pcc meeting minutes 24 04 2013


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DRAFT PCC Meeting Minutes – 24th April 2013 Attending: Mark Lucas – Chair Jude Leslie – Vice Chair Mrs Tremmel – Head Teacher Geoff Burns Sherrie Carolan Duncan Edmondson Laura Sievwright Arran Waldman – Clerk Apologies: Kirsty White, Fiona Boswell, Nina Thain, Iain Armstrong, Fran Simon, Nic Wilson, Tom Heaphy, Russell Pinkerton, Duncan Edmondson, Tim Day, David Berry Review of previous draft minutes – accepted Mrs Tremmel Update: Staff Update: Mrs MacIver has returned and all is going well. Staffing has been reviewed by HQ and 9 classes have been agreed. Class set up is mostly organised but Mrs T will update when confirmed. Mrs T is interviewing a range of staff to be placed on the preferred list for ELC. Head Teachers across ELC are working together on this. Building Works: New Classroom: Progress going as expected. Site visits are frequent and more detailed plans are in place. Areas are being cleared in readiness. Further update at next PCC meeting. Nursery: The nursery outdoor equipment and area is tired and past its sell by date. Mrs T has now secured an application form to apply for a grant to upgrade and improve the area - no further progress to report QIO Visit: Visit went well on 23rd April. Mr D. Scott visited and worked ‘through supporting young people to develop and learn’ and ‘improving quality of the work of the school’ Sherrie Carolan - PTA: Arrangements are going well for the Summer Fair which is planned for Saturday 11th May. Mrs T will give sign posts to Sherrie for advertising at both ends of the village. Donations of raffle prizes appreciated. Another School Disco is being planned. Likely to take place the second last week of term. Further information to follow.

Page 2: PCC Meeting Minutes 24 04 2013

AOB Reading: Following on from discussion at last PCC meeting: a group of parents met and talked through the key concerns/issues/questions. A new information leaflet has been produced. Mrs T gave out leaflet which will be handed out at P1 induction day and will also be available to parents on the Gullane Primary School website. Active Schools: P6 Basketball session is taking place in Gullane Primary School. It is going so well that it is now running on Thursdays and Fridays. Fran will update on Badminton at next PCC meeting. Mrs Tremmel - Parent Carer Council Involvement in Self Evaluation Process for School Involvement in the evaluation process – would any parents be interested in this again this session. Feedback was positive from parents and teachers after the last session. 4 parents would be best. Date is 21st May 2013 – 8.45am start until 10.30am. Interested parents should contact Mrs Tremmel as soon as possible. Mark Lucas has already put his name forward. Report Format: The new format is going ahead and working well. Mrs T and GPCC thank Duncan Edmondson on helping with this. Much appreciated. Parental help in School: Parental help in School is appreciated by staff. Interested parents should speak to class teachers directly. Nursery Learning Stories: These are not being produced as extensively as previously however, parents will still get the report. Parent Council Training sessions: A number of emails have been sent regarding training for PCC members. Jude Leslie and Laura Sievwright are interested in Facebook training. Jude and Laura to contact [email protected] to confirm as per information in the training email. Mark Lucas suggested it would be good to have more members attend the Recruitment & Selection training. Sports Day: Unfortunately due to the very wet weather in June last year, Sports Day did not go ahead. Mark Lucas said that many parents and children were disappointed. Is it possible to arrange it for earlier in June this year to have more chance of getting a nice day at some point and more scope to re-arrange? Mrs T going to liaise with Mark regarding the constraints she has to operate under and PCC will try to help in any way. I may be that it has to happen at short notice and parents are not able to attend. It was thought that it would be best if parents could be there however, the children would probably rather have a sports day without parents than have no sports day at all. Next PCC Meeting: Wednesday 5th June 2013, 7pm-9pm at Gullane Golf Inn Hotel