pbl group 3

An approach to bettering our districts society. PBL 3- C. Apicello, R.L. Thomas, & H.R. Wilson,

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An approach to bettering our

districts society.

PBL 3- C. Apicello, R.L. Thomas, & H.R. Wilson,

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In In Behavior

image from:http://www.homeroomteacher.com/infoproblemstudents.html

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In getting the students engaged


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http://education.seattlepi.com/ http://naea.typepad.com/

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We want to be Positive and reinforce

proper behavior and let the student know

they are doing the right thing. How do we

do this?

Students are going to learn by example.

Did you not learn a lot from watching

your parents and siblings? People follow

so that is where we will start.

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We want to encourage the student by

rewarding right after they do the desired

behavior so the student knows why they

are being

rewarded. (e.g. Crichfield & Kollins, 2001;

Green, Fry, & Myerson, 1994)


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Make sure that you reinforce when you

should and make sure you are consistent

and fair to all the students. Do you like

being treated

differently or

having the

rules change



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All reinforcements are going to work with

every student. You know your students

and you know they can be quit different.

One student might like to have social

reinforcement such as a smile or a

thumbs up. This might not work with all


Another student might like to get to work

on the computer.

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All though they can be very effective they

can also be a distraction and can hurt the

students own desire

to succeed if they

will only work for

large rewards.

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We want to be consistent but we also want to slowly change how and what we do to enforce behavior. This might sound odd and contrary to what we have said before, but it is not. What we want to do is get the behavior to stay but we also want the students to be self driven. We will slowly lengthen the time between reinforcements . The students will still see the reward and act appropriately for it and it will become a habit. Is that not what we want?

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If a student is already making the appropriate response in one area that is similar then it can transfer to more complex and other areas faster and more effectively. Example if the student is encouraged and has built up their confidence in Reading they are more apt to realize they can do better in English. We have to encourage them to carry it over and help them see the connection.

(Ormrod, 2012)

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There is an old saying: “The best way to

teach someone nothing is to teach them

everything!” This can mean more than

one thing but in this sense if you teach

them too much too quickly they will not

get it. We have to plan and design our

curriculums so that we break it down into

small enough parts so that they can

master each thing in a logical manner.

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Students need to practice things to get better. Image if a Major League baseball team were people that had never touched a baseball or bat and never even saw a game? That is silly and so is not showing students by demonstration, having them research, guiding them in doing it and letting them practice it. But practice does not make perfect. Perfect Practice makes Perfect. We have to encourage that.

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Students should be able to show they

have mastered something before they

move on. You

would not teach

Algebra to a kid

that can not add and

subtract would


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Remediation does not mean a bad thing. We are all different and we all learn at

different rates. Some people learn Math really quickly but when it comes to History they become stuck in it while their friends move on. Also, we have to go back and make sure that things are not lost. If you don’t use it you lose it. Do you remember what you learned in Art History I your freshman year in college?

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This might be how we feel some times

but there is a better way!


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Sometimes students just lapse and only

need little signals to get back to the

desired behavior. We all can lapse so the

punishment should fit the crime. If a look

of disapproval will change the behavior

than let that be it. But what if we need


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Verbal Reprimands can be used with certain students.

They should be immediate, brief and unemotional.

They should be done quietly if possible as not to

embarrass the student as that can cause

more problems if they are

humiliated and can lead to

resentment for which can

hurt the student’s performance

in all areas. Just think about how

you would feel if it was you

getting yelled at?


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Response Cost such as taking away reinforcements that might have been earned prior seems to work better than giving them tasks such as writing as it can make the students not like writing which is counter productive. Also, make sure the punishment fits the crime and slowly build up the punishment instead of the worst from the start. In ancient Japan there was only one punishment for all crimes and that was death. If a child stole a piece of fruit it was the same punishment for murder. Do we want to be that harsh?

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Observe the responses you are getting and be willing to adapt if you are not getting the responses you are looking for.

Make sure that you are following through with what you say. Have predetermined consequences that are realistic and follow through or the students will not take you seriously. Just remember when your mom told you to eat all your vegetables or she would send your food to all the starving children in Africa. You knew she wouldn’t. So, we have to mean what we say and do what we said!

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Ormrod, J. E. , Human Learning, sixth edition, Pearson, Boston, 2012












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Chelsea Apicello

Richard Thomas

Hannah R. Wilson