pasrr redesign pl 1 screening form completion

PASRR Redesign PL 1 Screening Form Completion 1 5.20.2013

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PASRR Redesign PL 1 Screening Form Completion. PASRR REDESIGN. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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PASRR Redesign

PL 1 Screening Form Completion

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• The PASRR program is under the purview of the Department of Aging and Disability (DADS). The related program rules are in the “40 Texas Administrative Code, Part 1, Chapter 17”.The final rule was published in the Texas Register on May 17, 2013.

• The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has also been working with Texas Hospital Association (THA) and DSHS Hospital Regulatory to disseminate information about the new process.

• The implementation date for the new process is May 24, 2013.

• Upon implementation, the NF will no longer accept a person for admission without a PL-1 screening.

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LMHA - Local Mental Health Authority refers to the agencies that contract with the state to provide services for persons with mental illness.LA - Local Authority refers to the agencies that contract with the state to provide services for persons with intellectual, developmental disabilities or a related condition.RE – Referring Entity such as hospital, physician office, family member, home health agency, hospice NF – Nursing FacilityMI – Mental IllnessID – Intellectual DisabilityDD/RC – Developmental Disability or Related Condition

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Purpose of the PL 1 Screening

• The PASRR Level I (PL1) Screening Form is designed to identify persons who are suspected of having Mental Illness (MI), Intellectual Disability (ID) or a Developmental Disability (DD) also referred to as Related Conditions (RC).

(Note: The individual must be referred for a PASRR Evaluation (PE)even if the individual has a primary diagnosis of dementia. The primary diagnosis of dementia must be verified during the PE


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Hospital’s Responsibilities as a Referring Entity

• Begin Discharge Planning on Day 1 of Admission for all Patients

• When to complete a PL 1 form:

• If NF placement is anticipated as part of the discharge plan, hospitals must complete the Level I screening for an individual seeking admission into a nursing facility, unless the individual is being admitted to the same facility in which the individual resided prior to hospitalization, in which case the nursing facility may complete the Level I screening.

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Hospital’s Responsibilities as a Referring Entity continued:

• If the PL-1 screening does not indicate that the person is suspected of having MI / ID or DD/RC, the completed PL-1 must be forwarded to the NF with the individual. (The PL 1 would be considered negative. No further action is required by the RE- hospital.)

NOTE: The NF will enter the PL 1 screening into the TMHP online portal. The hospital as a referring entity does not have access to the TMHP portal.

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Hospital’s Responsibilities as a Referring Entity continued:

If the PL-1 does indicate that the person is suspected of having MI/ID or DD/RC the RE (hospital) must proceed with the appropriate process based on the results of the PL-1.

The individual with a positive PL 1 will be categorized into one of the following PASRR processes:

• NF Admission process for Exempted Hospital Discharge

• Expedited NF Admission for Hospital Discharge; or

• Pre-Admission (PASRR Evaluation – PE) process

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Exempted Hospital Discharge for NF Admission

• This type of admission process to the NF is met when an individual is likely to require less than 30 days of NF services for the condition for which they are hospitalized. (Example – hip replacement and going to skilled level of care for rehabilitation)

• A physician must certify (via signature) the above. There is no specific form to document the information. The documentation must be in the medical record, in the physicians progress notes for example.

• In the case of Exempted Hospital Discharge, a PE is not required. If the individual ends up staying in the NF longer than 30 days, LMHA/LA will receive an alert through the TMHP system requesting a PE be completed.

Note: The NF will enter the PL 1 screening into the TMHP online portal. The hospital as a referring entity does not have access to the TMHP portal.

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Expedited Hospital Discharge for NF Admission Process



Does this individual meet any of the following categories for an expedited admission into the nursing facility?     Yes        No(If yes, please check one category below) 1.  Convalescent Care:  Individual is admitted from an acute care hospital to a NF for convalescent care with an

acute physical illness or injury which required hospitalization and is expected to remain in the NF for greater than 30 days.  (Medical Diagnosis such as Diabetes, CHF, CRF, Decubitus or Wounds, Traumatic Injuries)

 2.  Terminally Ill: Individual has a medical prognosis that his or her life expectancy is 6 months or less if the illness runs its normal course.  An individual’s medical prognosis is documented by a physician’s certification, which is kept in the individual’s medical record maintained by the nursing facility. 

 3.  Severe Physical Illness: An illness resulting in ventilator dependence or diagnosis such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, congestive heart failure, which result in a level of impairment so severe that the individual could not be expected to benefit from specialized services.  (individual is unable to participate or benefit from services due to the level of impairment)

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Expedited Hospital Discharge for NF Admission Process



 4.  Delirium: Provisional admission pending further assessment in case of delirium where an accurate diagnosis cannot be made until the delirium clears. (Delirium may be caused from electrolyte imbalance, UTI, other medical conditions)

 5. Emergency Protective Services: Provisional admission pending further assessment in emergency situations requiring protective services, with placement in the nursing facility not to exceed 7 days.

 6. Respite: Very brief and finite stays of up to a fixed number of days to provide respite to in-home caregivers to whom the individual with MI or ID is expected to return following the brief NF stay.

 7. Coma:  Severe illness or injury resulting in inability to respond to external communication or stimuli, such as coma or functioning at brain stem level.

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• If the Expedited Admission criteria are met, the completed PL -1 form is sent to the NF with the individual and no further action is required by the RE- hospital.

• The NF will enter the PL-1 into the TMHP system that alerts the LMHA/LA to complete a PASRR Evaluation for the individual.

Note: The hospital staff do not have access to the TMHP portal.

Expedited Hospital Discharge for NF Admission Process Cont’d

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NF Pre-Admission Process

• PL 1 screening identified or suspected the individual has a diagnosis of MI/ID/ or DD/related condition• The individual’s condition did not meet an exempted or expedited

discharge criteria to the NF; therefore the NF Pre-Admission Process is required.

• If the PL 1 indicates the MI only – PL 1 is faxed to the LMHA • If the PL 1 indicates ID, DD or a related condition – PL 1 is faxed to

the LA• Once the PL 1 is faxed to the LMHA or LA -(LMHA or LA is

responsible for entering the PL1 into TMHP system)• LMHA or LA responds to the PL 1 requests within 72 hours of the

receipt of the referral for the LMHA or LA• LMHA or LA has 7 days from the receipt of the referral to enter the PE

into the TMHP system (Referring Entity and the LMHA or LA must retain the faxed PL1 to verify date and time of receipt)

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Alternate Placement

This PASRR redesign includes a process for those individuals requesting alternate placement . Even if the individual meets one of the other types of PASRR processes; they may still request alternate placement. In most cases the LMHA or LA staff and the referring entity will be aware of the options available in the community for the individual. • LMHA or LA should be notified via phone if the individual is

requesting alternate placement• LMHA or LA performs Section E on the PL 1 screening form

• (This section of the form maybe completed by the RE if known at the time of the screening and prior to faxing the PL 1 to the LMHA or LA)

• The LMHA or LA will collaborate with the referring entity to provide assistance to the individual prior to admission to the NF, or after admission to the NF if the individual is still interested in seeking alternate placement.

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Key Points:

• Implementation is May 24, 2013.

If NF placement is anticipated as part of discharge plan, hospitals must:

• Complete the PL 1 screening form for each individual who may be referred to a Medicaid-certified NF regardless of payer source of the individual.

• The NF will NOT accept admission without a completed PL-1 upon the implementation of the new process.

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PL1 final form and PASRR Evaluation (PE) - PDFs are posted on the TMHP Website at the following link:

Related conditions link on the DADS’ Website:

Contact DADS for any questions related to Nursing Facilities and admissions. [email protected]


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PASRR Information for Referring Entities:

• Check DSHS website has information for the Referring Entities

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PASRR Information:• PL -1 Screening form and PL -1 instructions for the Referring Entities

are posted on the TMHP website.

• Webinars for Referring Entities are scheduled for the following dates:• P ASRR Overview – dates to be determined• PASRR - PL 1 Screening Form Completion May 21, & May 24,

2013 (information will be posted on DSHS website at

• Future webinars will be scheduled in June, July and August. • Type your questions during the webinar or email to

[email protected] – the answers to the questions will be posted on the DSHS website and updated each Friday.

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Lisa Fallon (512) 206-5039 [email protected]



Heather J. Cook (512) [email protected] or [email protected]