peer groups

Peer Peer Groups Groups Stephanie Scharf CEHS 200: Chapter 8 Nov. 3, 2008

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The evolution of the ecology of peer groups, from infancy to adolescence.


Page 1: Peer Groups

PeerPeer Groups Groups

Stephanie ScharfCEHS 200: Chapter 8

Nov. 3, 2008

Page 2: Peer Groups

Main Points:Main Points:•PurposePurpose

•Evolution of InteractionEvolution of Interaction

•Peer Groups and PlayPeer Groups and Play


•Behavior InfluencesBehavior Influences

•Acceptance vs. RejectionAcceptance vs. Rejection

•Positive and Negative OutcomesPositive and Negative Outcomes

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Peersequals, individuals who are usually of the same gender, age, and social status and who share interests

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I am an only child.

Therefore, my social interactions

with peers took place only

at school and church.

Often, the friends I made would come visit

in the evenings,

where my parents would supervise

our activities.

Ecological ModelReal Life Example










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Purpose ofPurpose ofPeer GroupsPeer Groups

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• Satisfy certain belonging needs

• Often preferred to other socializing agents

• Influence social, cognitive and psychological development

• Influence development of morals and values

• Interaction provides instruction onacceptable behavior.

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• Social Support – resources provided by others in times of need–Validation for the self

–Encouragement to try new things

–Opportunities for comparison

–Enable self-disclosure

–Provide identity

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Evolution ofEvolution ofPeer InteractionPeer Interaction

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Infancy/Toddlerhood• First feel belonging and develop

attachment to parents

• Capable of simple interactions distinguishing self from others

• Progress from emotional to behavioral interactions

• By 3.5 can be socially involved with peers

• Friendship: momentary playmateship

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Early Childhood• Parenting styles affect opportunity

for social interactions

• Deal with more complex issues such as power, compliance, cooperation, and conflict

• Interaction increases and becomes more complex, forming groups

• Friendship: one-way assistance

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Middle Childhood• School age children experience increase

in social interaction

• Peer group attractive because opportunity for independence from family

• Enjoy the closeness and sharing of emotions

• Group provides identity models

• Peer interaction more than 30% of their time

• Activities become gender-specific and reflect culture

• Friendship: Two-way, fair-weather cooperation; intimate, mutually shared relationships

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Adolescence• Develop “best friends” and base friendships

off closeness of the relationship

• Peer group activities escalate

• Turn to group for “what’s hot now”

• “hang out”, talk, watch TV, listen to music, play video games, be seen, see who else is “hanging” with whom, wait for something to happen

• Friendship: autonomous interdependent friendships

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Peer GroupsPeer Groupsand Playand Play

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• Help learn about environment

• Imaginary situations governed by social rules

• Acceptable way to express emotions and impulses

• Practice skills necessary for adult life

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Peer GroupPeer GroupOrganizationOrganization

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• Cliques–mutually connected by doing things together

• Crowds– loosely organized reference groups of cliques

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Ways Peer GroupsWays Peer GroupsInfluence BehaviorInfluence Behavior

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• Reinforcement–giving attention and


• Modeling– imitation, conformity

• Punishment– teasing, physical aggression, rejection

• Apprenticeship– the “expert” helps the “novice”

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• Stratify– some individuals more

dominant and other submissive

• Develop norms– standards that serve as


• Frustration and competition contribute to hostility

• Competition between groups fosterscohesiveness within groups

• Intergroup hostility can often be reduced by working towards a common goal

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Adult influence

• How adults mediate the social interaction within a peer group – competitive or cooperative – influences children’s behavior

• Adult leadership style influences socialization

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Peer AcceptancePeer AcceptanceVersus RejectionVersus Rejection

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Common BehaviorTraits

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PositivePositivePeer Group OutcomesPeer Group Outcomes

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• Collaboration

• Tutoring

• Counseling

• Neighborhood affects positive or negative effects

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NegativeNegativePeer Group OutcomesPeer Group Outcomes

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•Bullies and Victims


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Bully Characteristics

• Domination

• Physically stronger

• Impulsive, low frustration tolerance, easily angered

• Rule-breakers

• Show little empathy

• Positive self-concept

• Antisocial behavior

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Victim Characteristics

• Physically weaker

• Show fear of pain

• Poor physical coordination

• Cautious, sensitive, quiet,passive, submissive, shy

• Anxious, insecure, unhappy

• Negative self-concept

• Relate better to adults than peers

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• What to do?

–Intervention with bullies that do notreinforce harassment

–Intervention with victims to alter negative self-concept and to respond in nonreinforcing ways to threats

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• group of people whoform an allegiance for acommon purpose andengage in unlawful orcriminal activity

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Reasons Gangs Form

• Racism

• Socioeconomics

• Family structure

• Belief system

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PeerPeer Groups Groups

Stephanie ScharfCEHS 200: Chapter 8

Nov. 3, 2008