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Nikhil Joshi


PHP Overview


Presented By Nikhil Joshi

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Nikhil Joshi



• Background•History• CSS

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• PHP is server side scripting system

– PHP stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" – Syntax based on Perl, Java, and C– Very good for creating dynamic content– Powerful, but somewhat risky!

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Nikhil Joshi


PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but Is also used as a general purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994

Developer of PHP IS Zend Technologies

Latest version of PHP is 7.0.10

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Nikhil Joshi


Syntax of PHP

<html><head><title> Example </title></head> <body><?php echo “hi, I’m a php script”; ?> </body> </html>

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Layout can be designed using 2 ways :-

• Tabular• Division

Tabular- Area taken on the basis of <tr> <td> tags.Division- Division is area taken by <div> on the web pages but it is invisible itself as long as you defines it’s border or background.

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It is used mainly for desining in Webpage.

3 Types of CSS

• Inline• Internal• External

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Inline - within a line that is inline that is inline CSS is used within the line of HTML tag and it’s syntax is :-

<tag_name Style=“at:value;at2value;a+3value”><p style=“color:red;font-size:50px;backgroundcolor:green”>Nikhil</p>

External - External CSS is maintained on the extra sheet and save this page with .css extention and link this CSS to the particular html page

<link REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="[Style sheet URL]">

Internal - An internal stylesheet holds the CSS code for the webpage in the head section of the particular file. This makes it easy to apply styles like classes or id's in order to reuse the code. 

<style> p { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; } </style>

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• Id Universal• Class parent/child Hierarchial• Element(Tag) pseudo selector(Event like


Id- Id selector is used in a HTML by using Id attribute like <p id=“one”>Ram</p> <p id=“two”>Mohan</p> <p id=“three”>Sohan</p>

And maintain the Id using CSS by using # symbol with id name

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Class Selector

The working of class selector is similar like Id selecetor but difference is that in place Of Id.We use class in html tag & in place of # symbol we use . Symbol in a CSS.

Element Selector

Element selector is directly taken by it’s tag name that’swhy it is also known tag selector.

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Universal SelectorUniversal Selector is applicable globally on the whole pages & it is maintained In CSS using abstract symbol in CSS.

Parent/child Selector<html><head></head><body>

<ul><li> oil </li>


<li> oil </li></ol>


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Pseudo Selector

It is used for mainly perform events.

one.cssOl li{

color:red;fontsize: 40px;background_color:green;

}Ol li:hover{



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Control Statements

There are 3 types of control statements1) if Statement2) if else Statement3) if else if Statement

If Statement If (expression){

code to be executed}


var a=40;if(a>20)

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{Document.write(“value is greater than 20”)}


It evaluates the content only if the expression is true.If else Statement

It evaluates the content wether the condition is true or falseIf(expression){Code to be executed}Else{}

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var a=20;if(a%2==0){Document.write(“value is even”)}else{document.write(“value is odd”)}


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If else if Statement

It evaluates the content only if expression is true from several conditions

If(expresssion 1){}elseif(expression 2){}elseif(expression 3) {}else{}

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var a=20;if(a==10){

document.write(a is equal to 10);}else if(a==15){

document.write(a is equal to 15);}else if(a==20){

document.write(a is equal to 20);}else{document.write(a is not equal to 10,15,20)}


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A String is a sequence of characters used to store and manipulate texts.There are various functions to manipulate strings

• Strrev() This function is used to check the palindrome series of names and characters<html><head></head><body><?php


echo”name is palindrome”;}else{echo”name is not palindrome”;}


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• Str_repeat()- If we want to repeat the object of the strings number of times then we use string repeat function.


$a=“welcome”;echo str_repeat($a,4);

?></body></html>• Str_replace()- It is used to replace the characters<html><head></head><body><?php

$a=“welcome”;echo str_replace(“e”,”@”,$a);


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• Str_word_count() – It is used to count the number of words in a string<html><head></head><body><?php

$a=“welcome to the world of php”;echo str_word_count($a);

?></body></html>• Strcmp() – This function is used to compare the 2 strings<html><head></head><body><?php

$a=“hello”;$a1=“hello”;echo strcmp($a,$a1)


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File Handling In PHP

The file system functions allow us to acess and manipulate the file.File system provides a concept to start a specific data using different types of file format.that means file give us linear type database concept.• How to create a file via PHPThe touch function is used to create a file <?php


?>• How can we delete a file via PHP codeThe Unlink function is used to delete a file.<?php


?>• How can we copy a file by PHPThe copy function is used to copy a file.<?php

copy(“name of file with extention,name of destination file with etension”);?>

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• How can we rename a gift by PHP code Rename function is used to rename a file.<?php

rename(“name of file with extension”)?>• How can we check whether a file or a destination file is exist or not The file_exist function is used to check the file or directory existance<?php

echo file_exists(“resume.doc”);?>• How can we check the size of the file by php code filesize function is used to check the size of the file<?php

echo filesize(“resume.doc”);?>• How can we check the path of the file. realpath function is used to check the path of the file<?php

echo realpath(“resume.doc”);?>

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Best PHP Training in Noida , Delhi , Bhopal by KVCH

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