path to prosperity - nature's sunshine products · this proven, 3-step formula makes your path...

GETTING STARTED This guide is designed to help you get started and maintain your Nature’s Sunshine business. Thousands of people have found that building an NSP business is a fun and rewarding way to share health and happiness with others. Sometimes the most difficult thing about starting a business is…well, starting. That’s why we have put together this simple guide to teach you a few basic skills that will allow you to confidently invite, inform and engage potential customers and business partners. Don’t worry. You do not need to be a product expert, a salesperson or know hundreds of people to begin your Path to Prosperity. All you need is a little passion and a little time. Remember, you are not in this alone. We are here to help you every step of the way. SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Building your NSP business in some ways is no different than starting a retail shop or bakery. But in other ways it’s even more powerful because you have the opportunity to build business partners or teams. This process can be simple and rewarding: you never beg or pressure anyone into joining your business organization. You simply distribute information and allow them to make a decision. The fact is that you are likely new to Nature’s Sunshine and that’s great! We will teach you 3 simple skills that anyone can do. PATH TO PROSPERITY PROSPERITY SOLID MANAGERS STRONG TEAMS SOLID MEMBERS FIND DEVELOP TRANSFORM At Nature’s Sunshine we are in the business of transforming lives. Effecting significant and positive changes in your life and in the lives of those around you is how we measure success. The Path to Prosperity accelerates and expands your success by helping you cultivate a leader’s mindset, develop essential skills and gain the knowledge necessary for a most productive and rewarding experience. As an emerging leader the first and most crucial step in your Path to Prosperity is finding and connecting with others. Let us share a few powerful ideas and skills to help you on your way.

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Post on 01-Aug-2018




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Page 1: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written

GETTING STARTED This guide is designed to help you get started and maintain your Nature’s Sunshine business. Thousands of people have found that building an NSP business is a fun and rewarding way to share health and happiness with others.

Sometimes the most difficult thing about starting a business is…well, starting. That’s why we have put together this simple guide to teach you a few basic skills that will allow you to confidently invite, inform and engage potential customers and business partners.

Don’t worry. You do not need to be a product expert, a salesperson or know hundreds of people to begin your Path to Prosperity. All you need is a little passion and a little time.

Remember, you are not in this alone. We are here to help you every step of the way.

SKILLS FOR SUCCESSBuilding your NSP business in some ways is no different than starting a retail shop or bakery. But in other ways it’s even more powerful because you have the opportunity to build business partners or teams. This process can be simple and rewarding: you never beg or pressure anyone into joining your business organization. You simply distribute information and allow them to make a decision.

The fact is that you are likely new to Nature’s Sunshine and that’s great! We will teach you 3 simple skills that anyone can do.







RM ➤

At Nature’s Sunshine we are in the business of transforming lives. Effecting significant and positive changes in your life and in the lives of those around you is how we measure success. The Path to Prosperity accelerates and expands your success by helping you cultivate a leader’s mindset, develop essential skills and gain the knowledge necessary for a most productive and rewarding experience.

As an emerging leader the first and most crucial step in your Path to Prosperity is finding and connecting with others. Let us share a few powerful ideas and skills to help you on your way.

Page 2: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written

GETTING STARTED: BUILD A LIST People join Nature’s Sunshine for 3 main reasons; product, purpose or prosperity. People are searching for ways to feel better, have more energy and earn additional income. You can help them by sharing what you’ve found.

Creating a list allows you to identify possible customers and business partners. Who should be on your list? Everyone! We will qualify this list in the next step, but for now your goal is to start. Begin by writing down the names and contact information of friends and family, co-workers and neighbors. Open your mobile phone contact list or get out that old black book. Put at least 20 people on your list. Remember, just because you write a name down does not mean that you will contact them. Think of this as a brainstorm session where no idea is bad.

Take Action: Create a contact list.

Who do you know who:

• is interested in health • struggles with health issues • is entrepreneurial

• is a network marketer • is a nutritionist • is a personal trainer

• is fun and friendly • is self motivated • is concerned about their weight

Name Phone Interested in

Product Opportunity Follow up appt.





















Qualify Your List

Now that you have your list of names, you want to qualify the list before you begin reaching out. For instance if someone consistently suffers from poor health, it would be natural for you to lead with Nature’s Sunshine’s incredible products. But if you know someone who could benefit from the NSP business opportunity, that can be just as important. Don’t be too quick to prejudge or assume. Just like you, people are looking to improve their health and financial situation – don’t decide for them and take away their opportunity to improve their lives.

Take Action: Fill out the “Interested In” column on your contact sheet.

Page 3: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written

This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun.

STEP 1: INVITENow that you have written the names and phone numbers on your contact list and qualified how you are going to contact them, you are ready to start inviting. Chances are you are excited about Nature’s Sunshine, and your first instinct is get on the phone and start telling them everything you know. STOP!

Inviting is exactly what it sounds like. We are going to invite them to learn more. The only purpose of the invitation is to book a follow-up appointment. Since this is a first contact, we want to respect their time and simply pique their interest for the follow-up appointment. We don’t want to catch people off guard. We want to simply contact them and invite them to learn more at a time and place where you can properly share Nature’s Sunshine.

Chances are your heart is beating and you are wondering, “Can I really do this?” Of course you can! Remember you are not going to beg or pressure people. And better yet, we are going to teach you exactly what to say.


1. BE YOURSELF! When you are honest and sincere, people will listen and respond.

2. BE BRIEF! Don’t get bogged down in details. This call is only meant to determine if they want to learn more. It is okay to tell them, “I don’t know,” or, “May I answer that question later?”

3. LISTEN! Be flexible and listen. You may discover a lot when you listen. Be flexible enough to change the direction of the conversation.

Now we are going to start contacting people on your list. Remember, this is not a sales call! Your call should not last more than a few minutes. The only purpose of this call is to determine if they want to learn more. The goal is to book an appointment (with a specific time and place) where you will share more information with them. Here is a script that can help you get started:

This is a sample script of what an actual invite might sound like. Remember the 3 Rules of Contacting: Be Yourself, Be Brief and Listen!

You: Hi, Ray! How are you?Ray: Good! How are you?You: Feeling great. I only have a minute or two, Ray. Do you mind if I ask you a quick question? Ray: Sure. What’s up? You: Ray, do you remember a few weeks back when you mentioned some digestion issues? Ray: Of course. You: Well Ray, I have come across a company that offers real, natural solutions to digestive issues. They have been around for over 40 years and are experts in natural health and wellness. The more I learn, the more I am impressed. Of course, I thought of your health when I learned about this company.Ray: That sounds interesting. You: It is Ray. This company has a free health assessment that we can take together and it will recommend safe, natural products based upon the results of this test. I thought that we could take this health assessment together and see what it says. What do you think?Ray: Sure. You: Sounds great Ray. I will come over at 7 p.m. on Thursday. Does that work for you?In this example you were brief, sincere and did not end the conversation until you had a follow-up appointment. (Find more sample scripts at the appendage to this document.)

Take Action: Contact 10 people on your list.


Now that you have invited someone to learn more, it is time to plan your follow-up appointment. This appointment can take many shapes. When you are first getting started, it is important that you try and leverage the expertise of others until you learn



















Page 4: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written

the basics. This expertise may come in the form of: • Your sponsor • An upline Manager • A home meeting or party • An IN.FORM coach • A three-way call with an NSP expert

• A tool or video that explains NSP

The follow-up appointment should consist of two simple things: 1) You explain (in your own words) to your contact why you love Nature’s Sunshine and 2) leverage an expert (upline, sales tool, video) to inform them about the NSP products or opportunity. This follow-up appointment is all about sharing. That does not mean telling them everything you know about every Nature’s Sunshine product, it simply means asking questions and listening to the desires and needs of your contact. You are trying to understand what would motivate them to join Nature’s Sunshine.

Here are just a few examples of what a follow-up appointment would look like:

Meet contact at coffee shop with upline manager, tell contact why you joined NSP, let upline manager share NSP opportunity.

Invite contact to your home, fill out health assessment with contact, shop online together.

Helpful Hint: Sometimes “I don’t know” is the best answer! You are new to Nature’s Sunshine. Someone may have a question you don’t know the answer to. That’s okay – be honest. Tell them you are new, but would love to research the answer and get back to them.

Take Action: inform at least 5 people in your first week.

STEP 3: ENGAGE Some people view this as the scary part, but the truth is that it is the easiest step. At this point you have invited them to learn more, shared your love for Nature’s Sunshine and now we are at the point that a lot of people get nervous about…asking. Take a deep breath, relax – remember we are not going to pressure or beg. We are going to ask one simple question:

What interests you the most about what you just heard?

That’s it! No more, no less. Their answer will guide you exactly where you need to go. The truth is there can really only be 4 possible answers:

1. The Business

2. The Products

3. Both

4. Nothing

The first 3 are easy. Just answer any remaining questions and begin the shopping and/or enrollment process. These individuals are clearly excited about what they have heard. You do not need to overload with information. They have said yes, so help them get started.

The only other possible answer you can get from the question is really not difficult either, just try to find out a little bit more…

Example 1Them: Nothing, I don’t really want to be part of an MLM. You: I totally get it. I was the same way. But after the experience I had with the products, I found myself naturally sharing with my friends and family. So for now, let’s put the MLM piece aside. Did any of the products we discussed spark your interest?Them: Maybe. My sister did a natural detox and loved it. You: Great. Let’s talk about a natural detox…(In this example they were not currently interested in the business side of NSP. But by removing the concern of the “MLM,” we opened the door as a possible customer.)

Example 2Them: Not interestedYou: You know this is not for everyone. I totally get that. May I ask what you are not interested in? Them: I just don’t want anything to do with it. Are you going to pressure me?You: Of course not. Your answer is no and I totally respect that. Them: Thank youYou: Your answer was no. I will not ask you again. But now that you know what I am doing, maybe there is a way that you could still help me out. Do you know anyone who is passionate about natural products and could benefit from our conversation?(In this example, you turned a no into a possible lead! Just be sincere and be yourself and everything else will fall into place.)

Take Action: Sign up 3 new members in your first 30 days! This is the power of three.







RM ➤




Page 5: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written

The Power of 2

Congratulations! You are officially on your way to building a real and sustainable Nature’s Sunshine business. Thousands of people within Nature’s Sunshine have built businesses that are improving lives all over the world. Your first goal is to sponsor 3 people in the next 30 days. By signing up just 3 people (with orders similar to your own) you will basically pay for your monthly product order!

You helping others = Free product for you and more!

Take Action: Fill out this sheet by finding 3 new people for your NSP business.

But the Power of 3 does not stop there. Once you sign up 3 people that virtually pay for your product, your job is to help those 3 people find a few customers so that their product can be paid for. This simple duplication process is the Power of 3. By repeating this process with the skills taught in this training, you will be well on your way to success through Nature’s Sunshine.

FINAL RECAP Remember, you do not need to be a product expert, a salesperson or know hundreds of people to begin your Path to Prosperity. All you need is a little passion and a little time to start your own Nature’s Sunshine business.

Remember, you are not in this alone. NSP, along with your sponsor and upline are here to help you, every step of the way!

See Compensation Plan for complete details.


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________


Order Amount: ___________


You + Three = Become a Premiere Associate and receive a $50 product credit


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________


Order Amount: __________________250/pv

Herb Smith Rose Jones250/PV 250/PV


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________

Sean Campbell250/PV


Name: _________________________

Order Amount: __________________

Page 6: PATH TO PROSPERITY - Nature's Sunshine Products · This proven, 3-step formula makes your Path to Prosperity achievable, rewarding and fun. STEP 1: INVITE Now that you have written


Interested in: Products, specifically Silver Shield since she has had sick kids

You: Hi, Jen! How are you?

Jen: Things could be better

You: Oh no, Jen, what’s wrong?

Jen: I have just been really stressed lately. The kids are growing up and I don’t know what to do with myself or how we are going to afford college./university You know how it goes…

You: Listen, Jen – I was calling to tell you about this terrific immunity product that I love because your kids have been sick, but it sounds like you may have bigger things on your mind.

Jen: You could say that.

You: This may sound strange, but I think I can help. I am involved with a company that offers real, natural solutions to stress management and may even offer you a way to earn some extra income that could help you pay for your kid’s college/university.

Jen: What company is that?

You: I am so sorry, I don’t have time to get into it now. I really did just call you to tell you about the immune defense for your kids. But why don’t we do this. I want to hear how things are and then maybe I can explain a little more about the stress management and income opportunity I was talking about. Are you free on Thursday morning?

In this example, you listened to Jen. By listening you were able to book a follow-up appointment where she can learn more about stress management and the NSP business opportunity. It gives you time to prepare or leverage your upline and address her questions at your follow-up appointment. At that appointment, you may want to be prepared to discuss a couple immune products, stress products and the NSP business opportunity.

JULIE: Co-worker,

Interested in: Business

You: Hi, Julie.

Julie: Hi, how are you?

You: I am good. Thank you for asking. I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to run something by you.

Julie: Sure! What’s up?

You: You know how we always laugh about how we don’t get paid enough at work?

Julie: Ha! Of course.

You: I know we joke about it, but I really do feel like I am worth more. In fact, I have been looking for a way to make some additional income for me and my family, and I think I may have found something that sounds really exciting.

Julie: Good for you! What is it?

You: That’s the thing. I am just getting into it and of course I immediately thought of you when I learned about it. It may not be for you, but I am really excited about it. Do you mind going to a meeting with me where we could learn more?

Julie: I don’t know…

You: Listen, I will make you a deal, if it does not interest you, feel free to say no. Mostly I just want to have someone there to support me. The meeting is Tuesday night, will you please come with me?

Often times people will be standoffish or defensive. Give them an out! Let them know they can say no. If they go to the meeting and still are not interested, that’s okay! You may find that they may support you simply because they learned a little more.

ANNE: Friend you have not spoken to in a long time

Interested in: Products & Business

You: Anne! It has been a long time.

Anne: Yes it has! How are you?

You: I am doing really well. Listen, I am going to be completely honest. I want to ask you a business question first, and then I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to. Would that be okay?

Anne: Sure.

You: I remember in college you were so into natural health. Is that still true?

Anne: Yes! I have always loved natural products. I try to keep up on it the best I can.

You: Well, here it is, I recently joined a company that sells an incredible array of natural products. Not only has my family’s health dramatically improved using the products, but I have also found a way to make a little additional income for my family as well. Would something like this interest you?

Anne: I do love natural products, but where does the money come from?

You: I’m sure you have a ton of questions, but I am new to this and don’t feel comfortable answering in case I say something wrong. Why don’t you meet me and my friend (upline) at the coffee shop on Saturday? The money may or may not interest you, but I promise you will be impressed by the quality of these natural products. Could you meet for coffee on Saturday?

Anne: Sure.

You: Great. Let’s plan on 2 p.m.. Now that’s out of the way, it has been too long! How are your kids…

Be upfront and honest. Let her know why you called. If you had waited until the end of the conversation, the whole call could have seemed insincere. People appreciate honesty. Make sure you prepare for the follow-up appointment by arranging for your upline manager to be there, and be ready to discuss product quality, selection and the business opportunity.

©2015 Nature’s Sunshine Products