outside the box lead magnet · 200 billion red blood cells. 400 billion platelets. that adds up to...

Outside The Box Secrets

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Post on 26-Jun-2020




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The Box


Hello! I’m glad you’re here. Thanks for downloading this guide!

In case we haven’t met, let me introduce myself.

My name is Dr. Elizabeth Hughes. But I’m not a typical doctor. Even though I am a conventionally trained doctor and I spent more than 20 years working in mainstream healthcare, I definitely do not think like a conventional doctor.

At least not any more.

Not since I witnessed the medically impossible: a woman with a chronic illness who completely recovered in just a few weeks — without any treatment.

The only change this woman made was in how she thought about her health.

Seeing this radical recovery forced me to rethink EVERYTHING I had been taught in medical school and everything I knew about health, illness, and recovery. I spent more than 5 years relearning medicine, focusing on the power of the body to heal itself, rather than the power of medications.

In this guide, I’m going to share the top 6 outside the box principles of self healing.

Before you turn the page, I should warn you: once you learn these principles of self healing, you’ll never think about your health or your body in the same way again.

Outside-The-Box Secret #1: Medication doesn’t cure you. You cure you.

Medication does not cure you. The same thing goes for surgery, radiation, and every other medical procedure.

Let me explain with an example. Imagine that you have an infection and you are prescribed an antibiotic. If you take the antibiotic and you get better, you assume it was the antibiotic that cured you.

But that’s not true in the strictest sense.

There are thousands of steps and processes that must happen in a specific, coordinated order in order for the antibiotic to do its job. The moment after you put the pill in your mouth, these automatic processes take over.

• The pills travel down your esophagus into the stomach. • Your stomach breaks the pills into fragments. • Your intestines fully digest the fragments of antibiotic pills, until the pill

is now just individual molecules. • Your intestinal lining cells absorb the antibiotic molecules. • Your intestinal lining cells transport the antibiotic molecules into the

bloodstream. • Your heart pumps blood continuing the antibiotic throughout your

body. • The cells lining your blood vessel walls and of your immune system

detect the tiny antibiotic molecules as they float by and “grab” them, delivering the antibiotic to the area of infection.

• The antibiotic poisons the bacteria. • Then your immune system clears away the dead bacterial debris,

putting the debris into your bloodstream.

• Your heart pumps the blood containing the bacterial debris to your liver and kidneys, where the debris is excreted.

• Your immune system does the same thing with unused and metabolized antibiotic molecules.

• At the same time, the cells in the area of the injection repair the damage caused by the infection and replace cells which were killed.

And that’s just the simple version.

So let me ask you two questions: 1. Would the antibiotic work without your body? 2. How important is the antibiotic in this whole process? 3. What really did the work of healing?

The answer is: No, the antibiotic is useless without YOU. The antibiotic is simply a tool that your body uses.

The same process is true of any other medication or supplement or vitamin. And the same principle applies to any procedure. Without your body doing all the healing, surgery just leaves a big hole in your body.

The truth is that your body does all of the healing. Medication is simply a tool. Surgery is just a short cut. But none of them is a cure.

So next time you get sick or take a medication, give YOURSELF credit for the cure.

Outside-The-Box Secret #2: Your body is healing itself constantly.

Ten billion white blood cells. 200 billion red blood cells. 400 billion platelets.

That adds up to more than 600 billion blood cells your body replaces each and every day.

Multiply that by 365 days and you get a number followed by 12 zeros.

Now multiply that number but your age and — no matter how old you are — you get a number so large it's almost inconceivable.

And remember, those numbers are only blood cells. Your body replaces just as many skin cells and intestinal cells and the lung cells (and so on and so on) every single day.

Your body makes more than 1,000,000,000,000 — that’s one trillion — new cells every day.

Even parts of the body that you may think of as solid and unchanging — like bone — are constantly being replaced. There is no part of your body that is exactly identical today to what it was one year ago.

On top of that, each individual cell is constantly repairing itself and replacing vital parts. Making new proteins. Rebuilding cell walls. Manufacturing new chemicals hormones and clotting factors — and a host of other crucial substances which keeps your body ticking.

The rate of change that is happening inside your body is astonishing.

Perhaps even more astonishing is that all of the replacement, and repairs happen with incredible accuracy. More than 99% of the time, the new cells and parts function perfectly. And for the few duds, there’s an incredibly accurate error detection system (part of your immune system) which detects and eliminates abnormal cells.

So next time you are tempted to say, “I’m falling apart,” remember: You’re not falling apart. You’re getting newer every day.

Outside-The-Box Secret #3: Genes do not determine your health.

Like most people, you probably assume that your genes control your health.

You may say things like, “Cancer runs in my family,” or “Everyone in my family has heart problems.” And when you do, you probably assume that the reason that everyone in your family has these conditions is that you carry a specific gene which gives you cancer or gives you heart disease.

This isn’t true. There is no cancer gene or heart disease gene or diabetes gene, or any other gene for the common causes of illness in adults.

The truth is that for adults genes play a very small role in your health. Apart from a very small number of genetic illnesses, which are usually present in childhood, your genes do not determine your health.

It’s also important to remember that for any “bad” gene you may have, you have thousands of “good” genes which can compensate for the effects of “bad” genes. So one bad gene doesn’t guarantee that you will develop illness.

Science backs this up: a woman who carries the BRCA1 gene (the gene commonly associated with breast cancer) is not guaranteed to develop cancer. Her risk of developing breast cancer is between 55% to 65%, which is elevated, but it’s not 100%. Far from it.

The same thing is true for inherited colon cancer genes, thyroid cancer, and nearly every other cancer gene.

Having a “cancer” gene does mean that a person will automatically and inevitably develop cancer.

What's more, your genes are not static. Your body actually changes your genes — activating some, deactivating others — through a process called epigenetic modification.

While you may not have control over the exact content of your DNA, you DO have control over the epigenetic modification. By controlling what you think, how you feel, and how you live, you can activate your good genes and improve your health naturally. And it feels good, too!

Outside-The-Box Secret #4: Your body knows exactly what to do to be healthy.

Your heart beats more than 100,000 times per day. And it adjusts how quickly it beats constantly, so that you get the blood you need to the part of your body that needs it, no matter what you are doing.

You breathe more than 17,000 times per day. And your body adjusts your breathing rate to compensate for what you are doing.

All day long your body seamlessly coordinates complex movements — like walking, writing, and talking — movements which require dozens of muscles working in coordination with split second accuracy.

You blink more than 28,000 times per day to keep your eyes moist and healthy. You make more than 1 liter of saliva each day. And to avoid drooling, you swallow that saliva about once per minute while you are awake.

So here’s a question for you: How much did you have to think any of these actions?

You didn’t have to think about them at all.

That’s because your body knows how exactly what to do to keep you healthy. And your body does all of this complex work completely automatically.

Now here’s another question: Do you understand how your heart beats?

Probably not.

(I’m going to confess something to you: even the most brilliant doctor in the world doesn’t really understand how the heart beats, or how the liver filters the blood, or how the body replaces cells. Doctors know part of what is going on inside the body, but there is much, much more that they don’t know, even if they don’t want to admit it.)

But here’s the most important question: Do you have to know how your heart beats?

Absolutely not! You don’t have to know how your heart beats to get the benefit of a working heart. Your heart beats whether or not you understand it, or try to control it.

In fact, it is impossible to completely understand everything that your body does to be healthy, let alone control all of those process. As I said, even the smartest, most highly trained doctor in the world doesn’t understand everything about how the body works.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to boost their body’s self healing is thinking they need to understand and control exactly HOW the body heals itself. By trying to understand and control the self healing process, they actually jinx it.

The most important principle of self healing is to relax, trust your body, and let your body do its work. Because your body knows EXACTLY what it needs to do to be healthy.

Outside-The-Box Secret #5: Eliminating stress is the healthiest thing you can do.

Stress is the most toxic thing for your health. Worse than smoking, eating junk food, excessive drinking, and not exercising.

Research indicates that 75% to 90% of all doctors visits are for stress-related illnesses. Stress either directly causes or greatly increases your chances of dying from the top 10 causes of death, including cancer, heart disease, and kidney failure. Even unintentional accidents.

The reason stress is so toxic is that stress deactivates all of the self-healing responses (secrets #1 and #2) and it modifies your DNA to express more of the unhealthy genes (secret #3).

Here’s a huge problem: doctors are never taught about how stress causes illness, at least not in depth. So when you see a doctor, you are not going to get accurate information or complete treatment.

The single, most important thing you can do for your health is to neutralize stress. I know this sounds impossible, but it’s not. It is completely possible — and it’s easier and more fun than you think.

If you want to know more about how to neutralize and eliminate stress, I’d love to talk with you. You can find a time that works for you here: calendly.com/elizabethhughesmd.

So now you know the 5 biggest outside-the-box secrets of self-healing that no one in conventional medicine talks about (even though the evidence is everywhere).

You may be asking, “Why haven’t I heard any of this before?”

The answer lies with where medical research gets its money. Which leads me to…

Outside-The-Box Secret #6: Medical research is a for-profit activity.

Medical research is mostly paid for by drug companies. The government Well there is nothing wrong with a pharmaceutical company paying for research,

Most people assume that medical research is paid for by government agencies — like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation — or by universities.

Not true. The federal government funds only 22% of medical research. (Please note that this is information as of 2017; the percentage is probably lower now.) And an even smaller percentage of medical research funding comes from foundations (like the American Heart Association).

Drug companies now fund 75% of all research.

There has been a steady increase in the percentage of medical research funded by drug companies over the past 25 years. When I graduated from medical school in 1994, drug companies funded less than 45% of all medical research. Year after year, drug companies have taken over medical research.

Let me be clear: There is absolutely no problem with a drug company choosing to fund medical research. Finding and creating new medications is their business, after all.

BUT (and this is a big “but”) research done by companies is always motivated by profit. If the research can’t be made into a patentable, profitable medication, the drug company won’t pursue it.

Which means self-healing, which is free and widely available to anyone and everyone, isn’t going to be studied. And as drug companies take over more and more research funding, we’ll see less and less research on self-healing.

Thank you so much for reading this guide. I hope it has opened your eyes to the self-healing power you have inside you, ready to use whenever you need it.

I’d love to hear what you think. And if want any clarification, please ask me! Feel free to email me with any comments or questions: [email protected].

To your health!

Dr. Elizabeth Hughes is a Stanford-trained physician with more than 25 years of clinical experience. After treating thousands of patients with stress-related illness — and having her own life nearly ruined by stress and chronic anxiety — she realized that the conventional medical approach is completely inadequate to treat stress-related conditions. She vowed to find a better solution.

Her quest led her to study non-western systems of health and healing, placebo research, and the emerging sciences of epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology. In the process she became a registered yoga teacher, a health coach, and practitioner of several energy medicine modalities.

Dr. Hughes has developed The Stress Antidote™ System, a unique process to turn off the body’s harmful stress response. She has helped clients all over the world overcome the root cause of their stress and reverse symptoms of stress-related illness.