«own,lib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · ing a year in...

*H*mmmm*»mmm I ^^!-**P * •*|iii*i*«»*<jj"»«*»«*^^ "oe^g/^ft :onvca- od is a at St. Acade- 0., in follow- i there 'ear he law in a from firmly i takes ) every before Cathe- p-.-' «* '* « m Bib' an and »f Wm, i of the I. :-., ;Q. ; ' id'-war' the-ixn- ea is. ibiiq Qberof ktion of gne< Put >-.i t-1 *-v ** cir rement t ; i to to-~** the vU- p were village not in-. In pre- a being ligation strated ate, he by the fe:« *f&? T* *?, c water, itlative,;; |, v^^,. - voters?- '^if^t| 0*ld Ofcs : Xl^f&jjg K"?- Nominee for Alderman of First Ward a Prominent Physician Dr. Thomas T. Mooney was bora in Kingston, Panada, Oct. 2, 18U. He attended the Colle- giate Institute, studied tstdieine at Queens University v _and was graduated April. 1896. Soon after he came to Rbchegter, spend- ing a year in post-graduate work in St. Mary's Hospital. He then established himself in private practice. . ' Dr. Mooney is a member of nu- merous fraternal organisations, among which are tie Modern s Wo©dmen of America, for which he i 3 the headf medical examiner; Bed Men, Ancient Order of United Workmen, National Protective Legion, Foresters of America and the. Ancient Order of Hibernians He* has held the office of coroners' physician since January last -r^r-ffpi 1141ft III*,. ••ll>1WK,l!llM^I |l Plll| "w^yg'.yyy'•«!; "••<»j*»wi|iy^ff>(* j * j g*' i w* -•-^*- W K ^^^^^ '•;#! .vffl f 1 •"«£«!• •NI rW-ffi. Dr. Blooney is a member of the Country Club. Rochester pathological Society, the .Monroe Oounty Medical Socie- ty and fhe Central New York Medical Society; also the Roch- ester Whist Club, Rochester Atheletic Club and Oak Hill made an admirable record in the Common Council for thepatttwo years and has been one of the most active and aggressive fighters in the Democratic minority. He. is recognized as a man of ability and has worked hard i n the interests of his constituents. Alderman Gerling has been working ever since he took offiefe for a fire house in the Twentieth ward and he has also done all in his power to improvethe car se?, vice to the Twentieth ward, He has been most active in the inter-. ests of his constituents and his ; efforts have been appreciated. Alderman Gerling was born in this oity in 1867 and received his early education in public schools. For years he has been engaged in i ALDEBMiN JACOB GERLING. ] the milling bnsinesswith his^fath- The Democrats of the Twentie- er on North Water street and he th ward have renominated Jacob »s known las a* business man of ex- Gerling, Jr., as their candidate for oeptaonal ability. There is no alderman. AJdernian G erling has question of h is election on Nov.f. ALDERMAN JOS. BIBSTE1N. :< Alderman Joseph F. Ribsteinis not only a most valuable man for his constituents, but he also re- presents the interests of the en- tire ward with care, faithfulness and zeal. For many years he has been recognized as the Democratic leader of the Seventeenth ward. H e served two years with much credit to the city 'as City Sealer, being appointed by the Council in 1897. Four years ago be was elected Alderman and he has since labored faithfully for the ward in the Council. His ability and genial disposition won soon the admiration of his associates who elected him a s president pro. tern, of the Council. He also is chair- man of three very important com- mittees, the finance, the lamps and eleetneity and city property com>.: •aittees. • During his term of office he was eve* aie^ to do soniathUg ftw the citizens of the Seventeenth ward. It was through his efforts that a: fire-house on Hudson Street was built; he secured the extension of the steejet ^-ti^^'^Mejpii^viH 7 que with improved service, -and ( Methods Employed to Defraud tbj % Government HARDt^l r 3 S t SETTLERS Ctmim to ILarg* Tmc«» «a4 E»»ct lempoKmer V*t* «" Cablam Va- O&e l*>m n-Mimx Boeo«M« K«ad of the FmmOf by Adopt*** * Child. The tnfenuity «ad audacity o | the nee who har«* been and «UM are ea- jsajpd ta deTraudin* the tjnttod States ewt of nuhlic Iwd* »t« equalled ontr by the absolute «on* iciei|ceie«8W» of thi* ^ w * of awjin.-* dlera.. $*«**& jK»»»ible device t* re? darted tft by the hv en . *k° bay* •ought to acquire illegal title to the public domain, aays the New York An. instance of this chara«ler which recently came to light was found in Idaho. A afnfle contractor had erected, on the order of a )aad com- jan^, iWrtj^ux <jabi»a on as «iany i Q^J*- •* 'HI' ««. Iaa]flkla«-'^«Wft ; 0«)r', IBma ^Ooea»wid.'--ia- 1 aa %loa at* c«tt nUatra, 3%% JwrtB*«lpal 'fro»6»*<|.. tar tew i l l coal mia«r« from comiomptlw, whll* oT ttt^^^^Jw** thereatoftheeommwltr. coi«p*wd UT^lmofJ^ »o* of fatnwir*, .trad«anw%. .»erc«*ii*i «»nw#tf.-olrU»«o«tr*aa' ahopa n dofflc*wor»(«r.,h». W tC«r*d . m^^m^^timm^ of the towa» *ni »««»* w ^* * 4lt«t wo«ii v ,, r, fe^A-j^M^—^-.n ^.,.-^ ?i^ The averac*lolnmr«p»md»aaHlrd<fiSA of hia Uf^^ade^^^iiftd+^a^ r*ir»ly IV aeea the *u» **ce*t 09 Sytndiya ind hoUda^a, aad th«» hi? d.«*ia4 U «»- cape it a« touch W poolbl*. H* 4m to his Trork bijora auaup and wh«r he *eta home fro» work*. tiKe» nlfa dally bath, eats hia »ap9#r ah^t >^gO v»t» *l homestead entries—"one hundred and •sixties" they are called in the Land Officer-had furnished them with the usual meager furniture oT the g«Quin,e cabin, had actually built fires to the little aheet iron stoves, in order that the cahina mj«ht appear J;o have ^been oceopied, and, had hip* ^frqm the rattera of each a frjlRnieiil; of afiitchof bacioji. Q^e*ch"e^hjt»^, dred and a^ty*'; *So«(t * cjftart^| ef an; acre ij»4 beeii actu*l3jRp tilled ajid; planted to potatoes, fhe entries Weftn; made; in tltie natae qf thirty-Wnr 1ft- dividuals, the worktiene:by the, coh- traciqr was perfern\e,d th4f^cj0«|E;{ cfwar-Thji iarM* dally proi««mner-~ T > , ( There,are, urobahly *,wentjMl»t_ a e k j B IPotn^roy who ^»-<r^ fo>rVed In the mineje fttty year*, double *ty£ number forty-five yew* aevfjral *«»* dreA forty year* aa* a ,tr*at a«wil»*r. - a> &$• mmif.'<0^:4Wm:-3^ and none •faUa^deadvfMiK' h«( ae^»*jpficj^iei;^^fijejfe.^^^ lightv:^*^^!^^!^^^^;^^' tcowhte 1foUi J not :«M*1MEQW)iMj$tW^ r^^Wfe*'*^:'*.--**:'-'^'' .-.k^«4*''>^^!!#f-> ;S ' '^f.J^i^f'lv lfa«y w _. •^B montha .had expired the^mfed^'aet^lni^iri*,.^ tiers; « ^ ^ ^ - ^ e ^ \ l t , ^SiS^ . ^S*j»s,i3fis -,4Js.vi ^»f.».': :*k*. davit th^t *e had Jived on *Bd cultj^ I %i* *rd«j Mx- hetii* «t% a mir la : ^M~ " te **•««#&. veted hia ci^m for fourteen M ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ & M : - m ^ i m S m f^^*^ i*S*!; ' ; v*»> m «own, ^^QT8W.;^2» [ IS^|^^ , | tl.25 an acre preacrioed; by-law> | - e j ( p ^ r i 4 ^ i i » i w ^ S % i « y &&- where the eonupntatijon elau»e of tbe ..the 5 violeht•»3ter»lii>r^^tf t l i i 4 t w&ydt',h*v»: -not^Kfcr*4«e«--*<lnOT««l^- \ilmV'>>:-i-\-><\r-,<:-i<. :fawm\, 4hed|le# »ncea ; f|r^''J^ ber of nhyalelaiif; ^a*ta»t ? «^ „Kftyen' , '. «Mfttfe&$iw> <8 - -"--^ Homestead act ^ availed of, ana "final proof 1 ' havingth^s been ihac|e title was granted, subject to flnia.1 ratification " by "the* Lajpd ; ^Oftce fe J, ^ n St'fl.'Wlmlin»ir*y^^ *c^)«'h»^i»»#ttti»\iui# W4te It waa Jlust "here; i!*t-M^tt|ifelthi- : -*^*ii^Q^fi''^^ aroused the suspicion oflth* apecltt «yen v .teftneratu**' all. .4ih*r- 5»»lr* ** i ' R * "• ^waiiw^fa* ml. claims ,*nd. he -began i^-isve^tiftl^J^-to.qfirJiy' MMtr\*#r" all • W l - ;P»**WWp*|ft' tion, which.revealMrthe v |aCtW 1 at ^ 4 * 5 » & S S « ^ S S f e ^ ^ i V n ^ - - "* - ' ffi^^^£i^%^>^^»»^W»^*» *?* ***** "*' iofmed b y . ^ ain^le^coa ing under orders fr^ni always showil>« teal on beltSt w^ con»titut«i4» Out 1 fi^a^aWe%«n^^tlip:|3o1^i: . :te ; Elbflteihl6.: > pri^i>ttt6ftSB, ^faa^!iarl*^:iia|, ^iocnester^ member of Branch ?8, CM.B. A. |tV3^ctelis» ^.Jfca^j^ Lorraine societies; « 4 rrT3zmm?*Vi.ttni -?--« •MMUMk FromaritchenTaWetotte From a Cattai^CnW^A L I from a Doer • Prom a Window shrie te thi f l " ^ $nm* WfatLWhtflTa- «"»"•*-. Sap«rt Parlor JLainp j PnM aa «U Steve te (fcc mast complete Red Grou Ranm, We ftrniaJieYerTn^ t o n u k e m ' no^beaaafalaadwmfartaWe. company, and that tic-ua settlers was under coniraw w ; m « j > 4 ^ ^ i % 'Wii^Wi iff ^ - ^ -^j sell his homestead as soon as the tl- $mumfrxm4^ikm#** : hr -te S^SiSS^ tie was perfected to the Jaa&eomr- i^ii^ b«mirit,^&ia^Vi««a - i ^ 1 *^ 1 ^ scheme worked in this instahcei as it •«««>.ntfi'« *;x^?- v v ' ••'•' *TW«M wltW»»iMm»»>! •Ja.?«e^rt-;tn; ; i».j .jtai^r. *»l«r^Jl^SLw-*-'*M»*«-*" to mlnewerkersiartirthe^ MA ott^r^F*^*^"*"!***** ih' ^Ke ; | » t -ihai wary »ij»«r. , | .1»|)p>: artefelac"lc>'*' poatwo^tjiliia' v fSMMOivf ti6U^ah^*-:-^^>|6^h%-'tr^*'il^ *^*fe case wnere'-a mlaeV-1iat.-folW#»4 #• *#toef*t*jiy, le^tth jff- ! j^^/4%i|i1t partly ca^e&h,6 ' I « i % , | y i t M •Jk,-V*4te.'*s "„.„ ., ^*'Hiaat«j|3rt(|4 sine mason aKaiaat- SJ.' filSV^• -yawp** ahylacuo natboda «f •v\ *Paww^w^' *^ .M^^F^s^^a^^HK ' douhtleaa has in numerous others,' the land company would have, ac- quireda tract of S.440 acrea'at «c C(wf~or a little "le*s lnan~f this tract would have beeh worth at the leastcalculation |55*»OfiO, would probably have yielded d0upie:or tre- ble that sum in timber, and then the denuded land would have'beeh left in the hands of the land cbntpanfe ta graring purpo?es, f %i .^ .. . - J deieterloiia^e«ect : oa th# *#tth. M %;•*»;<**Bm.*# Another fertile .source^of frau^ ,ia mostly the i^)iit^ m A the provision of. the land law which tn g ijitotfie Wafc^ ; *tt!teroili ehtltjes soldiers or .aoldiettf widewa;. ; ^Eh&tehd^ncy is t o 4 u g f c « P h V W ,* ,, „ - t . .to deduct from the nve ^a^hecej.' ^ e , , d S < ^ m « « ^ ^ * ^ ^ " ^ E ^ i t ' ^ f-^Her,- for^^nsfeancej #n^ahy : deid:rini t^s^fe^tttr^:a^^yy^i^^ large. traH wm.wSfttf fM.^tnwtry iter! ihditeM wjdew* /of olf: ,io]^j(«r^ f * h--do ntfo.*iikm-1ii*k<m£*i? AWm « tifi, •Jim mm,* 9* »t-**.*•-. . r7J^>f^f|rW; do clk'nwi. tha.b^t m«M ^trsafrJ- niaat, y#t the *ip»iu»nJ( oraaahdait^.. red togetner each win .be^. Jo- . m ^^^ ot W hobnla« eotiah ^> tik»< pouahl 'f$ti#«|(i- gathered - IU»OLM*I .«9$>jB./wsq>^<ncr*o>> •. *«aaa.-Jif' ; ; h*»Bttiw 1 , ; ea^^:^*?^»WlteM ^w^me^are - i « % e r a 1 l ^ i » » d i * % o f ^ ' ^ ; W«S^rf5SS^BB ehariwte* of.the «^^ •they ***f*%rin p*mmx& :<mr:; W^^&^xw^ mmty Mot»m -that ; ithey , TC«i:^^Mlli?fi^l.#'l?^* * cure"their livlttfitiia fiem |S6;t^ fir- vMNMi ... .. . . HBGr^VES year fa'.a mife-cltbui' w ® i i «« Iurnisned th.^'- jr^^MMiff, : If a: soldier has Herved throughout the war, four; ..years; hi* ;." " "prove up" attey. one;'. dence on the elainv aad is apocryphal, for in '$nett^faito§$* y duced to *U mottthai"-gmera1tl^ ! th*"iii;i^ summer letldh. .:..•.•' i .-f.'f;"^ - ,r'; ; :^?:A:.f|?i^|l ..•'"'T>e';;irijusMCe.'res*ltittiBf : .iEro|ft.-..t|ei"" ""'' * aoquieition of large tractaof land bj grave. One or two thouaand acres or ,. njorej leneedXsa^.'devot^^to'j^ttei. . -or Ittiabering-op^isaJtfeiisr^n^^ . regJonalmoat untenable jto ihi t#|i-t -aiae-aettler,. Uf i* deprived -or mm^ hers, roads, aei^i^ha'w^^i-aitt*' those advantage* which M, \mJm$* aity would a«ord;hia>, ^iiitmjfc tim -ai^^'iiftallf^'ielils his hoinesit^d' - 1 a^tatrMt' ,*,.- 8|dno#6iy#f ^'pi^tiim'; roundings. And till thiaia in addi tJon to the frustration, , # | the^-s«r- pose of the government to-granting--! aiaa>*t.»se>itartna ?L ^anid.to .set^rs -ea aachve^^ternji/ •- :: '•'" rJ '' - l ~ f: 'th ) e setijemettt«f-;ihe ate%.'%-«malt ;hom.e -,, ow;he)|S'..' The fregt „ .-lattd^df companies which already mpnopoii«» 'ao gieat a po^iphr43^.#h*4:-i)feie mfap, l Ina4ly,-pi^ieJj^|w,.iv»^t..^yv^asii^ f «te m tm9&dw$i*i^W vauce of efyMeation and the develop- US'-.-.to the aftet «f tita *i^|^i.$*$pe:f^ the actkm *f the moiit-a4r oa tk#- ^t-.tiiiHn*'' iit**il«. " ttffwair-f*^ I.»..!.'V' " . . ., „,,, Jf***fti$»*t<"-'•>•:•*>:'-*:' ¥f$kjK-$,, ,y .''-'I itft<V '••' t^.'»:'••' " *'S»^*^^^-'^'v* ,*.t£oiii£Z$t$I-£siniXi£&ii '••••Sr- - Portland Avenue, near BitUiHIS Both Teiepbones 576 te*#- <('* •*« •5-" --..V .. -,v ""' . * ii* ' y ' , : ' -'<" .'•*«38 John H, McAnarney - - <9a«es*s^t»0i8iady*lfeAaara«r.} Fire, Plate Glatt, Bolltr and Elevator Inturanct F i d e l i t y S o n d s fc* Ao'adakarmtota, Oontraatora, EMoutora, Kxciaa, OMoes—101 and 101 Bttwiagtf * Barry Bldg.Bntraaca 898tata 81 in many mst«nce« %, b^com#a; niilhace to law and order> ruliaa the coun-~ try about them with an,iron handi prostituting its court* and * fcag its liberties in a most high- »d manner, so that peaceable set* { tiers gladly embrace the Arst oppor- tunity to escape from their baneful influences. :"-'," ";"•':."*"•• Moant McKInley,. la aiaaka* - has neve? been climbed, althvoch coanio law atteiaata hava been auad*. &•: V«.-*« f- ":W» , "i+mitEi*. I W1 i " .t'iSV/y^ i'ii l j^^H'-pimi,!*^'*"'' -w^sy-ivS'^"'-* •<»,;II ^JTMifiii *\) r„!f«rf fc«re» #f -^ipJSHpUtttBior'rtl a the h r e | | # l i i a » % l t *- string- ef fine thorovghbfwis, bat also ridiu tham in tha i*cs^ ^ itictars ilurwi her leading hv favorite Moortah Dance, whieh ip|t rode ftb sWNMriT| >aat«m raeaa hi which was itant tWHtt' t liff' ; irtrate>ttBta h^»,i -S-fE^j^Jj^-^P,.. , ,,.,,, last ht'^f riaw-wtnWj^ staraVWl CoasiW appartto •aaaafscfara of h*oeaa Ife *«* .'.•* •feat

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Page 1: «own,lib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · ing a year in post-graduate work in St. Mary's Hospital. He then established himself in private practice

*H*mmmm*»mmm I

^ ^ ! - * * P *



:onvca-od is a at St.

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voters?- ' ^ i f ^ t | 0*ld Ofcs : Xl^f&jjg


Nominee for Alderman of First Ward a Prominent Physician

Dr. Thomas T . Mooney was bora in Kingston, Panada, Oct. 2, 18U. He attended the Colle­giate Institute, studied tstdieine at Queens University v_and was graduated April. 1896. Soon after he came t o Rbchegter, spend­ing a year in post-graduate work in S t . Mary's Hospital. He then established himself in private practice. . ' Dr . Mooney is a member of nu­merous fraternal organisations, among which are t i e Modern

sWo©dmen of America, for which he i 3 the headf medical examiner; Bed Men, Ancient Order of United Workmen, National Protective Legion, Foresters of America and the. Ancient Order of Hibernians He* has held the office of coroners' physician since January last

-r^r-ffpi 1141ft III*,. ••ll>1WK,l!llM^I|lPlll|

"w^yg'.yyy'•«!; "••<»j*»wi|iy^ff>(*j*jg*'iw* -•- *- W K

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f 1

• " « £ « ! •



D r . Blooney is a member of the Country Club.

Rochester pathological Society, the .Monroe Oounty Medical Socie­ty and fhe Central New York Medical Society; also the Roch­ester Whist Club, Rochester Atheletic Club and Oak Hill

made an admirable record in the Common Council for thepatttwo years and has been one of the most active and aggressive fighters in the Democratic minority. He. is recognized as a man of ability and has worked hard i n the interests of his constituents.

Alderman Gerling has been working ever since he took offiefe for a fire house in the Twentieth ward and he has also done all in his power to improvethe car se?, vice to the Twentieth ward, He has been most active in the inter-. ests of his constituents and his

; efforts have been appreciated. Alderman Gerling was born in

this oity in 1867 and received his early education in public schools. For years he has been engaged in

i ALDEBMiN JACOB GERLING. ] the milling bnsinesswith his^fath-The Democrats of the Twentie- er on North Water street and he

th ward have renominated Jacob »s known las a* business man of ex-Gerling, Jr., as their candidate for oeptaonal ability. There is no alderman. AJdernian G erling has question of h is election on Nov.f.

ALDERMAN JOS. BIBSTE1N. :< Alderman Joseph F. Ribsteinis

not only a most valuable man for h i s constituents, but he also re­presents the interests of the en­tire ward with care, faithfulness and zeal. For many years he has been recognized as the Democratic leader of the Seventeenth ward. H e served two years with much credit t o the city 'as City Sealer, being appointed by the Council in 1897. Four years ago be was elected Alderman and he has since labored faithfully for the ward in the Council. His ability and genial disposition won soon the admiration of his associates who elected him as president pro. tern, of the Council. He also is chair­man of three very important com­mittees, the finance, the lamps and eleetneity and city property com>.: •aittees. • During his term of office he was eve* a i e ^ to do soniathUg ftw the citizens of the Seventeenth ward. It was through his efforts that a: fire-house on Hudson Street was built; h e secured the extension of the steejet ^ - t i^^ '^Mejp i i^v iH 7

que with improved service, -and (

Methods Employed to Defraud tbj % $» Government


Ctmim to ILarg* Tmc«» «a4 E»»ct lempoKmer V*t* «" Cablam Va-

• O&e l*>m n-Mimx Boeo«M« K«ad of the FmmOf by Adopt*** * Child. The tnfenuity «ad audacity o | the

nee who har«* been and «UM are ea-jsajpd ta deTraudin* the tjnttod States ewt of nuhlic Iwd* »t« equalled ontr by the absolute «on* iciei|ceie«8W» of thi* w * of awjin.-* dlera.. $*«**& jK»»»ible device t* re? darted tft by the hven. *k° bay* •ought to acquire illegal title to the public domain, aays the New York

An. instance of this chara«ler which recently came to light was found in Idaho. A afnfle contractor had erected, on the order of a )aad com-jan^, iWrtj^ux <jabi»a on as «iany i Q J*- •*



Iaa]flkla«-'^«Wft;0«)r', IBma ^Ooea»wid.'--ia-1aa

%loa at* c«tt nUatra, 3%% JwrtB*«lpal 'fro»6»*<|.. t a r tew i l l

coal mia«r« from comiomptlw, whll* oT t t t ^ ^ ^ ^ J w * * thereatoftheeommwltr. coi«p*wd U T ^ l m o f J ^ » o * of fatnwir*, .trad«anw%. .»erc«*ii*i «»nw#tf.-olrU»«o«tr*aa' ahopandofflc*wor»(«r.,h».WtC«r*d . m^^m^^timm^

of the towa» *ni »««»* w ^* * 4 l t« t • wo«iiv'«,,r, fe^A-j^M^—^-.n ^.,.-^

? i ^

The averac*lolnmr«p»md»aaHlrd<fiSA of hia Uf^^ade^^^iiftd+^a^ r*ir»ly I V aeea the *u» **ce*t 09 Sytndiya ind hoUda^a, aad th«» hi? d.«*ia4 U t « «»-cape it a« touch W poolbl*. H* 4m to his Trork bijora auaup and wh«r he *eta home fro» work*. tiKe» nlfa dally bath, eats hia »ap9#r ah t > gO

v » t »

* l

homestead entries—"one hundred and •sixties" they are called in the Land Officer-had furnished them with the usual meager furniture oT the g«Quin,e cabin, had actually built fires to the little aheet iron stoves, in order that the cahina mj«ht appear J;o have been oceopied, and, had hip*

^frqm the rattera of each a frjlRnieiil; of afiitchof bacioji. Q^e*ch"e^hjt»^, dred and a^ty*'; *So«(t * cjftart | ef an; acre ij»4 beeii actu*l3jRp tilled ajid; planted to potatoes, fhe entries Weftn; made; in tltie natae qf thirty-Wnr 1ft-dividuals, the work tiene: by the, coh-traciqr was perfern\e,d th4f^cj0«|E;{

cfwar-Thji iarM* dally proi««mner-~ T > ,(

There,are, urobahly *,wentjMl»t_ a e k j B IPotn^roy who ^»-<r fo>rVed In the mineje fttty year*, double *ty£ number forty-five yew* aevfjral *«»* dreA forty year* aa* a ,tr*at a«wil»*r. -

a> &$• mmif.'<0^:4Wm:-3^ and none •faUa deadvfMiK' h«(


l i g h t v : ^ * ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ ' tcowhte 1foUiJ not :«M*1MEQW)iMj$tW^

r^^Wfe*'*^:'*.--**:'-' ''


'^f .J^i^f ' lv

l fa«y w _. • ^ B

montha .had expired the^mfed^'aet^lni^iri*,.^ tiers; « ^ ^ ^ - ^ e ^ \ l t , ^ S i S ^

. S*j»s,i3fis -,4Js.vi »f.».':


davit th^t *e had Jived on *Bd cultj^ I %i* *rd«j Mx- hetii* «t% a mir la :^M~ " t e **•««#&. veted hia ci^m for fourteen M ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ & M : - m ^ i m S m

f ^ ^ *^ i*S*!; ';v*»>

m «own, ^ ^ Q T 8 W . ; ^ 2 » [ I S ^ | ^ ^ , | tl.25 an acre preacrioed; by-law> | - e j ( p ^ r i 4 ^ i i » i w ^ S % i « y &&-where the eonupntatijon elau»e of tbe ..the5violeht•»3ter»lii>r^^tf t l i i 4 t

w&ydt',h*v»: -not Kfcr*4«e«--*<lnOT««l -\ilmV'>>:-i-\-><\r-,<:-i<.

:fawm\, 4hed|le# »ncea ; f | r^' 'J^

ber of nhyalelaiif; ^a*ta»t?«^

„Kftyen','. «Mfttfe&$iw> • <8 --"--^

Homestead act ^ availed of, ana "final proof1' havingth^s been ihac|e title was granted, subject to flnia.1 ratification " by "the* Lajpd; ^Oftce feJ,^nSt'fl.'Wlmlin»ir*y^^ *c^)«'h»^i»»#ttti»\iui# W4te

It waa Jlust "here; i!*t-M^tt|ifelthi- :-*^*ii^Q^fi''^^ aroused the suspicion oflth* apecltt «yen v .teftneratu**' all. .4ih*r- 5»»lr* **i'R* "• ^waiiw^fa* ml.

claims ,*nd. he -began i^-isve^tiftl^J^-to.qfirJiy' MMtr\*#r" all • W l - ;P»**WWp*|ft' tion, which.revealMrthev|aCtW1at ^ 4 * 5 » & S S « ^ S S f e ^ ^ i V n ^ - - — "* - '

ffi^^^£i^%^>^^»»^W»^*» *?* ***** "*' iofmed by.^ ain le^coa ing under orders fr^ni

always showil>« t e a l on beltSt w^ con»titut«i4» Out 1 fi^a^aWe%«n^^tlip:|3o1^i: . :te;Elbflteihl6.:>pri^i>ttt6ftSB, ^ f a a ^ ! i a r l * ^ : i i a | , ^iocnester^ member of Branch ?8, C M . B . A . |tV3^ctelis» ^ . J f c a ^ j ^ Lorraine societies; « 4

rrT3zmm?*Vi.ttni -?--«


FromaritchenTaWetotte •

From a Cattai CnW^A

L I from a Doer •

Prom a Window shrie te thi f l " ^

$nm* WfatLWhtflTa- «"»"•*-. Sap«rt Parlor JLainp j

PnM aa «U Steve te (fcc mast complete Red Grou Ranm,

We ftrniaJieYerTn^ tonukem' no^beaaafalaadwmfartaWe.

company, and that tic-ua settlers was under coniraw w ; m • « j > 4 ^ ^ i % 'Wii^Wi iff ^ - ^ -^j sell his homestead as soon as the tl- $mumfrxm4^ikm#**:hr -te S ^ S i S S ^ tie was perfected to the Jaa&eomr- i ^ i i ^ b « m i r i t , ^ & i a ^ V i « « a - i ^ 1 * ^ 1 ^

scheme worked in this instahcei as it •«««>.ntfi'« *;x^?- • v v ' ••'•' *TW«M wltW»»iMm»»>!

•Ja.?«e^rt-;tn;;i».j .jtai^r. *»l«r^Jl^SLw-*-'*M»*«-*" to mlnewerkersiartirthe^ M A ott^r^F*^*^"*"!***** ih' Ke ; | » t -ihai wary »ij»«r.,| .1»|)p>: arte felac"lc> ' * ' poatwo tjiliia' vfSMMOivf ti6U^ah^*-:-^^>|6^h%-'tr^*'il^ *^*fe case wnere'-a mlaeV-1iat.-folW#»4 # • *#toef*t*jiy, le^tth jff-!j^^/4%i|i1t partly ca^e&h,6 ' I « i % , | y i t M

•Jk,-V*4te.'*s "„.„

., ^*'Hiaat«j|3rt(|4 sine mason aKaiaat-SJ.' filSV^• -yawp** ahylacuo natboda «f

•v\ *Paww^w ' * ^ .M^^F s a ^HK '

douhtleaa has in numerous others,' the land company would have, ac-quireda tract of S.440 acrea'at «c C(wf~or a little "le*s lnan~f this tract would have beeh worth at the leastcalculation |55*»OfiO, would probably have yielded d0upie:or tre­ble that sum in timber, and then the denuded land would have'beeh left in the hands of the land cbntpanfe ta

graring purpo?es, f %i . . . . - J deieterloiia^e«ect:oa th# *#tth. M %;•*»;<**Bm.*# Another fertile .source^of frau^ l» ,ia mostly the i^) i i t^ m A

the provision of. the land law which tng ijitotfie Wafc^;*tt!teroili ehtltjes soldiers or .aoldiettf widewa;. ; Eh&tehd^ncy is to4ugfc«PhVW ,* , , „ - t . .to deduct from the nve ^ a ^ h e c e j . ' e , , d S < ^ m « « ^ ^ * ^ ^ " ^ E ^ i t ' ^

f- Her,- for^^nsfeancej #n^ahy:deid:rini t ^ s ^ f e ^ t t t r ^ : a ^ ^ y y ^ i ^ ^ large. traH wm.wSfttf fM.^tnwtry iter! &£ ihditeM wjdew* /of olf: ,io]^j(«r^ f *

h--do ntfo.*iikm-1ii*k<m£*i? AWm « tifi, •Jim mm,* 9* » t - * * . * • - . .


do clk'nwi. tha.b^t m«M ^trsafrJ-niaat, y#t the *ip»iu»nJ( oraaahdait^..

red togetner each win .be^. Jo- .m ^^^ ot Whobnla« eotiah ^> tik»< pouahl 'f$ti#«|(i-gathered - IU»OLM*I .«9$>jB./wsq> <ncr*o>> •. *«aaa.-Jif';'«;h*»Bttiw1

, ;ea^^:^*?^»WlteM ^w^me^are - i « % e r a 1 l ^ i » » d i * % o f ^ ' ^ ; W « S ^ r f 5 S S ^ B B ehariwte* of.the « ^ ^

•they ***f*%rin p*mmx& :<mr:; W^^&^xw^ mmty Mot»m -that ; i t h e y , T C « i : ^ ^ M l l i ? f i ^ l . # ' l ? ^ * * cure"their livlttfitiia fiem |S6;t^ f i r -


. . . .. . .


year fa'.a mife-cltbui' w ® i i « « Iurnisned th.^'- jr^^MMiff, : If a: soldier has Herved throughout the war, four; ..years; hi* ;." " "prove up" attey. one;'. dence on the elainv aad is apocryphal, for in '$nett^faito§$* y duced to *U mottthai"-gmera1tl^!th*"iii;i^ summer letldh. .:..•.•'i.-f.'f;" - ,r';;:^?:A:.f|?i |l ..•'"'T>e';;irijusMCe.'res*ltittiBf:.iEro|ft.-..t|ei"" ""''* aoquieition of large tractaof land bj grave. One or two thouaand acres or

,. njorej leneedXsa^.'devot^^to' j ^ t t e i . . -or Ittiabering-op^isaJtfeiisr^n^^ . regJonalmoat untenable jto ih i t#|i-t -aiae-aettler,. Uf i* deprived -or mm^ hers, roads, aei^i^ha'w^^i-aitt*' those advantage* which M, \mJm$* aity would a«ord;hia>, ^iiitmjfc tim -ai 'iiftallf 'ielils his hoinesit^d'

• -1 a^tatrMt' ,*,.- 8|dno#6iy#f ^'pi^tiim'; roundings. And till thiaia in addi tJon to the frustration, ,# | the -s«r-pose of the government to-granting--!

aiaa>*t.»se>itartna ?L anid.to .set^rs -ea aachve^^ternji/ •-:: ' • '" r J '' - l~ •f:'th)e setijemettt«f-;ihe ate%.'%-«malt

;hom.e -,, ow;he)|S'..' The fregt „ .-lattd df companies which already mpnopoii«» 'ao gieat a po iphr43 .#h*4:-i)feie mfap, lIna4ly,-pi^ieJj^|w,.iv»^t..^yv^asii^ f «te m tm9&dw$i*i^W vauce of efyMeation and the develop-

US'-.-.to the aftet «f tita

* i ^ | ^ i . $ * $ p e : f ^ the actkm *f the moiit-a4r oa tk#-

^t-.tiiiHn*'' i i t * * i l « . "


I.»..!.'V' "

. . ., „,,, Jf***fti$»*t<"-'•>•:•*>:'-*:'

¥f$kjK-$,,,y.''-'I itft<V '••' t^.'»:'••' " * ' S » ^ * ^ ^ ^ - ' ^ ' v *



- Portland Avenue, near

BitUiHIS Both Teiepbones 576

te*#-<('* •*« •5-" --..V .. -,v ""' . * ii* ' y ' • ,:' -'<"


John H, McAnarney - - <9a«es*s^t»0i8iady*lfeAaara«r.}

Fire, P late Glatt , Bolltr and Elevator Inturanct F i d e l i t y S o n d s fc* Ao'adakarmtota, Oontraatora, EMoutora, Kxciaa,

OMoes—101 and 101 Bttwiagtf * Barry Bldg.Bntraaca 898tata 81

in many mst«nce«%,b^com#a; niilhace to law and order> ruliaa the coun-~ try about them with an,iron handi prostituting its court* and * fcag its liberties in a most high-»d manner, so that peaceable set* { tiers gladly embrace the Arst oppor­tunity to escape from their baneful influences. :"-'," ";"•':."*"••

Moant McKInley,. la aiaaka* - has neve? been climbed, althvoch coanio law atteiaata hava been auad*.

& • :

V«.-*« f- ":W»

1® ,



W 1

i • " .t'iSV/y^ i'ii l

j^^H'-pimi,!*^'*"'' -w^sy-ivS'^"'-*

•<»,;II ^JTMifiii

*\) r„!f«rf fc«re» # f -^ipJSHpUtttBior'rt l


the h r e | | # l i i a » % l t *- string- ef fine thorovghbfwis, bat also ridiu tham in tha i*cs^ itictars ilurwi her leading h v favorite Moortah Dance, whieh ip|t rode ftb sWNMriT| >aat«m raeaa hi which h« was itant tWHtt' t liff';irtrate>ttBta


-S-fE^j^Jj^-^P,.. , ,,.,,,

last h t ' ^ f riaw-wtnWj


CoasiW appartto •aaaafscfara of


Ife *«* . ' . • * •feat