philres publication

PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE of REAL ESTATE SERVICE PRACTITIONERS (Phil RES) INCORPORATED FORMAL PUBLI C ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL PRe LI C ENSED REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS The Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service (Ph il RES) Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as ' PhilRES' , has been accredited as the official and Integrated Professional Organization (AI PO) for the feal estate seMce under RA 9646 pursuant to PRe Resolution No. 19 Series 012011 daled October 21 . 2011 . PhilRES is mandated under Sec. 138 Art . XXX of Phil RES' New By Laws to "formally 8nllO!Jnc8 the acceptance of new members and act on applications for acCleditalion 01 klcal chapters OIl provinces, eilies andlor First Class Munici pa lrties' for the purpose of holding the First Regular National Con\lt!ntion and Elections. Pursuant thereto, PhilRES and announces the simultaneoos holding of the "First Regular General Membership National and for National Officers and National Directorate on 09 June 2012 in Regional Voting Centers in compliance 10 Ihe Transilory Provisions as ptovided for inArticie XXX of PhiIRES' New By Laws In Ofder 10 afford as many members as possible 10 their rights and privileges as members of the AIPO. PhilRES in fIs desire 10 give as many members as possible the opportunity 10 participate In this hist oric endeavour has determined thai the holding of the elections as orig i oolly scheduled last28 February 2012 would have been the tint interest oflhe real estal9 service - Iarge. PhilRES has endeavoured and its besl efforts 10 accepl and process as many new members and act on applications fOf accreditation of local chapters and undertake all other essential actions commiHed to the ' First Regular General Membership National COI'Ivenlion and Eleetions' for National Officers and National Directorate pursuant to the Transitory Provisions as provided for in PhilRES New By Laws, to emaneous & supeMning events beyond its conlrol that gravely affected membership campaign and chaptel formation, PhilRES has determined that the "aPPl"Ollriate condition and environment to hold the 'First General Membership National COI'Ivenlion and Elections' for National Officers and National DirectOfate" did not exist prior to this pubrlC announcement fOf the successful and meaninglul holding of the 'First Regul ar General Membership National Convention and Elections' for National Officers and National DirectDr.lte". PhilRES New By Laws, Official Membership Guidelines. Official Implementing Rules 01'1 Chapter Fooniltion Forms for Individual Membership, Official Personal Date Sheet Forms, Chapter Formation and Procedures as well as Election RUles and Procedures may be viewed and downloaded from PhiIRES' Official Facebook Page '1tIl1f. faceboot; com!philres2011 and mirrored in htto:llphattra ora!. E!ectjoo Rules Proceedings and Provisions That Shan Govern the "First Regular General Membersbjp Natiooal Convention and Elections" f, Immediat e Appointment of Local Chapter Comelec by New Local Chaptel"$ The "Founding AIPO National Officers aM National Directorate· shall assess and evaluate, upon the reoornnJefldation 01 the Membership . Chapter Development aM Chapter Affairs Committees, an applications 10 be accredited as Local Chapters in the provinces, cities Of First Class Municipalities. I, PhilRES shaU accept individual applications for membership 01 eligible applicants who are not yet members of any local chapter. Provided, that these applicants applying for membership, &hall have al the necessary documentary requirements attached in their applications and the payments of the lequired lees & other assessments in pursuance to Section 139 Article XXX 01 these By Laws. Upon approval Of the ind i vidual members 10 PhilRES. the latter shall assign the new individual members to Local Chapters deems necessary and proper. These new members may opt to transfer to other Local Chapters 01 their choice only after the oondllCl of the "First Regular General Membefship National Convention aM Elections· fOf National OffiCBfS aM the National Directorate. Applicants for a Loca l Chapter shall forma lfy mtent 10 the National Directorate to set-up a New Local Chapter. 2. Applicants 01 a Local Chapters shan execute an Unconditional Undertaking to adopt the standard Mieles ollncorporation and By-Laws approved by the National Directorate ror all Local Chapters of PhilRES with no exceptions thereto whatsoever. 3. Applicants for Local Chapters have at least a of fifteen (15) Regular Members. who possess the eligibility quarlficalions as required in this Transitory Provision and as further provided IOf in Section 139ArticIe XXX of the PhilRES By Laws". All newly approved local chapters shall file their Local Chapter AIC & By Laws using the Loca l Chapter template approved by the National Directorate with the SEC within fifteen (15) days after their approval by the National Directorate. Prior to the elections. "new local chapter applicants" duly approved by the National DireC!Dr.lte sha ll be officially acknowledged as "Interim Local Chapters aM their Organizing Members" while the issuance 01 the ·Certificate 01 Chapter Registration· to the provisiOl'ls of Section 100 of PhilRES New By Laws. These "Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' shal! then be advised to organize themselves lor SEC incorporation pu.-poses and elect their ' Interim Caretaker Loca l Chapter Trustees & Officers for official admowledgement as such by Phil RES. The "Interim Careta ker Local Chapter Trustees & Officers" 01 these "Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' duly acknowledged by PhilRES National Shall then immediately and appoint the members of their "Interim Local Standing committees'. The Interim Chapter CommHee Members &hall be for the purpose 01 implemenfing the provisions 01 Sections 138-14gArticIe XXX 01 PhilRES New By Laws aM holding of the First Regular National Convention & Elections as applicable thereto. The oIthe · Interim Caretaklll Local Chapter Trustees & Officer"s· olthese ' Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' shall be oflieially to the National DlrectDr.lte lor official acknowledgement and After their due acknowledgement and by the National Directorate, all applications lor member&hip shall be Immediately devolved fo and handled by these "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & Officers" from PhilRES-National. The Interim Chapter Comelec Committee Members shall be composed 01 at Mlast five (5) members composed of a chairman and lour (4) regular members who Shall not be candidate nominees Of voters for determining the official local chapter nominees 10 the First Regular National Elections. tl. Nominati on Procedure In Local Chaptel"$ 1. The ·I nterim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & otrK;Brs·, more particularly the ' Interim Carelaker Local Chapter Secretary, the "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Treasu r er and the "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter President· shall prepare and certify a ·List of Loca l Chapler Members In Good Standing Wrth Voting to exercise their right to nominate , be nominated . vote. be voted upon, give proxy. and receive proxyfoes_ 2. The "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Treasurer" must be confirm in writing thru fax or email the National all "tnterlm Local Chapter Members· payment of National Annual Regular Membership Dues not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior 10 the holding of the First Regular National Elections. 3_ The official "List of Local Chapter Members In Good Standing With Voting shall be tumed-over to the "Interim Local Chapter Comelec Committee'. 4. The "Interim Chapter Comelec Committee" shall appropriately determine the veracity 01 the of all names appeariog thlllein and shan appropriately formally the "Interim Local Chapter Cornele<: committee Official List 01 Local Chapter 10 Good Standing Wrth Voting Eligibilities" among the "Interim Local Chapter Members- at·large' to infoon them 01 their right to nominate, be nominated , vote, be voted upon, give proxy, and receive proxyfoes. 5, The "Interim Chapter Committee" shan be the tone authority in the deterrr,;nafun 01 the of aU names appearing therein ptovided that this is in conformity to and pursuant 10 the pertinent provisions as embodied in Article XXX 01 PhilRES New Bylaw!. S. The ··Interim Chapter Comele<: Committee· shall henceforth conduct nomi nation proceedings from among the eligible members of the Local Chapter 10 select their official nominees for the First Regu lar National Convention & Elections at a date not later than thirty (30) calendar days priorlo the holding 01 the First Regular National Eledions. Said nominees Shall be in the ' Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Eection·. The nomination shall be done by a secret ballot, ol the Local Chapter Members in Good Standing. Only one (1) eligible Local Chapter Member, receiving the highest of \lDtes cast by secret ballot 01 Local Chapter members in good slanding , may be nominated for any of the following national elective to I. Chairman olthe Board ; 2. VICe-Chairman 01 the Board: 3. President: 4. Executive Vice-President; 5. VICe President for 6. VICe President IOf Appraiser, 7. VICe President for Brokers; 8. Voce President for Government Assessors: g. VICe President IOf GovemmentApptajsers: 10. Vice President for Treasury: 11 , Voce Preside!lt for Membership: 12. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs: 13. VICe President for Administration: 14_ Voce President for Intemal Audit: 15. Regional Vice· President: 16. Secretary General. A member may be ngminated lor more than one (1 ) position provided that the member possesses the for such position oo;ng nominated to. 7, The ' Interim Chapter Comelec Committee' shall issue the results of said nomination ptoceedings in an official document·Certified List of and Eligible CaMidates 10 the National Election" and transmi t the same to the "Interim Local Chapter Secretary" lor transmittal by the · Interim Local Chapter Secretary· to ttle NabOl'lal Comelec 8. That thirty (30) calendar days prior to the conduct of the ' Fi rst Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections· the ' Inlerim Chapter Local Chapter Secretary' shall 10 the National Comelec the "Certified List of and Eligible Candidates 10 the NatiOl'lal pursuant 10 the Transilory Provisions of Section 141 Miele XXX 01 Phi l RES By g. That thirty (30) calendar days prior to the conduct 01 the "First Regular Genera l Membership National Convention and Elections· the ·Interim Chapter Local Chapter Secretary" Shall to the National the "Certified List of Local Chapter Members in Good Standing With Voting pursuant 10 the Transitory Provisions 01 Section 142 Article XXX of Phi l RES By Laws. 10. Of the submitted "Certified List 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the Natioool the National Cornele<: Shall evaluate Irom the list submitted and approve all names in the "Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Election" Of disapprove any nominee endorsed based on the provisions for qualifications or disqualffications as provided 101' in Article XXX of Phil RES New By Laws. 1 t, Upon official announcement by the National Comelec of the ' Natioll3\ Roster of Qual ified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections' all the eligible nominees listed therein &hall become the final and official roster of candidates who wlll be voted upon by all members fOf the First Regular NatiOl'lal Convention & Elections . Nominees must be physically ptesent during ttle election day. be issued and released by the seven (7) days prior 10 the holding of the "First General Membership National Convention and Elections·. Section 141 . EJigible Nominees FOfthe "First RegularGeneral Membership National COI'Ivention and Elections" oIPhiIRES. PhURES , theAIPO, will endeavour to call the ·First Regular General Membership National COnvention and Elections· for National Officers and National Directorate within nlnely (90) calendar days upon its determination of the existence of the appropriate and environment to hold the "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections" for National Officers and National Directorate "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections. Al l Founding AIPO Trustees of Phi lRES shall aulomatically be eligible to be membll!s who can be endorsed as Local Chapter official nominees 01 the Local Chapter where they are Regular Members. Appointed members of " Comelec' are disqualrl'ied and are not eligible to be a nominee of the Local Chapter where they are Regular Members. All Members in Good Slanding 01 Local Chapters as certmed 10 by the Local Chapter Secretary and approved by the Comelec, pu r suant to the Transitory Provisions of Section 140 Article XXX are automatically eligible to be included among the members that can be endorsed as Local Chapter offICial nominee representatives IOf to and approva l by the COmeIe<:. These nominees are eligible 10 issue and receive proxyrtes. The eligible members of the Local Chapter shall select their official nominees. Said nominees shall be induded in the ' Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Election·. The nomination shall be done by a secret ba llot, olthe Local Chapter Members In Good Standiog . Only one ( 1) eligible Local Chapter Membe!", receiving the highest number of votes cast by secret ballot. of Local Chapter members in good standing. may be nominated for any of the following national elective positions, to I. Chairman olthe Board : 2. VICe-Chairman 01 the Board: 3. President; 4. Executive Voce-President: 5. Vice President for 6. Vice President for Appraiser: 7. Voce Pres ident for Brok ers; 8. Voce President for Government Assessors: 9. VK;B President for Government Appraisers: 10. VICG President forTreasury: 11 , VK;B President lor Membership: 12. Vice President for Chapter Development I!. Chapter Affairs: 13. Vice President for Administration: 14. Voce President for Intemal Audit 15. Regional Vice-President: IS. Secretary General: That thirty (30) calendar days prior 10 the conduct 01 th& ' First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections" the Local Chapter Secretary shan to Comelec the "Certified List of Local Chapter Members in Good Standing" who are eligible to become nominees in the respective positions in PhilRES, pursuant to the Transitory of section 140 Article XXX of Phil RES By Laws _ Of the submitted "Certified list 01 Local Chapter Roster of Qualifted aM Eligible Candidates to the National Comelec shall evaluate Irom the list submitted and upon its discretion, to applove or disapprove any nominee endorsed based on quarmcations. Upon official announcement by 01 the ·National Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections· al1tlle eligible nominees listed ther&in shall become the final and official roster of candidates who will be voted upon by all qualified members_ Nominees be physically present during the election day. The · National Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Electiorls· shall be issued and released by the seven (7) days prlor to the holding of the "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections·, 13. The consolidated roster of ' Certified List of Members in Good Standing With Voting per Local Chapter per RegionalArea VOting Center shaU be issued and released by the National Comelec seven ( 7) days prior 10 the holding of the "First Regular General Membership National Convention &nd Elections' pursuant 10 the Transitory Provisions 01 Paragraph 4 Sec. 142 Artiele XXX 01 PhilRES By Laws. Regional VOting Centel"$ 1. There &ha ll be 6 Regional Voting Centers. Voting and elections shall be done simultaneously in al! ol the six (S) Regional Voting Centers. 2. The 6 Regional Voting Centers are: Section 80. NCRl Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - MandaluYOl'lg City) - The NCRI Regional Area Jurisdiction shan be composed of the followiog aM Cily of Valenzvel a: City of Navotas: City of Malabon: Kalookan City : Quezon City: City of Marikina: City of San Juan : City of Mandaluyong : Municipalily of Rodriguez: Mun ici pa lity 01 San Mateo. Section 81 . NCR2 Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Mandaluyong CityThe NCR2 Regional Area Jurisdiction Shall be composed of the following cities and City 01 Manila: Pasay City: City 01 Makati : City of Las Pinas: City of Paranaque: Municipality 01 City: City 01 City 01 Pasig: Cainta City: Municipa lity of Pateros; Municipality of Taguig. Section 82. North RegionalArea Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Baguio City)· The North Luzon Regional Area Jurisdiction shall be composed of the provinces , first class and cities that make up the political and 9009rapbic of: Region 01 llocos Region; Region 02 Cagayan Va lley: Region 03 Ce!ltral Luzon; Region 14 Cord illera Administrative Region, Section 83. South Luzon Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Naga City)- The Sooth Luzon RegionalArea Jurisdiction Shall be composed 01 the provinces, first class municipa lities aM citie$lhat make up the political and geographic jurisdictions of: Region O4a CalabarzOl'l; Region O4b Mimaropa: Region 05 Bicol Region. Section 84. Vrsayas Regional Ar&a Jurisdiction (Votiog Center - Cebu City) -The Visayas Regional Area Jurisdiction shall be composed of the provinces, first class municipa lities and that make up the political and 9009rapbicjurisdictions 01: Region 06Westem Visayas: Region 07 Centra l Visayas. Region 08 Eastem VlS3yas Section 85. Mindanao Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Cagayan De Oro City}- The MiManao Regional Area shall be composed 01 the provinces, first class municipalities and cities that make up the and geographic 01: Region 09 Zamboanga Peninsula: Region 10 Northern Mindall3o: Region 11 Davae Region : Region 12 Socsargen : Region 13 Caraga : Region 15 AUtonomous Region In Muslim Mindanao. 3. The Regional Voting Centers for NCR 1 and NCR2 shal! be combined l or purposes of practicality and economy. 4. Absentee VOting may be allowed provided that the requesting eligible member must formally file a pemion for the right to vote as an absentee voter wlth the National at least twenty--one (21 ) calendar days belore the day of elections_ 5. Applications fOf petitions to vote as an absentee voter must state the minimum following: Name of Interim local Chapter, Regional Area Jurisdiction, and Valid reason for applying for avaiment of theAbsentee Votiog provision , RegionalArea Jurisdiction where the inteMs to vote during the First national Elections. 6. Approved Petitions for Absentee Voting Shall be reflected in the list of eligible voters In the RegiOl'lalArea Voting Center the Petitioner applied for seven (7) caleMar days before the conduct of the elections. Subsequently his name wil! be delisted from his Ofiginal Regional Voting Center and will be included in the voting center where the petitioner filed to vote in but his votes will be officially counted and credited for the regional center he is origiMl1y registered in. Regional Comelec Procedu' 8$ II , Comelec Ofliciallo Charge of Regional Voting Centel"$fort he Fil"$t National Electi on., The National Cometec Members are composed of one representative from eaeh of the six (S) Regional Area Jurisdictions as provided for in Article XIII. The Regular Comelec Member from the region where the elections are beiog held and canvassed shall be the Regional Head for the Regional committee. Each Regional Come!ec Committee shall be composed of five (5) regular members with two (2) aHemates, more specifically: the (a) Regional Comelec Head, (b) two (2) Regional Committee members, and (c) two (2) altemate members. The two (2) regular members shall be the automatic cha irpersons of the Regiollal Committee on Accreditation and the Regional Committee 01'1 Canvassing. 1. Regional Committee on Accreditation . Thi s Committee on Accreditation la_ be composed the Chairpef$Ol'l of Regional Committee on Accreditation and two members to be appointed by the Regional Head: lb. receive the transmrttat of the records 01 the RegiOl'lal Members in Good Standing ( I) 10 vote , (2) be voted upon, (3) Issue proxy, and (4) leceive proxyfoes certified to by the National Comelec. lc. receives the transmittal 01 the rocords oIthe eligible and Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates fo the First Regular National Elections as certrl'ied 10 by the National Cornetec: ld . authenticates and certifies Regional Members in Good Standing as certified to by the National Comelec. le . and certifll!$ records of the el igible and qualified Roster of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections as certified 10 by the National Comelec. 11. shall decide on eligibilities of members in the regional elections based upon (1) Regional Members in Good Standing as certified 10 by the National Comelec, and (2) the eligible and qualifted Rosterol Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Elections as certified to by the National Comelec. 19. authenticate and validate duly notarized proxies Issued by members In good standing to otller members in good slanding at the time 01 ootarization of such ptoxies. 2. Regional Committee on Canvassing· This Regional commlHee shall : 2a . be composed of the Regional Committee 01'1 Canvassing and two (2) members to be appointed by the Regional Comelec Head: 2b. take charge 01 the canvassing, counting and tallyiog of votes: 2c. hallB the authority 10 validate Of invalidate any vote ballots cast in the election; and 2d . take charge 01 preparing the complete official tally resuHs and record of the regional elections to be submitted 10 the Regional ComeJec Committee Each RegioMI Comelec Committee shan: (1) 0vII!see and wpervise the conduct 01 all regional elections activities. (2) Record 01'1 digfial video with the timer fully visible and the entir& election proceedings from the opening ceremonies to the closing proceedings. (3) Certify aM issue the official resuHs of all regional elections activities and shall officially the same 10 the National Comelec. (4) Take official custody and ptotectali records and materia ls aM complete officia l tal ly results for transmittal 10 the National Comelec. Proxies 1. An eligible voting member whose name appears in the "Offidal List of Members In Good Standing With Voting Prrtileges" may issue only one (1) proxy to another eligible vofing member whose name also appears in the "Official List of Members In Good Standing VOting Privileges·. 2. Proxies shan be used only to determine the presence 01a valid quorum in all elections. A proxy must be (1) duly certified and sworn to by the granlof before the Local Chapter Corporate Secretary and (2) shan specifically state the oome of the grantee and (3) duly notarized for a ptoxy to be considered as valid. 12. The "National Rosterof Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National &hal l 3. The Local Chapter Corporate Secret ary shall Issue a ·Certified PhiIRES-_ (Name of Local Chapter)_ Proxy" where it shall indicate the name 01 the eligible grantor and the name of the eHgible grantee. The Local Chapter Corporate Secretary &hall appropriat ely record the official proK\l certificate issued in an official perpetual logbook for the wllereby the date and proK\l number are clearly I ndicated as recorded in order ofappearance and recording the official perpetuallogboo4l. No other ptoxy for that particular election may be issued to another party even if the grantor of such proK\l invalidates the previous proxy issued_ 4. An eligible voting member whose name also appears in the "Official List of Members In Good Standing With Vobng Privileges· may accept and receive more than one (1 ) proK\l. 5. Prior to the actual casting 01 his baliot the proxy grantee shal! appropriately present the same 10 the Regional Comelec Committee where the eligible member shal! exercise his votiog right and pti'litege. 6. The shal! declare and determine the presence and 01 a valid quorum in the condllCl 01 the election after an ballot votes have been cast by all eligible voters. The presence 01 fifty percent of all members whose names appear in the "Official List ol Members In Good Standing Wi th Privileges· plus one (50% + 1) representing eligible voting members physlcaDy present In the election proceedings and the total number of valid proxies presented 10 the COmeIec shall constitute a valid quorum in the election proceedings for the purpose of electing the ' First General MembershTp National Convention and Elections". Voting 1. All licensed real estate In good standing voting eligibilrties Shall be determined and ascertained from the official list 01 Regiona l Members in Good Standing qualified (1) 10 vote, (2) be voted upon, (3) iss\l& proxy, and (4) receive proK\l I les as certified 10 by the Nationat Comelec to the Regional Comelec Committee lor the Region. 2. Each etigible voting member of each Regional VotingArea Shall be given a common ballot containing eleven (11 ) blank eleclive positions for the following specific 2. 1. Chairman of the Board 01 the National Directorate; 2. 2. Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National Directorate: 2.3 . President: 2.4. Executive Vice-President: 2.5. Secretary General: 2.6. Regional Voce-President 2.7. Vice President for 2,8. Vee President lor Membership: 2. 9. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs: 2. 10. VICe President l or Administration: 2.11 . VK;B President for Internal as provided for in SectiOl'l 87 Article XIV. 3. Each eligible voting member shall be given a color-<XXfed sectoral ballot aOCO<"ding to the Sectoral Group where the eligible voting member i$ a licensed real estate practitioner 01 as applicable, provided further that his name appears in the offICial list 01 Regional Members in Good Standing qualified (1) to vote, (2) be voted upon, (3) issue proxy, and (4) leceive ptoxyroes certified to by the National lor the Region: 4. Every eligible Regular Member under the Conwltants' Sector shaU be given a Consultants' Sectoral Ballot 10 casl l write their choice 01 candidates for VP for ConsuttanlS. 5. Every eligible Member under the Private Appraisers Sector shall be given a Private Appra isers' Sectoral ballot to cast I write their choice of candidates IOf VP for Appraisers. 6. EvIllY eligible Member under the Govemment Appraisers'IAssessors' Seclor shall be given a Government Appraisers' SectDr.l1 ballot to cast I write their choice of VP fOf GovernmentAppraisers and VP for Govemment AssesSOf. 7. Every eligible Regular Member under the Brokers' Sector shal! be given a Brokers' Sectoral ballot to cast I write their cho;ce 01 candidates for VP for Brokers. 8. The Regional Voting Center Comelec shall tally and canvass aU the votes cast in the and shall record the total 01 votes cast for each eligible candidate'S name that was voted upon to the lollowing sequence and priorily: 8.1. Chairman 01 the Board 01 the National DirectOfate; 8.2. Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National DirectDr.lte: 8.3. 8.4. Executive Voce-President: 8.5. Secretary General; 8. 6. Regional Vice-President 8.7. VJCe Pr&sident for 8,8. Voce President lor Membership: 8.9. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs; 8. to. VICe PreSident l or Administr ation: 8,11 , VK;B President for Intemal The Regional Voting Center Comelec shall appropriately list and tally in descending oruer the roster 01 names and votes cast in their region. The Regional Voting Center COmeIec shalt transmit the said tally aM results of the voting to the National IOf canvassing and the appropriate declaration 01 results 01 the voting in the national canvass 01 all votes cast in the sile (6) regional voting areas. g, In the National Canvassing and Tally lor all votes cast In the in the sile (S)regionaIVDIing areas elections, ex cept for specific SectOfal Votes, candidates who are holders 01 licenses that shaU gamer the higllest of pluralily votes inlO the particular elective position beiog canvassed shall declare their sectoral representation upon their decIa ration as the Trustees-etect for that particular elective position. The remaining number 01 etigible sectoral eligible representatives 10 be elected inlo other uflC3vassed positions shall be a<:cordingly appropriately reduced pursuant to the provisions 01 as ptovided for in Section 87 and Section 88ArticIe XIV. El ection Protests t. Election protests may 0I'I1y be filed by Members with Voting Eligibilities. 2. Election protests be In verified loon. 3. Election protests be filed with in thirty·sile hours (36) Irom incident 01 protest. 4. Election protests be dtsposed forty-eight (48) hours from filing . 5, The Regional Area Comelec decision shall be final but may be appealed to the National Cornelec twenty four hours (24) from the rendering and receipt of the decision. 6. Any appeals off by the National Comelecwithin Iorty-eighl (48) hours from filing . 7. Aller a decision has been rendered by the National COmelec &hal! be executory and ng longer appealable. EL ECTION TIMELtNES date lor 01 MembershipApplication Fonns aM Membe(s Personal Data Sheet Last Day For by Local Chapter 5ecr"etary to to Cometec the ' Certifled List Local Chapter Members in Good Standir)9" and ·Certified List of Local Chapter Roster of and Eligible Candidat es to the National Elections' and 01 AIPO Number to Members in Good Standing 01 Local Chapters Appointment of the Members 01 the PhilRES National Comela<: date for Confirmation of Deposit Payments by Local Chapter Treasurer date lor National Comelec to post "Official USlof National Roster of CaMidates· and ·Members In Good Standing with Voting Eligibilities" by Chapter & by Region Including absentee voters aM their assigned voting centers Election Date and Casting of Balklts Official Canvass and Declaration of Winners in Manila during the First Regular National Convention and Ele<:tions forty(40) calendar days prior to 09 2012 or 3OApril2012 thirty (30) calendar days of prior to 09 2012 or 10 May 2012 thirty (30) calendar days prior to 09 2012 or 10 May 2012 twenty-eight (28) caleMar days prior to 09 June 2012 Of 08 May 2012 seven (7) calendar days ptior to 09 02 June 2012 09 June 2012 16 June 2012 or seven (7) calendar days after election day National Convention and Elections seven (7) calendar days alter election day Note; I. All Phi l RES members whose names are included in the National Cornela<: "Official List of National Roster 01 Candidates" and "Members in Good Standiog with Voting Eligibil ities· Shall comprise the same roster of 'Officiallist of National Roster of Candidates' and "Members in Good Standiog Voting Eligibilities' for the Regular National Eleetions for 18 Novembll! 20t2 for the Nationat Officers and Board 01 trustees of PhilRES that shall serve lor the calendar year 01 January 201310 31 Oecember 2013_ 2. The rolation for the position of Chairman aM President will oot be observed during the First Regular National Elections that shall be held on 09 June 20t2 and shall be observed and implemented during the Elections lor 18 November 2012 for the National Officers and Board 01 trustees 01 PhilRES that shal! serve for the calendar year 01 January 201310 3\ December 2013 . 3. The eligible candidate forthe position 01 Chairman during the 18 November 2012 Elections for the National OffICers and Board of trustees of PhilRES that shall serve for the calendar year 01 2013 1031 December 2013 shall come from Mindanao and thereafter shall follow the rotation as ptescribed by the regular provisions for rotation of the New By Laws. 4. The eligible candidate lor the position of President during the 18 November 2012 Regular Elections for the National Officers and Board 01 trustees of PhilRES that shall serve for the caMlMar year 01 January 201310 31 Oecember 2013 shall come from NCR! and thereafter shall follow the rolation as prescribed by the regular provisions lor rotation of the New By Laws. 5. These EIectiof\ Rules and Procedures are hereby promul9ated and Implemented pursuant to Section 137 Article XXX Provisions' of PhilRES New By Laws, For The Inlormation and Guidance 01 the PRC Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners Upon the Authority and Permission of the PhilRES Founding AIPO National Officers and National Directorate Signed: JOSEFIHA 0, MAGUMCIA Founding AIPO Secretary General PHILIPPINE INSTtTUTE 01 REAL ESTATE SERVICE PRACTITIONERS (PhilRES) INCORPORATED Noted: GENER R, SISON Founding AIPO National President PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE 01 REAL ESTATE SERVI CE PRACTITIONERS (PhiIRES) INCORPORATED

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The Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners (Ph il RES) Incorporated,hereinafter referred to as ' PhilRES' , has been accredited as the official Accredited andIntegrated Professional Organization (AI PO) for the real estate service under RA 9646 pursuantto PRC Resolution No. 19 Series 012011 daled October 21 . 2011 .PhilRES is mandated under Sec. 138 Art. XXX of Phil RES' New By Laws to "formallyannounce the acceptance of new members and act on applications for accreditation of localchapters on provinces, cities and/or First Class Municipalities' for the purpose of holding theFirst Regular National Convention and Elections.


Page 1: PHILRES Publication




The Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service Pfact~KlM~ (Ph il RES) Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as ' PhilRES' , has been accredited as the official Acered~ed and Integrated Professional Organization (AI PO) for the feal estate seMce under RA 9646 pursuant to PRe Resolution No. 19 Series 012011 daled October 21 . 2011 .

PhilRES is mandated under Sec. 138 Art. XXX of Phil RES' New By Laws to "formally 8nllO!Jnc8 the acceptance of new members and act on applications for acCleditalion 01 klcal chapters OIl provinces, eilies andlor First Class Municipa lrties' for the purpose of holding the First Regular National Con\lt!ntion and Elections.

Pursuant thereto, PhilRES fOflT1al~ and pu~icfy announces the simultaneoos holding of the "First Regular General Membership National Con~ention and E~ions' for National Officers and National Directorate on 09 June 2012 in Regional Voting Centers in compliance 10 Ihe Transilory Provisions as ptovided for inArticie XXX of PhiIRES' New By Laws In Ofder 10 afford as many members as possible 10 e~ereise their rights and privileges as a~lOmalie members of the AIPO.

PhilRES in fIs desire 10 give as many members as possible the opportunity 10 participate In this historic endeavour has determined thai the holding of the elections as orig ioolly scheduled last28 February 2012 would have been inim~11o the tint interest oflhe real estal9 service PhilRES has endeavoured and e~erted its besl efforts 10 accepl and process as many new members and act on applications fOf accreditation of local chapters and undertake all other essential actions commiHed to the ' First Regular General Membership National COI'Ivenlion and Eleetions' for National Officers and National Directorate pursuant to the Transitory Provisions as provided for in PhilRES New By Laws,

D~a to emaneous & supeMning events beyond its conlrol that gravely affected ~s membership campaign and chaptel formation, PhilRES has determined that the "aPPl"Ollriate condition and environment to hold the 'First Reg~lar General Membership National COI'Ivenlion and Elections' for National Officers and National DirectOfate" did not exist prior to this pubrlC announcement fOf the successful and meaninglul holding of the 'First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections' for National Officers and National DirectDr.lte".

PhilRES New By Laws, Official Membership Guidelines. Official Implementing Rules 01'1 Chapter Fooniltion OfficialAppl~tion Forms for Individual Membership, Official Personal Date Sheet Forms, Chapter Formation R~les and Procedures as well as Election RUles and Procedures may be viewed and downloaded from PhiIRES' Official Facebook Page '1tIl1f. faceboot; com!philres2011 and mirrored in htto:llphattra ora!.

E!ectjoo Rules Proceedings and Provisions That Shan Govern the "First Regular General Membersbjp Natiooal Convention and Elections"

f, Immediate Appointment of Local Chapter Comelec by New Local Chaptel"$

The "Founding AIPO National Officers aM National Directorate· shall assess and evaluate, upon the reoornnJefldation 01 the Membership. Chapter Development aM Chapter Affairs Committees, an applications 10 be accredited as Local Chapters in the provinces, cities Of First Class Municipalities.

I , PhilRES shaU accept individual applications for membership 01 eligible applicants who are not yet members of any local chapter. Provided, that these individ~al applicants applying for membership, &hall have al the necessary documentary requirements attached in their applications and the payments of the lequired lees & other assessments in pursuance to Section 139 Article XXX 01 these By Laws.

Upon approval Of the individual members 10 PhilRES. the latter shall assign the new individual members to Local Chapters ~ deems necessary and proper.

These new members may opt to transfer to other Local Chapters 01 their choice only after the oondllCl of the "First Regular General Membefship National Convention aM Elections· fOf National OffiCBfS aM the National Directorate. Applicants for a Local Chapter shall forma lfy comm~nicate ~s mtent 10 the National Directorate to set-up a New Local Chapter.

2. Applicants 01 a Local Chapters shan execute an Unconditional Undertaking to adopt the standard Mieles ollncorporation and By-Laws approved by the National Directorate ror all Local Chapters of PhilRES with no exceptions thereto whatsoever.

3. Applicants for Local Chapters m~st have at least a minim~m of fifteen (15) Regular Members. who possess the eligibility quarlficalions as required in this Transitory Provision and as further provided IOf in Section 139ArticIe XXX of the PhilRES By Laws".

All newly approved local chapters shall file their Local Chapter AIC & By Laws using the Local Chapter template approved by the National Directorate with the SEC within fifteen (15) days after their approval by the National Directorate.

Prior to the elections. "new local chapter applicants" duly approved by the National DireC!Dr.lte shall be officially acknowledged as "Interim Local Chapters aM their Organizing Members" while awa~ing the issuance 01 the ·Certificate 01 Chapter Registration· purs~ant to the provisiOl'ls of Section 100 of PhilRES New By Laws.

These "Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' shal! then be advised to organize themselves lor SEC incorporation pu.-poses and elect their ' Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & Officers for official admowledgement as such by Phil RES.

The "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & Officers" 01 these "Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' duly acknowledged by PhilRES National Shall then immediately constit~te and appoint the members of their "Interim Local Standing committees'.

The Interim Chapter Come~ CommHee Members &hall be const~~ted for the purpose 01 implemenfing the provisions 01 Sections 138-14gArticIe XXX 01 PhilRES New By Laws aM holding of the First Regular National Convention & Elections as applicable thereto.

The compos~ion oIthe ·Interim Caretaklll Local Chapter Trustees & Officer"s· olthese ' Interim Local Chapters and their Organizing Members' shall be comm~nicated oflieially to the National DlrectDr.lte lor official acknowledgement and recogn~ion.

After their due acknowledgement and recogn~ion by the National Directorate, all applications lor member&hip shall be Immediately devolved fo and handled by these "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & Officers" from PhilRES-National.

The Interim Chapter Comelec Committee Members shall be composed 01 at Mlast five (5) members composed of a chairman and lour (4) regular members who Shall not be candidate nominees Of voters for determining the official local chapter nominees 10 the First Regular National Elections.

tl. Nomination Procedure In Local Chaptel"$

1. The · Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Trustees & otrK;Brs·, more particularly the ' Interim Carelaker Local Chapter Secretary, the "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Treasurer and the "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter President· shall prepare and certify a ·List of Local Chapler Members In Good Standing Wrth Voting Eligibil~ies· to exercise their right to nominate, be nominated. vote. be voted upon, give proxy. and receive proxyfoes_

2. The "Interim Caretaker Local Chapter Treasurer" must be confirm in writing thru fax or email w~h the National Treas~rer all "tnterlm Local Chapter Members· payment of National Annual Regular Membership Dues not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior 10 the holding of the First Regular National Elections.

3_ The official "List of Local Chapter Members In Good Standing With Voting Eligibil~ies' shall be tumed-over to the "Interim Local Chapter Comelec Committee'.

4. The "Interim Chapter Comelec Committee" shall appropriately determine the veracity 01 the ~igibHities of all names appeariog thlllein and shan appropriately formally pub~sh the "Interim Local Chapter Cornele<: committee Official List 01 Local Chapter Membe~ 10 Good Standing Wrth Voting Eligibilities" among the "Interim Local Chapter Members­at·large' to infoon them 01 their right to nominate, be nominated, vote, be voted upon, give proxy, and receive proxyfoes.

5, The "Interim Chapter Come~ Committee" shan be the tone authority in the deterrr,;nafun 01 the eligibil~ies of aU names appearing therein ptovided that this is in conformity to and pursuant 10 the pertinent provisions as embodied in Article XXX 01 PhilRES New Bylaw!.

S. The ··Interim Chapter Comele<: Committee· shall henceforth conduct nomination proceedings from among the eligible members of the Local Chapter 10 select their official nominees for the First Regu lar National Convention & Elections at a date not later than thirty (30) calendar days priorlo the holding 01 the First Regular National Eledions. Said nominees Shall be ~cluded in the ' Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Eection·. The nomination shall be done by a secret ballot, ol the Local Chapter Members in Good Standing.

Only one (1) eligible Local Chapter Member, receiving the highest n~mber of \lDtes cast by secret ballot 01 Local Chapter members in good slanding, may be nominated for any of the following national elective pos~ions, to w~:

I . Chairman olthe Board; 2. VICe-Chairman 01 the Board: 3. President: 4. Executive Vice-President; 5. VICe President for Cons~ltants; 6. VICe President IOf Appraiser, 7. VICe President for Brokers; 8. Voce President for Government Assessors: g. VICe President IOf GovemmentApptajsers: 10. Vice President for Treasury: 11 , Voce Preside!lt for Membership: 12. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs: 13. VICe President for Administration: 14_ Voce President for Intemal Audit: 15. Regional Vice· President: 16. Secretary General.

A member may be ngminated lor more than one (1 ) position provided that the member possesses the req~ired eligibil~ies for such position oo;ng nominated to.

7, The ' Interim Chapter Comelec Committee' shall issue the results of said nomination ptoceedings in an official document·Certified List of Q~almed and Eligible CaMidates 10 the National Election" and transmit the same to the "Interim Local Chapter Secretary" lor transmittal by the ·Interim Local Chapter Secretary· to ttle NabOl'lal Comelec

8. That thirty (30) calendar days prior to the conduct of the ' First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections· the ' Inlerim Chapter Local Chapter Secretary' shall subm~ 10 the National Comelec the "Certified List of Q~alified and Eligible Candidates 10 the NatiOl'lal E~tion" pursuant 10 the Transilory Provisions of Section 141 Miele XXX 01 Phi lRES By La~.

g. That thirty (30) calendar days prior to the conduct 01 the "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections· the ·Interim Chapter Local Chapter Secretary" Shall s~bm~ to the National Come~ the "Certified List of Local Chapter Members in Good Standing With Voting Eligibil~ies pursuant 10 the Transitory Provisions 01 Section 142 Article XXX of Phil RES By Laws.

10. Of the submitted "Certified List 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the Natioool E~tion·, the National Cornele<: Shall evaluate Irom the list submitted and approve all names in the "Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Election" Of disapprove any nominee endorsed based on the provisions for qualifications or disqualffications as provided 101' in Article XXX of Phil RES New By Laws.

1 t , Upon official announcement by the National Comelec of the ' Natioll3\ Roster of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections' all the eligible nominees listed therein &hall become the final and official roster of candidates who wlll be voted upon by all q~al ified members fOf the First Regular NatiOl'lal Convention & Elections. Nominees must be physically ptesent during ttle election day.

be issued and released by the Come~ seven (7) days prior 10 the holding of the "First Reg~lar General Membership National Convention and Elections·.

Section 141 . EJigible Nominees FOfthe "First RegularGeneral Membership National COI'Ivention and Elections" oIPhiIRES. PhURES, theAIPO, will endeavour to call the ·First Regular General Membership National COnvention and Elections· for National Officers and National Directorate within nlnely (90) calendar days upon its determination of the existence of the appropriate cond~ion and environment to hold the "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections" for National Officers and National Directorate "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections.

Al l Founding Tr~steesllncorporatorsllnterim AIPO Trustees of Phi lRES shall aulomatically be eligible to be membll!s who can be endorsed as Local Chapter official nominees 01 the Local Chapter where they are Regular Members. Appointed members of "Comelec' are disqualrl'ied and are not eligible to be a nominee of the Local Chapter where they are Regular Members.

All Members in Good Slanding 01 Local Chapters as certmed 10 by the Local Chapter Secretary and approved by the Comelec, pursuant to the Transitory Provisions of Section 140 Article XXX are automatically eligible to be included among the members that can be endorsed as Local Chapter offICial nominee representatives IOf s~bmission to and approval by the COmeIe<:. These nominees are eligible 10 issue and receive proxyrtes.

The eligible members of the Local Chapter shall select their official nominees. Said nominees shall be induded in the ' Certified List of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Election·. The nomination shall be done by a secret ba llot, olthe Local Chapter Members In Good Standiog.

Only one (1) eligible Local Chapter Membe!", receiving the highest number of votes cast by secret ballot. of Local Chapter members in good standing. may be nominated for any of the following national elective positions, to w~:

I . Chairman olthe Board: 2. VICe-Chairman 01 the Board: 3. President; 4. Executive Voce-President: 5. Vice President for Cons~ltanls: 6. Vice President for Appraiser: 7. Voce President for Brokers; 8. Voce President for Government Assessors: 9. VK;B President for Government Appraisers: 10. VICG President forTreasury: 11 , VK;B President lor Membership: 12. Vice President for Chapter Development I!. Chapter Affairs: 13. Vice President for Administration: 14. Voce President for Intemal Audit 15. Regional Vice-President: IS. Secretary General:

That thirty (30) calendar days prior 10 the conduct 01 th& ' First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections" the Local Chapter Secretary shan subm~ to Comelec the "Certified List of Local Chapter Members in Good Standing" who are eligible to become nominees in the respective positions in PhilRES, pursuant to the Transitory Pro~isions of section 140 Article XXX of Phil RES By Laws_

Of the submitted "Certified list 01 Local Chapter Roster of Qualifted aM Eligible Candidates to the National E~tions· Comelec shall evaluate Irom the list submitted and upon its discretion, to applove or disapprove any nominee endorsed based on quarmcations.

Upon official announcement by Come~ 01 the ·National Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections· al1tlle eligible nominees listed ther&in shall become the final and official roster of candidates who will be voted upon by all qualified members_ Nominees m~st be physically present during the election day.

The ·National Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Electiorls· shall be issued and released by the Come~ seven (7) days prlor to the holding of the "First Regular General Membership National Convention and Elections·,

13. The consolidated roster of ' Certified List of Members in Good Standing With Voting Eligib~ities" per Local Chapter per RegionalArea J~risdiction VOting Center shaU be issued and released by the National Comelec seven (7) days prior 10 the holding of the "First Regular General Membership National Convention &nd Elections' pursuant 10 the Transitory Provisions 01 Paragraph 4 Sec. 142 Artiele XXX 01 PhilRES By Laws.

Regional VOting Centel"$

1. There &ha ll be 6 Regional Voting Centers. Voting and elections shall be done simultaneously in al! ol the six (S) Regional Voting Centers.

2. The 6 Regional Voting Centers are:

Section 80. NCRl Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - MandaluYOl'lg City) - The NCRI Regional Area Jurisdiction shan be composed of the followiog c~ies aM municipa l ~les: Cily ofValenzvela: City of Navotas: City of Malabon: Kalookan City: Quezon City: City of Marikina: City of San Juan: City of Mandaluyong: Municipalily of Rodriguez: Municipa lity 01 San Mateo.

Section 81 . NCR2 Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Mandaluyong City) · The NCR2 Regional Area Jurisdiction Shall be composed of the following cities and municipal~ies: City 01 Manila: Pasay City: City 01 Makati: City of Las Pinas: City of Paranaque: Municipality 01 Tag~ig City: City 01 M~ntingl~pa: City 01 Pasig: Cainta City: Municipality of Pateros; Municipality of Taguig.

Section 82. North L~zon RegionalArea Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Baguio City)· The North Luzon Regional Area Jurisdiction shall be composed of the provinces, first class mun icipal~ies and cities that make up the political and 9009rapbic j~risdictions of: Region 01 llocos Region; Region 02 Cagayan Va lley: Region 03 Ce!ltral Luzon; Region 14 Cord illera Administrative Region,

Section 83. South Luzon Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Naga City)­The Sooth Luzon RegionalArea Jurisdiction Shall be composed 01 the provinces, first class municipalities aM citie$lhat make up the political and geographic jurisdictions of: Region O4a CalabarzOl'l; Region O4b Mimaropa: Region 05 Bicol Region.

Section 84. Vrsayas Regional Ar&a Jurisdiction (Votiog Center - Cebu City) -The Visayas Regional Area Jurisdiction shal l be composed of the provinces, first class municipalities and c~ies that make up the political and 9009rapbicjurisdictions 01: Region 06Westem Visayas: Region 07 Centra l Visayas. Region 08 Eastem VlS3yas

Section 85. Mindanao Regional Area Jurisdiction (Voting Center - Cagayan De Oro City}- The MiManao Regional Area J~risdiction shall be composed 01 the provinces, first class municipalities and cities that make up the pol~ical and geographic j~risdictions 01: Region 09 Zamboanga Peninsula: Region 10 Northern Mindall3o: Region 11 Davae Region: Region 12 Socsargen: Region 13 Caraga: Region 15 AUtonomous Region In Muslim Mindanao.

3. The Regional Voting Centers for NCR 1 and NCR2 shal! be combined lor purposes of practicality and economy.

4. Absentee VOting may be allowed provided that the requesting eligible member must formally file a pemion for the right to vote as an absentee voter wlth the National Come~ at least twenty--one (21 ) calendar days belore the day of elections_

5. Applications fOf petitions to vote as an absentee voter must state the minimum following:

Name of Interim local Chapter, Regional Area Jurisdiction, and Valid reason for applying for avaiment of theAbsentee Votiog provision, RegionalArea Jurisdiction where the pet~ioner inteMs to vote during the First Reg~lar national Elections.

6. Approved Petitions for Absentee Voting Shall be reflected in the list of eligible voters In the RegiOl'lalArea J~risdiction Voting Center the Petitioner applied for seven (7) caleMar days before the conduct of the elections.

Subsequently his name wil! be delisted from his Ofiginal Regional Voting Center and will be included in the voting center where the petitioner filed to vote in but his votes will be officially counted and credited for the regional center he is origiMl1y registered in.

Regional Comelec Procedu'8$

II , Comelec Ofliciallo Charge of Regional Voting Centel"$forthe Fil"$t Reg~lar National Election.,

The National Cometec Members are composed of one representative from eaeh of the six (S) Regional Area Jurisdictions as provided for in Article XIII.

The Regular Comelec Member from the region where the elections are beiog held and canvassed shall be the Regional Come~ Head for the Regional Come~ committee.

Each Regional Come!ec Committee shall be composed of five (5) regular members with two (2) aHemates, more specifically: the (a) Regional Comelec Head, (b) two (2) reg~lar Regional Come~ Committee members, and (c) two (2) altemate members. The two (2) regular members shall be the automatic cha irpersons of the Regiollal Committee on Accreditation and the Regional Committee 01'1 Canvassing.

1. Regional Committee on Accreditation. This Region~1 Committee on Accreditation &ha~:

la_ be composed the Chairpef$Ol'l of Regional Committee on Accreditation and two members to be appointed by the Regional Come~ Head:

lb. receive the transmrttat of the records 01 the RegiOl'lal Members in Good Standing q~aljfied (I) 10 vote , (2) be voted upon, (3) Issue proxy, and (4) leceive proxyfoes certified to by the National Comelec.

lc. receives the transmittal 01 the rocords oIthe eligible and q~a l ified Roster 01 Qualified and Eligible Candidates fo the First Regular National Elections as certrl'ied 10 by the National Cornetec:

ld. authenticates and certifies Regional Members in Good Standing as certified to by the National Comelec.

le. a~thenticates and certifll!$ records of the eligible and qualified Roster of Qualified and Eligible Candidates 10 the National Elections as certified 10 by the National Comelec.

11. shall decide on eligibilities of members in the regional elections based upon (1) Regional Members in Good Standing as certified 10 by the National Comelec, and (2) the eligible and qualifted Rosterol Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National Elections as certified to by the National Comelec.

19. authenticate and validate duly notarized proxies Issued by members In good standing to otller members in good slanding at the time 01 ootarization of such ptoxies.

2. Regional Committee on Canvassing· This Regional commlHee shall :

2a. be composed of the Regional Committee 01'1 Canvassing and two (2) members to be appointed by the Regional Comelec Head:

2b. take charge 01 the canvassing, counting and tallyiog of votes:

2c. hallB the authority 10 validate Of invalidate any vote ballots cast in the election; and

2d. take charge 01 preparing the complete official tally resuHs and record of the regional elections to be submitted 10 the Regional ComeJec Committee

Each RegioMI Comelec Committee shan: (1) 0vII!see and wpervise the conduct 01 all regional elections activities. (2) Record 01'1 digfial video with the timer fully visible and ~ninterrupted the entir& election proceedings from the opening ceremonies to the closing proceedings. (3) Certify aM issue the official resuHs of all regional elections activities and shall officially transm~ the same 10 the National Comelec. (4) Take official custody and ptotectali e~tion records and materia ls aM complete officia l tally results for transmittal 10 the National Comelec.


1. An eligible voting member whose name appears in the "Offidal List of Members In Good Standing With Voting Prrtileges" may issue only one (1) proxy to another eligible vofing member whose name also appears in the "Official List of Members In Good Standing W~h VOting Privileges·.

2. Proxies shan be used only to determine the presence 01 a valid quorum in all elections. A proxy must be (1) duly certified and sworn to by the granlof before the Local Chapter Corporate Secretary and (2) shan specifically state the oome of the grantee and (3) duly notarized for a ptoxy to be considered as valid.

12. The "National Rosterof Qualified and Eligible Candidates to the National E~tions' &hall 3. The Local Chapter Corporate Secretary shall Issue a ·Certified PhiIRES-_ (Name of

Local Chapter)_ Proxy" where it shall indicate the name 01 the eligible grantor and the name of the eHgible grantee.

The Local Chapter Corporate Secretary &hall appropriately record the official proK\l certificate issued in an official perpetual logbook for the p~.-pose wllereby the date and proK\l number are clearly Indicated as recorded in ~s order ofappearance and recording w~hin the official perpetuallogboo4l.

No other ptoxy for that particular election may be issued to another party even if the grantor of such proK\l invalidates the previous proxy issued_

4. An eligible voting member whose name also appears in the "Official List of Members In Good Standing With Vobng Privileges· may accept and receive more than one (1 ) proK\l.

5. Prior to the actual casting 01 his baliot the proxy grantee shal! appropriately present the same 10 the Regional Comelec Committee where the eligible member shal! exercise his votiog right and pti'litege.

6. The Come~ shal! declare and determine the presence and e~istence 01 a valid quorum in the condllCl 01 the election after an ballot votes have been cast by all eligible voters.

The presence 01 fifty percent of all members whose names appear in the "Official List ol Members In Good Standing With Vo~ng Privileges· plus one (50% + 1) representing eligible voting members physlcaDy present In the election proceedings and the total number of valid proxies presented 10 the COmeIec shall constitute a valid quorum in the cond~ded election proceedings for the purpose of electing the ' First Reg~lar General MembershTp National Convention and Elections".

Voting ProclHl~re

1. All licensed real estate pract~ioners In good standing w~h voting eligibilrties Shall be determined and ascertained from the official list 01 Regiona l Members in Good Standing qualified (1) 10 vote, (2) be voted upon, (3) iss\l& proxy, and (4) receive proK\lI les as certified 10 by the Nationat Comelec to the Regional Comelec Committee lor the Region.

2. Each etigible voting member of each Regional VotingArea Shall be given a common ballot containing eleven (11 ) blank eleclive positions for the following specific pos~ions:

2.1. Chairman of the Board 01 the National Directorate; 2.2. Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National Directorate: 2.3. President: 2.4. Executive Vice-President: 2.5. Secretary General: 2.6. Regional Voce-President 2.7. Vice President for Treas~ry: 2,8. Vee President lor Membership: 2.9. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs: 2.10. VICe President lor Administration: 2.11 . VK;B President for Internal Aud~, as provided for in SectiOl'l 87 Article XIV.

3. Each eligible voting member shall be given a color-<XXfed sectoral ballot aOCO<"ding to the Sectoral Group where the eligible voting member i$ a licensed real estate practitioner 01 as applicable, provided further that his name appears in the offICial list 01 Regional Members in Good Standing qualified (1) to vote, (2) be voted upon, (3) issue proxy, and (4) leceive ptoxyroes certified to by the National Come~ lor the Region:

4. Every eligible Regular Member under the Conwltants' Sector shaU be given a Consultants' Sectoral Ballot 10 casl l write their choice 01 candidates for VP for ConsuttanlS.

5. Every eligible Reg~lar Member under the Private Appraisers Sector shall be given a Private Appra isers' Sectoral ballot to cast I write their choice of candidates IOf VP for Appraisers.

6. EvIllY eligible Reg~lar Member under the Govemment Appraisers'IAssessors' Seclor shall be given a Government Appraisers' SectDr.l1 ballot to cast I write their choice of VP fOf GovernmentAppraisers and VP for Govemment AssesSOf.

7. Every eligible Regular Member under the Brokers' Sector shal! be given a Brokers' Sectoral ballot to cast I write their cho;ce 01 candidates for VP for Brokers.

8. The Regional Voting Center Comelec shall tally and canvass aU the votes cast in the e~tions and shall fa~hfully record the total n~mber 01 votes cast for each eligible candidate'S name that was voted upon p~rs~ant to the lollowing sequence and priorily:

8.1. Chairman 01 the Board 01 the National DirectOfate; 8.2. Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National DirectDr.lte: 8.3. Presiden~ 8.4. Executive Voce-President: 8.5. Secretary General; 8.6. Regional Vice-President 8.7. VJCe Pr&sident for Treas~ry: 8,8. Voce President lor Membership: 8.9. Vice President for Chapter Development & Chapter Affairs; 8. to. VICe PreSident lor Administration: 8,11 , VK;B President for Intemal Aud~,

The Regional Voting Center Comelec shall appropriately list and tally in descending oruer the roster 01 names and votes cast in their region. The Regional Voting Center COmeIec shalt transmit the said tally aM results of the voting to the National Come~ IOf canvassing and the appropriate declaration 01 results 01 the voting in the national canvass 01 all votes cast in the sile (6) regional voting areas.

g, In the National Canvassing and Tally lor all votes cast In the in the sile (S)regionaIVDIing areas elections, except for specific SectOfal Votes, candidates who are holders 01 mu~ipie licenses that shaU gamer the higllest n~mber of pluralily votes inlO the particular elective position beiog canvassed shall declare their sectoral representation upon their decIa ration as the Trustees-etect for that particular elective position. The remaining number 01 etigible sectoral eligible representatives 10 be elected inlo other uflC3vassed positions shall be a<:cordingly appropriately reduced pursuant to the provisions 01 as ptovided for in Section 87 and Section 88ArticIe XIV.

Election Protests

t . Election protests may 0I'I1y be filed by Reg~lar Members with Voting Eligibilities.

2. Election protests m~st be In verified loon.

3. Election protests m~st be filed with in thirty·sile hours (36) Irom incident 01 protest.

4. Election protests m~st be dtsposed offw~hin forty-eight (48) hours from filing .

5, The Regional Area Comelec decision shall be final but may be appealed to the National Cornelec w~hin twenty four hours (24) from the rendering and receipt of the decision.

6. Any appeals m~stbedisposed off by the National Comelecwithin Iorty-eighl (48) hours from filing .

7. Aller a decision has been rendered by the National COmelec ~ &hal! be immed~tely executory and ng longer appealable.


C~t-off date lor s~bmission 01 MembershipApplication Fonns aM Membe(s Personal Data Sheet

Last Day For S~bmission by Local Chapter 5ecr"etary to s~bmit to Cometec the ' Certifled List Local Chapter Members in Good Standir)9" and ·Certified List of Local Chapter Roster of Q~almed and Eligible Candidates to the National Elections' and iss~ance 01 AIPO Number to Members in Good Standing 01 Local Chapters

Appointment of the Members 01 the PhilRES National Comela<:

C~t-off date for Confirmation of Deposit Payments by Local Chapter Treasurer

C~t-off date lor National Comelec to post "Official USlof National Roster of CaMidates· and ·Members In Good Standing with Voting Eligibilities" by Chapter & by Region Including absentee voters aM their assigned voting centers

Election Date and Casting of Balklts

Official Canvass and Declaration of Winners in Manila during the First Regular National Convention and Ele<:tions

forty(40) calendar days prior to 09 J~ne 2012 or 3OApril2012

thirty (30) calendar days of prior to 09 J~ne 2012 or 10 May 2012

thirty (30) calendar days prior to 09 J~ne 2012 or 10 May 2012

twenty-eight (28) caleMar days prior to 09 June 2012 Of 08 May 2012

seven (7) calendar days ptior to 09 J~ne20120r 02 June 2012

09 June 2012

16 June 2012 or seven (7) calendar days after election day

National Convention and Elections seven (7) calendar days alter election day


I . All Phil RES members whose names are included in the National Cornela<: "Official List of National Roster 01 Candidates" and "Members in Good Standiog with Voting Eligibil ities· Shall comprise the same roster of ' Officiallist of National Roster of Candidates' and "Members in Good Standiog w~h Voting Eligibilities' for the Regular National Eleetions sched~1ed for 18 Novembll! 20t2 for the Nationat Officers and Board 01 trustees of PhilRES that shall serve lor the calendar year 01 January 201310 31 Oecember 2013_

2. The rolation for the position of Chairman aM President will oot be observed during the First Regular National Elections that shall be held on 09 June 20t2 and shall be observed and implemented during the Reg~lar Elections lor 18 November 2012 for the National Officers and Board 01 trustees 01 PhilRES that shal! serve for the calendar year 01 January 201310 3\ December 2013.

3. The eligible candidate forthe position 01 Chairman during the 18 November 2012 Regu~r Elections for the National OffICers and Board of trustees of PhilRES that shall serve for the calendar year 01 Jan~ary 2013 1031 December 2013 shall come from Mindanao and thereafter shall follow the rotation as ptescribed by the regular provisions for rotation of the New By Laws.

4. The eligible candidate lor the position of President during the 18 November 2012 Regular Elections for the National Officers and Board 01 trustees of PhilRES that shall serve for the caMlMar year 01 January 201310 31 Oecember 2013 shall come from NCR! and thereafter shall follow the rolation as prescribed by the regular provisions lor rotation of the New By Laws.

5. These EIectiof\ Rules and Procedures are hereby promul9ated and Implemented pursuant to Section 137 Article XXX "Trans~ory Provisions' of PhilRES New By Laws,

For The Inlormation and Guidance 01 the PRC Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners

Upon the Authority and Permission of the PhilRES Founding AIPO National Officers and National Directorate


