patient waiting room education - slideshow 3

What to do for pain Tylenol is very safe! We hear that patients are worried about damaging their liver... If you stay under 4000mg daily, it is safe! Even if you take it every day! The only time to be careful is if you have known liver disease, if you take coumadin or if you drink alcohol regularly.

Upload: supermarioelia

Post on 23-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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Patient Waiting Room Education is a collection of free screensaver slides that can be used in the waiting room for any health professional to educate patients while they wait! There are 10 separate slideshows in this series each with unique content. Feel free to download the slides in Powerpoint format (for PC) and revise them to be customized for your own practice. They can be downloaded in Keynote format (for Mac) from Dropbox for free at the following links: Instructions on uploading, modifying and creating slides are available through this account in Slideshare in the file entitled "Patient Waiting Room Education - Instructions". I can be reached on Twitter @supermarioelia or by email at [email protected] Enjoy!


Page 1: Patient Waiting Room Education - Slideshow 3

What to do for pain

Tylenol is very safe!

We hear that patients are worried about damaging their liver...

If you stay under 4000mg daily, it is safe! Even if you take it every day!

The only time to be careful is if you have known liver disease, if you take coumadin or if

you drink alcohol regularly.

Page 2: Patient Waiting Room Education - Slideshow 3

Do you have a colon cancer kit to do?

Despite what the package says, you do NOT have to avoid vitamin C products when doing the test

You do not have to do anything special, just continue your normal diet and medications

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Don’t pay extra for brand-name pain relievers

Brand-name Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil and Motrin cost more than generic versions at the pharmacy

If the generic is cheaper, definitely go with the generic

Tylenol = acetaminophen

Motrin and Advil = ibuprofen

Aspirin = ASA

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Joints aching?

Topical VOLTAREN emugel is a great option for local aches and pains

It’s not systemically absorbed, so it’s ok for patients with heart disease, high blood pressure and history of ulcers

Oral anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen/Advil and naproxen/Aleve) can increase blood pressure and risk of heart disease when taken regularly

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Many of the patients in our practice have benefited from blood donation in the past

That person sitting next to you in the waiting room today may have been one of them

Call 1-888-2-DONATE to make an appointment

Ask Dr. Komar or Dr. Elia if you have any questions about whether you should donate

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Do you have chronic back pain?

We know that regular back exercises helps to decrease pain levels

Speak to Dr. Elia or Dr. Komar to get a handout for specific exercises to do!

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Organ donation

Organ donation is one of the most selfless things you can do for another person

Your decision to donate could save up to 8 lives

Visit to register

Even if you have a signed donor card, you still need to register (otherwise the hospitals won’t know your wishes)

If you want to register while you wait today, talk to one of the secretaries

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Helmet Safety

Every year numerous people sustain life-altering head injuries that are preventable

Make sure you wear an approved helmet while motorcycling, cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading...

Or any other high-speed activity!

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Are you on aspirin?

There may be an additional cardiovascular benefit to taking it in the evening or at bedtime

Ask one of the docs if this applies to you!

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When do you take your blood pressure pills?

Taking at least one of your blood pressure pills in the evening may give you added benefit!

Ask one of the docs whether this would be a good idea for you

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Looking for childcare? is a government-funded website with links to reputable resources

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Concerns about gambling?

If either you or someone you care about is having issues with gambling, there is help available

We are also happy to provide help and guidance as well!

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Travelling outside of Canada?

Travel insurance with a reputable company is an absolute must for people of any age

Be very careful that you meet their medical criteria for each trip that you take

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Child in day care?

We know that the risk of influenza is higher in these children than other children

Flu shots start every year in October, and getting them early makes sure your child is protected

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Taking tylenol regularly?

Tylenol (acetaminophen) is perfectly safe for most people, but make sure you don’t go over the maximum daily dose

Remember that other pain and cold products may have acetaminophen in them as well that has to be included in you calculation!

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Cigars are known to be equally harmful to your health compared to cigarettes, even if you don’t inhale

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Toenail fungus?

Multiple products are sold at the pharmacy claiming to work for this, but they are no more than a placebo

Please ask us for advice about this condition

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omega-3 For eye health

Omega-3 supplements have NOT been reliably shown to improve overall eye health

They may help with dry eye, but this evidence needs to be replicated before we believe it

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What to Eat

Don’t know what healthy food should be?

Most experts agree that “What to Eat” by Marion Nestle is definitive guide to choosing healthy foods