespecification.xml#id8625" xlink:title="ASME B16.9"/>

11.19. Attribute: TeeWeight Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeWeight]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The weight classication for the given component (i.e. Schedule 40, Schedule 80, etc.).

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The weight (i.e. ANSI Schedule 40, ANSI Schedule 80, etc.) of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeweight.xml


<pml:teeWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeweight.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:teeWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeweight.xml#id8746" xlink:title="Schedule 40S"/>

<pml:teeWeight xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeweight.xml#id8749" xlink:title="Schedule 80"/>

11.20. Attribute: TeeBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nps; od run; od outlet; cte run; cte outlet; wt run; wt outlet) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:








Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeNominalPipeSize, TeeOutsideDiameterRun, TeeOutsideDiameterOutlet, TeeCenterToEndRun, TeeCenterToEndOutlet, TeeWallThicknessRun, TeeWallThicknessOutlet

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimensions of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teebounddimension.xml


<pml:teeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teebounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teebounddimension.xml#id8042" xlink:title="1.5" NPS;1.9" ODR; 1.315" ODO; 2.25" RCE; 2.25" OCE; .065" WTR; .065" WTO"/>

<pml:teeBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teebounddimension.xml#id8137" xlink:title="10" NPS;1.75" ODR; 6.625" ODO; 8.5" RCE; 7.62" OCE; 1.125" WTR; .719" WTO"/>

11.21. Attribute: TeeNominalPipeSize

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size (given in the specified unit of measure) on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the tee as specified by the manufacturer, expressed in nominal terms

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teenominalpipesize.xml


<pml:teeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teenominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teenominalpipesize.xml#id8539" xlink:title="5.000"/>

<pml:teeNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teenominalpipesize.xml#id8548" xlink:title="22.000"/>

11.22. Attribute: TeeOutsideDiameterRun Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeOutsideDiameterRun]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter (given in the specified unit of measure) of the run portion for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the fitting run (inline with the mainline assembly) as specified by the manufacturer

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Diagram: Below, the yellow arrow illustrates the component measurement being described

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameterrun.xml


<pml:teeOutsideDiameterRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameterrun.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeOutsideDiameterRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameterrun.xml#id8928" xlink:title="5.563"/>

<pml:teeOutsideDiameterRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameterrun.xml#id8934" xlink:title="16.000"/>

11.23. Attribute: TeeOutsideDiameterOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeOutsideDiameterOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter (given in the specified unit of measure) of the outlet portion for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the fitting outlet as specified by the manufacturer

Diagram: Below, the yellow arrow illustrates the component measurement being described

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameteroutlet.xml

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<pml:teeOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id" xlink:title=""/>

<pml:teeOutsideDiameterOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teeoutsidediameteroutlet.xml#id" xlink:title=""/>

11.24. Attribute: TeeCenterToEndRun Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeCenterToEndRun]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) between the end of the run and the center for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: TBD

Diagram: Below, the yellow arrows illustrate the component measurements being described


<pml:teeCenterToEndRun uom="in_i">8.5</pml:teeCenterToEndRun>

<pml:teeCenterToEndRun uom="in_i">20.5</pml:teeCenterToEndRun>

<pml:teeCenterToEndRun xsi:nil="true"/>

11.25. Attribute: TeeCenterToEndOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) between the end of the outlet and the center for the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: TBD

Diagram: Below, the yellow arrow illustrates the component measurements being described


<pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet uom="in_i">10.62</pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet>

<pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet uom="in_i">4.5</pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet>

<pml:teeCenterToEndOutlet xsi:nil="true"/>

11.26. Attribute: TeeWallThicknessRun Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeWallThicknessRun]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness for the given component run (inline with the mainline assembly) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal wall thickness of the fitting run (inline with the mainline assembly) as specified by the manufacturer

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Diagram: Below, the yellow arrows illustrate the component measurements being described

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessrun.xml


<pml:teeWallThicknessRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessrun.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeWallThicknessRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessrun.xml#id8698" xlink:title="0.218"/>

<pml:teeWallThicknessRun xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessrun.xml#id8718" xlink:title="0.875"/>

11.27. Attribute: TeeWallThicknessOutlet Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:teeWallThicknessOutlet]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Tee

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness for the given component outlet as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: TeeBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal wall thickness of the fitting outlet as specified by the manufacturer

Diagram: Below, the yellow arrows illustrate the component measurements being described

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessoutlet.xml

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<pml:teeWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessoutlet.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:teeWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessoutlet.xml#id8649" xlink:title="0.322"/>

<pml:teeWallThicknessOutlet xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/teewallthicknessoutlet.xml#id8669" xlink:title="0.938"/>

12. Valve

Name: [pml:Valve]

Description: A single valve component. Valves are mechanical devices that control the flow and pressure within a system or process. They are essential components of a piping system that conveys liquids, gases, vapors, slurries etc. Different types of valves are available: gate, globe, plug, ball, butterfly, check, diaphragm, pinch, pressure relief, control valves etc. Each of these types has a number of models, each with different features and functional capabilities. Some valves are self-operated while others manually or with an actuator or pneumatic or hydraulic is operated. Zero or more valve component feature elements may be present in a PipelineML data package.

Gate Valve

12.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

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Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





12.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

12.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a valve component

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>IMU: Check Valve, Denver Station</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>IMU: Valve, STA 2492+45</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

12.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

12.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

12.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

12.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was abandoned from service




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

12.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom=" in-i">36</pml:length>

<pml:length uom=" mm">94.11</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

12.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.011791124500174 -95.805993032500609</gml:pos>



12.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:StartEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


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<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2523965.32</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

12.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:EndEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2524001.32</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

12.12. Attribute: AssemblyID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:assemblyID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:assemblyID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A reference to an assembly (i.e. collection of components).

Attribute Description: A string that originates as a database globally unique identifier (GUID) pertaining to the assembly identifier of which this valve component is a participating member. If this value is set to null, it either does not belong to an assembly or the assembly definition is not warranted.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Assembly.AssemblyID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The first level of aggregation of pipeline components into logical assemblies that perform specific functions such as tie-ins, meter runs, or mainline transmission. Geometry aggregations are stored in the operational data store.




<pml:assemblyID xsi:nil="true"/>

12.13. Attribute: PressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, CoterminousComponent:pressureRating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturer’s specification for the pressure handling capabilities of the fitting


<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">12500</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating uom="psi">720</pml:pressureRating>

<pml:pressureRating xsi:nil=“true”/ >

12.14. Attribute: ValveManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class CoterminousComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:valveManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemanufacturer.xml#id8781" xlink:title="Fitzpatrick"/>

<pml:valveManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Valve Manufacturer"/>

12.15. Attribute: ValveType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of valve (i.e. gate or check).

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of valve (gate, ball, plug, check, etc.)

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvetype.xml


<pml:valveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvetype.xml#id8857" xlink:title="Ball"/>

<pml:valveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvetype.xml#id8859" xlink:title="Gate"/>

12.16. Attribute: ValveBoundSpecification

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; class) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ValveSpecification, ValveClass

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: A combined set of attributes that collectively define the type of valve represented in a single value. The combination of specification, class and nominal pipe size comprise the characteristics

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveboundspecification.xml


<pml:valveBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveboundspecification.xml#id8758" xlink:title="API 6D; 900#"/>

<pml:valveBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveboundspecification.xml#id8760" xlink:title="API 6D; 2500#"/>

12.17. Attribute: ValveSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture for the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ValveBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of a pipeline component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvespecification.xml


<pml:valveSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvespecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvespecification.xml#id8856" xlink:title="API 6D"/>

12.18. Attribute: ValveClass Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveClass]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of class to which the given component has been identified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: ValveBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The class is a specification to indicate the design pressure handling capabilities of the fitting

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveclass.xml


<pml:valveClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveclass.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveclass.xml#id8765" xlink:title="900"/>

<pml:valveClass xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveclass.xml#id8767" xlink:title="2500"/>

12.19. Attribute: ValveNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical dimension (nominal pipe size) of the fitting, as specified by the manufacturer.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvenominalpipesize.xml


<pml:valveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvenominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvenominalpipesize.xml#id8835" xlink:title="4.500"/>

<pml:valveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvenominalpipesize.xml#id8843" xlink:title="18.000"/>

12.20. Attribute: ValveOperability Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveOperability]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The method used to operate the given valve, including the actuator type and remote or onsite operability.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The method used to operate the valve, including the actuator type and remote or onsite operability

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveoperability.xml


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<pml:valveOperability xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveoperability.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveOperability xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveoperability.xml#id8851" xlink:title="Onsite Operability; Manual Actuator"/>

<pml:valveOperability xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valveoperability.xml#id8854" xlink:title="Remote Operability; Electric Actuator"/>

12.21. Attribute: ValveActuationTime Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveActuationTime]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The amount of time (given in the specified unit of measure) that is required for the valve to actuate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: An integer value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: A value indicating the actuation time (time required to fully open or close the valve) of the component as determined by the manufacturer


<pml:valveActuationTime uom="min">1</pml:valveActuationTime>

<pml:valveActuationTime uom="min">3</pml:valveActuationTime>

<pml:valveActuationTime xsi:nil="true"/ >

12.22. Attribute: ValveFunctionType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveFunctionType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary function or purpose that the given component is intended to fulfill.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

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Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary function or purpose that the valve is intended to fulfill

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvefunctiontype.xml


<pml:valveFunctionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvefunctiontype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveFunctionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvefunctiontype.xml#id8768" xlink:title="Mainline"/>

<pml:valveFunctionType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvefunctiontype.xml#id8770" xlink:title="Relief"/>

12.23. Attribute: ValveNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The number of the valve. This may be used as a master key reference to measurement data systems.

Attribute Description: An integer value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: A number assigned to the valve by the operator to uniquely identify it within a pipeline system




<pml:valveNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

12.24. Attribute: ValveModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The manufacturers model number for the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:valveModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:valveModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/valvemodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Valve Model"/>

12.25. Attribute: ValveSerialNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:valveSerialNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Valve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A unique identification number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer to distinguish it from all other manufacturered components.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The serial number assigned to the component by the manufacturer




<pml:valveSerialNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

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This section contains connector component attribution definitions. All coterminous components are connected with some form of connecting component (such as welds or bolts). As with most other feature types in PipelineML, connector components are optional.

1. Pipeconnector

Name: [pml:Pipeconnector]

Description: A method or device used to connect two components into an assembly, for example a weld or threaded coupling.

1.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A



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1.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

1.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a Pipeconnector component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Joint welded via low hydrogen-coated electrodes</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Welded with Shield-Arc 85 E7070-A1</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

1.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was fabricated.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured. In the case of welding rods, this would be the date the rods were manufactured at the factory. If this date is not known, it would be left null. The InstallDate would be used to indicate when the rods were used to connect two components.




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

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Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A

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<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

1.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture/Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical length of the component as manufactured. In most cases, welds should have a length of zero (0).


<pml:length uom="in_i">.25</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="in_i">2.75</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

1.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



1.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


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<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2524001.32</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

1.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object. When using linear referencing, we recommend to leave this empty (xml:nil) for dimensionless connectors and only use location or startEngineeringStation.


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2524001.57</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

1.12. Attribute: ComponentID1 Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID1]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, ConnectorComponent:componentID1

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks one of the components to which this appurtenance is attached. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this connector component is attached.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

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References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the parent coterminous component to which this connector component is attached




<pml:componentID1 xsi:nil=“true”/>

1.13. Attribute: ComponentID2 Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID2]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, ConnectorComponent:componentID2

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks one of the components to which this appurtenance is attached. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this connector component is attached.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the parent coterminous component to which this connector component is attached




<pml:componentID2 xsi:nil=“true”/>

1.14. Attribute: PipeconnectorManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class ConnectorComponent:manufacturer

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: An optional integer value that SHALL be dereferenceable to define a string value containing the name of the company that manufactured the component. In the case of welding rods, this would be the company who manufactured the rods.

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:pipeconnectorManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Pipe Connector Manufacturer"/>

1.15. Attribute: PipeconnectorType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:pipeconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of connection used to join two components together such as weld or threaded coupling.

Attribute Description: An optional integer value that SHALL be dereferenceable to define a string value containing the type of connector

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipeconnectorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of Pipeconnector

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectortype.xml


<pml:pipeconnectorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectortype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectortype.xml#id6525" xlink:title="Bolt"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectortype.xml#id6527" xlink:title="Weld"/>

1.16. Attribute: PipeconnectorMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:pipeconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary material used in the manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormaterial.xml


<pml:pipeconnectorMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormaterial.xml#id6512" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectormaterial.xml#id6513" xlink:title="Steel"/>

1.17. Attribute: PipeconnectorNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:pipeconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An integer identifier assigned to a weld or other pipe connector.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: A unique number assigned to the connector by the operator for purposes of identification




<pml:pipeconnectorNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

1.18. Attribute: PipeconnectorBoundType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorBoundType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:pipeconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (type; subtype) that collectively defines a given type of component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipeconnectorType, PipeconnectorSubType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of attributes defined above in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorboundtype.xml


<pml:pipeconnectorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorboundtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:pipeconnectorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorboundtype.xml#id6499" xlink:title="Weld; Butt Joint"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorBoundType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorboundtype.xml#id6510" xlink:title="Thread; Class 6000"/>

1.19. Attribute: PipeconnectorSubType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:pipeconnectorSubType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:pipeconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A secondary classification used to describe the characteristics of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: PipeconnectorBoundType

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The secondary or subtype of Pipeconnector

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorsubtype.xml


<pml:pipeconnectorSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorsubtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorsubtype.xml#id6518" xlink:title="Corner Joint"/>

<pml:pipeconnectorSubType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/pipeconnectorsubtype.xml#id6523" xlink:title="Tee Joint"/>

2. Virtualconnector

Name: [pml:Virtualconnector]

Description: A method or device used to virtually connect two components in cases where the exact connecting point is not known but needs to be connected from a topological perspective.

2.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

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Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





2.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

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2.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a Pipeconnector component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This virtual connector connects a mainline assembly to the Johnson Cannel facility </pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Connecting launcher receiver assembly to a meter station</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

2.4. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the virtual component (given in specified unit of measure).

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture/Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The physical length of the component as manufactured. In most cases, welds should have a length of zero (0).


<pml:length uom="in_i">0</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="in_i">3.5</pml:length>

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<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

2.5. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



2.6. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2524001.57</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.7. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object. When using linear referencing, we recommend to leave this empty (xml:nil) for dimensionless connectors and only use location or startEngineeringStation.


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2524001.92</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

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2.8. Attribute: ComponentID1 Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID1]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, ConnectorComponent:componentID1

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks one of the components to which this appurtenance is attached. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this connector component is attached.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the parent coterminous component to which this connector component is attached




<pml:componentID1 xsi:nil=“true”/>

2.9. Attribute: ComponentID2 Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID2]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, ConnectorComponent:componentID2

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks one of the components to which this appurtenance is attached. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this connector component is attached.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

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Version 1.00.1 February 2020 Page 236

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the parent coterminous component to which this connector component is attached




<pml:componentID2 xsi:nil=“true”/>

2.10. Attribute: VirtualconnectorType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:virtualconnectorType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:virtualconnector

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of connection used to join two components together.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: N/A

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary type of Virtualconnector

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/virtualconnectortype.xml


<pml:virtualconnectorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/virtualconnectortype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>


This section contains appurtenant component attribution definitions. All components that are applied to a coterminous component are appurtenant components. This includes casings, coatings, and sleeves.

1. Location Methods

PipelineML defines multiple methods for declaring appurtenance location. Each method enables unambiguous definition of the position of appurtenances. Method selection should be determined based on the business use case being addressed by the data interchange and which location method best services the needs of that use case.

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1.1. Method 1 – Absolute Geospatial Location

This method provides absolute geospatial location using one of two variants. This method provides the most accurate location of the appurtenance in the most succinct manner possible. This location method can be combined with methods 2 and 3. In this case, the geometry of method 1 (absolute position) has precedence on the geometry of methods 2 or 3.

1.2. Method 1a - Absolute Geospatial, Point or Linestring (2D or 3D point or centerline)

The following diagram illustrates this method variant.

• The exact geospatial location of the appurtenance is described in the ‘Location’ tag. For linear appurtenances, this is a 2D or 3D gml:LineString representing the centerline of the appurtenance. For point appurtenances, this is a 2D or 3D gml:Point representing the center of the appurtenance.

• There is no direct link between the appurtenance and the coterminous componentry, although this method can be combined with relative positioning methods (methods 2-3) if such a relation is required.

• The order on which the appurtenance geometry vertices are entered is arbitrary. • This method is recommended for datasets in which no direct relationship between appurtenances

and coterminous componentry exists and where the exact position of the appurtenances has been independently measured.

1.3. Method 1b – Absolute Geospatial, Polygon 2D

The following diagram illustrates this method variant.

Appurtenant Component

Location (Start Node XY/XYZ)

Appurtenance Location Definition – Method 1a – Absolute Geospatial, Linestring (1D Centerline)

Location (End Node XY/XYZ)

Pipeline Centerline

Appurtenant Component

Appurtenance Location Definition – Method 1b – Absolute Geospatial, Polygon (2D)

Location (Start Node XY/XYZ) Location (End Node XY/XYZ)

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• The exact geospatial location of the appurtenance is described in the ‘Location’ tag. For both linear and point appurtenances this is described by a 2D gml:Polygon that represents the outline of the appurtenance in a top-down view.

• No 3D polygons are supported. • There is no direct link between the appurtenance and the coterminous componentry, although

this method can be combined with relative positioning methods (methods 2-3) if such a relation is required.

• This method is recommended if the 2D perimeter of appurtenances is known and is important. It cannot be used when 3D position of appurtenances is required.

1.4. Method 2 – Relative Directionality-based Location

This method provides relative geospatial location based on the relationship of the appurtenance to its underlying coterminous components. This method supports directionality and should be preferred where business use cases specify pipeline or component directionality. It features two variants.

1.5. Method 2a – Relative, Girth Welds, Directionality

This variant is intended for cases in which directionality needs to be supported and the location of girth welds are known. The following diagram illustrates 2 examples of this method variant.

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• The geospatial location of the appurtenance is described relative to the position of coterminous components that relate to these appurtenances. For linear appurtenances these are the first and last component of the relation. For point appurtenances this is the closest component.

• In case of protection pipes, these are the related components would be the components covered by the protection pipe. For referencing to girth welds, the appurtenance is described by two connectors: one at the start of the appurtenance and one at the end.

• By referencing both connectors, a local direction is defined along which all measures are taken: positive measures are along the local direction, negative measures are against the local direction.

• The start position is measured along the local direction, offset at the start connector. The end position is offset at the end connector and is also measured along the local direction. 2D and 3D appurtenances are supported as they inherit the geometry of the coterminous components they relate to.

• This method is recommended if appurtenance positions are not separately measured, but the position relative to componentry is known. This method requires girth welds to be explicitly modeled.

Appurtenance Location Definition Method 2a – Relative, Girth Welds, Directionality (Component, Position)

Coterminous Component A Coterminous Component B Coterminous Component C

Appurtenant Component

Connector 1 Connector 2 Connector 3 Connector 4

Start Position = 39'

Start Connector = 1

End Position = 47'

End Connector = 3

Example 1

Appurtenant Component

Start Position = -21'

Start Connector = 2

End Position = -13'End Connector = 4

Example 2

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1.6. Method 2b – Relative, Componentry, Directionality

This variant is intended for cases in which directionality needs to be supported and the location of components are known. The following diagram illustrates 3 examples of this method variant.

• This is a variation on method 2a. The appurtenances are now described relative to components instead of girth welds. This method is recommended if appurtenance positions are not separately measured, but the position relative to componentry is known. This method does not require girth welds to be explicitly modeled.

Appurtenance Location Definition Method 2b – Relative, No-Girth Welds, Directionality (Component, Position)

Coterminous Component A Coterminous Component B Coterminous Component C

Connector 1 Connector 2 Connector 3 Connector 4

Appurtenant Component

Start Position = 39' End Position = 47'

Example 1

Appurtenant Component

End Position = 21' Start Position = 13'

Example 2

Start Component = A End Component = C

Start Component = CEnd Component = A

Start Position = -21' End Position = 47'

Example 3

End Component = CStart Component = B

Appurtenant Component

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1.7. Method 3 – Relative Non-directionality Location

This method provides relative geospatial location based on the relationship of the appurtenance to its underlying coterminous components. This method does not require directionality to correctly reference the start and end points of the appurtenance. It requires 3 references to note the beginning point of an appurtenance and 3 references to indicate the ending point. The following diagram illustrates 3 examples of using this method to reference the location of an appurtenance. When possible, this method is preferred over method 2 as it eliminates any potential confusion regarding pipeline or component directionality.

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• The geospatial location of the appurtenance is described relative to the position of coterminous components that relate to these appurtenances.

• For linear appurtenances these are: o the first component of the relation o the last component of the relation o a first girth weld connecting to the first component

Coterminous Component A Coterminous Component B Coterminous Component C

Appurtenant Component

Connector 1 Connector 2 Connector 3 Connector 4

Start Component = A

Start Position = 39'

Start Connector = 1

End Component = C

End Position = 47'

End Connector = 3

Appurtenance Location Definition Method 3 – Relative, Non-Directionality (Component, Connector, Position)

Example 1

Appurtenant Component

End Component = A

End Position = 21'

End Connector = 2

Start Component = C

Start Position = 13'

Start Connector = 4

Example 2

Appurtenant Component

Start Component = A

Start Position = 21'

Start Connector = 2

End Component = C

End Position = 47'

End Connector = 3

Example 3

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o a second girth weld connecting to the last component • For point appurtenances these are:

o the closest component o a girth weld connecting to this component

• The start of the appurtenance is defined by measuring the distance from the first girth weld in the direction of the first component. The end is defined from the second girth weld measuring in the direction of the last component.

• Only positive measures are used. • This method is recommended if appurtenance positions are not separately measured, but the

position relative to componentry is known. This method requires girth welds to be explicitly modeled.

2. Casing

Name: [pml:Casing]

Description: A segment of larger diameter line pipe installed to protect the carrier pipelines. Use of casings to protect crossings under railroads or roads is decreasing in favor of using greater nominal wall thickness values, which de creases maintenance overhead over traditional cased crossings.


2.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





2.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

2.3. Attribute: Comment

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a casing component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>This is a steel casing with spacers and no annulus.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>This railroad casing was constructed using steel with concrete annulus and rubber seals.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

2.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.5. Attribute: InstallDate

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

2.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="ft-i">138.5</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="ft-i">71.5</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

2.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

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Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:Point gml:id="id815A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:pos>30.09547286 -96.07996290</gml:pos>




<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



2.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

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Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2310576.13</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2310704.63</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

2.12. Attribute: StartComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the start parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:startComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

2.13. Attribute: StartPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the start parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:startPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

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2.14. Attribute: StartPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) between the start pipe connector ID and the beginning of the casing, on the specified component ID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The start position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by startComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by startConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">23</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">41</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

2.15. Attribute: EndComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

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Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the end parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:endComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

2.16. Attribute: EndPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its ending point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the end parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:endPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

2.17. Attribute: EndPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) between the end pipe connector ID and the ending of the casing, on the specified component ID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The end position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by endComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by endConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">7</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">55</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

2.18. Attribute: CasingManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class AppurtenantComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:casingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmanufacturer.xml#id556" xlink:title="Kanematsu - Gosho"/>

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<pml:casingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Casing Manufacturer"/>

2.19. Attribute: CasingCrossingType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingCrossingType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of feature or infrastructure, such as a railroad, under which the casing is installed for protection.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of casing crossing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingcrossingtype.xml


<pml:casingCrossingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingcrossingtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingCrossingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingcrossingtype.xml#id514" xlink:title="Road & Railroad"/>

<pml:casingCrossingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingcrossingtype.xml#id524" xlink:title="Railroad & Ditch"/>

2.20. Attribute: CasingMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary material used in the manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used to fabricate the component

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Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmaterial.xml


<pml:casingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmaterial.xml#id665" xlink:title="PVC"/>

<pml:casingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingmaterial.xml#id666" xlink:title="Steel"/>

2.21. Attribute: CasingBoundSpecification Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingBoundSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (specification; grade; yield strength) that collectively defines the specification of a given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingSpecification, CasingGrade, CasingYieldStrength

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of attributes defined above in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingboundspecification.xml


<pml:casingBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingboundspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingboundspecification.xml#id502" xlink:title="API-5L; X-60; 60000"/>

<pml:casingBoundSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingboundspecification.xml#id510" xlink:title="ASTM A-53; B; 35000"/>

2.22. Attribute: CasingSpecification

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingSpecification]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the organization or standards body that publishes the specifications for manufacture of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The specifications for manufacture of the casing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingspecification.xml


<pml:casingSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingspecification.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingspecification.xml#id723" xlink:title="API-5L"/>

<pml:casingSpecification xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingspecification.xml#id726" xlink:title="ASTM A-135"/>

2.23. Attribute: CasingGrade Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingGrade]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Annotation: A portion of the specifications for manufacture that corresponds with the designed pressure handling capability.

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacture grade of the casing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinggrade.xml


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<pml:casingGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinggrade.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinggrade.xml#id530" xlink:title="A-25"/>

<pml:casingGrade xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinggrade.xml#id534" xlink:title="X-52"/>

2.24. Attribute: CasingYieldStrength Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingYieldStrength]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Annotation: The maximum force at which the material of the given component will yield or begin to deform. Also referred to as SMYS, or specified minimum yield strength.

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: integer

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundSpecification

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The yield strength of the casing as determined by the manufacture

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingyieldstrength.xml


<pml:casingYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingyieldstrength.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingyieldstrength.xml#id662" xlink:title="Voest-Alpine"/>

<pml:casingYieldStrength xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingyieldstrength.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Casing Manufacturer"/>

2.25. Attribute: CasingBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nominal pipe size; outer diameter; wall thickness) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

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Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingNominalPipeSize, CasingOutsideDiameter, CasingWallThickness

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of attributes defined above in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingbounddimension.xml


<pml:casingBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingbounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingbounddimension.xml#id416" xlink:title="14" NPS; 14" OD; 1.093" NWT"/>

<pml:casingBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingbounddimension.xml#id492" xlink:title="42" NPS; 42" OD; .375" NWT"/>

2.26. Attribute: CasingNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size of the given component, expressed in nominal units.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal pipe size of the casing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingnominalpipesize.xml


<pml:casingNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingnominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:casingNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingnominalpipesize.xml#id678" xlink:title="6.000"/>

<pml:casingNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingnominalpipesize.xml#id689" xlink:title="30.000"/>

2.27. Attribute: CasingOutsideDiameter Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingOutsideDiameter]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The outside diameter of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The outside diameter of the casing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingoutsidediameter.xml


<pml:casingOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingoutsidediameter.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingoutsidediameter.xml#id697" xlink:title="2.875"/>

<pml:casingOutsideDiameter xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingoutsidediameter.xml#id715" xlink:title="36.000"/>

2.28. Attribute: CasingWallThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingWallThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The wall thickness of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CasingBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The wall thickness of the casing

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingwallthickness.xml


<pml:casingWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingwallthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingwallthickness.xml#id747" xlink:title="0.191"/>

<pml:casingWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingwallthickness.xml#id758" xlink:title="0.258"/>

2.29. Attribute: CasingAnnulusType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingAnnulusType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type, such as asphalt or grout, of annulus used to isolate the casing from the carrier pipe.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The material used to fill the void between a casing and the carrier pipeline

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingannulustype.xml


<pml:casingAnnulusType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingannulustype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingAnnulusType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingannulustype.xml#id230" xlink:title="Dielectric Filler"/>

<pml:casingAnnulusType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingannulustype.xml#id231" xlink:title="Grout"/>

2.30. Attribute: CasingInsulatorType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingInsulatorType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of material used to insulate the carrier pipe from the casing pipe.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of insulation used to isolate the casing pipe from the carrier pipe to ensure the effectiveness of corrosion prevention systems

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinginsulatortype.xml


<pml:casingInsulatorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinginsulatortype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingInsulatorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinginsulatortype.xml#id539" xlink:title="No Insulator"/>

<pml:casingInsulatorType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casinginsulatortype.xml#id544" xlink:title="Concrete"/>

2.31. Attribute: CasingSealType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingSealType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type or material used to seal the gap between the end of the casing and the carrier pipeline.

Attribute Description: A string value. The value provided in this field must be validated against the external reference code list defined below to comply with this standard

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of seal used to close the casing at both ends

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingsealtype.xml


<pml:casingSealType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingsealtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:casingSealType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingsealtype.xml#id718" xlink:title="Rubber"/>

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<pml:casingSealType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/casingsealtype.xml#id722" xlink:title="Wax"/>

2.32. Attribute: CasingVentCount Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:casingVentCount]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Casing

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The number of vent pipes attached to the casing to minimize buildup of liquids between the casing and the carrier pipe.

Attribute Description: An integer value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The number of vents utilized in the casing




<pml:casingVentCount xsi:nil="true"/>

3. Coating

Name: [pml:Coating]

Description: Uniform coating applied to the outside of the pipe intended to protect the pipe against corrosion. Representative examples of coating material are coal tar enamel, fusion-bonded epoxy, fusion-bonded polyethylene, asphalt enamel, and coal tar epoxy.

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3.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A

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3.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

3.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a coating component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Rehab components coated with Shurtape PW-100</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Field joint applied with three-layer polypropylene</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

3.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the given coating was manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.7. Attribute: AbandonDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


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<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

3.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length (given in the specified unit of meausre) of the existing coating visually inspected or observed at an excavation.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="in-i">72</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="in-i">153</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

3.9. Attribute: Location Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



3.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The position of the start of the existing coating visually inspected or observed in relation to the upstream girth weld.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2432174.89</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

3.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2432187.64</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

3.12. Attribute: StartComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks the beginning component on which the coating is applied. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the start parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




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<pml:startComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

3.13. Attribute: StartPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks the begining weld to which the beginning of this coating is referenced. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the start parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:startPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

3.14. Attribute: StartPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in specified unit of measure) from the start pipeconnectorID to the beginning of the coating, on the given componentID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The start position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by startComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by startConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">23</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">41</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

3.15. Attribute: EndComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks the ending component on which the coating is applied. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the end parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:endComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

3.16. Attribute: EndPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

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Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity that marks the ending weld to which the beginning of this coating is referenced. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its ending point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the end parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:endPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

3.17. Attribute: EndPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in specified unit of measure) from the start pipeconnectorID to the ending of the coating, on the given componentID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The end position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by endComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by endConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">7</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">55</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

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3.18. Attribute: CoatingManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class AppurtenantComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given coating.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CoatingBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the coating

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:coatingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmanufacturer.xml#id1233" xlink:title="Allied Pipeline Technologies"/>

<pml:coatingManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Casing Manufacturer"/>

3.19. Attribute: CoatingType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of given external coating on the line pipe used for corrosion prevention.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

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References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of coating

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingtype.xml


<pml:coatingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingtype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingtype.xml#id1821" xlink:title="Outerwrap"/>

<pml:coatingType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingtype.xml#id1830" xlink:title="Spray"/>

3.20. Attribute: CoatingMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The type of coating material used to protect the pipeline.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmaterial.xml


<pml:coatingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmaterial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmaterial.xml#id1291" xlink:title="Fusion Bond Epoxy (FBE)"/>

<pml:coatingMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmaterial.xml#id1304" xlink:title="Polyethylene (PE)"/>

3.21. Attribute: CoatingBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingBoundManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CoatingManufacturer, CoatingProductName, CoatingModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:coatingBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingboundmanufacturer.xml#id842" xlink:title="3M; Scotchkote; 327 Epoxy Spray"/>

<pml:coatingBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingboundmanufacturer.xml#id1218" xlink:title="Valspar; Pipeclad; 2000"/>

3.22. Attribute: CoatingProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name of the given coating applied to the line pipe.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

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Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CoatingBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name for this component as defined by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:coatingProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingproductname.xml#id1642" xlink:title=" Mastic 2000"/>

<pml:coatingProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Coating Product"/>

3.23. Attribute: CoatingModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The model number assigned to this coating by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CoatingBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the

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reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:coatingModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmodelnumber.xml#id1424" xlink:title="7200 Epoxy"/>

<pml:coatingModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingmodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Coating Model"/>

3.24. Attribute: CoatingLayerNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingLayerNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: integer

Native Datatype: integer

Annotation: The number of the coating layer being described. The first coating layer is the one closest to the pipe component.

Attribute Description: An integer value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The sequential number of the coating layer starting with layer 1 being closest to the pipeline component




<pml:coatingLayerNumber xsi:nil="true"/>

3.25. Attribute: CoatingThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The thickness of the given coating applied to the line pipe, based on the specified unit of measure.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The thickness of the coating applied to the components

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingthickness.xml


<pml:coatingThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingthickness.xml#id1761" xlink:title="10-12 mils"/>

<pml:coatingThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingthickness.xml#id1783" xlink:title="18 mils"/>

3.26. Attribute: CoatingMultiLayerDescription Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: This attribute describes in a single text field a concatenated listing of all coatings applied to the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: CoatingLayerNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Exclusivity

Pipeline Componentry Description: A description that lists each of the coatings applied to the component/s. If the use of multiple coating records is not desireable, this attribute allows for a concatenated description of multiple coatings to be defined as a single string value.


<pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription>Coal Tar Enamel; Fiberglass, Felt And Kraft Paper</pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription>

<pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription>Liquid Epoxy; Fiberglass and PVC Tape</pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription>

<pml:coatingMultiLayerDescription xsi:nil="true"/>

3.27. Attribute: CoatingApplicationLocation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:coatingApplicationLocation]

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Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Coating

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The location at which the given coating was applied to the line pipe.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingapplicationlocation.xml

Pipeline Componentry Description: Where was the coating applied: manufacturer facility, field, etc.


<pml:coatingApplicationLocation xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingapplicationlocation.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:coatingApplicationLocation xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingapplicationlocation.xml#id829" xlink:title="Manufacturer Facility"/>

<pml:coatingApplicationLocation xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/coatingapplicationlocation.xml#id830" xlink:title="Field"/>

4. Sleeve

Name: [pml:Sleeve]

Description: A pipe sleeve is a clamp or welded fitting that is attached to the outside of a piece of line pipe that is used to mitigate damage from external corrosion or excavations. Sleeves are most commonly installed around pipe connections.

Full Encirclement Metal Sleeve

4.1. Attribute: ComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:componentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from xml:id/gml:id

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Cardinality: Required [1]

Attribute Datatype: string representing a UUID/GUID, prefixed with characters id

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Master Key of the object or entity. The Master Key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) value that is acquired from the master data management system. This value is permanent and not reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for this component. This identifier is unique within a PipelineML data package and is preferably retained for the same piece of componentry throughout all subsequent PipelineML versions being distributed.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Required, Unique

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A





4.2. Attribute: Code Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:code]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:code

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The Surrogate Key of the object or entity. The Surrogate Key is an integer value that is unique to the entity type, but not globally unique. The value is acquired from the master data management system and is never reused or deleted.

Attribute Description: A human-readable string that is unique within the context of this entity (component) type, but not globally unique across all entity types. Substitution groups will be used to permit the use of either character or numeric (including integer) values for maximum flexibility in supporting legacy data management systems.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




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<pml:code xsi:nil="true"/>

4.3. Attribute: Comment Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:comment]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:comment

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: An unusual or notable information regarding object or entity.

Attribute Description: A string that allows for text comment to be provided pertaining to a specific instance of a Sleeve component

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A


<pml:comment>Rehab project resulted in the attachment of split repair sleeve onto 16” mainline linepipe component.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment>Half inch reinforcing sleeve welded onto 24” mainline.</pml:comment>

<pml:comment xsi:nil="true"/>

4.4. Attribute: ManufactureDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:manufactureDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:manufacturerDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was originally manufactured.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was originally manufactured




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<pml:manufactureDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.5. Attribute: InstallDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:installDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:installDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was installed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was installed on the pipeline system




<pml:installDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.6. Attribute: RemoveDate Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:removeDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:removeDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was physically removed.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Removal

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The date on which the component was removed from the pipeline system




<pml:removeDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.7. Attribute: AbandonDate

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:abandonDate]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:abandonDate

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: dateTime

Native Datatype: dateTime

Annotation: The date on which the component was permanently taken out of service.

Attribute Description: A date value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Abandonment

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: N/A




<pml:abandonDate xsi:nil="true"/>

4.8. Attribute: Length Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:length]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:length

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The length of the given component (given in specified unit of measure) as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the units of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The length of the linepipe component as originally manufactured


<pml:length uom="in-i">36</pml:length>

<pml:length uom="in-i">88</pml:length>

<pml:length xsi:nil="true"/>

4.9. Attribute: Location

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Technical Name (namespace:name): [gml:location]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is defined in GML as gml:location

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Native Datatype: GML (point, linestring, multipoint-linestring, multi-linestring)

Annotation: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location, expressed in decimal degrees with a reference to the World Geodetic System of 1984.

Attribute Description: This is the default full resolution geospatial representation of the location of the component supplied as a GML. This element is not to be confused with levels of detail (LOD). The use of substitution groups will be leveraged here to support points, linestrings and multi-linestrings.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: N/A

Pipeline Componentry Description: The location contains the geometry of the feature along with the spatial location based on the coordinate reference system (CRS) specified in the srsName attribute.



<gml:LineString gml:id="id865A50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CL" srsName="EPSG::4326">

<gml:posList>30.04283647 -95.88802777 30.04284372 -95.88802327</gml:posList>




<gml:Point gml:id="id5C4C50A1-72FD-E411-80C9-38EAA735D691CO" srsName="EPSG::31370">

<gml:pos srsDimension="3">50125.223 155238.115 23.154</gml:pos>



4.10. Attribute: StartEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:startEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value at the start of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

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Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the start of the object


<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2278946.51</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">697324.12</pml:startEngineeringStation>

<pml:startEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

4.11. Attribute: EndEngineeringStation Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endEngineeringStation]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class Component:endEngineeringStation

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The calculated engineering station value for the end of the object. This is a derived value based on information stored in the station equation table and the spatial sequence.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The surveyed engineering station value at the end of the object


<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">2278953.84</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation uom="ft-i">742238.59</pml:endEngineeringStation>

<pml:endEngineeringStation xsi:nil="true"/>

4.12. Attribute: StartComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The componentID on which the sleeve starts.

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Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the start parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:startComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

4.13. Attribute: StartPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The connectorID on which the sleeve starts.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the start parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:startPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

4.14. Attribute: StartPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:startPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:startPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

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Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) from the EndPipeConnectorID and the begining of the sleeve, on the given componentID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The start position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by startComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by startConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">02</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition uom="ft-i">41</pml:startPosition>

<pml:startPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

4.15. Attribute: EndComponentID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endComponentID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endComponentID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The componentID on which the sleeve ends.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its beginning point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Cap.ComponentID, Compressor.ComponentID, Elbow.ComponentID, Flange.ComponentID, LanucherReceiver.ComponentID, Linepipe.ComponentID, Meter.ComponentID, Pump.ComponentID, Reducer.ComponentID, Tap.ComponentID, Tee.ComponentID, Valve.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A Master Key Reference to the end parent coterminous component to which this appurtenant component is attached




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<pml:endComponentID xsi:nil="true"/>

4.16. Attribute: EndPipeconnectorID Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPipeconnectorID]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPipeconnectorID

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The connectorID on which the sleeve ends.

Attribute Description: A machine-readable globally unique instance identifier for the coterminous component to which this appurtenant component it attached its ending point.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: Pipeconnector.ComponentID, Virtualconnector.ComponentID

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Reference

Pipeline Componentry Description: A master key reference to the end parent coterminous component connection to which this appurtenant component is attached




<pml:endPipeconnectorID xsi:nil="true"/>

4.17. Attribute: EndPosition Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:endPosition]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, AppurtenantComponent:endPosition

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The distance (given in the specified unit of measure) from the EndPipeConnectorID and the ending of the sleeve, on the given componentID.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The end position of the appurtenant component in relationship to the underlying start coterminous component (represented as a geometric linestring) as defined by

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endComponentID as a referenced offset from the start connector joint (represented as a point) as defined by endConnectorID based on the unit of measure specified (see Figure B for a visual reference).


<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">7</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition uom="ft-i">55</pml:endPosition>

<pml:endPosition xsi:nil="true"/>

4.18. Attribute: SleeveManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute inherits from the abstract class AppurtenantComponent:manufacturer

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The name of the company that manufactured the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The name of the company that manufactured the Sleeve

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemanufacturer.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:sleeveManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemanufacturer.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Sleeve Manufacturer"/>

4.19. Attribute: SleeveType Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveType]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

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Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The primary type of the given component (i.e. full encirclement or half sole).

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The type of Sleeve

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevetype.xml


<pml:sleeveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevetype.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevetype.xml#id7613" xlink:title="Full Encirclement Metal"/>

<pml:sleeveType xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevetype.xml#id7615" xlink:title="Half-Sole"/>

4.20. Attribute: SleeveMaterial Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveMaterial]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The material used to fabricate the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist

Pipeline Componentry Description: The primary material used to fabricate the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevematerial.xml


<pml:sleeveMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevematerial.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevematerial.xml#id7581" xlink:title="Metal"/>

<pml:sleeveMaterial xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevematerial.xml#id7582" xlink:title="Composite"/>

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4.21. Attribute: SleeveBoundDimension Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveBoundDimension]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (nominal pipe size; wall thickness) that collectively defines the dimensions of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of attribute values for this type of component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:



Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveNominalPipeSize, SleeveWallThickness

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of attributes defined above in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevebounddimension.xml


<pml:sleeveBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevebounddimension.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevebounddimension.xml#id7540" xlink:title="18" NPS; .375" WT"/>

<pml:sleeveBoundDimension xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevebounddimension.xml#id7565" xlink:title="34" NPS; .375" WT"/>

4.22. Attribute: SleeveNominalPipeSize Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveNominalPipeSize]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(6,3)

Annotation: The nominal pipe size (given in the specified unit of measure) on which the given component is designed to be installed.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

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References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal pipe size over which this Sleeve was designed by the manufacturer to fit

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevenominalpipesize.xml


<pml:sleeveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevenominalpipesize.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevenominalpipesize.xml#id7590" xlink:title="10.000"/>

<pml:sleeveNominalPipeSize xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevenominalpipesize.xml#id7605" xlink:title="40.000"/>

4.23. Attribute: SleeveWallThickness Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleeveWallThickness]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: decimal(5,3)

Annotation: The nominal wall thickness (given in the specified unit of measure) of the given component as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveBoundDimension

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The nominal pipe size over which this Sleeve was designed by the manufacturer to fit

Pipeline Componentry Description: The wall thickness of the sleeve component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevewallthickness.xml


<pml:sleeveWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevewallthickness.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevewallthickness.xml#id7616" xlink:title="0.188"/>

<pml:sleeveWallThickness xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevewallthickness.xml#id7619" xlink:title="0.375"/>

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4.24. Attribute: SleeveBoundManufacturer Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:sleeveBoundManufacturer]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: A bound set of concatenated values (manufacturer; product name; model number) that collectively defines the manufacturer of the given component.

Attribute Description: A string value that defines a bound combination of manufacturer attributes for this component. This bound form of data combinations represents the highest pedigree of data standardization and is considered authoritative data. This bound set of values includes the following attributes:




Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveManufacturer, SleeveProductName, SleeveModelNumber

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive

Pipeline Componentry Description: The combination of manufacturer, product name, and model number in text format

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleeveboundmanufacturer.xml


<pml:sleeveBoundManufacturer xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleeveboundmanufacturer.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

4.25. Attribute: SleeveProductName Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:sleeveProductName]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The product name for the given component as defined by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

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Pipeline Componentry Description: The product name for this component as defined by the manufacturer

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleeveproductname.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:sleeveProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleeveproductname.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

<pml:sleeveProductName xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleeveproductname.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Sleeve Product"/>

4.26. Attribute: SleeveModelNumber Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:sleeveModelNumber]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: string

Native Datatype: string

Annotation: The model number assigned to the given component by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A string value. This value should be set to NULL if bound codes are used for reasons of disambiguation.

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Manufacture

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: SleeveBoundManufacturer

Comformance Validation Rules: Codelist, Exclusive, Substandard

Pipeline Componentry Description: The manufacturers model number for the component

Reference Code List: http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemodelnumber.xml

Other Values: This attribute accepts the value of -1 to indicate use of an alternate value. This is a temporary construct utilized in the initial release of this standard while our code lists are being fully populated and vetted. The use of this value is expected to be deprecated in a future release of the standard. When this attribute value is set to -1, the alternate text can be provided in a subattribute named other, as illustrated below. Please note that this functionality is not intended to be utilized to support alternate spellings of a value listed in the reference code list. If someone wishes to suggest a change to an authoritize code value, a web-based mechanism will be provided to suggest code additions, modifications, and deletions.


<pml:sleeveModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemodelnumber.xml#id0" xlink:title="No Data"/>

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<pml:sleeveModelNumber xlink:href="http://registry.pipelineml.org/codelists/sleevemodelnumber.xml#id-1" xlink:title="Acme Sleeve Model"/>

4.27. Attribute: SleevePressureRating Technical Name (namespace:name): [pml:SleevePressureRating]

Heritage: This concrete attribute is unique to this element, pml:Sleeve

Cardinality: Optional [0]

Attribute Datatype: decimal

Native Datatype: decimal

Sub-attribute: UOM defines the unit of measure referenced by this value

Annotation: The pressure (given in the specified unit of measure) at which the given component was designed to operate, as specified by the manufacturer.

Attribute Description: A decimal value based on the unit of measure specified

Attribute Known at Component Lifecycle Stage: Construction

References Other Object/s: N/A

Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s: N/A

Comformance Validation Rules: Attribute

Pipeline Componentry Description: The pressure handling rating as determined by the component manufacturer


<pml:SleevePressureRating uom="psi">8500</pml:SleevePressureRating>

<pml:SleevePressureRating uom="psi">4500</pml:SleevePressureRating>

<pml:SleevePressureRating xsi:nil="true"/>


1. Attribute Reference List

The following lists all attributes defined within this document for the purposes of quickly referencing key parameters. The columns are defined below:

• Object – The object or type of component to which the attribute applies.

• Attribute – The name of the attribute.

• Code List – Whether the attribute uses an external reference code list or not.

• Global – Whether this value participates in a global value or is entirely isolated (stand-alone). For example, teeManufacturer and capManufacturer participate in a global manufacturer list.

• Binding – Whether the attribute participates in a bound value set or not.

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• Reference – Whether the attribute is a reference that point to another object. For example, the Coating.StartComponentID and Coating.EndComponentID reference Linepipe.ComponentID.

Object Attribute Code List Global Binding Reference

Assembly AbandonDate No No No No

Assembly AssemblyBoundType Yes No Yes No

Assembly AssemblyClassification Yes No AssemblyBoundType No

Assembly Code No No No No

Assembly Comment No No No No

Assembly EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Assembly AssemblyID No No No Yes

Assembly InstallDate No No No No

Assembly Length No No No No

Assembly Name No No No No

Assembly OperationDate No No No No

Assembly RemoveDate No No No No

Assembly StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Assembly AssemblySubType Yes No AssemblyBoundType No

Assembly AssemblyType Yes No AssemblyBoundType No

Cap AbandonDate No No No No

Cap AssemblyID No No No Yes

Cap CapBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Cap CapBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Cap Code No No No No

Cap Comment No No No No

Cap ComponentID No No No Yes

Cap CapOutsideDiameter Yes No CapBoundDimension No

Cap EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Cap InstallDate No No No No

Cap Length No No No No

Cap Location No No No No

Cap ManufactureDate No No No No

Cap CapManufacturer Yes Yes No No

Cap CapMaterial Yes Yes No No

Cap CapNominalPipeSize Yes Yes CapBoundDimension No

Cap PressureRating No No No No

Cap RemoveDate No No No No

Cap CapSpecification Yes No CapBoundSpecification No

Cap StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Cap CapWallThickness Yes No CapBoundDimension No

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Cap CapWeight Yes No CapBoundSpecification No

Casing AbandonDate No No No No

Casing CasingAnnulusType Yes No No No

Casing CasingBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Casing CasingBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Casing Code No No No No

Casing Comment No No No No

Casing ComponentID No No No Yes

Casing CasingCrossingType Yes No No No

Casing CasingOutsideDiameter Yes No No No

Casing EndComponentID No No No Yes

Casing EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Casing EndPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Casing EndPosition No No No No

Casing CasingGrade Yes No CasingBoundSpecification No

Casing InstallDate No No No No

Casing CasingInsulatorType Yes No No No

Casing Length No No No No

Casing Location No No No No

Casing ManufactureDate No No No No

Casing CasingManufacturer Yes Yes No No

Casing CasingMaterial Yes Yes No No

Casing CasingNominalPipeSize Yes No CasingBoundDimension No

Casing RemoveDate No No No No

Casing CasingSealType Yes No No No

Casing CasingSpecification Yes No CasingBoundSpecification No

Casing StartComponentID No No No Yes

Casing StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Casing StartPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Casing StartPosition No No No No

Casing CasingVentCount No No No No

Casing CasingWallThickness Yes No CasingBoundDimension No

Casing CasingYieldStrength Yes No CasingBoundSpecification No

Coating AbandonDate No No No No

Coating CoatingApplicationLocation Yes No No No

Coating CoatingBoundManufacturer Yes No Yes No

Coating Code No No No No

Coating Comment No No No No

Coating ComponentID No No No Yes

Coating EndComponentID No No No Yes

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Coating EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Coating EndPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Coating EndPosition No No No No

Coating InstallDate No No No No

Coating CoatingLayerNumber No No No No

Coating Length No No No No

Coating Location No No No No

Coating ManufactureDate No No No No

Coating CoatingManufacturer Yes No CoatingBoundManufacturer No

Coating CoatingMaterial Yes No No No

Coating CoatingModelNumber Yes No CoatingBoundManufacturer No

Coating CoatingMultiLayerDescription No No No No

Coating CoatingProductName Yes No CoatingBoundManufacturer No

Coating RemoveDate No No No No

Coating StartComponentID No No No Yes

Coating StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Coating StartPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Coating StartPosition No No No No

Coating CoatingThickness Yes No No No

Coating CoatingType Yes No No No

Collection CollectionBoundType Yes No No No

Collection CollectionClassification Yes No CollectionBoundType No

Collection Code No No No No

Collection Comment No No No No

Collection CollectionID No No No Yes

Collection Name No No No No

Collection CollectionSubType Yes No CollectionBoundType No

Collection CollectionType Yes No CollectionBoundType No

Compressor AbandonDate No No No No

Compressor AssemblyID No No No Yes

Compressor CompressorBoundManufacturer Yes No Yes No

Compressor CompressorBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Compressor Code No No No No

Compressor Comment No No No No

Compressor ComponentID No No No Yes

Compressor EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Compressor CompressorFuelType Yes No No No

Compressor InstallDate No No No No

Compressor Length No No No No

Compressor Location No No No No

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Compressor ManufactureDate No No No No

Compressor CompressorManufacturer Yes No CompressorBoundManufacturer No

Compressor CompressorModelNumber Yes No CompressorBoundManufacturer No

Compressor CompressorNominalPipeSize Yes No No No

Compressor CompressorPowerRating No No No No

Compressor CompressorPressureDischarge No No No No

Compressor PressureRating No No No No

Compressor CompressorPressureSuction No No No No

Compressor CompressorProductName Yes No CompressorBoundManufacturer No

Compressor CompressorRatedFlow No No No No

Compressor RemoveDate No No No No

Compressor CompressorSerialNumber No No No No

Compressor CompressorStage Yes No CompressorBoundSpecification No

Compressor StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Compressor CompressorStroke Yes No CompressorBoundSpecification No

Compressor CompressorThrow Yes No CompressorBoundSpecification No

Compressor CompressorType Yes No CompressorBoundSpecification No

Elbow AbandonDate No No No No

Elbow ElbowAngle Yes No ElbowBoundDimension No

Elbow AssemblyID No No No Yes

Elbow ElbowBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Elbow ElbowBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Elbow Code No No No No

Elbow Comment No No No No

Elbow ComponentID No No No Yes

Elbow ElbowOutsideDiameter Yes No ElbowBoundDimension No

Elbow EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Elbow InstallDate No No No No

Elbow Length No No No No

Elbow Location No No No No

Elbow ManufactureDate No No No No

Elbow ElbowManufacturer Yes Yes No No

Elbow ElbowMaterial Yes Yes No No

Elbow ElbowNominalPipeSize Yes No ElbowBoundDimension No

Elbow PressureRating No No No No

Elbow RemoveDate No No No No

Elbow ElbowSpecification Yes No ElbowBoundSpecification No

Elbow StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Elbow ElbowType Yes No No No

Elbow ElbowWallThickness Yes No ElbowBoundDimension No

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Elbow ElbowWeight Yes No ElbowBoundSpecification No

Flange AbandonDate No No No No

Flange AssemblyID No No No Yes

Flange FlangeBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Flange FlangeClass Yes No FlangeBoundSpecification No

Flange Code No No No No

Flange Comment No No No No

Flange ComponentID No No No Yes

Flange EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Flange InstallDate No No No No

Flange FlangeInsulationType Yes No No No

Flange Length No No No No

Flange Location No No No No

Flange ManufactureDate No No No No

Flange FlangeManufacturer Yes No No No

Flange FlangeMaterial Yes No No No

Flange FlangeNominalPipeSize Yes No No No

Flange PressureRating No No No No

Flange RemoveDate No No No No

Flange FlangeSpecification Yes No FlangeBoundSpecification No

Flange StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Flange FlangeType Yes No FlangeBoundSpecification No

Launcherreceiver AbandonDate No No No No

Launcherreceiver AssemblyID No No No Yes

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer Yes No Yes No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverClass Yes No LauncherreceiverBoundSpecification No

Launcherreceiver Code No No No No

Launcherreceiver Comment No No No No

Launcherreceiver ComponentID No No No Yes

Launcherreceiver EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Launcherreceiver InstallDate No No No No

Launcherreceiver Length No No No No

Launcherreceiver Location No No No No

Launcherreceiver ManufactureDate No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverManufacturer Yes No LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverModelNumber Yes No LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverModelName No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverName No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverNominalPipeSize Yes No LauncherreceiverBoundSpecification No

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Launcherreceiver PressureRating No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverProductName Yes No LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer No

Launcherreceiver RemoveDate No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverSerialNumber No No No No

Launcherreceiver StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Launcherreceiver LauncherreceiverType Yes No No No

Linepipe AbandonDate No No No No

Linepipe AssemblyID No No No Yes

Linepipe LinepipeBendType Yes No No No

Linepipe LinepipeBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Linepipe LinepipeBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Linepipe Code No No No No

Linepipe Comment No No No No

Linepipe ComponentID No No No Yes

Linepipe LinepipeCoverDepthMinimum No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeOutsideDiameter Yes No LinepipeBoundDimension No

Linepipe EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeGrade Yes No LinepipeBoundSpecification No

Linepipe InstallDate No No No No

Linepipe Length No No No No

Linepipe Location No No No No

Linepipe ManufactureDate No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeManufacturer Yes No No No

Linepipe LinepipeMaterial Yes No No No

Linepipe LinepipeNominalPipeSize Yes Yes LinepipeBoundDimension No

Linepipe LinepipePositionVertical Yes No No No

Linepipe PressureRating No No No No

Linepipe RemoveDate No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeSeamWeldOrientation No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeSeamWeldType Yes No No No

Linepipe LinepipeSpecification Yes No LinepipeBoundSpecification No

Linepipe StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Linepipe LinepipeType Yes No No No

Linepipe LinepipeWallThickness Yes No LinepipeBoundDimension No

Linepipe LinepipeYieldStrength Yes No LinepipeBoundSpecification No

Meter MeterNumber No No No No

Meter AbandonDate No No No No

Meter AssemblyID No No No Yes

Meter MeterBoundManufacturer Yes No Yes No

Meter Code No No No No

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Meter Comment No No No No

Meter ComponentID No No No Yes

Meter EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Meter MeterFlowRateMaximum No No No No

Meter MeterFlowRateMinimum No No No No

Meter InstallDate No No No No

Meter Length No No No No

Meter Location No No No No

Meter ManufactureDate No No No No

Meter MeterManufacturer Yes No MeterBoundManufacturer No

Meter MeterModelNumber Yes No MeterBoundManufacturer No

Meter MeterNominalPipeSize Yes Yes No No

Meter PressureRating No No No No

Meter MeterProductName Yes No MeterBoundManufacturer No

Meter RemoveDate No No No No

Meter MeterSerialNumber No No No No

Meter StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Meter MeterType Yes No No No

Pipeconnector AbandonDate No No No No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorBoundType Yes No Yes No

Pipeconnector Code No No No No

Pipeconnector Comment No No No No

Pipeconnector ComponentID No No No Yes

Pipeconnector ComponentID1 No No No Yes

Pipeconnector ComponentID2 No No No Yes

Pipeconnector EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Pipeconnector InstallDate No No No No

Pipeconnector Length No No No No

Pipeconnector Location No No No No

Pipeconnector ManufactureDate No No No No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorManufacturer Yes Yes No No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorMaterial Yes Yes No No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorNumber No No No No

Pipeconnector RemoveDate No No No No

Pipeconnector StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorSubType Yes No PipeconnectorBoundType No

Pipeconnector PipeconnectorType Yes No PipeconnectorBoundType No

Pipeline PipelineBoundType Yes No Yes No

Pipeline PipelineClassification Yes No PipelineBoundType No

Pipeline Code No No No No

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Pipeline Comment No No No No

Pipeline PipelineID No No No Yes

Pipeline Name No No No No

Pipeline Number No No No No

Pipeline PipelineSubType Yes No PipelineBoundType No

Pipeline PipelineType Yes No PipelineBoundType No

Pump AbandonDate No No No No

Pump AssemblyID No No No Yes

Pump PumpBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Pump PumpBoundManufacturer Yes No Yes No

Pump Code No No No No

Pump Comment No No No No

Pump ComponentID No No No Yes

Pump PumpDiameterImpeller Yes No PumpBoundDimension No

Pump PumpDiameterInlet Yes No PumpBoundDimension No

Pump PumpDiameterOutlet Yes No PumpBoundDimension No

Pump EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Pump PumpFuelType Yes No No No

Pump InstallDate No No No No

Pump Length No No No No

Pump Location No No No No

Pump ManufactureDate No No No No

Pump PumpManufacturer Yes No PumpBoundManufacturer No

Pump PumpModelNumber Yes No PumpBoundManufacturer No

Pump PumpNominalPipeSize Yes No No No

Pump PumpPowerRating No No No No

Pump PumpPressureDischarge No No No No

Pump PressureRating No No No No

Pump PumpPressureSuction No No No No

Pump PumpProductName No No PumpBoundManufacturer No

Pump PumpRatedFlow No No No No

Pump RemoveDate No No No No

Pump PumpSerialNumber No No No No

Pump StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Pump PumpType Yes No No No

Reducer AbandonDate No No No No

Reducer AssemblyID No No No Yes

Reducer ReducerBoundDimension Yes No No No

Reducer ReducerBoundSpecification Yes No No No

Reducer Code No No No No

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Reducer Comment No No No No

Reducer ComponentID No No No Yes

Reducer ReducerOutsideDiameterInlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer ReducerOutsideDiameterOutlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Reducer InstallDate No No No No

Reducer Length No No No No

Reducer Location No No No No

Reducer ManufactureDate No No No No

Reducer ReducerManufacturer Yes No No No

Reducer ReducerMaterial Yes No No No

Reducer ReducerNominalPipeSizeInlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer ReducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer PressureRating No No No No

Reducer RemoveDate No No No No

Reducer ReducerSpecification No No ReducerBoundSpecification No

Reducer StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Reducer ReducerType Yes No No No

Reducer ReducerWallThicknessInlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer ReducerWallThicknessOutlet Yes No ReducerBoundDimension No

Reducer ReducerWeight Yes No ReducerBoundSpecification No

Sleeve AbandonDate No No No No

Sleeve SleeveBoundDimension No No No No

Sleeve SleeveBoundManufacturer No No No No

Sleeve Code No No No No

Sleeve Comment No No No No

Sleeve ComponentID No No No Yes

Sleeve EndComponentID No No No Yes

Sleeve EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Sleeve EndPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Sleeve EndPosition No No No No

Sleeve InstallDate No No No No

Sleeve Length No No No No

Sleeve Location No No No No

Sleeve ManufactureDate No No No No

Sleeve SleeveManufacturer Yes No SleeveBoundManufacturer No

Sleeve SleeveMaterial Yes No No No

Sleeve SleeveModelNumber Yes No SleeveBoundManufacturer No

Sleeve SleeveNominalPipeSize Yes No SleeveBoundDimension No

Sleeve SleevePressureRating no No No No

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Sleeve SleeveProductName Yes No SleeveBoundManufacturer No

Sleeve RemoveDate No No No No

Sleeve StartComponentID No No No Yes

Sleeve StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Sleeve StartPipeconnectorID No No No Yes

Sleeve StartPosition No No No No

Sleeve SleeveType Yes No No No

Sleeve SleeveWallThickness Yes No SleeveBoundDimension No

Tap AbandonDate No No No No

Tap AssemblyID No No No Yes

Tap TapBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Tap Code No No No No

Tap Comment No No No No

Tap ComponentID No No No Yes

Tap TapOutsideDiameterInlet Yes No TapBoundDimension No

Tap TapOutsideDiameterOutlet Yes No TapBoundDimension No

Tap EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Tap TapFunction Yes No No No

Tap InstallDate No No No No

Tap TapInstallMethod Yes No No No

Tap Length No No No No

Tap Location No No No No

Tap ManufactureDate No No No No

Tap TapManufacturer Yes No No No

Tap TapMaterial Yes No No No

Tap TapNominalPipeSize Yes No TapBoundDimension No

Tap PressureRating No No No No

Tap RemoveDate No No No No

Tap StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Tap TapType Yes No No No

Tee AbandonDate No No No No

Tee AssemblyID No No No Yes

Tee TeeBoundDimension Yes No Yes No

Tee TeeBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Tee TeeCenterToEndOutlet Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee TeeCenterToEndRun Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee Code No No No No

Tee Comment No No No No

Tee ComponentID No No No Yes

Tee TeeOutsideDiameterOutlet Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

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Tee TeeOutsideDiameterRun Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Tee InstallDate No No No No

Tee Length No No No No

Tee Location No No No No

Tee ManufactureDate No No No No

Tee TeeManufacturer Yes No No No

Tee TeeMaterial Yes No No No

Tee TeeNominalPipeSize Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee PressureRating No No No No

Tee RemoveDate No No No No

Tee TeeSpecification No No TeeBoundSpecification No

Tee StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Tee TeeType Yes No No No

Tee TeeWallThicknessOutlet Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee TeeWallThicknessRun Yes No TeeBoundDimension No

Tee TeeWeight Yes No TeeBoundSpecification No

Valve AbandonDate No No No No

Valve ValveActuationTime No No No No

Valve AssemblyID No No No Yes

Valve ValveBoundSpecification Yes No Yes No

Valve ValveClass Yes No ValveBoundSpecification No

Valve Code No No No No

Valve Comment No No No No

Valve ComponentID No No No Yes

Valve EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Valve ValveFunctionType Yes No No No

Valve InstallDate No No No No

Valve Length No No No No

Valve Location No No No No

Valve ManufactureDate No No No No

Valve ValveManufacturer Yes No No No

Valve ValveModelNumber No No No No

Valve ValveNominalPipeSize Yes No ValveBoundSpecification No

Valve ValveNumber No No No No

Valve ValveOperability Yes No No No

Valve PressureRating No No No No

Valve RemoveDate No No No No

Valve ValveSerialNumber No No No No

Valve ValveSpecification Yes No ValveBoundSpecification No

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Valve StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Valve ValveType Yes No ValveBoundSpecification No

Valve Code No No No No

Virtualconnector Comment No No No No

Virtualconnector ComponentID No No No Yes

Virtualconnector ComponentID1 No No No No

Virtualconnector ComponentID2 No No No No

Virtualconnector EndEngineeringStation No No No No

Virtualconnector Length No No No No

Virtualconnector Location No No No No

Virtualconnector StartEngineeringStation No No No No

Virtualconnector VirtualconnectorType No No No No

2. Change Log History

The following shows the historical change log indicating changes made between revisions:

2.1. Revisions made to v0r53

• Added other as value option to appropriate attributes • Added conformance rule 7: substandard warning rule

2.2. Revisions made to v0r52

• Changes made to coordinate reference systems to meet OGC naming convention • Changes made to geospatial coordinates to set accuracy to 8 digits following decimal to achieve

1mm accuracy

2.3. Revisions made to v0r51

• Added reference code list for assemblyClassification • Added reference code list for assemblySubType • Added reference code list for assemblyType • Added reference code list for collectionClassification • Added reference code list for collectionSubType • Added reference code list for collectionType • Added reference code list for pipelineClassification • Added reference code list for pipelineSubType • Added reference code list for pipelineType • Added reference code list for coatingModelNumber • Added reference code list for coatingProductName

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• Added reference code list for compressorModelNumber • Added reference code list for compressorProductName • Added reference code list for launcherreceiverModelNumber • Added reference code list for launcherreceiverNominalPipeSize • Added reference code list for launcherreceiverProductName • Added reference code list for meterModelNumber • Added reference code list for meterNominalPipeSize • Added reference code list for meterProductName • Added reference code list for pumpModelNumber • Added reference code list for pumpProductName • Added reference code list for sleeveModelNumber • Added reference code list for sleeveNominalPipeSize • Added reference code list for sleevePressureRating • Added reference code list for sleeveProductName • Added reference code list for teeWallThicknessOutlet • Added reference code list for teeWallThicknessRun • Deleted pumpNominalPipeSize attribute • Deleted tapMaterial attribute • Deleted valveMaterial attribute

2.4. Revisions made to v0r50

• Added Attribute Reference List to appendix • Deleted CasingBoundManufacturer • Deleted CasingProductName • Deleted CasingModelNumber • Added Conformance Validation Rules to every attribute • Added Exclusivity Corresponding Object/s to all attributes • Added LauncherreceiverName • Changed LauncherreceiverType description to correct error • Added PipeconnectorNumber • Added PumpNominalPipeSize • Added References Another Object ID to all attributes • Changed TapDiameterInletInside to TapOutsideDiameterInlet • Changed TapDiameterOutletOutside to TapOutsideDiameterOutlet • Deleted ValveAssetNumber

2.5. Revisions made to v0r49

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• Changed CapDiameterOutside to CapOutsideDiameter • Changed CasingDiameterOutside to CasingOutsideDiameter • Changed CompressorBoundSpecification to CompressorBoundType • Changed ElbowDiameterOutside to ElbowOutsideDiameter • Deleted LauncherreceiverBoundSpecification • Changed LinepipeDiameterOutside to LinepipeOutsideDiameter • Change ReducerDiameterOutsideInlet to ReducerOutsideDiameterInlet • Changed ReducerDiameterOutsideOutlet to ReducerOutsideDiameterOutlet • Changed SleevePressureRating from RCL to UOM • Changed TeeDiameterOutsideRun to TeeOutsideDiameterRun • Changed TeeDiameterOutsideOutlet to TeeOutsideDiameterOutlet

2.6. Revisions made to v0r48

• Changed CapOutsideDiameter to CapDiameterOutside • Changed CasingManfProdModel to CasingBoundManufacturer • Changed CasingOutsideDiameter to CasingDiameterOutside • Changed CoatingManfProdModel to CoatingBoundManufacturer • Deleted CompressorMaterial attribute • Changed CompressorManfProdModel to CompressorBoundManufacturer • Changed CompressorSuctionPressure to CompressorPressureSuction • Changed CompressorDischargePressure to CompressorPressureDischarge • Changed ElbowOutsideDiameter to ElbowDiameterOutside • Deleted LauncherreceiverMaterial attribute • Changed LauncherreceiverManfProdModel to LauncherreceiverBoundManufacturer • Changed LinepipeOutsideDiameter to LinepipeDiameterOutside • Changed LinepipeVerticalPosition to LinepipePositionVertical • Changed LinepipeMinimumCoverDepth to LinepipeCoverDepthMinimum • Deleted MeterMaterial attribute • Changed MeterManfProdModel to MeterBoundManufacturer • Changed MeterMinimumFlowRate to MeterFlowRateMinimum • Changed MeterMaximumFlowRate to MeterFlowRateMaximum • Added MeterNumber • Added Number as Pipeline attribute • Added Operator as Pipeline attribute • Deleted PumpMaterial attribute • Changed PumpManfProdModel to PumpBoundManufacturer

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• Changed PumpInletDiameter to PumpDiameterInlet • Changed PumpOutletDiameter to PumpDiameterOutlet • Changed PumpImpellerDiameter to PumpDiameterImpeller • Changed PumpSuctionPressure to PumpPressureSuction • Changed PumpDischargePressure to PumpPressureDischarge • Changed ReducerInletNominalPipeSize to ReducerNominalPipeSizeInlet • Changed ReducerOutletNominalPipeSize to ReducerNominalPipeSizeOutlet • Changed ReducerOutsideDiameterInlet to ReducerDiameterOutsideInlet • Changed ReducerOutsideDiameterOutlet to ReducerDiameterOutsideOutlet • Changed SleeveManfProdModel to SleeveBoundManufacturer • Changed TapInletInsideDiameter to TapDiameterInletInside • Changed TapOutletOutsideDiameter to TapDiameterOutletOutside • Changed TeeOutsideDiameterRun to TeeDiameterOutsideRun • Changed TeeOutsideDiameterOutlet to TeeDiameterOutsideOutlet • Changed TeeRunCenterToEnd to TeeCenterToEndRun • Changed TeeOutletCenterToEnd to TeeCenterToEndOutlet • Deleted ValveMaterial attribute • Changed ValveManfProdModel to ValveBoundManufacturer • Deleted ValveBoundActuatorType attribute