paper 2 annotated bibliography

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  • 8/18/2019 Paper 2 Annotated Bibliography


    Alter, Alexandra. "‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Is Headed to Broadway." Theater. February 10

    2016.Web. .

    This article I found in the New York Times is a potential source that I can put

    towards the end of my paper. Because this article discusses the future of thisupcoming play and how it’s going to be adapted into a Broadway production, I am planning on correlating it to the future of Broadway in general. Broadway will

    continue to revive and bring shows that contain plots we are used to. ith the

    help of this source I will e!plore why this is the Broadway phenomenon. Is it because digital media threatens the producers" #r are playwrights, the backbone

    of this community, simply out of ideas" This source relates to the other sources

     because it does speak of an adaptation like many of the other sources do. I find itincredibly interesting that To Kill A Mockingbird , a classic, will be hitting the

    Broadway stage soon$ The New York Times is a credible source and that is why I

     plan on incorporating its resources.

    Bossard, Adele. ""Les Misérables" does not rise above the msical!." New York Thetre

    Wire.Web. .

    The theatrical production of Les Miserables is a very popular one. hen the showhit the big screen a few %hristmas’s ago it was ultimately compared to the original

     production. This article highlights the flaws that people feel that movie musicals

    contain. &lthough this article is bias, I plan on comparing it to another source onwhy movie musicals are great. This will balance it out. Therefore, this source

    relates to the Into the Woods article I speak about shortly. New York Theatre ire

    is a highly recommended performing arts database, which deals with crediblesources. The article speaks about the lack of historical background that the movie

    depicts. This resource also fits in to my paper because I will talk about actors who

    have hit both the stage and screen and why they 'ump back and forth. In the

    movie version, (ugh )ackman plays )ean *al'ean, but this professional actordoesn’t limit himself to film. In a revival of the musical Oklahoma! (ugh

    )ackman stars as %urly +cain. hile performing in #klahoma in -/, )ackman

    took a leave to star in the 01+en movie. Instead of finding a replacement, the producers discontinued the show and waited for him to come back. They knew he

    was a star and didn’t want to risk not having him. In this case, media trumps

    Broadway. )ackman later performed in the film version of the musical as well.

    Branch, essica. "Broadway ti#ette$ % Things very Theatergoer &hold Know 

    'id yo know that Broadway theaters have age re#irements( )r that yor seat

    assignment can hel* determine when yo shold arrive( Here are the rles

    everyone shold +ollow." Connected to Everything. 2016.Web.


  • 8/18/2019 Paper 2 Annotated Bibliography


    I am planning to use this source to bring up the conversation of why people prefer 

    seeing a movie or watching Netfli!, rather than attending a Broadway production.

    This article informs us on Broadways eti2uette, which could possible lead us toour answer. Because there is an age restriction for theatrical productions, is that

    why people prefer not to go" This article will help me e!plore that. There are

    many rules because live theater is, for a lack of better words, live$ If a phone goesoff or a kid stands up and runs onstage, than the show has changed its course. If

    this were to happen in a movie theater, yeah the movie1goers might be mad, but

    the movie will continue to run. It doesn’t relate to the other sources because thiswill introduce a new topic in my paper. It will sort of act like an intermission. It

    will indirectly relate to my research topic and e!plore many peoples reasoning’s

    for their love of digital media.

    $aldera%%o, &iana. "Boo# 'e(ie!s) "throu*h the +creen &oor) What a--ened to the

    Broad!ay usical !hen it Went to olly!ood"." Theatre Journal  /. 20063) 41/6.


    3iffering from 4The 5uture of Theater6 resource, this book review e!plains what

    has happened, the problems that were faces, and the issues going on currently. Itdoes speak about screen stars verses stage stars, but it also discusses that the

    musical evolves and if it is an art form. It also briefly speaks about adaptations.

    The detail that it lacks is, 4significant critical or theoretical analysis of the stage1

    to1screen phenomenon6 7%aldera88o9. This source relates a little bit to all of theother ones. It talks about the communities problems, the stars, and the movie to

    screen, screen to movie sensation. &lthough it doesn’t specifically talk about

    digital media, it does talk about the adaptations and the idea of the screen door. I

    am interested in e!ploring the authors thoughts and maybe even e!ploring theactual book more. It can offer a lot on the Broadway community. It also briefly

    discusses the changing of Theaters name to match those of large corporations. Ithink that’s worth e!ploring" 3o they have to make more money" Is Broadway

    not making enough because o film" +y e!ploration will all go hand and hand.

    en%lin*er, 7eil. ",ot the Movies- bt .eal Theater

    /tting )n a &how at the Tonys." New York Times. 689 2016.Web. .

    This article, written by Neil :en8linger, e!plores the topic of Broadway,

    specifically the Tony &wards, and how the stage offers something that filmdoesn’t have. (e speaks about the devotion that a actor needs to have and how

    their hard work doesn’t compare to the movies at all. 3uring the ceremony, the

    community tries to make it seem like the audience is watching a movie, but thelive element takes away from the vision. The performers then understand that it’s

    okay to be different. This citation is suitable for my research paper because it

    discusses the difference between the two communities and that you can’t always

  • 8/18/2019 Paper 2 Annotated Bibliography


    receive the same thing from a movie. & theatre production is live and therefore

    will always have surprises. & suspenseful movie is not the same as a suspenseful

    theatrical production. The movie will always play the same way. & play can beever1changing depending on the audience, the actors, and the energy between

    them. This idea is what makes Broadway a community. ;veryone can see a film,

     but not everyone will choose to see a Broadway show, interact with the cast andtransfuse energy within them.

    :alb, onathan. "'ebel 'hetoric and 'estless ;!eens." Hunter Online Theater

    Review. 2016.Web. .

    This ne!t article on speaks about School of Rock: The Musical 

    &lthough I do focus on adaptations in other sources, this one is to focus on the

    lengths that producers will go, in order to make money. They are taking moviesand making them into musicals, instead of the other way around. The article

    e!plains, 4 the +usical is &ndrew loyd ebber and )ulian5ellowes’s effort to s2uee8e a few more millions out of a deliciously dumb andinfectiously silly movie6 7?alb9. The article focuses on the aspects that this new

    School of Rock  will bring and how )ack Black is embraced by the Broadway

    version of 3ewey 5inn. There will be similarities, including a kids chorus whocomprise the roles that the students play in the movie. I find this source

     particularly interesting because of the admittance loyd ebber and )ulian

    5ellowes have about their show. It’s nice to know that we can rela! while seeing

    this upcoming production. e don’t have to focus on confusing plots orunfamiliar characters. e feel safe and our brains don’t have to wonder too far.

    ambert, $rai*. ";he Future o= ;heater

    n a di*ital era, is a -lay still a thin*?" Harvard aga!ine. February 2012.Web.


    I am choosing to add this resource into my paper because of the power that

    Broadway has on, not only its attending audience, but the soul of it’s community@

    the actors. &ctor )ohn ithgow, discusses his thoughts on why actors should be

    grateful for the stage over the movie screen. I believe he is a good source becausealthough he e!plains this opinion of his, he reasons for the other side too. The

    actual source is credible because it is a non1for1profit affiliate to (arvard

    Aniversity and therefore it does not aim there publishing towards donations to theAniversity. +aybe film helps Broadway when it’s movie stars appear on the live

    stage. Is that when ticket sales go up" This source correlates with the topic on

    how digital media, film in particular, is competing with Broadway and how ticketsales sway back and forth depending on this form of media. )ohn ithgow also

    decide not to leave the stage when offered, some would say, a 4better6


  • 8/18/2019 Paper 2 Annotated Bibliography


    5iccalo, ina. "'ecordbrea#in* @nto the Woods@ is a sur-rise hit." "os #ngeles Times. 18/

    201/.Web. .

    This ne!t source appears to be the liaison between film revenue compared to

    Broadways. It also is on the other side of the spectrum of movie musicals. Thisarticle discusses how the film is what made the original

  • 8/18/2019 Paper 2 Annotated Bibliography


     productions. rease Li%e incorporates a live audience seen on screen, which made

    it seem like we were watching an actual Broadway show with people sitting

    around all around us. e were only sitting on our couches and rease Li%e wastaking place on the arner Brothers set. The article talks about how well rease

     Li%e did and even mentioned some of the stars who have performed on the

    Broadway stage prior to this production. &lthough the live show did do well, thearticle speaks about how it lacked some of the original :rease characteristics. 4It

    was a fabulous, well1scrubbed and flawlessly e!ecuted show that could have been

     'ust a little bit greasier.6 7