ousting of new deal and peace are platform is approved by...

-*•**• ***W! /> * \*. 1 1 AN ABC F^APER-- .GU-ARANTEED C I R C U L A T 1 0 N i *+»«»*»»»<fHr»»j»f###'»»»f »»»»»»»»»»•» ( ; ***^+*++++++0+0++*++4f0+.0+tS+*++++*+ "Fw Pittsburgh and Clinton County First, Last and Always** «THi WtATHIt . Cloudy, .slkghtly warraer fc» east and south portions Wednesday, Thursday, generally fair. >»i»»»»»##>»##»»»»»*<i#»»»»»<i»»*##»#»<y VOL. XLIV. No. 264- Hamburgh. N.Y^ Wednesday,.June 26, iWO.^ >RIO£ THREE C^NT* Ousting Of New Deal And Peace Are Major GOP Objectives, Hoover Says; Platform Is Approved By Committee CONVENTION HAU* Philadel- phia. June 25 a**—Herbert Hoover demanded 'the abolishment of- the' New Deal and a scrupulous avoid- ance of war tonight before-an ex- .Cited ReptfbTican -National Conven- tion which shouted back its appro- val and burst *mto the noisiest dem- onstrapon of this two-day oid- par- ty meeting. "" *. * . Outbursts of -applause, brie! and occasional, yet or a roaring 'lusti- ness, the address. But the last sentence, j winch was also-a question, brought the-clnriax Referring to Xhe K party battle that hes'ahead. Mr. Hoofer. his voice rising, demanded:* •^publicans are you-prepared to" go Into this fight?" •• 'Ye. 1 '.', came the., answer.'" *"yes... yes . yes.. " un.!il ear-spiutin^j bedlam drowned out the* responses, } . - . „_ A demonstration was in. the max-j - * "* . •• '• me; sWout^ c*i. -h»t^. and 5 OQ0 Yom^ Volunteers To applause. 3!! reinforce.^ by • the t * ^ I-- OMffEKnON PR0G8AJI» platforib plank sharply attackm* _—, / Jthe-Roo*eveit administration's de- FHILADELPIfiA, June » <#t — jfense record, and eoirutBing an The program tor -Wednesday, June ['-anti-war"' pledge and a promise to NAT10NIS GIVEN ITS HUGEST TAX BILL SINCE WAR Rasserek Sigat Mcaswe ! • * « « AdAiwul Ik&ase filieas AssailsYie 36 at the Republican: National Conventions ' - * Conveniioh'called to order it U A- M.. Eastern BayHgftt Tune Prayer by Rabbi Michael Aaron - sohn. Cincinnati. - Report of committee on resolu- puBctuaied even- -section, options. _ Nominations for president. Rolj rail on presidential nomina- tions. OPEN DRIVE FOR NAVAL RESERVE Aid "^oppressed .peoples," . was ap- proved tonight by,the platform coro- mKtee of the Republican national J convention." • Alf. M. Landon. the lft3* standard-, bearer, disclosed •• the cocorn lUee's aeuon, and^ expressed the view that tile plank wrmld not foreclose fu- ture action by the party's prexi/ dentiai nominee to meet tJ>e chal- lenge of developing world condi- tions. '. Landon asserted that there was no objection in the fall committee to . j the part of the piank c*gahng -with " j. policy but that : one member * J ren scarcely distinguishable blaring . of j:" the band '. "' ' . I Cohfofiuans. hustled., into . the aisles'with a b;g banner anil crush- ed through - the crowded- center Be Sought m Move'To Expand U.S. Fleet WASHINGTON. June- 25 «>>.-l Minnesota, West- Virginia.. \ president Roosevelt, invoking a WASH.NOTON. June » <*) The nation shouldered' it* heaviest; federal tax toad since - the world' war today. ** President Roosevelt's signature made law of a' bill estimated to raise an additional' $1692,500,000 in the next five, years by adding 2-200.000" citixens to the list of in- come tax payers, anb dy -raising the rates on income; profits, excise, gift • and . inheritance taxes. The money will be used to help finance the defense program authorised; by Congress.. • • The Treasury calculated that the pro.te.sted "a very minor 'poku** re- .law would increase auticipaied fed- latiag to a statement about the cost [ era! -revenue in the 1M1. fiscal year had of the Woild- wax- to the United States. . The pi anVwas-understood tocbn- wtuch .begins Monday, from $5,652: 300:000 mot counting-social security funds which are now outside, the tain a statement that: .VThe Repuh- i budget* .to $6367,600.000. An mn iican part>< stands for Americanism, preparedness and 'peace.**. Thi* was .understood to have been followed by a statement that the Democratic party, stands for unpre- ROME. June 25 UP.-^italy to-i night made public- unnrvtioe terms \ Kith Frawe. which granted the [ Itthans full, rights ever the port of" Jibuti in *rVench Somaiuand. \ and restricted Italian * troops to •stand :*bh their .advanced hoes in ail theaters of operations," '.,*•" Italy also gained control «f the French 'section of the* Jibuti-Addis Ababa railway. . __•'.. The terms call.for a* demilitariMd 'zone from .30 to 120 miles aid4 in "fVance.'Turiis. Algfiia.and French Somaiiiand. For tbe duration of hostilities be- tween Italy and the British empire and- 'for Che juration of the armis- tice, the French domaiilaixj coast f is .to-, be enurely demilitarised French troops arelto be wtth- drawn from the demilitarized tones within JO days. '" .. . The agreement contained* a clause similar to that" in the French-Oer- man armistice recjuiring that the Actual Peace Negotiations Are To Await End of Nazi War an Britain <by Th'e Associated Prti*» fi\i; oi iii cpei#iion*. BERLIN June ^25 — Conquered j Ccinpeteut Ctermnu sourros' de- Franit mw bide h?r time until jcUret! that, witn France how out of 6crmany setOs accounts with \u% t pf.wue--aU our- v * r \ -ononx- Great BriUm be lore the German- 'and resour.-ss can be T'.ti!\ confer.-' .'rated against England * A* far a^ without I ,1 By.the Associated FressV : LOKtX>N. June 'SS— Prime* I jster. Winston Churchill solemnh/ I acknow^ged. today that' Britain's safety i a s "powerfully though* not. [decisively affected.by what .nap^ 'pens to the French fleet." j He indicated; and t"he .hope waa .echoed t« the House of Lords, that ! England stiH miv r ht. somehow, take iorer iy*e: Ficnch IW\J- which was Frttich armls 1 t.icf is"followed uy wi!li n actual pea:? nes<Jtiaticr^ 'sreU-in- | A^ far a* ^e wm-.M.m of arm- ; ceded* to Gennany as- an armistice' formed Saw .sources *aid today, lament .production pertammg to the icondition Tn.isview empj^si^dby• the earn-Jn^hrragsinit Ensl.uid « nece.\ar> 1 ChUr.-nh tald the House of f>m- * mentao. Dienst Aus «u^rhland. [a„d purposeful :h to can* be done Lnions that -surrender of' the fleet. any risk a.fte*•;^ie ueic.t: ' of. Frahse." Uiev 4^-'.'"•*$ ."•Whether and to wHat extent "-waa. beUevefi. ta have nude remote any chaitces pi an lnwnediate con- * menial ,jeltiement despite reiently ex preyed .opinron? -in* Bei':n . Hitler—unci Hitler alone—knows exactly w*\en and what vtep* wi!» be 'taken toward.a European peace con- j On t.re c'her lurni r ference and ri*gm n o * he is sup-cava:iaoro m En^lakji.i v ^ y pojed to. be concerrtratmn atf his :as.. tnsj are-a*ready p energies totfarj. a oattle for En^ ji^iand or haw been i-iiad-bcen oioVred, by the govern- .mem.of Marshal premier Petata In notation of "many solemn assur- feconomic r\Sv-u:res o: Fiance will ancrs" aisle Minnesota. ,T*C>V ***^** 4 -*f tTesioenr mjoseverv. UIVU»UMS * • • - Oilnhoma * .Nebraska.- . Tenaessee. { p lim ^ world'War days to provide | ^redness and tactic* threatening T-xas " Arkansas and South Caro- u lddrt ionai officers, for the expand-1 ;owa . rd war - . . In ciier phases^ the plank was l- \ roe fioe'rme Earlier Landon had stalked wear- ily ou: of a meeting of a platform I $994.300.t»0 was exxpected to. bej^^j, ^ ^ ^ uVrendmtl at raised in each of the following four K ^ ^ ^^uiated by, German and y***s- • * ItaiuwT "auDvorities: Next, years xevenue. if realized, K Also i xtee the clause in the French- wiU be. the largest since 1920. when j GcxmaiV. armistice, the French-Ital- peak.coUeetxins were made on woild]^ p^ ct pfowdes• that: . .. war Uxes arid the 1M2 fiscal -yeat-j : :Tils Italian government declares" may set a new income record of, ln >u n" does* not intend to use inj rici 0 approximately $7,090,000-000 ... | the .present war units oi ih*e^Fr?iich Officials estimated that 2 200.000 I fleet placed under its control." persons would pay federal income i u & ^ t h»t on the conclusioa taxes for the first time because j of peace it does not intend to lay ^tand ;it German d^p3z*l ;ne arm- l*uc? tfrni? ii;f; ^iiovi He added" thai from, the text of tne Ftench-German agreement, ma cur.«e, are j announced, by this* country. It was li\r land E.xultant 'OefmAsiy clear that the .French war ves- nv on tke J sels tinder this armistica pass into Italian control while r the '.a>; :es> > *«jrek.v To<*-r*aT(- verj set up, nn- [hinged 111 conuas, tu uu)±t> *A\ UI> ^hlstf.v for carijriig out the arm;*.- iconiwient tice -Wiih Franco'-and b^Hari' weigh- ob;d 4 nabk> m • Oerm-m or fully armed: •To a-.ee:tain* i*fc. 1:: nutes o e - i nw that unmarried American-!^ vu .*.y* a *-'^-**» Vi » *^- MW "*| of reduction, ol personal exemyzuu^-.cj ~* ." "' born men between' 19"and .'26 years ] s^bcommitte^v whiff.T Jie heads and ^ heads .of famihes from $2500 t» j : •of stand*.! of age§ who have had two years or j announced; thai -Sus": group haa.com? | ^^Q Vnd foT - sim)te persons .from w of reduction-of personal exemption^.*.claim to the. Trench fleet." 1 As- long - s as^' v 14oatihUitf/oQaUhu? i rth* Great Brytain. the terms de-1 '"'""-- 1 -"-— an< i naval I of latin;.*.-. ce.N^a:';o/i vt• ^o.rtiht.es.in :rnd o: 0.^ *fi4;'.-Liu,: Frar.r-. considered the ArnnsTi'iejrait ^ i)** 'Jail l\*:.\-.' tcsm> harr. bat'i^c: hU.mila't*?.^'' k n a b > d * G e i m a n v i f l e^'t _ U.t.r-:-' .-. . up •!-• Frer.." , h*G?r i iiwn•! conr.^tion a-.ttr&jMin ccmmi ; >i:.»i' wf • Ocnn ai fortif.Pd areas T^xa lrna banners were :n action • •] m? fleet, announced^<Oday that.-5 . , . . •Vtcr Via" and one-hair minutes. coo *. oung volunteers * would -be 1 *** ** informed- persans to incude Chainr..m Jowpii' Martm" of Ma^i cra ^ annuaUy for commission*; * Pulsion for defendmg the Mon- ."•achasetts attempted *to -still •. the; m : ' the na va: reserve. ' ; . ... - .'-tumult .with, hvavy. ^avel hangup.-j; He* diseased at a press confer- but it-waf t-wo*.more minutes be- 1 nct t j, a t unmarried American- fose' he* succeeded. W^i'*'riff- tin; -prbcesMon. ^. -.. .-t»j «s*c, *» r *»j i*<**c *»*»v« .».»•«.»&«»*« w. , ard^- meant that a few -mdiviciual j more 0 f co Hege work, could begin'-o an agreement'on. «ne suastance %xW ^ IJQQ. Th« lowering of ex-jtlai.e ionu.ea ar«^> »u« *--•• j •ajiniit: e prov. v « member of delegations had seizedt a pplyins for the training next P17-' ?'* '»* P>-^- «^ «-a-ii "i**<* ^^jemptions aUo wCl Jesuit in increac- bases at Toulon in Franee. Bkerte r. f:nn;r ^ v filMX ^ ihe^a^iinMgnia anthout the ai>-1 dav . Applications will be received \ consideration changing world con- r pavments of those now tax- j Tunisia. OrarK Algeria, and AJaccio^ ,. Ml?n / ntjrtiC|uarlt . r:% . oJ the p,.^^ P K>val of thPir colleagues CQUW not. t a t . >, eadQUarlers pf the naval dis- j divions. mtxma.ing thar. K **as ^ r:rSf be ctetermined- But t h e ! lr i c t or at the naval reserve. unit ) brb-td_ er.cugh in sedpe to • permit j- TQ faciatate ^ defense pro?r £ m ; : derailiiariiation obviously aj or ^tvy recruiting station nearest, j «-um latitude fn future action Hr e " — aytnori^ed the treasury, tc] •• aa> s ' • - ' ^ ''' n-,rtv iribuur :o tne Tprmer pfest- j fEtf hotn ^ . ^ ' - - ~ —-^are-a**Tie^at:ve ieu?> ;>p a W^K-* \ , ^ - ^ S i S ^ ^ l '*"\£°? dem . ' . •• !. -The mbfyoomcers wa'.rbepven;^ io whether r.^^ Tiirpughout it he stod. beside l mH * hsi ^ training in» gupnery. na- j d ^'-f ':****** t0 ' a "? , * ai " : i sale of M.000.000^00 of" : 'nat-ona. Jritory. *™* «VP0ru are.-to be unoer.f ed fromm -$45^0004100.000 to *49-iftaliaii or ui<-^heir effects' m c connection wUh'la. .piaiter. tor .German, bomb.!;- the - campaign agahuU Bnjtam. ; *the Lquadrou.-t bc-cau.^* of V.\r *.u)n tfy>- fea.'. culprit . * ' ' , jtaii.'e-frlm German a'tr ba'-.V-on'-Lhe * Germans^'bf-gmhuig s 10-day -po- Eng:i.-:. 'Channel - . . . . . ^bank'-Stv::"^ u: celebration L' l: *a-»* px;.- T:;VL :hc •:xtciis;\c (' : "We. note'-ol eo»irse." he went .on. heavriy.. *-in.that same article .the •solemn declaration of the German government that "they- ha. v# no tor- itntion of usinis them .*warshipsv* fOJ then' own purpose during .the. War but what is the value of *that? /Csk hall a dozen countries. ..*' i.i- t . "ButwhjJ^ h<*- thus stated the po- an'd «.Mtion m it.-i biUd^t *ai>d least cqm- I«.T ffort.ib> u»rms a,s !t applied to Bng- " land, he maiie ftome oblique refer- i>4n-sjw.n» jehces rh*t aid.itatext his hope that" :»:J ;o.-lu::_|Ei»gIahd wouW a m foresUll the Fntnvc *. thvr. tf»:rk j' Mi nansff.T* Amonur "ihem"* were "refer- of cot demonstration j Corsica, shall be denuhtarized*.'thei a .. ;n> 4 to be completed ,n .|i, n d".a ;ic Ocup.itili:. in <;.:«c- Woiii' .*f»rtin his it ne sioo. w»*u^ -, nitensive training m 9 gupnexy. .na- ice en*Teathed m \ yjpation. ehkineering.' communica- the .broadest ol j^niies. • j : JO ns and watch standing at sea,' • ih his address Hoover Tmpha-I said a fonngj statement given out ticatiy impressed* upon the -conyen- tio.niwo.prunarj'. objectives—to oust the New Deal and keep America at at the press conference.. - iRegular officers and petty oljic- e*rs of the fleet will pound home.the ptu*ce.**Junless- the Western Heml-> ar | of lighting and maneuvering a .sphere is attacked."'."' |modem man-o'^war and will ineul- At the" same.time.", the former^^^ these young men with -the president told the vast.tnrong gath-L lemeitte . a^ discipline. Hearn-work. Deal in blimt language on the e red in" this "huge'.and . resounding j loyalty.-endurance and : technical ground that it had failed to build Jor America t h e h e j ^ j ^ ith are .the *foundatiohs of- up nauortai defenses ov^r.the las: Striving to put ''punch'" into the declaration, the platform commit- j. l-d* defense noses" was authorized "ar.a i^tne national debt' limit was xncreas- Gcrnran -control. The, armistice terms: . ' 1 trance will cease hostilities tfeseh:.ihe;plank b«k «o L»ndoo»" e ™ ^. Wnite . ttie S9 te*i debt ; P melropolUai! t^ 0 "; troun earlier m the day after it ""V.-JW.WW. W vorth Africa, in thv TO? group earlier in the day after it rurd heard, read a "subst.lut? pro'pv *a: sponsored by C Wayiand Brook4 of Illinois. This proposal criticized** the New now is $42.91«JW.tSl, Tegulat l*de- to >upe:v:c car.rvin^; c-nr of t.ie ib;o*.-t,idr no.». .-an bt- i u . r i i i r - . a . - f - . ^ w w to ••the cooperation expected tonWK-S- lle-'v*. •cp.-i-aU^n-, ,\ -| f ran FiTiich .emptri" outposts. Rhinc- !P>.VI» in Ehgjariii **..v rep?ru*cl -| porwd that 'units. of. (he FVeiich av.iiu"' bo:nb*": < * \ n.:sjh; "• .'. j'flext flew theirVflaga at half mast • - - - - 3 j moirrninK for FranceV defeal.. , *f- Tljj verj" fatt that^ Siese vessels : ii^nauiefi\ui* tl^at area .of the KtedJ- 1 ler-rahcAn proved they, had hot •xm auditorium that was no such th.ng as ' .isolatum/'— tn,. a. ; realistic n e w *of foreign the naval excellence of the ileet.' , j seven years. It was charged-that M- ^. _ . . At the same time Mr.. Roosevelt^""wcious attacks" on* business Had problems dictated that all- lawful, nxaintained silence about reports! weakened the defense structure and J J J *" * w " A ~ that warships of the United State* j had'lowered the morale ©f the peb- fleet, which left Hawaii yesterday} pie anil last night in £he threctipn of ! the west coast, were bound for the assistance be extended, to the Ai cautioned against-exag-j "ouf immediate dan- hes • AncT he geration of geys Panama Canal *n4 tht AOanfe. The ocean is* broad. HOOTCT ;told I xhete was no ne*ws coming from ma**4 c^lthe White House on that score;, the Republican di-leg ate the cwivrntiori. 'TioSr'SeIore % luia. '[prcsideriTb^claTecr 'FurUlgr, .he] Amffgan 1P!1 ana an invader "must first .pass oar J ^ ^ '^ ^^ heard - nothing of the : ha*vyr a navy which is " « « » « J poaaiWhty of establishing a south &1 & l , American squadron of the nwvy. m Frerrch North Africa, in thv xoronies. and ral expenditures 'had been. e»P«c-! in termrbies under French -man-) ted to exhaust the .old debt limit 1 ^ * *ranee. wift also cease hostii-1 within the next year, without p*o-! itirs iil1 ** a:r and on :he *** vision- for the e^u^rdinary de- ^ When . the. anhtstice- comer, fens eexpenditures, ' - . tnt6 !orce . a:iTl * for ^ duration of . Effective dates of the tax ui*rea-j the »!»*»««. Italian .troops w:D apply to incomes earned during the^^ *T?L?!**"**'• 1940 cakfidar yev. and wiB be p ^ 1 ^ to T m t h ^^»Htan >er i-tfbie March 1^, 1M1. " An extra .10 per cent added, ta the BRITISH DOWN NAZI RAIDERS Nippon Says It Seeb To Prevent MnaitioBS to (bv .The* Associated Press; • TOKYO June 26 < Wednesday. > Ji pan fastened a watchful mihtary rJtor> : ;a aone situated between -the j and naval grtp today on Francea lines referred tn*ln Article 2 and a; rich-hoiding* in the Orient—Indo-< j.line drawn 50 kilometers 'about 30iChina . " * The Brooks plank also called for ~* strong and viidrous policy of national defease" with military lor- ces -so strong that no other power shall ever be abie to set foot on fective at 12:4& p. in. Eastern D**-[jtaaan lin^s proper.shall be demil-fed that crack Japanese troops, nuic light Tune, today, the time thej^^j^^j f or the duration of the I days ago.''acted "by force" to'cut •PiaaWCht sigued t h t ^ i f e — ' fVbr^ed—«t kast hot yet—the repor-- , ,«ti d anursi4ce stapujation that they . jjejtmMi to )»6rw ports for disarm- : j mg* or * intrnim?til. . ' | ft wai a bitter'day of publicly- . t evprf sed regfsirt^fcr E»ilwi. . [ N'o» only-. did ChuTfmil deplore • and Uje. British press attack tha j'aetioas of trie Petam. government hi Frailer, but In th* House eV Lordi the Labor'jieer. Lord -Strdbol- LONDON- June 26 'Wednesday J.^ ^ jtiemoi-ies' back to faanchu* . •^wAt ,*ea*i ' threa ^nemv p)»ner-|ri*. and:-the days when the United were shot down tod** nu\outhea*t-1State.s ^beckoned Bhli*in to action,' • ern Scotland' whcr» biie'. numbtr ? . j ^ '*** rebuffed . .- w •. • _, _ \\ Btrabplci sai^ Uie Eortipean war of. bombs-were dropped m an; air 1 , -^ . -r- mept E^Tgiand. Scotland and Wales . Air Raid Is bundled Mast of England; Sot land and Wales rtsutifd from jjord <then Sir John) estate and- gift taxes :oecaine «**[ m n eS |.-as;Uie'crow flies beyond the j A cryptic, announcement disc Hoe,- \ raid that extended-* oVer nuwt o^: Bimim ^ honri ^ well-fnearnnk mis- ' taket" when. he wa* foreign secr/- < Briiisn .fighter planes 'swarmed J u»ry~.rkludmg * his differences in jHn;«iBrtT r o u ^ f r o m ^ d o - C h i n a ^ , ^ ^^^^ v m j 7 n w m \ * ^ u r i * r prwent wmtmj* -• - i to the centra: Chinese government i - In Tunis, the nulitariaetf acme, t r ,^„_ w „,„ Ueie «en high over aimistice. I On the. other -hanjJ. it urged tha}. no move be m»6e .lor the purpose \ j-of interfcnhg m European or Asiatic contorts.". *•'••:• T.ne Brooks proposal carried no reference, direct, or indirect, to aid taxes: such -aaj xid cisarets,. win •Increased tho— 4m JteUlOL at Chungkuig. ir^as" not "d^xlosctT wfietncft LUUI ' tJ y ,lU .? n<> a,rt * the- J^gh*li'| A,n * r ? c * lV "* r * r *«crtitai7. Hfcnry U •. -enough. «> atop anything ^n cou • . .| This possibility "had been men- At the very least. Hoover «**&! tione'-dui view of the fact that'the •this ocean and our magnificent! Umted sut-s cruiser Quincy was naiy SJve rone for sober prepara- .yistttog Montevideo. Uruguay, where j to Greal Britain or the Allies, dif- hon" . * " . [^d^spread Nazi "actryities have beentfernig in this respect from the ort- •• ' ^.«,»^ t under mvesugationt that the .cruis-; ginal plank whiich had been drafted Relentlessly Ho^^r casta^tea^_ ^, j_;. wVj ^ „A—A ih«.r«i.'^.;- -^_ _ . _ - ^ the New" Deal Tor 0^1 rr Wirtrma had bjgL.g4ggtf. there 'far fflTiiirtfratKffi nf the platform. suicide ro*d f-oy iiberty ? lEufope. He said the , , once >veR stern tasks: -We must * cba^jed ^;«Lteo. and that the dertroyer 0*Bri-; ground. ' f en was in. South Americaii watera j This -latter" piank extended aym I Mr Roosevelt, asked whether he j paaiy , thoueht it Hay, Jury'l. The heaviest of the new tax bills,-tamed, for iwlll fall upon income, taxpayer? j armistice •n-ffonuor and .the Une.^rawn o n j ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ tod0 .-|i toaW l ..w ian * ^ ^ V ^ m ^ J C U ^ China territory which he, .-.Km*-! -inc ^ncs st*rt*d before the ounrtioTi.. tn xnet . . i . i side Japanese - occupied tenltoxy' Th/y are expected to pay $3l»,00a.- 000 in the next fiscal year arid i580- 000J00 in the following four years 4n addiUon to their payments under j.kilometers former income tax rates:- Ulf« k : In.Algeria and in French AJri-j can >erritgne* south of Algeria | which border on Libya, a aone 200 wide <about 125 mileei nn Kwahgsl provrncc of South Chi- na.- .'-.• " An undisclosed number oT.Japan- feae warsliips have gone', tip the Ih.- r ?4w fur a strong Arigio-American (.stand against Japan's invasion M 1 Mttnrhttna \ NITW OHDER IN FRANCE LONDON- June 25 ^—Marshal fetairi. : premier of subjugated -«ty iilojig the eooM mid- mtht then Kept comuig. flight af- ter flight, from sputneauern Eng- land to far north in Scotland" *Fires started by incendiary bombs j Trmhtx. cold his people in a broad- Exp'o-fc** 1 tonight that under Che terms and - and: c ^ -he aindsLce 'our airplanes and a reporton income—-irom everyone soian west ern kngland!: . ;n the.south- east *ind nortiiwrs' li:e drorsr -of j'jn fit-it Aii'.jimji ui^Att tht'tuu* roi of Gennany and Italy ** Petain. m \iw br.oadc«M heard of the armiatice. ! * hich 3u « bt ^ ^ *tth. contra K **»» «^thpri.-"F«r the durauon of hoat*tias14»«d for Japan s Chine* enem}.« P*?** *"* hrarti disaster HI BUfope. « - — j ^ Roosevelt, asked whether he \ paaiv to oppressed peoples, advo- i e * rn4nf **** th * K ' ' i berwe#f» Italy and the BntisS W Chigng Kai-Shek. j (k ^ . __ Re^icar. party *m*t af once, ^ v M ^. ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ : ^ ^i-«*»"* M -^ "^ K _ ! ^ L ^'"Sf o^aW^ the Toda ? moreover Mai G e n . l W u ™'^ ***** ' ^ « " ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ Qen " W ! | B d V T ur^nake seve R ^ « usks^ . ^ doming a ' draft of ^ ^ , a ^ past, acttog a, * \ ' *****> « ^ •<* CbM ^ . S i S J S ^e X ^ l a i l l a n d ! f^taa^m. chairma, of ah m s p e c - i ^ ^ »™» -«-«*«- . - ^ ^ 2 ^ ° t T * dewlop and ^ - ^ ^ P w e r . said, there was n o t h i f i g J ^ ^ and not a T a n «rexaor ! « • * crt " ^ . ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ j c ^ shall be ^ S y demiutar-it - - «-. ««. > Antl-airrr.ft ^hre was beard ^er prepared and t&ese wars unieis we are attacked We snouid facilitate a21 ghtmg for' their freedom in -pro- .-ttnag n a t e T j > and muxaOons. btft suidy stage - «tetid>d to such pex^ries i« i« e « - r * 5 * 1 " - i "•) ~!\L _ZT . T*, ;v,„^r^^ ' ^nr^nr^ . v ^ f««Ww»ti«ii* . ri w. - ,Vv^*- 'la«- aer cent "aetsisi income -^**^ v **^^ ^^ V"- . neard br res»«»t*. '>: southweste^r.- «rvis*oTak • wurxRit loruDctttana, -je^na i « ^ « n^-taiamr of.. b e t w « i V \ _.vT?L^25:. « r.! Informed neutral obaerWrs here * ".It one part mi Scot^nd tnerc «ao- d-n-isiana with aotoTtaetf Frecautioos .^bjact to defczute im>;tat*otis which; * « » :nsl . ^P**«aici teep us o x of * war. I *** . - \ The nary chaciosed We must reeah oar peopk from; ti^; the present the nabfbiness -c: is* £ev Dev, We sQuadroc of three must reestabhsh stamina charax- 4er and xSeais w* must regeuer-1 ahorQy by said As- The of the iand 7 ..i Severai eamimttee wyitfitne>j a m -declaraoon was s*"** 1 !^ the new draft the more Joreeia: " » aa'-iiasapiaae flf the Brooks be reiaeved ^ « added a candeaasaag :be three other vessels. t- re2l «ta*r^.^ Trenton and ttoe dea- '; ?\;:i.o:-f.v cent os net 'incomes sad upward to a boost of * trotor » to 5$ per OB& em betaw-E a*0J«» aad graa.we. nrurutioja get to Chungking ,ii with a£ tta wn'th the Jibv ^^^^rtJ^I^U fa. H«^*I^T tbotd m todo-C3KBa despite ofTk^jbomamg «earc*.Xht» Picked o«t T Pitted aga^at 2^50900 ^ c ^ « b7Frmch'*«~« *^ ** ~^P« ^ °^ GrnBAI1 ^ ^ *** Bfsa,fc ^^^ Aditel ^PJ ^ coaoe noma *apon arrnal of the'Ja- fla>aa?rs streaked tfp to ~?**9t it ; a e d atiawl be souzidec; lik*. 1 h » would be about MQJ » days *2e hope and conSdenoe. _ erica" flvyer* Wckeraon and Herbert wit Vmrnf*n WMAffft Wall The delegkies and ^.e thooaands oe reievpd to the nrutra: wrt-ra of T A U f V O VkAWVV I f O X upc* thousands' of spertators pOar- -Portugai where they h a » hees s u - MAy AJMOT ed mio the fuui after a day wluch turned by '** ca^r Ocaha and .Wl aVMH for the m » : part aaw-the banie U»e deasroyers Barry aad GoC of the ca»dsixi« react a brwi"- which r*_«t. wrt^e a.: swaged the^ d^'Jjg Tfaas was receipt of repons from NTW TOKK >jrie 25 *—Betwfex s i ;i.kO» W?^ workers todar «pt E p-w effee-rw ieoder of Ihe artaraei affidar^ det^ag T5 TCV Prrsssrxacja oeiefaXjCC ar.^; = efthrr 2>- ro Tcrpftred tc tirow a « » ttsax ^or *he d>ce ba~o» to of Ohio om tJ» KFW TOft»; J^se 2« ^—We.. *aaf — t ereaajarty or pcofcertoraie W oot af ihe ;«uc»9n ' "The poaa^bi'itT of a^rtan occ-a- paoost by a forever, power of any tpacx whauorper of Freaci ^a*,^ panes* oeaaatkm of for the prisma in aenrtiy xary for the aiajw. J iliinu aza tenaaee of forttftcataafr racks . arm* - depou and tsOitary bu^cuags aad the troops aw|uts«f ; prcteaorate to joaxBtajo order m the tctenor T h e exsemy cc tne Loire, and thea ta»e - ro- la^pedarm^t " Enemy paries also were reported mawder. ^f rrarjce •men they predict Japan wCI bide' w -fiortheaatrm Seottend her. time aw&liing a ratable op-* porranrtT for further -.nroad* Pre- v*-interference" 1 to s«- tnFOveroeTj! of Ja- mas dscticra cont^oed tfca: a Japanese' par*se traops ia SoAh Chtna were coauacT»»tiaos of a is co»-crr.plaied both 'Bnutf authorities *z> Hangkocf * ; -overaeas aod ^contirwimavtha war lor Indo-Chma and the Dutch Ear, %u£ tr.if n-.yun*d tr»e» They scoc ?r fV^in said "Thes the

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A N A B C F^APER--. G U - A R A N T E E D C I R C U L A T 10 N

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"Fw Pittsburgh and Clinton County First, Last and Always**

«THi WtATHIt . Cloudy, .slkghtly warraer fc» east

and south portions Wednesday, Thursday, generally fair.


VOL. XLIV. No. 264- Hamburgh. N.Y^ Wednesday,.June 26, iWO.^ >RIO£ THREE C^NT*

Ousting Of New Deal And Peace Are Major GOP Objectives, Hoover Says; Platform Is Approved By Committee

CONVENTION HAU* Philadel­phia. June 25 a**—Herbert Hoover demanded 'the abolishment of- the' New Deal and a scrupulous avoid­ance of war tonight before-an ex-

.Cited ReptfbTican -National Conven­tion which shouted back its appro­val and burst *mto the noisiest dem-onstrapon of this two-day oid- par­ty meeting. "" *.. * .

Outbursts of -applause, brie! and occasional, yet or a roaring 'lusti­ness, the address. But the last sentence, j winch was also-a question, brought the-clnriax Referring to XheK party battle that hes'ahead. Mr. Hoofer. his voice rising, demanded:*

•^publ icans are you-prepared to" go Into this fight?" ••

'Ye.1'.', came the., answer.'" *"yes... yes . yes.. " un.!il ear-spiutin^j bedlam drowned out the* responses, } . - . „_ A demonstration was in. the max-j - * "* . •• '•

me; sWout c*i. -h»t . and 5 OQ0 Yom^ Volunteers To applause. 3!! reinforce.^ by • the t * • ^ •

I--OMffEKnON PR0G8AJI» platforib plank sharply attackm* _ — , / Jthe-Roo*eveit administration's de-

FHILADELPIfiA, June » <#t — jfense record, and eoirutBing an The program tor -Wednesday, June ['-anti-war"' pledge and a promise to


! • * « « AdAiwul Ik&ase filieas

AssailsYie 36 at the Republican: National Conventions ' - *

Conveniioh'called to order i t U A- M.. Eastern BayHgftt Tune

Prayer by Rabbi Michael Aaron -sohn. Cincinnati. - Report of committee on resolu-

puBctuaied even- -section, options. _ Nominations for president. Rolj rail on presidential nomina­



Aid "^oppressed .peoples," . was ap­proved tonight by,the platform coro-mKtee of the Republican national J convention."

• Alf. M. Landon. the lft3* standard-, bearer, disclosed •• the cocorn lUee's aeuon, and^ expressed the view that tile plank wrmld not foreclose fu­ture action by the party's prexi/ dentiai nominee to meet tJ>e chal­lenge of developing world condi­tions. • '. Landon asserted that there was no objection in the fall committee to

. j the part of the piank c*gahng -with " j. policy but that : one member * J


scarcely distinguishable blaring . of j:"

the band '. " ' ' • . I Cohfofiuans. hustled., into . the

aisles'with a b;g banner anil crush­ed through - the crowded- center

Be Sought m Move'To Expand U.S. Fleet

WASHINGTON. June- 25 «>>. - l Minnesota, West- Virginia.. \ president Roosevelt, invoking a

WASH.NOTON. June » <*) The nation shouldered' it* heaviest; federal tax toad since - the world' war today. * *

President Roosevelt's signature made law of a' bill estimated to raise an additional' $1692,500,000 in the next five, years • by adding 2-200.000" citixens to the list of in­come tax payers, anb dy -raising the rates on income; profits, excise, gift • and . inheritance taxes. The money will be used to help finance the defense program authorised; by Congress.. • •

The Treasury calculated that the pro.te.sted "a very minor 'poku** re- .law would increase auticipaied fed-latiag to a statement about the cost [ era! -revenue in the 1M1. fiscal year


of the Woild- wax- to the United States. .

The pi anVwas-understood tocbn-

wtuch .begins Monday, from $5,652: 300:000 mot counting-social security funds which are now outside, the

tain a statement that: .VThe Repuh- i budget* .to $6367,600.000. An m n iican part>< stands for Americanism, preparedness and 'peace.**.

Thi* was .understood to have been followed by a statement that the Democratic party, stands for unpre-

ROME. June 25 UP.-^italy to-i night made public- unnrvtioe terms \ Kith • F r a w e . which granted the [ Itthans full, rights ever the port of" Jibuti in *rVench Somaiuand. \ and restricted Italian * troops to •stand :*bh their .advanced hoes in ail theaters of operations," '.,*•"

Italy also gained control «f the French 'section of the* Jibuti-Addis Ababa railway. . __•'..

The terms call.for a* demilitariMd 'zone from .30 to 120 miles aid4 in "fVance.'Turiis. Algfi ia .and French Somaiiiand.

For tbe duration of hostilities be­tween Italy and the British empire and- 'for Che juration of the armis­tice, the French domaiilaixj coast

f is .to-, be enurely demilitarised French troops a r e l t o be wtth-

drawn from the demilitarized tones within JO days. '" .. . The agreement contained* a clause

similar to that" in the French-Oer-man armistice recjuiring that the

Actual P e a c e Negot ia t ions Are To Await End o f Nazi War a n Britain

<by Th'e Associated Prti*» f i \ i ; oi iii cpei#iion*. BERLIN June 25 — Conquered j Ccinpeteut Ctermnu • sourros' de-

Franit m w bide h?r time until jcUret! that, witn France how out of 6crmany s e t O s accounts with \u%t pf .wue--aU our- v*r \ -ononx-Great BriUm be lore the German- 'and resour.-ss can be T'.ti!\ confer.-'

.'rated against England * A* far a^


I ,1 By . the Associated FressV : LOKtX>N. June 'SS— Prime* I jster. Winston Churchill solemnh/ I a c k n o w ^ g e d . today that' Britain's safety i a s "powerfully though* not.

[decisively affected.by what .nap^ 'pens to the French fleet." j He indicated; and t"he .hope waa .echoed t« the House of Lords, that ! England stiH mivrht. somehow, take iorer iy*e: Ficnch IW\J- which was Frttich armls1t.icf is"followed uy wi!li n

actual pea:? nes<Jtiaticr^ 'sreU-in- | A^ far a* ^e wm-.M.m of arm- ; ceded* to Gennany as- an armistice' formed Saw .sources *aid today, lament .production pertammg to the icondition

Tn.isview empj^si^dby• the earn-Jn^hrragsinit Ensl.uid « nece.\ar> 1 ChUr.-nh tald the House of f>m- * mentao. Dienst Aus « u ^ r h l a n d . [a„d purposeful :h t o can* be done Lnions that -surrender of' the fleet.

any risk a.fte*•;^ie ueic.t: ' of. Frahse." Uiev 4^-'.'"•*$ ."•Whether and to wHat extent

"-waa. beUevefi. ta have nude remote any chaitces pi an lnwnediate con-* menial ,jeltiement despite reiently ex preyed .opinron? -in* Bei':n .

Hitler—unci Hitler alone—knows exactly w*\en and what vtep* wi!» be 'taken toward.a European peace con- j On t.re c'her lurni r ference and ri*gm no* he is sup-cava:iaoro m En lakji.i v ^ y pojed to. be concerrtratmn atf his :as.. tnsj are-a*ready p energies totfarj. a oattle for E n ^ ji^iand or h a w been

i-iiad-bcen oioVred, by the govern-.mem.of Marshal premier Petata In notation of "many solemn assur-

feconomic r\Sv-u:res o: Fiance will ancrs"

aisle Minnesota. ,T*C>V ***^**4-*f tTesioenr mjoseverv. UIVU»UMS * • • • -Oilnhoma * .Nebraska.- . Tenaessee. { p l i m ^ world'War days to provide | ^redness and tactic* threatening T-xas " Arkansas and South Caro- u l d d r t ionai officers, for the expand-1 ; o w a . r d w a r - . .

In c i i e r phases^ the plank was l-

\ roe fioe'rme Earlier Landon had stalked wear­

ily ou: of a meeting of a platform I

$994.300.t»0 was exxpected t o . b e j ^ ^ j , ^ ^ ^ u V r e n d m t l a t

raised in each of the following four K ^ ^ ^^uiated by, German and y***s- • * • ItaiuwT "auDvorities:

Next, years xevenue. if realized, K A l s o ixtee the clause in the French-wiU be. the largest since 1920. when j GcxmaiV. armistice, the French-Ital-peak.coUeetxins were made on w o i l d ] ^ p ^ c t pfowdes• that: . . . war Uxes arid the 1M2 fiscal -yeat-j : : T i l s Italian government declares" may set a new income record of, ln>u n" does* not intend to use i n j r i c i 0

approximately $7,090,000-000 . . . | the .present war units oi ih*e^Fr?iich Officials estimated that 2 200.000 I fleet placed under its control."

persons would pay federal income i u & ^ th»t • on the conclusioa taxes for the first time because j of peace it does not intend to lay

^tand ;it German d^p3z*l ;ne arm-l*uc? tfrni? ii;f; ^iiovi

He added" thai from, the text of tne Ftench-German agreement, ma

cur.«e, are j announced, by this* country. It was li\r

land E.xultant 'OefmAsiy

clear that the .French war ves-nv on tke J sels tinder this armistica pass into

Italian control while rthe '.a>; :es>>*«jrek.v To<*-r*aT(- verj

set up , n n - [hinged 111 conuas, tu uu)±t> *A\ U I > ^hlstf.v for carijriig out the arm;*.- iconiwient tice -Wiih Franco'-and b^Hari' weigh-

ob;d4nabk> m • Oerm-m or fully armed:

•To a-.ee:tain* i*fc.

1: :

nutes o e - i n w t h a t unmarried A m e r i c a n - ! ^ vu.*.y* a *-'^-**» V i » *^-M W "* | of reduction, ol personal exemyzuu^-.cj ~* ." "' born men between' 19"and .'26 years ] s^bcommitte^v whiff.T Jie heads and ^ heads .of famihes from $2500 t» j :

•of stand*.! o f a g e § who have had two years or j announced; thai -Sus": group haa.com? | ^^Q V n d foT- sim)te persons .from w

of reduction-of personal exemption^.*.claim to the. Trench fleet." 1 As- long - sas^'v14oatihUitf/oQaUhu? i rth* Great Brytain. the terms de-1

'"'""--1 -"-— a n < i naval I

of latin;.*.-. ce.N^a:';o/i vt• ^o.rtiht.es.in :rnd o: 0.^ *fi4;'.-Liu,: Frar.r-. considered the ArnnsTi'iejrait ^ i)** 'Jail l\*:.\-.' tcsm> • harr. bat'i^c: hU.mila't*?.^'' knab>d*Geimanvifl e 't _ U.t.r-:-' .-. . up •!-• Frer..",h*G?riiiwn•! conr.^tion a-.ttr&jMin

ccmmi; >i:.»i' wf • Ocnn ai

fortif.Pd areas

T^xa lrna banners were :n action • •] m ? fleet, announced^<Oday that.-5 • . , . .

•Vtcr Via" and one-hair minutes. c o o *.o u n g volunteers * would -be 1 *** ** informed- persans to incude Chainr..m Jowpii' Martm" of M a ^ i c r a ^ annuaUy for commission*; * P u l s i o n for defendmg the Mon-."•achasetts attempted *to -still •. the; m :' the n a va: reserve. ' ;. ... -

.'-tumult .with, hvavy. ^avel hangup.-j; He* diseased at a press confer-but it-waf t-wo*.more minutes be-1 nct t j , a t unmarried American-fose' he* succeeded.

W i'*'riff- tin; -prbcesMon. ^. - . . .-t»j «s*c, *»r*»j i*<**c *»*»v« .».»•«.»&«»*« w. , ard - meant that a few -mdiviciual j m o r e 0 f coHege work, could begin'-o an • agreement'on. «ne suastance %xW ^ IJQQ. T h « lowering of ex-jtlai .e ionu.ea ar«^> »u« * - - • • j •ajiniit: e prov . v « member of delegations had seizedt applyins for the training next P17-' ?'* '»* P>-^- « ^ « - a - i i "i**<* ^ ^ j e m p t i o n s aUo wCl Jesuit in increac- bases at Toulon in Franee. Bkerte r. f : n n ; r ^ v filMX ^ i h e ^ a ^ i i n M g n i a anthout the ai>-1 d a v . Applications will be received \ consideration changing world con- r pavments of those now tax- j Tunisia. OrarK Algeria, and AJaccio^ ,.Ml?n/ nt jrt iC|uarl t.r:%. o J the p , . ^ ^ PK>val of thPir colleagues CQUW not. t a t . > , e a d Q U a r l e r s p f the naval dis- j divions. mtxma.ing thar. K **as ^

r : r S f be ctetermined- But t h e ! l r i c t or at the naval reserve. unit) brb-td_ er.cugh in sedpe to • permit j- TQ f a c i a t a t e ^ defense pro?r£m ;: derailiiariiation obviously a j o r ^tvy recruiting station nearest, j «-um latitude fn future action Hr e" — aytnori^ed the treasury, t c ] •• aa>s' • - ' ^ ' ' '

n-,rtv iribuur : o t n e Tprmer pfest- j fEtf h o t n ^ . ^ ' — - - ~ —-^are-a**Tie^at:ve ieu?> ;>p a W^K-* \ , ^ - „ ^ S i S ^ ^ l'*"\£°? d e m . ' . • • !. -The m b f y o o m c e r s w a ' . r b e p v e n ; ^ io whether r . ^ ^

Tiirpughout it he stod. beside l m H * h s i ^ training in» gupnery. na- j d ^ ' - f • ':****** t0' a " ? , * a i " : i sa le of M.000.000^00 of" :'nat-ona. Jritory. *™* «VP0ru are.-to be unoer.f ed fromm -$45^0004100.000 to *49- i f tal ia i i or

ui<-^heir effects' mcconnection wUh'la. .piaiter. tor .German, bomb.!;-the - campaign agahuU Bnjtam. ;*the Lquadrou.-t bc-cau.^* of V.\r *.u)n tfy>-fea.'. culprit . * ' ' , jtaii.'e-frlm German a'tr ba'-.V-on'-Lhe * Germans^'bf-gmhuig s 10-day -po- Eng:i.-:. 'Channel -. . . . .

^bank'-Stv::"^ u: celebration L' l: *a-»* px;.-

T:;VL :hc •:xtciis;\c (' :

"We. note'-ol eo»irse." he went .on. heavriy.. *-in.that same article .the •solemn declaration of the German government that "they- ha. v# no tor-itntion of usinis them .*warshipsv* fOJ then' own purpose during . the. War but what is the value of *that? /Csk hall a dozen countries. ..*'

i.i- t . "ButwhjJ^ h<*- thus stated the po-an'd «.Mtion m it.-i biUd^t *ai>d least cqm-I«.T ffort.ib> u»rms a,s !t applied to Bng-

" • land, he maiie ftome oblique refer-i>4n-sjw.n» jehces rh*t aid.itatext his hope that" :»:J ;o.-lu::_|Ei»gIahd wouW a m foresUll the

Fntnvc *. thvr.

tf»:rk j'

Mi nansff.T* Amonur "ihem"* were "refer-

of cot demonstration

j Corsica, shall be denuhtarized*.'thei a . . ;n> 4

to be completed , n . | i , n d".a


Ocup.itili:. in <;.:«c- Woiii'

.*f»rtin his it ne sioo. w»*u^ -, nitensive training m9 gupnexy. .na-ice en*Teathed m \ yjpation. ehkineering.' communica-

the .broadest ol j^niies. • j :JOns and watch standing at sea,' • ih his address Hoover Tmpha-I s a i d a fonngj statement given out ticatiy impressed* upon the -conyen-tio.niwo.prunarj'. objectives—to oust the New Deal and keep America at

at the press conference.. - • iRegular officers and petty oljic-

e*rs of the fleet will pound home.the ptu*ce.**Junless- the Western Heml-> a r | o f lighting and maneuvering a

.sphere is attacked."'."' |modem man-o'^war and will ineul-At the" same.time.", the former^^^ these young men with - t h e

president told the vast.tnrong g a t h - L l e m e i t t e . a^ discipline. Hearn-work. Deal in blimt language on the e red in" this "huge'.and . resounding j loyalty.-endurance and : technical ground that it had failed to build

Jor America t h e h e j ^ j ^ i t h are .the *foundatiohs of- up nauortai defenses ov^r.the las:

Striving to put ''punch'" into the declaration, the platform commit- j .

l-d* defense noses" was authorized "ar.a i^tne national debt' limit was xncreas-

Gcrnran -control. The, armistice terms: . '

1 trance will cease hostilities

tfeseh:. ihe;plank b « k «o L»ndoo»" e ™ ^ . W n i t e . t t i e S9te*i debt ; P melropolUai! t ^ 0 " ; troun earlier m the day after it ""V.-JW.WW. W vorth Africa, in thv TO? group earlier in the day after it rurd heard, read a "subst.lut? pro'pv *a: sponsored by C Wayiand Brook4 of Illinois.

This proposal criticized** the New

now is $42.91«JW.tSl, Tegulat l*de-

to >upe:v:c car.rvin^; c-nr of t.ie ib;o*.-t,idr no.». .-an bt- i u . r i i i r - . a . - f - . ^ w w to ••the cooperation expected

ton• WK-S- lle-'v*. •cp.-i-aU^n-, , \ -| f ran FiTiich .emptri" outposts.

Rhinc- !P>.VI» in Ehgjariii **..v rep?ru*cl -| porwd that 'units. • of. (he FVeiich av.iiu"' bo:nb*": <*\ n.:sjh; "• .'. j'flext flew theirVflaga at half mast

• - - - - 3 j moirrninK for FranceV defeal.. , *f- Tljj verj" fatt that^ Siese vessels : ii^nauiefi\ui* tl^at area .of the KtedJ-1 ler-rahcAn proved they, had hot


auditorium that was no such th.ng as ' .isolatum/'— tn , . a. ; realistic new *of foreign

the naval excellence of the ileet.' ,j seven years. It was charged-that M-^. _ . . At the same time Mr.. Roosevelt^""wcious attacks" on* business Had problems dictated that all- lawful, nxaintained silence about reports! weakened the defense structure andJ

J J *" *w" A ~ that warships of the United State* j had'lowered the morale ©f the peb-fleet, which left Hawaii yesterday} pie anil last night in £he threctipn of

! the west coast, were bound for the

assistance be extended, to the Ai

cautioned against-exag-j "ouf immediate dan-

hes • AncT he

geration of geys Panama Canal *n4 tht A O a n f e .

The ocean is* broad. HOOTCT ;told I xhete was no ne*ws coming from ma**4 c^l the White House on that score;, the Republican di-leg ate

the cwivrntiori. 'TioSr'SeIore% luia.'[prcsideriTb^claTecr 'FurUlgr, . h e ] Amffgan 1P!1 ana an invader "must first .pass oar J ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ heard - nothing of the

:ha*vyr a navy which is " « « » « J poaaiWhty of establishing a south &1&l, American squadron of the nwvy.

m Frerrch North Africa, in thv xoronies. and

ral expenditures 'had been. e » P « c - ! i n termrbies under French -man-) ted to exhaust the .old debt limit 1 ^ * *ranee. wift also cease hostii-1 within the next year, without p * o - ! i t i r s iil1** a : r a n d o n : h e *** vision- for the e^u^rdinary de- ^ When . the. anhtstice- comer, fens eexpenditures, ' - . t n t 6 ! o r c e .a:iTl *for ^ duration of . Effective dates of the tax u i * r e a - j t h e » ! » * » « « . Italian .troops w:D

apply to incomes earned during t h e ^ ^ * T ? L ? ! * * " * * ' • 1940 cakfidar y e v . and wiB be p ^ 1 ^ to T m t h ^ ^ » H t a n >er

i-tfbie March 1 , 1M1. " An extra .10 per cent added, ta the


Nippon Says It Seeb To Prevent MnaitioBS

to (bv .The* Associated Press; •

TOKYO June 26 < Wednesday. > — Ji pan fastened a watchful mihtary

rJtor>:;a aone situated between -the j and naval grtp today on Francea lines referred tn*ln Article 2 and a; rich-hoiding* in the Orient—Indo-<

j.line drawn 50 kilometers 'about 30iChina . " *

The Brooks plank also called for ~* strong and viidrous policy of national defease" with military lor-ces -so strong that no other power shall ever be abie to set foot on

fective at 12:4& p. in. Eastern D**-[ j taaan lin^s proper.shall be demil-fed that crack Japanese troops, nuic light Tune, today, the time the j^^j^^j for the duration of the I days ago.''acted "by force" to 'cut •PiaaWCht sigued t h t ^ i f e —

' fVbr^ed—«t kast hot yet—the repor-- , ,«ti d anursi4ce stapujation that they . jjejtmMi to )»6rw ports for disarm- :

j mg* or * intrnim?til. . ' | ft wai a bitter'day of publicly- . t evprf sed regfsirt^fcr E»ilwi. . [ N'o» only-. did ChuTfmil deplore • and Uje. British press attack tha

j'aetioas of trie Petam. government hi Frailer, but In th* House eV Lordi the Labor'jieer. Lord -Strdbol-

LONDON- June 26 'Wednesday J.^ ^ jtiemoi-ies' back to faanchu* . • ^ w A t ,*ea*i ' threa ^nemv p)»ner-|ri*. and:-the days when the United were shot down tod** nu\outhea*t-1State.s ^beckoned Bhli*in to action,' • ern Scotland' whcr» b i i e ' . numbtr?. j ^ '*** rebuffed .

. - w •. • _, _ \ \ Btrabplci sai^ Uie Eortipean war of. bombs-were dropped m an; air 1 , -^ . - r -

mept E^Tgiand. Scotland and Wales .

Air Raid Is bundled Mast of England; Sot

land and Wales

rtsutifd from jjord <then Sir John) estate and- gift taxes :oecaine «**[mn e S | . -as;Uie'crow flies beyond the j A cryptic, announcement disc Hoe,- \ raid that extended-* oVer nuwt o^:Bimim^ h o n r i ^ well-fnearnnk mis-

' taket" when. he wa* foreign secr/-< Briiisn .fighter planes 'swarmed J u»ry~.rkludmg * his differences in

jHn;«iBrtT r o u ^ f r o m ^ d o - C h i n a ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • v m j 7 n w m \ * ^ u r i * r prwent wmtmj* • -• - i to the centra: Chinese government i -

In Tunis, the nulitariaetf acme, t r , ^ „ _ w „ , „ U e i e « e n high over


I On the. other -hanjJ. it urged tha}. no move be m»6e . l o r the purpose \

j-of interfcnhg m European or Asiatic contorts.". * • ' • • : •

T.ne Brooks proposal carried no reference, direct, or indirect, t o aid

taxes: such -aaj xid cisarets,. win

•Increased tho— 4m JteUlOL at Chungkuig.

i r ^ a s " not "d^xlosctT wfietncftL U U I ' t Jy , l U .?n < > a , r t* :± the- J^gh*l i ' |A , n* r? c* l V "*r*r *«crtitai7. Hfcnry U •.

-enough. «> atop anything n cou • . .| This possibility "had been men-

At the very least. Hoover «**&! tione'-dui view of the fact that'the •this ocean and our magnificent! U m t e d s u t - s cruiser Quincy was

naiy SJve rone for sober prepara- .yistttog Montevideo. Uruguay, where j to Greal Britain or the Allies, dif-h o n " . * " . [^d^spread Nazi "actryities have beentfernig in this respect from the ort-

• •• ' ^ . « , » ^ t under mvesugationt that the .cruis-; ginal plank whiich had been drafted Relentlessly Ho^^r cas ta^tea^_ ^ , j _ ; . w V j ^ „A—A i h « . r « i . ' ^ . ; - -^_ _ . _ - ^

the New" Deal Tor 0^1 rr Wirtrma had bjgL.g4ggt f . there 'far fflTiiirtfratKffi nf the platform.

suicide ro*d f-oy iiberty — ?

lEufope. He said the , , once >veR stern tasks:

-We must

* cba^jed ^;«Lteo. and that the dertroyer 0*Bri-; ground. 'f en was in. South Americaii watera j This -latter" piank extended aym I Mr Roosevelt, asked whether he j paaiy , thoueht it

Hay, Jury'l.

The heaviest of the new tax bills,-tamed, for iwlll fall upon income, taxpayer? j armistice

•n-ffonuor and .the Une.^rawn o n j ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ tod0.-|itoaWl ..w

i a n * ^ ^ ™ V ^ m ^ J C U ^ China territory which h e , .-.Km*-! - inc ^ n c s st*rt*d before the ounrtioTi.. tn xnet . . i .

i side Japanese - occupied tenltoxy' Th/y are expected to pay $3l»,00a.-000 in the next fiscal year arid i580-000J00 in the following four years 4n addiUon to their payments under j.kilometers former income tax rates:-

Ulf« k :

In.Algeria and in French AJri-j can >erritgne* south of Algeria | which border on Libya, a aone 200

wide <about 125 mileei

nn Kwahgsl provrncc of South Chi­na.- .'-.• " •

An undisclosed number oT.Japan-feae warsliips have gone', tip the Ih.-

r ?4w fur a strong Arigio-American (.stand against Japan's invasion M 1 Mttnrhttna \


fetairi. : premier of subjugated

-«ty iilojig the eooM mid-

mtht then Kept comuig. flight af­

ter flight, from sputneauern Eng-

land to far north in Scotland"

*Fires started by incendiary bombs j Trmhtx. cold his people in a broad-Exp'o-fc**1 tonight that under Che terms

and - and: c ^ -he aindsLce 'our airplanes and

a reporton income—-irom everyone soian west ern kngland!: .

;n the.south­east *ind nortiiwrs' l i : e drorsr -of

j'jn fit-it A i i ' . j i m j i ui Att tht'tuu* roi of Gennany and Italy **

Petain. m \iw br.oadc«M heard

of the armiatice. • ! * h i c h 3 u « b t ^ ^ *tth. contra • K * * » » « ^ t h p r i . - " F « r the durauon of hoat*tias14»«d for Japan s Ch ine* enem}.« P*?** *"* h r a r t i

disaster HI BUfope. « - — j ^ Roosevelt, asked whether he \ paaiv to oppressed peoples, advo- i e * r n 4 n f **** t h * K ' ' i berwe#f» Italy and the BntisS W Chigng Kai-Shek. j ( k ^ „ . _ _ R e ^ i c a r . party *m*t af once, ^ v M ^ . ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ : ^ ^ i - « * » " * M - ^ " ^ K _ ! ^ L ^ ' " S f o ^ a W ^ the Toda? moreover Mai G e n . l W u ™'^ ™ ***** ' ^ « " ^ ^ ^ , ^ Q e n " W ! |

B d V T u r ^ n a k e seveR ^ « u s k s ^ . ^ d o m i n g a ' draft of ^ ^ , a ^ past, acttog a, * \ ' *****> « ^ •<* • C b M ^ . S i S J S ^ e X ^ l a i l l a n d ! f ^ t a a ^ m . chairma, of ah m s p e c - i ^ ^ »™» - « - « * « - . - ^ ^ 2 ^ ° t T *

dewlop and ^ - ^ ^ P w e r . said, there was n o t h i f i g J ^ ^ and not a T a n « r e x a o r ! « • * c r t " ^ . ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ j c ^ shall be ^ S y demiutar- i t - — - « - . « « . > Antl-airrr.ft ^ h r e was beard ^ e r prepared and

t&ese wars unieis we are attacked We snouid facilitate a21

ghtmg for' their freedom in -pro-.-ttnag n a t e T j > and muxaOons. btft

suidy stage - «tet id>d to such pex^ries i« i« e « - r * 5 * 1 " - i "•) ~ ! \ L _ Z T . T*, ; v , „ ^ r ^ ^ ' nr^nr^ . v ^ f««Ww»ti«ii* . r i w. - ,Vv^*- ' l a« - aer cent "aetsisi income -^**^v **^^ ^ ^ V"- . neard br res»«»t*. '>: southweste^r.- «rvis*oTak • wurxRit loruDctttana,

- j e ^ n a i « ^ « n ^ - t a i a m r of.. b e t w « i • V \ _ . v T ? L ^ 2 5 : . « r.! Informed neutral obaerWrs here * " . I t one part mi Scot^nd tnerc « a o - d-n-isiana with aotoTtaetf


.^bjact to defczute im>;tat*otis which; * « » : n s l . ^P**«aici teep us o x of * war. I * * *

. - \ The nary chaciosed We must reeah oar peopk from; t i ^ ; the present

the nabfbiness -c: is* £ e v Dev, We sQuadroc of three must reestabhsh stamina charax-4er and xSeais w * must regeuer-1 ahorQy by


A s - The

of the iand 7 . . i Severai eamimttee

wyitfitne>j a m -declaraoon was s*"**1!^ the new draft the more Joreeia:

" » aa'-i iasapiaae flf the Brooks be reiaeved ^ « added a candeaasaag :be

three other vessels. t-re2l « t a * r ^ . ^ Trenton and ttoe dea- ';


cent o s net 'incomes sad upward to a boost of * trotor

» to 5$ per OB& em betaw-E a*0J«» aad graa.we.

nrurutioja get to Chungking ,ii with a£ tta wn'th the Jibv

^ ^ ^ ^ r t J ^ I ^ U fa. H « ^ * I ^ T tbotd m todo-C3KBa despite o fTk^jbomamg «earc*.Xht» Picked o«tTPitted aga^at 2^50900

^ c ^ « b 7 F r m c h ' * « ~ « * ^ * * ~ ^ P « ^ ° ^ G r n B A I 1 ^ ^ *** • B f s a , f c ^ ^ ^ A d i t e l

^ P J ^ coaoe noma *apon arrnal of the'Ja- fla>aa?rs streaked tfp to ~?**9t i t ;aed atiawl be

souzidec; lik*. 1 h » would be about MQJ

» days

*2e hope and conSdenoe. _ erica" flvyer* Wckeraon and Herbert wit Vmrnf*n WMAffft W a l l

The delegkies and ^.e thooaands oe reievpd to the nrutra: wrt-ra of T A U f V O V k A W V V I f O X upc* thousands' of spertators pOar- -Portugai where they h a » hees s u - M A y A J M O T ed mio the fuui after a day wluch turned by '** c a ^ r O c a h a and . W l a V M H for the m » : part aaw-the banie • U»e deasroyers Barry aad GoC of the ca»ds ix i« react a brwi"- which

r*_«t. wrt^e a.: swaged the^ d^'Jjg

Tfaas was receipt of repons from NTW TOKK >jrie 25 *—Betwfex s i ;i.kO» W?^ workers todar

«pt E p-w effee-rw ieoder of Ihe artaraei aff idar^ det^ag T5 TCV Prrsssrxacja oeiefaXjCC ar.^; = efthrr 2>-

ro Tcrpftred tc tirow a « » ttsax or *he d>ce ba~o» to

of Ohio om tJ» KFW TOft»; J^se 2« ^ — W e . . *aaf —

t ereaajarty or pcofcertoraie W oot af ihe ; « u c » 9 n ' "The poaa^bi'itT of a^rtan occ-a-paoost by a forever, power of any

tpacx whauorper of Freaci

^a*,^ panes* oeaaatkm of for the prisma in aenrtiy xary for the aiajw. J iliinu aza tenaaee of forttftcataafr racks . arm* - depou and tsOitary bu^cuags aad the troops aw|uts«f; prcteaorate to joaxBtajo order m the tctenor

The exsemy cc tne Loire, and thea ta»e - ro-

la^pedarm^t " Enemy paries also were reported mawder. ^ f rrarjce •men they predict Japan wCI bide' w -fiortheaatrm Seottend

her. time aw&liing a ratable op-* porranrtT for further -.nroad* Pre- v*-interference" 1

to s«-

tnFOveroeTj! of Ja­ mas S »

dscticra cont^oed tfca: a Japanese' par*se traops ia SoAh Chtna were coauacT»»tiaos of a

is co»-crr.plaied both ' B n u t f authorities *z> Hangkocf * ; -overaeas aod ^contirwimavtha war lor Indo-Chma and the Dutch Ear, %u£ tr.if n-.yun*d tr»e» They scoc ? r

fV^in said "Thes the