ovako graphic identity guidelines · ovako ab graphic identity guidelines these are the alternate...


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Page 1: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a


©Ovako 20160509

Page 2: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines


1.0.0 Who we are1.0.1 Tone of voice1.0.2 Why a strong brand matters


LOGOTYPE2.1.0 Preferred version2.1.1 Alternate versions2.1.2 Clear space2.1.3 Placement 2.1.4 Background2.1.5 Incorrect usage

COLOURS2.2.0 Primary colours2.2.1 Secondary colours

TYPOGRAPHY2.3.0 Primary & Secondary fonts2.3.1 Headline Style

IDENTIFIER SHAPE2.4.0 Identifier shape


GRID3.1.0 Grid System

IMAGERY3.2.0 Imagery 3.2.1 Imagery – three levels of imagery3.2.2 Imagery – style, theme and composition

PAPER3.3.0 Paper


STATIONERY4.1.0 Business cards4.1.1 Letterhead4.1.2 Envelopes

E-MAIL4.2.0 E-mail signature

LITERATURE4.3.0 Brochures4.3.1 Case descriptions

ADVERTISING4.4.0 Corporate/Product4.4.1 Recruitment

POWERPOINT4.5.0 Powerpoint


WEB 4.7.0 Web presence


CLOTHING5.1.0 Clothing

VEHICLE GRAPHICS5.2.0 Vehicle Graphics

SIGNAGE5.3.0 Signage

Table of contents

Page 3: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines


Page 4: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Who we are 1.0.0


You can help us build one strong and consistent Ovako brand identity.

If you are reading this, it means you are im-portant to the Ovako brand. Whether you are working in sales, marketing or another func-tion, you have the possibility to support our “One Ovako” strategy by adhering to these guidelines. Whether you’re developing an event, ad, brochure, signage, banner, website, magazine, PR, DM or another communication tool, you’ll find helpful templates and direc-tions on the following pages.

Customer needs in focusThese guidelines are designed to help us bring life to our strategy of being a dynamic pro-ducer of engineering steel, delivering superior reliability and expertise through a customer-oriented way of working. To achieve this, we are shifting our communications from talking about our products and solutions alone to talk-ing about how we solve customer problems – to boost their productivity and profitability.

This also means we need to maintain a strong, consistent and customer-focused brand across all our markets. We cannot afford to look one way at a trade fair in Germany and another way in the UK. Unity will help us overcome some of our past fragmentation due to various historical factors.

Consistency with some flexibilityAt the same time, we wanted to create enough flexibility to allow you to adapt certain messages and projects in your local market. We do not believe in creating a “rigid rulebook” with 100-plus pages of “do’s and don’ts” for every small item. So please regard these guidelines as providing inspiration and a general direction as well as a handy reference tool for your questions. Like our brand, they will be evolved and updated over time to be timely and relevant. So always please double-check with Group Marketing Communications that you have the latest version when develop-ing fantastic new communications.

Page 5: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Tone of voice 1.0.1


Let’s express a bolder, more confident and customer-focused brand personality.

Our brand’s “tone of voice” is our personality expressed in words and images. In our case, we want to convey the feeling of a dynamic steel-making expert – a reliable partner that is deeply committed to helping our customers be more productive. To capture this tone of voice, we need to avoid talking mainly about ourselves and solutions and talk more about challenges facing the customer. How can we help them innovate? Improve their margins? Achieve sus-tainable and profitable growth?

A conversation with the customerOne effective way of achieving this is to fo-cus on the needs of our customers’ customer, showing that we understand the business dynamics they face. If, for example, we are selling steel to the wind power industry, we should talk about their need for materials with high reliability since we understand the cost and difficulty of maintenance in this sector

– not just the impact strength of a particular steel grade. We can also use the word “you” to speak more directly to the reader and give them a sense of an engaging conversation, without being too chatty. This will help us be seen as an empathetic partner as well as thought leader that is focused on a larger purpose or need.

Bold and confident – never boastfulOur tone of voice is bold, friendly and confi-dent but never boastful. We have a proud and unquestionable heritage of steelmaking dat-ing back to the 15th century. As experts in this area, we should talk like leaders – not just talk-ing about products, but innovative new ideas and ways we can solve a customers problem. When we say “engineering steel with an edge” it means we are helping customers to gain a competitive advantage. So our focus should be on the “edge” we deliver. We want to be seen as the forward-thinking and reliable partner that is working very closely with customers to solve their needs.

Page 6: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Why a strong brand matters 1.0.2


A strong brand is important for sales and recruitment.

A strong brand will help us to drive sales, attract talent, stretch into new product categories and build internal pride. By build-ing awareness and being more inspiring and attractive, we increase our chances of being shortlisted and winning deals. We are also better able to attract some of the best and brightest people on the market – an important objective for building a dynamic, forward- looking organization.

Brands are created in the mindBuilding a brand is not simply a matter of manufacturing great products or placing the Ovako logotype in the right place. Products are created in factories, but brands are created in the mind. They are the sum of all percep-tions about a company – from the way our salespeople interact with customers to how we present ourselves at a trade fair.

They reflect our heritage and story, the custom-ers experience and how our products con- tribute to our customers’ success. In our case, they are a promise to existing and potential customers that by working with us you will get a competitive edge.

Time. Resources. Focus.Building a brand does not happen overnight. It takes time, resources and focus. Our aim with these guidelines is to provide the basic tools needed to build a strong and consistent brand that really stands out in the steel industry – something that is clearly different than our look-alike competitors, motivating to custom-ers and true to our own brand personality. The aim is to be a dynamic producer of engineering steel that is helping our customers to be more productive and profitable – helping them to

“get the edge.”

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines



Page 8: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

The Ovako logotype is a key element in our visual identity - you could even see it as our personal signature. The logotype is seen in many different contexts and it is important to ensure it is seen in a con-sistent manner in order to preserve the strength and integrity of the Ovako brand.

Shown here is the preferred version of the Ovako logotype which should be used whenever possible.

In order to preserve the integrity of the Ovako logotype it should never be re-produced at a width of less than 20mm / 76px. The maximum allowed width is 2m.

Alternate versions are shown on the following page 2.1.1.

For the full range of Ovako colours see page 2.2.1.

2.1.0Logotype;Preferred version

Core Elements

Ovako BluePantone: PMS 541 C CMYK: 100 / 60 / 00 / 40RGB: 000 / 066 / 122

Ovako OrangePantone: PMS 151 CCMYK: 00 / 60 / 100 / 00RGB: 245 / 130 / 030

Page 9: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative.

The negative version is a highly versatile alternative and should be used where the colour version is inappropriate, for example in dark or strongly coloured images and backgrounds.

The positive version can be used in situa-tions where colour reproduction is unavail-able or where the colour version is unsuit-able such as light coloured backgrounds.

Use the color version whenever possible. The alternate versions should only be used in situations where the color version is not desirable or technically not viable.

For more information on colour see pages2.1.5 – 2.1.6.

2.1.1Logotype;Alternate versions

POSITIVE This is the positive alternate version of the Ovako logotype, to be printed in black only.

NEGATIVE This is the negative alternate version of the Ovako logo. The following colour values apply:

WhiteCMYK: 00 / 00 / 00 / 00RGB: 255 / 255 / 255HEX: FFFFFF

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.1.2Logotype; Clear Space

To ensure its integrity and visibility, the Ovako logotype should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clear space equal in size to the cap height of the Ovako letterforms, as shown here.

The amount of clear space is in direct proportion to the size of the logotype and may not be altered.

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.1.3Logotype; Placement

The following placement guidelines for printed communications should be followed in order to ensure consistency in the presentation of the Ovako brand.

The logotype should be placed in the upper right or lower right corner as il-lustrated, observing at least the minimum clear space requirement. This applies both to placement directly on a page as well as inside the Ovako ID shape. The recom-mended size for the logotype on an A4 page is 35mm in width.

Please refer to the Applications section for further examples of logotype placement.

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.1.4Logotype; Background

The Ovako logotype should be placed primarily on a white background but can also be applied to a number of various backgrounds other than white.

This page illustrates acceptable use with examples of possible background colours and images. It acts as a guide for correct application of the logotype in order to ensure high quality reproduction across a wide range of media.

The full colour logotype should be used on white or very light backgrounds or images.

The negative logotype should be used on dark backgrounds and images.

The black logotype is specifically for use where colour reproduction is unavailable, on white or light coloured backgrounds.

Always ensure that there is sufficient contrast between the logotype and back-ground to ensure good, clear readability.

For incorrect usage see following page 2.1.6.

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.1.5Logotype; Incorrect usage

The Ovako logotype should always be seen clearly and consistently.

To ensure good readability make sure it is positioned away from any competing imagery and stands out clearly from the background.

The logotype should never be compro-mised by altering its proportions in any way. Effects such as outlines or drop shad-ow may not be used. The logotype should only appear in approved Ovako colours.

The following are examples of incorrect usage of the Ovako logotype.

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.2.0Colours; Primary

Color is a strong component of the Ovako identity. The Ovako Primary colour palette comprises three colours; Ovako Orange, Ovako Blue and Ovako Grey.

In order for the colour palette to be most effective and to ensure a clean modern look with maximum impact in line with the Ovako brand a considered use of white space is paramount.

The consistent use of these colors will create recognition and strengthen the identity. For examples of how the Ovako Primary colours can be used see the sec-tion Applications.

Core Elements

Ovako OrangePantone® PMS 151 CCMYK 00 / 60 / 100 / 00RGB 255 / 115 / 0HEX F5821ENCS 0385-Y45RRAL 2008

Ovako BluePantone® PMS 541 C CMYK 100 / 60 / 00 / 40RGB 000 / 066 / 122HEX 00427ANCS S 5040-R90BRAL 5010

WhiteCMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 00RGB 255 / 255 / 255HEX FFFFFF

Ovako GreyPantone® PMS Cool Grey 8 C CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 56 RGB 136 / 138 / 140HEX 888A8C

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

2.2.1Colours; Secondary

Core Elements

The Ovako Secondary colour palette com-prises gradients derived from the Primary colours to give flexibility in use without moving too far from the core brand.

Secondary colours are achieved by screen-ing to achieve lighter colours and adding black to achieve darker colours. This gives a flexible palette for use in core brand communications.

The consistent use of these colors will create recognition and strengthen the identity. For examples of how the Ovako Secondary colours can be used see the sec-tion Applications.

PRIMARYSee previous page 2.2.0



Ovako Blue Ovako GreyOvako Orange

OR 3 75%CMYK 00 / 45 / 75 / 00RGB 248 / 161 / 087HEX F8A157

OB 3 70%CMYK 70 / 42 / 00 / 28RGB 062 / 100 / 150HEX 3E6496

OB 4CMYK 100 / 60 / 00 / 55RGB 000 / 051 / 101HEX 003365

OB 5CMYK 100 / 60 / 00 / 70RGB 000 / 035 / 079HEX 00234F

OB 6CMYK 100 / 60 / 00 / 85RGB 000 / 009 / 054HEX 000936

OB 2 45%CMYK 45 / 27 / 00 / 18RGB 115 / 142 / 183HEX 738EB7

OB 1 20%CMYK 20 / 12 / 00 / 8RGB 183 / 195 / 216HEX B7C3D8

OG 3 80% CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 45RGB 160 / 161 / 163HEX A0A1A3

OG 4CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 68RGB 113 / 115 / 117HEX 717375

OG 5CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 77RGB 095 / 096 / 098HEX 5F6062

OG 6CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 85RGB 077 / 077 / 079HEX 4D4D4F

OG 2 55%CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 31RGB 189 / 191 / 192HEX BDBFC0

OG 1 25%CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 14RGB 225 / 226 / 226HEX E1E2E2

OR 4CMYK 00 / 60 / 100 / 10RGB 222 / 118 / 028HEX DE761C

OR 5CMYK 00 / 60 / 100 / 25RGB 192 / 102 / 022HEX C06616

OR 6CMYK 00 / 60 / 100 / 40RGB 162 / 085 / 011HEX A2550B

OR 2 55%CMYK 00 / 33 / 55 / 00RGB 250 / 186 / 132HEX FABA84

OR 1 30%CMYK 00 / 18 / 30 / 00RGB 252 / 218 / 188HEX FCDABC

Page 16: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesCore Elements

Typography and consistent use of typefac-es is a key element in creating a cohesive look across all communications.

The only fonts that may be used for cor-porate communications are the Frutiger family and Arial.

Frutiger is the Primary Ovako typeface and should be used wherever possible.

Frutiger was chosen for its flexibility, clarity and ease of legibility at various sizes. It is suitable for use in all applications from large signage to small body copy.

Arial and Georgia are the Secondary Ovako typefaces. Both are designed for clarity on the screen and when printing domestically, and are versatile typefaces and effective stand-ins where Frutiger is unavailable, for example when using Microsoft Office suite.

Frutiger LT Std 45 LightFrutiger LT Std 46 Light Italic

Frutiger LT Std 55 RomanFrutiger LT Std 56 Italic

Frutiger LT Std 65 BoldFrutiger LT Std 66 Bold Italic

Frutiger LT Std 75 BoldFrutiger LT Std 76 Bold Italic

Arial RegularArial ItalicArial BoldArial Bold Italic

Georgia RegularGeorgia Italic

Georgia BoldGeorgia Bold Italic

Frutiger LT Std Arial Georgia

2.3.0Typography;Primary & Secondary Fonts

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesCore Elements

Ovako uses two distinct styles of headline in all communications, upper case and lower case. In keeping with the Ovako tone of voice, headlines should always be concise and to the point.

Headlines in upper case should only be used for external communication in bro-chure frontpages, banners, pull-ups and posters. Upper case headlines shouldnever be used for more than two lines in one color, or three lines or more if the headline is in two colors. Headlines in upper case are not to be used in press material, PPT presentations or internal documents.

Upper case headlines are set with a lead-ing 4pt less than the type size. Lower case headlines are set solid.

Permissible colour combinations are Ovako Blue/Ovako Orange, White/Ovako Orange. See Applications for examples in use.

2.3.1Typography;Headline style

Plowing intothe future


Move on up to the next generation


Upper case headline examples for posters, roll-ups and signs in same case also in broschures

Lower case headline examples for broschures,

Page 18: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

In order to increase recognition of the Ovako brand the Identifier (ID) Shape is used. The shape is derived from the Ovako logotype as shown below.

The Identifier Shape is used in certain instances to add a unique visual quality to the Ovako brand, and should be used sparingly.

The Ovako ID Shape can only be used with the curved part positioned to the lower left. While the size of the ID shape will change depending on format and type of communication, the proportions of the curve may not be altered.

Permitted colours for use with the ID Shape are Ovako Orange, Ovako Blue, Ovako

Grey or white for solid shapes. Tints may be used for solid shapes. Transparency may only be used in conjunction with Ovako Orange. No other colours may be used.

See Applications for examples in use.

2.4.0Identifier Shape

Core Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines



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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesAdditional Elements

3.1.0Grid System

In order to maintain clarity and consist-ency across all communications we use an underlying grid system.

The Ovako Grid is intended for use with both text and image. The purpose of the Grid is to allow flexibility and control over the sizing and positioning of texts, images and the Ovako Identifier Shape.

The grid is scaleable and can be used for practically any format from signage to printed communications.

For examples of the grid in use please see Applications.

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Our photographs are a vital element in conveying Ovako brand values. By using them in a consistent manner based on our photographic concept, we can contribute to building a strong brand.

To produce photographs that reflect our brand values, we utilize a concept known as ”Look closer, think bigger.” This concept highlights the flexible and hi-tech solu-tions we offer our customers as well as the variety and knowledge of the people who make this possible. Through the exchange of ideas, knowledge and opinion we have been able to build up the expertise and innovative strength within Ovako. Con- sequently, our images should reflect co- operation, dialog and learning.

In addition, our images should also high-light our sense of responsibility for both our employees’ and our customers’ safety as well as our commitment to a sustainable world. Together, our images play an import-ant role in conveying our story.

Additional Elements


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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Ovako utilizes a three-tied approach in its visual imagery:

• Corporate: images that positions the company for investor relations, recruit-ment and corporate purposes. Examples are customers interacting with their customers, people exchanging inform-ation in meetings or employees inspect-ing items on a mill floor.

• Brand: images of customers’ products manufactured using Ovako steel, usually in the context of the customer environ-ment we are serving. Examples: a master link used on an oil platform or a racecar equipped with a driveshaft built from Ovako steel.

• Product: images of Ovako’s own prod-ucts. Examples include clean shots of products, machines or mills.

Additional Elements

3.2.1Imagery – three levels of imagery

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Authenticity must be the primary charac-teristics of our photographs. Main themes should mirror employees, customers and suppliers in their real environments within our own and our customers’ operations.

Not all our photographs are required to show people but they can highlight the environment in which they work in a striking and compelling way. Pictures should be simple and ideally evoke the concepts we have already briefly men-tioned: innovation, interaction and environmentally sensitive.

While scenes of working environments, such as mills, should convey authenticity, they should be well lit and appear, modern, well ordered and clean.

3.2.2Imagery – some general principles

Additional Elements

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Brand consistency includes choosing the right materials on which to reproduce the Ovako identity. In the case of printed com-munications the preferred Ovako paper should be environmentally friendly and is coated stock in the following weights:

Product sheet 190gFolder 4-6 pages 250gBrochure 150/250gBusiness card 300g

Additional Elements


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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines


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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

4.1.0Stationery;Business cards

Ovako business cards should be produced according to the example here in the format W 85 mm x H 53 mm. Dual language cards may be produced with a second language replacing the logotype, as shown. Visitning address are optional.

The recommended paper weight for business cards is 300gsm. For specific paper types see page 3.3.0.



Company namnPostal address, countryVisiting address:

Company namnPostal address, countryVisiting address:

Name SurnameTitle

Name SurnameTitle

[email protected] +00 00 000 000 • M +00 (0)00 000 00 00

[email protected] +00 00 000 000 • M +00 (0)00 000 00 00

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications


Ovako ABKungsträdgårdsgatan 10Box 0000 111 87 Stockholm Swedenwww.ovako.com

Ovako ABKungsträdgårdsgatan 10Box 0000 111 87 Stockholm Swedenwww.ovako.com

Letterhead formats:

A4 - W210 mm x H297 mm.US letter - 11”x8,5” (W216 x H279 mm)

Standard typface for headline is Arial Bold, and for bodytext is Georgia.

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications


Ovako ABKungsträdgårdsgatan 10Box 0000 111 87 Stockholm Swedenwww.ovako.com

Ovako ABKungsträdgårdsgatan 10Box 0000 111 87 Stockholm Swedenwww.ovako.com

C5 229x162mm

C65 229x114mm

Envelope formats

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

4.2.0Email signature

Quality in communication across all media is paramount to ensure brand consistency and this includes details such as mail signatures. The recommended formats for mail signatures are shown here.

Font to be used is ARIAL bold and regular; Name in 11/10 pt bold Arial, title in 7/8 pt regular Arial, legal company name, address etc is in 9/10 Arial regular. All texts are in black 80 %.


Ovako AB Kungsträdgårdsgatan 10P.O. 0000 SE-111 87 Stockholm Sweden

T +46 (0) 8 622 1312M +46 (0) 70 572 1312E [email protected]


Logosize should be 22 mm width.

Link to the signature template »

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Brochure format 220 x 285, cover and spread examples.

Upper case headlines should never be used for more than two lines in one color.





Mention the word “automation” and you think of longer series production of similar parts. But automation can also be used for shorter series production to free up skilled staff to handle other machining operations. This, at least, was the reasoning by Juhani Haavisto Oy, a custom engineering sub-contractor that supplies parts to the Nordic pulp and paper, mining and process industries.

Modern shaft productionFounded in 1987 in the town of Kotka, Finland, Juhani Haavisto Oy today has 52 employees with annual sales of €7.5 million. The family owned company is always looking for ways to streamline and modernize its highly varied production. For the shafts it was producing, it decided to establish a new manufacturing cell to optimize productivity using unmanned production.

Clever Finnish ingenuity In the past, according to Managing Director Jarkko Haavisto,

Until now, it was unthinkable for many metalworking shops to boost productivity through automation. Robots were expensive and hardened steels often delivered uneven tolerances, poor chip formation and high vibration levels. Operators had to be on standby 24/7. For Jarkko Haavisto, Managing Director at Juhani Haavisto Oy, this all changed with M-Steel, which enables unmanned production and productivity gains of up to 30% – day and night!

production of shafts had required three steps and had been fraught with problems relating to straightness, vibration, high carbide insert tool wear and long chips. The idea was now to use a bit of clever Finnish ingenuity to save money and time by combining a robot, standard CNC machine and superior material – in just one step. But which material would be best?

Cost savings through automationA test was made of M-Steel-treated 42CrMo4 + QT Ø100 mm bar (1091 mm length) against three other European producers. The steels were comparable in composition and mechanical properties according to EN10083-3. While the cutting speed could be increased by 20% for all steels, the M-Steel-treated bar had far fewer problems with straightness, vibrations and chip performance – and the tool life was extended by five times (Page 5). Out of all tested materials only M-Steel could be considered for automated production. “The cost savings for us is quite dramatic,” adds Haavisto, who shared a calcu-lation he made (below).


Three steps in machining, always manned operation, ordinary steel


Machine costs € 20 /h 1.2 h € 24

Labor costs € 25 /h 1.2 h € 30

Tools € 10 /h 1.2 h € 12

Materials € 1 /kg 68 kg € 68

€ 134


Done in one, automated operation, M-Steel


Machine costs € 30 /h 0.75 h € 24.50

Labor costs € 25 /h 0.1 h € 2.50

Tools € 2 /h 0.75 h € 1.50

Materials € 1.1 /kg 68 kg € 74.80

€ 101.30

Total cost savings through automation with M-Steel (including investment for 1 robot)








ts p

er in




Test material 1 Test material 2 Test material 3 M-Steel








rt t


l lif

e, m



M-Steel (20NiCrMo2-2

60,5 HRC)

Conventional high-sulfur steel

63 HRC

M-Steel (20NiCrMo2-2

65 HRC)

Productivity comparison test: M-Steel versus three other 42CrMo4 grades

”You can hear the difference when using bar made from M-Steel – quiet, efficient and making money.”Jarkko Haavisto, Managing Director Juhani Haavisto Oy, Kotka, Finland

04 / 05

If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines.

Page 31: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

4.3.1Literature;Customer caseProduct sheets

Customer case/Product sheet examples, format 220 x 285.

Headline in upper case letter should be used on front cover and inside pages in Customer case/product sheet.


PLOWING INTOTHE FUTURETo run a profitable business, farmers need strong, reliable and lightweight plows. Using steel provided by Ovako and other suppliers, the Kverneland Group’s factory in Klepp, Norway, is producing plows that meet farmers’ demanding requirements.

With 5,000 plows manufactured annually, Kverneland is the world’s number one plow producer. But the numbers only tell a part of the story. Kverneland has a reputation for producing quality plows based on a tradition of innovation and attention to the needs of professional farmers.

“A farmer’s season is short – there aren’t that many weeks that he can plow. So his plow has to work without fail during that time. It’s about reliability, and our plows are the most reliable plows on the market,” explains Odd Geir Aarre, Purchasing Manager, Kverneland Group Operations.

Kverneland has worked closely with Ovako to develop boron steel alloys that are both flexible and strong – in other words, alloys that are resilient enough to withstand constant wear and tear. Annually, Kverneland purchases about 8,000 tons of steel products from Ovako in about 175 different forms, including bar and tube in a variety of dimensions. These are delivered from Ovako’s mills in Finland and Sweden.

“Ovako has a good dimension range,” Aarre explains. “They can cover a big part of what we need as they deliver both flat and round bars. Few other suppliers can do that in wide range.”

Ovako’s products are used in many plow parts, such as the tines of the chisel plow, the turning cylinder in the headstock and the land- side, a long steel arm that stabilizes the moldboard as it cuts through the soil. A large number of these items are delivered in exactly the right dimension, such as the flat bars for the landside. This means the factory only needs to cut the bars to the right length – significantly less expensive than ordering steel sheets that would require laser cutting and generate a lot of scrap.

According to Kverneland’s Production Director, John Karstein Tønnessen, the heart of the production facility is in the heat treat-ment, a process that changes the steel’s molecular structure and makes it exactly the right combination of strength and tough-ness. “Here we forge, form and harden the steel, which makes it ideal for ploughs that are flexible, easy to pull and lift and highly wear resistant. It is very important that the steel is also suitable for welding,” Tønnessen says.

Both Aarre and Tønnessen claim the real secret to the quality of the plow is due largely to the heat treatment – or, more precisely, the amount of time and temperature at which the boron alloys are subjected to the heat. The exact amount of time and degrees to which the steel is subjected during heat treatment is strictly confidential.

Ovako Bar AB, SE-777 80 Smedjebacken, Sweden, phone +46 (0) 240 66 80 00Ovako Bar AB, SE-590 10 Boxholm, phone +46 (0) 142 29 36 00www.ovako.com

All products undergo a wide range of tests to ensure the plows deliver on their reputation for quality, from material checking of the suppliers’ products and the hardening process in the pro-duction line, to fatigue tests on the components once they are produced. Damage analysis is also conducted if the company receives any complaints from customers.

“We use a shaking machine to simulate the effects of being pulled by a tractor since the hardest stresses on agricultural equipment is during transport,” says Dr. Fredrik Haakonsen, Senior Metallurgist/Laboratory Manager, R&D Department. “We make sure we get the same stress in the machine as we get in field tests.”

But Kverneland’s success is not only its technology and pro-ducts. It’s also about the relationships with its suppliers, according to Aarre.

“Ovako is easy to work with,” Aarre says. “They are close to us geographically and they speak a Scandinavian lan-guage. The benefit of this close working relationship is that they can do the theoretical tests and we do the practical tests. Then we compare the results and see what’s the best solution. They are very open to making changes when necessary.”

“It’s one of many reasons why Kverneland make plows that last for many years,” adds Tønnessen.

The process at the factory in Klepp:

Ovako products (bars and/or tubes) are delivered to the loading dock in Klepp, and then sorted depending on the intended plough part Consequently, the product is:

• Cut to the length required by the final product,

• Heat treated in a high-temperature furnace (temperature levels and amount of time in furnace are confidential),

• Cooled in different quenching media that gives the optimum properties, such as hardness, in the steel,

• Ground, and

©Ovako 20130521



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B 1


6 ©


ko 2


Photo credit: Kverneland, Brian Owens

Boron steel for wear resistance

Different grades of boron steels are used in agricultural machines such as plows and many other products in which wear resistance is a critical issue. Boron alloying even in small quantities significantly increases the hardenability of steel, allowing lower contents of carbon and alloying elements.The benefits are:• low hardness in the rolled condition• good weldability• good formability• a good combination of tensile strength and toughness

after quenching and tempering.

Ovako facts and figures

• A leading producer of engineer-ing steel for customers in the bearing, transportation and engineering industries.

• Products: low-alloy steels and carbon steels in the form of bars, tubes, rings and pre-components

• Locations: Ovako has eleven production plants and a number of sales companies in Europe and the USA.

• Net sales 2012: 937 MEUR• Total steel production capacity: 1.3 million tonnes per year• Employees: 3,040 (as of 2013-03-27)

Kverneland facts and figures:

• Founded in 1879 by Ole Gabriel Kverneland in his village smithy near Klepp, Norway

• Today, Kverneland is the world’s leading plough manufacturer

• The factory in Klepp, Norway, produces about 5,000 plows a year

• Plows range from light 2-furrow plows to heavier 14-furrow reversible plows

• Kverneland has a dominant mark-et share of plows in Europe and exports to more than 40 countries

• The Kverneland Group has five business areas and ten production units in nine countries, with 2,127 employees.

• 2012 turnover for Kverneland Group: €480.000.000; for the plow factory in Klepp, Norway: €100.000.000

• The Group was acquired by the Kubota Corporation in May 2012. A new business plan includes an expansion of the factory and an increase in the number of plows, from 5,000 a year to 6,000 by 2015.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non con-vallis elit. Sed tempor nisi hendrerit turpis vi- verra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien. Maecenas eget diam non leo luctus suscipit.

Nam vitae ante non est scelerisque faucibus. Proin blandit molestie lacinia. Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius sem-per. Nullam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis eu, vehicula a orci. Vestibulum at est sed neque gravida bibendum.

Donec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspendisse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sa-pien neque ac nunc. Donec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspen-disse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sapien neque ac nunc.

Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius semper. Nul-lam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis.

Intro 14/17pt Frutiger Bold ipsum dolor adipiscing elit. Sed non convallis elit. Sed tempor nisi viverra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien.


00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

Text tillhörande tabellen



00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

Text tillhörande tabellen


Ovako Bar AB SE-777 80 Smedjebacken T +46 (0) 240 66 80 00

RUBRIK 10pt Frutiger 65 Bold

Text 8/10pt Frutiger 45 Light ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis-cing elit. Sed non convallis elit. Sed tempor nisi hendrerit turpis vi- verra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien. Maecenas eget diam non leo luctus suscipit.

•  low hardness in the rolled condition•  good weldability•  good formability•  a good combination of tensile strength and toughness

RUBRIK 10.5pt Frutiger 65 Bold

Vit text 8.5/10pt Frutiger 45 Light ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non convallis elit. Sed tempor nisi hendrerit turpis vi- verra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien. Maecenas eget diam non leo luctus suscipit.

•  Net sales 2012: 937 MEUR•  Total steel production capacity: 1.3 million tonnes per year•  Employees: 3,040 (as of 2013-03-27)

©Ovako 20130521

BA/SM-01 GB 13




3Text 9/11pt Frutiger 45 Light ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis-cing elit. Sed non convallis elit. Sed tempor nisi hendrerit turpis viverra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien. Maecenas eget diam non leo luctus suscipit.

Nam vitae ante non est scelerisque faucibus. Proin blandit molestie lacinia. Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius sem-per. Nullam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis eu, vehicula a orci. Vestibulum at est sed neque gravida bibendum.

Rubrik 9/11pt Frutiger 65 BoldDonec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspendisse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sapien neque ac nunc.

Donec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspendisse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sapien neque ac nunc. Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullam-corper varius semper. Nullam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis.

Rubrik 9/11pt Frutiger 65 BoldLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non con-vallis elit. Sed tempor nisi hendrerit turpis vi- verra pretium. Nulla at lacus tortor, a feugiat nunc. Donec ultricies tristique placerat. Fusce id tellus massa, et lobortis urna. Donec ut scelerisque sapien. Maecenas eget diam non leo luctus suscipit.

Nam vitae ante non est scelerisque faucibus. Proin blandit molestie lacinia. Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius sem-per. Nullam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis eu, vehicula a orci. Vestibulum at est sed neque gravida bibendum.

Rubrik 9/11pt Frutiger 65 BoldDonec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspendisse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sapien neque ac nunc. Donec a ante id justo laoreet consequat. Suspendisse po- tenti. Cras hendrerit arcu ut dolor aliquet vulputate. Integer rhoncus, augue ac tincidunt fermentum, nisl sa- pien semper enim, eget scelerisque sapien neque ac nunc.

Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius semper. Nul-lam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis.



00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00–000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

Text tillhörande tabellen 8pt Frutiger 45 Lt, max 1 rad

Disclaimer Curabitur at egestas lacus. Maecenas ullamcorper varius semper. Nullam et elit vel libero congue imperdiet at non justo. Proin ligula purus, pharetra sit amet lobortis. Congue imperdiet at non justo non justis.

Front page customre case Back page

Upper case headlines should never be used for more than two lines in one color.

If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines.

Page 32: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

4.3.2Literature;White paper/Technical report

White paper/Technical report examples, format 210 x 297 (A4).

Headline in upper case letter should be used on front cover and inside pages in White paper/Technical report.

Front page Inside pages Rear pages

Upper case headlines should never be used for more than two lines in one color.If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines.

Weldability of a high strength engineering steel, with high carbon equivalentLinus Hasselrot and Patrik Ölund

Optical microscopy This technique is only suitable for qualifying inclusions between 2 µm and 15 µm and is limited to very small sample sizes – though Weibull statistics can be used to transform the result from multiple samples. Optical microscopy (LOM) does not provide any data on the chemical composition of inclusions.

In order to obtain richer data on larger sample sizes Ovako decided to combine LOM with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immersive ultrasound testing (UST).

Scanning Electron Microscopy In contrast to LOM, scanning electron microscopy is capable of assessing large areas and recording rich data on inclusion chemistry, morphology and size. The chemistry of inclusions is vital for process development as is the morphology and size for product development. This quantification method is used for inclusions between 2 µm and 25 µm (Fig 6).

Immersive Ultrasonic Testing Ultrasound testing methods now being used by Ovako to test for inclusions larger than 25 µm have produced impressive results. To test for inclusions above 120 µm, a single sample of 500,000 mm3 steel, milled plane parallel and immersed in a water tank is scanned with a 10 MHz probe. This is the equivalent of 16,000 blue fracture tests. By using an 80 MHz probe, the sample size is reduced to 450 m3 but inclusions down to 25 µm can be assessed. A comparison of the traditional methods with Ovako’s ultrasonic techniques is shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Fig 6: Examples of Scanning Electron Microscope output

Table 1: Detection limit and amount of tested material using ISO 3763 Blue Fracture method and ASTM E45

Table 2: Detection limit and amount of tested material using Ovako 10 MHz UST and Ovako 80 MHz UST

Page 33: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

4.4.0Advertising;Corporate / Product

On the following pages you will find examples of Ovako adverts in the new format.

In order to maximise the wide range of im-ages available, advertising makes effective use of the shape of the textbox in both

Ovako orange and white depending on the image used.

Headline in upper case letter should be used on adverts. Upper case headlines should never be used for more than two lines in one color.

There is an Ovako steel to suit almost every design and engineering challenge, no matter how extreme. Dont let material limitations limit your imagination.

Ovako are experts in producing steel for the most demanding engineering applications. Whatever your challenges, we can support you with knowledge and the right materials from our portfolio, so you can design without limitations. Find out how we can help free your imagination at ovako.com

With the right material, imagination is your only limit

Deep mines. Hard rock. Excavation pits. There’s nothing ordinary about the mining or construction business. The challenging conditions your equipment faces every day place tough demands on the fatigue and wear resistance of its materials. You need engineering steel with an edge.

The real secret to sustained productivity is not about how well you perform next week. It’s about safe, reliable operations – day-in and day-out – over many years. Whether you’re operating hammers, grinders, or crushers, your steel grades are clearly essential to performance. This is where Ovako comes in. For years, we’ve been supplying some of the most demanding names in the industry with top-quality engineering steel solutions. Depending on your application, we can also cut, chamfer, drill, mill, tumble, turn or thread your products – just like you want them. In short, we help you get that competitive edge. For details visit ovako.com


Whether you’re making bolts for an Arctic pipeline, hydraulic parts or lifting devices for cold climates, you demand safe and reliable engineering steel. Even the smallest failure due to brittle fracturing or cracking is out of the question.

That is why we’ve developed SZ-Steel®. The abbrevia-tion “SZ”, which stands for sub-zero, refers to our “cold climate” high strength steels that are proven to retain

their toughness at -40°C. But we don’t stop there. Uniquely, some grades are even frozen to -101°C and put through tough impact testing.

So it’s little wonder that our customers place trust in the performance of SZ-Steel for cold applications. Find out more about the safe choice for performance in sub-zero climates at www.ovako.com


If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines. For orange textboxes the text in both headlines and copy can be set in white to get a clear contrast.

Shown here are a Brand level and Product level adverts.

Page 34: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications


In order to maximise the wide range of im-ages available, advertising makes effective use of the shape of the textbox in both Ovako orange and white according to the image used.

Headline in upper case letter should be used on adverts. Upper case headlines should never be used for more than two lines in one color. If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines. For orange textboxes the text in both headlines and copy can be set in white to get a clear contrast.

The examples on this page are recruitment adverts in various formats.

OVAKO ON TO THE FUTUREJust nu befinner sig Ovako i en expan-siv fas. Vi gör flera stora investeringar i produktionen och tar sikte på nya internationella marknader. Målet är att stärka vår internationella position inom några utvalda nischområden.

För att kunna nå målet och stärka konkurrens-kraften i framtiden söker vi kompetenta och engagerade medarbetare med nya idéer. Och det är där du kommer in i bilden.

Detta är OvakoOvako producerar komponentstål. Det innefattar låglegerat stål i form av stänger,

rör, ringar och förkomponenter som används bland annat till kullager, drivlinor, hydraul- cylindrar och bergborrar.

Ovakos stålproduktion är baserad på skrot. Vi bryter därför ingen ny järnmalm för vår produktion – vi återanvänder. Det gör oss till Nordens största återvinnare av stålskrot. En skrotbaserad produktion innebär mindre kol-dioxidutsläpp. Genom att återanvända kan vi också tillvarata skrotets legeringsämnen, det är både kostnadseffektivt och bra för miljön.

Om vår framtidsatsning och jobb- erbjudande kan läsa på:


Ovako är representerat i mer än 30 länder med produktion i Europa och säljkontor i Europa, Asien och Nordamerika. Verksam-heten kretsar främst kring våra stål- och valsverk i Hofors, Hällefors, Smedjebacken, Boxholm, Forsbacka och Imatra i Finland. Huvudkontoret ligger i Stockholm. www.ovako.com

OVAKO ON TO THE FUTUREJust nu befinner sig Ovako i en expansiv fas. Vi gör flera stora investeringar i produktionen och tar sikte på nya internationella marknader. Målet är att stärka vår internationella position inom några utvalda nisch-områden.

För att kunna nå målet och stärka konkurrenskraften i framtiden söker vi kompetenta och engagerade medarbetare med nya idéer. Och det är där du kommer in i bilden.

Detta är OvakoOvako producerar komponentstål. Det innefattar låglegerat stål i form av stänger, rör, ringar och förkomponenter som används bland annat till kullager, drivlinor, hydraulcylindrar och bergborrar.

Ovakos stålproduktion är baserad på skrot. Vi bryter därför ingen ny järnmalm för vår produktion – vi återanvänder. Det gör oss till Nordens största återvinnare av stålskrot. En skrot- baserad produktion innebär mindre koldioxidutsläpp. Genom att återanvända kan vi också tillvarata skrotets legeringsämnen, det är både kostnadseffektivt och bra för miljön.

Om vår framtidsatsning och jobberbjudande kan läsa på: ovako.com/career

Ovako is represented in more than 30 countries and has sales offices in Europe, North America and Asia. The business revolves mainly around our steel and rolling mills in Hofors, Hällefors, Smedjebacken, Boxholm, Forsbacka and Imatra, Finland. Headquater is placed in Stockholm. www.ovako.com

Page 35: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Powerpoint is a key communications tool for Ovako. When creating an Ovako pres-entation keep in mind the following – as with all Ovako communication material, in order to maintain a professional level it is important to take into consideration your audience. Presentations should be kept as simple as possible. Clarity is key – rather

than crowding a single slide it is far better to divide the information over two or more slides with clear title pages. Don’t read from slides - make use of speaker notes. This also helps to save space on slides.

For simplicity and ease of use, typography is restricted to Arial.

Headlines should be set in sentence case.

Shown here are examples of PPT in use.



Get the Ovako edge today

Our IQ-Steel thrive on pressure


1.  Value Added Steel

2.  Isotropic quality

3.  Advantages of IQ-Steel

Ovako presentation 2014-02-06

Change layout for a slide

1.  On Home tab

2.  Click Layout 3.  Select a new layout for

the slide (For example if you will change the layout from one content to two contents on a slide).

Ovako presentation 2014-02-06

Change header and footer for handouts

1.  Click Insert menu

2.  Click Header & Footer

3.  Click Notes and Handouts tab

4.  Do your changes

5.  Click Apply to All This is print layout for handouts.

Ovako presentation 2014-02-06

Page 36: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Exhibitions is an important element in our mix of channels to reach the customers and prospects. An exhibition stand serves as a display of our offering and creates an image of our company in which our values and the customer orientation are essential ingrediences.

Headline in upper case letter should be used. Upper case headlines should never be used for more than three line headline if the letters are in two colors.

Shown here are examples a previous exhi-bition.


Page 37: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines

Pull-ups and posters are often used at conferences and customer meetings to emphasise and support a message given at presentations.

Headline in upper case letter should be used on pull-ups and posters. Upper case headlines should never be used for more

than two lines in one color. If we use two color headlines we can use three or more lines.

Shown here are examples of Pull-ups and posters in use.

4.6.1Pull-ups and posters



WR-Steel rollup.indd 1 2015-02-10 10.01


IQ-Steel rollup.indd 1 2015-02-10 09.58


SZ-Steel poster.indd 1 2015-03-10 09.14

Pull-ups Poster

Page 38: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

The design of Ovakos external webpages reflects the graphical identity guidelines and uses the same typographical settings and the Ovako colors and rules for the Ovako logotype.


4.7.0Web presence

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Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines



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Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications


Workwear is of paramount importance in achieving a consistent brand image. The following are recommended examples of safety wear. Colours should be matched as closely as possible using the available alternatives in your country.

Karl GustavKarlsson

Karl GustavKarlsson

Page 41: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications

5.2.0Vehicle graphics

Shown here are a number of examples of the Ovako logotype applied to vehicles.

The logotype on car doors should be 300mm in width, as illustrated. The maxi-mum allowed width is 2m.

For use in other sizes, specific applications and material requirements please consult Group Marketing Communications.


Page 42: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity GuidelinesApplications


The signs depicted here are typical ex-amples of Ovako signage. For specific ap-plications and material requirements please consult Group Marketing Communications.

Main Sign for buldings with additional informaton and directional sign

Main Signs; lightbox variations

Page 43: OVAKO GRAPHIC IDENTITY GUIDELINES · Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines These are the alternate versions of the Ovako logotype, positive and negative. The negative version is a

Ovako AB Graphic Identity Guidelines