past, present and futuro continuous

Past, present and futuro continuous República Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación U.E Colegio “Francisco Lazo Martí” Cabudare- Edo. Lara Cira Eduardo José Gallardo Peraza Kevin Rodríguez Stephany 5 año, sección “B”

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Pasado, presente, futuro continuos.


Page 1: Past, present and futuro continuous

Past, present and futuro continuous

República Bolivariana de VenezuelaMinisterio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U.E Colegio “Francisco Lazo Martí”Cabudare- Edo. Lara

Cira Eduardo José Gallardo Peraza Kevin Rodríguez Stephany 5 año, sección “B”

Page 2: Past, present and futuro continuous

We usually use the Past Continuous to talk about

activities that lasted for some time in the past. The actions can be interruped by something or can be happening at the same


Past continuous

Page 3: Past, present and futuro continuous

PositivoSujeto+ was/were+VP terminado en "ing". You were working.

NegativoSujeto + was/were +not+VP terminado en"ing". You were not (weren't) working.

PreguntaWas/were+ Sujeto+ VP terminado en "ing"+? Were you working?

Structure for each sentence - past


Page 4: Past, present and futuro continuous

1. I was working yersterday. Yo estuve

trabajando ayer.

2. She was studying last month. Ella estuvo estudiando el mes pasado.

3. It was snowing last year. Estuvo nevando el año pasado. Nota: Para fenómenos meteorológicos el sujeto es siempre "It".

Examples – past continuous

Page 5: Past, present and futuro continuous

Verbs of change simple past (pasado simple) to past

continuous (pasado continuo). (Example: I drove --> I was driving) 

1. I spoke to my teacher. I was ________  to my teacher. 

2. She listened to the song. She was _________ to the song. 

3. My friend laughed at my joke. My friend was _________ at my joke. 

4. She was silly. She was ___________ silly. 

Exercices - past continuous

Page 6: Past, present and futuro continuous

Use the Present Continuous

with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

Present continuous

Page 7: Past, present and futuro continuous


Sujeto+ Verbo"to be" en presente+VP terminado en "ing".You are (You're)working.


Sujeto + Verbo "to be"en presente +not+VP terminado en"ing". You are not (aren't) working.

PreguntaVerbo "to be" en presente+ Sujeto+ VP terminado en"ing"+?Are you working?

Structure for each sentence - present


Page 8: Past, present and futuro continuous

1. I am speaking english. Yo estoy hablando inglés. (Está

sucediendo ahora).

2.  I am (I'm) working. Yo estoy trabajando.

3. She is (She's)studying. Ella está estudiando.

4. It is (It's) working. Está funcionando.

5. They are (They're) looking. Ellos/Ellas están mirando.

Examples – present continuous

Page 9: Past, present and futuro continuous

Fill in all the spaces:

1. She ___________  bread. (eat)2. They __________ a book. (write) 3. Harry __________ milk. (drink) 4. The nurses __________ . (study) 5. I _____________ a comic. (read)

Exercices – present continuous

Page 10: Past, present and futuro continuous

Future Continuous has two

different forms: "will be doing " and "be going to be doing." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are usually interchangeable.

Future continuous

Page 11: Past, present and futuro continuous

Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas) Estructura 1: Sujeto + "will be" + gerundio... Estructura 2: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + "going to be"

+ gerundio...Negative Sentences (Frases negativas) Estructura 1: Sujeto + "will" + "not" + "be" + gerundio.... Estructura 2: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + "not" +

"going to be" + gerundio...Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas) Estructura 1: Verbo auxiliar "will" + sujeto + "be"+

gerundio...? Estructura 2: Verbo auxiliar ("to be") + sujeto + "going to be"

+ gerundio...?

Structure for each sentence – future


Page 12: Past, present and futuro continuous

1. He will be eating. / He's going to be

eating. (Estará comiendo.)

2. He will not [won't] be eating./ He's not going to be eating. (No estará comiendo.)

3. Will he be eating? / Is he going to be eating? (¿Estará comiendo?)

Examples – future continuous

Page 13: Past, present and futuro continuous

Complete the next sentences:

1. I _______ (study) in Paris next year.2. George _______ (work) when we are there. 3. You _______ (not/make) much money in this

new job.4. They _______(be) sad when you leave.

Exercices – future continuous

Page 14: Past, present and futuro continuous