panorama december 11, 2015

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy 60th year, No. 47 Friday, December 11, 2015 NAVY OPSEC Page 13 Navy OPSEC App Available By MC2(SW/AW/IDW) David R. Finley Jr. U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/ U.S. 10th Fleet Public Affairs CAPTAIN’S CORNER......... 2 BASE NOTES............... 2 NAVY HISTORY ............. 4 FFSC CALENDAR ........... 5 SOUND OFF ............... 6 MOVIES ................... 9 JOBS .................... 12 USO TOURS .............. 14 WORD SEARCH / COLOR ME 14 VETERAN UNEMPLOYMENT DROPPING . . . . . . . . .page 3 CHRISTMAS TREE TRADITIONS . . . . . . . .page 14 Army Beats Navy 32-25 in Annual Flag Football Navy Lt. j.g. Joseph Minnich, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, left, plays quarterback against Army at NSA Naples Support Site High School, December 5, 2015. Army won the annual flag football match with a score of 32-25. For the full story and additional photos, turn to pages 10-11. Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price The Navy released its new mobile Operations Security app designed to make annual training requirements more accessible to Sailors Decem- ber 3. The Naval OPSEC Support Team (NOST) from Navy In- formation Operations Com- mand (NIOC) Norfolk, worked closely with Navy Ed- ucation and Training Center (NETC), Sea Warrior Pro- gram (PMW 240) and TRA- CEN Technologies to develop the app. Sailors can not only com- plete required training on the OPSEC app, but also access related resources and poli- cies. “Practicing OPSEC and un- derstanding the OPSEC process will facilitate protect- ing critical information,” Jim Magdalenski, director of the Naval OPSEC Support Team, said. “If shared or not pro- tected, we leave this informa- tion vulnerable to adversary collection and aggregation, which could result in actions taken against us and ulti- mately result in mission fail- ure or even worse, loss of life.” Military family members play an active role in OPSEC and are responsible for pro- tecting unclassified critical information. “One of the biggest benefits for this particular app is that family members can also ac- cess the information and com- plete the training, if they desire,” Magdalenski said. “Family members play a vital role in protecting critical in- formation, and also are the groups most frequently re- questing OPSEC training briefs.” On December 2, Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples Security received seven re- ports of vehicle break-ins; Four at a Parco in Teverola, one in Pozzoli, and two in Naples. There was very little the owners could have done to prevent the damage. Thankfully, the owners had removed all valuables from their vehicles. Consequently, the thieves did not take any items that were of great value. This type of crime is common in our area and during the holiday season it increases; this year is no different. The following are tips to minimize the chances of being a victim or great loss: Do NOT leave items worth stealing in your vehicle Avoid parking vehicles overnight on the street Utilize garage parking, if available Patronize business that offer secured parking lots Ensure all security features in your house or Parco are functioning properly Car Break-Ins On the Rise During Holidays Be Aware – Be Safe From NSA Security Santa Claus visits with children at the Naval Support Activity Naples Support Site Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Market December 4, 2015. The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday market offered 13 local vendors, musical per- formances, a Candy Cane Run foot race, and a visit by Santa to begin the holiday season. Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price NSA Tree Lighting Ceremony

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Panorama is a weekly newspaper serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta military community in Italy.


Page 1: Panorama December 11, 2015

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy60th year, No. 47 Friday, December 11, 2015


Navy OPSEC AppAvailable

By MC2(SW/AW/IDW) David R. Finley Jr. U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet Public Affairs

CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2

BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

NAVY HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14



CHRISTMAS TREE TRADITIONS . . . . . . . .page 14

Army Beats Navy 32-25 in Annual Flag Football

Navy Lt. j.g. Joseph Minnich, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, left, plays quarterback against Army at NSA Naples Support Site High School, December 5, 2015. Army won the annual flag footballmatch with a score of 32-25. For the full story and additional photos, turn to pages 10-11. Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price

The Navy released its newmobile Operations Securityapp designed to make annualtraining requirements moreaccessible to Sailors Decem-ber 3. The Naval OPSEC SupportTeam (NOST) from Navy In-formation Operations Com-mand (NIOC) Norfolk,worked closely with Navy Ed-ucation and Training Center(NETC), Sea Warrior Pro-gram (PMW 240) and TRA-CEN Technologies to developthe app. Sailors can not only com-plete required training on theOPSEC app, but also accessrelated resources and poli-cies.“Practicing OPSEC and un-derstanding the OPSECprocess will facilitate protect-ing critical information,” JimMagdalenski, director of theNaval OPSEC Support Team,said. “If shared or not pro-tected, we leave this informa-tion vulnerable to adversarycollection and aggregation,which could result in actionstaken against us and ulti-mately result in mission fail-ure or even worse, loss of life.”Military family membersplay an active role in OPSECand are responsible for pro-tecting unclassified criticalinformation.“One of the biggest benefitsfor this particular app is thatfamily members can also ac-cess the information and com-plete the training, if theydesire,” Magdalenski said.“Family members play a vitalrole in protecting critical in-formation, and also are thegroups most frequently re-questing OPSEC trainingbriefs.”

On December 2, Naval Support Activity(NSA) Naples Security received seven re-ports of vehicle break-ins; Four at a Parco inTeverola, one in Pozzoli, and two in Naples.There was very little the owners could havedone to prevent the damage. Thankfully, theowners had removed all valuables from theirvehicles. Consequently, the thieves did nottake any items that were of great value.This type of crime is common in our areaand during the holiday season it increases;this year is no different. The following are tips to minimize thechances of being a victim or great loss:● Do NOT leave items worth stealing inyour vehicle● Avoid parking vehicles overnight on thestreet● Utilize garage parking, if available● Patronize business that offer securedparking lots● Ensure all security features in yourhouse or Parco are functioning properly

Car Break-Ins On theRise During HolidaysBe Aware – Be Safe

From NSA Security

Santa Claus visits with children at the Naval Support Activity Naples Support Site Tree Lighting Ceremony and HolidayMarket December 4, 2015. The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday market offered 13 local vendors, musical per-formances, a Candy Cane Run foot race, and a visit by Santa to begin the holiday season. Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price

NSA Tree Lighting Ceremony

Page 2: Panorama December 11, 2015

2 PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015

PANOrAMAAssociato all’USPI

Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

Panorama is pub lished week ly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy- Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stam pa gen e [email protected] - Autoriz-zazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile:Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione:Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a pri vate firm inno way con nect ed with the U. S. Navy under exclu sive writ ten con tract with theU. S. Navy. The edi to ri al con tent is edit ed, pre pared and pro vid ed by the PublicAffairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and fea turearti cles and announce ments sub mit ted to Panorama are sub ject to edit ing to con -form with con tem po rary stan dards of jour na lis tic objec tiv ity, clar ity and rel e -vance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing withcommunity issues. Submissions for pub li ca tion in Panorama will be accept ed onthe basis of news wor thi ness, time li ness and space avail able. All copy must besubmitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at:[email protected]. Each submission must include the name and tele-phone number of the author. Deadline for all copy and photos is close of business Friday

prior to publication date.

This civil ian enter prise (CE) news pa per is an author ized pub li ca tionfor mem bers of the mil i tary ser vic es over seas. Contents of Panorama

are not nec es sar i ly the offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy. The appear -ance of adver tis ing in this news pa per, includ ing inserts or sup ple ments,does not con sti tute endorse ment by the Department of Defense, orStampa Generale S.r.l. of the prod ucts or ser vic es adver tised.

Everything adver tised in this pub li ca tion shall be made avail ablefor pur chase, use, or pat ron age with out regard to race, color,relig ion, sex, nation al ori gin, age, mar i tal stat us, phys i cal hand i cap,polit i cal affil i a tion, or any other non mer it fac tor of the pur chas er,user, or patron. A con firmed vio la tion or rejec tion of this equaloppor tu nity pol i cy by an adver tis er will result in the refu sal to printadver tis ing from that source until the vio la tion is cor rect ed.

The Panorama edi to ri al office is locat ed at Naval Support Activity,Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001.

Telephone: 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912. Email: [email protected].

Editorial StaffGary Nichols, Editor: [email protected] Tel. 081/568-5335

AdvertisingFree Mercato Ads: Tel. 081/568-5912

Paid Advertising: Tel. 081/568-7884 E-mail: [email protected]

Naval Support Activity Naples Italy

Capt. Doug Carpenter Commanding Officer

Cmdr. Jay Driskell Executive Officer

Lt. j.g. Alexander Perrien Public Affairs Officer

Teresa Merola Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist

Now-Mar. 21: Carney Park Restroom RenovationsThe Carney Park restrooms will be undergoing ren-ovations beginning December 9. Renovations will becompleted March 21. During this time there will beother restrooms available on site. Feel free to cometo the park to enjoy events, camping, picnics andmore. For details call 081-526-1579.

Dec. 15-20: Star Wars Movie MarathonJoin MWR at the Support Site Reel Times 2 Cin-ema for a Star Wars Movie Marathon, includingThe Force Awakens showing from December 15 to20. Episodes I - VI will be shown free of charge. Fordetails call DSN 629-4367 or Comm. 081-811-4367.

Dec. 11: Marriage Enrichment Workshop:Fearless MarriagesA one-day marriage enrichment workshop designedto help military members and their families buildresiliency by developing communication and rela-tional skills. Military couples who attend this work-shop report stronger relationships and newtechniques to promote a happy and enduring mar-riage. Couples will discover that physical, emotionaland commitment safety are foundational for suc-cessful communication. The workshop is being heldtoday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Support SiteChapel Fellowship Hall on the second floor. To reg-ister visit For de-tails call 314-626-5255 or email [email protected]

Dec. 12: Drug Take BackU.S. Naval Hospital Naples is hosting a drug takeback day December 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in theNSA Naples Food Court next to the movie theater.If you have any unused or expired medications,drop them off to ensure safe disposal. For detailscall DSN 629-6225 or Comm. 081-811-6225.

Dec. 12 & 19: NOR One Day Snow TripsMWR is offering bus transportation on December12 and 19 to one of the local ski resorts. Bus de-parts the Support Site Youth Center parking lot(bus stop C) at 6:15 a.m. and departs the ski resortat 4 p.m. sharp. Cost is $15 per adult and $10 perchild 12 and under. Children of active duty mem-bers E-5 and below receive free transportation (1child per 1 paying adult). Lift tickets are available

at the resort; bring euro in cash. Ski, snowboardand other winter equipment is available for rent atthe NOR Ski Shop. Registration for these and allupcoming ski trips begin December 1. For detailscall DSN 629-4947 or Comm. 081-811-4947.

Dec. 12 & 19: Parents’ Night Out Enjoy a night out and let CDC watch your children.Parents’ Night Out will run from 4 p.m. to midnightand is open to children ages six weeks to sixthgrade at a cost of $4 per child, per hour. Register bythe Friday, one week prior to date, at the SupportSite’s or Capodichino’s CDCs. For details or reser-vations call DSN 629-4989 or Comm. 081-811-4989.

Dec. 13: Christmas CantataMark your Calendars and come enjoy a taste of Ital-ian and English Christmas Music at the 16th AnnualChristmas Cantata. The Italian Choir “Il Coro Anni-bale Messore” will be performing at the Support SiteChapel on December 13 at 5 p.m. Event is free ofcharge. For details call DSN 629-4600 or 626-3539.

Dec. 15: Liberty New Hours of OperationBeginning December 15, the Liberty Centers atCapo and Support Site will follow the followinghours: Capo (building 449) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Support Site (building 2038, apt. 2) Monday-Saturday, noon-8 p.m.; U.S. Naval Hospital NaplesBarracks, Wednesday and Friday, 2-8 p.m. The Lib-erty program is open to Single/UnaccompaniedService Members, E-1 to E-5. For details call Capoat DSN 626-4896 or Support Site at DSN 629-4192.

Dec. 16: PTSA Holiday Bazaar with Silent AuctionThe Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar with Silent Auc-tion December 16 from 5 to 8:30 p.m. at the HighSchool Cafeteria. Proceeds go toward students,teachers, school, and ultimately the community. Weare hoping for a great success with the bazaar thisyear. We are in need of: Businesses that would liketo sell their items, foods, drinks or provide a gametable. For details or to register to be a seller, contactthe fundraising chairperson [email protected] or 347-456-6728.


See BASE NOTES Page 13

The holidays are in full swingwith the seasonal Support Sitetree lighting last Friday. It was afantastic community event put onby the professionals at MWRwith a lot of support from theNEX, USO, AFN, and many otherof or local volunteer driven or-ganizations. On Monday I held a quarterlytown hall with special guest RearAdm. Jack Scorby, our RegionalCommander, to discuss a range oftopics from operational securityto housing and upcoming events. There was a lot of discussion fo-cused on the internet issues experienced at the beginning of themonth, and I was able to relay the cause and the steps we are tak-ing to improve service. The internet on Support Site was disruptedby a power outage on Saturday that corrupted the Telecom Italiaservers. It was a difficult problem to fix and it took until Monday tofigure it out and get the fix in place. I called a meeting with theTelecom Italia staff, NEX Residential Services, Public Works andother stakeholders this past Monday to discuss the failures we ex-perienced and to discuss much needed improvements to our inter-net service. We are taking steps to better ensure that this type ofoutage doesn’t happen again, and Telecom Italia committed to im-prove the internet infrastructure and bandwidth on the SupportSite. Additionally, these upgrades will soon allow residents to havethe option between a 20 and 40 megabyte service.Another major topic of discussion covered where to look for infor-mation concerning closures, maintenance and other major events onbase. The PAO Notes, the NSA Naples Facebook page, and the CO’sRadio show (on Friday’s from 7 to 8 a.m. on 107 AFN The Eagle) arethe three main sources of getting information out to the community.In the event of an emergency or other development, more urgentnotifications are pushed out to the community via the AtHoc mes-saging service, Giant Voice, and on the AFN emergency channel.Some other suggestions regarding methods of communication weremade at the town hall last Monday evening and we are taking stepsto get the word out in new and creative ways.Attending town halls is really the best way to have your voiceheard regarding community issues. Each quarter I bring all of mydepartment heads, NCIS, the CO of the Hospital, and many othersto share the latest information on current issues and hear yourcomments and concerns in the question and answer session. Thisvenue provides a forum for two-way communications with decisionmakers and leaders in the community and helps me to better un-derstand the issues on which I should focus more attention. I get alot out of the town halls, and I hope to continue to have lots of peo-ple show up and help make improvements to the quality of life inNaples.Sunday at sunset marked the beginning of Hanukkah across theworld which will last for eight days till the nightfall on December16. The eight-day Jewish celebration commemorates the rededica-tion during the time of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where ac-cording to legend, the Jewish people rose up against theiroppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. The Navy consists of Sailorsand civilians from all cultures and walks of life. Be sure to take in-terest and understand the celebrations and customs of those aroundyou. Diversity of people, opinion, and tradition is a core tenet of oursuccess; we in the United States are unified in our celebration of di-versity. Celebrate our culture by celebrating the cultures of all.Have a good weekend, enjoy the great weather we are having, andplease remain vigilant!

By Capt. Doug CarpenterNSA Naples Commanding Officer


Page 3: Panorama December 11, 2015

3PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015

Volunteers NeededUSO Naples is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volun-teers to join their committee to make a difference in the com-munity through special events and outreach. If interested,email USO Naples and Rome Director, Sabrina Pullido at [email protected].

Club Beyond is searching for volunteers to serve as adultleaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conductingsmall group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12.Leadership training lasts a month. For details call Diane Van-derpool at DSN 629-4600.

The Transatlantic Council Of The Boy Scouts of America is looking for Eagle Scouts in the Naples communityto update the National Eagle Scout Association database. AllEagle Scouts, both active and not active in scouting are askedto send an email with their last name, first name, email ad-dress, hometown/community, and council/district name wherethey earned their Eagle rank, to [email protected]. “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.”

Naples American Red Cross (ARC) needs volunteers. Fordetails or to register for a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 or visit American Red Cross Naples on Facebook.

Fleet and Family Support Center is looking for volunteersto assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteers could becalled upon if families are relocated to Support Site due to anatural disaster or similar emergency that exceeds what theFFSC staff can support. Volunteers may greet families, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paperwork,etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a future event. For details call 081-811-6372 or email [email protected].

Animals Without Limits (AWL) is searching for volunteerswho want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. Wealso need volunteers for different projects on the Support Sitebase. For details email [email protected] or [email protected].

The American Soccer Club (ASC) of Napoli is looking forqualified coaches. For details email [email protected].

Ongoing / On the Horizon

The Naples Middle High School Music Boosters Is your Naples Middle High School student in Band, Choir,Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he / she benefits fromNMHS Music Boosters. We are a growing organization thatensures all Naples Middle High School music programs con-tinue performing at the highest levels. Help support MusicBoosters with your yearly family membership of $25 (othermembership levels also available). Volunteers are continu-ously needed to assist with several projects. For details [email protected] or visit NMHS Music Boost-ers on Facebook.

More “Inside Page” on Page 7


A concerted national effort to hire veter-ans, coupled with their sought-after essen-tial skills training, likely had an effect onmaking October’s veteran unemploymentrate the lowest since April 2008, a DefenseDepartment official said November 30. Susan S. Kelly, who leads DoD’s Transi-tion to Veterans Program Office, spoke toDoD News about the October Bureau ofLabor Statistics Report published by theLabor Department, which indicated thatveteran unemployment has been lowerthan the rate of nonveteran unemploymentfor 23 consecutive weeks. In October, theveteran unemployment rate stood at just3.9 percent, while nonveteran unemploy-ment was 5.4 percent.Kelly said she believes the drop in veter-ans’ unemployment stems from several fac-tors, such as the economic upturn acrossthe country, as well as the many layers ofeffort in the public and private sectors tohire veterans. In addition, she said, employers are seek-ing the professional “essential skills” in-grained in every veteran.“Employers have been telling us the last18 months, ‘We can train them in technicalskills, but the [other skills] take years todevelop,” Kelly said. Those “essential skills” include leadership,ability to handle work stress, persistence,attention to detail, interpersonal skills,teamwork and team-building, oral andwritten communication, decision making,training people, supervising, critical think-ing and project planning, she said, addingthat the philosophy behind hiring veteranshas evolved from the “right thing to do” to“the smart thing to do.”“The heads of corporations say they spendmillions of dollars every year teaching theirmanagers leadership skills,” she said, andemployers have learned that veterans ar-rive at the workplace already equippedwith these skills.

Veteran Hiring: A Snowball EffectNot long ago, veteran unemploymentamong young veterans ranged in the doubledigits. When the White House’s JoiningForces initiative began in 2011, it called onall sectors of society to hire veterans andspouses and “opened avenues for veteranemployment,” Kelly noted.At DoD, with the help of several federal

agencies, Kelly led the transformation ofthe Transition Assistance Program intoweeklong, mandatory training for transi-tioning service members, giving them theskills and knowledge necessary to securejobs, seek education and pursue optionaltraining, such as how to start a business.More federal agencies, corporations andnonprofit organizations joined the hiring ef-fort and sought veterans for employment.For example, national retailer Wal-Martlaunched the “Greenlight a Vet” campaignto shine a light on how veterans enrichcommunities and to encourage hiring veter-ans, who are known to take action quickly,show great leadership skills and “representthe best of America,” an organization state-ment noted.Several organizations, including the Insti-tute for Veterans and Military Families;Team Red, White and Blue; Team Rubicon;Blue Star Families; and the U.S. Chamberof Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes programhave also joined the effort.“Each one brings us a unique contributionto veteran unemployment,” Kelly said.

Rand Corp. Endorses Veteran SkillsetWhile it was understood veterans hadstrong work ethics and skills, Kelly said,those basics weren’t “codified” until DoDenlisted the Rand Corp. to study the com-bat arms profession -- the field with thefewest technical skills transferrable to civil-ian employment.Since Rand’s study this year, it has en-dorsed hiring veterans and illustrated howveterans’ essential skills line up “very well”with what the Labor Department, acade-mia and economists named as necessary inthe 21st century workforce, she said.The professional standards taught totroops are an asset to the civilian workforceduring a time when the nation is chal-lenged to fill what Kelly calls “a gap inworkforce skills.” She said that while DoDis “delighted” with the drop in veteran un-employment, the turnaround is an ongoingeffort that is continually adapting to newlessons learned.“We look at these skills as an asset for theworkforce, but our veterans have an incred-ible amount of attributes that can be usedin all aspects of community life,” Kelly said.“They can be leaders, and in [those] I meet,I tell them to run for public office, becauseour nation needs leaders, and they havewhat it takes … for the betterment of all ofcommunity life.”

By Terri Moon CronkDoD News

Veteran Unemployment Rate Lowest in Nearly 8 Years

Page 4: Panorama December 11, 2015

4 PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015


Legalman First Class Amanda King, from Indi-anapolis, Indiana, joined the Navy in September of2006. She reported to U.S. Naval Hospital Naples inJanuary 2015. King is a vital asset to the CommandSuite and works directly under the supervision ofthe Staff Judge Advocate. Her duties include facili-tating and processing criminal and administrativeinvestigations, disciplinary matters for non-judicialpunishment, administrative separations, providingtraining on legal matters, and providing power-of-attorney and notary services to staff and patientsadmitted to the hospital. King is the commandsuite’s training officer and supply petty officer,which means she regularly provides training to sen-ior leadership. Outside of work, King likes to volunteer with thechild youth program. She recently volunteered atthe color run. “It was so much fun seeing all the kidshaving such a great time,” she said. King enjoysplaying board games, learning how to speak Italian,and of course, traveling and seeing new places. Sheloves how dog-friendly Italy is. She has been able totake her dog Lola on boats, trains and buses, whichsaves her money by not having to pay for dog sittersand most places don’t have pet fees. Her goals are tocomplete her bachelor’s degree in legal studies andeventually retire as a chief or above.


On December 9, 1938, a proto-type shipboard radar, XAF,designed and built bythe Naval ResearchLaboratory (NRL),was installed onthe battleship USSNew York (BB 34). The term“RADAR” was coi-ned in 1940 by theNRL as an acronym forRAdio Detection And Ran-ging. Under the greatest se-crecy, installation on other Navyvessels began in 1940. The newradar proved its worth in detec-ting the enemy ships and air-craft throughout World War II.NRL’s XAF radar, fondlyknown as the “flying bedspring,”due to its square-ish shape, wasthe prototype that showed theNavy what this new radio detec-ting and ranging system was ca-pable of doing. The XAF radar was installedaboard USS New York (BB 34)in preparation for fleet exercisesin the Caribbean in early 1939.During the at-sea exercises, the200 MHz XAF system succes-sfully spotted aircraft at distan-ces up to 48 miles and ships at10 miles, and could even follow14-inch shells in flight. It alsodetected and pinpointed destro-yers making nighttime simula-ted torpedo attacks.NRL physicist Robert M. Page,one of the developers of the XAFsystem and inventor of manyother radar technologies, wasaboard New York and later de-scribed the reaction after themock attacks.“These performances were atnight, with no possibility of se-eing the destroyers. Their lightswere out,” Page said. “That re-ally impressed the officers.From then on they were sold onthe stuff and they would give usanything we wanted.”Commander, Atlantic Squa-

From the Navy Research Laboratory

The XAF radar installed and operating on the battleship USS New York (BB 34), circa 1938-1939. The XAF radar is now on display at the National Electronics Museum in Linthicum,Maryland. U.S. Naval Research Laboratory photo

dron Adm. A.W. Johnson wasgreatly impressed with the newtechnology and urged the Navy

to use and develop RADAR.“The equipment isone of the most im-portant militarydevelopmentssince the adventof radio itself,”Johnson said. “Itsvalue as a defen-sive instrument of

war and as an instru-ment for avoidance of colli-

sions at sea justifies the Navy’sunlimited development of theequipment.”XAF’s capabilities resulted inthe recommendation for imme-diate procurement of “10 to 20 of

the devices in their presentform” for installation on Fleetvessels.The NRL system went rapidlyto production by RCA as theCXAM and CXAM-1 models,and by the time the United Sta-tes entered World War II, theseradar units were installed on 20Navy vessels, mainly heavycruisers, carriers and battle-ships.Radar surged in importance,and NRL, which had a wide-ranging program of radio rese-arch, developed prototypes of airand submarine radars that werealso used during the war. Today,NRL continues to be a leadingcenter for research and develop-ment of radar systems.

Page 5: Panorama December 11, 2015

There are a variety of low-cost andno-cost methods to conserve energyand home but what about those ofus who are ready to take energysavings to a whole new level? Theinstallation of programmable ther-mostats, energy efficient windowsand conducting home audits weremerely baby steps. You now may beready to consider incorporatingclean energy into your home energy-saving strategy.The installation of a solar panelsystem may be just right for your home. With advance-ments in technology and the expansion of the solar indus-try, prices for solar panels have fallen dramatically. A wind turbine system is a great option if you live on atleast one acre of land and experience strong winds in yourarea. Be sure to coordinate with the zoning requirementsfor your city/town. Wind turbine systems and reduce en-ergy cost by as much as 90 percent.Small hydropower systems are beneficial to those whohave a source of flowing water on their property. Often, a10-kilowatt microhydropower system can provide enoughpower for a large home, small resort or a small farm. Aswith the energy options, please verify zoning requirementsand acquire any necessary permits prior to beginning in-stallation.Energy conservation at home is a continuous home im-provement project. There are a series of options availableand they are becoming more affordable. Someone is alwaysworking on the “next big way” to reduce usage and push to-wards a more energy secure future. We should strive to as-sist accomplishing that goal by doing our part throughrenovation at home.

5PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015

● Dec. 11: Xmas Alley, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MeetingPoint: Mccafe by the Airport) ● Dec. 14: Hand Gestures, 10 to 11 a.m., Support SiteFFSC ● Dec. 14: Infant Massage, 11 a.m. to noon, SupportSite FFSC● Dec. 15: Love and Logic (Week 5), 9 a.m. to noon,Support Site FFSC ● Dec. 15: Explore Vomero, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Meeting point: Mccafe by the Airport) ● Dec. 16: How to support Your Tween in School Environmental, noon to 1 p.m., Support Site FFSC ● Dec. 17: Smooth Move, 8:30 a.m. to noon, SupportSite FFSC ● Dec. 17: Labor and Delivery Relaxation Techniques, 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC ● Dec. 22: Growth and Development, 9 to 10:30 a.m.,Support Site FFSC ● Dec. 22: Italian Cooking Class, 10:10 a.m. to 2 p.m.(Meeting point: Outside Support Site Main Gate. Need2 AC1 Tickets. Cost: 15 euro● Dec. 23: Development and Effective DisciplineMethods, noon to 1 p.m., Support Site FFSC


For more information about local Fleet and FamilySupport Center (FFSC) events, visit

All classes require registration.Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register.

SEPTEMBERJeptember 2, 2015, Morton Maurice Taylor III6 pounds 1.7 ounces, son of HN Nakindria D. Taylorand HM2 Morton M. Taylor Jr

September 7, 2015, Alessio Gianni Sanchez7 pounds 11.6 ounces, son of Marlene Sanchez andLt. Col. Gerard Sanchez

September 8, 2015, Christian Alexander Hyney7 pounds 5.6 ounces, son of Federica Margarido andIT1 Rylee J. Hyney

September 12, 2015, Gia Isabella Agreda7 pounds 9 ounces, daughter of Norma Agreda andHMC Alex Agreda

September 12, 2015, Catherine Grace Ashburn-Forest6 pounds 8 ounces, daughter of Amy D. Ashburn andYN1 Randolph X. Forest

September 12, 2015, Wyatt Lincoln Messiha5 pounds 13 ounces, son of Lt. Tess M. Messiha andLt. Evan Messiha

September 16, 2015, Josephine Anne Catherina Verhoeven7 pounds 0.2 ounces, daughter of MarjoleinJosephina Barbara Verhoeven

September 17, 2015, Lennox Alexander Nixon8 pounds 13.1 ounces, son of Courtney J. Nixon andJames A. Nixon

September 19, 2015, Cecilia Dianne Carlisle6 pounds 13.5 ounces, daughter of Tiffany A. Carlisleand Lt. Cmdr. Parker S. Carlisle

September 20, 2015, Zuri Julianna Diaz8 pounds 14 ounces, daughter of Zeralin M. Diaz andOS2 John M. Diaz

September 21, 2015, Garin Charles Zeuske7 pounds 1.7 ounces, son of MA1 Erica J. Zeuske andDustin B. Zeuske

September 28, 2015, 2015, Mowgli Vaughn Hessel8 pounds 12.3 ounces, son of Olivia C. Hessel andBU1 Eric E. Hessel

September 28, 2015, Norah Jean Pavoni9 pounds, daughter of LN1 Stephani J. Pavoni andTravis K. Pavoni

OCTOBEROctober 3, 2015, Kaden Anthony Killings6 pounds 3.6 ounces, son of Angelina M. Killings andPO2 Kendrick D. Killings

October 8, 2015, Marcus Thomas Morgan 7 pounds 12 ounces, son of Karena A. Morgan andSgt. Michael J. Morgan

October 10, 2015, Aria Adelynne Martinez7 pounds 14.8 ounces, daughter of Elizabeth Aguirre-Garcia and CTM2 Aaron A. Martianez

October 13, 2015, Parley Neal Ward9 pounds 2.7 ounces, son of Holly D. Ward and MU2Nathan N. Ward

October 15, 2015, Wyatt Emerson Miller7 pounds 4.1 ounces, son of Lt. Kathryn A. Miller andGeorge F. Miller

October 15, 2015, Frederik Willi Koch7 pounds 4.2 ounces, son of Katharina A. Koch andOF-3 GE Christian Koch

October 19, 2015, Ryan Matthew Kopatz 8 pounds .4 ounces, son of Denise P. Kopatz and StaffSgt. Donald E. Kopatz Jr

October 19, 2015, Marcus Jae Alexander8 pounds .4 ounces, son of Allison N. Alexander andHM1 Jon G. Alexander

October 21, 2015, Aubree Brooke Gibbs7 pounds 3 ounces, daughter of Krystal K. Gibbs andET2 Justin C. Gibbs

October 23, 2015, Emera Dee Rose7 pounds 6 ounces, daughter of Haley B. Rose and Lt.Ryan L. Rose

October 27, 2015, Nea Bianca Carbonell5 pounds 8 ounces, daughter of Ilaria Allegretta andABH2 Lawrence C. Carbonell


Taking the next stepENERGY CONSERVATION

From NSA Naples Energy Management Team

How to Lend a Hand to Operation Help for the HolidaysDecember 16:Reparatrix Sisters’ Pre-school, Naples, 11 a.m. to 1p.m. The school has 95 chil-dren. For details call 342-719-2495.

December 18:Vacationist Sisters Pre-school,Licola, 10 a.m. to noon. Theschool has 60 children. For detailscall 344-297-3722.

December 19:Reparatrix Sisters Pre-school, Mon-tella, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. The school is in arural area of Avellino. For details call342-719-2495 or 345-807-2209.

December 20:Evangelical Baptist Church, Casoria,5:30 to 7 p.m. The ministry is led by Pas-tor Doug Valenzuela, a son of a U.S. NavyChief Petty Officer and a missionarysince 1978. For details call 331-570-2787.

December 21:Franciscan Sisters ofthe Sacred Hearts Pre-school, Carinaro, noon to1 p.m. The School Min-istry is led by Sister

Carla and Sister Malou.For details call 349-569-2779or 345-807-2209.

December 23:Christmas Luncheon for SanGennaro, Pozzuoli, noon to 2

p.m. For details call DSN 626-5860 or 39-339-863-4816.

December 26:Christmas Luncheon with about 40priests and nuns in Rome, all day. This isa pot-luck event. Volunteers are encour-aged to bring humanitarian items such ashygienic materials and non-perishablefood. Mass will be celebrated prior tolunchtime. For details call 39-388-765-4552.

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A study conducted by the NavalHealth Research Center (NHRC),published in the Journal of ClinicalVirology Oct. 29, found that bloodsamples from military members whoreceived the adenovirus vaccine hadno detectable amounts of the viruspost-vaccination.“Recruits are an important source ofvoluntary blood donations for the mil-itary health system,” Lt. Cmdr. LoriPerry, a preventive medicine physi-cian at NHRC and study author, said.“The donated blood is used at mili-tary hospitals for active duty, retired

military, and their family members,some of whom may be immunocom-promised. Maintaining recruits’ well-being is imperative to ensuringhealthy and usable donations, whichis why this study was initiated.” The adenovirus vaccine has beengiven routinely at recruit trainingcenters starting in October 2011 tohelp reduce adenovirus infectionsamong the recruits, which can becommon in this population. Close liv-ing spaces and training-related stressand fatigue are likely factors thatcontribute to recruits’ susceptibilityto these infections.According to Perry, there is cur-rently no published research showing

adenovirus vaccine-generatedviremia, a condition in which thevirus enters the bloodstream, poten-tially infecting other body systems.The concern with the blood donatedby recruits was that the adenoviruscould be transmitted to the recipientthrough the donated blood.“We wanted to know if, and for howlong, adenovirus could be found inblood post-vaccination,” Perry said.“We collected and tested blood sam-ples from 249 recruits at MarineCorps Recruit Depot San Diego pre-vaccination and at several timepoints post-vaccination from thethird day up to day 61. No detectableadenovirus was found in any of the

blood samples at any time.”According to the study, the findingsindicate that blood donations from aservice member vaccinated with ade-novirus do not pose any greater riskthan any routine blood transfusion toimmunocompromised patients. As the DoD’s premier deploymenthealth research center, NHRC’s cut-ting-edge research and developmentis used to optimize the operationalhealth and readiness of the nation’sarmed forces. In proximity to morethan 95,000 active duty service mem-bers, world-class universities, and in-dustry partners, NHRC sets thestandard in joint ventures, innova-tion, and translational research.

6 PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015

By Regena KowitzNaval Health Research Center Public Affairs

MA1 Brian Martin“My mama said when I was

younger the only song I

sang was ‘Jingle Bells’

and she must have been

right, because I can scream

that one.”

LS2 Daniela Sanchez“‘Feliz Navidad,’ because it

reminds me of where I come


Derrick Engel“The moment it hit

December the first song

that popped into my head

was ‘It’s the Most

Wonderful Time of the


HN Cameron Morley“‘Rudolph the Red Nosed

Reindeer,’ because when I

was younger I could play it

on piano and I played it all

the time.”

HN Christopher Snyder“‘Jingle Bells’ because I sing

it karaoke with my mom all

the time.”


Study of Blood Samples from Adenovirus-Vaccinated Military Members Shows No Virus Post-Vaccination

Page 7: Panorama December 11, 2015

7PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015

Naples Area First Class Petty Officers Association is composed ofmembers from different rates with onemission: To enhance community rela-tions, promote awareness of our dutiesas Sailors, and fortify the professionaland social welfare of our service mem-bers. We normally convene every otherweek alternating Tuesdays and Thurs-days. Visit us and bring a friend. For de-tails call YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733.

Women, Infants, Children (WIC)Overseas Program is offered at NSANaples. Women who are pregnant,breastfeeding, postpartum or have aninfant or child under the age of five mayqualify for the program. WIC Overseasis a nutrition education program thatprovides nutritious supplemental foods.For deails call 081-811-4962.

NATO Lions Rugby: Internationalrugby club lead by professional Englishcoach Jamie Ball. Practices are held atCarney Park every Thursday from 6 to7:30 p.m. The club is open to trainingand developing all interested players.For details contact Corey Keating at340-695-7971 or email [email protected] or visit the NATOLIONS RFC (NAPLES ITALY) facebook page.

Naples Middle High School Marching Band Parents of NaplesMiddle High School Students: Lookingfor a fun and educational after school ac-tivity for your kids? Good news! There isstill time to join the NMHS MarchingBand! Interested? Check us out Tues-days and Thursdays at 3 p.m. in theBand Room. For details, [email protected]

Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649meets 6:30 p.m. every second and fourthFriday of the month at 6:30 p.m. For de-tails call Chris Gerbore at 333-704-9607or email [email protected] orvisit

Club Beyond is a youth group run byNaval Support Activity Naples ReligiousMinistries, and is open to children ingrades 7 through 12. Meeting areWednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the ChapelFellowship Hall at the Support Site. Fordetails email Arturo at [email protected].

Alcoholics Anonymous hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base inthe Naples area. For details call 339-267-7075 or visit countries/italy.htm.

The Naples Toastmasters Club pro-vides materials and experience to im-prove competent communication andleadership skills. Meetings are at 6:30p.m. on the first & third Tuesdays of themonth at the Support Site CommunityCenter. Guests welcome. For detailsvisit or ToastmastersNaples Italy on Facebook.

Boy Scout Troop 007 holds troopmeetings every Monday from 6 to 7:30p.m. at the Support Site CommunityCenter. For details email [email protected] or visit:; or

Girl Scouts Overseas Naples is ex-cited to support young leaders in action.We are much more than cookies; weshow girls how to contribute positivelyin this world. From arts and crafts tocamping trips and more Naples GirlScouts wants girls to be have fun learn-ing. For details visit or USA Girl Scouts - Naples, Italyon Facebook.

Meditation Sitting Group meets onMondays from 5:30 to 6 p.m. at the Sup-port Site side chapel. Participation isfree and newcomers are welcome. Fordetails or questions please email Clau-dia at [email protected] join the Facebook group at NSANaples Meditation Group.

Coalition of Sailors Against De-structive Decisions (CSADD), NaplesChapter meets every second and fourthWednesday of each month at 1 p.m. inthe NSA Naples Chiefs Mess, near thequarterdeck in Admin I. CSADD’s mis-sion is to create a culture in which ourshipmates are helping shipmates main-tain a course of success through good de-cision-making. For details call MC2Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249.

Navy League Naples has three mis-sions: to enhance the morale of activeduty personnel and their families; to in-form Congress and the American publicon the importance of strong sea services;and to support youth through programssuch as the Junior ROTC that exposeyoung people to the values of our sea serv-ices. For details call Betty Reese at 081-526-8051 or visit

Sure Start is a unique program com-mitted to providing the highest qualityof education for command-sponsoredchildren of enlisted personnel (priorityto E1-E4) who are four years old bySept. 1. For details, contact BridgetRuffino at 629-4683 or [email protected] or call theschool at 081-811-4037.

Educational & Developmental Intervention Service Screenings Now Available Room W09, Support Site Village Forum. For eligible children who have not reached their third birth-day. If you are concerned about yourchild’s development, contact EDIS at081-811-4676.

Carney Park Ladies Golf Assoc-iation meets at 9 a.m. Mondays. Allskill levels welcome. Discounted playwith membership. For details call CarolBorkowski at 081-804-3345 or CarneyPark Golf Course at 081-526-4296.

University of Oklahoma GraduateDegrees The University of Oklahomaoffers the master of human relations on-site graduate degree program. Coursesmeet in a series of four evenings andone weekend. For details call the OU of-fice at DSN: 626-6672 or visit the officeat Capodichino in the Admin II building.

Latinos Unidos Welcomes NewMembers Meetings are 2 p.m. on thefirst Sunday of every month at the Sup-port Site park. For details [email protected] or call 334-6771-0327, or [email protected] or call 081-811-5554.

Naval Hospital Religious ServicesTuesday: Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) inthe hospital chapel. Traditional hymn andpraise and worship music will be providedduring this time; Wednesday RomanCatholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in thehospital chapel (call 081-811-6451 to con-firm that Mass is being held); and Thurs-day Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study(6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley.

Register For On-Site Undergrad-uate Classes Visit the colleges for moreinformation about what classes and pro-grams are offered. Call UMUC Mary-land at 081-568-6673/74/75; CentralTexas College at 081-568-6761.

Naples Officials Association NeedsReferees For details call Nigel Alexan-der at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 oremail nalexander@

Gaeta/Naples Area Girl Scouts is inneed of leaders and co-leaders. Train-ing and support provided. For detailsemail [email protected].


More “Inside Page” on Page 10

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The Welfare & Recreation Association is available to meet asso-ciates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on thefirst floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. For detailsvisit

The Knights Of Columbus, San Gennaro Council 14853, meetsat noon on the third Sunday of each month at the Support SiteChapel Offices. For details email robert Kenney at [email protected]

The Naples Christian Homeschool Association meets everymonth to support families who have chosen to educate their ownchildren. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ night out andfield trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond. For details email Na-talie Mack at [email protected].

The Naples Middle High School PTSA is looking for volunteersto help provide information, resources and events that strengthenthe connections between students, parents, the school and the com-munity. A yearly membership is $10 and joining is a great way toget involved, meet the teachers, other parents and your child’sfriends. For details email NaplesPTSAteam@ or NaplesMiddle High School PTSA on Facebook.

Security Note: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting anevent off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan(SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the eventwill involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors orinvolve personnel wearing uniforms. For details call the AT/FP Divi-sion at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Se-curity Precinct, Bldg. 403.

Catholic Women of The Chapel meets monthly in the SupportSite Fellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship, and learning. Child careprovided. We also meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for Rosary andThursdays at 9:30 a.m. for bible study. For details email [email protected] or visit Catholic Women of the Chapel - NSANaples, Italy on Facebook.

Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA) is an organization of nursesthat work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and providesupport throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naplescommunity. For details email Lt. Shelley Beltz at [email protected] or Lt. Jenny Paul at [email protected].

The U.S. Military Retiree Association of Southern Italy(USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representingthe interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors.If you are not a member and are eligible, visit the USMRA-SI or call Wylie Miller at 329-208-7315.

Cub Scout Pack 007 Want to camp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, gobowling or participate in swimming and archery? Then Cub Scouts isthe place for you! Boys in first through fifth grade meet three timesper month to learn skills that they apply on hiking, camping andservice outings. For details email [email protected] orvisit

The Naples Area Second Class Petty Officer Associationmeets every other Tuesday in the Capodichino Theater at noon todiscuss upcoming community outreach opportunities and charityevents. For details, call MA2 Amanda Bauer at DSN 626-4955 orMC2 Eva-Marie Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249.

Napoli Nation Fan Club is a group that helps community mem-bers attend SSC Napoli soccer games, promotes intercultural rela-tions and provides SSC Napoli information to the community.Membership benefits include SSC Napoli gear, discounted ticketsand entry to Napoli Nation functions. For details visit USASSCNapoli on Facebook.

Filipino-American Association of Naples, Italy meets at noonthe first Sunday of every month at the Support Site FellowshipHall. For details call Ron Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335-760-4446 or visit Fil-Am Naples on Facebook.

Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service takes place Saturdaysat Support Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. The schedule is: Sab-bath School lessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs and praise, 10:45 to11 a.m.; Divine Service, 11 a.m. to noon. For details call Paolo Fleu-rant at 328-194-6897 or email naplesadventistsgroup@

Connect The Tots Club unites families with children from new-born to pre-school age within the Naples military community. Clubevents include monthly coffee mornings and birthday parties,weekly playgroups, craft activities and more. For details visit

MORE THE INSIDE PAGEFriday, December 114:30 p.m. The Peanuts Movie, G 5:30 p.m. The Hunger Games:

Mockingjay Part 2, PG-137:30 p.m. Our Brand Is Crisis, R8:30 p.m. In the Heart of the Sea, PG-13, 3-D

Saturday, December 123 p.m. The Peanuts Movie, G, 3-D 5 p.m. The Good Dinosaur, PG

5:45 p.m. Spectre, PG-13 7:30 p.m. Burnt, R8:30 p.m. The 33, PG-13

Sunday December 133 p.m. The Good Dinosaur, PG, 3-D4 p.m. Spectre, PG-136 p.m. In the Heart of the Sea, PG-137 p.m. Creed, PG-13

Monday, December 14Closed, No Movies

Tuesday, December 154:30 p.m. The Peanuts Movie, G

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road ChipPG, Animation, 88 min. Cast: Jason Lee, Tony Hale, Kim-berly Williams-Paisley, Josh Green, Justin Long. Througha series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon andTheodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose tohis new girlfriend in New York City ... and dump them.They have three days to get to him and stop the proposal,saving themselves not only from losing Dave but possiblyfrom gaining a terrible stepbrother.

BurntR, Comedy, 100 min. Cast: Bradley Cooper, SiennaMiller, Omar Sy, Daniel Brhl, Matthew Rhys. Chef AdamJones had it all – and lost it. A two-star Michelin rockstarwith the bad habits to match, the former enfant terribleof the Paris restaurant scene did everything differentevery time out, and only ever cared about the thrill of cre-ating explosions of taste. To land his own kitchen andthat third elusive Michelin star though, he’ll need thebest of the best on his side, including the beautiful He-lene. This remarkably funny and emotional story is aboutthe love of food, the love between two people, and thepower of second chances.

CreedPG-13, Drama 132 min. Cast: Michael B. Jordan,Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, Phylicia Rashad,Anthony Bellew. Adonis Johnson never knew his famousfather, world heavy weight champion Apollo Creed, whodied before he was born. Still, there’s no denying thatboxing is in his blood, so Adonis heads to Philadelphia,the site of Apollo Creed’s legendary match with a toughupstart named Rocky Balboa. Rocky sees in Adonis thestrength and determination he had known in Apollo – thefierce rival who became his closest friend.

The Good DinosaurPG, Animation, 92 min. Cast: Lucas Neff, John Lithgow,Frances McDormand, Neil Patrick Harris, Judy Greer.What if the cataclysmic asteroid that forever changed lifeon Earth actually missed the planet completely and giantdinosaurs never became extinct?

In the Heart of the Sea PremierePG-13, Drama, Action-Adventure, 122 min. Cast: ChrisHemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Ben Whishaw, BrendanGleeson, Joseph Mawle. In the winter of 1820, the NewEngland whaling ship Essex was assaulted by somethingno one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will,and an almost human sense of vengeance. The real-lifemaritime disaster would inspire Herman Melville’sMoby-Dick. But that told only half the story. This film re-veals the encounter’s harrowing aftermath, as the ship’ssurviving crew is pushed to their limits and forced to dothe unthinkable to stay alive. Braving storms, starvation,panic and despair, the men will call into question theirdeepest beliefs, from the value of their lives to the moral-ity of their trade, as their captain searches for directionon the open sea and his first mate still seeks to bring thegreat whale down.

Our Brand Is CrisisR, Comedy, 108 min. Cast: Sandra Bullock, AnthonyMackie, Billy Bob Thornton, Zoe Kazan, Scoot McNairy.A Bolivian presidential candidate failing badly in thepolls enlists the firepower of an elite American manage-ment team, led by the deeply damaged but still brilliantstrategist “Calamity” Jane Bodine. In self-imposed retire-ment following a scandal that earned her nickname androcked her to her core, Jane is coaxed back into the gamefor the chance to beat her professional nemesis, the loath-some Pat Candy, now coaching the opposition. But asCandy zeroes in on every vulnerability, both on and offthe campaign trail, Jane is plunged into a personal crisisas intense as the one her team exploits nationally toboost their numbers.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2PG-13, Action-Adventure, 136 min. Cast: JenniferLawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, WoodyHarrelson, Elizabeth Banks.With the nation of Panem ina full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow in thefinal showdown. Teamed with a group of her closestfriends – including Gale, Finnick and Peeta – Katnissgoes off on a mission with the unit from District 13 asthey risk their lives to liberate the citizens of Panem, andstage an assassination attempt on President Snow whohas become increasingly obsessed with destroying her.The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that awaitKatniss will challenge her more than any arena she facedin The Hunger Games.

The Night BeforeR, Comedy, 101 min. Cast: Lizzy Caplan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Miley Cyrus, Seth Rogen, Anthony Mackie.Ethan,Isaac, and Chris have been friends since childhood, and fora decade, their yearly Christmas Eve reunion has been anannual night of debauchery and hilarity. Now that they’reentering adulthood, the tradition is coming to an end, andto make it as memorable as possible, they set out to findthe Nutcracka Ball – the Holy Grail of Christmas parties.

The Peanuts MovieG, Animation, 86 min. Cast: Noah Schnapp, Hadley BelleMiller, A.J. Tecce, Noah Johnston, Venus Schultheis.Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of thebeloved “Peanuts” gang make their big-screen debut, likethey’ve never been seen before, in state-of-the-art 3-D an-imation. Charlie Brown, the world’s most beloved under-dog, embarks upon an epic and heroic quest, while hisbest pal, the lovable beagle Snoopy, takes to the skies topursue his arch-nemesis, the Red Baron.

SpectrePG-13, Action-Adventure, 146 min. Cast: Daniel Craig,Christoph Waltz, La Seydoux, Naomie Harris, BenWhishaw. A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends himon a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M bat-tles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bondpeels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truthbehind Spectre.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens PremierePG-13, SciFi-Fantasy, 136 min. Cast: John Boyega, DaisyRidley, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson. Inthis continuation of the “Star Wars” saga, balance re-turns to the Force as the First Order, emerging from theashes of the Empire, clashes with the Resistance, whichincludes scrappy newcomers as well as heroes from theformer Rebel Alliance.

Steve JobsR, Drama, 122 min. Cast: Michael Fassbender, KateWinslet, Seth Rogen, Jeff Daniels, Katherine Waterston.Set backstage at three iconic product launches and end-ing in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, this film takesus behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint anintimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.

The 33 PremierePG-13, Drama, 128 min. Cast: Bob Gunton, Cote dePablo, Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro, JulietteBinoche. The true story of the 2010 collapse of a Chileanmine and the rescue of the 33 miners who were trappedunderground for 69 days.

UnbrokenPG-13, Biography-Drama-Sport, 137 min. Cast: Jack O’-Connell, Miyavi, Domhnall Gleeson.After a near-fatalplane crash in World War II, Olympian Louis Zamperinispends a harrowing 47 days in a raft with two fellowcrewmen before he’s caught by the Japanese navy andsent to a prisoner-of-war camp.

No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies


If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-662124/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.

5 p.m. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, FREE

7:30 p.m. Creed, PG-138 p.m. Star Wars Episode II:

Attack of the Clones, FREE

Wednesday, December 164:30 p.m. The Good Dinosaur, PG5 p.m. Star Wars Episode III:

Revenge of the Sith, FREE8 p.m. Star Wars Episode IV:

A New Hope, FREE7:30 p.m. In the Heart of the Sea, PG-13

Thursday, December 174:30 p.m. The Hunger Games:

Mockingjay Part 2, PG-135 p.m. Star Wars Episode V:

Empire Strikes Back, FREE8 p.m. Star Wars Episode VI:

Return of the Jedi, FREE7:30 p.m. The 33, PG-1311:59 p.m. Star Wars Episode VII:

The Force Awakens, 3-D

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PANOrAMADecember 11, 201510

The Naples area Army team triumphed over the Navyfootball team at the Naples High School football field dur-ing the annual flag-football match December 5.The two flag football teams have been battling for morethan a decade for bragging rights and to entertain the basecommunity. The football match, hosted by MWR Fitness &Sports, boasted a large silver cup to the winning team andindividual runner-up trophies to top competitors. Spectators were encouraged to come out and support theirfavorite team, and also help judge a Rib-Cook-Off takingplace at the event.The local Army-Navy flag football game is a precursor forthe traditional Army-Navy collegiate football game be-tween the Navy Midshipmen of Annapolis, Maryland, andthe Army Black Knights of West Point, New York.One of the oldest football rivalries in the country, Navywon last year’s game 17-10, which brought their currentstreak to 13 straight wins.The collegiate Army-Navy game plays tomorrow atPhiladelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field at 3 p.m. EasternStandard Time.

By MC3 Robert S. PriceNavy Public Affairs Support Element East Detachment Europe

Army Beats Navy 32-25

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Photos by MC3 Robert

S. Price

Page 12: Panorama December 11, 2015

Pool. Job summary: Works as safe-guards and supervises swimmersand bathers in pool area. Closingdate: Open until filled.Recreation Assistant, NF-0189-01/02, ANN#16-003 flexible, Fleetand Family Readiness Center,Gaeta, Italy. Job summary: Servesas a primary front line customerservice representative of the overallprogram as such, must continuallypresent information in a high pro-fessional and customer friendlystyle. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#16-005 flexible, OutdoorRecreation Program, Supportsite/Carney Park. Job summary:Provides and maintain recreationand athletic equipment issue. Clos-ing date: Open until filled.Accounting Technician, NF-0525-03, ANN#16-039 flexible tem-porary NTE 1 year, Fleet andFamily Readiness Program, NAFBusiness Office, Naples, Italy. JobSummary: Maintains and recon-ciles budget and accounting recordsby implementing principles of ac-counting and double entry book-keeping. Closing date: December11.Food Service Worker, NA-7408-02, ANN#16-045 flexible, (MultiplePositions) Bowling Center, SupportSite. Job summary: Performs taskswith several steps or sequence oftasks such as: sets up food servicecounters, steam tables, dining roomtables, and side service stands withhot and cold food, including meats,vegetables, salads, desserts, bread,butter, and beverages. First cut offdate: December 24.


Custodial Worker, Uc-3566-08,ANN#16-046 permanent part time,Carney Park, Naples, Italy. Closingdate: December 24.


Gricignano, Bldg. 2091-BCall 081-813-5252/5253/5254

DSN: 629-4774Hours: Monday to

Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For a current list of U.S. vacanciesand the on-line application visit: To assist your job search go directlyto the location field, open the dropdown menu and click on Italy, thenclick on SEARCH FOR JOBS but-ton. You will see all the jobs in Italy(mostly Naples area); just makesure you are NOT applying for a po-sition located in Sigonella (Sicily).For any questions or concernsplease call the numbers above.

GRICIGNANO MAIN STOREAnn#150001PB Sales Clerk(Softlines)/SL/NF-1/FLEX FT –Open Until Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50 per hour. Job summary: Re-sponsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers and en-suring merchandise is properlystocked and displayed for the Jew-elry, Men’s, Ladies, Shoes, Cosmet-ics, Handbags, and Children’sdepartments. Ann#150001NA Cashier Check -er/CC/NF-1/Flex – Open Until

Filled – Pay Rate: $8-9.50 per hour.Job summary: Associates engagedin the operation of cash registers torecord sales in retail checkoutareas.Ann#1500028Z Sales Clerk(Garden)/SL/NF-1/FLEX – OpenUntil Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50per hour. Job summary: Sells gen-eral merchandise to customers ex-ercising professional sellingtechniques. Works as part of a salesteam to provide service which an-ticipates and exceeds customer ex-pectations.Ann#1500033X Sales Clerk(Giftware)/SL/NF-1/FLEX – OpenUntil Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50per hour. Job summary: Sells gen-eral merchandise to customers ex-ercising professional sellingtechniques. Works as part of a salesteam to provide service which an-ticipates and exceeds customer ex-pectations.Ann#1500033Z Sales Clerk(Consumable)/SL/NF-1/FLEX –Open Until Filled – Pay: $8-$9.50per hour. Job summary: Sells gen-eral merchandise to customers ex-ercising professional sellingtechniques. Works as part of a salesteam to provide service that antici-pates and exceeds customer expec-tations.Ann#15000346 Sales Clerk(Watches/Sunglasses)/SL/NF-1/FLEX – Open Until Filled – PayRate: $8-$9.50 per hour. Job sum-mary: Sells general merchandise tocustomers exercising professionalselling techniques. Works as part ofa sales team to provide servicewhich anticipates and exceeds cus-tomer expectations.Ann#15000347 Sales Clerk(Ladies)/SL/NF-1/FLEX – OpenUntil Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50per hour. Job summary: Sells gen-eral merchandise to customers ex-ercising professional sellingtechniques. Works as part of a salesteam to provide service which an-ticipates and exceeds customer ex-pectationsAnn#150003XI Security Guard/52/NF-1/Regular Part Time – OpenUntil Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$11 perhour. Job summary: Ensures en-forcement of security measures;conducts inspections; prepares re-ports concerning security-relatedincidents, etc.Ann#1500058D Security Guard/52/NF-1/FLEX – Open Until Filled– Pay Rate: $8-$11 per hour. Jobsummary: Ensures enforcement ofsecurity measures; conducts inspec-tions; prepares reports concerningsecurity related incidents, etc.Ann#150004AX LP/Safety Investi-gator (Detective)/52/NF2/ RegularPart Time – Pay Rate: $9-$11 perhour. Job summary: Responsible forthe protection of Navy Exchangeassets through investigative strate-gies, utilizing various surveillancetechniques, and the auditing of con-trols designed to prevent and mini-mize loss potential.Ann#1500058C LP/Safety Investi-gator (Detective)/52/NF2/FLEX –Pay Rate: $9-$11 per hour. Jobsummary: Responsible for the pro-tection of Navy Exchange assetsthrough investigative strategies,utilizing various surveillance tech-niques, and the auditing of controlsdesigned to prevent and minimizeloss potential.

PANOrAMADecember 11, 201512JOBS cation form and instructions on how

to apply have been revised. Any prior editions will be obsoleteand will no longer be considered be-ginning 1 Jan 2016. Applicationsthat do not conform to the revisedinstructions will not be considered.

CLOSING December 17Quality Assurance Assistant,Ua-0303-04, ANN#40411-266288-AG, Full Time Temporary Materials Handler (FLO), Uc-6907-06, ANN#40411-266321-AG,Full Time Permanent Procurement Support Special-ist, Ua-1101-01, ANN#3049B-260449-XD, Full Time Permanent,(AOC: Current CNREURAFSWA(3049B) Local National permanentemployees only)

CLOSING December 24Purchasing Agent, Ua-1105-04,ANN#40411-266263-AG, Full TimePermanent

CANCELLED Financial Manangement Ana-lyst, GS-0501-12, ANN#EUR15-046-766-EG-R1, Full Time Permanent

If you have any questions, contactthe front desk at 626-5409 or 081-568-5409. You can also contact theHRO Naples helpdesk at: You will be contacted within 24hours, so please be sure to provideyour contact information. Thankyou and we appreciate your input,whether negative or positive so thatwe can find ways to improve theHRO services, or continue to provideexcellent service. As a reminder, anHRO Representative is available forthe bi-weekly “Meet & Greet” at theNSA, Support Site Base, Navy Ex-change Food Court area from 8-9a.m. Please feel free to come by, pickup a copy of a vacancy announce-ment that you may be interested inapplying for, or ask questions. If theHRO representative is unable toprovide you a response, he/she willbring the question back to the HROoffice and you will be provided ananswer or a call back the same day.The date for the next “Meet & Greet”is yet to be determined.


Fleet & Family Readiness NAFLocal Naples job announcementswithin CNREURAFSWA may beviewed at: The necessary applicationforms are also available on line. For any questions you have you maycall 081-568-4164/2505/5612. The applications may be emailed [email protected]


Education Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN#16-030, (MultiplePositions) flexible, Child Develop-ment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youth

U.S. POSITIONSCONUS hires currently residing inthe Naples/Gaeta commuting areasMUST apply through USAJOBS toreceive consideration.

CLOSING December 17Security Officer, GS-0080-11,ANN#EUR16-265300-AV, FullTime PermanentEmergency Response Dis-patcher, GS-2151-07, ANN#EUR16-265304-AV, Full Time Tem-porary (Multiple positions)Housing Manager, GS-1173-12,ANN#EUR16-267232-AV, FullTime PermanentAdministrative Support Assis-tant, GS-0303-06, ANN#EUR16-266268-XD, Full Time PermanentFinancial Technician, GS-0503-09, ANN#EUR16-257865-XD-R1,Full Time Permanent

CLOSING December 24IT Specialist (INET),GS-2210-11,ANN#EUR16-271138-VT, FullTime PermanentInformation Technology (IT)Specialist, GS-2210-12, ANN#EUR16-271074-VT, Full Time Per-manentElectronics Technician, GS-0856-12, ANN#EUR16-271072-VT,Full Time PermanentReal Property AccountabilityOfficer, GS-1101-12, ANN#EUR16-241577-MM, Full TimePermanentElectronics Technician, GS-0856-12, ANN#EUR16-248384-VT,Full Time Permanent

CLOSING February 29Program Assistant (O/A), GS-0344-07, ANN#EUR16-257750-AG,(Multiple positions), Full-TimeTemporary (Second cut-off: Decem-ber 24



ranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Pro-gram setting Performs routine,day-to-day care of infants and chil-dren ranging from six weeks to fiveyears. Assembles and gathers ma-terials and equipment necessary toexecute School Age Care for chil-dren ranging from six to nine yearsold, School-Age Care Pre-Teen forchildren ranging from 10 to 12years, Teen Center Program forchildren ranging from 13 to 18years. Receives and releases chil-dren to/from authorized parents,guidance. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Education Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN#16-024, (MultiplePositions) regular full time, (Eligi-ble for Post Allowance) Child Devel-opment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youthranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Pro-gram setting Performs routine,day-to-day care of infants and chil-dren ranging from six weeks to fiveyears. Assembles and gathers ma-terials and equipment necessary toexecute School Age Care for chil-dren ranging from six to nine yearsold, School-Age Care Pre-Teen forchildren ranging from 10 to 12years, Teen Center Program forchildren ranging from 13 to 18years. Receives and releases chil-dren to/from authorized parents,guidance. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-019, flexible, MWR Lib-erty Division, Naples, Italy. Jobsummary: Employee helps cus-tomers in the recreation centerwith recreational event. Closingdate: Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-167, flexible, Auto/WoodSkills Center, Support Site, Naples,Italy. Job summary: Provides over-sight of activities and necessaryservices to authorized patron, in-cluding general information on theuse of equipment. Closing date:Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-175, flexible, MWR GolfCourse, Carney Park, Naples. Jobsummary: Collects green fees(monthly and daily), locker fees andfees for electric cart rentals. Em-ployee will act as starter whenneeded on weekdays and assistwhen needed as cashier. Closingdate: Open until filled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-207, flexible, FitnessForum, Support Site, Naples, Italy.Job summary: Employee in this po-sition plays an integral part in pro-viding customer service andinsuring patrons are offered a cleanfacility and pleasant conditions fortheir fitness/athletic workouts orprograms. Closing date: Open untilfilled.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#15-242, flexible, MWR ITTDivision, Naples, Italy. Job sum-mary: Provides customer serviceand disseminate travel and tour in-formation to patrons and sells tick-ets. Closing date: Open until filled.Lifeguard, NF-0189-01, ANN#16-001, (Multiple positions) flexibleAquatics Division, MWR Capo

To find out what positions are currentlyopen, please contact our front desk atDSN 626-5409 or commercial 081-568-5409. Copies of vacancy announce-ments will be also posted at the HumanResources Office, located at Admin Ibuilding at Capodichino, first floor. Thecustomer service hours are Mondaythrough Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.The Fleet and Family Support Center(FFSC) at Support Site will also havevacancy announcements at the HROwebsite:

Applications are accepted at the Secu-rity Pass and ID Office at Capodichino,or at the HRO, located in Admin 1,Capodichino, or by mailing to: HRO,PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, or atFleet and Family Service Center(FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, atSupport Site. HRO must receive mailedapplications by closing date of the va-cancy announcement.

Customer service operation hours forthe following HRO services are Mon-day, Wednesday and Friday from 9-11a.m. and from 1-3 p.m.:• ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2)• Requests for an Official Passport(DD1056)

• Logistical Support Letters•Work Certificates


JOBS Page 13

Page 13: Panorama December 11, 2015

PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015 13

MORE BASE NOTESNow-Dec. 18: 12 Days of Fitness ChristmasChallengeFitness Patrons are invited to the Support Site Fit-ness Forum or Capo FitZone through December 18for a Christmas Challenge. There is a task to com-plete on every day from a 1 minute pillar bridge onthe first day to 12 Reverse Lunge Alternating on the12th day. Join every day and get a chance of winningone of three prizes to be drawn on Dec. 18. Programis free and open to patrons 13 and above. For detailscall DSN 629-6489 or Comm. 081-811-6489.

Dec. 18: Santa’s CruiseCome and see Santa as he cruises around the Sup-port Site with the help of the NSA Fire Departmentand MWR/CYP. Santa will visit and wave to the chil-dren of Support Site, while judging the Holiday Deco-rating Contest. Decorate your Support Site balconyor front porch as part of the 2015 Holiday DecoratingContest. Top prize winners will receive NEX GiftCards, MWR Vouchers and Commissary Baskets.Register your home at the Youth Center through De-cember 17 to be considered. Judging will take placeDecember 18 during the Santa Cruise. Route timesare available at the Youth Center or the SSCDC fromDecember 7-17. For details call DSN 629-4722 orComm. 081-811-4722.

Dec. 18: Candy Cane Golf TournamentRegister by December 16 for the December 18 CandyCane Golf Tournament at Carney Park Golf Course.Tournament is a 4-person golf scramble and begins at11:30 a.m. Cost is $50 per person and includes greenfee, cart rental, two beverage tickets per person andprizes. Payment is due upon registration. For detailscall 081-526-4296.

Now-Dec. 18: “Swim to Salerno” Self-PacedSwimJourney from Naples to Salerno via the imaginarycoastline of the Capo FitZone pool. Swim laps any-time during regular pool hours and then record yourworkout on your log sheet. All participants who com-plete the 50-kilometer swim (1,000 laps, 2,000lengths) by December 18 will receive a prize. First tothird-place finishers will receive awesome MWR

Aquatics swim bags filled with goggles, swim caps, aswim chamois towel and other items. For details callDSN 626-4254 Comm. 081-568-4254.

Dec. 22: Auto Skills Center Free Vehicle Work-shopLearn how to check your vehicle’s vital fluids, brakes,tires, windshield wipers, radiator, seat belts andmore with the help of our expert mechanics at thefree vehicle workshop Decmber 22. Workshop is heldevery 30 minutes from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thismonth, the Auto Skills Center is having a big dis-count on Royal Purple Motor Oil, 5W20 and 5W30.For details or to register for the workshop, contactDSN 629-4971 or Comm. 081-811-4971.

Dec. 28: Youth Auditions for MCT’s KingArthur’s QuestMissoula Children’s Theatre and CYP present KingArthur’s Quest. Auditions are open for approximately60 local students, grades 1 to 12, and will be held De-cember 28 at the Naples High School Cafeteria at 10a.m. All participants must complete a CYP registra-tion form to participate in this event (available at theaudition) and participate in rehearsals from Decem-ber 28-31. The performance will be held at 6 p.m. onJanuary 2 at the High School Cafeteria and is freeand open to the entire community. For details callDSN 629-4722 or Comm. 081-811-4722.

Now-Dec. 31: Youth Winter Cheerleading Registration OpenRegistration is now open for the upcoming Cheerlead-ing League for youth, ages 5 and above. Various divi-sions are available for different age groups. Seasonruns January 23 to March 11. Cost per child is $50.Register at the Support Site Youth Center, SupportSite CDC or Capodichino CDC, Monday through Fri-day from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Upon registration, par-ent must bring valid proof of child’s age, registrationand CYP forms, and a copy of the PAYS online certifi-cate (completed by at least one parent in each house-hold). For details call the Youth Sports Departmentat DSN 629-4729 or Comm. 081-811-4729, or theYouth Activities Office at DSN 629-4722 or Comm.081-811-4722.

Ann#1500058C LP/Safety Investi-gator (Detective)/52/NF2/FLEX –Pay Rate: $9-$11 per hour. Jobsummary: Responsible for the pro-tection of Navy Exchange assetsthrough investigative strategies,utilizing various surveillance tech-niques, and the auditing of controlsdesigned to prevent and minimizeloss potential.Ann#150004CD Sales Clerk(Wine Shop)/PS/NF-01/Flex – PayRate: $8-$9.50 per hour. Job sum-mary: Responsible for selling mer-chandise to customers andensuring merchandise is properlystocked, displayed, and available.Knowledge of wines and specialtyfoods is desirable. Candidates mustbe at least 18 years old to apply.Ann#150004U5 SupervisorySales Clerk (Children) /SL/NF-2/Regular Full Time – Pay Rate:$10-$14 per hour. Job summary:Provides work direction and super-vision for a group of associateswithin assigned departments/ loca-tion engaged in performing variousclerical, retail and services func-tions.Ann#150004UW SupervisorySales Clerk (Electronics) /SL/NF-2/Regular Full Time – Pay Rate: $10-$14 per hour. Job summary: Provideswork direction and supervision for agroup of associates within assigneddepartments/ location engaged inperforming various clerical, retailand services functions.

GRICIGNANO MINIMARTAnn#1500000W Sales Clerk/

MM/NF-01/Flex – Pay Rate: $9-$10per hour. Job summary: Responsi-ble for selling general merchandiseto customers and ensuring mer-chandise is properly stocked andavailable. Candidates must be atleast 18 years old to apply.Ann#1500026B SupervisorySales Clerk/MM/NF-02/RFT – PayRate: $10-$14 per hour. Job sum-mary: Provides work direction andsupervision for a group of associ-ates within assigned departments/location engaged in performing var-ious clerical, retail and servicesfunctions. Candidates must be atleast 18 years old to apply.

CAPODICHINO NEXMARTAnn#150000VS Customer Serv-ice Clerk/MM/NF-1/FLEX – PayRate: $9-11 per hour. Job summary:Responsible for selling general mer-chandise to customers and ensur-ing merchandise is properlystocked and available. Candidatesmust be at least 18 years old toapply.


for Full-Time LeadsChild and Youth Programs is look-ing for full-time lead positions atthe Support Site’s School Age CareProgram. The position helps over-see the Before- and After-SchoolProgram, in addition to the sum-mer day camp. Apply through theHuman Resources Office atCapodichino. Call 081-568-4164/2505 to find out what docu-mentation is needed.

JOBS from page 12

The app gives Sailors an al-ternative to completing theirrequired GMT.Upon completing the training,Sailors and DON civilians willbe given instruction on how toautomatically update theirelectronic training jackets. Up-dates occur within two days. “OPSEC Officers will have allthe appropriate reference ma-terial at their fingertips to en-hance their ship or shorecommand programs,” Mag-dalenski said. “The ultimategoal is persistent training andeducating for Sailors, civiliansand family on OPSEC, ulti-mately enhancing the readi-ness of the Navy.”The OPSEC app features: ● Policy/Guidance: IncludesJoint, DOD, Navy and MarineCorps Policies; Navy Tactics,Techniques, and Procedures;Marine Corps WarfightingPublication; and handbooks.● Training: Features links to

NAVY OPSEC from page 1 three computer-based trainingmodules, as well as informationon courses offered by the NavalOPSEC Support Team Norfolkand other OPSEC agencies.This includes “Uncle Sam’sOPSEC” (USOPSEC), a 14-sec-tion GMT video-based coursedesigned to educate servicemembers and their families onvulnerabilities and risks associ-ated with sharing too much in-formation, particularly onsocial media sites and via mo-bile devices. ● Products: Includes trainingvideos/links on a multitude ofOPSEC topics, training briefs,smart cards that provide syn-thesized information and bestpractices at a quick glance, andbrochures and posters to assistOPSEC program managers.●Assessments: Features in-formation and resources to as-sist OPSEC program managerson how to conduct OPSEC as-sessments at their command. Astep-by-step guide, briefingtools, assessment checklists,sample questionnaires, and in-structions are included.● Favorites/FAQs: Highlightparts of the App the user findsmost valuable. The FrequentlyAsked Questions module ad-dresses some of the most com-mon and prevalent OPSECissues affecting DON personneltoday, like spear phishing, so-cial engineering, and computerhacking.The Naval OPSEC SupportTeam (NOST), located at NavyInformation Operations Com-mand (NIOC) Norfolk, providescommand OPSEC program de-velopment, awareness re-

sources, assessment assistance,guidance and support trainingthat promotes an understand-ing of OPSEC among both ac-tive duty and dependentpersonnel. The NOST supportsthese programs worldwidethrough a one-stop website forreach-back support to improvecapabilities that strengthenwar fighting effectiveness.To find the free Navy OPSECapp, search “Naval OPSEC” inthe app stores or your webbrowser. Navy Information OperationsCommand Norfolk serves asthe Navy’s Center of Excellencefor Information Operations(IO). NIOC Norfolk advancesInformation Operations warfighting capabilities for Navaland Joint Forces by providingoperationally focused trainingand planning support; develop-ing doctrine, tactics, tech-niques, and procedures;advocating requirements insupport of future effects-basedwarfare; and managing func-tional data for Information Op-erations. U.S. Fleet Cyber Commandserves as the Navy componentcommand to U.S. StrategicCommand and U.S. CyberCommand, and the Navy’sService Cryptologic Componentcommander under the NationalSecurity Agency/Central Secu-rity Service. Fleet Cyber Com-mand also reports directly tothe Chief of Naval Operationsas an echelon II command.U.S. 10th Fleet is the opera-tional arm of Fleet Cyber Com-mand and executes its missionthrough a task force structure.

Page 14: Panorama December 11, 2015

Every year across the globe millionsof Christmas trees are harvested, soldand placed in our homes. We decoratethem, put presents under themand after the holidays, the treesare retired for the rest of theyear. These traditions startedlong ago.For thousands of yearsplants and trees thathold their green color dur-ing the winter monthshave had special sig-nificance in severalcountries. The modernChristmas tree camefrom German tradi-tion. Christian house-holds often broughttrees inside to deco-rate. Many believe that thefirst instance of a litChristmas tree came aboutwhen Protestant ministerMartin Luther saw stars shiningthrough an evergreen and tried torecreate the scene for his family usinglighted candles. America adopted thiscustom much later, originally denyingtheir use because they were seen as

pagan symbols. As a matter of fact, in1659 a law was enacted outlawing thecelebration of Christmas as anythingother than a religious observance.Still, the tree won out, and by the

turn of the 20th century Christ-mas decorations were being im-ported from Germany, and treesgraced the homes of many

American families. The tra-dition was accepted soquickly that by the 1940’sChristmas trees were

springing up in townsquares across the na-tion. The most famous ofthese trees may be theRockefeller CenterChristmas Tree in NewYork City.The Rockefeller Cen-

ter tree was first placedin 1931. It was undecoratedand placed by constructionworkers working at thesite. Two years after thatthe tree was erected and lit

with electric lights. Now the Rocke-feller tree boasts an astounding25,000 Christmas lights.Christmas trees are now grown in all50 states, with 77 million new treesbeing planted every year.

PANOrAMADecember 11, 201514

















Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words.

Answer to last week’s puzzle

C + S + + + + A + + + p F p +

+ i + T + + L S C i A + r u E

+ + o + i o A + + T + G E p V

+ o + C p V + N T + E + D A E

+ + T o C + A i N L + + D Z N

+ + N T A o N L i E + + o Z +

+ A + L o A L D i + r + + o +

M + A + G p o A + + o + + D +

+ p + G + + p A T T i L S i +

S C i A r p A A + A C + + N +

+ o + + + + + + C + C + + E +

A T A Z Z u r p S + A A + V +

+ + + + + + + + + + i + L E +

+ + + + + + + + + + H + + D +

+ + + + + + + + + + G + + + A

BuoNE FESTE / Happy Holidays

CoNiFErA / Conifer

DECorAZioNE / Decorations

LuCCiCArE / Twinkle


piGNA / pine Cone

rAMo / Branches

rEGALo / Gifts

STAGioNALE / Seasonal


In the eventof an emergency or to report a crime, please call the EmergencyDispatch Center at 081-568-4911

or 5911.(On-Base Dial 9-1-1)For non-emergency

assistance,call 081-568-5638



upcoming uSo ToursCapodichino office

081-568-5713Support Site office Dec 30-Jan 2New Year’s Eve in Amsterdam . . . . . €804

Jan 16-17 Florence and Pisa Weekend. . . . . . . . €175 Jan 30-31 Perugia and Assisi Weekend . . . . . . . €189 Feb 12-15 Presidents Day in London . . . . . . . . . €669Feb 13-15 Carnevale of Viareggio . . . . . . . . . . . . €239

TourS opEN To BoTH

u.S. MiLiTAry AND


Dec 11 Salerno Christmas Lights. . . . . . . . . . . . €25Dec 12 Night at the Archeological Museum . . €18Dec 13 Wine Tasting at Mount Vesuvius. . . . . . €44Dec 18 Dinner in Medieval Borgo in Avellino . €54Dec 19 Adventure Trail in Bourbon Tunnel . . €32Dec 20 Sorrento and Amalfi Coast . . . . . . . . . . . €38Do-it-yourself island packages now available, and include around-trip hydro-foil ticket and a full-course Italian lunch




By Emily Donovan

Origins of Christmas Tree

Page 15: Panorama December 11, 2015

PANOrAMADecember 11, 2015 15

ITALIAN LESSONS, for info contact ElenaD'Angelo cell. 340-577-5239 or tel. 081-891-1489.



A Panorama/NSA Public Affairs Office courtesy service available for U.S.

or NATO ID cardholders who have orders to PCS within six months.


• New ads must be submitted on a completed Mercato form, along with a

copy of both the member’s ID card (front and back) and ONLY the first

two pages of PCS orders or equivalent.• Ads are limited to one per category and 25 words maximum. Ads for

free pets are limited to one per person or organization (copy of ID re-

quired) and run on a space-available basis. One contact phone number

per ad; no e-mail addresses.• Deadline for submission is Monday, noon for the following Friday. Pub-

lic holidays (U.S. or Italian) are not an exception to this rule.


• Any incomplete ad or ad received after the Monday, noon deadline will

not be printed in that Friday’s issue. Late submissions will be considered

for the next available publication. Incomplete or illegible ads will not

be considered. • Free Mercato Ad forms, the only acceptable form of submission, are

available at naples/newsroom/pano ra ma/

(click on the Mercato link) or at the NSA Public Affairs Office during

normal business hours. • Ads and supporting documentation can be faxed to 081-568-5112 (DSN

626-5112) or delivered in person to the Public Affairs Office,

Capodichino, Admin I, Room 208. No other form of submission will be

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be published.

For services and products not eligible for free insertion in “Mercato.” Classifiedads can be placed at STAMPA GENERALE (Panorama Advertising Office) locatedat NSA Capodichino, Building 450, 1st Floor. Cost is € 1,00 (one Euro) perword (minimum 10 words). For information on paid ads please call 081-568-7884 (DSN 626-7884). Deadline is Wednesday 4 p.m. for the current week’sedition.



Tel. 081-568-7884


advertising office

Page 16: Panorama December 11, 2015

PANOrAMADecember 11, 201516