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  • 8/14/2019 PCS7 Technical Info


    SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System




  • 8/14/2019 PCS7 Technical Info



    SIMATIC PCS 7The process control system for Totally Integrated Automation

    Using Totally Integrated Automation(TIA), Siemens provides uniform auto-mation technology on one single plat-form for all applications of processautomation, starting with input logis-tics, covering production or primaryprocesses as well as downstream (sec-ondary) processes, up to output logis-tics. This uniform automation technol-ogy also facilitates the optimization ofall company operations, covering the

    enterprise resource planning (ERP)level, the management execution sys-tem (MES) level, the process controllevel, down to the field level.

    As the process control system compo-nent of Totally Integrated Automation,SIMATIC PCS 7 uses standard hardwareand software components from theSIMATIC TIA family. The uniform datamanagement, communication and con-figuration capabilities of TIA offer anopen platform for advanced, future-oriented and economical automationsolutions in all sectors of the processindustry, manufacturing industry and

    hybrid industries (which include a mix-ture of continuous/batch/discrete pro-cesses such as in the glass or pharma-ceuticals industries).

    Within the TIA network, SIMATIC PCS 7not only handles standard (primary)process control tasks, but it can alsoautomate secondary processes (e.g. fill-ing, packaging) or input/output logistics(e.g. raw material distribution, storage)for a production location.

    By linking the automation level to theIT world, process data becomes avail-able throughout the company for evalu-

    ation, planning, coordination and opti-mization of operations, productionprocesses and commercial processes.Also taken into account are the geo-graphical requirements of distributedproduction facilities, as is the case withglobal companies.

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    The innovative design of SIMATIC PCS 7is based on a modular and open archi-tecture using state-of-the-art SIMATICtechnology, consistent implementationof industrial standards and processautomation functionalities, and highperformance hardware and software.This means that with the SIMATIC PCS 7process control system, users canachieve cost-effective implementationand economical operation of processautomation facilities during all phasesof their life cycle: planning, engineer-

    ing, commissioning, training, opera-tion, maintenance, servicing, expansionand renovation. In the process, SIMATICPCS 7 unifies high performance and reli-ability, simple and safe operation, andmaximum convenience.

    Customers benefit from Totally Inte-grated Automation and the SIMATICPCS 7 process control system throughminimizing development, implementa-tion and life cycle costs, the reduction ofengineering resources, the facilities forprocess optimization, the flexibility toadapt quickly to changes in require-ments, and the advantages of usingstandard SIMATIC components.

    Horizontal integration

    Horizontal integration means that com-mon and standard hardware/softwarecomponents from the SIMATIC productportfolio are used for the complete pro-duction process covering input logis-tics, primary and secondary processes,up to output logistics. The SIMATICPCS 7 components includeHMI systems, automation systems,communication networks, distributed(remote) I/O, and engineering tools thatare tightly integrated. SIMATIC PCS 7systems can be customized by systemsengineering personnel or for OEMequipment applications via standardinterfaces. They can also be extendedby choosing from a wide range of com-ponents from the extensive scope ofSiemens Automation and Drives prod-ucts.

    The extensive worldwide use ofSIMATIC products and their large manu-facturing quantities delivers increasedscales of economy to Siemens, whichresults in advantages for you:

    Low hardware and engineering costs

    Proven quality and stability

    Simple, fast definition and selectionof system components

    Low costs for spare parts

    Short delivery times for spare partsand expansion components

    Worldwide availability

    Savings in logistics, maintenance andtraining costs.

    Vertical integration

    The increased fusion of automationtechnology and information technologybased on industry standards utilized byworld class manufacturing companiesrequires uniform and transparent datacommunication across company-wideinformation and automation networks.SIMATIC PCS 7's modularity and stan-dardization supports complete integra-tion from ERP, MES, control and fieldlevels resulting in increased productionoptimization and flexibility.

    Horizontal and vertical integration with SIMATIC PCS 7

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    SIMATIC PCS 7The process control system for Totally Integrated Automation

    The SIMATIC PCS 7 process control sys-tem can be seamlessly incorporatedinto the company-wide informationnetwork using interfaces based oninternational industrial standards fordata exchange such as Ethernet, TCP/IP,OPC or @aGlance. This makes the pro-cess data available at every location andat any time, for example:

    ERP (enterprise resource planning)

    MIS (management informationsystems)

    MES (manufacturing executionsystems)

    Advanced process control

    Diagnostics and remote maintenanceusing the Internet.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 can be incorporated intoSIMATIC IT, Siemens Automation &Drives MES framework, and integratedinto the company-wide informationnetwork.

    The OPC interface for the SIMATIC PCS 7operator stations and the @PCS 7 com-ponent simplify access to the IT world.

    The SIMATIC PCS 7 operator station caneither be an OPC server as the datasource for Windows IT applications, oran OPC client which accesses the data of

    OPC server applications.The @PCS 7 server and the correspond-ing Web@aGlance/IT client enables glo-bal online monitoring via Intranet orInternet. In addition to this, host infor-mation systems possessing an@aGlance interface can be connected toSIMATIC PCS 7 using @PCS 7.

    Integration of field systems

    Integration of field systems

    SIMATIC PCS 7 is optimized for integra-tion of distributed field systems into theprocess control system, and is based onPROFIBUS technology. PROFIBUS is sim-ple, rugged and reliable, and is usedworldwide in all sectors of the process,manufacturing and hybrid industries for input/output logistics as well as pri-mary and secondary processes. It sup-ports redundancy and fail-safe architec-tures, in addition to online expansions,and can be used in standard environ-

    ments or in hazardous areas. The plantcan be equipped with classical signalinputs/outputs on the ET 200 distrib-uted I/O station, or with state-of-the-art,intelligent field devices.

    The intelligent field devices can be con-nected either directly to PROFIBUS or tothe HART interface modules containedin racks of remote I/O, which can also beredundant. With PROFIBUS, fielddevices can be directly connected inhazardous areas (Ex zones 1 or 2, sen-sors/actuators also in zone 0). Commu-nication between SIMATIC PCS 7 and

    the intelligent field devices is carriedout on the basis of international stan-dards and specifications such asIEC 61158.

    Classical and HART field devices can beconnected to the PROFIBUS using dis-tributed I/O from the ET 200 familyof I/O. These field devices can also beused in the Ex zones 1 or 2, sensors/actuators also in zone 0. The connectioncan be made via ET 200M in standardenvironments or Ex zone 2, or viaET 200iS in Ex zone 1. Applications arealso possible under special ambientconditions such as extended tempera-

    ture ranges or increased condensationdemands.

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    PROFIBUS can be used to integrate vari-able-speed drives, drive systems, motormanagement components, analyzers,and electric actuators directly intoSIMATIC PCS 7. It is also possible to inte-grate local operator panels in the fieldusing PROFIBUS even in hazardousareas.

    The use of communication standardssuch as PROFIBUS and HART enablesproblem-free use of SIMATIC PCS 7, andalso of components from third partyvendors in the context of Totally Inte-grated Automation, e.g. using aModbus connection via CP 341 in theET 200M.

    PROFIBUS components can also be usedto link simple actuators and sensorswith an AS-Interface or building auto-mation components on the EIB (Euro-pean Installation Bus) to the system.

    Using the SIMATIC PDM Process DeviceManager, it is possible to parameterize,commission, diagnose or maintain anyfield device in the plant with a PROFIBUSor HART interface. The internationalstandards and specifications of the PNO

    (PROFIBUS International), e.g. the EDDLtechnology, are the basis for the simpleintegration of field devices intoSIMATIC PDM.

    Common and integrated system

    SIMATIC PCS 7 is an innovative processcontrol system, which can be used on itsown or in combination with motioncontrol and SIMATIC components.Benefits from the use of SIMATIC PCS 7grow parallel to the requirement forseamless and common automationtechnology as defined by continuingcompetition and price pressures, thedemand for increasingly flexible pro-duction plants, and the necessity toincrease productivity.

    As automation and information tech-nologies merge together, system plat-forms that can provide horizontal andvertical commonality (aka one-stopshopping) are becoming increasinglyattractive compared to automationsolutions made up of combinations ofbest-in-class products. Due to its incor-poration into Totally Integrated Auto-mation, SIMATIC PCS 7 is thereforeexcellently positioned to meet futuredemands.

    High performance, flexibility and ease-of-use, together with common data

    management, communication and con-figuration guarantee that the typicaldemands placed on a process controlsystem can be met and exceeded bySIMATIC PCS 7:

    Simple and safe process control

    Intuitive operation and visualization

    Powerful system engineering toolswith a common interface

    Online modifications possiblethroughout the system

    System openness at all levels

    Flexibility and scalability

    Redundancy at all levels Fail-safe automation solutions

    Comprehensive fieldbus integration

    Flexible solutions for batch processes

    Direct interfacing to the IT world.

    Open for the future

    SIMATIC PCS 7 is based on modularhardware and software componentsfrom the SIMATIC product family, andare perfectly matched to one anotherdue to their conformance with TIA. It isflexible and expandable, and is open forfuture enhancements through the useof standard interfaces with long-termstability. This means that it is possible toprovide long-term protection for cus-tomer investments despite high innova-tion speeds and short product life

    cycles.SIMATIC PCS 7 consistently appliesstate-of-the-art, powerful technologiestogether with internationally estab-lished industrial standards such as IEC,XML, PROFIBUS, Ethernet, TCP/IP, OPC,@aGlance, ISA S88 and ISA S95, just tomention a few.

    SIMATIC PCS 7's openness covers alllevels and applies equally to automationsystems, process I/O and field devicesjust as to operator and engineeringsystems, industrial communicationetworks or the SIMATIC IT framework.

    However, the openness is not only char-acterized by the system architecture,horizontal/vertical integration and com-munication, but also by the program-ming and data exchange interfaces foruser programs as well as import/exportfunctions for graphics, text and data,e.g. from the CAD/CAE world.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 can therefore also becombined with components from othervendors, and integrated into existinginfrastructures.

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    Flexibility and scalability from small laboratory systemup to distributed client/server architecture

    As a result of its modular and openarchitecture that is based on selectedhardware and software components

    from the standard SIMATIC range,SIMATIC PCS 7 can be applied effectivelyin small and large plants alike. It allowseasy expansion or system modification(online) to enable customers to meetthe changing production requirementsof their facility.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 is scalable from a smallsingle system consisting of approx.160 measuring points (motors, valves,PID controllers), such as might be usedfor a laboratory system or a pilot plant,up to a distributed multi-user systemwith client/server architecture and

    approx. 60,000 measuring points, suchas might be used for automation of avery large production plant or forgroups of connected facilities.

    Depending on the plants requirements,the user and the planning engineer

    can select from various automationsystems with graded performancecharacteristics,

    incorporate distributed (remote) orcentral I/Os step-by-step,

    layout an optimum architecture forthe operator system: from single-user

    standalone stations up to distributedmulti-user system,

    select the engineering and runtimesystem software according to the sizeof the system (scaled by processobjects),

    configure communication networksand determine network componentsto support required levels of redun-dancy and availability,

    extend the functionality of the opera-tor stations by adding various hard-ware and software modules, e.g.

    using SIMATIC BATCH or with a stand-alone, redundant archive server,

    integrate applications for connectingSIMATIC PCS 7 to the IT world.

    Highlights Scalable from small laboratory systems with approx. 160 measuring points

    (250 I/O) up to a large plant with a distributed client/server architecture withup to 60,000 measuring points (> 100,000 I/O)

    Uniform control system platform based on standard field-proven SIMATIC com-ponents Cost savings resulting from personnel know-how, reduced quantity of spare

    parts Cost savings resulting from development and reuse of application standards

    Optimize selection of hardware and software based on the size of the plant Minimize requirements for expensive spare hardware capacity Supports plant expansions and modifications

    Maximum flexibility to support a wide range of expansion possibilities Choose the best possible system solution for individual plant requirements System can be tailored to balance price and performance

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    Redundancy at all levels

    SIMATIC PCS 7 offers redundancyoptions at all levels of the process auto-mation system. At the top level of theclient/server architecture, the processcontrol system permits up to32 OS/SIMATIC BATCH clients to accessthe data of a single OS/batch server.Operator stations support multi-moni-tor operation, allowing up to 4 monitorsto be connected to a client.

    A dedicated Ethernet LAN can be usedfor client-server and server-server com-munication. This network, called the

    terminal bus, can be created using stan-dard off-the-shelf components(switches and cards etc.).

    To increase availability, it can be set upin a single ring architecture or dividedinto several LAN segments.

    The OS and batch servers can also beredundant. In a system with redundantOS Servers, client stations will switchtransparently from the primary to thebackup server in the event of a systemfailure. As a background task, criticalOS/SIMATIC BATCH running on theserver are continuously monitored for

    faults that would result in a clientswitchover. Additionally the processdata and alarm messaging archives canbe automatically synchronized when apartner server is returned to service,thus eliminating data gaps. Process datacan be archived on each OS Server orcan be stored on a standalone, andoptionally redundant, plant-wide histo-rian.

    Communication between individualautomation systems and to the engi-neering / operator systems is carried outvia the Industrial Ethernet plant buswhich can be operated at 100 Mbit/s.The plant bus can be implementedusing a bus or a ring topology. Toincrease availability even further, aredundant ring architecture may besetup where each individual station (AS,OS and ES) has two separate connec-tions, one to each network ring.

    The redundant, fault-tolerant AS 414Hand AS 417H automation systems areconnected to the plant bus using anEthernet communications processor(CP). To achieve a higher level of redun-dancy, two CPs can be used with eachhalf of the automation station, allowing

    each individual CPU to be connected toboth networks of a redundant plant busarchitecture.

    Multiple PROFIBUS DP segments (fromeach side of a redundant pair of CPUs)can be connected to distributed I/O viathe onboard PROFIBUS DP interfaces orby using additional PROFIBUS communi-cations processors.

    In a system with redundant CPUs, eachrack of ET 200M distributed I/O is con-nected to the redundant PROFIBUS DPsegments via two IM 153-2 modules.Similarly, the intelligent field devices on

    PROFIBUS PA are connected via a redun-dant DP/PA link containing two IM 157modules.

    Using the Y-link it is also possible toconnect non-redundant PROFIBUS DPdevices to redundant PROFIBUS DP net-works.

    In the case of the ET 200M distributedI/O system, redundancy can beextended down to the I/O module level,whereby a single sensor or actuator canbe connected to redundant I/O modulesin both fail-safe and standard applica-tions.

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    Interfacing to the IT worldwith SIMATIC IT and @PCS 7

    For plant management and other exec-utives, information technology (IT),process data management and produc-tion planning have become importantelements for reducing costs and opti-

    mizing processes. Global competitionmeans that companies distributed overseveral locations must be able to manu-facture products that meet customerspecifications and expectations, and todo this more quickly and with the flexi-bility to change schedules and recipeson short notice.

    These new requirements for globalcompetition, along with regulatorypressure and product tracking needs,make the integration of process auto-mation systems with other business andERP systems (such as SAP) increasinglysignificant.

    The SIMATIC PCS 7 process controlsystem provides an open and uniformsystem platform for vertical integrationof the process automation, operationalmanagement and company manage-ment functions. This is a stable platformthat is equipped to grow as yourrequirements change over time.

    Integration and synchronization of allprocesses using SIMATIC IT

    The integration of planning, procure-ment and manufacturing is a complextask, especially when location-specific

    equipment and procedural differencesare taken into consideration. SIMATIC ITmakes the integration of these pro-cesses transparent, and helps to opti-mize the complete system.

    SIMATIC IT is a technology platform fore-manufacturing in compliance withthe ISA S95 standard. It coordinatesmanufacturing functions according toexplicit production rules such that anoptimum workflow is achieved.

    The main elements of SIMATIC IT are:

    SIMATIC IT Framework

    SIMATIC IT Components

    SIMATIC IT Framework connects theprocess automation system to opera-tional management, production man-agement, company management, andenterprise planning functions.SIMATIC IT Framework provides a cross-industry integration and coordinationplatform through the use of a hierarchi-cal graphical modeling tool, an infra-structure for the exchange of data, andbase services employed by the variousSIMATIC IT components.

    Advantages when using SIMATIC IT

    SIMATIC IT Framework permits integra-tion of heterogeneous applicationssuch as scheduling, material tracking,plant information management, andasset management. Processes andcross-functional communication areeffectively synchronized, coordinatedand optimized by SIMATIC IT Frame-work, both within and between loca-tions.

    SIMATIC IT Framework is not only ableto integrate SIMATIC IT components,but also existing third party and legacy

    IT products. The SIMATIC PCS 7 processcontrol system can be incorporatedinto the SIMATIC IT Framework usingadapters.

    SIMATIC IT components are standardsoftware products that provide variousindustrial and IT functions. These com-ponents are a direct result of Siemensinvolvement in the development of theISA S95 standard. Examples of SIMATICIT components include scheduling,asset/maintenance management,material management, historicalrecords/KPI management, and compli-

    ance management. These and otherSIMATIC IT components perform spe-cific functionality, while the frameworkcoordinates and synchronizes this func-tionality.

    Building on the SIMATIC IT Frameworkand Components, Siemens has devel-oped SIMATIC IT Industry Suite libraries,providing basic units and procedureswhich facilitate the rapid implementa-tion of a fully integrated system. Thismeans you're not starting from scratchwhen you endeavor to integrate pro-duction; you're building on years ofexperience.

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    Company-wide availability of processdata with @PCS 7

    @PCS 7 offers a simple and cost-effec-tive solution for remote access to theprocess data that is collected by aSIMATIC PCS 7 system. The data can bedisplayed and processed further on anycomputer using the standard softwarepackage @aGlance even via intra-net/Internet.

    An @PCS 7 server is integrated in everySIMATIC PCS 7 operator system. To read

    the data, the target (client) PC requiresa Web@aGlance package and a stan-dard Web browser. For data write accessand for communication with other@aGlance servers, the operator stationmust have a corresponding @aGlancelicense.

    The integration of @aGlance/IT intoPCS 7 means that SIMATIC PCS 7 is ableto communicate with a wide range ofsoftware products designed to operateat the plant management and companymanagement levels. @PCS 7 and the@aGlance interface provide access tothe data of the PCS 7 operator systems,

    including archives and messages.An intelligent log-on procedure pro-vides the @aGlance product range withPlug-and-Play interfacing, while incor-porating powerful security and accesscontrol features. Security and accessprivileges are configured using aWindows-like administration tool.

    A further advantage of the open archi-tecture of the @aGlance client/serversystem is the ability to select the operat-ing systems or applications that run onthe server and on the client side of the@aGlance/IT software system. Imple-

    mentation of @aGlance is independentof hardware, software and operatingsystem architecture. Thus for example aa Unix server hosting an IT applicationcould communicate seamlessly withSIMATIC PCS 7 system (Windows 2000).This makes it easy to interface with sys-tems that already exist in the companyand ensures compatibility with futuresystems. As a result, the cost of changeis minimized, and dependence on spe-cific systems or suppliers can be elimi-nated.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 offers several different

    versions of @PCS 7 providing the follow-ing functions:

    Reading of OS data (process data,messages, archive data) via Inter-net/intranet

    Writing of OS data

    Communication with @aGlance/ITclient applications, e.g. theInfoPlus.21 information manage-ment system

    Communication with server applica-tions of the @aGlance/IT server add-ons

    @PCS 7 offers the following benefits:

    @PCS 7 makes process data availablethroughout the company. All processdata can then be visualized, analyzedand processed further from an officedesktop

    @PCS 7 permits access to all data ofPCS 7 operator stations, e.g. toarchived data

    Any client/server application that hasan @aGlance interface can be con-nected to @PCS 7

    @PCS 7 is based on @aGlance tech-nology; @aGlance has establisheditself as one of the de facto standardsfor interface software (Middleware)for Internet applications

    @PCS 7 can provide process data tothe operations management andcompany management levels; basedon client/server technology

    Users can develop their own customclient/server applications based onthe @aGlance product range.

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    Automation of batch processeswith SIMATIC BATCH

    HighlightsModular and flexible architecture with scalability of hardware and software Allows optimum adaptation to plant size and individual requirements Can grow with plant expansions; no extensive spare capacities needed

    High availability system architectures for Batch (via redundant batch servers) No loss of batch data Automatic synchronization of batch data

    Tight integration of SIMATIC BATCH into the HMI strategy and the SIMATICPCS 7 engineering tools Standard HMI faceplates provided One-time entry of batch-specific engineering data

    Unit-independent recipes Significant reduction in recipe administration and validation Flexible mode of operation and optimum plant utilization resulting from

    assignment of units during runtime (dynamic allocation)

    Hierarchical recipes according to ISA S88.01 Process-oriented recipe creation Simple, fast creation of recipe

    Saving, archiving and recording of batch data using XML format All production information is captured in reports Operator actions and responses are captured

    Reduction in engineering and validation time as result of:type/instance concept of SFC, separation of procedure and formula, ROP libraryand configuration of unit-independent recipes Multiple usage (reuse), central modification

    Validation support according to 21 CFR Part 11 using audit trail (logbook ofmodifications), version tracking for recipes, recipe operations and formulas,user administration with access protection based on Windows 2000 and elec-tronic signature

    The SIMATIC PCS 7 process control sys-tem offers a modular approach for thelow-cost, effective implementation ofbatch processes. Automation of simplebatch processes with parameterizablesequential controls is carried out usingthe SFC and CFC tools included in theengineering system.

    SIMATIC BATCH is the higher-level solu-tion for more complex tasks with recipe-controlled operation. This permits sim-ple, flexible processing of complex taskswith changing control sequences

    and/or formulas.

    Modular architecture

    SIMATIC BATCH is configured either as asingle-user system or as a client/serversystem, and can be used in plants of anysize due to its modular architecture andscalable licensing in four steps using150, 600, 1800 and >1800 batch pro-cess objects (instances of units andequipment modules).

    A typical batch automation process iscomprised of a batch server and severalbatch clients. Batch server redundancyis also supported.

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    Integration in SIMATIC PCS 7

    SIMATIC BATCH is tightly integratedwith the other engineering tools ofSIMATIC PCS 7. The physical plantmodel created using the engineeringsystem during the configuration of theS7-400 controllers is available for usewith SIMATIC BATCH without having tore-enter the data. The engineering sys-tem passes on all data required forrecipe creation to the batch server,making recipe processing possible sepa-rate from the engineering system.

    Changes to the configuration which aremade on the engineering system, areavailable to the batch server using anupdate function (online/offline).

    The hardware of the batch server can beseparate from the OS servers.SIMATIC BATCH clients and OS clientscan run on separate or common hard-ware. The PCS 7 operator stations rele-vant to the batch are made known tothe batch server during configuring ofthe batch application.

    SIMATIC BATCH communicates with theautomation systems via the PCS 7 oper-

    ator stations. Operator instructions anddialogs can also be integrated into thecommunication. These functions can beused to draw attention to necessaryoperator inputs, or to offer a facility fordata input, e.g. for laboratory values.SIMATIC BATCH provides standardbatch faceplates that can be used inOS graphics for monitoring and control-ling batch units and recipe phases.

    SFC instances derived from a SFC-typetemplate are generally used as the inter-face between SIMATIC BATCH recipephases and the actual equipmentphases in the S7-400 controllers. Theproperties of the SFC-type, such asmodes of operation, setpoints/actualvalues, instance parameters, times etc.

    can be defined through easy-to-use,predefined user interfaces associatedwith the SFC type block. However, it isalso possible to use special batch inter-face blocks for communication withequipment phases in the automationsystems, e.g. for plant expansions/upgrades or when connectingnon-SIMATIC systems.

    The main components of SIMATICBATCH:

    Batch Control Center (BatchCC)

    Recipe editor

    Batch Control CenterThe Batch Control Center (BatchCC) isthe "command center" for monitoringand controlling batch processes withSIMATIC BATCH. Using BatchCC it is pos-sible to manage all data relevant toSIMATIC BATCH. This includes organiz-ing and configuring master recipes,planning batches and monitoring andcontrolling the execution of theplanned batches.

    BatchCC offers powerful functions forthe following tasks:

    Reading-in of the physical plantmodel created during the configura-tion of the S7-400 controllers

    Definition of user privileges for allfunctions, for clients, or for units of

    SIMATIC BATCH Definition of material names and


    Administration and development ofmaster recipes

    Administration of libraries with recipeelements (library operations)

    Editing of formula categories, andadministration of associated formulas(parameter sets)

    Planning of production orders withmaster recipes and batches

    Start and control batch processing

    Monitoring and diagnostics of batchprocessing

    Recording and archiving of recipesand batch data

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    Automation of batch processeswith SIMATIC BATCH

    Recipe editor

    The recipe editor is a convenient tool forsimple, intuitive creation and modifica-tion of master recipes and library opera-tions. Master recipes and library opera-tions are created using graphicalobjects. SIMATIC BATCH provides a toolthat a user can utilize to validate thatthe syntax of each master recipe andlibrary operation created is correct. Thebatch objects created from the physicalplant model configuration using theSIMATIC PCS 7 engineering system arethe basis for recipe creation, i.e. unitsand recipe phases. The batch recipe edi-tor can be started individually, but canalso be called from BatchCC.

    The recipe editor can be used to:

    Create new master recipes and libraryoperations

    Modify existing master recipes andlibrary operations (change structureor parameters)

    Document master recipes and libraryoperations

    Carry out master recipe/library plausi-bility tests

    Assign releases for testing or produc-tion of master recipes and libraryoperations

    Hierarchical recipes according to ISA S88.01

    Batch Report

    Batch Report is used to generate recipeand batch reports which can be dis-played and printed using BatchCC.Batch reports contain the data requiredfor reproduction of the batch process,for proof of quality, and for compliancewith statutory requirements, e.g.

    Batch identification data, control recipe data, executed control recipe procedure


    step sequences, error messages and fault signals, operator actions and process values.

    The recipe reports include the produc-tion data, e.g. recipe header data, list ofraw material used and products pro-duced, executed recipe procedure.

    Batch data archiving and logging inXML format

    The batch data which are only accessi-ble for authorized persons or systemsare saved in XML format. A batch reportbased on the XML data is available as

    standard. However, the XML data canalso be processed further using anexternal logging system.

    Hierarchical recipes according toISA S88.01

    Together SIMATIC BATCH and SIMATICPCS 7 enable users to implement a plantequipment hierarchy and recipe proce-dure hierarchy that follows the modelsdescribed in the ISA S88.01 standard.

    The hierarchical recipe structure ismapped on the plant model as follows:

    Recipe procedure for controlling theprocess or the production in a plant

    Partial recipe procedure for control-ling a part of the process on a unit

    Recipe operation/function for the pro-cess engineering task/function on anequipment module

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    Unit Class based recipes

    SIMATIC BATCH enables users to createmaster recipe procedures which are notunit-specific. As a result, the partialrecipe procedures are only assignedunit classes when the recipes arecreated. Only one recipe need then becreated if there are several units of thesame type. This minimizes the engi-neering requirements, and providessubstantial advantages for validation.

    SIMATIC BATCH provides various

    dynamic unit allocation strategies: "Preferred unit" for preselection when

    the recipe is created

    Assignment of the unit which has notbeen used for the longest time inorder to achieve uniform utilization

    The unit to be used can be defined forSIMATIC BATCH using an externalmodule (e.g. scheduler) by means ofprocess parameters.

    The final assignment of the units is car-ried out during runtime. In the case oflonger batches where the units are notto be assigned prior to when the batch

    is started, they are only assigned whenthey are required. Conflicts in assign-ment of the units are detected and indi-cated by the system.

    Separation of procedure and formula

    The flexibility achieved by recipes whichare independent of units can beincreased even further if the procedureand parameter sets (formulas) are sepa-rated from one another. Various masterrecipes can be created by linking severalformulas using a recipe procedure. Thisenables central modification of proce-dures. The formula structure is deter-

    mined by the formula category definedby the user.

    Library with recipe operations (ROP)

    The management of recipe operationsis conveniently supported by a user

    library (ROP library). Library recipe oper-ations can be inserted as a reference(pointer which is linked to a mastercopy) in recipe procedures and can thusbe modified from a central location.This reduces the requirements for engi-neering and validation. By breaking thelink the recipe operation becomes afixed component of the recipe proce-dure and its own unique instance, and isthus independent of further centralmodifications.

    MIS/MES interfacing

    Interfacing of MIS/MES systems is made

    possible by: Integration of SIMATIC PCS 7 in

    SIMATIC IT Framework

    An open interface (API) for customer-specific expansions

    Validation according to 21 CFR Part 11

    SIMATIC BATCH provides a number offunctions that make it easier for users to

    satisfy the requirements of 21 CFRPart 11. Some of the available functionsinclude:

    Audit trail (logbook of modifications):- Logging of modifications to recipes

    and recipe operations (stored whenobject changed)

    - Logging of modifications duringproduction (in the batch report),including the operations at the indi-vidual control level associated withthe corresponding batch

    Version assignment (recipe life cycle,recipe operations, formulas)

    Access protection using centraluser administration based onWindows 2000

    Electronic signature

    Siemens as a manufacturer of processcontrol systems has specially trainedpersonnel with many years of experi-ence in quality management and in thevalidation of plants. These resources areavailable to help you meet your valida-tion needs.

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    Operation and monitoringwith the SIMATIC PCS 7 operator systems

    Highlights Flexible, modular architecture with scalable hardware and softwarecomponents for single-user and multi-user client/server architecture

    High-performance operator stations based on standard PC technology withMicrosoft Windows 2000 can be used in office or industrial environments

    Client/server multi-user systems with up to 12 pairs of redundant OS servers,each with large capacity (approx. 5,000 process objects/server) and up to32 OS clients per server

    High-performance archive system based on Microsoft SQL server with cyclicarchives and integral data backup, optionally as a standalone plantwideHistorian

    Rigorous OS system health check for monitoring critical server applicationsOnline modifications without interrupting runtime operations, and online test-

    ing with optional selective loading of redundant serversOptimized AS/OS communication:

    Communication cycle can be 500 ms, change-based communication of processdata; suppression of nuisance alarms

    Intuitive, easy-to-use operator interface together with multi-screen technology Extended status display for efficient communication and configuration of

    multi-state devicesAlarm priority attributes for filtering important messagesCentral user management, access control, electronic signature Sign-of-life system status monitoring for subordinate systems connected to

    plant bus System-wide time synchronization based on UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)

    The operator system or OS is thehuman-machine interface of theSIMATIC PCS 7 process control system,and thus represents the users windowinto the process. The operator system isextremely flexible, and can be easilyadapted to different plant architecturesand customer requirements.

    System architectures can be createdusing any mixture of single-user sys-tems and/or multi-user systems withclient/server architecture.

    Operator stations

    SIMATIC PCS 7 operator station hard-ware is based on standard PC technol-ogy combined with the MicrosoftWindows 2000 operating system. PCsare offered with several different per-formance levels, which have been opti-mized for different functions in a PCS 7architecture such as OS single station,OS client or OS server. The use of stan-dard components and interfaces fromthe PC world means that the operatorstations can be customized easily tomeet customer-specific requirements.They can be used in harsh industrialenvironments as well as in the office.OS single stations and OS clients can beinstalled with multi-VGA graphic cardsto permit operation of several differentplant areas simultaneously using up to4 monitors.

    The system software of the operatorstation is available in different levelsbased on the number of Process Objectsthat are used. A Process Object (PO) isdefined as any control element such asa motor, or single-loop PID controller,that has a corresponding faceplate.

    Licensing thresholds allow for futureexpansions without penalizing thecustomer for minor system changes.OS Single station software is availablein the following levels: 250, 2000, 3000or 5000 POs, while the OS Serversoftware supports the following levels:250, 2000, 3000, 5000 or 8500 POs.The software license level (number ofPOs) can be increased at any time viaPowerPacks to allow for systemexpansions.

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    Single-user system(OS Single Station)

    In a single-user system architecture, alloperation and monitoring functionsfor a complete project (plant/unit) areconcentrated in one station (self-con-tained). The OS single station can beconnected to the Industrial Ethernetplant bus in two ways:

    via a CP 1613 communications pro-cessor or

    via a commercially available LAN card

    (Basic Communication Ethernet forcommunication with max. 8 automa-tion systems).

    The OS single station can be operated inparallel with other single-user systemsor in conjunction with a multi-user sys-tem architecture.

    Multi-user system with client/serverarchitecture

    A multi-user system architecture con-sists of operator terminals (OS clients)which receive project-specific data(graphics, process values, archives,alarms and messages) from one or more

    OS servers via an OS LAN (Local AreaNetwork). The OS LAN can be combinedwith the plant bus into a single network,or it can be designed as a separateEthernet network (terminal bus).

    In this architecture redundant OS serv-ers may be setup to allow for a hotstandby design. Critical applicationsrunning on the OS server are monitoredcontinuously for software faults. If afault is detected, a client switchover isperformed automatically and in a fash-ion that is transparent to the operator.Archived process data (such as alarms,

    events and process data for trending) isautomatically synchronized betweenredundant OS servers when the backupis returned to service, thus ensuringthat no gaps exist in the data.

    OS clients can access the data from notonly one OS server/pair of servers, butthey can also access data from severalOS servers/pairs of servers simulta-neously (multi-client mode). This makesit possible to easily subdivide a plantinto process areas or units, and to dis-tribute the data accordingly to several

    different OS servers/pairs of servers. Inaddition to scalability, the advantage ofdistributed systems is the ability todecouple plant areas from each other,resulting in increased availability and

    easier maintenance/modification of theapplications.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 supports multi-usersystem architectures with up to12 OS servers or 12 redundant pairsof OS servers. In multi-client mode,OS clients can access data inparallel from one or more of the12 OS servers/pairs of servers in parallel(up to 12).

    The OS servers have been designed withclient-type functions which permitthem to access the data (archives, mes-sages, tags, variables) from the otherOS servers in multi-user system archi-

    tecture. This means that process graph-ics (pictures) on one OS server can alsobe linked to variables resident on otherOS servers (area-independent displays).

    Like the OS single stations, theOS servers can be connected to theIndustrial Ethernet plant bus using aCP 1613 communications processor orvia a standard Ethernet card.

    OS system capacity

    Max. number of OS servers/pairs ofservers


    Max. number of OS clients In multi-client mode 1)

    within a multi-user system architecture

    1) If every OS client has access to all OS servers/pairs of servers


    Number of measuring points Per OS server Per multi-user system

    Approx. 5,000

    Approx. 60,000 (equates to > 100,000 I/O)

    High-performance archive system(Microsoft SQL server) for: Process values Messages

    Approx. 5,000/s (with archive server)Steady-State load approx. 10/s (per server)Shower/Flurry of messagesapprox. 1,500 / 10 s

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    Operation and monitoringwith the SIMATIC PCS 7 operator systems

    High-performance archive systemand central archive server

    A high-performance archive systembased on Microsoft SQL server technol-ogy is offered standard with SIMATICPCS 7. It supports online configuration,storage of process values and messagesin cyclic archives, data compression, andpermits the exporting and saving of olddata using an integral archive and backuputility. Each OS server in a multi-user sys-tem architecture is capable of archivingapprox. 10 messages/s (e.g. alarms) dur-ing steady-state operations while alsobeing able to handle a brief rush (tran-sient) of approx. 1,500 messages in 10 s.For large systems a central archive servercan be created which is dedicated to thestorage of process values for an entireplant or system. The central archiveserver, which also can be redundant,reads the process values directly from the12 possible pairs of OS servers. It is capa-ble of storing approx. 5,000 process val-ues/s and can be configured to monitormore than 30,000 different variables.

    Usability, system performance, andoptimization of communication

    The Operator Systems of the SIMATICPCS 7 process control system are opti-mized for processing large quantities of

    data. Even in very large systems, they arecharacterized by high performance and

    reliability, yet are still simple and intuitiveto use.Often small system features have a sig-nificant effect on the total performanceof an operator system: Extended status displays: discrete

    device status (e.g. Opened/Closed,Auto/Manual) or analog values can becombined with alarm information toform optimized communication pack-ets which support simple multi-stateHMI configuration without the applica-tion of scripts. Such extended statusand analog-value displays reduce thesystem communication load and opti-

    mize the display of process pictures. Optimized communication between

    operator system and automation sys-tem: Process data values which areused for display on process picturescan be communicated from the auto-mation station to the operator stationusing event-based communication(only when the value has changed).This allows the data communicationcycle between the AS and the OS in alarge system to be defined as 500 msfor example, without fear of communi-

    GUI for OS process control with movable windows

    cation overload or sluggish system per-formance.

    QTM message and alarm acknowledg-ment feature for suppressing commu-nication of nuisance alarms: ensuresthat alarm chatter (point goes in andout of alarm frequently during a shortperiod of time) is suppressed at thecontroller level by monitoring whetherthe current instance of an alarm hasfirst been acknowledged before retrig-gering to the operator system.


    Engineering of the SIMATIC PCS 7 opera-tor systems is performed using a central,integrated engineering toolset. In thesingle-user systems for small plants,engineering and runtime (operator)functionalities can be combined in onestation.All project modifications carried out onthe engineering system can be loadedinto the OS servers and clients while theyare online without interrupting opera-tions. A central dialog controls this incre-mental update procedure, and ensuresthat system changes are incorporated inthe correct order.

    Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    The predefined GUI of the operator sys-tem provides runtime features out-of-the-box that are typical of a classic dis-tributed control system (e.g. trending,navigation, faceplates, alarming etc.).It supports multilingual applications, isclearly structured, easy to understand,and is designed for intuitive and ergo-nomic operation. The operator can sur-vey the process extremely easily, and rap-idly navigate between different views ofthe plant. A picture tree manager orga-nizes the picture hierarchy according to

    user requirements based on the layout ofthe control strategy, and permits directselection of subordinate process pictures.Process displays (pictures) and measur-ing points (faceplates) can also be calledup directly from a filterable listbox.An online language selector permits theuser to change the display languagedynamically during runtime. Alarm statusis automatically propagated upwardsfrom lower level displays to overview dis-plays allowing an operator to easily navi-gate to the source of the fault. Favoritescreen compositions can be saved forcallup in the future.

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    System-wide engineeringwith the central engineering system

    The central engineering system (ES) ofthe SIMATIC PCS 7 process control systemis based on the same PC hardware plat-form as the OS single station of the oper-ator system. It employs powerful PC tech-nology which can be used equally well inan office or industrial environment, and,together with the Windows 2000 operat-ing system, provides an optimum engi-neering platform. Increased configura-tion capability can be provided by

    expansion of the working area by con-necting up to four monitors via a specialmulti-VGA graphics card. The systemsoftware of the engineering system isavailable in different levels based on thesize of the system (number of ProcessObjects). A Process Object (PO) is definedas any control element such as a motor,or single-loop PID controller, that has acorresponding faceplate. Licensingthresholds allow for future expansionswithout penalizing the customer forminor system changes: 250, 2000, 3000,5000 or unlimited POs. The software

    license level (number of POs) can beincreased at any time via PowerPacks.The engineering system contains toolsthat are tightly integrated with oneanother to facilitate system-wide andproject-oriented engineering: of the hardware and smart field

    devices, of the communication networks, of continuous and sequential process

    control strategies, of the displays for operation and moni-

    toring of the process, and of SIMATIC BATCH.The engineering toolset is designed sothat engineers as well as process scien-tists and technicians can program, con-figure and troubleshoot in an environ-ment that they are familiar with byutilizing pre-configured elements andpowerful graphical configuration tools.Typical process automation componentssuch as motors, valves or PID controllersare pre-engineered and provided as stan-

    dard software objects (measuring pointtypes) in an technological (process con-trol) library. Library elements can beincorporated into the user program viadrag and drop and simple graphical inter-connection, which can be executed easilyand rapidly by personnel without pro-gramming knowledge. When configuringthe user program (control strategy), theassociated OS variables can be createdautomatically in the background. Fullyoperational, dynamic HMI symbols,which are prelinked to their correspond-

    ing control element, can be created auto-matically on process displays simplybased on the hierarchy defined in thecontrol strategy.The uniform database of the engineeringsystem ensures that data which has beenentered once is accessible by all toolsthroughout the system, including theBatch system, thus eliminating doubleentry.All configuration modifications associ-ated with the automation systems, oper-ator systems and SIMATIC BATCH can becompiled and loaded in a single step. Theengineering system automatically

    ensures that the changes are incorpo-rated in the correct sequence by displayand control from a central dialog box.The system supports short turnaroundtimes for incorporation of configurationchanges resulting in short waiting timesand a streamlined workflow for the com-missioning engineer, which reducescommissioning costs. Changes to theconfiguration can be loaded online intoall system components (OS Clients,OS Servers, Automation Stations, Batch,Archive Server) without interruptingplant operations.The engineering system supports the

    implementation of large projects, con-current engineering and efficient bulk-engineering by providing appropriatefunctions such as: Plant hierarchy (plant view) Process control application library

    (Process Object View) Multi-project engineering Branch & merge Automatic Change Management and

    copying of process areas Version cross-checker Import/export assistant SFC type/instance concept

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    SIMATIC Manager

    The SIMATIC Manager is the standardconfiguration interface for all PCS 7 engi-neering tools and is the launching pointfor all PCS 7 configuration tasks. Allaspects of a SIMATIC PCS 7 project aremanaged, archived and documentedhere. The SIMATIC Manager provides theability to select the required hardwarefrom an electronic catalog via drag anddrop, as well as tools for configuring theautomation systems, I/O and networkcomponents.

    The various tasks for creating an automa-tion configuration, and roles for main-taining it are optimally supported by thethree different views within SIMATICManager: The Component view for configuring

    hardware such as automation systems,bus components or process I/Os is idealfor the technician or maintenanceengineer

    The Plant view for hierarchical structur-ing of the plant according to the pro-cess or to the physical areas/units issuited for a process scientist

    The Process object view for configura-tion of all aspects of a process controlelement (such as messages, alarm lim-its, HMI representation, archiving etc.)is designed for the controls engineer

    Plant view (plant hierarchy)

    The plant view is used to layout and con-figure the user program based on theactual layout of the plant or process. Theparts of a project are grouped logicallyand laid out hierarchically according tothe plant structure (e.g. the valves andpumps associated with a tank) so thatthat process engineer has a clear over-

    view of the configuration. It is createdduring configuration of the control strat-egy and can be used to automaticallyderive the HMI process display hierarchyand navigation structure, eliminating theneed to engineer twice.Process graphic displays (pictures) can begenerated automatically from the controlstrategy based on the configuration ofthe plant view. HMI elements, such assymbols and faceplates, correspondingto Continuous Function Chart (CFC)blocks are automatically positioned in thegraphic display and linked to the controlstrategy.

    HighlightsCommon hardware and software configuration environment for all application

    development tasks Powerful HMI graphic development tools Integral configuration of field devices Configuration of communication and networking infrastructure Development the same for redundant and non-redundant applications Common tools for development of failsafe and process applications

    Central interface for compiling and distribution of all AS, OS and SIMATIC BATCHmodifications

    Optimization of load sequence to ensure consistency and to streamline theworkflow process Compilation and loading in one operation with minimum turnaround times

    Concurrent configuration of large applications using distributed, parallel multi-project engineering capabilities with branch & merge

    Configuration based on process control know-how without special programmingknowledge Layout application program so that it reflects the organization of the plant and

    the process (hierarchically by process area, unit, control module, function etc.) Hardware-independent engineering: automation system assignment and

    I/O module selection can be incorporated based on project schedule Expandable using industry-specific add-ons such as special libraries

    Process object view for configuration of all aspects of a process object, includingcontrol, HMI, alarming, messaging, archiving etc. Tabular spreadsheet view for fill-in-the-blanks type configuration Project library with process object templates as well as import/export functions

    for customizationAdvanced SFC functionality Fully supports the ISA S88 SFC states and provides for the definition of up to

    8 separate sequence chains within one SFC for management and coordinationof operational states such as holding, aborting or safe state

    Instances can take the form of a CFC SFC master/copy capability for central change management

    Reduction in engineering and validation time/cost as result of: Comprehensive libraries with preengineered and tested function blocks,

    faceplates and symbols for process control applications Ready-made control strategies selectable from the library Project library of process object types with import/export function for support

    of configuration in the process object view Simple duplication of control elements or entire units by copying, automatic

    updating of HMI links and compiling Type/instance concept of SFCs with central modification capability for all

    instances Import/export wizard for effective bulk engineering Numerous project configuration steps are performed automatically by the sys-

    tem (auto-engineering)Auto-engineering for: Optimization of block execution sequence in the CFC Process graphics generated automatically from control strategy including

    instantiation of dynamic HMI symbols Picture tree hierarchy automatically generated from plant hierarchy

    Version cross-checker Documentation of engineering modifications by comparing versions and

    providing graphic display of differences

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    System-wide engineeringwith the central engineering system

    Process object view

    The process object view of the SIMATICManager permits an object-orientedapproach to be used during configura-tion which is intuitive, powerful andeasy-to-use. In combination with theplant view (hierarchy), the processobject view provides a tabular view ofall aspects of a process control element,such as alarm limits, I/O signals, opera-tor message text, alarm priorities, HMIrepresentation, block interconnectionsand archived variables.

    All objects that have been selected in abranch of the plant hierarchy are dis-played in tabular format so that theycan be directly edited via fill in theblanks without calling up the detailedengineering tool. Alternatively, a singleclick on a row calls up the detailed engi-neering tool for the selected item.

    The process object view maximizesengineering efficiency, helps to avoidconfiguration errors, and enhancesoverall engineering productivity by con-venient functions such as

    block-by-block copying/insertion,



    two-stage filtering,

    import/export of process objects and

    creation of templates, or data exchange with Microsoft Excel/

    Access using copy/paste.

    An integral project library contains pre-configured types of process objects, andpermits users to create their own cus-tom objects.

    Filtering, sorting, editing in the process object view of the engineering system

    Multi-project engineering

    Multi-project engineering permits divi-sion of a large complex project into sev-eral subprojects in order to allow aproject team to work more efficiently inparallel (concurrent engineering). Toachieve this, a host "Multi-project" isdefined in the SIMATIC Manager. Indi-vidual (sub)projects can be inserted atany time into a multi-project, orremoved from it to allow an engineer toconfigure it locally on his PC. Further-more, projects can be branched and

    merged.The (sub)projects belonging to a multi-project are all saved on a central server,and can be sent to a local engineeringsystem for editing. The engineering per-formance is then not effected by net-work access.

    Branch & Merge

    Branch & Merge capability is provided inconjunction with multi-project engi-neering, and supports the effectivebreaking apart and recombining ofpieces of the user program. Individualcharts or whole units can be broken outor copied into another project andedited there They can then be rein-serted seamlessly back into the masterproject and all chart-to-chart connec-tions are automatically re-established.

    Charts with the same name in the mas-ter project are overwritten duringBranch & Merge. Interconnectionswhich are not specific to a project, typi-cally for interlocking, become text inter-connections when branched. Whenmerging, these text interconnections including those entered by the user as aplaceholder can be closed by pressing

    a key.

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    Editing of mass data with import/export as-sistant

    Efficient bulk engineering using theimport/export assistant

    The import/export assistant is a tool forreplicating common configuration ele-ments (like motors, valves or entire units)throughout an application. It can signifi-cantly shorten the time required for con-figuration by allowing users to importplant/project data which have alreadybeen configured (such as tag and alarmlists or charts from the CAD/CAE world)directly into the engineering systemand automatically generating the corre-sponding user program. Existing PCS 7projects can be both exported and reim-ported.The import/export wizard offers the fol-lowing benefits: Importing of pre-existing plant layout

    and project data such as tag lists, alarmlists or other plant design data from theprocess and instrumentation designworld No multiple inputs, minimizes con-

    figuration errors Simple handling, easy-to-use tabu-

    lar editing environment

    Automatic generation of device andunit control strategy based onimported tag lists and device controllogic templates Generation of plant hierarchy Creation of Function Blocks and

    Charts from an external source fileincluding configuration of instance-specific values and attributes

    Reductions in engineering time, andavoidance of errors as result ofautomatic/reproducible generation

    Automatic derivation of the OS display

    hierarchy, creation of HMI symbols indisplays, and linking of the HMI sym-bols to control system blocks Eliminates time-intensive HMI

    development tasksCloning of device or unit control strate-

    gies created using the CFC and SFCtools

    Exporting of parameters optimizedduring commissioning for documenta-tion of as-built configuration Powerful method for documenting

    project configuration in an efficientmanner

    Automated Change Management

    and Copying of Process AreasWhen renaming or copying objectswithin the control strategy, the systemcan automatically update or modify allcorresponding references and links withinthe HMI. This function offers enormouscost-saving potential for engineering andfor validation especially for plants withrepetitive structures.For example, if a fully configured andtested unit consisting of Function Blocks,CFCs, SFCS, process displays, faceplates,scripts and archive parameters etc. is cop-ied and the function blocks / charts arerenamed, then all links and connections

    between control / HMI elements are auto-matically updated. Complex units or indi-vidual process control elements can bemultiplied or modified quickly while mini-mizing the number of steps to fully incor-porate the change and the chance ofmaking a configuration error.

    Version cross-checker

    The version cross-checker tool allows theuser to quickly determine the differencesbetween two versions of an application: Comparison of CFCs/SFCs, block types,

    signals and sequences in order to deter-mine what is new, what has beendeleted, and what has been changed

    Graphic display of comparison resultsin a combination of tree and tabularformat

    Color-coded identification of changes

    Continuous function chart (CFC)

    CFC is the tool for graphical configurationof continuous automation functions.Preengineered function blocks can bepositioned, configured and intercon-nected within CFCs. The CFC editor mini-mizes configuration time via the use ofdrag-and-drop techniques, autorouting(the ability to interconnect function

    blocks together via two point-and-clickoperations) and via integral configurationof HMI messages.When creating a new CFC, a new runtimegroup for controlling scan rates and exe-cution order is also automatically gener-ated with the same name as the chart.This allows for control and optimization ofthe execution order of the control strat-egy and helps to minimize the time fordownloading configuration changes tothe controller. All subsequent blocks thatare added to a CFC chart are automaticallyadded to this runtime group. The systemalso provides the ability to automatically

    optimize the execution (scan) order of theuser program, including CFCs, SFCs andfunction blocks, based on the logical flowof data through the configuration. Thisfeature can be used to improve the effec-tiveness of the control strategy by ensur-ing that the user program is executed inan optimal order.

    Libraries forProcess Control Applications

    Standard libraries containing preconfig-ured function blocks, CFCs, faceplatesand symbols are provided to permit effec-tive implementation of automation strat-egies and to significantly reduce engi-

    neering time and overall project costs.The comprehensive range of blocksincludes simple logic and driver blocks,process control application blocks withintegral alarming and HMI features suchas PID controllers, motors or valves, andalso blocks for easy integration ofPROFIBUS (smart) field devices accordingto PROFIBUS PA Profile 3.0. Additionallyusers can develop their own customproject-specific library elements in thelanguage of their choice; function blocks,ladder logic, Structured Control Language(a high-level structured text languagesimilar to PASCAL), SFC, and others.

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    System-wide engineeringwith the central engineering system

    Sequential function chart (SFC)

    SFC is a graphical configuration toolthat is used to define control sequences(in continuous processes) and phases(in batch processes). Each SFC has anexternal shell consisting of inputs andoutputs for controlling it and for passingof status information. SFCs can bedirectly positioned in a CFC and can bedirectly connected to other logic in theuser program (other CFCs). Simpleoperations such as drag-and-drop,point-and-click, and browse can be used

    to connect to a CFC and to program theSFC steps and transitions.

    SFC implementation fully supports allstates of the ISA S88 standard and per-mits configuration of up to 8 separatesequence chains within a single SFC.This makes it easy to coordinate andcontrol sequences with multiple opera-tional modes such as heating and cool-ing, and for sequences with importantconditional logic such as holding, abort-ing, or safe state.

    The SFC editor also provides powerfultesting and commissioning functions.

    SFC type

    An SFC type/instance concept is pro-vided to allow SFCs to be treated justlike a normal function block in thatinstances of an SFC, which are linked toa master copy, can be placed in a CFCand then can be interconnected andconfigured just like a CFC. An SFC type(template) can therefore be reused(copied) throughout a user programand can be modified centrally. A changeto the SFC type (master) causes allinstances to be automatically updated

    without interrupting operation of theCPU. This saves engineering time, and isparticularly advantageous for plantsrequiring validation.

    An SFC type can also be provided withchart connections analogous to theCFC. The status of a running SFC or SFCtype (transition conditions, actions etc.)can be accessed and monitored by theoperator using the SFC faceplate andthe SFC visualization of the operatorsystem. SFC test mode can also be usedwithout limitation for SFC instances.

    Automatic interconnection of blocks

    The function "Generate module driver"can be used to automatically generatesystem diagnostic logic and to connectthe user program to the status informa-tion of the various components of theI/O subsystem of the S7-400 automa-tion system, the ET 200M, ET 200iS,ET 200S, ET 200X distributed I/O sys-tems, and for PROFIBUS field devicesaccording to the PROFIBUS PAProfile 3.0 and field devices withHART communication. The diagnostic

    blocks are interconnected by a wizardautomatically on the basis of the sym-bolic addresses.

    Graphics designer and faceplatedesigner

    The applications of the operator system(HMI) are also organized and accessedusing the SIMATIC Manager. All data rel-evant to operation and monitoring of acontrol element, such as messages andHMI variables, are generated automati-cally during definition of the controlstrategy. A powerful graphics designeris available for the generation of pro-

    cess displays (pictures).The faceplate designer can be used togenerate customer-specific faceplatesfor operation and monitoring of anycomponent in the user program.

    F-Tool (S7 F systems)

    The F-Tool (S7 F systems) is used toautomatically supplement user-definedCFCs with the functions required forfault detection and response (fail-safesystems).

    PCS 7 PID-Tuner

    The PCS 7 PID-Tuner, which is accessible

    directly from within the CFC editor,determines optimum parameters forPID, PI and P control algorithms. Optimi-zation can be carried out in manual orautomatic mode.


    DOCPRO is a tool that can be used toautomatically document your configu-ration in accordance with the standardsfor SIMATIC PCS 7 projects or accordingto user-defined requirements.

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    EngineeringSIMATIC PDM engineering tool

    SIMATIC PDM(Process Device Manager)is a tightly integrated component of theSIMATIC PCS 7 tool kit that is used toperform engineering and maintenancefunctions necessary for intelligent fielddevice management. It is a softwaretool for parameterizing and commis-sioning PROFIBUS and HART fielddevices as well as accessing detaileddiagnostic-information from thesedevices in a easy to understand format.SIMATIC PDM enables you to configurea large number of field devices from

    Siemens, as well as other vendors, usingone software and with a uniform GUI(Graphical User Interface). With respectto the breadth of devices that can bemanaged using this tool, SIMATIC PDMis the most powerful process devicemanager available worldwide.

    Parameters and functions for all sup-ported field devices are displayed in aconsistent and uniform fashion inde-pendent of their communications inter-face.

    SIMATIC PDM allows you to monitor realtime process variables with associated

    device alarms and status information,make on-line changes to device param-eters, initiate a calibration routine, andsimulate process measurements neces-sary to complete a loop check in a frac-tion of the time needed to commissiona traditional 4-20 mA loop.

    SIMATIC PDM can also be used as astand-alone version on a desktop or por-table personal computer (Windows95/98 or NT/2000/XP) to allow connec-tion to a device locally in the field or inthe maintenance shop.


    The SIMATIC PDM GUI complies with theVDI/VDE GMA 2187 and IEC 65/349/CDguidelines. Accessing device parame-ters and diagnostics is easy withSIMATIC PDM even for highly complexdevices such as remote I/Os, analyzersor motor control devices.

    The GUI supports several views:

    Hardware project view (integrated inSIMATIC PCS 7)

    Process device plant view a tag-based view that includes displayof diagnostics information

    Parameter view for configuration offield devices

    Lifelist view for auto-sensing andcommissioning of new devices

    Process device network view forstand-alone application


    SIMATIC PDM supports several commu-nication protocols and components forcommunication with:

    Devices with PROFIBUS DP/PA inter-face

    Devices with HART interface Devices with Modbus interface Devices with special interface from



    Routing allows access from a central

    location commonly from the engi-neering station to device parametersand to the status of any field device thatis part of an installation. It is then possi-ble from a central position to:

    Read diagnostics information fromthe field devices

    Modify device settings Calibrate and adjust field devices Monitor process values Generate simulation values in the

    field device Modify the field device parameters.

    Device integration

    SIMATIC PDM supports field devicesconforming to the PROFIBUS PA profiledescriptions provided by PROFIBUSInternational (PNO), as well as fielddevices which are supported by an Elec-tronic Device Description (EDD) andHART Device Description (HART-DD).

    The design and functions of the fielddevices are described by the ElectronicDevice Description Language EDDLspecified by the PNO. SIMATIC PDMautomatically creates its GUI with thecorresponding field device informationusing these descriptions. The HART fielddevices described by HART-DDL are inte-grated into SIMATIC PDM using theHCF catalog (Hart CommunicationFoundation). HART-DDL is a widelyaccepted standard and is strongly sup-

    ported by device vendors.Additional field devices from Siemensas well as devices from other vendorscan be simply integrated into SIMATICPDM by importing their device descrip-tions (EDD, GSD).

    Parameter view of SIMATIC PDM with curve and online display

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    CommunicationIndustrial Ethernet for plant bus and OS-LAN

    The SIMATIC PCS 7 communication sub-system is based on proven worldwidestandards, and has been designed toguarantee reliable data transferbetween all levels, and all componentsin all areas of a plant. Powerful and rug-ged network components from SIMATICNET are used for communication. AllSIMATIC NET products have been spe-cially developed for industrial applica-tions, therefore they can be applied

    optimally in all types of plants in all pro-cess automation industries. The net-work hardware components meet highstandards, allowing them to be used inareas subject to extreme environmentalconditions (electromagnetic fields, cor-rosive liquids and atmospheres, explo-sion hazards, high degree of contamina-tion or mechanical loads).

    Plant bus / OS-LAN Industrial Ethernet

    Number of stations Up to approx. 1,000

    Network size Local network


    Electrical: up to approx. 1.5 kmFiber Optic: up to approx. 150 kmWorldwide with TCP/IP

    Topology Linear, tree, ring, star, redundant


    Number of stations 32 per segmentmax. 125

    32 per segment64 per DP/PA link,max. 125

    Network size Electrical:up to approx. 10 kmFiber Optic:up to approx. 100 km

    Electrical:up to approx. 1.9 km

    Topology Linear, tree, ring, star,redundant Linear, tree, star

    The SIMATIC NET communication busespromote uniform, deterministic andtrouble-free communication betweenall system components: engineeringsystems, operator systems, automationsystems, I/O and field devices.

    Industrial Ethernet networking is typi-cally used for the plant bus. Off-the-shelf commercial networking compo-nents can also be used with PCS 7. Thisnetworking technology is particularlysuited for small process control systemsand for communication between clientsand servers on the terminal bus.

    Fast Ethernet technology

    State-of-the-art Fast Ethernet technol-ogy is used by SIMATIC PCS 7 to supportthe higher communication requirementsof medium and large-sized plants.Benefits of Fast Ethernet:

    High communication speed of100 Mbit/s

    Switching technology (supports fastrerouting of data)

    Redundancy using optical or electricalrings

    The increasing acceptance of Fast Ether-net (100 Mbit/s) is due to its great simi-larity with standard Ethernet. The dataformat and access procedure are identi-cal. Industrial twisted pair (ITP) and fiber-optic (FO) cables can be used and exist-ing IT technical expertise can be lever-aged further. This significantly reducesthe costs and the workload associatedwith a Fast Ethernet implementation.

    Existing plants or sections of a plant with10 Mbit/s Ethernet (triaxial cables, OLMs,star couplers) can be incorporated intocommunication networks which support100 Mbit/s Fast Ethernet simply and cost-

    effectively by using SIMATIC NETswitches such as the optical switchmodule OSM. The OSM thus permitsstep-by-step conversion to the100 Mbit/s technology with continueduse of existing networking components.Additionally, SIMATIC NET switches pro-vide redundancy management and net-work management capabilities. In a ringconfiguration, a network failure can bebypassed (via an alternate route) in lessthan 0.3 s. Network management capa-bilities can be configured quickly andeasily using SNMP.

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    Communicationat the field level with PROFIBUS

    At the field level, remote I/O racks, mea-surement transmitters, variable fre-quency drives, control valves or opera-tor terminals communicate with theautomation stations via PROFIBUS a powerful real-time bus system. Thiscommunication includes cyclic trans-mission of process data plus acyclictransfer of alarms, parameters and diag-nostics data.

    PROFIBUS supports fast deterministiccommunication with field devices suchas remote I/O, drives, operator terminal

    etc., up to a maximum of 12 Mbit/s(PROFIBUS DP). Common field devicessuch as transmitters and valves arehosted on PROFIBUS PA per theIEC standard 61158, which allowspower to be provided for each deviceover the bus.

    PROFIBUS is easy to work with, ruggedand reliable, and supports online addi-tion and parameterization of the distrib-uted components. This bus technologysupports redundancy at various levelssuch as redundant masters, redundantmedia (bus) and redundant slaves - for

    enhanced overall system reliability. It isalso the only bus technology that per-forms fail-safe functions for safetyapplications via use of PROFISafe. Newdevices may be added online withoutinterrupting data flow to and from exist-ing field devices. PROFIBUS devices areavailable for applications in general pur-pose areas as well as electrically hazard-ous locations. These key features ofPROFIBUS have made it the most suc-cessful open fieldbus worldwide andhas wide acceptance in manufacturing,process and hybrid industries. Thisleadership position is reflected by more

    than 9 million installed PROFIBUS DPnodes and more than 210,000 installedPROFIBUS PA field devices worldwide.

    SIMATIC PCS 7 uses PROFIBUS as one ofits basic building blocks and hence ben-efits from all the advantages of this bustechnology:

    Distributed system architecture andremote I/O: reduced space require-ments, lower cabling costs

    Easy and efficient engineering result-ing from standardization of processsignals, diagnostics and profiles

    Improved commissioning timesresulting from faster loop checks viause of centrally located SIMATIC PDM

    Lower maintenance cost resultingfrom useful device diagnostic infor-mation enabling proactive, predictiveand preventive maintenance

    PROFIBUS PA profile

    PROFIBUS PA is tailored to serve applica-tions in the process industry. The stan-dardized communication services guar-antee interoperability between fielddevices from different vendors. Devicesare powered over the same pair of wiresthat serves as the bus to transport digi-tal signals between the devices and thehost system.

    In the case of SIMATIC PCS 7, communi-cation between the automation sys-tems and the field devices is carried out

    by proxy blocks in the CPU which coverall types of field devices. Parameteriza-tion, commissioning and diagnosticsare handled by the SIMATIC PDM Pro-cess Device Manager integrated in theengineering system.

    Advantages of distributed field automa-tion using the PROFIBUS PA profileinclude reduced hardware labor andmaterial costs, cost-effective engineer-ing, increased operational reliability anddiagnostics-driven maintenance. Theseadvantages are underlined by the fol-lowing features:

    Modularity and uniformity from sen-sor up to the control level

    Implementation of intrinsically-safeapplications by using the fieldbus inpotentially explosive atmospheres

    Reduced configuration costs as result

    of simple, centralized engineering offield devices

    Simple installation using a two-wirecommon bus for device power supplyand data transmission

    Reduced commissioning costs asresult of simplified loop check

    Low maintenance costs resultingfrom simple wiring and availability ofcomprehensive diagnostics

    PROFIBUS DP/PA gateway

    The DP/PA link is a very simple gatewaywhich connects the PROFIBUS DP and

    PROFIBUS PA bus systems together, yetdecouples their transmission rates.This means that the high speedPROFIBUS DP and the lower speedPROFIBUS PA can be combined togetherwithout any mutual interference.

    The DP/PA link can be used onPROFIBUS DP standard masters, andpermits the design of plant control sys-tems with large number of I/O that arescanned at a rate sufficiently fast forreal time process control.

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    Automationwith selected SIMATIC S7-400 components

    Changes to configuration during runtime (Online)

    Functionality for all automationsystems

    Add new slave/remove slave (DP or PA) Add new module/remove module Modify parameters of existing module

    Additional functionality for fault-tolerant automation systems

    Modification of memory configuration Modification of CPU parameters Add/remove S7-400 modules (CPs)

    Highlights Flexibility at various availability and safety levels:

    Standard systems (S systems), Fault-tolerant systems (H systems), Fail-safe systems (F systems), Fail-safe and fault-tolerant systems (FH systems)

    Wide range of automation systems with different CPUs in all performanceclasses

    Complete ordering units for automation systems with CPU, memory card,subrack, power supply and PROFIBUS DP interface; the systems are deliveredcompletely assembled and tested

    Changes to the configuration are possible during runtime

    Complete redundancy of the AS 414H / AS 417H automation systems: Identical application program in both CPUs; simultaneous processing of both

    CPUs (synchronous) Bumpless switchover

    Total physical and electrical separation is possible to minimize potential forcommon-cause failures

    Standard SIMATIC S7-400 hardwarecomponents are combined together tomake up the automation systems (AS)of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process controlsystem. SIMATIC S7-400 componentsare modular, powerful, have a fan-freeand rugged design, a high degree ofexpandability, non-redundant or redun-dant design, comprehensive communi-cation capabilities, integral systemfunctions and diagnostics, and simpleconnection of central or distributed I/O;this makes them extremely well suited

    for process automation applications.Various automation systems are avail-able to choose from, allowing a user toselect based on system requirementsand price/performance ratio. All auto-mation systems are equipped with anonboard PROFIBUS DP fieldbus connec-tion. If necessary, additional PROFIBUScommunication modules can be addedin the rack.


    The automation systems are deliveredpreassembled and tested. They aremade up of:

    Subracks with 9 or 18 slots, also canbe physically separated for redundantsystems

    Standard CPU 414-3, 416-2, 416-3or 417-4 as well as redundantCPU 414-4H or 417-4H

    24 V DC or 120/230 V AC powersupply

    Main (programming) memory from768 KB to 20 MB

    Memory card with 1 to 8 MB RAM

    Runtime license for the PCS 7 library

    Communication Processor for inter-facing to Industrial Ethernet

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    AutomationFault-tolerant automation systems

    Fault-tolerant and high-availabilityautomation systems can be used tominimize or eliminate system down-time or production losses. The higherinitial investment costs for fault-toler-ant automation systems are often negli-gible compared to the costs resultingfrom losses in production. Conse-quently, the higher the costs resultingfrom a production stoppage, the moreapplicable the use of a fault-tolerantsystem.

    The AS 414H and AS 417H models arethe fault-tolerant automation systemsfor use with SIMATIC PCS 7. These fullyredundant 1-out-of-2 systems reducethe probability of production failures byseamlessly switching from the primaryto the backup system in the event of afault. These automation systems utilizea completely redundant design to maxi-mize availability. This means that allmajor components such as CPU, powersupply and hardware for coupling thetwo CPUs are present in pairs (mir-rored). Additional component pairs,such as power supplies or communica-tion processors, can be added to furtherincrease fault tolerance and availabilitybased on the user's automation systemrequirements.

    The two fully independent systems ofa redundant automation system areelectrically isolated from one another.This increases the system stabilitywith respect to EMC interference.A redundant automation system can beinstalled mechanically in a one- ortwo-rack architecture. Automation sys-tems can be installed in two standaloneracks for example, if both sides of theredundant system have to be physically

    separated from one another by a fire-resistant wall. Redundant systems canbe completely separated by up to 500 m(1640 ft) to reduce the chance of com-mon-cause failures. Appropriate com-plete units are available for every typeof application. Mixed operation ofredundant and non-redundant systemsis also possible.

    Typical system capacity for SIMATIC PCS 7 automation systems

    AS 416-3 AS 417-4/AS 417H

    Analog-value measurements 125 150

    Digital-value measurements 300 400

    Dosing 10 15

    Motors 125 150

    PID controllers 100 130

    Valves 125 150

    SFC 30 50

    Steps 300 500


    Digital inputs DIDigital outputs DO



    Analog inputs AIAnalog outputs AO



    Note:The values listed here are not maximum AS-specific values for their respective model, theyrepresent one typical distribution of the totally available capacity available for a representa-tive mixture of I/O. Individual calculation of system capacity and performance is possible foractual systems using the configurator software present on the current CD-ROM of the inter-active catalog CA 01.

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    AutomationFail-safe automation systems

    Fail-safe automation systems (F/FH sys-tems) are used for critical applicationswhere a fault can result in danger topersons, plant damage or environmen-tal pollution. These systems detect pro-cess faults as well as their own internalfaults, and automatically set the plant toa safe state in the event of a fault.

    The fail-safe automation systems(F/FH systems) based on the AS 414Hand AS 417H automation systems uti-lize standard process automation equip-ment with safety technology in one sin-gle system. They are TV-certified, andcomply with the safety requirementclasses SIL 1 to SIL 3 according toIEC 61508, requirement classes AK 1to AK 6 according to DIN V 19250/DIN V VDE 0801, and categories 2 to 4according to EN 954-1.

    Using redundant, diverse commandprocessing, the safety function config-

    ured by the user in the CFC is processedtwice in different parts of the CPU.Faults are detected when the results aresubsequently compared.

    Fail-safe automation systems can havea single-channel design (F systems withone CPU) or a redundant design (FH sys-tems).

    The redundancy of the FH systems is notrelevant to safety. It is not used for faultdetection, it only serves to increase the

    availability of the fail-safe automationsystems.

    Safety functions

    The safety functions of the F/FH systemsare present in the F program of the CPUand in the fail-safe ET 200 I/O modules.The PROFIsafe profile is used for thesafety-oriented PROFIBUS DP communi-cation between CPU and process I/Os.Using this additional safety message,F/FH systems and F I/O modules can rec-ognize corrupt data and can initiateappropriate responses.

    For non-critical I/O, standard modules

    can be used in F/FH systems along withthe fail-safe I/O modules for safety criti-cal I/O. This truly integrated system isvery beneficial for plants containingsafety and standard applications, andwhich want to reduce their inventory,engineering and operation costs usingcommon configuration tools and hard-ware.

    Integrated in the SIMATIC Manager

    for PCS 7 F/FH systems is the F-Tool(S7 F systems). This engineering toolenables parameterization of the CPUand the F signal modules as well as gen-eration of fail-safe applications in theCFC based on predefined, TV-approved blocks. The fail-safe blocks areextremely versatile and detect program-ming errors such as division by zero orout-of-range values. Functions such asthe comparison of F programs, thedetection of changes in F program us