para elink - an update 12th annual minnesota paraprofessional conference: tools for making a...

Para eLink - An Para eLink - An UPDATE UPDATE 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional Conference: Tools for Making a Conference: Tools for Making a Difference Difference Teri Wallace Teri Wallace - [email protected] - [email protected]

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Page 1: Para eLink - An UPDATE 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional Conference: Tools for Making a Difference Teri Wallace -

Para eLink - An UPDATEPara eLink - An UPDATE12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional

Conference: Tools for Making a DifferenceConference: Tools for Making a Difference

Para eLink - An UPDATEPara eLink - An UPDATE12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional

Conference: Tools for Making a DifferenceConference: Tools for Making a Difference

Teri WallaceTeri Wallace - [email protected] - [email protected]

Page 2: Para eLink - An UPDATE 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional Conference: Tools for Making a Difference Teri Wallace -

Legislation -

Special Education - • Federal - 1997 Amendments to IDEA -

• State - MS125A.08(b)

Title I - • Federal - No Child Left Behind Act of 2002

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Legislation -

1997 Amendments to IDEA -

A State may allow paraprofessionals and assistants who are appropriately trained and supervised, in accordance with State law, regulations, or written policy, in meeting the requirements of this part to be used to assist in the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities under Part B of the Act. [34 CFR §300.136(f)]

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Legislation -MS125A.08(b) - (b) For paraprofessionals employed to work in

programs for students with disabilities, the school board in each district shall ensure that --

1. Before or immediately upon employment, each paraprofessional develops sufficient knowledge and skills in emergency procedures, building orientation, roles and responsibilities, confidentiality, vulnerability, and reportability, among other things, to begin meeting the needs of the students with whom the paraprofessional works;

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Legislation -MS125A.08(b) - continued…

2. Annual training opportunities are available to enable the paraprofessional to continue to further develop the knowledge and skills that are specific to the students with whom the paraprofessional works, including understanding disabilities, following lesson plans, and implementing follow-up instructional procedures and activities; and

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Legislation -

MS125A.08(b) - continued…

3. A district wide process obligates each paraprofessional to work under the ongoing direction of a licensed teacher and, where appropriate and possible, the supervision of a school nurse.

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Legislation -

NCLB, 2002 -New Paraprofessionals

Each local education agency receiving assistance under this part shall ensure that all paraprofessionals hired after the date of enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and working in a program supported with funds under this part shall have --

[Title I, Section 1119/b]

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Legislation -

NCLB, 2002 -New Paraprofessionals, continued

A. Completed at least 2 years of study at an institution of higher education;

B. Obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree; orC. Met a rigorous standard of quality and can

demonstrate, through a formal State or local academic assessment -

i. Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics; or

ii. Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in instructing reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness, as appropriate. [Title I, Section 1119/b]

Existing paraprofessionals must meet requirements within 4 years after enactment (by January 8, 2006)

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Minnesota Paraprofessional Requirements for meeting NCLB

NCLB requirements for paraprofessionals are met by:

A: Two years of study at an institution of higher

education; Minnesota’s standard: A minimum of 60

semester credits or the amount required to complete

two years of full time enrollment as determined by the

institution attended.


B: An Associate’s degree; or

Minnesota’s standard: An AA, AS, AAS (or

higher) degree.


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C: A demonstration, through a formal state or local academic assessment:

a. knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing and math, or

b. knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading readiness, writing readiness and mathematics readiness as appropriate

Minnesota Paraprofessional Requirements for meeting NCLB Continued…

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Minnesota Local Assessment - cont…

Minnesota’s standard:

1. A passing score on an assessment from the state

approved list


2. Demonstrating all Minnesota Paraprofessional Core

Competencies (1-8) by local district validation of a

portfolio through: transferable work experience,

college courses, workshops/conferences, Para eLink

and demonstration of skill using Para eLink or a

similar curriculum that focuses on recent training

addressed in Competency 9 of Reading, Math and

Writing OR

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Minnesota Local Assessment – cont…

3. a state approved local assessment. **(criteria listed below)

The ParaPro test has been approved for statewide use. The cut score for ParaPro is 460.

How a district can order the ParaPro test to use on site: a district or individual can go to take the ParaPro test in Minnesota: may be directed to:

Diane Cirksena, Title I Area Director, 651.582.8759, [email protected] or

Barbara Jo Stahl, Special Education, 651.582.8659, [email protected]

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Minnesota Local Assessment – cont…

**Criteria for Local Assessments:

A local assessment must satisfy the following criteria,

and be submitted to MDE for approval: reliable, valid,

accessible, objective, comparable to two years of higher

education, and able to measure knowledge and ability to

assist in instructing reading, writing, and math (or

reading, writing, and math readiness) in the language of

instruction. Local Education Agencies interested in this

option may choose to explore assessments, which meet

local needs. Examples of current local choices include

“WorkKeys” and “Accuplacer.” Requests for approval of

a local assessment should be sent to the Commissioner.

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A Process Using MN Tools 1. Paraprofessional and/or his/her supervisor complete the

Paraprofessional Skills Inventory to identify existing knowledge and skills as well as gaps.

2. Paraprofessional should begin list of prior training and experiences that align with competencies.

3. Paraprofessional begins preparation of his/her Portfolio, which provides an avenue to show evidence of knowledge and skills aligned with the competencies.

4. District offers and/or paraprofessional pursues additional training (Para elink, college courses, district workshops, etc.) needed as identified through the skills inventory.

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Paraprofessional Skills Inventory Core Competencies

Paraprofessional Instructions -

This inventory is designed to assist you in assessing your level of preparedness for thetasks related to each core competency. Complete this form by thinking about your ownlevel of preparedness for the tasks related to each competency. Then, using the three-point scale, rate your level of preparedness by circling the number that best representsyour level of preparedness for tasks related to the competency. In the space followingeach competency, describe training and experience you have had that has contributedto your preparedness for the tasks related to the competency.

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Paraprofessional Skills Inventory Rating Scale

Paraprofessional Rating Supervisor Rating

1 – Unprepared: you are unprepared todo the tasks related to thiscompetency and you need training inorder to begin.

2 – Somewhat prepared: you are doingthe tasks related to this competencybut need further instruction to becompetent.

3 – Prepared: you are adequatelyprepared and skilled to do the tasksrelated to this competency.

1 – Unprepared: the paraprofessional isunprepared to do the tasks related tothis competency and needs training inorder to begin.

2 – Somewhat prepared: theparaprofessional is doing the tasksrelated to this competency but needsfurther instruction to be competent.

3 – Prepared: the paraprofessional isadequately prepared and skilled to dothe tasks related to this competency.

4 – I do not know theparaprofessional’s level ofpreparedness for this competency.

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Paraprofessional Skills Inventory - Sample

Paraprofessional Rating Supervisor Rating







4do notknow

3.2 Ab ili ty t o co llect an d reco rdpe rform an ce dat a o n studen tsun der t he direc tion o f a lic ens edtea cher , w h ile re spe cting s tu den tcon fiden tial ity and the law sregard in g eth ica l pra ctices o fasse ssm ent. ( 3S1, 3S2)

T ra in ing a nd E xperie nce :

Page 18: Para eLink - An UPDATE 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional Conference: Tools for Making a Difference Teri Wallace -

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a systematic, organized collection of evidence used by the paraprofessional and those directing the work of paraprofessionals to monitor the growth of the paraprofessional’s knowledge and skills in specific competency areas.

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What is the purpose of the paraprofessional portfolio?

Directed to paraprofessionals -- The purpose of this portfolio is to illustrate who you are now and who you want to be as a paraprofessional. This portfolio should be a reflection of your current and emerging self as a paraprofessional. Each section of this portfolio should contain entries (transcripts, certificate of participation) that illustrate evidence of your accomplishments in designated competency areas. A documentation sheet that explains how the entry/activity applies to your work as a paraprofessional should accompany each entry.

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How can paraprofessionals meet the competencies thru the portfolio?

• College Course (transcript and syllabus)• Para eLink (documentation)• Conference/Workshop (certificate of

participation)• Demonstration/Skilled Competencies only

(observation/documentation)• Transferable Work Experiences (examples

of work)

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Portfolio Documentation Sheet“Knowledge competency”

Competency Documentation Sheet -KCore Competency Area 1:

Philosophical, Historical, and Legal Foundations of Education

Competency 1.1 Sensitivity to the beliefs, traditions, andvalues across cultures and how these impactthe relationships between children, families,and schooling.

1. How did you acquire new knowledge related to thiscompetency? Please check one.

q College Course (Transcript of CEU attached)q Pare eLink (Documentation attached)q Conference/Workshop (Certificate of Participation attached)q Transferable Work Experiences (Example of Work)

2. Write three things you learned that apply to this competency.

3. How does what you learned apply to your role as aparaprofessional?

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Portfolio Documentation Sheet“Skil competency”

Core Competency Area 3

Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation

Competency 3.2 Ability to collect and record performance data onstudents under the direction of a licensed teacher,while respecting student confidentiality and the lawsregarding ethical practices of assessment.

1. How did you acquire new knowledge and skills related to thiscompetency?

Please check one.

q College Course (Transcript or CEU attached)q Para eLink (Documentation attached)q Conference/Workshop (Certificate of Participation attached)q Demonstration of Skill (Observation/Documentation)q Transferab le Work Experiences (Example of Work)

2. Describe the situation (setting) during which you demonstrated thisskill (i.e. classroom, etc.)

3. Describe what you did to demonstrate this skill.

4. Describe the results of your action(s).

5. Witness to Skill DemonstrationI observed this skill adequately demonstrated.

Name Position


Documentation of this competency has been reviewed and approved by thedistrict review team.

Signature of district review team Date

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Page 24: Para eLink - An UPDATE 12th Annual Minnesota Paraprofessional Conference: Tools for Making a Difference Teri Wallace -

Para eLink offers training in each of the nine core competency areas for paraprofessionals established by the Minnesota Paraprofessional Consortium.

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Run the Para eLink Run the Para eLink Demonstration NOWDemonstration NOWRun the Para eLink Run the Para eLink

Demonstration NOWDemonstration NOW

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So, what has been happening?

District driven decision to use Para eLinkPrepared trainers (Special Education and

Title I) to train facilitators across Minnesota - currently almost 400

Regional Low Incidence Facilitators supporting this training

Minnesota Department of Education - contact Sharon for information on facilitator training ([email protected])

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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So, what can I do?

• Share information with school and district leaders– Send a letter with a copy of the materials you

received…send to more than one person– Explain what needs would be met by…– Offer to meet with them and show them the Para

eLink demo on the web site -

• Share information with other paraprofessionals and teachers

• Other ideas??QuickTime™ and a

TIFF (LZW) decompressorare needed to see this picture.

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Questions - DiscussionQuestions - DiscussionQuestions - DiscussionQuestions - Discussion

Thank you for attending Thank you for attending

today’s’s session.