papakura high school 2012


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Papakura High School Year Book Magazine


Page 1: Papakura High School 2012
Page 2: Papakura High School 2012

Alternate cover design top row: Avishek Kumar, Cathlyn Angel, Matthew Munro & Lucky Faisauvale

Bottom row: Anthony Kapeli-Su’a, Jesse Enriquez, Prem Charoenpipatsakun & Privinn Mwene

Cover art, design & page layout by Jesse Enriquez. Ideas inspired from co-construction with Year 9 2011 “Pictogram: Found Objects” & Level 2-3 Computer Digital Design class of 2012 ‘‘ Through the Eyes of the PHS Student”

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Papakura High School 2012 3

Staff Lists .................................................................. p 4

Principal’s Report ......................................................p 6

Greetings ...................................................................p 7

BOT Report .............................................................. p 8

Welcome New Staff ..................................................p 10

Music .......................................................................p 12

Art ............................................................................p44

Drama .......................................................................p14

Spirit of NZ .............................................................p 16

Soccer ......................................................................p 17

Pathways ..................................................................p 18

XA ............................................................................p 20

U14 ..........................................................................p 22

Kapa Haka ...............................................................p 24

Hockey / Football ....................................................p 25

Camp ......................................................................p 26

Sports Academy/ Volleyball .....................................p 27

Rugby League ..........................................................p 28

Careers .....................................................................p 30

Math ........................................................................p 33

Athletics Day ...........................................................p 34

Hospitality ...............................................................p 36

Ball ...........................................................p 38

Polyfest .....................................................p 42

MUNA ......................................................p 54

Softball / Good Sorts ................................p 56

Waka Ama .................................................p 57

Sports Team & Committees ......................p 58

Staff Photo ................................................p 68

Tutor Photos .............................................p 73

2012 ©Papakura High School, Willis Road Papakura, Auckland 2110, New Zealand • 09 296 4400 •

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4 Papakura High School 2012

Surname First Qualifications Subject AreaBasdew Rishi B Ed., FDE(Technical), JSED Maths

Beaumont Tabitha B Sport Sports Co-ordinatorBoyce Gail BA Dip Tchg English

Braunton Martin BA, PGCEPE, Te Kotahitanga Facilitator

Brien Julie BFA, DipTchg Dance, Social StudiesChang Sunney B.Com, DipTchg MathsClarke Waru Dip. In Community & Social Work Activity CentreCorban Di BHSci, B.Ed, DipTchg DeanCosslett Janice BA, DipTchg EnglishCupido Wilma Adv.Dip Special Ed. Needs XA UnitCvitanovich Pauline DipTchg PE, Y11 Deande Ruyter Diane BSc BTchg (Sec) HOD ICT, Y9 DeanDonaldson Emma BA(Hons) PGCE EnglishDullabh Arvind BSc, NZCS, NZCE, Dip Tchg, Dip Tech MathsDunbar Jayne BPE PE & HealthEnriquez Jesse BFA, DipTchg Digital Design, ICTEvaroa Vivien TTC, DipTchg Literacy Leader Fagan Rachel M.Mus, DipTchg Music, Dean of FreybergFinlay Robyn MA(Hons) ATCL Itinerant - KeyboardFoster Allan TTC, B.Ed, DipTchg, Cert.SM Deputy Principal

Gillespie ColinAdv.Trade Cert (2), NZCE Int, DipTchg, Higher DipTchg, Dip ESTN, Cert. ELSTN XA Unit

Granshaw Steven B.Mus, DipTchg MusicGrover Elizabeth TTC, DipTchg, P.G. (SNRT) Head of Learning Support

Hayter DavidBA(Hons) Business Studies, PGCE Busi-ness with ICT (Secondary)

Accounting, Business Studies

Heron Peter BSc(Hons), PGCE, MA PrincipalHori Melissa BSc, DipTchg Asst. HOD Science

Hughes Jessica BA, DipTchgSocial Studies, Geography

Johns Mat Network ManagerJoynes Emma BPE Physical EducationKatipa Vernon Limited Authority to Teach Itinerant MusicKilgour Heather BA, DipTchg, Grad.Dip TESSOL Head of ESOLLafferty Kevin Adv.Trade Cert. NZDip. Specialist Subjects Wood Technology

Lauaki Jaclyn BA, DipTchgSocial Studies, Classics, History

Lawrence David BSc, DipTchg ScienceLobb Kate BVA, DipTchg HOD ArtLogan Katrina BA, Bed, DipTchg EnglishMcCabe Steve BA(hons), MSc, MA Physics, Science

McCoskrie JohnMA(Hons), M.Div, DipTchg, Cert TESSOL, Cert BS

Social Studies, Travel and Tourism, Y10 Dean

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Papakura High School 2012 5

Surname First Qualifications Subject AreaManoa Lavinia BA, DipTchg English

Matamua Beverley BA, DipTchg

HOD History, Asst.HOD Humanities, Travel and Tourism

Mathew Annie BSc,DipTchg, B. Ed Mathematics

Matthews DavidBSc Ecology, PGCE SciEd, Adv.Cert.Ed, Env.Ed.

Asst.HOD Science, Dean of Bledisloe

Matthews Gaynor BA, PGCE HOD HospitalityMichaels Avril TTC Guidance CounsellorMiller Koren B.Ed, DipTchg, Dip.Professional Cookery Hospitality / Child CareMinton Anita BA, DipTchg EnglishMinton Richard BSc(Hons), QTS, PGCE TechnologyMitford-Bur-gess Rob NZCB, Dip.S.S, DipTchg Assistant PrincipalMortimer Lisa MSc, BSc, GTP HOD MathsNaidu Sharina B.Com, J.S.E.D MathsNathan Rebekah B.EdNeziri Natasha BA, DipELT, DipTchg English

Nichol GayTTC, E.T.I.H, Higher DipTchg, Adv. DipTchg, Dip. Of Special Teaching Needs HOD XA Unit

Nicholls Fiona BMus(Hons), BA, DipTchg Itinerant Music

Paulus Sandra

M Career Development, MEdMgmt, BA, Higher Diploma in Education, Further Diploma in Educational Mgmt. HOD Careers

Penning Rachel BA, DipTchg English

Petuha NicoleB Ed, Cert. Performance & Dance, ICD Photography, Solo Seal Dance Dance, Drama

Powell Maria BA, DipTchg Mathematicss, CommercePrasad Praveena BSc, DipTchg Science, Human BiologyRabin Andrea GDNSM, PGCE HOD Creative ArtsReid Carol BA, DipTchg, MMPD, HOD Maori, Mathematics

Ryan Anne-Marie BA, BSc, DipTchgPhysical Education, Health

Ryan James BA, DipTchg HOD HumanitiesSayers Glen NZCE Mech Int Cert TTC DipTchg HOD TechnologySexton Lara BA, BDesign(Hons), DipTchg ArtSharkey Sarah BA, BFA, DipTchg ArtSinge Lisa TTC, DipTchg Activity Centre ManagerTe Weehi Esther BA, DipTchg EnglishTuhoe Vaiarii BA, Visual Arts Artvan Etten Paul BA, TTC Deputy Principalvan Wijk Jeroen B.Leisure Studies, DipTchg HOD Physical EducationWardle Joshua Computer TechnicianWarren Abe BA, DipTchg Social StudiesWood Chris BSc, PGCE HOD Science

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6 Papakura High School 2012

I am pleased to be able to write this foreword for the 2012 magazine. I must congratulate Miss De Ruyter, Mr Enriquez and their production team on the quality of the magazine

and also congratulate those students, parents, board members and staff whose contribution to the school’s life has made the school such a success.

As always the year has been vibrant and exciting and I would like to remind you of some of the successes. We hosted the National Secondary School Rugby League Cham-pionships for the second year running and our students role modelled the expectations of sportsmanship with pride and enthusiasm. Stephanie Skilton represented New Zealand for the Junior All Whites and Patrick Mailata also won boxing tournaments at home and abroad.

Our Hospitality section continues to excel and was high-lighted on the Good Morning show and in Art Sean Hill’s work was posted as a huge bill board outside Telstra Clear. Our students also were outstanding at community support with events ranging from the Papakura towns Guy Fawkes enter-tainment and Transitions and Matariki at the Hawkins Theatre to an eloquent speech by Hannah Freeman at the ANZAC service.

Culturally, we were well represented at Polyfest by the Indian, Samoan and Maori groups. The Maori group then built on this to develop a thriving kapa haka group which is raising the school’s profile. Additionally the waka ama team put in long hours to combine culture and sport.

Our school is making some major curriculum changes for 2013 and is seen by the Ministry to be leading the way with Vocational Pathways. To do this our school has produced a new Level Two plan which is aligned with the government’s goal to ensure that all our young people are engaged in rel-evant education.

We have developed six broad Pathways, each designed to provide a foundation pathway for employment or further study. This is the start of a new direction for our school - a focus on ensuring that every student has an individual but flexible pathway aligning their talents, motivations, interests

and aspirations with suitable career and future learning op-tions, ensuring that their NCEA credits are attained in subject areas that have relevance and context for their career choices or further learning aspirations.

The Pathway options are being produced with the sup-port of national and local businesses such as Hawkins Con-struction, Stevenson, Accor and Counties Manukau District Health Board amongst others, and through partnering with tertiary learning providers - MIT, Aronui, Auckland University, AUT and other training organisations. I would like to thank these organisations for their support.

Our school is making some major curriculum changes for 2013 and is seen by the Ministry to be leading the way with Vocational Pathways.

Our students are also supported extensively by local trusts and I thank all of the Trusts, charities and individuals who have given freely of their time and money to support our students.

In summary I see Papakura High School as a dynamic school with a dedicated staff, a committed BOT and a ‘family’ atmosphere. As you read the magazine and look back on the myriad successes of the year, you will be impressed with the passion and commitment of our students who always do their best.

I wish you all the best for the Christmas vacation.

Peter Heron Principal

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It has been a pleasure designing this magazine. It wasn’t easy but at least I had a lot of fun and help from all of you. It was especially true with my Year 12-13 and Year 9 students.

Everyone wanted to be on the cover. Thus, we created “ Through the Eyes of the PHS students”. Cailin Kimberley, Brody Cole, Anthony Kepeli-Sua, Lucky Faisavale, Privinn Mwene and Ailafo Time literally lent their eyes for the cover. The title design was an inspiration from my previous Year 9’s lesson.

Utilising the NZ curriculum key competency of understanding language, text and symbols my Year 9 captured images and photos representing each letters of the alphabet.

*Mabuhay-Filipino equivalent of Kia Ora and Hare Mai

The letter “P” was actually the fern found at back of the staff room. The letter “A” was a picture of our steel barrier leading to the car park. The rest of the letters are all up to you to find out. They can be found all around our school grounds.

As I always say, learning should be fun and relevant. It can even be cool.

I hope you will have fun reading this magazine. Be inspired by the students achievement and stories. Smile at the pictures we have assembled.

This is our Papakura High School.

Salamat - Thank you,Jesse Enriquez

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8 Papakura High School 2012

Our focus for the past year has been:1. Pathways – “Engaged Learning & Teaching” In 2009 the community wanted the school to change from

our focus on an academic curriculum to one that delivered positive outcomes for all students.

The school is in the process of implementing Pathways that will ensure all students have the opportunity to pathway to employment whether that is through University, Tertiary, PTEs, or straight from school.

For the past year we have worked closely with local businesses, universities, tertiary, education, and training organizations to create a seamless pathway to employment. By the end of Year 10 all students should have determined a vocation that best aligns their talents, motivations, interests, and aspirations with suitable career and future learning options. This process ensures that the relevant NCEA credits are attained in subject areas that align to their chosen vocation.

We are also fortunate in having our Hospitality Unit, Land Based Studies Class, and Heath & Science Academy modelling pathways for students into the Service, Primary and the Health industries, where students are engaged, have a purpose for learning, and are confident in their future prospects.

The Board acknowledges the lead taken by the leadership team and all other staff in taking on the challenge of Pathways.

2. Re-Build Proposal – “A Quality School Environment”

Papakura High was established in 1954 and was originally designed and built as a standby hospital for the Second World War but was never commissioned for that purpose.

This type of build may have suited having patients or a school delivering academic outcomes over the past 50 years.

Pathways requires a completely different structure for our teachers and students to fully implement the change in pedagogy associated with Pathways.

Considerable work has been done on the school environment. Buildings have been removed or demolished, security fencing has been completed, CTV cameras installed, graffiti removed, and a more managed maintenance program in place has made the school environment a lot safer.

Drainage has been a significant problem due to no storm water system for the school to connect to. The school has soak holes that have blocked up and cause serious flood problems during severe rain storms. Storm water retention ponds are planned with a new drainage system to ensure that any re-build is not compromised. Assessments on the condi-tion of a number of buildings have been finalised.

Work has been carried out on a proposed re-build design with the Ministry that will enable Pathways to be implemented more effectively and yet to be confirmed.

On behalf of the Board I wish to acknowledge the patience of staff, students and families in this matter. The current school environment is neither - inspiring nor appropriate for quality teaching and learning. We trust that the work done in 2011/2012 is rewarded in 2013.

Peter GoldsmithChairman Board of Trustees

Board Members

Peter Goldsmith – Chairman, Rosalie Freeman – Deputy Chair, Colin Cartwright – Elected Trustee, Mel Olsen – Elected Trustee, Nancy McConnell – Co-opted Business Partner, David Head – Elected Trustee, Loretta Mamea – Elected Trustee, Veronique Makowharemahihi – Co-opted Maori Parent Representative, Mel Afele Co -opted Pacific Parents Representative, Peter Heron - Principal, Avril Michaels – Staff Representative, Ninwa Karimo – Student Representative

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10 Papakura High School 2012

I’m Julie Brien....Dance teacher. My favourite Muppet: Gonzo Best day at Papakura High School this year: watching xERA perform in the finals

at Stand Up Stand Out. WOP WOP!! Pet peeve: texting in class……U NO HOO U R!!! Favourite food: lasagne….isn’t it everyone’s? Best excuse this year: ‘did we have school yesterday, it was Monday?’ Best Quote: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Einstein Weirdest Moment: ‘Hey Miss……supreme!’

Hi! After living and teaching in London for three years, coming back to Auckland was so cool and what a huge year at PHS it’s been! I’ve got fabulously talented classes, especially those that laugh at my great jokes. I’ve also been lucky enough to be in-

volved with the Girl’s Rugby and we really showed those other teams how to tackle. Another highlight this year was Camp, except for the spiders!. The PE dept. is great to be part of and I love coming to work. I’m looking forward to next year – especially now that I know you all better. I hope you’ve had a great year. SWAZ!!

Miss Joynes

I am Miss Hughes, I started teaching at Papakura High School Term 2, 2012. Geography and Social studies are what I teach and I like being creative in the classroom. You will find my picture in old year books as I am a past student of

Papakura High who has come back because I am enthusiastic about social studies, especially geography and want to help students, like I was helped, enjoy learning.

Hi, my name is Jemma Fuka and I taught Physical Education and Health for three terms. It’s been an awesome experience being part of an outstanding depart-ment and being able to see the sporting talent

Papakura High has to offer first hand. I wasn’t able to outlast the year due to getting pregnant with my second child. However, the support I got from all my students when I was waddling around the school was awesome and it is these memories I will keep with me forever. Thanks for having me PHS it’s been a good ride xx

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Hi my name is Alison, and I am married with three children (ages 16,14 and 11), a husband and a pet rabbit called Snowball. I have been work-ing as a Day Relief teacher at Botany Downs Secondary College for the

last 3 years but this is my first “proper” teaching position!

Prior to having my family I worked for ten years at the New Zealand Blood Service as an Immunohaematologist….a Blood Banker!

Hi, I am Michele Heywood. I arrived at Papakura High School in June of this year. As the new Deputy Principal. I am enjoying meeting and working with the students here and am looking forward to the exciting

changes to curriculum and pathways.

“Kua hikoi au i nga tahataha, koia na te rereketanga.”

“I have walked the fringes, that has made the difference. “ I have a passion for learning and teaching Te Reo Maori, and paddling waka ama. Our language as an

oral traditional has beautiful sayings, whakatauki, pepeha, kiwaha, aha ranei. All I can say is to be passionate about what you do, and enjoy the journey of Life.

Hi, I’m Anshu Patel and a teacher at ‘Kura High. I have always been fasci-nated by the physical and living world, so naturally I pursued an educa-tion in Science. I enjoyed learning Physics and Biology so much that I

decided to share my enthusiasm and inspire more children to do Science. And so here I am! What’s even better is that I have an amazing department to work with as theyt all enjoy Science as much as I do

I joined the English department of Papakura High School half way through term 3 this year. It wasn’t an easy time to start at a new school but it didn’t take long to settle in. Thank you to everyone for welcoming me into the school and helping

me find my feet here.

Katrina Logan

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12 Papakura High School 2012

So, once again, heartfelt thanks goes out to those sur-rounding classrooms that hear not only our everyday musical frivolities but, in particular, those that hear the

same songs over and over (and over and over…) in prepara-tion for concerts. I love May Music Month as it gives us the chance to perform great old and new Kiwi songs and gain those ever important credits. Thankfully, we stayed at 4 days’ worth of concerts and it was a really good week seeing some people perform on stage for the first time, old hands getting up there comfortably, and to others supporting those to do

their best. Thanks to the audiences who really got behind our performers – that makes it so much easier to do! We were also lucky to have had a few workshops too: Ladi6 and Priya Sami came and watched the Wednesday performance and then worked with students after lunch – pretty cool experience! Also we had professional singer-songwriter Charlotte Yates come and work with a few students on Song Writing during May Music Month and from this, being able to use what we all learnt to help gain English credits too – who would have thought that!?

This year has gone so fast and it has been full on, both in, and out of the classroom. I do say this every year (yes, I am a scratched record, which is kind of apt that I’m a Music teacher but kind of old technology too?!) that whilst sometimes we get a bit crazy with you guys, it’s great that you come in to rehearse, use all of the equipment etc. whenever you can… as this is what keeps our department alive – So THANK YOU for keeping the sounds alive, keeping on wanting to come in and hone your skills, and wanting to be a part of it all.

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I think I’m almost glad that Band of Strangers wasn’t in Auck-land this year – but it’s a good opportunity, so watch out for 2013. However, it was seeing people entering competi-

tions this year – Song writing, Rockquest and Stand Up! Stand Out!. It takes much time, effort and dedication to do these things so great job all of you to out yourself out there, and to those of you thinking about it, go for it next year! Not sure if it affected Mr Granshaw, but I know I was deafened by the rehearsing versus the songs on the radio in the mini-van on the way to OMAC! Hopefully now embedded into our joint school calendars is our performance at Cosgrove Primary, for their Duffy Books assembly. I think that for this year, this has been the real highlight as I was very proud of all of the per-formers and artists as the children’s reactions to you on stage was amazing; they were all transfixed and mesmerised and I thought one girls eyes were open so wide they would pop! A really great thing to do, a real experience for all involved.

At the time of writing this, we are mid rehearsal (besides completing credits of course) for the biggest audience gig of the year - the Fireworks at Massey Park. If it’s like last year, the

crowd of 6,000+ people will be wowed by Music and Dance performances by PHS and we’ll continue making a good name for ourselves in our community. Do us all proud please!

Miss Fagan: you guys have gone over and above and I thank you for that dedica-tion and commitment. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Andrea RabinHoF Creative Arts

Thanks to the

audiences who really

got behind our


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Level 1 Dance Black Grace inspired dance

Level 2 Dance Performs Alvin Ailey inspired dance and contemporary fling ‘Pickle pipers’

BoyZdanZ crew

14 Papakura High School 2012

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Level 3 Dance Harekeke & Mad World contemporary dancers

Papakura High School 2012 15

Level 3 D Level 3 Drama X-factor with Freddy Murky & French mimes at the Hawkins Centre

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16 Papakura High School 2012

During my time on the Spirit of New Zealand I gained thirty-nine new friends not including the crew. It was a great experience that I would do again. While on

the ship quick bonds were made, with all of us sharing living quarters we all learnt to look after each other. We started from the Bay Of Islands and finished in Auckland, we sailed lots of places, one day we sailed 101NM (nautical miles), this day also happened to be the day that almost everyone was seasick and we got to sleep in till around 4 in the afternoon which was when we stopped sailing; but this was the day when we noticed how much we cared about each other, all the people who were not seasick took care of the people that were sea-

sick (which included cleaning out the spew buckets, EWWW!). On the ship I learnt I have a fear of jumping off of boats, but I also overcame another fear and climbed to the very top of the mast, with some encouragement from the crew and my shipmates of course. We did all kinds of activities while on the ship, encouraging teamwork and friendship with total strangers, but it was all worth it. I now have lifelong friends that I am still in contact with. I gained many things from this trip including new friends, confidence and knowledge of how to sail a ship. I hope to encourage other people to step up and join me as an ex-trainee.

Casey-Anne Fenton

New Zealand:

On a ship with fifty-two other people I didn’t know, and had never met, getting ready to sail for ten straight days, not something I thought I would ever be doing for the first two weeks of term three this year.

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For the first time, the girls’ soccer team entered a national tournament in Whangarei. It’s one of the best things I have done as a teacher as our students learnt a lot of things in our week away from school.

I asked the team what they had got out of the week and all of the girls were able to identify something: friendship, sup-porting one another, the skills needed to work on a team

and how successful people take ownership of a problem rather than apportion blame.

We had a lot of fun too. During our time in Whanagrei

we had a trip to the cinema (in pyjamas!), a visit to Matapouri beach and lunch by the Whangarei Falls. We also did some ten pin bowling, shopping and had a pizza night. The girls also cooked a special dinner for Miss Mortimer on her birthday.

The team discovered that some things need to be im-proved particularly fitness levels and a few ball skills.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people involved with the team this year and have helped out in some special way. I’d like to thank the parents and caregivers who have supported the team and helped out with fundraising. Lastly, a special “thank you” to the Y13 girls who are leaving us this year and have represented the team for the past five years with pride.

If you’d like to play soccer next year, make sure you sign up in Term 1!

Have a great summer and see you all in 2013!

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18 Papakura High School 2012

In 2009 the BOT ran an in depth community engagement process exploring what success would look like for Papaku-ra High and its students. A key outcome was the

realisation that our parents and whanau wanted to see Pa-pakura High committed to helping our students develop not only as rounded individuals, but also as young men and women who have the best opportunities of gaining employment. This is whether directly on leaving school, or after a period of tertiary training, university or an apprenticeship. This is in an environ-ment where our students arrive well below national averages in literacy and numeracy.

The BOT then formed a planning group with local busi-nesses and education providers to develop a model to support a multi-pathways approach for the way ahead.

The appointment of a new Principal in 2010 provided the opportunity to further develop this strategic model and move towards implementation. We have produced a new Year 12 plan which is aligned with the Government’s goal to ensure that all our young people are engaged in relevant education. We have six broad Pathways at Year Twelve, each designed to provide a foundation pathway for employment

or further study. Each Pathway is designed to make the whole curriculum relevant so that students can relate each subject to their core focus, for example teaching ratios for Mathemat-

ics in Hospitality might be about how to size up from catering for five people to a function of 200, whilst in Engineering it could be a comparison of the amount of steel needed to build a ten metre bridge or a sixty metre one. Putting subjects in context, particularly literacy and numeracy, gives our students a purpose for their learning. Each Pathway also contains a non-pathway elective which gives students the opportunity for diversity. Although we use sport as a Junior School Pathway we have it as an elective in the Pathway programme.

The 2013 Year Twelve Pathways are;

• Creativity – including performing arts, music, media and design

• Engineering – including Construction and Infrastruc-ture

• Health Sciences

• Hospitality

Papakura High School serves a decile two South Auckland community and has just over 900 students. They are 60% Maori, 20% Pacifika and the rest includes a diversity of ethnicities. The school is undergoing a transformation in its curriculum and structure which is focused on developing pathways which align with Youth Guarantee options

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• Land Based Studies

• Travel and Tourism – with a business studies backbone

• Traditional Academic .

This is the start of a new direction for our school - a focus on ensuring that every student has an individual but flexible pathway from Year 9 aligning their talents,

motivations, interests and aspirations with suitable career and future learning options, ensuring that their NCEA credits are attained in subject areas that have relevance and context for their career choices or further learning aspirations. It is about keeping students engaged in purposeful learning.

The Pathways also provide a strong foundation for those who in Year 13 will concentrate on University Entrance whilst also giving focus to meet the needs of industry, community and businesses through developing ‘work ready’ students who have the base skills to enter employment on leaving school or commit to further seamless tertiary study.

During 2012 we piloted the Health and Sports Science Pathway (HASSA) in Year I1. The success of this ‘whanau of learning’ has helped in the process of transforming staff under-standing. (Incidentally we were not eligible for Health Academy funding as HASSA included Pakeha students and PE elements and we have not had financial support via Trades Academies as our model is too big!) The HASSA trial, through its contextu-alising of learning, has seen students performing beyond their expectations both through engagement and academically. It has also helped us to successfully bid for three years funding from Sport New Zealand so that we can run a Junior Pathway which will pilot links into our primary schools.

Our staff also saw the success of the HASSA pilot and realised that with many students not achieving well at NCEA there was a need for change. Additionally the statistic that 46% of those who start University fail to complete confirmed that our existing curriculum was actually only designed for 10% of our students.

We do, however, have to keep asserting that our Vocational Pathways are not Trades Training. By having an organic programme across the whole

student body we are not falling into the trap of targeting a Pathway to a group of less academic students. After all, teach-ers are trained vocationally, and I would far rather see a doctor who was vocationally trained, than one whose education was purely academic. Through vocational pathways we engage students and keep them in school - a student who has stayed in school and gained a NCEA Level Two in Creativity has far more chance of a career in many fields than one who has got

bored and dropped out half way through the year.

In the second half of 2012 we started developing the courses. We set in place PLD time every Thursday with a ‘late start’ for students. The teaching staff split into Pathway groups with representatives from all the Faculties in each. An impor-tant part of the course design was the support of national and local businesses such as Accor, McConnell Group and Hawkins Construction, Stevenson Group, and Counties Manukau District Health Board amongst others, and through partner-ing with tertiary learning providers - MIT, Auckland University, AUT and other training organisations.

By asking businesses to have an input at the planning stage allowed a cross fertilisation of ideas and their contributions have been invaluable. There is a huge correlation between what we as educators call ‘Key Competencies’ and the businesses call ‘Work Ready Values’, indeed in my opinion they are identi-cal.

We have informed parents of the transformation at Parent meetings, in letters and newsletters and at parent meetings. The parents in our community

understand the importance of employment as a way of break-ing the cycle of deprivation in our community and support our plans. Most of our students also chose Pathways as their Year 12 route.

As a school we have been engaged in the real challenges of timetabling and resourcing for 2012 and this means that the Pathways programme is rapidly evolving. Our next challenge, having established the Year 12 Pathway, is going to be setting in place a robust Personal Pathway Planning Programme through-

out the school. For some students building self-esteem is a first priority and we have been working very successfully with the Rising Foundation to achieve this. We need to introduce a careers focus in our programme from Year Nine, an area as organic as literacy and numeracy, giving our students a focus as to why they are at school. We need to help them align their talents, motivations, interests and aspirations with suitable career and future learning options. We are merging academic counselling and careers advice and are also looking at engaging with our feeder schools so that their students will start to move from ‘what do I want to be when I grow up?’ to ‘How will I get there?’

Visits by the Youth Guarantee Team and a MOE media crew have affirmed our plans as have visits by Principal colleagues seeking advice in establishing vocational

pathways. This is an exciting time at Papakura High School and we feel that Pathways will transform learning opportunities for our students and teachers, and ultimately, for our community.

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20 Papakura High School 2012

& STUDENTS 2012This year the main events for the XA students were the Special Olympics Athletics and Foot-ball Ribbon days on 22 March and 14 June respectively, putting on their own Speech & Idol contest (named the XA Factor after the Australian version) on 24 July, attending the school ball and having the honour of being allowed to do a presentation at the annual school music festival at the Hawkins Centre.

We were also proud to have Litesha Moses, who won the New Zealand award, be the guest of honour at the annual Quota International

Conference at Papakura. (Quota is an organisation that helps young women achieve despite adversity).

On Thursday, 22 March the XA students competed in the Special Olympics Ribbon Day at Massey Park against 10 other schools. Against all predictions, we again won the fastest girls’ and boys’ relays. Mrs Nichol used her secret weapon of Manuka honey (see side bar) to give the students the energy to win. The students proudly displayed their new 5m banner

throughout the day. They were the only school group that went to this effort, which may have had a part in their winning performances. We were appreciative that the sports coordina-tor Ms Beaumont attended and helped us throughout the day.

XA UNIT SPEECH & IDOL CELEBRATION 2012. Our first event was in 2000 and was mainly speeches with a little entertainment mixed in with the programme. Our contest this year was our biggest and was the eleventh one the class had produced. It was held in the school hall at 4 pm on 24 July, 2012. The Courier reporter visited us during rehearsals and entered a snippet about the contest in the Courier.

A large crowd of parents, caregivers, teachers, friends and others attended the event. After a karakia by Gene Puaha, the students presented 10 speeches and 17 Idol items, a big increase on last year. The theme was traditional Country and Western. Much effort was put into decorating the hall. Bales of hay, bulls’ horns, horse yokes, signs and leather skins were used to decorate the stage. We were grateful to Mr Tuhoe for his stunning Country and Western photos that mixed in stu-dent photos together with a backdrop of the Stampede saloon in Papakura and to Ms Rabin for setting up the sound system in the hall. A large crowd of whanau, friends, teachers, specialists and others attended.

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Our Principal Mr Heron and Deputy Principal Mrs Heywood judged the contest and presented prizes/certificates to the winners. The Idol winners were

the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Magnificent Seven groups. Litesha Moses won the Speech Section with her excellent speech about ‘The Old Days’.

The highlight of the night was entertainment by top Country & Western star Dennis Marsh who gave of his time to be at the contest. He gave a fine rendition of humour and singing. The students enjoyed his singing and the fact that he came off the stage to mix in with them.

Since early 2010 the XA staff have been subject to a Ministry of Education review covering the employment of contracted specialists (occupational, physio, psychological and speech therapists) within the unit. This has involved a re-structure of our whole programme and has involved a huge amount of paper work by XA staff to achieve the 46 required standards. After the verifiers final visit on 22 August we were told that virtually all of the requirements to remain as an independent fundholder unit had been passed. This has been a signal achievement for our small staff and the guiding force of the Head of Learning, Mrs Nichol.

This has

been a signal


for our small


• Manuka Honey is produced by bees that collect nectar from the Manuka Bush or Tea Tree (also known as Leptosper-mum Scoparium) indigenous only to New Zealand.

• Bees gather the nectar from the flowers of Manuka Tree. In the hive, they add an enzyme called glucose oxidase to the nectar in order to preserve the honey.

• Contains an extraordinary, naturally present, very stable and powerful non-peroxide antibacterial activity not found in any other variety of honey.

• UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factior. The UMF® rating has a one-to-one relationship to the phenol standard e.g. UMF® 5+

• Studies on the Manuka Honey benefits have shown that Manuka Honey, a special type of mono-floral honey contains an ingredient with powerful antibacterial, anti microbial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti fungal properties.

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The semi finals win at Waiuku College was the hardest game the boys said they had played, eventually winning 34-15. This left some Waiuku parents unhappy but our

boy’s professionalism held up. We as parents were overjoyed for their win so we made it known how we felt. It was like they had won the final already. Then at Wesley College in the finals against Manurewa Rugby Club the game was anyone’s and Kura was up 3 - 0 in the first half. However once we scored our first try it was like a flood gate had been opened. The boys did superbly, they defeated Manurewa Rugby Club; 55-0. Therefore I would like to acknowledge the valuable con-tributions of our supporters;

To the parents; this was only possible because you trusted us with your sons. It does not matter if you could not supply all things, thank you for giving your sons to me. To the previous coaches of these boys, your hard work has been repaid, the boys did it!

To the supporters on the sidelines, thank you for being patient and helping to cheer our boys on it was TUMEKE! Absolutely awesome!

To Matua Wynyard whaea Brown, whaea Margiwe, whaea Ula (Team manager 14s) To Matua Mita (Asst Coach 15s) and whanau, To Matua Andrew (forwards coach) Matua Willy and Matua Joe Broughton without your support the teams would have collapsed ages ago.

To Quentin thank you for the biscuits. To Tim Brown thank you for the bandages for both teams. To Taylar thank you for being a forwards coach, for your deep heat and koha for gas. To Aden’s mum thank you for her Koha. To whaea Marge, Cody’s mum and the Brown whanau thank you for the food. If I have missed anyone please forgive me, but to you all I give you my enduring thanks and appreciation

To the school thank you for supplying equipment, trans-

Dear parents and supporters, We are immensely proud of the boy’s achievement because they are the Counties Manukau Rugby Football Secondary Schools Champions for under 14’s open, division 6.

NEWS from PHS under 14’s and 15’s, issue 5

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port, refunding $60 of expenses and the use of the gyms (PE Staff) during wet weather it was much appreciated. To Mrs Beaumont thank you for forgiving me, I wish you all the best.

To our Nurses thank you for keeping us stocked up in bandages and first aid, we could not have survived without our sets. Thank you for letting me ‘mug’ you!!

Finally to the boys of both teams, the 14’s won because of the hard group trainings and the practice games afterwards. The key was your unity. It is said IRON SHARPENS IRON and without the under 15’s being in our corner the 14’s would not have been as sharp. So to my under 15’s the CUP is yours as well, never forget this!! WE WON WE ARE ONE!! All day, Southside forever!

Much love

Matua Abe

To the parents; this was only

possible because you trusted us

with your sons. It does not

matter if you could not supply

all things, thank you for giving

your sons to me.

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Te Kapa Haka Rōpū o Kahurangi Ki Uta

Ko Pukekiwiriki te maunga Ko Pāhurehure te awa, Ko Kahurangi te wharenui, Ko Mātāriki te wharekai, Ko Papakura te kainga, Anei mātou e tū ake nei, te roopu kapa haka “Kahurangi ki Uta”

Firstly, we must acknowledge our tutors Fairlane Hadfield, Chloe Repia, Whaea Dee (kapa haka co-ordinator) and Matua Mita (guitarist) who took up the challenge and ensured that our group continued on the kaupapa. Our tutors have given up countless hours voluntarily to teach and guide our kapa. Tēnā koutou i runga i te aroha. Ko te Aroha te mea nui (The most important thing is Love).

No reira, kia koutou ngā rangatahi o Te Roopu Kapa Haka o Kahurangi Ki Uta, kia kaha i ō koutou mahi a te mahi Kapa Haka. Ko koutou ngā rangatira mo āpōpō, i roto i tēnā, mahia te mahi, koia te mea tuatahi, arā te taonga!

(To the students of Kahurangi Ki Uta, be strong in the Kapa Haka work that you do. You are the Chiefs of tomorrow, in saying that, do the work, that’s the first thing, when you are done, you shall receive you gift!)

He iti noa, Whaea Carol Reid HOD Māori

He Hōnore he korōria ki te Atua, nāna te tīmatatanga me te whakamutunga o ngā mea katoa. Tēnei te mihi atu ki a rātou te hunga

mate kua whetūrangitia, haere, haere, haere atu rā. Tātou te hunga ora kia tātou āno, mihia ngā mihi. Kia ora tātou anō. Ahakoa ngā piki me ngā heke kua haere tonu te kaupapa o te rōpū me te whakaaro kotahi. kua mahi ngā rangatahi i ngā mahi.

This year has seen many changes throughout the year, our kapa haka ropu has continued to stay on the kaupapa and do the work. The beginning of the year saw the kapa participate in the Polyfest Maori Stage. Although the group only had two weeks to practise they managed to perform at that level of competition and can now tick that box and say I’ve done it.

The next public occasion was the opening of ASB Papakura. Students have also been involved in numerous Powhiri for the school including the Thai student exchange which involved teaching them various waiata and haka over the period of their stay. Practices have been intense and it has seen a core group of students showing their commit-ment to the kaupapa.

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This season was always going to be a challenging one, as we had to rebuild our team and start over again. I must say that even though we didn’t win that many

games the girls and boys tried their best every week and were always commended on their positive and ‘never say die’ attitude after every game from the opposition coaching staff. I am very impressed with the effort each and every player put into every game and I want to thank those who stepped up and had a go and being goalie each game. Thank you to Ryan Hall and Eden McCann our boys and girls team captains for the 2012 season. You lead your teams well and hope you are as proud as I am of your team’s efforts this year.

We may not have come out as champions at the end of the season but we did give it our best every game. I am look-ing forward to next year and a new season and hope to build up and train a new team to take away to tournament. Thank you to the players this year for another rewarding season of hockey. I have come to know and see another side of most of you outside of the classroom and I look forward to meeting and getting to know more students next year on the hockey pitch. Come on Kura let’s show them who’s the boss in 2013!!

Annie Ryan

BOYS FOOTBALLThis year the team played 11 games, winning 6, losing 4 and drawing 1.

Goals for 31

Goals against 11

Top goalscorers were Elias Mekonnen 9

Caleb Ndarowa 6

Shanal Mani 5

Team captain EJ Karam displayed great versatility by playing both as ‘keeper, and later in the season, as striker.

Caleb Ndarowa worked tirelessly in centre midfield, ably supported by Shanal Mani, Avishek Kumar, and Brodie Cole.

Elias Mekonnen proved to be a defender’s nightmare, particularly against Botany Downs and Hillary College.

In defence, Hayden Whiting, Aiden Hudson, Hirnesh Kumar, Privinn Mwene and Rob Matthews pulled together as a unit to limit the number of goals scored against us. Rob and Aiden in particular performed well in new positions.

In defeating Botany College 9-1 the team set a record for the season and then displayed true grit by holding higher placed Aorere to a draw while playing with only 9 men.

Coach – Mr McCoskrie

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2012 Sports Academy: This year we again have had a large number of our Sports Academy students representing our School in sports. They have committed themselves, trained hard and played with a sportsmanship manner.

We commend you all and hope you will keep play-ing hard. Sadly we are also saying good bye to some of our greatest achieving sporting stars.

These Year13 students have been competing at some of the highest levels in their respective sports. Stephanie Skilton has represented New Zealand at the Under 20s Womens Football World Cup in Japan. Ashley Fennessy has represented the Counties level and was part of the Lois Muir High Performance Squat and Patrick Mailata was selected to trial for the Amateur Super Heavy Weight Olympics Boxing. You are committed, have work so hard and have made us very proud. We wish you all the best in your future sporting careers.

On behalf of the students I want to thank Ms Dunbar, Ms Ryan, Ms Joynes, Ms Fuka and Mr Tanielu for all the hard work that they have put in. I know the student appreciate it all.

Finally to those seniors who are leaving…. We wish you all the best, work hard and represent with pride.

Volleyball 2012:Sometimes we forget about some of the other important values that sport and being part of a team teaches us. These are values that are so important for developing a good community, being a good citizen and working in a job.

Values like:

1. Being committed to a team. Showing up for training and supporting each other no matter what happens.

2. The development of team work. Co-operating with each other to be the best you can be.

3. Development of leadership skills. Taking charge of a team and working with them to achieve their goals.

4. Being able to talk to each other properly, using en-couragement and not put people down.

5. Being able to deal effectively with winning (being humble) and losing (not getting angry and controlling those emotions).

6. And of course having fun and enjoying what you are doing.

The boys and girls volleyball teams this year really em-bodied some of these values. They work as a team, back each other up and have developed some real skills. They get on well with other teams, show sportsmanship and always have a heap of fun.

Congratulations to both teams and all the best for next year.

NVP for the boys team is Jasper Papa.

NVP for the girls team is Ramona Faisauvale

Mr van Wijk and Mr Chang

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The boys spent the year fundraising for the National Secondary Schools Tournament, with a lap-a-thon, movie night, quiz night, and selling chocolates. We also

drew and painted 24 banners to present to each team attend-ing Nationals as part of our host team duties. The week of Nationals (September 3-8) was an amazing week. The brother-hood really grew and it is something that will stay with the team forever.

We drew with Howick (14 all), beat Kamo High (28-4), lost to St Johns (16-10) and so scraped into the semis by points differential. We beat Tamaki College and were looking forward to the final showdown against Auckland Boys Grammar. The morning was amazing with the changing rooms set up with the jerseys hanging and names on the walls. The boys were lead out onto the field where we stood arm in arm for the National Anthem. The boys then performed our haka which is a special one that was written for the Papakura High School League team. At fulltime scores were locked at 12 all, into golden point we went. After our kick hit the posts and

was re-gathered we fired it wide and scored in the corner. We were elated! The ref signalled the try and we all ran onto the field to celebrate. However...the touch judge then came in and said the last pass was forward. The game continued and Gram-mar won by taking a penalty kick. Officials reviewed video footage later and explained the pass wasn’t forward. The boys handled themselves well and still managed to perform a haka to Grammar, something I will forever be proud of. The experi-ence is one that will make us stronger next year as we only loose 5 of the 24 man squad.

What a year boys, what a week! An experience that will always be treasured. The league team legacy continues. Con-grats to Arthur Crichton—NZRL Emerging Talent Award.

Thank you to Glen for driving for us, Mumzy for cook-ing for a whole week and Lewy lewy Moi Moi...our coach of the year! To Kris—what a three years, the last original player, we will miss you! To the Year 13’s leaving us always remember “Once a Papakura Toa, always a…”

Melly x

This year saw a brand new team with only 4 players returning from 2012. The pre-season games were mixed with a one sided game against Alfriston (win 44-6) and a defeat to Manure-wa High School. We ended up seventh in Counties, with a narrow 2 point loss to Manurewa and a 4 point loss to Otahuhu College.

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Joy Gesmundo, Geeta Lata , Antony Kapeli Sua Entered a garment which featured on the run way for the annual Villa Maria Cult Couture Competition. They were the youngest entrants and had to produce a garment that met “runway criteria”

which featured successfully among other NZ iconic designers.

Department 2012 Snapshot

Pathways in HealthHealth Could Be For You: Counties Manu-

kau Health Board Group with students who are involved in the health pathways programme with health practitioners and the University of Auckland Health Programmes for Maori and Pasifica.Guest speakers and practicising profes-sionals included: Dane Kereopa – Student Physio Therapist Devianne Hall – NurseNola Burt – Student Nurse

Tourism group on a careers day at internation travel college out at BotanyStudents below enjoyed a mock air-line experience.Ricky Waikato, Po Papalii, Chantelle Matthews, Henrietta Tuulima Ailato Time Lavenia-Jane Ena Kathleen Tufuga Kaya Mariau

Senerita Felise Jasmeen Kumari Brianna Poutoa

They all successfully achieved NCEA credits in Tourism towards the Gateway programme.







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AccorAce Landscapes Papakura

Aero Club AlfristonAir Zew Zealand Holiday Manukau

Aircare Pet Services ManukauAirport Gateway Hotel Manukau

Amaka Hair Salon PapatoetoeAnglican Trust Otahuhu

Auckland Theatre Company Mt EdenBeauty Sensation Takanini

Bunnings Warehouse ManukauBunnings Warehouse PapakuraCaprice Hair Salon Papakura

Counties Care PapakuraCounties Toyota , Takanini

Davie Holden Motors ManukauDury Dental Surgery

Five Star Motors PapatoetoeGary Hyde Panelbeaters Takanini

Guys Pharmacy PapakuraHairport Hair & Beauty Salon Papatoetoe

Hairven PapatoetoeHeb Construction

Hells Pizza PapakuraHotel Grand Chancellor Auckland CityHotel Grand Chancellor Manukau City

Icon Café TakaniniIdeal Electrical Papakura

Jetts Gym TakaniniJust Work Out Auckland City

Karaka Learning CentreKelvin Road Primary

Keringle Park Residential Care PapakuraKermadec Ocean Fresh Restaurant Auckland

Konica MinoltaKings Wholesale Plants Takanini

Lady Elizabeth Rest Home PapakuraLollipops Educare Botany

Mangere Law Centre

McConnellsManurewa Aquatic CentreMothercare Mt WellingtonNational Party Papakura

New World PapakuraOffice Product Depot PapakuraPamper me Beauty Papatoetoe

Papakura Anglican CafePapakura Art Gallery

Papakura Maternity Unit Papakura North Kindergarten

Papakura Private HospitalPark Estate Kindergarten PapakuraPharmacy Plus Limited Papakura

Pit Stop TakaniniPit Stop Manukau City

Real Groovy Records Auckland CityRebel Sport Manukau City

Recycle Boutique Auckland CityRed Rat PapatoetoeRed Rat Papakura

Red Rat Manukau CityRobert Harris Papakura

Salvation Army Op Shop PapakuraSettlement Road Kindi

Auckland Pool Builders PapakuraSpotlight Manukau

Sterling Sports ManukauStevensons

The Cheesecake Shop TakaniniThe Coffee Club Auckland City

The Gate PapakuraThe Pizza Box Papakura

The Warehouse PapakuraUnited Travel Counties Papakura

United Video PapakuraVoyager Maritime Museam Auckland City

Worldwide Immigration & Travel Manurewa

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Students can earn whilst they are learning.

Anthony Kapeli’Sua Currently employed at New World

May Ah Leong Currently employed at the Warehouse

Grayson Walker Currently employed at Ardmore Airport

Gus Fonoia Auckland Pool Builders employs Gus on a casual basis.

Micaela Feldtman Does child minding through The Gate Community Organisation.

Pam Rungrounkal Currently employed at Robert Harris.

Iatesi Tauraoi Currently employed at Bunnings Warehouse.

Caleb Hawkin Casual employment at Nufarm

Te One Matthews Casual employment at Icon Café

Kaylene Otene Gained employment at Ministry of Social Services.

Eddie Tofilau Currently employed at Hells Pizza.

Tumema Afele Offered paid employment at Jetts Gym.

Bradley Holmes Currently employed at Bunnings Warehouse

Kaya Miriau interview with Judith Collins focusing on the life and work of a female politician

Hairdressing candidate Lea – Gabrielle Johnson at work at Caprice Hair Salon

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Arvind has been amazing, giving up his time every day and even during the holidays to work with our students to give them the best opportunity this year

– thank you so much Arvind. We also had another valued mem-ber take leave for the latter part of the year – Rebekah Nathan – but she hopefully will be returning to us!

We welcomed four new part-time teachers including Andrea Rabin (Head of Music), Michele Heywood (our new DP), Paul van Etten (DP) and Carol Reid (Head of Maori)! Lots of people working hard to help our students improve their nu-meracy skills. It isn’t easy teaching outside of a chosen subject area so I thank them for their efforts.

We had a very energetic school Mathex competition this year and we welcomed back another two teams from Mansell to participate alongside our Year 9’s. The winners of the school competition were 9TX, 10TX and 10YY. The winning teams from 9TX and 10YY all represented us at the Auckland compe-tition at Kohimarama along with teams from 30 other schools. All teams worked very well together and did us proud. Well done to those competitors!

We have new programmes running in our Level 2 courses this year and are prepared for changes at NCEA Level 3 in 2013. With the University Entrance requirements having changed for our Year 11 students next year we are continu-ously looking for pathways for all our students so that they can potentially gain UE Numeracy before Year 13. Changes will continue to be made as we align programmes that fit our students.

As a Faculty we look forward to the Pathways Pro-grammes taking off next year. We will be supporting the rest of our colleagues by providing assistance to improve out-comes for their students in whatever career path they choose.

So, as 2012 comes quickly to a close I would like to thank my team who have again worked hard to provide our students with the support they need. Mathematics is not usually a sub-ject of choice so it is what we do in our lessons and how we relate to our akonga that is the key to helping them learn.

Lisa MortimerHead of Mathematics and Commerce Faculty

Mathematics and Commerce Faculty 2012We have again experienced a lot of staff changes this year, the largest of which saw Arvind Dullabh take retirement. However, he just couldn’t leave us cold turkey so has spent the remainder of the year voluntarily coming in to teach our Calculus.

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This year we chose to run an Athletics Day which involved fun activi-ties that were successful in the 2011 School Fun Day.

It was fantastic to go back to Massey Park and hold the day rather than holding the event at school for the

last 2 years whilst the new Massey Park underwent a face-lift.

The school embraced the day by dressing up in their House colours, and par-ticipating in as many events as they could.

The dress-up relay, wheelbarrow race and the walking boards were the most popular events whereby we had maximum numbers partici-pating.

We had some excellent athletes competing in the sprints and long distance running, and some amazing talent was shown in the field events such as the long jump and shot put.

It was great to see many of the com-munity members come and enjoy the day

with the school, and seeing one of the highlights of the day as the parents/

supporters relays versus the staff and prefects teams.

The Polyfest groups supplied and sold delicious

food and drinks for the day. This encapsulated the whole atmosphere of the whole

school making the most of the beautiful day, and enjoying what we like to call the schools “Big Day Out”.

Special thanks go to the PE staff for as-sisting me in the organisation, and the staff and ex-students who ran the events.

We look forward to another great day in 2013.

Tab BeaumontSports Co-ordinator

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Antony Kapeli-Sua has added to his competitive suc-cess this year by winning the Just Cook competition sponsored by the National Nutritional Foundation.

He won cookbooks and an I-Pad for himself and a Kenwood Multi-function Mixer for the school. Antony was then invited by TVNZ to cook his dish on Good Morning with Helen Jack-son, he performed extremely well with rave reviews.

This year we only entered two students in the Table Set-ting class at The National Culinary Fare. Pam-Thanawan Run-groungkul came first overall in the class, securing a Gold medal and Lavenia Ena gained a Silver medal. Pam won an overall prize of an Educational Hamper to the value of $200.

Skye Tuakana and Antony Kapeli-Sua entered the New Zealand Beef and Lamb burger competition and Skye won the

Junior regional finalist position for our school (won last year by Justice Keene). She will go on to compete in the National Finals on the 24th of September with her Indian Lamb Burger. Antony came a very close second in the Senior regional sec-tion with his French inspired Scotch Fillet Burger with Mar-rowbone, served on Brioche with Béarnaise Sauce.

We have also had continued success with past students, Alisha Doel who is studying her Level 5 and 6 Diploma in Hospitality at MIT has been awarded the title of New Zealand Food and Beverage Person of the year.

The school has gained accreditation to teach Level 3 Hospitality units and to fulfil the assessment requirements stu-dents are to prepare and serve food to customers in a realistic working environment. From this requirement ‘EduCaterers’ our catering business was born. Throughout the year students

Our Hospitality staff consists of HOD Gaynor Mathews, Di Corban and Koren Miller teach-ing while Karen West continues to be our valued technician. The year to date has seen success for a number of our hospitality students. Pam-Thanawan Rungroungkul and Ashleigh Culpan competed in the MIT Barista Competition, with Pam awarded a silver medal and Ashleigh a gold medal for their coffee making.

Antony was then invited by TVNZ to cook his dish on Good Morning with Helen Jackson, he performed ex-tremely well with rave reviews.

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have catered for many functions at the Hawkins Centre, wed-dings, birthdays, anniversaries and jubilees. The students have been given wonderful reviews and feedback for the wonderful work they have done.

Next year we look forward to running our first Pathway course at Level 2 where students will be able to achieve their Level 2 NCEA through studying a variety of subjects with a Hospitality flare.

We have also had continued

success with past students,

Alisha Doel who is studying

her Level 5 and 6 Diploma in

Hospitality at MIT has been

awarded the title of

New Zealand Food and

Beverage Person of the year.

Pam-Thanawan Rungroungkul and Ashleigh Culpan competed in the M.I.T. Barista Competition, with Pam awarded a Silver medal and Ashleigh a Gold medal for their coffee making.

Skye came third overall in the Finals of the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Burger Com-petition held on August 24th at M.I.T.

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Best dressed to a theme female: Chauntelle CulpanBest dressed to a theme male: Kyle LockwoodDuke: Mohammed HassanDuchess: Caitlin HusdonPrince: Zane Rua Princess: Debbie KingiKing: Jasper PapaQueen: Ashleigh Culpan

Nobody wanted to leave when the time came as they were all having a ball! A big thank you to Mrs Matthews, Hannah Freeman and the amazing ball committee for helping organising a wonderful evening for all.

Natasha Nayabadza

A wonderful group of students kindly volunteered to be on the committee. After much deliberation it was de-cided that the ball would be help on the 30th of June

at the Crowne Plaza with the theme of “Vintage Hollywood”. The venue catered perfectly for our needs and with great relief it also came with a DJ, Decorator and catering.

During the evening we all danced, had our photos taken by the professional photographer and we also had the most amazing photo booth. Even the staff loved posing for the cam-eras!

Then came the announcement for the prize winners of the evening which were as follows:

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50th Anniversary Samoan Independence Celebrations on Friday, 1st June 2012

After various activities throughout the week to celebrate Samoan Language Week from the screening of the movie ‘The Orator’, Volleyball and Kilikiti we were all excited about Samoan Independence Day. The day began with a flag raising ceremony/service conducted

by one of the parents, Pastor Uili Papa. The guest speaker was Pastor Malaki from a local church. The service was followed by a traditional Samoan breakfast of Koko Samoa and Sua Fa’i (Banana sago). Willie Iosia of the Auckland Council was another one of our guests who spoke at the breakfast along with Peter Heron who had the honour of cutting our 50th Anniversary cake. The celebrations continued after the early closure of school with an Umu lunch prepared by the students and parents. The lunch was followed by a concert of performances by our

students (present/former) and a dance crew.

Our thanks and acknowledgements to the many people who helped contribute towards the success of the week, too numerous to name. But a special mention to our parents who gave their time to make the celebrations a memorable one.

Beverley MatamuaPasifika Coordinator

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This year the Maori, Samoa and Indian Group choreographed and chose their own songs for the Festival. The group fundraised at the Sports Day

for new uniforms and looked spectacular on the day.

Well done to Miss Matamua and Miss Lauaki for their many hours and guidance given to this group. You all did us proud.

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Kate Lobb Head of Art

Folio-board Progress Exhibition

In Term 2 we had a folio progress show. This was to show-case the progress of our senior students towards their folio board for the external assessment. It is a great way for the

students, teachers and parents to see what students are doing in different Art disciplines, and to see what is required at the

different levels.

This is the second year we have run the progress show, and we definitely had a bigger crowd this year. Level 2 stu-dents set up the hall and prepared nibbles just like a ‘proper’ exhibition opening. Look out for the flyer for the ‘Folio Progress Show’ in 2013. Flyer designed by Charisse Tawhi, level 2 Design. Thanks for the support in 2012 and see you in 2013!

As usual, it’s been another busy year in the Art Department. A huge thank-you to the Art staff and all the Art students at Papakura High, for their continued hard work and inspirational creativity. It is such a privilege to work with such talented people! Good luck to the seniors for their end of year folio board submissions, especially to the Level 3’s who take the next step in their lives as an adult! I hope you enjoy reading about our successes, as much as we enjoyed participating in them.

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Arts Festival Week

The last week of Term 2 was Arts Festival week. The Art department hosted a variety of activities and were part of the ‘Transitions 2012’ event, two big nights

at the Hawkins Centre. We had an Art exhibition and silent auction at the Hawkins Centre. Many students enjoyed the excitement of a ‘bidding war’ on their art and making money off their artworks!

We had two days of ‘Henna Tattoo’ and ‘Harakeke Weav-ing’ lunchtime workshops, open to the whole school. We also had our own ‘Artist in Residence’, Bobby Hung. He ran two whole day workshops with selected students and painted a mural for the school during a lunchtime break.

Artist In Resident- Bobby Hung

We were very privileged during Arts Festival week to have full-time artist Bobby Hung come run some workshops with selected Art students. Bobby makes a living from being a full-time artist and showed the students what you can achieve with hard-work and dedication! “I enjoyed learning new techniques that I would of never considered using

before. It was inspiring to hear that you can make a career out of Art and travel the world” - Shanal Mani, L3 Painting

Mural Workshop

Clockwise from bottom: Shanal Mani, Johnny Pule’anga, Isaac Crichton Sean Hill, Sean, Paddy and Shanal with Bobby’s mural. Jarrod Pihama’s, Level 2 Design used as backdrop in Hawkins Centre Art Exhibition.

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46 Papakura High School 2012

Te Tuhi Youth Art Awards

Yet another student from Papakura High School has been selected as one of the 5 finalist for this year’s youth art award. Our congratulations go to Sean Hill!

Judges thought his work was outstanding and very differ-ent to the other submissions made. As part of the competition Sean attended a 3 day workshop at Te Tuhi in the first week of the term 2 holidays and received a $250 voucher to spend on art supplies. The art work made in the workshop will be framed and exhibited at Te Tuhi and one of these artworks will be selected as the winner. This work will be made into a billboard and will be displayed for an entire month as part of the Southside Arts Festival 2012. The winner will be announced later in October.

Judges also commented it was a hard decision picking from such a talented bunch of you students (as only 1 entrant from each school is allowed to be picked for the 5 finalist). Well done Papakura High School Art students!!

‘Ka Pu Te Ruha, Ka Hao Te Rangatahi’ Exhibition

We were lucky to have 4 students selected for this show, which show cases Level 2 and Level 3 Maori student achievement in South Auckland,

in the Visual Arts. This ran at the start of Term 3 at our local Papakura Art Gallery. Well done Charisse, Chantelle, Jarrod

and Taylor!! These students also attended a workshop run at Alfriston College on August 14, with well-known contempo-rary Maori artists; Charlotte Graham and Leilani Kake. We also took the Level 2 Art classes for a walking trip up to the gallery to look at their peers work in a professional space.

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Level 3 Unitec Top Art Folio Show and Art Gallery Visit

In week 3 of Term 3, we took the entire Level 3 Art cohort (Painting, Photography and Design students) on a trip to view the top Art folio boards from 2011 for New Zealand.

A highlight for some students was going to lunch in downtown Auckland at the Elliot Street Food Court. After lunch we went to the beautiful, newly renovated Auckland Art Gallery, below Albert Park. The students were taken on a quick tour by some of the gallery volunteers, and went and saw the ‘Home AKL’ exhibition and Wallace Awards nominee’s. Home AKL is the first major group exhibition of contemporary Pacific art developed by Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki. Home AKL presented works by Pacific artists, most of whom live in Auckland.

The Wallace Awards are the longest surviving and largest annual art awards of their kind in New Zealand, with a value amounting to over $165,000. The Awards are given for contemporary New Zealand painting, sculpture, video, drawing, unique photography and print to encourage and develop the visual arts in New Zealand, and in particular to reward artists creating outstanding work. The work in the exhibition was challenging to some students and posed the question…"How is this Art?” Students realised that all Art has a message, it’s trying to decipher what the artists is saying which can be the hard part.


On Tuesday 21 August the Friends of the Gallery hosted the eleventh Pat Hanly Art Student Awards at Auckland Art Gallery. Fifty-seven students from

45 Auckland secondary schools, who had been nominated by their art teachers for their “outstanding commitment and pas-sion for the visual arts and community awareness”. Papakura’s nominee was Jessica Le Grice. Jessica has consistently achieved with Excellence and has been a volunteer at various commu-nity events.

This year’s awards ceremony was very exciting, as it was the first to be held in the beautiful renovated Gallery and included the launch by the Right Honourable Helen Clark of a major publication on the work of Pat Hanly.

All the students received a certificate, a one-year membership to the Friends of the Gallery, and a $60 gift voucher and discount card from Gordon Harris: The Art and Graphic Store.


The Art department would like to invite you to visit our new exhibition “Visual Communication” by Miss Sexton’s Level 2 Design students now showing online

using ‘exhibbit’.

Jessica (in the middle), with 2 other recipients from other schools

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had our team photo taken and were led into a large audito-rium where the debating would take place. There were lots of speeches and robust debates and it was really cool listening to some of the more boisterous teams who managed to stay in character the entire time. The more ‘into it’ we got, the more fun we had…and we had a lot of FUN!!

Hannah spoke really well about military intervention in the Middle East and Africa to prevent civil war, and because were only given a few minutes to deliver our

speeches it was over in a flash. I spoke about Uganda’s stance on child exploitation on the second day of the conference…we prepared well for this, as we knew Uganda would be tar-geted over this issue. On the day, I was very nervous, but I had to get over this to speak in front of roughly 150-200 people. When we stood at the podium, it was almost breath-taking seeing everyone listening intently to what we had to say… (not the easiest thing to do when public speaking isn’t your thing…BUT WE DID IT!!) Our teacher, Miss Lauaki was very proud of us! The whole experience was amazing and funny at the same time…this is DEFINITELY a MUST DO for next year, I highly recommend.

By: Sean Lockwood

The conference also challenges our youth to respect and tolerate differences of race, religion and national-ism whilst retaining their own individualism and the

best of their national traditions. This is a wonderful opportu-nity for students to simulate some of the great debates of the United Nations Assembly, provide some insight into important world issues, and ultimately provide some realistic solutions. Students from all over the Auckland region came to debate on remits (topics) based on different world and social politics that are chosen beforehand.

This year our team was to represent “UGANDA”…we found it most appropriate to debate on the remits to do with the banning of child soldiers, child labour/slavery and the exploitation of children in all its forms, as well as military intervention from NATO and Arab League Forces in the Mid-dle East and Africa. As part of our preparation, we also had to research and organise costumes so that we looked every bit the part of Ugandan delegates.

On 8 of June, we all met at the Papakura Train Station at 6.00 am to catch the train into the city in order to begin the conference at 7.30 am! When we arrived, we were amazed at all the other delegates that were there and in costume! We

Earlier on in the year Christine Devi, Hannah Freeman and I (Sean Lockwood) took part in the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) that was held at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School. The MUNA conference is all about building bridges of goodwill for world peace in the minds of our youth.

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NETBALL 2012This year saw the school enter 5 netball teams into the local Counties Manukau competition playing on Wednesday after school at Bruce Pullman Park. They were year 9, year 10, Senior A, Senior B and the Premier Team.

7 out of the 12 Wednesday’s were thunderous conditions. With the exception of the Year 9 team, each team made the play-offs. The Senior B came 3rd, Senior A, Year 10

and the Premier team each came 4th in their grades.

The senior A and Premier teams took part in a one-day tournament prior to the tournament week, each of the teams playing 6 games on the day. As both teams were in the same grade the Senior A came 5th and the Premier team were undefeated and won the tournament.

The following week, the Premier team were ready to face the Upper North Island Secondary Schools (UNISS) tourna-ment at North Harbour netball.

This tournament was very demanding for the team and the first day of play had us play 3 games in torrential rain. Luckily, we had previous experience playing in this weather thanks to the Counties Manukau Wednesday nights.

We went undefeated for the first 4 days beating schools like Whangaparoa, Melville College, Ran-gitoto, Tokoroa, Western Springs, and Tuakau, Marcellan, Orewa, and Bay of Islands College.

This was a huge demand on the team physically and men-tally, being ready to play off in the semi’s Friday morning, and then play for final placing’s in the afternoon.

Due to an injury in the last game and some vitals calls by the umpires, the team was down 14 goals and came back to lose by 3 goals in the last quarter against Kings College. The final play-off was between our team and Aorere College who were the other upset semi-final losing to Whangaparoa College by 2 goals.

Still struggling to find a replacement for our injury in game 1, we lost to Aorere College and came fourth in the tournament out of 34 teams in the C Grade. Last

year we came 17th in the tournament, so we had improved considerably.

Our team consisted of Jade Slade Year 9, Katie Mailata Year 10, Ngamira Warren, Courtney Brandon, Briar Stevens,

Year 11’s, Ashley Fennessy, Renee Shaw, Rachel Aukaha, and Jazmine Day and Ariana Page, year 13’s. Well

done ladies.

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This year our girls attended the Auckland Softball Divi-sion 2 Tournament at Rosedale Park. Coached my Mita Tupaea, and Rereahu Collier, these won all games

against One Tree Hill College, Aorere College, Green Bay High School, Lynfield College and Orewa College. The final was played against Aorere College and won by us 17 runs to 3.

Home runs by all of the team throughout the day was a great lift for the team. Excellent pitching from Tayla-Paige Hura proved a winner on the day. Our back-up pitcher Shavanah Raumati stepped up on the day giving Tayla-Paige a well-deserved break, as she pitched 4 strike outs against Green Bay High School.

The beauty of this team is that we have a good mixture of junior and senior girls, and will not lose the whole team in one year. The team was Trish Ana Day, Sharnee Pickering, Jasmine Day, Tayla Paige Hura, Rachel Aukaha, Reagan Hura, Tamara Katipa, Hinerangi Isaac, Sharvanah Raumati, Stevie Ray Te Kawa, Katie Mailata, Doreen Tualii, and Destiny Reid. Well done girls, we hope to see more success in 2013.

Senior Girls Softball

56 Papakura High School 2012

Good Sorts Dinner

The PHS Good Sorts nominations saw four students taken out to dinner at Denny’s Manukau with Mrs. Brien. Chauntelle Culpan, Jackie Dawson, Ray Smart and Andreas Vakaafi were nominated for their commitment to PHS,

their great friendship towards others and achievement! It was a great night topped off with double sundaes and chocolate mousse!!! Thanks for a wonderful night!

Mrs Brien

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The team met 5:30 am on a Wednesday and Friday morning to be on the water at 6am at Ian Shaw Row-ing Club Panama Road Mt Wellington. The commit-

ment and enthusiasm was extremely high and this showed as their timing and technique really started to develop. So much

potential was evident and a desire to train more however, hav-ing to borrow paddles hindered us from doing so.

When arriving in Rotorua we decided to try and find a girl team to paddle in the double hull races with. The team paddled with Auckland Girls Grammar hoping to get some water time before paddling the next day in the W6 races. Although they had never paddled in a double hull before they were determined to try and place in a semi-finals. They worked well with the Auckland Grammar Girls listening to and applying the few tips given to them by Cory Lowe their coach and the coach of the girl’s team. They exceeded their expectation by going on to place second in the plate finals. Awesome!!!!!

The next races were the W6 250 and 500. The boys were paddling in the J19 section this year so would be up against some serious contenders. I reminded the boys that a lot of the teams would be older and a lot more experienced

however, they still set the goal of making a final. The 250 was always going to be their best race and they showed this by making the plate finals. The boys were quick out of the start in this race staying with the leading group. The race was a very close encounter and I was sure we placed third however, the photo finish showed they were just piped on the line and came fourth. The boys were disappointed but Cory and I were very proud of their efforts. They made the plate semi-finals for the 500 and were right up with the leading teams when our steer-ers paddle broke and before he could pull out the spare paddle the waka had gone off track however, they finished the race. Well done!!!!!

The school can be proud of the way the waka ama team represented it at the Nationals as Cory and I are and we will endeavour to ensure Waka Ama stays alive here at Papakura High School.

The Teams Member were; Maeva John, Gideon Rihari, Jazz Tavega, Gene Roberts, Luke Stowers, Arthur Crichton, Hayden Smith, Augea Seumanutafa, Jayde Vakaafi, Aroihi Koni and Frank Toutaiolepo.

Cory Lowe Coach Pauline Cvitanovich Manager

Papakura High School Waka Ama Report

Waka ama season started off with the senior boys training 2 mornings a week in preparation for the 2012 New Zealand Secondary Schools Waka Ama Nationals at Lake Tikitapu in Rotorua.

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1st X1 Girls Football1st Row L-R: Rosa Tuoro, Malaney Hawken, Kirsty Ashworth, Jacqueline Dawson, Nadia Turrell

2nd Row L-R: Courtney Mc Grath, Tiana Atiga, Emily Nuia, Courtney Chadwick, Cailin Kimberley, Megan Evans-Dass, Kualala Nuia, Ms. L. Mortimer (manager)

3rd Row L-R: Loretta Nuia, Marcella Nielsen, Micaela Feldtman, Stephanie Skilton, Mihinga Aholelei

Absent: Levonia Faumui, Mr M Braunton (coach)

1st X1 Girls Hockey Team1st Row L-R: Debbi Kingi, Samantha Hodder, Eden McCann, Kirsty Ashworth, Rosa Tuoro

2nd Row L-R: Akaiti Maka, Toni-Jane Hohaia, Marcella Nielsen, Heeni Tua, Annie Ryan coach

3rd Row L-R: Megan Evans-Dass, Micaela Feldtman, Kelsey Evans-Dass

Absent: Jessie Edwards, Makayla Leef-Moke, Nemisha Falepeau, Waikohu Winikeri, Nooroa Tuoro, Trish-Ana Day, Stephanie Mackie, Talisha Clark, Lavenia-Jane Ena

1st X1 Boys Football Team 1st Row L-R: Hirnesh Kumar, Privinn Nwene, Alex Johnston, Jared Karam, 2nd Row L-R: Dylan Wright, Caleb Ndarowa, Brodie cole

3rd Row L-R: Shanal Mani, Dylan Feldtman, Avishek Kumar

Absent: Hayden Whiting, Aiden Hudson

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1st X111 Boys League Team1st Row L-R: Jordan Tanielu, Takai Tafea, Foli Waru, Jazz Tevaga (c), Arthur Crichton, Luke Stowers, Tipene Tuirirangi

2nd Row L-R: Lewis Hori (coach), Taylor Hori, Frank Toutaiolepo, Lucky Fuisauvale, Gene Roberts, Kameli Vasu, Melissa Hori (Manager)

3rd Row L-R: Hayden Smith, Auega Seu-manutafa, Maeva John, Duran Tou-Paniora, Patrick Mailata, Aviata Tanielu

1st X1 Mixed Hockey Team1st Row L-R: Dylan Wright, Ryan Hall, Ca-sius Masisa, Stephanie Skilton

2nd Row L-R: Kelsey Evans – Dass, Cam-eron Joliffe, Megan Evans-Dass, Annie Ryan coach

3rd Row L-R: Eddie Tofilau, Taylar Paora, Jared Karam

Absent: So’o Lea’ana, Daniel Lowry, Hemi Pahiri, Paul Cooper, Madison Harris, Lazarus Emery, Caleb Todd, James Todd, Dylan Potter, Makiroa Paparoa, Talor Hori

1st XV Boys Rugby Team1st row L-R : Josh Davies, Takai Augen, Tafea Seumanutafa, Sean Hill, Justin Chengton

2nd row L-R: Hayden Smith, Patrick Mailata, Luke Thompson, Andreas Vakaafi, Josh New-man

3rd row L-R: Luke Stowers, Shakool Pauga, Logan Warren, Jordan Tanielu

Absent: Tino Vai (Mike) Coach

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Arts Committee1st Row L-R: Stephanie Kingston, Andrea Rabin, Christine Devi

2nd Row L-R: Sharook Anand, Chantell Cul-pan, Natasha Nyaabadza, Ninwa karimo

3rd Row L-R: Loretta Didovich, Craig Lockwood

Badminton Team1st Row L-R: Jazmine Johnstone, Stevie Ray Te Kawa, Jessica White

2nd Row L-R: Stephen Davies, Rereahu Col-lier, Frank Toutaiolepa, Taylor Hori, Mr K Lafferty Coach

Absent: Riki Dixon, Hinerangi Isaac, Tuisaau-taamialeo Manukau, Te One Mathews, Antony Kapeli – Sua, Tuariki Chapman – Watarawi, Viliami Vakasiuola, Miss E. Te Weehi

Ball Committee1st Row L-R: Sarah Kirtlan, Christine Devi, Gaynor Matthews, Hannah Freeman, Jackie Dawson, Jessica Le Grice

2nd Row L-R: Ninwa Karimo, Sean Lockwood, Chauntelle Culpan, Cailin Kimberley, Jessie White, Natasha Nyabadza

3rd Row L-R:: Stephanie Kingston, Danielle Uka, Samantha Taylor, Elias Mycroft, Loretta Didovich, Shorouk Hassan

Absent: Koren Miller

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Girls 1st XV Team

1st Row L-R: Jade Slade, Nadia Turrell, Mo-nique Green, Levonia Faumui, Katherine Quinn, Kalala Nuia

2nd Row L-R: Jasmine Johnstone, Doreen Tu-ialii, Tyra Williams, Katie Mailata, Juliana Kapeli-Sua, Jessica White, Miss Emma Joynes

3rd Row L-R: Stevie-Ray Te Kawa, Natesha Dennis-Paratene, Leighannah Drollet, Kayla Sauvao, Jasmine Day, Johna Rawiri Rudman, Thanita Rungroungkul.

Absent: Hinerangi Isaac

Girls Softball Team1st Row L-R: Shavanah Raumati, Stevie-Ray Te Kawa, Jessica White, Sharnee Pickering

2nd Row L-R: Jazmine Johnstone, Jasmine Day, Latisha Raumati, Trish-Ana Day, Mita Tupaea

Counties-Manukau Athletics Team1st Row L-R: Roydon Ngaru, Auega Seumanutafa, Hayden Smith, Katie Matau

2nd Row L-R: Tataki Brown, Dylan Wright, Tabitha Beaumont

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Indian Group1st Row L-R: Cherish Bastable, Natasha Nyabadza, Christine Devi, Jizelle Sasin, Chauntelle Culpan

2nd Row L-R: Shorouk Hassan, Samantha Taylor, Loretta Didovich, Stephanie Kingston

Junior Boys Football1st Row L-R: Privin Mwene, Taylor Paora, Andrew McLaughlin

2nd Row L-R: Hirnesh Kumar, Ravikash Prasad, Sitivi Leuo, Miss Manoa

3rd Row: Casius Misisa

HASSA GROUP1st Row L-R: Ngamira Warren, Waimarie Wilson, Destiny Tapiki, Ariana Tupoutoa, Briana Rogers, Thanita Rungroungkul, Ani Blackbee

2nd Row L-R: Melissa Hori, Tamara Karipa, Devon Ngatai, Papa Ngametua, Ryan Hall, Ala-Lani Tuipulotu, Crystal Walsh, Rebecca Pawson, Allan Foster

3rd Row L-R: Lavinia Manoa, Timothy Tetini, Justin Waru, Grant Kahika, Donny Tuivai-Lopa, Tangata Shepherd, Ben Tauafao-Ale, Jayne Dunbar

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Junior Girls Softball1st Row L-R: Myah-Jane Church, Shavanah Raumati, Doreen Tuialii, Danii Rawiri-Rudman, Rachel Harris

2nd Row L-R: Toni-Jane Hohaia, Bonita Morunga-Rogers, Latisha Raumati, Marcella Nielson, Mita Tupaea

Junior Girls Touch 1st Row L-R: Katherine Quinn , Jade Slade, Danii Rawiri-Rudman, Johna Rawiri-Rudman, Myah Jane Church, Shavanah Raumati

2nd Row L-R: Bonita Morunga-Rogers, Mar-cella Nielson, Latisha Raumati, Doreen Tualii, Toni Jane Hohaia, Kiana David, Mita Tupaea coach

KAPA HAKA 1st Row L-R: Mita Tupaea, Briana Rogers, Drew Wharehinga, Cajun Moki, Katherine Quinn, Keyra Kingi, Kahurangi Hemopo, Alannah Turner-Parsons, Iesha Akavi-Short-land, Oshiana Tia

2nd Row L-R: Ngaro Angell, Blake Brood-korn, Nateshia Dennis-Paratene, MoanaNoa Rountree, Cridon Uerata, Kansas Manukau, Bonnie-Rose Albert, Ateerea Heemi, Kellie-May Masiutama, Cody Manukay, Taylor Tate

3rd Row L-R: Ariana Tupoutoa, Reaghan-Anne Hura, Te Kawehau O’Donnell, Tyra Williams, Tangata Shepherd, Tori Hammond, Destiny Tapiki

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Premier Netball Team - 2012 1st Row L-R: Tab Beaumont Coach, Briar Stevens, Katie Mailata 2nd Row L-R: Renee Shaw, Jazz Day Ashley FennessyCaptain Ngamira Warren Jade Slade

Absent: Rachel Aukaha Co-Captain Ariana Page, Courtney Brandon

Prefects 2012 1st Row L-R: Gideon Rihari - Head Boy, Christine Devi – Head Girl, Peter Heron –Principal, Hannah Freeman – Head Girl, Patrick Mailata – Head Boy2nd Row L-R: Allan Foster – Deputy Principal, Stephanie Kingston, Ninwa Karimo, Jessica Le Grice, Caleb Ndarowa, Jasmine Day, Stephanie Skilton, Pam Rungrounkul, Sean Lockwood

3rd Row L-R: Jordan Tanielu, Auega Seumanutafa, Sarah Kirtlan, Ashley Fennessy,

Jared Karam, Senerita Felise, Natasha Nyabadza

PSSP Group 1st Row L-R Jessica White, Avril Michaels, Jazmine Johnstone2nd Row L-R Samantha Taylor, Hannah Free-man, Christine Devi

Absent-Christy McFarlane

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School Council 1st Row L-R: Shorouk Hassan, Pete Heron, Casey-Anne Fenton

2nd Row L-R: Crystine Paihana, Tayla Cressey, Jordan Taylo, Ninwa Karimo

3rd Row L-R: Auega Seumanutafa, Michael Trumper, Loretta Didovich

Senior A Netball Team 1st Row L-R: Reriana De Thierry, Heeni Tua, Jasmine Day

2nd Row L-R: Trishana Day, Tayla Cressy, Olivia Wilson, Tyler Rice

Samoan Group 1st Row L-R: Lucky Faisauvale, Arthur Crich-ton, Patrick Mailata, Katie Mailata, Ben Abela, Jasper Papa

2nd Row L-R: Doreen Tualii Olivia Mafileo Lagi Brown Senerita Felise Brianna Poutoa , Eva Le Noel

3rd Row L-R: Miss J Lauaki, Kameli Vasu, Calen Ulae, Sitivi Leuo, Kayla Sauvao, Laekin Morrow, Maria Sauvao, Miss. B Matamua

4th Row L-R: So’o Lea’ana, Ronald Tuitea, Avi-ate Tanielu, Jordan Tanielu, Auega Seumanutafa, Rivalina Sauileoge, Misi Papa, Ivana Tanielu

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Senior Boys Touch Team 1st Row L-R: Maeva John, Jazz Tevaga, Arthur Crichton, Hayden Smith, Kameli Vasu

2nd Row L-R: Shay Kaiwai, Dylan Wright, Frank Toutaiolepo, Jeremy Broughton, Mita Tupaea coach

Junior Boys Touch Team 1st Row L-R: Selwyn Koni, Jeremy Broughton, Shay Kaiwai, Whetu Lum

2nd Row L-R: Tere Teremoana, Siu Malu, Taylor Paora, Sitivi Leuo, Mita Tupaea Coac

Senior Boys Basketball 1st Row L-R: Jason Ahuriri, Robert Urquhart, Shelton Harris

2nd Row L-R: Dylan Wright, Miss Dunbar Manager

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Senior Girls Basketball 1st Row L-R: Jazmine Johnstone, Jasmine Day, Kate Lobb coach

2nd Row L-R: Myah Church, Heeni Tua, Rachel Harris

Senior Girls Touch 1st Row L-R: Renee Shaw, Heeni Tua, Sharnee Pickering

2nd Row L-R: Nadia Turrell, Jazmine Day, Mih-inga Aholelei, Tayla Cressey, Trish-Ana Day, Mita Tupaea Coach)

Service Committee 1st Row L-R: Jessica Le Grice, Hannah Free-man, Sarah Kirtlan

2nd Row L-R: Jacqueline Dawson, Shorouk Hassan, Chauntelle Culpan, Natasha Babadza, Christine Devi

3rd Row L-R: Ninwa Karimo, Loretta Didovich, Elias Mycroft, Sean Lockwood

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Papakura High School 2012 69

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U14 Boys Rugby Team 1st Row L-R: Brendan Newman, Raven Dan-iels, Timote Moala Liavaa, Edward Robertson, Caleb Ulae

2nd Row L-R: Jayden Campbell, Boydie Ma-rino, Jeremy Broughton, Tutaki Brown, So’o Lea’ana, Whetu Lum, Matua Abe coach

3rd Row L-R: Jayden Body-katipa, Aden Aseri, Frederique Le Manu, William Katipa, Cody Manukau, Joshua Ah Leong

U15 Boys Rugby 1st Row L-R: Timothy Brown, Sitivi Leuo, Selwyn Koni, JeremyBroughton, Charlie Ter-emoana, Shay Kaiwai

2nd Row L-R: Whetu Lum, Noble Te Kawa Taylor, Tyler James, LJ Lokeni, Tyler Busch, Sam Hema, Mita Tupaea coach

3rd Row L-R: Tere Teremoana, Taylar Paora, Ngametua Mitchell, William Katipa, Quentin Schmidt, Ajax Harihona, David Mackie

Absent: Rau Rountree manager, Tuapaea Whanau, Deb & Mita Jnr

U85 Kg Boys League Team 1st Row L-R: Charlie Teremoana, Selwyn Koni, Jeremy Broughton, Shay Kaiwai, Sitivi Leuo

2nd Row L-R: Whetu Lum, Frank Toutaiolepo, Ngametua Mitchell, Kameli Vasu, Matua Abe coach

3rd Row L-R: Tere Teremoan, Isaac Crichton, Dylan Wright, David Mackie

70 Papakura High School 2012

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Waka Ama 1st Row L-R: Foli Waru, Auega Seumanutafa, Maeva John, Arthur Crichton, Frank Toutai-olepo, Luke Stowers

2nd Row L-R: Gene Roberts, Gideon Rihari, Hayden Smith, Jazz Tevaga, Jade Vakaafi

Absent: Aroihi Koni, Mrs P Cvitanovich coach

XA Special Olympics 1st Row L-R: Jung Mu Suh, Kayla Barthow, Litesha Moses, Abigail Loschy, Lydia Appleby, Shawna-Lee Aranui-Yeomans, Te Owai Solo-manm, Ms Moore support staff

2nd Row L-R: Mr Gillespie Teacher, Mrs Ni-chol Teacher, Sheldon Tupe, Kathleen Clemens, Tracey Fangalua, Caitlin McLaren, Joslyn Pres-ley, Gene Puaha, Nooroa Pukuivi, Mrs Nickerson

3rd Row L-R: Sean Johns, Toto Herevainoa, Shannon Haynes, Anand Singh, Pierre Waitoa, William Bryant, Joseph Bensemann, Bryce Ley , Mr Tupaea support staff

Volleyball Teams 1st Row L-R: Doreen Tualii, Ramona Fai-sauvale, Lagi Brown-captain, Maine Poutoa, Brianna Poutoa, Sarona Avei

2nd Row L-R: Mr Van Wijk, Aviata Tanielu, Lucky Faisauvale, Auega Seumanutafa, Jordan Tanielu, Mr Chang

3rd Row L-R: Eddie Tofilau, Jasper Papa-captain, Isaac Crichton, Arthur Cricton, Kameli Vasu

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XA ORS Unit 2012 Absent: David Cassidy-Howard, Tohuice Moald, Adrian Morgan, Jordan Whiting, Laylaina Whiu

3rd Row: Mr Gillespie Teacher, Sean Johns, Toto Herevainoa, Shannon Haynes, Anand Singh, Pierre Waitoa, William Bryant, Joseph Bensemann, Bryce Ley, Mr Tupaea Support Staff

2nd Row: Ms More Support Staff Mrs Nichol, Jung Mu Suh, Sheldon Tupe, Kathleen Clemens, Tracey Fangalua, Caitlin McLaren, Joslyn Presley, Gene Puaha, Nooroa Pukuivi, Mrs Nickerson, Mrs Collecutt

Front Row: Mrs Griffin, Support Staff, Kayla Barthow, Litesha Moses, Abigail Loschy, Lydia Appleby, Shawna-Lee Aranui-Yeomans Te Owai Soloman, Ms Salina Support Staff

Year 10 Girls Netball

1st Row L-R: Shavanah Raumati, Kalolaine Tuifua, Danii Rawiri-Rudman, Latisha Raumati, Wahine Shortland

2nd Row L-R: Doreen Tualii Toni-Jane Hohaia, Bonita Morunga-Rogers, Johna Rawiri-Rudman Mrs Jamma Fuka coach

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Tutor Group - CHG

1st Row L-R: Zoey Waru, Taylor Tate, Georgina Lui

2nd Row L-R: Arman Gonzales, Cody Ellis, Jayden Lawardorn, Sean Lockwood, Tatum Cox, Mr Chang

3rd Row: Shay Kaiwai, Raymond Aloniu, Solo-mon Scanlan, Arven Gonzales

Tutor Group - CST 1st Row L-R: Karmah Blackbee, Cailin Kim-berley, Mrs Cosslett, Kahn Dennis-Paratene

2nd Row L-R: Blaze Maraku-Hunapo, Shak-ool Pauga, Tyler James, Lorraine Heritage, Lisa Clarke.

3rd Row L-R: Natesha Dennis-Paratene, Shan-ice Semmens, Elias Mekonnen, Ani Blackbee, Suliana Tasolo, Branden Walden

Tutor Group - BSW

1st Row L-R: Talisha Clark, Tilisi Foliaki, Mr R Basdew, Mohamed Hassan, Chynna Mackie

2nd Row L-R: Jessica White, Maggie Misa, Hannah Beekmans, Ngatilda Allen, Juliean Misa, Hayley Casserly-Tamepo

3rd Row L-R: Sikalele Foliaki, Sean Asiata, Auega Seumanutafa, Shelton Harris, Nasoni Chute, Navarone Treadwell

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LTutor Group - DNB 1st Row L-R : Katie Mailata, Kamira Rangi-Dixon Patrick Mailata, Ashley Fennessy, Kelsey Evans-Dass

2nd Row: Bradley Maaka, Shayne Karatiana-Katherine Quinn, Sarah Pohiva, Chevannah Paul Campbell, Jayne Dunbar

3rd Row: Grant Kahika, Luke Stower, Ryan Hall Raah Papa, Marcella Neilson

Absent: Tanielu Asomua, Jessie Edwards, Kay Fiso, Tayla Paige Hura, Isaac Katipa, Santana Milner, Hemi Pahiri, Dylan Potter, Tia Rangi-Dixon, Hohepa Salu, Zane Shaddick, Arekibo Tauraoi, Heeni Tua, Hera Wainohu

Tutor Group - FGN 1st Row: Loretta Nuis Jule Lloyd, Ms Rachel Fagan- Tutor & Violet, Samantha Taylor, Courtney Chadwick

2nd Row: Pisi Tuiolosega, Christian Pech, Rob-ert Downes, Kalala Nuis, Kimberley Williams, Tuakana Te Kare-Ruaine

3rd Row: Charlie Teremoana, Frederique Lemanu, Aden Aseri, Richard Kekuki, Ravikash Prasad, Sitashna Lala

Tutor Group - FUA

1st Row L-R: Kahurangi Hemopo, Danii Rawiri Rudman, Shavanah Raumati, Edward Robertson, Riley Tauraki

2nd Row L-R: Mrs Jemma Fuka tutor, Jasmine Day, Latisha Raumati, Trish-Anna Day, Johna Rawirr Rudman, Paris Teterano-Ninha

3rd Row: Tyler Busch, Vincent Delamere, Lucky Faisauvale, Tevita Paea, Te Kiwa Smith, Ranui Perenara

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Tutor Group - ERQ 1st Row: Jasper Papa, Keilah Te Ao, Tere Teremoana, Troy Isaac-Winitana, Grace Harvey

2nd Row: Amber Gemmell, Avishek Kumar, Mr Jesse Enriquez, Raven Daniels, Sombok Seak, Matalena Poutoa,

3rd Row: Cailin Kimberley, Petra Clark, Alex Johnston, Luke Thompson, Kane Vickery

Absent: Amanda-Leigh Aitken, Hayden Aitken, Bree Fraser, Hinerangi Isaac, Nahron Karimo, Keyra Kingi,Angel Kingi-Lockley, Whetu Lum, Boydie Marino, Ngametua, Mitchell, Wita Moana, Alayna Phillips, Maxine Poutoa

Tutor Group - HRI

1st Row L-R: Tyrell Jackson, Renee Shaw, Ms Hori, Monique Green, Crystal Piggott

2nd Row L-R: Aroha Subritzky, Tamara Karipa, Zane Rua, Rebecca Pawson, Destiny Tapiki, Anna Henderson

3rd Row L-R: Simon Nuku, Reaghan-Anne Hura, Sheldon Rua, Ariana Tupoutoa

Tutor Group - JYS

1st Row L-R: Roy Potaha, Jeremy Broughton, Rawirir Barnett-Rangirangi, Jazz Evaga, Nadia Turrell

2nd Row L-R: Kayla Sauvao, Nekoda Atiga, Bonita Morunga-Rogers, Doreen Tualii, Ivana Tanielu, Miss E Joynes tutor

3rd Row L-R: Rikihana Dixon, Aviata Tanielu, Benjamin Abela, Casius Misissa, Stephanie Skilton


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Tutor Group - LUK

1st Row L-R : Privinn Mwene, Reuben James, Cassandra Tshili, Lydon Turner-Parsons, Alan-nah Turner-Parsons

2nd Row L-R : Miss J. Lauaki, Derrin Thomas, Kaleb Ngapera, Stephen Davies, Angel Ngapera, Chanel Ritete

3rd Row L-R: Ailafo Time, Christine Devi, Selwinn Jolley, Shavaughn Corr, Pine Koiatu

Tutor Group - LFF

1st Row L-R: Crystal Walsh, Paige Cruller, Micaela Feldtman, Shekinah Coake

2nd Row L-R : Ala- Lani Tuipulotu, Saimoni Vasu, Arthur Crichton, Isaa Crichton, Raymond Luaui, Zachary Roguski, Mr K Lafferty tutor

Tutor Group - LGN

1st Row: Caitlan Hudson, Danielle Uka, Leafaitulagi Brown, Claudia Uka

2nd Row: Shayne Quinlann, Cherish Bastable, Herman Tutaia, Pepe Brown, Juanita Johnson, Ivanna Matheson, Ms K Logan Tutor

3rd Row: Joey Peck, Elias Mycroft, Paula Williams-Hiha, Liam Gallagher Tahi-Taiala Erika

Absent: May Ah Leong, Thomas Edwards, Caitlin Gallagher, Kieran Hudson, Azaria Latu Brandon Mahutoto, Ngatokorima Matara, Waikura Papuni, Duran Tou, Troy Turipa, Logan Warren

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Tutor Group - MLR

1st Row: Wikitoria Korau, Stevie-Ray Te Kawa, Charlotte Vemoa, Nakita Tate, Fulisia Talafua

2nd Row: Koren Miller Tutor, Cynthia Teokotai, Aidan Lee, William Harris, Brandon Pita, Toroa Williams, Andre-Lee Tonga, Billy Edwards

3rd Row: Adarsh Nadan, Presley Tate, Dawbie Tate, Cody Manukau, Jordan Rangitaawa, Myles Thompson

Absent: Angy Chandra, Joshua Davies, Har-mony Hawkins, Stacey Marshall, Andrew M’Claughlin, Paris Nepe, Jermain Paora, Robert Prictchard, Ashley Williams

Tutor Group - LWR

1st Row L-R : Rachel Kirtlan, Leilana Khamtho, Caseey-Anne Fenton, Geeta Lata, Tamanya Patrick

2nd Row L-R : Jacqueline Dawson, Hirnesh Kumar, Jordan Taylor, William Hori, Tiraphon Khamtho, Mr Lawrence Tutor

Tutor Group - MCB

1st Row: Caleb Ulae, Sarah Kirtlan, Cristine Paihana, Shane Anand

2nd Row: Maree Manukau, Mahu Ritete-Spice, Steve McCabe Tutor, Willimina Williams, Des-tiny Reid, Titaha Anderson

Absent: Cathlyn Angell, Man’s Elliot, Jayden Hamilton, Ajax Harihona, Moana Harris, Shei-den Hereora-Natua, Shane Miku, Tangi Koiahu Te Puawaitanga Watene, Shae Ormsby, Kyla Palu, Shadonna Pratap, Simon Tauriki, Khyara-

Ann Waera, Corey Waru

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Tutor Group - MNA

1st Row: Lute Taulafo, Kaycee Reid, Tyler Rice, Proxy Vave

2nd Row: Caleb Pompey, Tupou Kaufusi, Viola Paua, Danielle Rapana, Steven Armstrong, Ms. Manoa Tutor

3rd Row: Mika Aleki, Sione Paua, Tatauka Mor-gan, Joshua Ah Leong, Tuisaataamia le olomaga Manukau

Absent: Monique Kim, Jarred Kingi, Kobe Kingi, Meagan Martin, Kevin Postma, Connor Reid, Rivalina Sauleoge, Tejah Thomas, Mikato Vave Wesley Vave, Robert Waru

Tutor Group - MNN

1st Row L-R: Stephanie Kingston, Mrs Minton, Maria Sauvao, Rachael Harris, Eden Whitcher

2nd Row L-R: Neeranda Moodley, Jayden Schell, Tayla-Jane Osbourne, Aidan Walker-Stephens, Tammy Lancaster

3rd Row L-R: Po Papalii, Tuariki Chapman-Watarawi, Jarred Whitcher

Tutor Group - MNT

1st Row L-R: Cyan Fergusson, Tayla Cressey, Cameron Joliffe, Reriana de Thierry

2nd Row: Mr Minton, Rowena Tafea, DJ Brady, Jessica Siaosi, Fransalina Manuel

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Tutor Group - PRS

1st Row: Teranui Heta, Lea-Gabrielle Johnson, Georgia Walker, Emily Nuia, Chantelle Culpan

2nd Row: Mystic Rakete, Tori Hammond, Jamie Cook, Bonnie-Rose Albert, Rayvananjas Tufuga, Ms. P Prasad Tutor

3rd Row: Jaida Teinakore, Ricky Waikato, Jade Le Noel Ryan, Justin Phillips

Tutor Group - NDU

1st Row L-R: Mrs S. Naidu, Teuila Aumua, Re-reahu Collier, Angelitsa Johnson, Kori Williams

2nd Row: Jovan Parry, Tutaki Brown, Uma Marsters, Winston Kukutai

Absent: Jack Black, Sharon Cooper, Hannah Freeman, Samantha Hamer, Tane Hepi, Sharon Kaur, Logan Matthews, Kyall Parsons, Mereana Pene, Gideon Rihari, Kotuku Shortland, Shantae Epiha

Tutor Group - NEZ

1st Row L-R: Wendy Savieti, Evaisha Takiaho, Jacob Doyle, Te Kawehau O’Donnell, Drew Wharehinga

2nd Row L-R: Isaia Woonton, Simi Felise-Vitale, Tyra Williams, Raydon Katipa, Cridon Uerata, Mrs. Neziri

3rd Row L-R: Alex Stowers, Eddie Tofilau, Taamati Pahiri

Absent: James Cherington, Justin Cherington, Rikharne Hohepa-Paniroa, Olivia Mafileo, Mani

Mark, Linda Muipu, Ariana Page, Sheyna Rehu, Chelsea Rhind, Briar Stevens, Stanley Tito, Manawanui Woonton

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Tutor Group - PWL

1st Row L-R: Shylae Singh, Camille Le Noel, Heeni Millar, Bailee Jacobson

2nd Row L-R: Takai Tafea, Joshua Teotaki, Taylar Paora

Tutor Group - RYN

1st Row L-R: Sharnee Pickering, Kiana David, Mary Ritea, Stephanie Mackie Akaiti Maka, Myah-Jane Church, Toni-Jane Hohaia

2nd Row L-R: Valatasi Tuifua, Tane Crowther, Paul Cooper, Makiroa Paparoa, Jason Ahuriri, Dylan Feldtman, Hayden Smith, Donny Tuivai-Lopa, Cameron Chadwick, Annie Ryan

3rd Row L-R: Briana Rogers, Kirsty Ashworth, Rosa Tuoro, Ronald Tuitea, Apirana Eyles, Rahs Tuivai-Lopa, Leao Lokeni, Dylan Wright, Hema Sam Iateti Tauraoi

Absent: Robert Matthews, Shontelle Maxwell, Calvin Tautari, Kalolaine Tuifua, Foli Waru

Tutor Group - SKY

1st Row L-R: Jessica Root, Imogen Brady, Mel-lissa Warwick, Ngamira Warren, Euphrasia-Jan Harris, Moananoa Rountree

2nd Row L-R : Shay McIsaac, Jordan Tanielu, Satyvir Jasra, Robert Urquhart, Michael Trump-er, Joseph Simona, Jaris Herdson, Ms. Sharkey

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Tutor Group - TWH

1st Row: Taylor Turei Leoni Duthie, Lesieli Fakavai , Miss. E Te Wheehi Tutor

2nd Row: Bredan Newman, Kaewa Shepherd, Tangata Shepherd, Ben Tauafao-Ale, Chas Sinh, Antonino Motuliki

Tutor Group - STN 1st Row L-R: Natasha Nyabadza, Loretta Di-dovich, Shorouk Hassan, Grace Ah-Yek, Nerissa Carlson-Gelling, Courtney McGrath

2nd Row L-R: Andrew Vili, Chantelle Mat-thews, Oshiana Tia, Marion Kemara, Olivia Wilson, Lara Sexton tutor

3rd Row L-R: Phoenix Pule’anga, Israel Toala, Quentin Schmidt, Hayden Smith, Juliana Kapeli Sua, Tayla Williams, Polly-Jazmine Marks

Absent: Nigel Angell, Rangihau Jack Kino, Arik John, Nikita Karaiti, Tatyana Karaiti, William Katipa, So’o Lea’ana, Amy Mani Denton, Sym-mone McMiller, Vince Penese-Sua Sapphire Rapata, Savannah Rapata, Hone Rimamate

Tutor Group - THE

1st Row L-R: Maria Vize, Eden McCann, Des-tini John, Lenore Edmonds, Tralee Vize

2nd Row L-R : Mr Tuhoe, Gene Roberts, Maeva John, Sean Hill, Brody Cole, Jordan Lee Turei, Kaya Miriau

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Tutor Group - WLN

1st Row: Leslie Fakavai, Thanita Rungroungkul, Pam Rungroungkul, Alison Wilson

2nd Row: Papa Ngametua, Jayden Boy-Katipa, Joshua Newman, Sengli Malu, Timoth Tetini

Absent: William Bremner, Blake Broodkorn, Warr Bryan, Tyrahn Doolan, Juliana Kapeseli Su’s, Jamesh Latchman, Siu Malu, Angel Metu-atini, Moanan Moa, Sarisha Opeta, Tuananiekore Pakuivi, Azalea Peeni, Ramandeep Singh, Marne Teui Mana

Tutor Group - WRN

1st Row L-R: Jessica White, Samantha Huston, Emma Holden, Natalie Fidow

2nd Row L-R: Laeken Morrow, Rochelle Cruller, Jazmine Johnston, Aitu Tofilau, Carmala Dixon, Who’s that handsome teacher

3rd Row L-R: John Puleanga, Phoenix Puleanga, Senerita Felise, Justin Holden, Tevita Leka, James Johnson, Karaneihana Pompey Waipouri

Tutor Group - BCE

1st Row: Emily Thammavongsar, Georgis Neame, Mrs Boyce Tutor, Wonita Kairau

2nd Row: Keely Brown, Samanthe Hadder, Lavenia-Jane Ena, Iesha Akavi-Shortland, Cajun Moki

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Tutor Group - GNS

1st Row L-R: Nikita Kumar, Helen Funaki, Papauta Mailata, Prem Charoenpipatsakun, Kale Neal

2nd Row L-R: Megan Evans-Dass, Arawhita Christie, Jarrod Pihama, Puy Charoenpipat-sakun, Viliami Vakasiuola Mr Granshaw

3rd Row L-R: Te One Matthews, Mattew Munro, Jared Karam, Malaney Hawken

Tutor Group - SYR

1st Row L-R: Tau Fakavamoeanga, Ola Hunt, CeJay Apiata-Beckham

2nd Row L-R: Jessica Le Grice, Kortnee Lammas, Wahine Shortland

Tutor Group - PRS

1st Row: Teranui Heta, Lea-Gabrielle Johnson, Georgia Walker, Emily Nuia, Chantelle Culpan

2nd Row: Mystic Rakete, Tori Hammond, Jamie Cook, Bonnie-Rose Albert, Rayvananjas Tufuga, Ms. P Prasad Tutor

3rd Row: Jaida Teinakore, Ricky Waikato, Jade Le Noel Ryan, Justin Phillips

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84 Papakura High School 2012

Every year in August the World celebrates International Languages week. At Papakura High School our students speak around thirty different languages besides English. So , during Inter-national Languages Week our international students wear their national costumes and prepare delicious food from their home countries.

This year many of our teachers who come from other countries and other cultures also joined in our festivities. At the English Language Support Centre students learn the English Skills needed for success in our schools.

Heather KilgourHOD ESOL

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Jasper Papa Debbie Kingi

Troy Turipa Pisi Tuiolosega Lisa ClarkeKapa Haka Group Level 3 Music Group xERA

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