para es tele neeti

Paranormal Paranormal is a general term that describes unusual experiences that lack a scientific explanation, or phenomena alleged to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure. By definition, the paranormal does not conform to conventional expectations of the natural. Paranormal phenomena: extra-sensory perception, ghosts, and hauntings, UFOs

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Student Presentation made for the Sci-Fi course July 11-September 18 (2009) at Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.


Page 1: Para Es Tele Neeti

ParanormalParanormal is a general term that describes unusual experiences that lack a scientific explanation, or phenomena alleged to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure.

By definition, the paranormal does not conform to conventional expectations of the natural.

Paranormal phenomena: extra-sensory perception, ghosts, and hauntings, UFOs

Page 2: Para Es Tele Neeti

Extra-sensory PerceptionExtrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized senses and not inferred from previous experience.

ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct or hunch.

The term was coined by German psychical researcher, Rudolf Tischner, and adopted by Duke University psychologist J. B. Rhine to denote psychicabilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance.

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PsychokinesisPsychokinesis, is the general term that can be used to describe a variety of complex mental force phenomena (including object movement)

The term psychokinesis literally means "movement from the mind".

Examples:distorting or moving an object, or influencing the output of a random number generator.

Page 4: Para Es Tele Neeti

Psychokinesis: PK & TKIn the 2004 U.S. Air Force-sponsored research report Teleportation Physics Study, the physicist-author Eric Davis, PhD, described the distinction between PK and TK as "telekinesis is a form of PK." Psychokinesis, then, is the general term that can be used to describe a variety of complex mental force phenomena (including object movement) and telekinesis is used to refer only to the movement of objects, however tiny (a grain of salt, or air molecules to create wind)or large (an automobile, building, or bridge).

Page 5: Para Es Tele Neeti

TelepathyTelepathy refers to the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses.

A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others

Parapsychology describes several different forms of telepathy:latent telepathy, retrocognitive, precognitive, and intuitive telepathy, emotive telepathy, superconscious telepathy

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Jedi from Star Wars Dr. Xavier from X-Men Captain Planet Vulcans from Star Trek

Page 7: Para Es Tele Neeti

TechlepathySome people, occasionally referred to by themselves or others as "transhumanists", believe that technologically enabled telepathy, coined "techlepathy" or "psychotronics", will be the inevitable future of humanity. Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading, England is one of the proponents of this view and has based all of his recent cybernetics research around developing practical, safe technology for directly connecting human nervous systems together with computers.

Techno-enabled telepathy will in the future become the primary form of communication. This will happen by means of the principle of natural selection, through which nearly everyone will have the need for such technology for economic and social reasons (low-self esteem).