pededzes lejtece - · toms liniņš,...

Rūjas paliene Upes līkums (meandrs) Gultne Vecupes ezers Erozija – krasta noārdīšanās Palienes aizaugšana Iedzelme Terase Upes sanestie nogulumi (alūvijs) Upes krasta valnis Zema, mitra ieplaka Pamatkrasts Toms Liniņš, Andris Klepers 2007 Piegultnes sēre Paliene Upes līkums (meandrs) Gultne Vecupes ezers Erozija – krasta noārdīšanās Palienes aizaugšana Iedzelme Terase Upes sanestie nogulumi (alūvijs) Upes krasta valnis Zema, mitra ieplaka Pamatkrasts Piegultnes sēre Paliene Pārrāvums Pārrāvums Sanešu uzkrāšanās Sanešu uzkrāšanās Palu atstātie saneši Palu atstātie saneši Pededzes lejtece Pededze Lower Reaches DABAS LIEGUMS / NATURE RESERVE Pededzes lejtece 2008. gada aprīļa palos. Pededze lower reaches on floods in April 2008. Platlapju meži Pededzes lejtecē. Broadleaf forests in the Pededze Lower Reaches. Pelēkā dzilna Zaļgans dzeņveidīgais putns ar pelēku galvu. Apdzīvo mitrus lapkoku mežus vai parkveida pļavu ainavu Pededzes upes krastos un ligzdo dobumos. Ziemā biežāk novērojama arī viensētu tuvumā. Apkārtnē sastopamo pāru skaits vērtēts līdz 20. Grey-headed woodpecker Picus canus Moss-green woodpecker with grey head. Breeds in swamp-forests and wooded meadows along Pededze river. During the winter it is mowing often closer to the farmsteads. There are up to 20 breeding pairs estimated in the surroundings. Armijas štāba Ģeodēzijas un topogrāfijas daļas Latvijas topogrāfiskā karte, 1907 (oriģināla mērogs 1: 75 000). Army Headquarters, Geodesic – Topography Unit, Topographic map of Latvia, 1907 (original scale 1: 75000). Neliela izmēra putns – mizložņa ir viens no raksturīgākajiem vecu, ēnainu mežu apdzīvotājiem, kas te sastopams visa gada garumā. Aiz atlupušas mizas mizložņa ne tikai meklē barību, bet arī dzīvo. Savu ligzdu tas parasti iekārto piemērotā vietā starp lielāku atlupušas mizas gabalu un stumbru. Putns atpazīstams pēc raksturīgas uzvedības: ložņā uz augšu (nekad ne uz leju) pa kāda koka stumbru un tad pārlaižas pie nākamā koka stumbra pamatnes. The small bird – Treecreeper Certhia familiaris – is one of the typical permanent inhabitants of old, shady forests. The Treecreeper not only finds its food behind loose tree bark but also builds its nest there. It is easily identified by its typical moving upwards a tree trunk (never downwards, though) and then flying on to the base of the next tree. Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis – savu nosaukumu iemantojis no rūsganbrūnās muguras. Lielā izmēra sikspārnis (garums līdz pat 8 cm) apdzīvo platlapju mežus Pededzes ielejā un mitinās parasti veco koku dobumos. Tie pārtiek galvenokārt no vabolēm un tauriņiem un vakaros nereti pamanāmi barojamies kopā ar svīrēm pat ļoti augstu gaisā. Sikspārņa lidojuma ātrums var sasniegt pat 60km/h. Gluži kā gājputni un puse no Latvijā sastopamo sikspārņu sugām (pavisam Latvijā ir 16 sikspārņu sugas), rūsganie vakarsikspārņi vasaras beigās migrē ziemot uz siltajām zemēm – Viduseiropu un Rietumeiropu. Noctule Bat Nyctalus noctula – this large bat (it can reach up to 8cm in length) inhabits broadleaf forest of the Pededze Valley and usually lives in old tree hollows. It feeds mainly on beetles and butterflies; in the evenings the bats are often seen feeding together with common swifts very high up in the sky. The flying speed of this bat can reach as high as 60km/h. Just like migratory birds and half of the bat species found in Latvia (there are 16 species here), at the end of summer the Noctule Bats migrate to warmer places - Central or Western Europe. Čemurziežu dižtauriņš Latvijas lielākais tauriņš, arī viens no krāšņākajiem dienas tauriņiem. Tā spārnu atvērums var sasniegt pat deviņus centimetrus. Jau nosaukums liecina, ka nektāru tauriņš iegūst no čemurziežu dzimtas augiem. Līdzīgi citiem tauriņiem, tas attīstās no olas, no kuras izlien kāpurs, kas vēlāk iekūņojas. Lai sevi pasargātu no plēsējiem, dzīves pirmo daļu čemurziežu dižtauriņš pavada, atgādinādams putna mēslu, bet pieaugot tam attīstās īpašs orgāns (osmeterium), kas izplata atbaidošu smaku. Jau tajā pašā gadā vai pēc pārziemošanas no kūniņas izlido liels, skaists tauriņš. Swallowtail Papilio machaon It is one of the most spectacular butterflies in Latvia. Its wingspan can reach up to 9 cm. The butterfly only feeds on nectar from plants of the Apiaceae family. Like other butterflies, it develops from an egg that produces a caterpillar that subsequently pupates. The caterpillar spends the first part of its life with the appearance of a bird dropping, an effective defense against predators. Later on it develops a special organ (osmeterium) that can release foul smell. A large, beautiful butterfly emerges from the pupa either the same year or right after wintering. Plūksnu ķekarpaparde Viens no lieguma izcilākajiem floras retumiem. Neliela, zaļgana čūskmēlīšu dzimtas paparde, kas aug pa vienai vai nelielās grupās smilšainās augsnēs vecos priežu mežos. Broadleaf Grape Fern Botrychium multifidum It is one of the most remarkable rare plants of the site; a small, greenish fern of the Adder’s tongue family that grows alone or in small groups. The plant favors sandy soils in old pine forests. Daba un saimniekošana Pededzes palienes elementi (a) un tā pati upes ieleja pavasara palu laikā (b) Elements of Pededze floodplain (a) and the same river valley during spring floods (b) a Nature and Management Daudzveidīgā pasaule Diverse World Izveidots 1999. gadâ, Platîba – 4663 ha Natura 2000 teritorija, ietilpst Ramsâres vietas “Lubâna mitrâjs” sastâvâ un atzîta par starptautiski putniem nozîmîgu vietu Galvenâs dabas vçrtîbas: neregulçtâ Pededzes upe, kas lejtecç lîkumo cauri lîdzenumam, veidojot neskaitâmas vecupes. Pededzes meandru lîkumos saglabâjušâs palieòu pïavas un Latvijas mçrogâ unikâlas parkveida pïavas; 9 aizsargâjami biotopi; daudzas ziedaugu sugas, 27 no tâm aizsargâjamas; 135 putnu sugas, 27 no tâm îpaši aizsargâjamas; 4 îpaši aizsargâjamas sçòu sugas, 13 íçrpju un 6 sûnu sugu atradnes; viena no Latvijâ izcilâkajâm vietâm bezmugurkaulniekiem – te sastopamas 54 îpaši aizsargâjamas sugas. Year of Establishment – 1999, Area – 4663 ha Natura 2000 site, part of the Lubâns Wetland Ramsar site, and internationally important bird area Key Nature Values: The unaltered Pededze River forms many oxbows as its lower reaches flow through plains. Land areas within the river meanders host flood- plain meadows and wooded meadows that are unique in Latvia; 9 protected habitats; Many flowering plant species, 27 of them protected; 135 bird species, 27 of them specially protected; 4 specially protected mushroom species, 13 lichen and 6 moss species; One of the most outstanding sites for invertebrates in Latvia – 54 specially protected species found here. Dabas liegums “Pededzes lejtece” izveidots 1999. gadâ ar sâkotnçjo mçríi aizsargât unikâlo, bioloìiski daudzveidîgo mežu kompleksu, reto sugu atradnes un ainavu daudzveidîbu. 2004. gadâ dabas lieguma teritoriju paplašinâja par 513 hektâriem, un tagad tâ kopplatîba ir 4663 hektâri. Pededzes lejtece ir viena no parkveida pïavu biotopu un bezmugurkaulnieku dzîvotòu izcilâkajâm teritorijâm Latvijâ. Administratîvi liegums atrodas Gulbenes rajona Daukstu un Stradu pagastâ, Balvu rajona Rugâju pagastâ un Madonas rajona Indrânu pagastâ. The Pededze Lower Reaches Nature Reserve was established in 1999 for protection of the unique, biologically diverse forest complex, habitats of rare species and its various landscapes. In 2004, the reserve was expanded by 513 ha and today it encompasses 4663 ha of land. The Pededze lower reaches are one of the best sites for wooded meadows and invertebrate habitats in Latvia. It is located within administrative borders of the Dauksti and Stradi parishes of the Gulbene district, Rugâju parish of the Balvi district, and Indrâni parish of the Madona district. Vçl pirms simts gadiem, kad apkârtnes saim- niecîbâs vairâk nodarbojâs ar lopu ganîšanu un siena pïaušanu, parkveida un palieòu pïavas ap- saimniekoja, neïaujot tâm aizaugt ar krûmiem. 20. gs. sâkumâ nebija vçl izrakts 10 km garais Jaunpededzes kanâls (1961.–1963. g.), kas upes ûdeòus novada Aiviekstç. Kaut arî dabas liegu- ma teritorijâ atrodas kanâla pats sâkums, tomçr tâ ietekme uz dabas norisçm liegumâ ir liela, jo upes lejteces iztaisnošana bûtiski samazinâja teritorijas applûšanu pavasara palos. A hundred years ago the surrounding farms practiced regular grazing and mowing. Hence, the wooded meadows were managed and thus prevented from overgrowing. At that time the Jaunpededze canal was not yet made. The canal reaching 10 km in length was excavated between 1961 and 1963 allowing waters to make shortcut into the Aiviekste River. Only the very beginning of the canal is located within the nature reserve, yet its impact on natural processes of the territory is significant. Straightening of the lower reaches of the river notably diminished the intensity spring flooding here. Tradicionâlâs lauksaimniecîbas lejupslîde, kas sâkâs padomju gados un turpinâjâs pçc Lat- vijas neatkarîbas atgûšanas, izraisîjusi pïavu bioloìiskâs vçrtîbas samazinâšanos, daudzviet tâs ir sâkušas aizaugt ar krûmiem. Latvijas Dabas fonda îstenotâ projekta “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana” ietvaros veikta Pededzes lejteces pïavu attîrîšana no krûmiem un atsâkta to regulâra pïaušana, ko nodrošina vietçjie saimnieki. Teritorijâ atrodas dabai izcili vçrtîgi meži, no tiem vairâk nekâ 10 Latvijas un Eiropas Sa- vienîbas mçrogâ aizsargâjamu meža biotopu. Salîdzinâjumâ ar pârçjo Latviju ïoti augsts îpatsvars ir mežaudzçm, kurâs valdošâ ir kâda platlapju koku suga (pârsvarâ ozols), un šâdi meži aizòem vairâk nekâ 215 hektârus. Tâpçc ïoti respektçjama ir mežu îpašnieku saudzîgâ attieksme pret šîm vçrtîbâm. Apmeklçjot dabas liegumu, îpaši svarîgi ir ievçrot videi un vietçjiem iedzîvotâjiem draudzîgu uzvedîbu: atkritumus vislabâk paòem lîdzi, aiz sevis neko neatstâjot; neapmeklç retu augu un dzîvnieku sugu atradnes, îpaši to vairošanâs vai ligzdošanas periodâ; ugunskurus kurini tikai šim mçríim paredzçtâs vietâs un ievçro ugunsdrošîbu; nakšòošanai teltî izvçlies tûristiem labiekârtotas apmetòu vietas vai tûristu mîtnes ârpus dabas lieguma teritorijas; izmanto pçc iespçjas vairâk vietçjo iedzîvotâju ražotu produkciju, iepçrcies vietçjos veikalos; cieni vietçjo iedzîvotâju tradîcijas un vçrtîbas, respektç citu îpašumu; centies izzinât vietçjo vçsturi un izprast norises dabâ, saudzç to. To save the environment and respect local inhabitants, visitors of the nature reserve should obey the following rules: Bring out what you have brought in; do not litter; Do not visit habitats of rare animals, especially during their breeding or nesting periods; Start campfire only in designated sites and follow fire safety; Use designated campsites for pitching your tent or overnight outside the nature reserve; Whenever possible shop in local stores and purchase locally produced items; Honor local traditions and values, respect private property; Be curious about local history and natural processes; be mindful of nature. Downfall of traditional farming that started during soviet era and continued after regain- ing the independence triggered decrease of meadow biological value. Many of the meadows started overgrowing with shrubs. As part of the LIFE project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for EU Species and Habitats, meadows of the Pededze Lower Reaches have been cleared of bushes. Local farmers have engaged in regular mowing of the meadows. The site also hosts highly valuable forest habitats. Over 10 of them are protected in Latvia and the European Union. Compared to the rest of Latvia, this site is dominated by broadleaf forests. They cover over 215 ha and oak is among the most commonly found species there. Remark- ably, forest owners try to be respectful of this nature value. Daudz stâstu mçs esam dzirdçjuši par lâèiem, vilkiem, stâríiem un citiem lieliem dzîvniekiem, ko te var sastapt. Taèu ko mçs zinâm par tiem, ko ikdienâ neredzam un varbût pat nenojaušam par to eksistenci? Arî viòi šeit – šajâ daudzveidîgajâ pasaulç – dzîvo, çd, vairojas un rotaïâjas! Many stories are told about bears, wolves, storks and other large animals found here. How many of them have actually been seen is a question. But what do we know about those that are almost invisible and unnoticed? Such creatures also live, feed, breed and frolick in this diverse world. Rugâju tûrisma informâcijas centrs Rugâji Tourism Information Center Kurzemes iela 48, Rugâji Tâlr. / phone: +371 64521350 RESTORATION OF FLOODPLAINS Duration of the Project: October 2004 – June 2008. Partners: Nature Protection Board, Latvian Ornithological Society, 22 municipalities, including Rugâji and Stradi municipality. Financing: LIFE-Nature program of the European Commission, etc. Project Sites: 15 specially protected nature territories – Natura 2000 sites across Latvia. Project Goals: restoration of biologically valuable and currently overgrown floodplain meadows; promotion of sustainable management of floodplain meadows through preservation of habitats suitable for threatened species. PALIEÒU PÏAVU ATJAUNOŠANA Projekta norises laiks: 2004. gada oktobris – 2008. gada jûnijs. Sadarbîbas partneri: Dabas aizsardzîbas pârvalde, Latvijas Ornitoloìijas biedrîba, 22 pašvaldîbas, to skaitâ Rugâju un Stradu pagasta padome. Finansçtâji: Eiropas Komisijas LIFE-Daba programma u.c. Norises vietas: 15 îpaši aizsargâjamas dabas teritorijas – Natura 2000 vietas visâ Latvijâ, to skaitâ arî “Pededzes lejtece”. Projekta mçríi: • bioloìiski vçrtîgâko un pašlaik aizaugošo palieòu pïavu atjaunošana; • palieòu pïavu ilgtspçjîgas apsaimniekošanas veicinâšana, saglabâjot apdraudçtajâm sugâm piemçrotas dzîvotnes. Karte sagatavota, izmantojot SIA Envirotech “GIS Latvija 2.0” datubāzi. Autore: Baiba Strazdiņa, Latvijas Dabas fonds. Ievçro! Stends izgatavots Latvijas Dabas fonda îstenotâ projekta “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana Eiropas Savienîbas sugâm un biotopiem” ietvaros. Tâ uzstâdîšanu atbalstîja un par uzturçšanu atbild Stradu pagasta padome. This information board has been developed by the Latvian Fund for Nature within the framework of the project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for European Union species and habitats. Stradi municipality supported the project and is responsible for maintaining the information board. Projekta vadîtâja / Project Manager: Inga Raèinska Teksts / Author: Andris Klepers Konsultanti / Consultants: Ainârs Auniòš, Vitâlijs Zelès, Ieva Rove u.c. Foto / Photo: Ainârs Auniòš (landscape and forest), Mâris Strazds / (Certhia familiaris), Viesturs Vintulis (Nyctalus noctula), Olaf Leillinger (Papilio machaon), Ieva Rove (Botrychium multifidum). Zîmçjums / Ilustration: Ditta Zagorska Mâksliniece / Design: Zane Neimane Iespiests / Printed: Latsign Izdevçjs: Latvijas Dabas fonds, 2008 LIFE-Daba projekts “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana Eiropas Savienîbas sugâm un biotopiem” Publisher: Latvian Fund for Nature, 2008 LIFE-Nature Project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for European Union Species and Habitats Dabas lieguma “Pededzes lejteces” atrašanās vieta un teritorijas karte Location of the Pededze Lower Reaches Nature Reserve and Map of the Site Pededze pirms 100 gadiem Pededze a 100 Years Ago Gulbenes tûrisma informâcijas centrs Gulbene Tourism Information Center Âbeïu iela 2, Gulbene Tâlr. / phone: +371 64497729 tikai îpaši norâdîtâs vietâs b Lubâna mitrâja Tûrisma informâcijas punkts Tourism Information Centre of Lubâna wetlands Aiviekstes hidromezgls, Ošupes pagasts, Madonas rajons Tâlrunis / phone: +371 29234956; +371 26453879

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Page 1: Pededzes lejtece - · Toms Liniņš, Andris Klepers 2007 Piegultnes sēre Paliene Rūjas paliene PārrāvumsPārrāvums

Rūjas paliene

Upes līkums (meandrs)


Vecupes ezers

Erozija – krastanoārdīšanās




Upes sanestie nogulumi(alūvijs)

Upes krasta valnis

Zema, mitra ieplaka


Toms Liniņš, Andris Klepers 2007

Piegultnes sēre


Rūjas paliene

Upes līkums (meandrs)


Vecupes ezers

Erozija – krastanoārdīšanās




Upes sanestie nogulumi(alūvijs)

Upes krasta valnis

Zema, mitra ieplaka


Piegultnes sēre





Palu atstātie sanešiPalu atstātie saneši

Pededzes lejtecePededze Lower Reaches


Pededzes lejtece 2008. gada aprīļa palos.Pededze lower reaches on floods in April 2008.

Platlapju meži Pededzes lejtecē.Broadleaf forests in the Pededze Lower Reaches.

Pelēkā dzilnaZaļgans dzeņveidīgais putns ar pelēku galvu. Apdzīvo mitrus lapkoku mežus vai

parkveida pļavu ainavu Pededzes upes krastos un ligzdo dobumos. Ziemā biežāk novērojama arī viensētu tuvumā. Apkārtnē sastopamo pāru skaits vērtēts līdz 20.

Grey-headed woodpecker Picus canusMoss-green woodpecker with grey head. Breeds in swamp-forests and woodedmeadows along Pededze river. During the winter it is mowing often closer to the

farmsteads. There are up to 20 breeding pairs estimated in the surroundings.

Armijas štāba Ģeodēzijas un topogrāfijas daļas Latvijas topogrāfiskā karte, 1907 (oriģināla mērogs 1: 75 000).Army Headquarters, Geodesic – Topography Unit, Topographic map of Latvia, 1907 (original scale 1: 75000).

Neliela izmēra putns – mizložņa – ir viens no raksturīgākajiem vecu, ēnainu mežu apdzīvotājiem, kas te sastopams visa gada garumā. Aiz atlupušas mizas mizložņa ne tikai meklē barību, bet arī dzīvo. Savu ligzdu tas parasti iekārto piemērotā vietā starp lielāku atlupušas mizas gabalu un stumbru. Putns atpazīstams pēc raksturīgas uzvedības: ložņā uz augšu (nekad ne uz leju) pa kāda koka stumbru un tad pārlaižas pie nākamā koka stumbra pamatnes.The small bird – Treecreeper Certhia familiaris – is one of the typical permanent inhabitants of old, shady forests. The Treecreeper not only finds its food behind loose tree bark but also builds its nest there. It is easily identified by its typical moving upwards a tree trunk (never downwards, though) and then flying on to the base of the next tree.

Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis – savu nosaukumu iemantojis no rūsganbrūnās muguras. Lielā izmēra sikspārnis (garums līdz pat 8 cm) apdzīvo platlapju

mežus Pededzes ielejā un mitinās parasti veco koku dobumos. Tie pārtiek galvenokārt no vabolēm un

tauriņiem un vakaros nereti pamanāmi barojamies kopā ar svīrēm pat ļoti augstu gaisā. Sikspārņa lidojuma

ātrums var sasniegt pat 60km/h. Gluži kā gājputni un puse no Latvijā sastopamo sikspārņu sugām (pavisam Latvijā ir 16 sikspārņu sugas), rūsganie vakarsikspārņi

vasaras beigās migrē ziemot uz siltajām zemēm – Viduseiropu un Rietumeiropu.

Noctule Bat Nyctalus noctula – this large bat (it can reach up to 8cm in length) inhabits broadleaf forest of

the Pededze Valley and usually lives in old tree hollows. It feeds mainly on beetles and butterflies; in the evenings

the bats are often seen feeding together with common swifts very high up in the sky. The flying speed of this bat can reach as high as 60km/h. Just like migratory birds and half of the bat species found in Latvia (there are 16 species here), at the end of summer the Noctule Bats migrate to

warmer places - Central or Western Europe.

Čemurziežu dižtauriņšLatvijas lielākais tauriņš, arī viens no

krāšņākajiem dienas tauriņiem. Tā spārnu atvērums var sasniegt pat deviņus centimetrus.

Jau nosaukums liecina, ka nektāru tauriņš iegūst no čemurziežu dzimtas augiem. Līdzīgi citiem tauriņiem, tas attīstās no olas, no kuras izlien

kāpurs, kas vēlāk iekūņojas. Lai sevi pasargātu no plēsējiem, dzīves pirmo daļu čemurziežu

dižtauriņš pavada, atgādinādams putna mēslu, bet pieaugot tam attīstās īpašs orgāns

(osmeterium), kas izplata atbaidošu smaku. Jau tajā pašā gadā vai pēc pārziemošanas no

kūniņas izlido liels, skaists tauriņš.Swallowtail Papilio machaon

It is one of the most spectacular butterflies in Latvia. Its wingspan can reach up to 9 cm. The butterfly only feeds on nectar from plants of the Apiaceae family. Like other butterflies, it develops from an egg that produces a caterpillar that subsequently pupates. The caterpillar spends the first part of its life with the appearance

of a bird dropping, an effective defense against predators. Later on it develops a special organ (osmeterium) that can release foul smell. A large, beautiful butterfly emerges from the pupa either the same year or right after wintering.

Plūksnu ķekarpapardeViens no lieguma izcilākajiem floras retumiem. Neliela, zaļgana čūskmēlīšu dzimtas paparde, kas aug pa vienai vai nelielās grupās smilšainās augsnēs vecos priežu mežos.Broadleaf Grape Fern Botrychium multifidumIt is one of the most remarkable rare plants of the site; a small, greenish fern of the Adder’s tongue family that grows alone or in small groups. The plant favors sandy soils in old pine forests.

Daba un saimniekošana

Pededzes palienes elementi (a) un tā pati upes ieleja pavasara palu laikā (b)

Elements of Pededze floodplain (a) and the same river valley during spring floods (b)


Nature and Management

Daudzveidīgā pasaule

Diverse World

Izveidots 1999. gadâ, Platîba – 4663 haNatura 2000 teritorija, ietilpst Ramsâres vietas “Lubâna mitrâjs” sastâvâ un atzîta par starptautiski putniem nozîmîgu vietuGalvenâs dabas vçrtîbas:� neregulçtâ Pededzes upe, kas lejtecç lîkumo cauri lîdzenumam, veidojot neskaitâmas vecupes. Pededzes meandru lîkumos saglabâjušâs

palieòu pïavas un Latvijas mçrogâ unikâlas parkveida pïavas;� 9 aizsargâjami biotopi;� daudzas ziedaugu sugas, 27 no tâm aizsargâjamas;� 135 putnu sugas, 27 no tâm îpaši aizsargâjamas; � 4 îpaši aizsargâjamas sçòu sugas, 13 íçrpju un 6 sûnu sugu atradnes;�viena no Latvijâ izcilâkajâm vietâm bezmugurkaulniekiem – te sastopamas 54 îpaši aizsargâjamas sugas.

Year of Establishment – 1999, Area – 4663 haNatura 2000 site, part of the Lubâns Wetland Ramsar site, andinternationally important bird area Key Nature Values:� The unaltered Pededze River forms many oxbows as its lower reaches

flow through plains. Land areas within the river meanders host flood-plain meadows and wooded meadows that are unique in Latvia;

� 9 protected habitats;� Many flowering plant species, 27 of them protected;� 135 bird species, 27 of them specially protected;� 4 specially protected mushroom species, 13 lichen and 6 moss species;�One of the most outstanding sites for invertebrates in Latvia – 54 specially protected species found here.

Dabas liegums “Pededzes lejtece” izveidots 1999. gadâ ar sâkotnçjo mçríi aizsargât unikâlo, bioloìiski daudzveidîgo mežu kompleksu, reto sugu atradnes un ainavu daudzveidîbu. 2004. gadâ dabas lieguma teritoriju paplašinâja par 513 hektâriem, un tagad tâ kopplatîba ir 4663 hektâri. Pededzes lejtece ir viena no parkveida pïavu biotopu un bezmugurkaulnieku dzîvotòu izcilâkajâm teritorijâm Latvijâ. Administratîvi liegums atrodas Gulbenes rajona Daukstu un Stradu pagastâ, Balvu rajona Rugâju pagastâ un Madonas rajona Indrânu pagastâ.

The Pededze Lower Reaches Nature Reserve was established in 1999 for protection of the unique, biologically diverse forest complex, habitats of rare species and its variouslandscapes. In 2004, the reserve was expanded by 513 ha and today it encompasses 4663 ha of land. The Pededze lower reaches are one of the best sites for wooded meadows andinvertebrate habitats in Latvia. It is located within administrative borders of the Dauksti and Stradi parishes of the Gulbene district, Rugâju parish of the Balvi district, and Indrâniparish of the Madona district.

Vçl pirms simts gadiem, kad apkârtnes saim-niecîbâs vairâk nodarbojâs ar lopu ganîšanu un siena pïaušanu, parkveida un palieòu pïavas ap-saimniekoja, neïaujot tâm aizaugt ar krûmiem. 20. gs. sâkumâ nebija vçl izrakts 10 km garais Jaunpededzes kanâls (1961.–1963. g.), kas upes ûdeòus novada Aiviekstç. Kaut arî dabas liegu-ma teritorijâ atrodas kanâla pats sâkums, tomçr tâ ietekme uz dabas norisçm liegumâ ir liela, jo upes lejteces iztaisnošana bûtiski samazinâja teritorijas applûšanu pavasara palos.A hundred years ago the surrounding farms practiced regular grazing and mowing. Hence, the wooded meadows were managed and thus prevented from overgrowing. At that time the Jaunpededze canal was not yet made. The canal reaching 10 km in length was excavated between 1961 and 1963allowing waters to make shortcut into theAiviekste River. Only the very beginning of the canal is located within the nature reserve, yet its impact on natural processes of the territory is significant. Straightening of the lowerreaches of the river notably diminished theintensity spring flooding here.

Tradicionâlâs lauksaimniecîbas lejupslîde, kas sâkâs padomju gados un turpinâjâs pçc Lat-vijas neatkarîbas atgûšanas, izraisîjusi pïavu bioloìiskâs vçrtîbas samazinâšanos, daudzviet tâs ir sâkušas aizaugt ar krûmiem. Latvijas Dabas fonda îstenotâ projekta “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana” ietvaros veikta Pededzes lejteces pïavu attîrîšana no krûmiem un atsâkta to regulâra pïaušana, ko nodrošina vietçjie saimnieki.Teritorijâ atrodas dabai izcili vçrtîgi meži, no tiem vairâk nekâ 10 Latvijas un Eiropas Sa-vienîbas mçrogâ aizsargâjamu meža biotopu. Salîdzinâjumâ ar pârçjo Latviju ïoti augsts îpatsvars ir mežaudzçm, kurâs valdošâ ir kâda platlapju koku suga (pârsvarâ ozols), un šâdi meži aizòem vairâk nekâ 215 hektârus. Tâpçc ïoti respektçjama ir mežu îpašnieku saudzîgâ attieksme pret šîm vçrtîbâm.

Apmeklçjot dabas liegumu, îpaši svarîgi ir ievçrot videi unvietçjiem iedzîvotâjiem draudzîgu uzvedîbu:� atkritumus vislabâk paòem lîdzi, aiz sevis neko neatstâjot;� neapmeklç retu augu un dzîvnieku sugu atradnes, îpaši to vairošanâs vai ligzdošanas periodâ;� ugunskurus kurini tikai šim mçríim paredzçtâs vietâs un ievçro ugunsdrošîbu;� nakšòošanai teltî izvçlies tûristiem labiekârtotas apmetòu vietas vai tûristu mîtnes ârpus dabas lieguma teritorijas;� izmanto pçc iespçjas vairâk vietçjo iedzîvotâju ražotu produkciju, iepçrcies vietçjos veikalos;� cieni vietçjo iedzîvotâju tradîcijas un vçrtîbas, respektç citu îpašumu;� centies izzinât vietçjo vçsturi un izprast norises dabâ, saudzç to.

To save the environment and respect local inhabitants,visitors of the nature reserve should obey the following rules:� Bring out what you have brought in; do not litter;� Do not visit habitats of rare animals, especially during their breeding or nesting periods;� Start campfire only in designated sites and follow fire safety;� Use designated campsites for pitching your tent or overnight outside the nature reserve;� Whenever possible shop in local stores and purchase locally produced items;� Honor local traditions and values, respect private property;� Be curious about local history and natural processes; be mindful of nature.

Downfall of traditional farming that started during soviet era and continued after regain-ing the independence triggered decrease of meadow biological value. Many of the meadows started overgrowing with shrubs. As part of the LIFE project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for EU Species and Habitats, meadows of the Pededze Lower Reaches have been cleared of bushes. Local farmers have engaged in regular mowing of the meadows. The site also hosts highly valuable forest habitats. Over 10 of them are protected in Latvia and the European Union. Compared to the rest of Latvia, this site is dominated by broadleaf forests. They cover over 215 ha and oak is among the most commonly found species there. Remark-ably, forest owners try to be respectful of this nature value.

Daudz stâstu mçs esam dzirdçjuši par lâèiem, vilkiem, stâríiem un citiem lieliem dzîvniekiem, ko te var sastapt. Taèu ko mçs zinâm par tiem, ko ikdienâ neredzam un varbût pat nenojaušam par to eksistenci? Arî viòi šeit – šajâ daudzveidîgajâ pasaulç – dzîvo, çd, vairojas un rotaïâjas!

Many stories are told about bears, wolves, storks and other large animals found here. How many of them have actually been seen is a question. But what do we know about those that are almost invisible and unnoticed? Such creatures also live, feed, breed and frolick in this diverse world.

Rugâju tûrisma informâcijas centrs Rugâji Tourism Information CenterKurzemes iela 48, Rugâji Tâlr. / phone: +371

RESTORATION OF FLOODPLAINSDuration of the Project: October 2004 – June 2008.Partners: Nature Protection Board, Latvian Ornithological Society, 22 municipalities, including Rugâji and Stradi municipality. Financing: LIFE-Nature program of the European Commission, etc. Project Sites: 15 specially protected nature territories – Natura 2000 sites across Latvia.Project Goals: • restoration of biologically valuable and currently overgrown floodplain meadows;

• promotion of sustainable management of floodplain meadows through preservation of habitats suitable for threatened species.

PALIEÒU PÏAVU ATJAUNOŠANAProjekta norises laiks: 2004. gada oktobris – 2008. gada jûnijs.Sadarbîbas partneri: Dabas aizsardzîbas pârvalde, Latvijas Ornitoloìijas biedrîba, 22 pašvaldîbas, to skaitâ Rugâju un Stradu pagasta padome.Finansçtâji: Eiropas Komisijas LIFE-Daba programma u.c.Norises vietas: 15 îpaši aizsargâjamas dabas teritorijas – Natura 2000 vietas visâ Latvijâ, to skaitâ arî “Pededzes lejtece”.Projekta mçríi: • bioloìiski vçrtîgâko un pašlaik aizaugošo palieòu pïavu atjaunošana;

• palieòu pïavu ilgtspçjîgas apsaimniekošanas veicinâšana, saglabâjot apdraudçtajâm sugâm piemçrotas dzîvotnes.

Karte sagatavota, izmantojot SIA Envirotech “GIS Latvija 2.0” datubāzi. Autore: Baiba Strazdiņa, Latvijas Dabas fonds.


Stends izgatavots Latvijas Dabas fonda îstenotâ projekta “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana Eiropas Savienîbas sugâm un biotopiem” ietvaros.Tâ uzstâdîšanu atbalstîja un par uzturçšanu atbild Stradu pagasta padome.

This information board has been developed by the Latvian Fund for Nature within the framework of the project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for European Union species and habitats. Stradi municipality supported the project and is responsible for maintaining the information board.

Projekta vadîtâja / Project Manager: Inga RaèinskaTeksts / Author: Andris KlepersKonsultanti / Consultants: Ainârs Auniòš, Vitâlijs Zelès, Ieva Rove u.c.Foto / Photo: Ainârs Auniòš (landscape and forest), Mâris Strazds / (Certhia familiaris),Viesturs Vintulis (Nyctalus noctula), Olaf Leillinger (Papilio machaon), Ieva Rove (Botrychium multifidum).Zîmçjums / Ilustration: Ditta ZagorskaMâksliniece / Design: Zane NeimaneIespiests / Printed: Latsign

Izdevçjs: Latvijas Dabas fonds, 2008LIFE-Daba projekts “Palieòu pïavu atjaunošana Eiropas Savienîbas sugâm un biotopiem”

Publisher: Latvian Fund for Nature, 2008LIFE-Nature Project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for European Union Species and Habitats

Dabas lieguma “Pededzes lejteces” atrašanās vieta un teritorijas karte

Location of the Pededze Lower Reaches Nature Reserve and Map of the Site

Pededze pirms 100 gadiemPededze a 100 Years Ago

Gulbenes tûrisma informâcijas centrsGulbene Tourism Information CenterÂbeïu iela 2, GulbeneTâlr. / phone: +371

tikai îpaši norâdîtâs vietâs


Lubâna mitrâja Tûrisma informâcijas punktsTourism Information Centre of Lubâna wetlandsAiviekstes hidromezgls, Ošupes pagasts, Madonas rajonsTâlrunis / phone: +371 29234956; +371