phoenix children s hospital innovative brain surgery allows kaitlynn to rise from...


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2H O P E I N A C T I O N

Dear Friends,

Hope. It’s what our patients and families need most when they walk through our doors. It’s what gets them through a life-altering injury or diagnosis, and what can be weeks, months or even years of treatment and follow-up care.

Along with healing, providing hope is such a critical part of what we do that it’s included in our very mission statement. Everyone at Phoenix Children’s Hospital – from our doctors and nurses to our social workers and volunteers – fight alongside our patients and families, while helping them through what is an emotionally and physically grueling time. With innovative care and unyielding compassion, comes the optimism of better days ahead.

In this issue of Hopes and Dreams we wanted to focus on hope; how our patients and families found it during their darkest moments through the care and support of our staff, along with their own courage and resolve.

In so many ways, the sheer generosity of our community makes that hope possible by funding the programs, services, research and innovation that heals the body and the soul. For that, we are forever grateful.


Steven Schnall Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer

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T A B L E O FHopes and Dreams

Hopes and Dreams is published by the Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation. To share your comments call (602) 933-2668 or email [email protected].

EditorialSenior Vice President and Chief Development Officer: Steven S. SchnallDirector of Communications, Foundation: Cheriese ChambersEditor: Laura JobkePhotography: Tim Lanterman Photography. Event photos provided by Ben Arnold PhotographyDesign: KWW Design, LLCPrinting: OneTouchPoint – CCIIf you no longer wish to receive copies of Hopes and Dreams please call (602) 933-4483 or email [email protected].

Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation Board Members Chairman Brian Swartz, Apollo Group, Inc.Vice Chairman Scott Rehorn, RED DevelopmentImmediate Past Chairman Larry Clemmensen, Community VolunteerBoard Secretary Sheila Zuieback, Halle Family FoundationPCH President and CEO Robert L. MeyerPCH Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer Steven S. Schnall

Taylor Burke, Rainy PartnersKevin Czerwinski, Merit Partners, Inc.Jeffry King, Pete King ConstructionMark Love, LKL Partners Jonathan Pinkus, Arizona Nutritional SupplementsDavid A. Ralston, Bank of ArizonaChris Stamets, Western Retail AdvisorsDavid Watson, Revolution TeaDirector Emeritus – Herbert J. Louis, M.D.


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Defying the Odds Severely deprived of oxygen at birth, Anthony’s only chance of survival was cooling therapy

Transplanting Hope A mother’s story of her son’s battle with a rare genetic disease and the bone marrow transplant that saved his life

Standing on Her Own Two Feet An innovative brain surgery allows Kaitlynn to rise from her wheelchair

In Her Own Words Chance shares the comfort she found in the care at Phoenix Children’s following a harrowing car crash

The Need is Now to build a new Emergency Department and Trauma Center so we can meet the rising demand for pediatric emergency care

Doc Talk Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj tells us why he became a brain surgeon instead of a downhill ski racer

MAKING NEWS A Breath of Fresh Air – Cash sleeps without a ventilator for the first timeStepping Up for Children with Down Syndrome – Arizona’s first Down Syndrome Clinic one year laterPatients Get Moving – Our Frances H. McClelland Rehabilitation Center gets a state-of-the-art facelift THAT’S A WRAP


A Driving Force A generous donation allows us to serve twice as many homeless and at-risk children




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Defying the Odds

Cooling therapy in our Neuro-NICU can mean the difference between life and death

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“Your child needs a transplant.” They are words no parent wants to hear. Transplantation can be a long and arduous process that is physically and emotionally taxing, requires a lifetime of medications and follow-up care, and is most often a treatment of last resort. There are risks to be sure. But the benefits unquestionably outweigh them when a transplant is a child’s only hope for a cure.

James, days after his bone marrow transplant

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Every parent thinks that their child is “one in a million,” but James really is.After being hospitalized with pneumonia for weeks at Phoenix Children’s, James was diagnosed with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), a rare genetic disorder hindering his immune system. CGD only affects one in a million people. My then 16-month-old was now one of them.Due to CGD, James’ pneumonia led to a severe fungal infection in his right lung, requiring part of it to be removed. His father Dan and I spent several months in the hospital as James was fighting for his life. Living with CGD was difficult. Since our son’s body was unable to fight bacterial and fungal infections, we had to avoid germs, lakes, aged cheeses, mushrooms, indoor plants – the list seemed endless. It was no way for a little boy to live. But we retained hope because there is a cure for CGD – a bone marrow transplant. It was too risky to undergo the transplant until the remaining portion of James’ lung was functioning properly and the infection was gone. Otherwise the very treatment that could save him, could kill him. As parents, Dan and I are so proud of the way James handled the cards he was dealt. Our toddler taught us what it meant to be tough and defy the odds in ways that even the hospital staff couldn’t believe. Finally James was healthy enough and a donor was found. It was transplant time. After a week of chemotherapy, James received his new bone marrow. June 16, 2011 is a day that we will never forget… his transplant was officially engrafted and the donor’s marrow was working. It was James’ new beginning!Our little man has almost died, lost part of a lung, undergone a bone marrow transplant, and been cured of CGD. And he is only 5 years old. James has proven that miracles can and do happen. I cherish every smile, every laugh and every hug now more than ever.

Samantha Zintak

James received his transplant through the Ottosen Family Blood and Marrow Transplant Program. Phoenix Children’s also provides leading pediatric heart, liver, and kidney transplant programs.

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Standing on her

own two feet

Above: Working hard in physical therapy Right: During the worst of her dystonia symptoms

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“As a parent, all you want to do is help your child, but we felt helpless as Kaitlynn kept losing more and more function,” Carrie says. “The little girl who loved to run, who wanted to be a ballerina, couldn’t do anything for herself anymore.” Kaitlynn, now 12, experienced normal, healthy development until she was 5 years old, when she began to have difficulty walking and communicating. Her motor skills deteriorated to the point that Kaitlynn was left in a wheelchair, unable to control her limbs. Diagnosed with a muscle disorder called dystonia, Kaitlynn’s case

was particularly puzzling to her doctors in Virginia. Every treatment they tried failed and the family was left with more questions than answers.When the family relocated to the Valley, they brought their daughter to see Phoenix Children’s neurosurgeon, Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj. He was confident that Kaitlynn’s condition would improve with a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation (DBS) – most often performed on adults with Parkinson’s disease. The procedure involves implanting precisely-placed electrodes in the patient’s brain. The electrodes are connected by a wire that travels under the skin to a pacemaker-like device placed in the patient’s abdomen, which sends electrical impulses to the brain. “Given her family’s willingness to commit to the difficult process of DBS and the failure of many other treatments, Kaitlynn was a strong candidate,” says Dr. Bhardwaj.Kaitlynn could remember what it was like to run and play, to eat, dress and use the bathroom on her own. She wanted that life back. Don and Carrie wanted it for her. Last September, Kaitlynn underwent the surgeries to implant the electrodes and pacemaker. Two weeks later, the device was activated. After a few months, and intensive physical, occupational and speech therapies to build strength and relearn how to use her muscles, she was able to move her arms and feed herself. Recently Kaitlynn made even greater strides. She took her first steps in more than six years. “For the first time we have hope for her future,” Carrie says. “She’s a girl with her whole life ahead of her now.”

Don and Carrie’s once healthy child was suddenly unable to speak, walk, dress, feed or bathe herself.

Above: With her brother before symptoms of dystonia Below: Sitting on her own

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T H E12 N E E D I S N O W

Approximately 2,500 trauma patients in 2013

Built in 2002, Phoenix Children’s Emergency Department was designed to accommodate just 22,000 patients annually.

To build a new Emergency Department and Level 1 Trauma Center

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23 to 75 emergency beds after expansion

4 to 9 trauma bays

78,924 patients came through the doors of the emergency department in 2013.

85,000 patients expected to be treated in the Emergency Department annually over the next 5 years.

Traumatic injury is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-18 and kills more children than all other causes combined.


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D O C14

Tell me about your brain tumor research.Right now I’m focused on a particularly aggressive pediatric brain tumor called AT/RT. I can put many faces and names to this ugly condition and want to offer better treatments. One of my patients asked why I couldn’t just study her tumor, study her normal brain, find the difference and cure her. If it’s that obvious to kids we should be able to catch up from a molecular perspective. I want to hire her in my lab!

Why did you want to study the brain?In school I was fascinated with how people came up with novel ideas, whether it was literature, science or history. The next obvious question to me was how does the brain work? And I’m still working on that one. [laughing]

Did you always want to be a doctor? Growing up there was a phase when I wanted to be a downhill ski racer… one when I wanted to be an astronaut. My 6’4” height prevented me from going into space and my Olympic downhill dreams are now relegated to getting up at 2 am to watch the Sochi Olympics.

Do you still ski? Yes, both downhill and cross country. Recently I attended a very demanding conference. Over the lunch break I would unwind by going cross country skiing.

Any other hobbies?I’m fond of water sports. I love a good day at the beach working on my very basic surfing skills. I enjoy cooking. Eating even more.

Since you can’t surf in Arizona what do you do for fun? I really enjoy hiking. During my first visit to Arizona I hiked the Grand Canyon from the south to north rim. It’s tricky because you start with a three-hour descend, you’re crossing the river basin when it gets hot, then you’ve still got a mile-long staircase to get back to the top. Dinner tasted very good that night.

What’s your favorite destination? My heart lies in the mountains. I’ve had some really formative experiences in the Himalaya Mountains. Some of my earliest memories are there.

A neuroSurgeon WiTh The

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To come.

Skiing with his wife Anu


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Dr. Bhardwaj’s Research

Brain Tumors. Researchers are performing genetic sequencing of brain tumor patients, and the results are promising in yielding innovative, personalized treatments.

Drug Studies. Using sequencing analyses of brain tumor patients, researchers found promising gene targets, which can be useful in drug studies. Dr. Bhardwaj has also been performing drug screening tests and has identified chemicals as potential brain tumor drugs. The potential drugs will be further tested by the team.

Immunotherapy. This research involves using a patient’s own immune system to target and kill malignant cells. Dr. Bhardwaj and his team are working to develop a personalized vaccine that would make use of a patient’s dendritic cells (the “quarterback” of the immune system) to seek and destroy brain tumor cells, while leaving normal brain cells unharmed.


Cheering on Team Canada with Arya

Visiting the Acropolis of Athens

Traveling through Southeast Asia

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Grand Opening!The doors are open, the treadmills running, and the rock wall ready for climbers. The Frances H. McClelland Pediatric Rehabilitation Center – the only pediatric rehab center in Arizona – officially opened its new facility in January. The center offers inpatient and outpatient therapy, as well as 12 rooms for patients who have completed treatment but need to relearn basic life skills (like working in our replica kitchen) before going home. Made possible by a gift from the Emerald Foundation, the facility is equipped with a large gym, private treatment rooms, Wii video game console and specialized therapy systems and equipment. The combination of both functional and fun therapeutic options motivates patients and moves them along the road to recovery.

Stepping it Up for Children with Down SyndromeChildren with Down syndrome often suffer from a myriad of medical issues like congenital heart defects, respiratory and hearing problems, childhood leukemia and thyroid conditions. To meet their many medical needs, Phoenix Children’s Hospital opened Arizona’s first comprehensive Down Syndrome Clinic last year. Throughout the first eight months the clinic was open, more than 500 patients were evaluated and treated. Patients see all of their specialists in one day, reducing the number of trips they make to the hospital and time missed from school. “Parents who have a child with Down syndrome spend an inordinate amount of time seeing different specialists. They often need multiple therapies and interventions. It can be a real hardship,” explains Dr. Robin Blitz, director of developmental pediatrics. “The clinic is one way we can give these patients the first-rate care they need, but make their lives less stressful in the meantime.”

Join our patients, staff and friends for a special event benefiting the Down Syndrome Clinic. The “Downright Beautiful” Fashion Show takes place on Sunday, May 4 at the Musical Instrument Museum. For more information see page 35.


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20 T H A T ’ S

From our patients’ hearts

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Thanks a Million!KTAR Give-A-ThonIt was another record-breaking year for the annual KTAR Give-A-Thon that hits the Phoenix airwaves every September. Raising $1,178,529 for the Hospital’s Hope Fund, News-Talk 92.3 KTAR and Arizona Sports 620 broadcast live from Phoenix Children’s for the two-day event that included inspiring patient stories, celebrity guests, and the Teddy Bear Express, providing a teddy bear to a hospitalized patient each time a listener made a monthly pledge of $30.

Thank you to Bonneville Media and presenting sponsor, Valley Hyundai Dealers. Other corporate partners included Wells Fargo, Wendy’s, CenturyLink, ACE Hardware, AZ Pain Centers, and Howard Air. Companies that made donations during the event included Albertsons, Arizona Central Credit Union, Arizona Sunrays Gymnastics and Dance Center and Hubbard Family Swim School, Avnet, Bumper to Bumper Radio, Cactus Valley Pools, Carl’s Jr., Chicos FAS, Culver’s, Desert Schools Federal Credit Union, Fry’s Food Stores, Gelato Spot, HealthNet of Arizona, IHOP, Jersey Mike’s Subs, Little Caesars, Marriott International, The Melting Pot, Panda Express, Ryan Rapp & Underwood, PLC, Sagicor Life Insurance, Sam’s Club, University of Phoenix, Walgreens, Walmart and Whataburger.

Thank you to our friends, partners, sponsors, event guests, runners, golfers, volunteers and more who have their hearts in the right place, and helped the Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation reach new fundraising heights in 2013.

to yours


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Special guest Jordin Sparks surprised patients attending Beach Ball during a private meet and greet. She later gave guests an inspiring performance of her song “Faith.”

Jon Hulburd and Ronald A. Matricaria

Steve and Jacque Wagner

Chairs Mirav Bradshaw (left) and Paula Wichterman (right)

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A Hole in OnePCH Golf TournamentRain couldn’t keep nearly 300 golfers from the greens at Troon North Golf Club during the Hospital’s PCH Golf Tournament. In its 15th year, the premier tournament raised nearly $330,000 and featured The Night BeFORE Party at Casablanca Lounge in Old Town Scottsdale.

Thank you to sponsors CBRE, MJ Insurance, Brown & Brown Insurance, Talking Stick Resort, Ensemble DevMan, Infiniti of Scottsdale, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Delta Diversified, NYCB and Greenlaw Partners.

Sold!High school senior Chase Harris restored a ’67 Camaro in honor of his classmate Danielle Hudson, who was diagnosed with a terminal form of brain cancer and passed away last year. Chase auctioned off the Camaro at the Barrett-Jackson collector car auction, raising $75,000 for brain cancer research at Phoenix Children’s. Later in the week, with PCH patients on stage, a fully-modified 1963 mail truck crossed the auction block at Barrett-Jackson and raised $100,000 for Phoenix Children’s and COX Charities. The patients got in on the auction fun, the excitement evident on their faces as they encouraged the crowd to bid higher!


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D O C T O R26

“All In” for our PatientsChildren’s Fight for Life Casino NightHeld at the beautiful Montelucia Resort, more than 300 guests anted up for our patients battling cancer during the annual Children’s Fight for Life Casino Night. With more than $78,000 raised for our Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, the event included an auction, raffle and dinner, along with some rolling of the dice.

PCH Employees “Got Heart!”Phoenix Children’s employees honored the Hospital’s 30th birthday by donating more than $500,000 in outright gifts and payroll deductions during the 2013 We Got Heart! employee giving campaign. More than 60 programs and services received funding during the campaign that has raised more than $2.8 million since 2005. To celebrate, Phoenix Children’s leadership, including President and CEO Bob Meyer (pictured right), took turns sitting in the dunk tank!

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Bringing Philanthropy Full CircleMore than 200 guests attended the 2014 Leadership Circle kickoff cocktail reception, hosted by Scott and Ferial Clay. Nearly $123,000 was raised during the event, with 2014 Leadership Circle Chair Jen DeStefano and her husband Wayne generously matching the contributions of first-time members. In all, 47 attendees renewed their Leadership Circle membership and 17 new members, who all pool their donations to fund innovative hospital programs and research initiatives, joined the group by making a contribution of at least $1,000. During the Luncheon on April 17, Leadership Circle members will hear presentations from Phoenix Children’s physicians and leadership and vote on which proposals to fund. For more information visit

Rock OnRock ‘n’ roll bragging rights were established once again with Champagne Tap – a band comprised of physicians including Phoenix Children’s Dr. Greg White – remaining the undefeated champions during October’s Battle of the Bands. The event featured Retro-Active, KONGOS, Carly Paige and local comedian, Boomer Nichols and raised more than $11,000. Thank you to sponsors PSAV, Cityscape Phoenix, Hensley, Copper Blues, Chloe’s Corner, and R Entertainment.

Having a BlastHosted by Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist Bob Parsons, Bob’s Biker Blast brought together bikers, motorcycle enthusiasts and music lovers and raised more than $40,000. The Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation matched the contribution, bringing the total to more than $80,000.


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All Fun and GamesThe board of directors for Executive Council Charities offered the first installment of a $500,000 commitment to fund the 4th floor playroom. Following the check presentation, the Board Members hosted a tailgate-themed party for our patients with Governor Jan Brewer making an appearance.

Top-Notch Trees With local interior decorators adorning the stunning trees displayed at Montelucia Resort, December’s Festival of Trees raised $19,500. During the cocktail party, the Montelucia held their official tree lighting event with VIP guests in attendance.

A Home Run for our PatientsArizona Diamondbacks player Paul Goldschmidt and his wife Amy presented a check for $100,000, raised during the annual Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation broadcast fundraiser on FOX Sports Arizona. Fans that made at least a $44 donation received a limited-edition Paul Goldschmidt keepsake print and two lower-level tickets to a 2013 Diamondbacks game.

T H A T ’ S28 A WRAP

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A Special ToastMore than $13,000 was raised for the Hospital’s Avondale Specialty and Urgent Care Center during Vino in the Valley held at The Wigwam Resort. Guests were treated to an array of wines from Arizona’s vineyards, entertainment and fine cuisine, while local celebrity Pat McMahon emceed the event. Thank you to sponsors The Wigwam Resort, Catalyst Realty Group, Palm Valley Oral, the City of Avondale, Jennings Strouss and Desert Vista Dental.

Joining HandsHeld at Arizona Grand Resort, the Hands of Promise event hosted by Engineering Wireless Services included cuisine, cocktails, and a live auction, raising more than $25,000 for Phoenix Children’s.

Ace is the Place for PCHAce Hardware stores hosted a miracle balloon campaign and sold limited edition 5-gallon buckets for $5, with customers receiving 20 percent off everything they could fit into the bucket. Ace has donated nearly $700,000 since 1991– and more than $60,000 last year alone. Children’s Heart Center patient Aiden Morales was named the National Ace Cares for Kids All-Star, making him the national ambassador for the Ace Foundation and the face of the “Ace Cares for Kids” campaign. Photos of Aiden will be posted in stores nationwide, and Aiden will represent Phoenix Children’s and Ace at national events, including the Children’s Champions Celebration at Disney World. Thanks to Aiden’s selection, Phoenix Children’s also received an additional $10,000 donation from Ace Hardware.

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Hope On WheelsHyundai Hope On Wheels awarded a $75,000 Hyundai Scholar Grant to Dr. Galit Rosen to study metabolic syndrome in survivors of childhood cancer. Since 1998, Phoenix Children’s Hospital has received $715,000 in grant money from the Hope On Wheels program.

Two Thumbs Up for Harkins Harkins Theatres and Phoenix Children’s celebrated their Feel Good Partnership of the Year when owner and CEO Dan Harkins presented a check for more than $82,000 raised through their 2013 Harkins Loyalty T-shirts. Harkins’ $1 million annual commitment to our Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders supports scholarship programs for cancer survivors, research, state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, and a week-long summer camp for patients.

Kohl’s Keeping Kids FitOver 1,500 KohlsFIT kids participated in the Battle of the Barriers obstacle course hosted by ASU Sun Devil Fitness. Kohl’s Department Stores, Kohl’s Cares, along with Monica Nelson of the Mark and Monica morning show on 98.7 the PEAK, presented a check for the year totaling $284,947.


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Credited for CaringIn 2013 Arizona’s Credit Unions for Kids donated more than $465,000 to our 1 Darn Cool School. Desert Schools Federal Credit Union raised nearly $397,000 during their 15th Annual Golf Tournament. Several other credit unions hosted events, sold icons, held employee dress-down days and completed a variety of other fundraisers to raise money for the Hospital.

The Refreshing Hour Our series of summer happy hours raised more than $9,800 with guests mingling at Pig & Pickle, The Vig Uptown, Postino Wine Cafe in Arcadia, J&G Steakhouse at The Phoenician, Taggia at Firesky Resort, Beckett’s Table, Central Bistro and Phoenix Public Market. Each ticketed guest was treated to a signature Ray DelMuro Refresh Glass and complimentary signature drink provided by Alliance Beverage Distributing Company.

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Phoenix Cooks! More than 3,000 food and beverage enthusiasts sipped, socialized and celebrated all things foodie during Phoenix Cooks! and raised more than $26,000.

Setting Miracles in MotionMore than 50 Miracles in Motion runners participated in the P.F. Chang’s Rock n’ Roll Marathon & Half Marathon, contributing more than $57,000 in honor of their MVPs (Most Valuable Patients).

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17 Leadership Circle LuncheonLeadership Circle

members are invited to Paradise Valley Country Club to hear Phoenix Children’s physicians and staff present their grant proposals and vote for the programs and services they wish to fund. Recipients will be honored during the Grant Reception on May 15 at the Hospital. For more information on the events or how to join Leadership Circle call (602) 933-2616 or visit

ABC15 Telethon This live broadcast from our cafeteria includes ABC15

personalities sharing inspirational stories of our patients and families. Viewers can lend their support by calling (602) 933-4567 on the day of the event or visiting\telethon anytime.




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24 & 25KTAR Give-A-ThonNews-Talk 92.3 KTAR and Arizona Sports 620 will team up once again for our largest annual fundraiser. The two-day event will include on-air personalities, celebrity appearances and inspirational patient stories. Listeners can pledge their support with a one-time gift or become a Monthly Miracle Maker. For information on the event or sponsorships call (602) 933-2648.


4 Downright Beautiful Fashion Show Join us at the Musical Instrument Museum for this

Candyland-themed fashion show where our patients with Down syndrome, friends and local celebrities will model today’s fashions to benefit the Down Syndrome Clinic. What could be sweeter than that? For tickets or more information visit




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Desert Peaks Pizza & Grille 4th Annual Golf InvitationalApril 13Painted Mountain Golf CoursePatrons and friends gather for a four man scramble with a reception afterwards at Desert Peaks Pizza & Grille. For more information call (480) 654-6808 or visit APSM Systems 29th Annual Golf TournamentMay 2The 500 ClubAPSM Systems is hosting its 29th Annual Golf Tournament benefiting Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Last year APSM raised nearly $12,000. For more information email [email protected].

Blacklight RunMay 3Wild Horse Pass Motor SpeedwayA unique nighttime run, Blacklight Run focuses less on speed and more on glow-in-the-dark fun with friends and family. Visit for more information.

Walgreens Charity ClassicMay 3-4Grandview Golf Course Sun City WestThe LPGA Legends Tour, with some of the greatest women golfers of all time, has eight stops in 2014, starting in Arizona with the 3rd Annual Walgreens Charity Classic.

Foam Glow 5KMay 17Goodyear Ball Park Foam Glow 5K is a fun-filled experience exposing runners to glowing foam and black lights as they navigate the course. For more information visit 9th Annual Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5K September 27Moon Valley ParkThis USATF-sanctioned 5K has raised more than $97,000 for Phoenix Children’s since 2006. Visit for more information.

Watch for campaigns supporting Phoenix Children’s Hospital at the following partner locations throughout the Valley.

Hungry Howie’s: Through April Walmart & Sam’s Club: May 1 – June 11Costco Wholesale: May 1–31Chico’s: May 1–31White House|Black Market: May 1–31Soma Intimates: May 1–31Albertsons: May 1–31 Ongoing throughout 2014. Shop at, and half of all proceeds will be donated to Phoenix Children’s.

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Page 39: PHOENIX CHILDREN S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION...An innovative brain surgery allows Kaitlynn to rise from her wheelchair In Her Own Words Chance shares the comfort she found in the care at
Page 40: PHOENIX CHILDREN S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION...An innovative brain surgery allows Kaitlynn to rise from her wheelchair In Her Own Words Chance shares the comfort she found in the care at