petition council letter west seattle april 3 2016-tree ordinance comments 1459696741

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  • 8/18/2019 Petition Council Letter West Seattle April 3 2016-Tree Ordinance Comments 1459696741


    Recipient: Seattle City Council, Councilmember Lisa Herbold, Councilmember Bruce Harrell,

    Councilmember Kshama Sawant, Councilmember Rob Johnson, CouncilmemberDebora Juarez, Councilmember Mike O'Brien, Councilmember Sally Bagshaw,

    Councilmember Tim Burgess, and Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez

    Letter: Greetings,

    Change Seattle's laws to stop people clear cutting our forests.

    Seattle is a city of steep hills and slopes, all of them forested and many of them

    prone to landslides. The trees that grow there are all that protect our homes,

    schools, and businesses from erosion and destruction. Many of these greenbelts

    are public property, specifically to protect our population. Unfortunately, there are a

    number of events where homeowners have selfishly cut down trees to improve

    their views and increase their property values, endangering the lives of everyone

    that lives around and below them.

    There are a number of previous incidents where no one ever even saw

    prosecution from doing this. This past week, we learned of the most shocking

    event like this to happen in some time, where an entire acre of public land was

    deforested and clear cut in a dangerous slope area.





  • 8/18/2019 Petition Council Letter West Seattle April 3 2016-Tree Ordinance Comments 1459696741


    Is the Seattle City Council willing to change the laws in the city to stop this ever

    happening again, and enact changes like these?

    Elevation of criminal status of these crimes.

    1. Elevate illegal cutting of public trees, on public land, to the highest and

    maximum level of criminal offense that the State of Washington will allow the City

    of Seattle to elevate them to.

    2. Whatever additional leeway is allowed our City by the State should be exercised

    in our local law in regard to these acts: maximum per tree and offense jail time,

    maximum per tree fine and fiscal penalty. Go to the very limits of the authority we


    3. As they are specifically criminal offenses, Seattle Police should handle these as

    overt crimes against public property first and foremost: arrests. If I went and did

    $500,000 in damage to City Hall or the main branch of the library by smashing out

    every single window I could find, how long would it take for SPD to arrest me, put

    on handcuffs, and take me away? This crime committed in West Seattle is of an

    even greater magnitude as it can cause landslides onto the roads below or even

    cause multiple homes to collapse.

    Elevation of response time to these crimes.

    4. Require that the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) as well the

    Parks department treat these crimes, in particular in slope areas, as their

    maximum highest level priority: an "all hands on deck" incident. There are a

    number of disturbing reports surfacing on social media and news article comments

    of DPD turning a slow or blind eye to these incidents in the past. This is utterly

    unacceptable if true and should additionally be investigated by City Council: how

    many investigations and penalties were implemented against how many reports of

    such acts on public lands in Seattle?

    5. Require cross reporting between the City AttorneyÕs office, DPD, Parks, and

    Seattle Police of these things when they are discovered. As soon as the City

    AttorneyÕs office DPD, Parks, or the Seattle Police come across or are notified of

    such an event, all the other relevant departments must be fully appraised for action

    Mandatory reporting of such crimes.

  • 8/18/2019 Petition Council Letter West Seattle April 3 2016-Tree Ordinance Comments 1459696741


    6. Whenever the City of Seattle becomes aware of these crimes, notifications by

    physical mail must be sent within 30 days by the City to all physical addresses

    within one half mile as the bird flies of the site where the crime occurred (rental or

    otherwise, all detached homes, condos, and apartment units) and to all listed

    property owners with the full details, locations, responsible parties, SPD case

    numbers, DPS case numbers, and all other public information on the matter. This

    will allow all possibly impacted and at-risk parties to be fully aware, and to pursue

    any civil litigation which may be required in the future if they themselves areimpacted.

    Mandatory restoration of lost trees for maximum slope protection.

    7. The City will take maximum steps required to return the damaged slope to the

    Òmost geologically secureÓ form it can through repair and replacement of Òthe best

    and most efficient climate and elevation appropriate native trees with the longest

    possible lifespanÓ. Please note this wording: no replacing 20-30 year lifespan

    maples with similar trees Ð replace them with native evergreen trees. They willgrow taller, stronger, last far longer, and provide far better erosion control.

    8. The City will take any temporary right of way access that is required for

    maintenance and repair of the damaged slopes from the properties of the

    responsible party. If that means we need to stage the entire repair operation from

    their background with contractors and urban forestry staff for the next five years,

    thatÕs what we will do.

    Recoupment of costs.

    9. All costs incurred through all items in parts 1-8 will be billed directly to the

    responsible party, with as many escalating per day fines as is allowed per State

    law to encourage responsible compliance. The City of Seattle will use liens against

    the property of the responsible parties to enforce compliance.

    Do all of these things, and only the completely remorseless would be willing to

    commit crimes like these in the future.

    Thank you!

  • 8/18/2019 Petition Council Letter West Seattle April 3 2016-Tree Ordinance Comments 1459696741



    Name Location Date Comment

    Joe Szilagyi Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 We absolutely must do this before more people are put at risk.

    Paul Rosenberg Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Selfish, thoughtless homeowners and real estate developers need to be held

    accountable. Send a clear message that destruction of public lands is a serious


    Gerald Pearson Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I feel forest patches are needed to sustain the ecosystem and give people who

    can travel, a chance to experience a forest without having to travel far.

    David Pope Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I'm concerned about trees being illegally cut down on critical slopes around


    Chetan Chandrashekhar Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 This shouldn't be tolerated. It's a public safety issue.

    Janine Bostock Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Trees are under valued the fine should be $10,000 per tree.

    Michael Lane Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 The view doesn't belong to people. This is outrageous

    carolyn horsfall Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I am horrified by the sense of entitlement and the fact someone assumed they

    would get away with this. Do not let this be repeated please!

    Matthew Lawrence Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 There needs to be a punishment that deters these people from accepting the

    cost of punishment as just an acceptable "cost of doing bussiness". This is

    deplorable, and potentially dire for down-slope residents, roads and


    Aubrey Cushing Renton, WA 2016-03-29 This is an outrage! Those trees were here before us and they will be here after

    us. They add value to our planet. The suffering will be astronomical in a

    multitude of ways if this doesn't stop! Please sign today. It takes two minutes of

    your day.

    peter donahue Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I am also in a dispute between a Homeowner Association regarding 'view

    rights' on Parks land.


    Brett Belka Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Development is out of control in Seattle and it needs to get back in check. I'm

    all for increasing density but greenbelts are important to both the aesthetic and

    the physical stability of our beautiful city.

    Susan Sever Seattle, WA 2016-03-29

    When an individual or a business requests a service which results in damage

    to the environment, it crosses a legal line. When it becomes fuzzy as to how

    hold the requestor responsible for their own actions which contributed to the

    loss, then the damages should be shared equally between the requestor andthose who damaged the property. They should be held accountable.

    Chris Kallin Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Press charges to the fullest extent of the law and let the courts decide. I'm a

    West Seattle homeowner and I am appalled. Given the audacity of the crime

    and the public attention received, it's the perfect opportunity to set an example.

    I support prosecution.

    Kim Davis Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 No one should ever take drastic measures into their own hands, for their own

    benefit and to the potential detriment of others.

    Lisa Parsons Enumclaw, WA 2016-03-29 This happens all over and puts our environment and our safety at risk.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    robert zuuring Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 its people who are self righteous as to think that clear cutting trees for their

    views is alright and knowing nothing will happen to them. its these people that

    need to understand that it is NOT ok, we ned to send the message to them that

    they will be prosecuted to the fullest. it is our forest after all not just theirs to do

    with as they please!!!!!!

    allan hendrix kent, WA 2016-03-29 How did this Happen?? Heads should roll.

    Erica Meade Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Erosion in our city is a very serious and dangerous concern! Trees are

    absolutely necessary to maintain slopes and manage rain water. Apparently

    people think it's their personal prerogative to clear public land without concern

    for the consequences. The legal consequences should be very tough in such


    Kathy Legters Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I'm sick and tired of the selfishness of people. Destroying forests and putting

    others at risk it unacceptable. Not only have they put their own property at risk

    of a landslide but others around and below their property. All for a better view.

    Cynthia Mix Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 It's the right thing to do...

    Kirstie Bingham Salem, OR 2016-03-29 A native seattlite and a resident until November this is a scary occurrence. The

    Oso slide showed how dangerous they can be and being in a city doesn't stop

    it from happening....

    Diana Lee Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I am disappointed in the class issue that wealthy people can make choices that

    impact a whole infrastructure and then pay their way out of making harmful


    Christine Burton Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I'm signing because, as a member of the West Seattle neighborhood, it is

    important that people be held accountable for the damage they have done to

    public lands that could possibly lead to landslides and other ecological issues.

    No one is guaranteed a view. It is not a right and the perpetrators should be

    punished instead of trying to buy their way out.

    Lynn Garvey Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Trees need a voice for protection

    Cass Nevada Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 1) The worst time of year to fell a tree.

    2) One tree down affects the whole hood; a grove of trees is beyond reckoning

    3) This is a felonious act that impacts us all.

    4) A superior view is just not that important.

    5) We are the caretakers of this land and all of its trees--enough is enough.

    Kelsey King Olympia, WA 2016-03-29 Quit allowing this stupidity. It's dangerous and environmentally negligent.

    Mike Stahl Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 This type of behavior must not be allowed to continue. These selfish, illegal

    actions cause damage and potential damage on SO many levels;

    environmental, aesthetic, and the safety of anyone living downslope, or

    walking, bicycling, driving downslope. Negotiating needs to be off the table, and

    punishment needs to be more than just financial, as to some, mere, especially

    low, financial punishment may be just a drop in the bucket to them. They need

    to pay hefty fines, serve some significant jail time, reimburse for ALL costs;investigative, restoration to as close as possible (or better) to original, court and

    prosecution costs. They should not be able to realize a higher selling price that

    may have been created by improving the "view" caused by their illegal actions.

    deb raney seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Make a larger penalty to keep this from happening!

    Gary Lichtenstein Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I'm signing this because people with lots of money shouldn't be able to ignore

    our laws and the public trust. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law...

    Kathleen Jennings Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 This needs to stop and the stricter laws might give offenders more to think


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    Name Location Date Comment

    Valmari Renata Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT

    Ben Nimmons Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I want trees and public land protected.

    Suzann Campos Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Having lived most of my life in SW Texas, I've seen first hand what the

    destruction of our natural landscaping can do to the environment and air quality

    around us. I do not want to see that happen here.

    Karina Ray Renton, WA 2016-03-29 When the earth is destroyed we won't don't have another to replace it.

    John Stewart Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 For too long now we as a City have not taken our urban forests seriously.

    Previous Councils have ignored or back-burnered many concerns. I had a

    conversation with someone over the weekend who said, in essence, "cities and

    trees do not mix" (this individual grew up back East). I am a firm believer that,

    in Seattle at least, that is absolutely not true; we are smart enough here to

    understand (and quantify!) the benefits of urban trees, tree canopy, etc.

    PLEASE do not let this incident go by without doing the maximum amount

    possible to prevent it from happening again.

    Laura Newell Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 It disturbs me that people can endanger the safety of this hillside so recklessly

    and I sincerely worry that previous failures to adequately punish city residents

    for similarly clear cutting public lands gives people the impression that thereare no consequences to doing so. This needs to change.

    Vanessa Carr Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Protect the earth.

    Guyla Galindo Yakima, WA 2016-03-29 I am signing this petition because the clear cutting of trees is endangering the

    public with landslides and other residuals of this practice. I am against clear

    cutting of trees.

    Susan Lane Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 To cut down a grove of trees is a selfish, short-sighted, arrogant violation of

    essential members of a living community.

    Maureen Carroll Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Because I care about quality air. We already suffer enough from poor air

    quality. Trees help

    Doreen Harper Des Moines, WA 2016-03-29 People need to be held responsible for their actions. Cutting down trees on

    public property is a crime. A mature forest is irreplaceable in most of our

    lifetimes. A healthy ecosystem is valuable. Nesting habitat is precious. Set an

    example and precedent for those who consider such actions to be okay.

    John Weeks Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 We need more green!

    Sean Bolin Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Because they were not their trees to cut down, and the tax payer is going to be

    on the hook to replace these trees

    Gary A. Flaten Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 This need to be dealt with! Stop pussy-footing around Seattle City Council!

    Vicki Weeks Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Forests are SO important!

    Lynnette Spear Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 I am a volunteer forest steward in the Seattle Parks Dept. and would like to see

    more serious consequences for these crimes. We need to value what little we

    have left in natural habitat, especially during this time of development. TREES


    Eric Lane Barnes Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Tree should be protected.

    Brett James Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 When people willing break the law because they gain more by doing so,

    something needs to change.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    kathy walsh Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 We Seattle residents are passionate about our parks, so passionate that we

    consistently vote in favor of taxes and levies to support our parks and

    greenbelts. I'm writing to urge the city prosecutor to prosecute the people

    responsible for clear cutting our greenbelt to the fullest extent of the law.

    Please send a clear message and make these people pay for their crimes and

    make others think twice about doing this in the future.

    Mark Johnson Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 We cannot afford to lose ANY more of our trees!

    Julie Neilson Mitalas Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 "It's easier to apologize than to ask for permission" shouldn't be a reasonable

    option. This impacts all of us.

    Jerremy Spurgin Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 It'd be nice if the laws actually applied to people equally, rather than having the

    sort of punitive loopholes and cul-de-sacs that make it a prudent investment to

    pay a niggling fine in order to increase the sale price of a home that will be

    lying tits-up in the bottom of a ravine half-covered by a mudslide in a few years.

    Loreen Parkerson Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 People can't just go around chopping down trees unknowingly, not there place

    to do so.

    John Paul Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 This is a VERY dangerous practice and cannot be tolerated

    pamela weeks seattle, WA 2016-03-29 We need green space.

    We need protection from land slide.

    It's illegal!

    Kelly Ross Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 They don't call this city the "Emerald City" just because! L et's keep the city

    green, beautiful and safe!

    Craig Kalkoske Seattle, WA 2016-03-29 Watching all the slides this in and around Seattle, we need to do our best to

    protect the slopes

    Yolanda Martinez Sattle, WA 2016-03-30 We have lost so much of our forest, in neighborhoods Big Houses go up, and

    trees come down. Make enact this law now!!!

    Hildegard Nichols Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Trees are our crucial allies in combatting climate change. We can't afford to

    lose any of them thru mindless actions. Also, let's keep Seattle green, the

    Emerald City forever!

    Laura Tullio Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I'm signing because this needs to stop. When I think of the repercussions for

    displaced wildlife alone, it makes me cry. The ripple effect is mind boggling. :(

    Christina Kerr Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Because if this person or persons are not held accountable for this criminal act

    it can motivate many many other who wish to improve their view by paying a

    monetary amount. If all it takes is money to buy a view we should all be able to

    buy a view not just these criminals.

    I am someone who would have water view by just taking out 3 trees. How

    much $'s if I shouldn't expect jail time?

    Elizabeth Bortz Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Shame, shame, shame. This is horrible & needs to be punished appropriately.

    David Jensen Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 There should be jail time for something like this if evidence is available. Adespicable act.

    Brian Felber Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I'm signing because some asshole poisoned a 120 ft Western Red Cedar on

    my property while it was in short sale.

    Dan Rodina Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 It is the right thing to do

    Fred Matthews Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 This kind of desecration must stop, and people need to go to jail, not just pay a


    Gay Niven Bellevue, WA 2016-03-30 Steep slopes need to be protected if they really are not developable. To have

    multiple homeowners plan and pay for this is illegal. As the judge before,

    significant fines should be levied and the slope restored.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    annie jacobsen seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I'm signing because, albeit unfortunate, regulations and penalties appear to be

    necessary where common sense and environmental decency fail.

    Angeleah Dolfay Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Suggestion: It will take a long time to reforest the area in the meantime we

    might consider that Hemp plants slow down the velocity of runoff by absorbing

    moisture. As well as Its deep root system prevents soil erosion, and improves

    water quality.

    Deborah Binford Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I live at the bottom of a steep wooded hillside on Admiral way. Home owners at

    the top of hill cut trees to improve their view. SPD has been called and office

     just stood at top of hill and yelled at man with chainsaw who was cutting as fast

    as he could to clear before he was stopped . All trees were left laying, creating

    eyesore and rodent problem. City was called and I was told they couldn't do

    anything. The apathy by the city to respond and hold those responsible in slide

    prone West Seattle is appalling and common practice. The city will spend

    thousands of dollars on bike lanes on Admiral way for limited few...and

    continue to make unsafe accessibility to our homes for those that have lived

    here for decades. Priorities are not in the right place.

    James Hawkins Memphis, TN 2016-03-30 I believe that we need to protect our community from people who feel their view

    is more important than the law.

    Shylo Shorthouse Bremerton, WA 2016-03-30 I'm signing because I think someone should pay for endangering people.

    Katherine Karasinski Burien, WA 2016-03-30 This is outrageous.

    Mary Sweeney Unit 407, WA 2016-03-30 This should not have happened and should not be allowed. Please prosecute

    to the full extent of the law. There must be a clear message sent that this will

    not be tolerated.

    Mia Fioravanti Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I am an environmentalist and I live this lifestyle. I treasure trees as they are

    essential to our well being, and the well being of the plant and animal life

    around us. It is time to stop this practice to build what usually is a stupidly big


    Nicholas Miller Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 We need to put a stop to this and hold these people accountable. Are you

    going to wait on someone to die from a landslide first?

    Jonathan Strannigan Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 It is important to me that a precedent is not set for homeowners that they can

    cut trees and pay a fine, this does not deter the wealthy people that own view


    Shannon Gray Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 The home owners responsible for this clear cut must be held accountable.

    Owen Rubel Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Sick of out of staters coming and ruining the Northwest

    Toby Thaler Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I've been working to improve Seattle's conservation of trees for years. We need

    action now, not in another ten years.

    Joyce Moty Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Trees are an endangered species in Seattle due to cutting for views and

    increased density that eliminates room for trees in the residential landscape.

    We cannot afford to lose wildlife habitat and natural beauty in our environment.

    Gordon McKendry Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 pieces of shit who do this should be flogged.

    Megan Hochstatter Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I love my city and trees!

    Craig Feyk Edmonds, WA 2016-03-30 Our public spaces need to be protected for all. This is nothing more than a land

    grab and a crime.

    Craig Feyk Edmonds, WA 2016-03-30 Our public spaces need to be protected for all. This is nothing more than a land

    grab and a crime.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Bryan Hollister Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 Our green spaces are precious, and are owned by the greater public. When a

    homeowner cuts trees, or otherwise usurps public land for their own use, they

    are stealing from everyone else. There should be a very firm disincentive for

    actions like this (not just specifically about trees). Not only should there be a

    strong disincentive, but for it to have the desired effect the public should be

    made well aware of it.

    andrew fanara Seattle, WA 2016-03-30 The local trees are of immense value to the stability and beauty to the local


    Wendy Pugh seattle, WA 2016-03-30 I'm disgusted by what these homeowners did. T hey need to be heavily fined

    and receive jail time. They new exactly what they were doing.


    [email protected]

    Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 This some type of incident has happened regularly around West Seatt le.

    Enough monitoring and penalties have not been assessed. People think they

    can get away with the destruction of the environment with no repercussions.

    That is not reasonable.

    Brenda Divers Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 It's illegal !!!

    Shellie Jacobsma Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I love to live in a green neighborhood. So tired of people cutting down their

    trees.....or others that don't belong to them :(

    David Brown Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 This type of destruction will continue unless punishments are significant

    enough to deter. Restore this area, punish the offenders, reduce the chances

    of a repeat. Thank you

    brittany van deest seattle, OH 2016-03-31 I have morals, that's why.

    todd petersen seattle, WA 2016-03-31 The clearcutting of this site is a truly arrogant and selfish action that should be

    punished to the fullest extent of the law!

    Jean Hall Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 It makes me furious.. Increase the penalty! And include the man who was "out

    of town"

    Meredith Leahy Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 We are all effected by this selfish act!

    Norah Willett Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I'm signing because anyone who illegally cuts down trees or other plants on

    city land should receive very harsh penalties--they should have to pay all coststo replace the trees, and they should get jail time also.

    serene Munroe Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 We need to protect our neighbors from the few taking advantage at the cost of

    the many

    Alex Bond Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 The action by these people is so arrogant and wrong that it offends me at a

    personal level. They saw fit to destroy public property just so they could have a

    better view?? It's disgusting and wrong. We can't let this stand.

    terre shattuck Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Trees like these are everyone's and taking them for a 'view' is ignorant and

    lacks conscience.

    Sandra Smith Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 This is theft and these people need to do jail time. Their crime needs to be

    publicised as much as possible. And, if there's any way to do it, their homes

    (which are surely now at risk of sliding onto streets and homes below) need to

    be seized and destroyed, without compensation as the homeowner's brought

    the danger on themselves and their neighbors.

    Carol Wagener Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I agree with all of this petition, with the exception of #7.... whatever

    professionals in hillside stabilization and arborists agree are the best trees is

    what should be planted.

    Catherine Lheureux Shoreline, WA 2016-03-31 I'm signing because these trees are a city treasure, and letting the rich cut

    them because they prevent them from enjoying the view is a crime against the

    citizens of our city.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Margaret Hunnicutt Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 This is a crime that deserves more than just a slap on the hand. Those

    responsible must be held accountable for their actions.

    Maureen Germani Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Public trees have value. These vandals should be prosecuted (criminally) and

    be required to compensate the city for the damage they inflicted.

    Martin McClean Redmond, WA 2016-03-31 I'm very disturbed by the clearing of forests and the destruction to animals and

    our environment. Its pure greed.

    Denise Dahn Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Seattle needs to send a clear message this will not be tolerated.

    Sean McReaken Covington, WA 2016-03-31 I'm signing this because this is a disgusting selfish act and the harshest legal

    punishment possible needs to be handed down. Swiftly.

    Jann Hattrup Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I'm appalled.

    Michael Mahoney Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Hey, City Council: This can't ever happen again Ñ in West Seattle or anywhere

    else in our city.

    Erin Fox Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Those who selfishly destroy our trees need to be held accountable, it is a


    Jordan Jackson Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I'm signing this petition because I am appalled by the destruction of forest on

    public land. I'm disgusted that this has happened again & again. There must

    be significant penalties to force this wanton vandalism to stop.

    Kevin Wildermuth Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 The last time that this happened it was in my neighborhood. I feel that this has

    happened again because because the previous perpetrators escaped any

    consequences beyond a fine. These trees and ecosystems belong to all of us

    and need to be managed properly, not subjected to the selfish actions of

    people who don't care about any of that. Please press for felony convictions

    and put something in place to address this more proactively and effectively in

    the future.

    Rachelle Snyder Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I love West Seattle and its beautiful trees. Rich out of towners are ruining my

    hometown's beauty and ecological stability for their own gain.

    Phoebe Day Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 We need to stop illegal tree cutting in Seattle and create policies that will

    prosecute offenders.

    helen sharp Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 protect our trees. enact a tree policy.

    Michael Hammond Bothell, WA 2016-03-31 One hundred and fifty three trees is A LOT of trees to cut down. And the

    culprits must not acquire any sort of benefit in any shape or form.

    Sarah Welch Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Protecting our urban forests benefits all of us. Forests improve our air quality,

    hold our steep slopes from slides and offer spots of green for the tranquil

    enjoyment of citizens in this increasingly 'concrete and steel' city. We need to

    protect these and ask that the City of Seattle-Parks Departments and

    Transportation become stewards of these lands. This criminal act by

    homeowners is appalling, but equally disgraceful is the City's lack of

    stewardship to protect these lands. Keep these natural areas protected from

    development! and preserve them in perpetuity for future generations.

    Kate Faulkner Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Individuals who violate public property, endangering the public in the process to

    profit in land values should be prosecuted before further advantages are taken.

    Kathryn True Vahson, WA 2016-03-31 I support stronger laws against this kind of action to keep it from happening


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    Name Location Date Comment

    Leah Lansberry Austin Chicago, IL 2016-03-31 I'm fine with home owners cutting down trees in general, but you should not be

    able to cut down trees on public land. To ensure that there is an actual

    deterrent to this behavior, cutting down trees on public land should come with

    some sort of punishment either in fines, community service and restoration (to

    discourage owners from just considering the fine payment to get their view) or

    potentially arrest - depending on the magnitude of the destruction.

    Julie Eiselt Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 No one has the right to destroy our environmentally sensitive, not to mention

    public, land for their own gain. They need to be held accountable and

    punished, not just fined.

    Ian Zemke Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Don't cut down our trees!




    Karni Adamson Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Public trees are public. Private citizens have no right to do anything with them

    unless they are hindering private property.

    Mary Kay Swanson Lynnwood, WA 2016-03-31 This level of choosing to ignore the laws, plus total lack of care for possible

    extreme damage that hill could cause if it fell ( and they do it in a wettest year

    on record?!!) is absolutely a CRIME.

    Sue Green Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I love trees! They are very important. Tired of humans thinking that it's ok to

    keep cutting them down and building more houses!

    Joseph Seefeldt Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I am a friend of the Ents.

    Linda Wheeler seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I agree with all of these steps to elevate the criminal status of these crimes.

    Wealthy homeowners simply pay a fine which means nothing to them.

    Remember the judge? He also "left town" and blamed the landscaper. BTW the

    company that did the work should also be punished for cutting on public land.

    They all need to be deterred in a meaningful way including jail time.

    David Riggs Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 The judge who did this before got off, and that is just not acceptable.

    Tristan Fields Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Our trees are a valuable resource - invaluable. People who cut for views need

    to pay for the trees cost.

    Michael Paine Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 I am signing because I work as an Environmental Manager in an Eastside city

    and I know that citizens routinely violate and then ask forgiveness after the fact.

    The cutting will go on unless the Seattle's representatives change the rules

    making significant penalties a foregone conclusion with proof of violation.

    Sandra Lane Kenmore, WA 2016-03-31 The people who did this should be punished much more severely than any

    monetary gain they will benefit from their improved view. They should receive

     jail time and financial penalties far exceeding their gain.

    zach stone shoreline, WA 2016-03-31 I like trees more than landslides.

    Kendrick Redira Seattle, WA 2016-03-31 Feigned ignorance is not an excuse. These criminals should be held

    accountable with the maximum penalty.

    ann blake Kihei, HI 2016-03-31 I am aghast that citizens can justify cutting public park and greenbelt trees to

    improve their view. Those trees belong to everyone. We need policy on this.

    Judy O'Leary Mountlake Terrace, WA 2016-03-31 Keep Seattle as pristine as possible given that it's a destination for all of those

    who are in lesser environments.

    barbara sardarov seattle, WA 2016-04-01 trees are protecting us from erosion and destruction. Prosecute these people.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Wendy Poskanzer Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 People should not be able to purchase a view by paying to have trees etc cut

    down to enhance their view and value of their home. They are ruining our

    environment. And shame on the city for letting it happen. And these same

    people will expect the city to take care of any damage to their property from

    removing the protection from erosion.

    Stefany Muller Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I am outraged at acts of this kind against the environment not to mention the

    threat to safety.

    Christine Cranston Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I live in West Seattle and this destruction is reprehensible. NO ONE, no matter

    how rich or powerful, has the right to cut down publicly owned green space

    trees to improve their own personal view.

    Beth Kirchhoff Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 The city government needs to stand firm and protect our greenbelts and city

    forests that are on PUBLIC land.

    YOU are our representatives, stand up for us!

    Marianne Hudson Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Homeowners had absolutely no right to cut on property that was not their own.

    Their selfishness now puts others at risk. They deserve the maximum in

    penalties, including monetary fines and jail time.

    Francisca Rodriguez Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 The resources of this town are for all of us, not just the rich!

    Jill McVey Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I live in west seattle and we don't need any more clear-cutting of mature trees

    so some jerk can sell their house with a million dollar view.

    Jonathan Wright SEATTLE, WA 2016-04-01 People need to understand what the responsibilities of living in a society with

    other people are. Actions have consequences. Public resources belong to the

    public. No individualÕs desires trump the safety and welfare of others. Etc., etc.

    The guy who hands a cashier a note that says ÒThis is a robbery!Ó and makes

    off with 100 bucks is going to get 5 years in prison. People who commit

    environmental acts against all of us deserve at least that.

    Linda Jensen Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I concur

    Alan Waite Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 We need to protect our city.

    Dora-Faye Hendricks Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Air quality, aesthetic, and landslide control issues affect all Seatt le residents

    and our future.

    Rebecca Pursley Anacortes, WA 2016-04-01 Taking down a stand of trees leaves nearby trees and homes vulnerable to high

    wind conditions.

    Lisa Griswold Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 cutting down trees that benefit everyone, is a crime that should be punished!

    individual views are not worth risking the safety of others, or worth sacrificing

    the benefits trees give to us all.

    Kelly Welker Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Our air quality depends on it. This is a public health issue.

    Elena Perez Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Your wish for a view does not trump (pun intended) the public good.

    Jonathan Drake Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 It's outright selfish and disturbing that people think they can financially benefit

    and lie about their motives because the fine is so small.

    Bruce Barnum Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I live below a critical slope area.

    Debbi Hoehn Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I'm appalled that we allow this to happen in a city that prides itself on being


    Jared Mitts Lynnwood, WA 2016-04-01 I have spent years working in Seattle and surrounding communities for years

    on the restoration of our Urban forests and damaged ecosystems.

    Jeffrey Johnson Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 This clear cutting was a crime against all of us citizens This clear cutting of

    trees cannot go unpunished

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Faye Summers Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Public lands belong to the public and trees ARE the view. This behavior is

    inexcusable and should have been stopped before it got that far.

    Michelle Whelan Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 We don't need another Oso.

    Janean Desmarais Everett, WA 2016-04-01 When something catastrophic happens, like a landslide, the tax payers are

    stuck with the bill.

    Dorothy Klyce Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 There is no excuse for defacing public land and government needs to respond

    so that people who do this and ask forgiveness pay a VERY high price. Theconsequences should deter, not just incovenience.

     janet gibbons Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 This is absolutely horrific.

    Aimee Kelly Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 This should be view as a crime, because this is public property, creates risks to

    other people, and we need to deter it from happening again. People should not

    be able to get away from this and benefit from their crime.

    Liz de Bagara Washington, DC 2016-04-01 I live on a green belt.

    Michael Utt Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Put the people behind the West Seattle tree cutting in jail. Give no preference

    to white collar crime.

    Stephanie Malek Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 This is horrific and just wrong.

    Jerry kaufman Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 There should be consequences. Civil, criminal and financial. Who would do this

    and why???

    Lisa Triesch Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 I'm sick and tired of the wealthy, privileged class getting away with offenses

    against nature. I don't want to hear that the group in the ivory tower lawyers up

    and that's the end of it . They need to get hit where it hurts- the pocket. And how

    about a night in jail with the "unwashed"?

    Shel ley Murray-Webster Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 this is not right and something needs to be done about this degree of


    Teresa Lewellen Seattle, WA 2016-04-01 Desecration of public property for personal gain is criminal and needs to be


    Midori Sumida Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 Rogue property owners do not get to implement clear-cutting of public propertyto enhance their views. The selfish interests of a few entitled people do not

    outweigh the public good. Hold the tree haters and vandals accountable for

    their crimes!

    Claire Sanchez-Torres Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 Part of why I have enjoyed l iving in West Seattle for the last 8 years is because

    I can live close to the city without feeling like I'm in the city. A large part of why

    West Seattle feels that way is because of all the trees and greenspaces on our

    little peninsula. If more people move here, as well as those who already reside

    here, begin to think they can just clear away any plant or tree in the path of

    their "city view" then we will quickly be finding West Seattle looking just as

    barren as being in the concrete jungle of downtown. Tighten the laws so that

    people who are only thinking about their "view", and ignoring the future

    consequences of their actions, receive more than just a fine and a slap on thewrist. Protect our beautiful, green West Seattle.

    Jeff Gonzales SEATTLE, WA 2016-04-02 I am outraged that someone would cut down trees for a view. This individual(s)

    deserves to be punished severely, if anything to show others who think that

    they can cut down trees that do not belong to them in order to improve their


    May Shimbo Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 The greenbelts make this city beautiful as well as preventing landslides.

    Brenda Running Maple Valley, WA 2016-04-02 Unacceptable

    Kelly COPPIN Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 Disgusting

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Mark gato Maple Valley, WA 2016-04-02 Im tired of seeing beautiful areas of trees chopped down for housing

    development and greed. Wa trees are whag make our state special.

    Judith Lenehan Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 I'm signing this because this was a deliberate act which did not take into

    account downstream results. Stopping hill erosion will be an expensive and

    time consuming endeavor. The laws regarding trees are clear but apparently

    not clear enough to act as a reasonable deterrent.

    Sage Wilson Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 These people should be arrested, and fines paid through sale of their seized


    Carole Caer Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 This is outrageous! This should be punished severely. People have no right to

    cut trees like this!!

    Guy Olson Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 Rich people can't just do whatever they want.

    Linda Milne Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 It's disgusting that some people think they're above the law so they can have a

    better view. They won't think it was such a great idea when their house slides

    into the ravine. KARMA!!!

    Wendy Jenkins Portland, OR 2016-04-02 I feel that charging a fee as a consequence of breaking the law is too lenient

    when these homeowners are able to afford the fee because now their property

    value is higher. There needs to be stronger consequences.

    Robert Flor Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 I'm signing because this illegal action needs severe punishment. These people

    should have their names made public and significant financial fines that include

    penalties and restoration should be imposed. This should not fall on the

    taxpayers but on the culprits.

    Leah AdangFry Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 the selfish and thoughtless act of these homeowners should be made an

    example of, that we do not allow people to destroy public property (especially

    when they are killing living things!!) for their own selfish gain.

    Jeff Bartel Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 The trees are the view!

    Marco Deppe Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 Planting more trees is a great answer to the climate crisis. Cutting down trees

    illegally should carry a very painful penalty.

    Esther Garcia_Cuellar Seattle, WA 2016-04-02 We cannot allow property owners to freely clear public lands!

    Joshua Justice Tacoma, WA 2016-04-03 Outrageous, I would get jail time for this, why do these not get the same as I

    would?!? Friends of another corrupt city official???

    kim man Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Maybe we should go to the politicians and get there tree the same way that

    they allow Seattle to be vandalise add the police chief and the city manager to

    the list,

    See if they ok

    holly briscoe Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Trees!

    Bill Caldwell Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Trees allow other life (birds, animals) to live in our city with us. Stop cutting

    them down!!!

    Robin Sinner Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Trees matter!

    Jean Darsie Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Man has waged a war on Nature as if it were his right throughout history. This

    war has brought us to a critical juncture in history. We must turn away from this

    destructive behavior and acknowledge that we are dependent on Nature for our

    survival. I approve of setting an example that such destruction for personal gain

    is not OK.

    Mary Ballou Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Because I am for forest to keep them for environmental reasons (erotion of soil

    )and they take in air polution and for wildlife habitats. There are other ways of

    pruning for better views rather than taking down the whole area of trees

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Joseph Goldberg Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 The logical conclusion of not throwing the book at these criminals is an

    Emerald City free of trees.

    angielena chamberlain seat, WA 2016-04-03 Removing protective green belts should be criminal with prison sentences

    Monica Kenny Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 I'm sick of selfishness. This city needs to send a message.

    Karen Gunn Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 I'm signing this petition because I believe that if the consequences are

    significant enough, the perpetrators will not continue to deface important public

    space. Clear cutting public space is an act of extreme arrogance. By increasingthe financial repercussions and the possibility of jail time, these criminals might

    be more effectively thwarted. Thank you for your consideration.

    Kristina Peterson Edmonds, WA 2016-04-03 i grew up just a few blocks from this location. The perpetrators MUST be

    prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This makes me SICK and ANGRY!!!

    Xana Vegsundvaag Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 We need MORE trees, not less. And because my reaction to this picture was

    one of rage and visceral disgust.

    James Proctor Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 Send in the Lorax!

    Katha Dalton Seattle, WA 2016-04-03 #TreesLivesMatter to Seattle