photography and its uses

There are six main types of photography in the media industry, fashion, advertising, photojournalism, portrait, landscape and macro. PHOTOGRAPHY AND IT’S USES

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Page 1: Photography and its uses

There are six main types of photography in the media industry,

fashion, advertising, photojournalism, portrait, landscape

and macro.


Page 2: Photography and its uses

This type of photography has always been popular, it's designed to sell clothes but in recent years it has turned in

to an art form. It is mainly used for fashion magazine or advertising, we can see it on a regular bases during our

daily life.

There are three different ways to class an image in fashion photography:

• Literal representation – used for catalogs, displaying the item of clothing.

• Romanticized – where the image also tells a story as well as display the item of clothing.

• Mockery – where the image has an abstract feeling to it.

These three images can display an item of clothing very differently, and attract a different kind of buyer.


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The images used in recent years have been heavily manipulated in photoshop, which has had a massive impact on fashion photography, the models now have perfect, flawless skin and will have a smooth shape. The images you get now are either classed as mockery or

romanticized, an example of these are two Gucci adverts:


1970 2012

In this advert you can see a big difference, the lighting is a lot darker, the quality is better, the colour’s are more vibrant, and the way the models is posing is more provocative as well. This image can be classed as romanticized.

You can see here that there is simple lighting, and the quality of the image isn’t that great. Comparing this image to images produce now, you can see no editing and more literal representation. You wouldn’t see a model this size in a Gucci adverts anymore either, they would be a lot thinner.

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Famous Fashion Photographer’s


Lara JadeNick Knight Cecil Beaton

Giovanni Gastel David Baily Richard Avedon

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Advertising always needs a visual representation of the product, this is because it can give the buyer an image in their head which makes it easier for them to

find and also this images stays in their head so they think about it more.

Photography has help advertising for a very long time, but a lot has changed over time. At the beginning the images were literally a photo of the object being

advertised, now though there is an artist view on it.

Before photography, an artist would of drawn an advert which would have been copied and sent out to billboards, shops and magazines. Now though an image is

taken and edited in Photoshop, then posted on buses, trains, billboards, buildings, magazines, websites, everywhere. We see a lot of adverts in our daily

life's, and this isn't about to change.

A good advert will:

-Stand out

-Make the audience want it

-Be unusual

-Makes the audience want to find out more.


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When taking a photo of a product in recent years, the product won’t be just a straight on view of it show exactly what it is, it will be an abstract angle or crazy colours and some times the product

wont even feature in the advert. Another main thing that has changed in recent years is the heavy manipulation in photoshop.

Here you can see two adverts from Cadbury’s:




You can see here that this image has the focus on the product itself. The boys happy face makes the viewer believe it is the chocolate doing this. The advert is a single image without manipulation.

This image doesn’t feature the product, just the gorilla. You can tell it has been edited by the perfected gorilla face. There are multiple images unlike before where its just to single image. This advert is designed to be memorable, so it sticks in your head

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Famous Advertising Company’s



Bartle Bogle Hegartly


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“A picture is a thousand words” quote from Napoleon Bonaparte

Photojournalism is a type of photography that is can be seen as a form of art but also a way of projecting a story to millions of readers. A photo

can tell a story or an event with hardly any words, these kind of photos are what the newspapers and photo magazines (such as Life) rely on.

When a news story hits the headlines photojournalist will be on the case to get the best photo, which will shock and connect with viewers on an

emotional level. They want to show the world what is happen in one shot.

With news stories constantly changing these photojournalist are constantly on the move. But some of the greatest photojournalist focus on a particular event for a while, such as Larry Burrow who focused on the Vietnam war, he produced some of the greatest photo essay’s in life

magazine. He went out to the war at least 9 times, on his final journey he was flying over the war and was shot down and sadly died.


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Technology has changed a lot through the years, allowing colours and digital images and fast internet allowing

photographers to send an image to the newsroom within seconds, this is much different from when film cameras

were used, it would of taken day’s, maybe even weeks for a photo to get to the news room.

Here are two images showing the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War:


You can’t really compare two photojournalism stories' as they are showing very different events, the main thing that has changed is the technology of film and digital. So I thought I would compare these two as they are both showing war but at different times. The Vietnam War was on of the most photographer wars of all time, there are many images showing the cruelty and sadness that went on, this image is one of Larry Burrows, and is a very famous image. This image on the right shows a solider nicknamed cowboy, a photo-essay was done on him in life magazine. Both these image will have an effect on the view and explain a story, but the content is very different.

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Famous Photojournalists:


Nick UtCarol Guzy

William Klein

Kevin Carter

Henri Cartier Bresson

Larry Burrow

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Portrait photography is an image concentrating on a human or animal, like a dog or monkey. The image will portray feeling and emotion from a person/s facial expression. They can be formal

studio shots to informal family outing images.

Portrait photography was one of the first forms of photography back in 1839. Since this time portraits have become very

popular and widely used in identification, portfolio’s and art. In the early 1900’s photo booths became very popular as it was the

first form of photography that was fairly cheap. People would queue round the block to get one of these images of them and

their families.

In recent years portrait photography has been effected by photoshop, but this isn’t to create a flawless skin, more to create

a moodier feel and make the lines in the face more distinct.


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Portrait images have to create a feeling or emotion that the viewer can feel, weather this is with eye contact of the way they are position in the frame ore even the way the lighting hits their skin. Here I am comparing two images, the first ever portrait image and a portrait image by Eve Arnold:


This was the first ever image of human life, you can see the low quality of the camera and printing here and compared to Eve Arnolds work how it has changed. Eve’s image you can feel the wind on her face. It gives a cold feel to the image, but for some reason the veiw feels happier due to Marilyn Monroe's expression on her face.

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Famous Portrait Photographer’s


Yousef KarshEve Arnold Annie Liebovitz

Mary Ellen Mark Irving Penn Steve McCurry

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Landscape photography is simply taking a picture of a space, this can be a countryside, urban city or indoor space (but mainly classed as an outdoor space), usually strongly defined landforms. They contain no human activity, and if they do then it is very little and not the main focus of the

image. The lighting is mainly only ambient lighting and not studio or flash lighting.

Landscape was the first ever photograph ever made back in 1826, and since has been widely changed. Many different landscapes have been photographed and many different

emotions and feelings can be convey through these images.

They are normally wide shot images, as they can capture a lot more in them. The most famous Landscape

photographer to date is Ansel Adams, his images capture the viewer and portrays beauty in a different way.


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Much has changed since the first image produced, here I am comparing an Ansel Adams image with a recent

landscape photographer Luca Campigotto:


You can see here that Ansel Adams photograph on the right shows a countryside where as Luca Campigotto photograph on the left shows an urban space. Also they are both in black and white, this is because black and white gives off more feel and emotion in photo’s.

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Famous Landscape Photographer’s:


David Muench

Luca Campigotto

Charlie Waite

Nick Brandt

Ansel Adams

Galen Rowell

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Macro photography is an extreme close up of an object or insect. It typically is nature, like plants, insects or bugs. It can make insects look

like monsters, you can hardly recognize most of the subjects in the images. You shouldn’t get confused with nature, macro shots are

specifically close up shots, unlike nature which can be a wide shot, portrait or slight close up. The depth of field is very shallow as well.

Macro shots. There isn’t many famous macro photographers so here I have collected some images and briefly explain what is going on:


Here you can see how close up can deceive what you think you are seeing. The depth of field is shallow and detail is only

in the parts that are in focus.