pieces new moon chart 2014 for india

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  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


    Chaitri Shukla Pratipada: Pisces New Moon Chart of 2014 for India

    By Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala Jyotish Acharaya Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan

    According to the planetary positions in the year 2014 situation is not conducive to

    bring a good stability in the political scenario. The various parameters have been discussed in

    this website and need not be elaborated here, but one of the important parameter , which will becrucial in the present scenario was the Rahu in forward motion, Rahu, Saturn , Sun and Mercury

    all in Libra. Saturn combusted , Sun in deblitation, Saturn combusted and in Navamsha in

    deblitation besides other parameters on the 15th Nov. 2013 the last date for the nomination for

    the general elections of 2014 . The prevailing planetary positions are also not condusive to bring

    stability and in this connection I have already written an article Solar Ingress of Sun in Aquarius

    Govt. on the Crossroads linkhttp://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=4078 . March -April 2014 is still

    going to be still worse . Planetary Positions in March 2014, it is an unusual month in which all the 3

    Superior Planets will be in Retrogression, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn . Mars becoming Retrograde on

    the 1st, Saturn on the 2nd and Jupiter regaining its normal motion on the 6th March 2014 , but all

    the 3 slow moving planets will be stationary as well, this will be confusing and blocking of the

    energies as well . Mars is ae planet of action and his turning retrograde can very frustrating for

    many. Rahu will be in forward motion as well in March 2014 and will be damaging onebetween 2nd and

    9th March and then 3rd week of


    Talking about Economy, According to Times of India Indias growth to slip to

    4.8% in FY 2014; to improve next year: Crisil http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-


    Crisil/articleshow/29207253.cms? Indias growth rate in the current fiscal is expected to slide to

    4.8 per cent and the prospects for 2014-15, which currently appear to be bright, hinge on the

    stability of the new government. , If there is no stability then the Growth may slipdown. On 13th February , a noteworthy diplomatic meeting occurred.

    Nancy Powell, the U.S. ambassador to India, met with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the

    chief minister of the Indian State of Gujarat, at his home in the new state capital of Gandhi

    Nagar. The talks were the highest-level meeting between Modi and any U.S. government official

    since the State Department revoked Modis visa in 2005, following allegations that he and his State

    government had failed to protect minority Muslims from attacks by Hindus during the communal

    riots that swept across his Gujarat state in 2002. This sudden developement in the relationships

    came as India heads into the 2014 Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) elections to be held this

    April and May. Modis Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has named him as its

    candidate for Prime Minster should the BJP gain an electoral victory. By meeting with Modi,

    American officials are signaling that they view a BJP victory in the coming elections as a realpossibility, and are hoping that they can improve the damaged relationship with Modi as much as

    possible prior to the


    As far as the opinion polls are concerned it is estimated that NDA

    may win over 200 seats as Modis popularity soars further: India Today Mood of the Nation opinion

    poll Read more at:http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/nda-may-win-over-200-seats-as-modis-

  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


    popularity-soars-further-india-today-mood-of-the-nation-opinion-poll/1/339374.htmlout of the

    total 543 Indian parliamentary constituencies. Other Agencies are also of the opinion that BJP may

    gain more than 188-200 seats and will be the single political Party to get this figure and will need

    alliance with other Political parties to gain minimum 272 seats to come in power.

    The Political Front has soared after the Resignation of Arvind Kejriwal as CM of Delhi . The

    political scenario has become Volatile since the AAP will also contest the Lok sabha Elections. TheAam Admi party launches its national campaign from Harayana. NDTV brings the discussion

    on http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/the-buck-stops-here/ndtv-opinion-poll-has-arvind-kejriwal-s-

    quitting-helped-aap/310665?pfrom=home-lateststories and gives a positive signal for AAP will

    strengthen its image . Hence it can come back in power in the assembly elections and general

    Elections with a better mandate this time.

    Hence there will be Predominant 3-4 Parties in the General elections which will contest the same .

    The chances of a Political Party coming with mandate is therefore unlikely , and there will Govt.

    Formation with the Alliance of the Political Parties which may not last


    Let us astrologically see what could be emerging out of the combination of planets as

    per the Chaitra Pratipada New Moon Pieces chart starts from the 31st March 2014 00-15



  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


    The Sign rising in the Ascendant is Scorpio 29.14 degrees and in the nakshatra of Jyestha and

    almost in Gandantha . The Asc. nakshatra Lord Mercury , Lagna Lord and King of the year Mars are

    all in the nakshatra of Mars . Mars is Retrograde and Fallen and placed in the 11th

    house and Mercury having ownership of the 8th and the 11th house and is placed in the 4th house

    at 23.14 degrees very close to MEP of the 4th house and aspecting the 10th house are crucial

    factors of this chart , indicating that the year will surface problems pertaining to the 6th, 8th andthe 11th house. The Sign Scorpio is the 7th Bhava of the foundation chart. 7th Bhava signifies

    wars, battles, enemies, dacoits, robbers, foreign secret agents, International

    affairs, agreements and alliances , violation of the Law


    Mars is the King of the year and is Retrograde and Fallen , indicates Fire,

    Earthquakes,Hurricane, Tarnados , Valcanos, Diseases and damage to crops, It also signifies Army,

    Naval and Air commands, Police, Air and Train Accidents , sexual crimes, and terrorism.. 8th house

    signifies chronic problems and Mass events . This is indicative of the General condition of the

    country will not be good, Mars was with 2 malefics till 26th March 2014. Mars is also at the mouth

    of Rahu. Retrograde Mars and Fallen Mars is indicative of a unstable Cabinet, Controversies for the

    Political party in power , it also indicates that that the Party which will come into power may not beable to sustain for long, more so since this Mars is mutually aspecting Sun and Moon the luminaries

    who are forming a Rajyoga for this Scorpio sign, being in the invisible half and afflicted by Mars,

    the Raj Yoga is diluted and almost cancelled as per navamsha . The King and the Queen of the

    country are also influenced by this Mars is worst, and in navamsha Sun and Moon both are in the

    Rahu-Ketu axis and Moon is also debilitated, Mars in navamsha having connection with debilitated

    Venus is also clear that the Country may not have stable Govt. and can fall because of Female

    Politicians, notice the 7th Lord debilitated in navamsha and with Lagna Lord Mars in the 7th house

    aspected by Jupiter and Lumanaries in Rahu -Ketu axis and Moon in debilitation as well. 11th house

    also shows greed of the Politicians . There will be total caos in the Country and Specially in Delhi

    since Delhi is ruled by the Scorpio sign. Mars was with Rahu in close degrees till 26th March 2014 .

    Rahu will increase the volatility of Mars manifold .The above is indicative of that the Party which

    will come in power will have an alliance with two female Politicians heading Political parties will

    come in power after lot of push and pulls. In the Present Scenerio, it goes with out saying that

    BJP/Third Front may get the allaince of Jaylalita and Mamta Banerjee to form the Govt., who may

    be the King maker in the present scenerio. . The Lagna is Scorpio the 7th house of the Foundation

    chart and changing to Sagitarius , since in Gandantha,which is the 8th house of the foundation chart

    is not indicative of a good year for the country as a whole. The above is also an indication for the f

    Death of a noted Politician, or a Celebrity in the Film world. Mars Retrograde can bring

    forth scandles relating to Judicairy and Religon and could be the main cause of concern for the

    Political Party in Power , which could bring their down fall. The Lagna rising in navamsha is of

    Pieces the 5th house of the chart, hence the significations of the 5th house will surface in thelatter part of the year. Lord is Jupiter and Jupiter placed there but aspected by Mars Retrograde

    and Deblitated Venus is not good as explained in this


    Financial condition as indicative from the 2nd House. Lord is Jupiter placed in the 8th

    house in the nakshatra of Rahu who is placed in the sign of Libra which is the 12th house of the

    chart and Rahu as mentioned above will aggravate the situations pertaining to Revenue coming from

    Insurance companies and heavy taxation on people . 2nd house is also the financial condition of the

  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


    nation, national exchanger and the purchasing power of the country will suffer greatly., Mars and

    Saturn aspect on the 2nd House is deterimental in this case . There can be excess expenditure on

    the Army . The Devaluation of the currency can also continue .

    Reforms in communication and foreign investment is indicated from the Exchange of the 12th

    and 7th Lord Venus and the 3rd and 4th Lord Saturn Espoinage by the

    neighbouring countries as indicated by placement of 7th Lord in the 3rd and connection with the12th house is crystal clear of the secret plots and espionage by the neighboring countries may

    surface manifold. Involvement of Venus in a female Rashi is also indicative of females involved in

    Terrorism. Saturn with Rahu in the 12th house also indicates Secretive espionage by foreign

    elements to disturb the Peace of the country. This combination also suggests that the ruler will be

    over thrown from the Position and there can be untoward happening in this regard as well.

    Mercury Lagna nakshatra Lord ,11th and 8th Lordplaced in the 4th house aspecting the 10th

    house ,we have discussed above and is aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house shows activities

    pertaining to the 8th house and Stock Market trends , which may be volatile . Jupiter Placed in

    the 8th housealso signifies Death of a noted Govt. Officail Diplomats, Industrialists . Connection

    of Jupiter and Mercury also signifies an Earth Quake , specially when Mercury is behind Sun and its

    connection with the 4th house . Trik Bhavas 8th house hasbeen discussed above .6th House Ketu is placed here and has aspect of both Mars and Saturn ,

    Suffering due due to poisoning and other diseases may also surface which are of chronic nature

    . There could be betrayal from the Armed Forces and some death as well of a senior Army


    12th house Sign is Libra and is afflicted and discussed above and the results thereof.

    Vimshottari Dasha in Operation in the foundation chart Sun-Mercury till 5th May 2014and

    then Sun-Ketu till 9th Sept. 2014. We have already discussed about Sun, Mercury and Ketu as

    above and hence these dasha periods may not bring ultimate stability in Politics and the results will

    be for the 6,8th and the 11th house as per the above.It has also been observed that these dasha

    Periods for India have never been good and has been discussed on the website in many articles

    written recently.

    As far as the the outcome of The classic BhavishayaPhala Bhaskarwhichreads as follows

    : Saturns transit in Libra can give the death of a famous man on earth . This combination become

    deadly specially when the other malefic planets like Rahu and Mars joins Saturn there in Libra rashi.

    Since last two years of Saturns transit into Libra we have seen many famous personalities of

    politics and film industry leaving this mortal world.

    From the above it is clear that there will be no stability in the Political sector and a Party can come

    in power with a clear mandate. The party in power will only be with the alliance of the 2 Political

    Parties headed by Females as explained above and may not last long because of one of them may

    withdraw her support , note the debilitated Venus and debilitated Moon in Navamsha . There could

    be earthquakes near the eclipses of April 2014, Terrorist Activities and Foreign Secretive Plots todestabilize the country when it is going for General elections in April-May 2014.The Months

    March to May 2014 and then July 2014 will be most sensitive in this concern. Rahu in adverse

    motion 2nd to 9th April and then 16th to 19th April, then after 24th April to the eclipse 29th April

    2014 .There could be untoward happenings as explained above in the months of March-July 2014

    There could only be some stability coming when Saturn transits in Scorpio and Mars in

    Capricorn and there is Exchange between Saturn and Mars , which could happen only after

    28th Nov. 2014 . AAP and Arvind Kejriwal could then gain some mileage in the Political scenerio

  • 7/27/2019 Pieces New Moon Chart 2014 for India


    and Gain Position , but till Mars is with Saturn there will be Volatile situations in the Politcal

    scenerio. Arvind Kejriwal is expected to come with stronger mandate then before in the assembly

    elections and Lok Sabha elections as well and may emerge to be one of the 2 parties to be king

    Maker in forming the Govt.

    The most sensitive dates are as follows March 20141st, 2nd Mars and Saturn turning retrograde ,

    5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Rahu in forward motion. 26th March Mars Fallen . There are also 2eclipses in April 2014 on the 15th and 29th Of April 2014

    April-July 2014 Eclipses 15th and 29th April, 25-26 th April. 20th May Mars stationary and on

    eclipse point, 14th JulyRahu and Mars conjuction degree wise in Libra . Important

    Exchange of Mars and Saturn on the 28th Nov. 2014 for Political scenerio and Democratic

    rule .



    28th Feb.


    Disclaimer:The above article contains predictions which have been made for the purpose of an

    astrological analysis in an academic manner. The readers are advised to use their discretion while

    reading the write-up. Astrology is a systematic study of astronomical data and is not a physical

    science in any manner.The writer of the article does not hold himself responsible for any thing in

    any manner and any prespective.