pepsi vs. coke project by: natalie headrick. question: can girls taste the difference between coke...

Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick

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Page 1: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Pepsi vs. Coke ProjectBy: Natalie Headrick

Page 2: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Question:Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better

than boys?

Page 3: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Class Data Table

Page 4: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

a. Which Product was A and which was B?

Product A was…. Coke

Product B was…. Pepsi

Page 5: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

b. How many students were able to guess correctly?

15 Students in 2nd Period guessed correctly.

Page 6: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

1. Line GraphThis graph represents the Total Sales and Revenue based on the last 5


Page 7: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Data Table & Line Graph for Coke and Pepsi Sales from the last 5 years.

Type 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Pepsi 43.23 (B) 57.84 (B) 66.5 (B) 65.49 (B) 66.42 (B)Coke 31.07 (B) 35.1 (B) 46.77 (B) 48.07 (B) 46.7 (B)

*Measured in Billions*

Coke and Pepsi Sales from the Last 5 Years

Page 8: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

i. Trend statement for total sales of Pepsi products in the

last 5 years.

As you can see over the last 5 years Pepsi Co. has been quiet profitable. They have generally stayed with in the same range of revenue and total sales.

Page 9: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

j. Trend statement for total sales of Coke products in the

last 5 years.

As you can see in the last 5 years Coco Cola Co. has not been consistent. Even though they have not had the profitable out come like Pepsi, they are maintain a consistent revenue and total sales income.

Page 10: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

k. Prediction of average sales of Coke and Pepsi in the year


By 2017 I think that coke will have gradually increased from where they are now, but Pepsi however I believe will have gained a few more billions. Seeing as how they have jumped a few billions in the last 5 years. I think Pepsi is a growing product that everyone seems to enjoy.

Page 11: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

2. Bar GraphThis graph represents the Number of Boys vs. Girls, Taste Test who

correctly choose/guessed Product A and Product B.

Page 12: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Data Table for the Bar GraphPepsi and Coke Predictions for Classes

Graph of Pepsi and Coke Predictions for Classes

Page 13: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

c. Does gender affect how you taste?

Based on the data and information collected from our class, I don’t believe that gender can determine the way you taste things.

There were a total of 21 people in our class. 7 females and 14 males.

If you look at the data table on the previous slides you would notice that 4 out of 7 girls and 11 out of 14 boys guessed correctly. The difference between the two groups was three people.

Seeing as how they had the same number of people for a difference I am making the conclusion that your gender does not affect the way something is tasted.

Page 14: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

d. Comparing the data from all the classes to the taste

test. Based on the data shown I still am sticking with my earlier


The only reason that some of the bars for males are higher than the females, are in two of the five classes they contain more males than females.

Therefore there bar will be higher if they guessed correctly because there is more males than there are females.

By looking at the other classes you will notice that the bars tend to be the same height even if one is slightly higher.

Page 15: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

3.Pie GraphsThis graph represents the Percentage of Soda Preferences between the

Boys, Girls, and the Class.

Page 16: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Data Based on Drink Preferences

Page 17: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Boys PreferenceMeasured as a %

Mountain Dew

Dr. Pepper

Male Preferences

Page 18: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Girl PreferenceMeasured as a %

Mt. Dew

Dr. Pepper

Female Preferences

Page 19: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Class PreferenceMeasured as a %

Dr. Pepper

Mt. Dew


Pibb Xtra

Entire Class Preference

Page 20: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

e. Which product did the girls prefer?

Majority of the girls were not able to drink, which was the largest percentage.

However, Dr.Pepper, Mountain Dew, Coke, Sprite, and Pibb Xtra were tied for second with a percentage of 14%.

Page 21: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

f. What product did the boys prefer?

Many of the boys choose Mountain Dew as their preference, it had a percentage of 29%.

Page 22: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

g. What soda was most common to drink?

Overall through our class the most common drink was Mountain Dew.

Page 23: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

h. What soda was least common to drink?

Pepsi, Pibb Xtra, and Fanta were the least common drink preferences mentioned.

Page 24: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

4.My Chosen Graph This Graph Represents the Frequency of Soda drinkers.

Page 25: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Data Based on Frequency of soda’s consumed in the classFrequency # of Students

Never 7 Students

Rarely 1 Student

3 times a day 1 Student

Daily 1 Student

1 a week 2 Students

2 times a week 2 Students

Weekly 3 Students

1 a month 1 Student

Monthly 1 Student

3 times a month 1 Student

1 every six months 1 Student

Page 26: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

Bar Graph based on Frequency of soda’s consumed in the class

Frequency of Soda Consumed in the class

Page 27: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

l. Explanation for Frequency of Soda

Drinkers graph.

Results from the graph differ from person to person. Some people had a soda more frequent than others, and some never had a drink at all.

Page 28: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

m. Results from Frequency of Soda Drinkers graph.

Most people in the class never drank sodas, where 2-3 would drink them two times a week or weekly. This graphs shows that people have different frequencies when they have a soda, like 1 every six months, or daily or even three in a day, we are all different.

Page 29: Pepsi vs. Coke Project By: Natalie Headrick. Question: Can girls taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi better than boys?

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