our year in review family & children community outreach &...

107 107 sessions Our Year in Review 79 EMPLOYEES Expanded HCC’s Youth program on the weekends with connued development of the Room 13 media arts program and the new PowerGirls project. By providing an addional day of programming, HCC now offers Youth programs 6 days per week! Room 13 programs are funded thanks to Ports Toronto. Youth core programming is funded in part thanks to City of Toronto, Community Services Partnership Program. Launched PowerGIRLS - a new recreaon project that acvely engaged 35 girls (12-16 yrs) who learned new skills such as horseback riding, rock climbing, dance, fitness, volleyball & more. Funded in part thanks to the City of Toronto - Community Recreaon Investment program. Announced a new Bursary Fund for youth created by senior parcipants in the Monday Aſternoon Tea and Social program. The Elders’ Advisory Commiee financially assisted two post secondary students with their studies in 2014. Communications, Membership & Strategic Work Family & Children Created a new Mom’s Support Program offered weekly throughout the year, the program reached 16 different women and 25-32 children, providing life support, fitness coaching and links to medical, financial, legal, and social service support agencies. Solicited for HCC Holiday Giſt drive for 83 families and 180 children/youth in need and 40 isolated adults/seniors. Special thanks to our many individual donors as well as Shoppers Drug Mart - Queen’s Quay, Bank of Montreal - Fort York, Tip Top Residents Assoc., Fort York Library, Porter Airlines & employees. Toronto Bathurst Lions Club generously provided a free Family Holiday Party and giſts for local families. Celebrated the Growing Up Healthy Downtown 20th Anniversary celebraon at HCC with 400 parcipants from all 8 partner agencies. HCC received an award for 20 years of parcipaon from Public Health Agency of Canada. HCC hosted a delegaon of visitors from Kanto-Gakuin University of Japan. The group of university professors, nurses, school teachers and our former staff, Seiko Harada who acted as their translator received a tour and overview of HCC community services, Family and Children’s programs - much to their appreciaon. 73 programs 201 sessions 47% free Hosted and/or parcipated in over 30 special events. HCC parcipated in CityPlace Residents Associaon’s popular CityFest event which reached 200 new people in the Dan Leckie Way and Fort York Blvd area. Increased support services to 75 individuals by arranging access to clothing, shower & towel programs, food, referral to housing, shelter and other services for the homeless, while also working with various agencies to stabilize housing for those vulnerable local adults facing evicon. Established the Good Food Box Program for 16 new families, with a total of 40 families accessing this program. Assisted in the planng of a rooſtop garden at 150 Dan Leckie Way that engaged 30 residents who had recently moved into the 3 new Toronto Community Housing buildings, with a total of 427 units of affordable family rental housing in this new community at 150 Dan Leckie Way, 146 Fort York Blvd. & 125 Queen’s Wharf Rd. Joined with our partner, Toronto Neighbourhood Centres in the Neighbourhhood Votes Project, leading up to the municipal elecon in October 2014. This project was funded by the City of Toronto to mobilize the vong of newly eligible voters; provide communies with accessible informaon on why vong maers and to promote resident discussions. Over 9000 residents were reached during this City-wide project. Celebrated with the community at the grand opening of the Fort York Branch Library on May 29, 2014. A welcome addion to the neighbourhood! 75 Introduced a new TWEEN Program for those in grades 6 - 8 as an entry to the Youth program; enrolled 40 youth in the Youth Summer Leadership Program; showcased 30 music arsts at a Listening Party Showcase and supported the Youth Advisory Commiee’s independent fundraising efforts! Provided summer employment and mural arts training to 70 youth and hired 5 addional youth arsts through the City of Toronto – StreetARToronto program. Muralist Jim Bravo mentored youth in the creaon of a special “Welcome to Harbourfront Community Centre” mural installed on the outside of HCC facing Queen’s Quay. Seniors Implemented a new iPad training program for 40 seniors with a Special Grant funded through Government of Ontario - Ontario Seniors Secretariat, Elderly Persons Centre. Celebrated Naonal Seniors Day on September 26th with “Our Stories Through Art & Dance” performance with 120 guests in aendance. Funded thanks to the Government of Canada, New Horizons for Seniors Program. Welcomed 60+ seniors and community members to the “Urban Grannies Garden Project” which taught urban gardening techniques. We published “Community Gardening” a 40 page resource booklet and celebrated the project success at a Garden Party with 100+ garden volunteers and parcipants. Funded thanks to the support of the Government of Ontario, Ontario Seniors Secretariat - Seniors Community Grant. Increased outreach to 45 isolated seniors with new partnerships with Community Living Toronto, the Sunshine Seniors Centre and The Alzheimer Society of Toronto for HCC’s Minds in Moon Program. Iniated a new Walking Group with 25 parcipants, partnering a volunteer with a senior friend to promote increased mobility and reduce isolaon. Partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Associaon on an “Older Adults Living Life to the Full” research study to gain a beer understanding of community based mental health services and impact on wellbeing with seniors. Parcipants reported feeling more posive, having beer self-esteem and learned new skills for coping with stress. Check out what HCC’s seniors have to say about the project in their video - hp://www.ll.ca/adultseniors/ $1,257,709 $1,257,709 Recruited, interviewed and maintained 650 community and corporate volunteers who volunteered 19,784 hours with a total in-kind value of $474,816 (based on the average hourly rate of $24/hour for volunteer work according to TD Economics study of 2012 – “An Economist Case for Volunteering”). Created 40 new volunteer opportunies, hosted 2 volunteer open houses, a volunteer appreciaon event and implemented a new volunteer database, “Kindness Connects” to track HCC’s volunteer hours and assist with recruitment. Successfully implemented a technology replacement strategy which included the desktop computer refresh of 28 computers, 4 notebooks, 2 network printers and a server replacement so that we could connue to have the necessary tools to carry out administraon tasks and beer communicate with members and volunteers. Completed a strategic planning exercise with the Board and membership which resulted in a revised Mission, Vision and Value Statement along with a new Strategic Plan, “Priority Direcons and Acons 2014-2018”, approved at the Annual General Meeng in May 2014. We introduced a refreshed logo and look forward to a newly designed website for 2015. Recruited 35 new volunteer members for leadership posions on the Program Commiee, Community Garden/Urban Grannies Garden Project Commiee, Elders’ Advisory Commiee, and Parent Advisory Commiee to beer guide program development. The Board oversaw 79 employees. Of these 66% of HCC’s workforce (52 staff) were under the age of 35. Community Outreach & Advocacy Youth Recreation 41 programs 128 sessions 100% accessible 39.9% $118,914 Rentals & Program Development Although HCC’s gym was closed for 12 weeks due to burst ceiling water pipes during a very cold winter, HCC surpassed targeted rental levels for 2014 by 39.9% and raised $118,914 from building rentals! HCC increased overall room bookings by 6.53%, from 444 to 473 rentals and the overall program/rental sessions by 2.6% from 2,233 to 2,291. Our building is well used by the community. Funds from rentals support our program development and fee assistance which ensured program accessibility for 79 families and 196 individuals. In 2014, $55,000 was allocated to programs. In 2014, HCC increased program provisions to the community by 20.21% and increased the number of FREE programs.In fact, 53% of HCC programs are offered FREE of charge! = 650 Volunteers $474,816 $474,816 less than 35 Yrs 66% Restructured the Adult Fitness and Weight Room programs now overseen by the Youth and Recreaon Program Supervisor with the goal to develop and introduce new recreaonal programs such as dodge ball, volleyball and other adult sports acvies and to expand our child recreaonal classes to meet the growing demand for acvies for all ages. Together in Movement & Exercise (TIME) project offered in partnership with Toronto Rehab assisted 40 adults regain their mobility and strength to return to acve living and was highlighted by the University Health Network website: www.uhn.ca/TorontoRehab/PaentsFamilies/Clinics_Tests/TIME 9,000 voters Community & Corporate Partnerships Generated over $1,257,709 of program funding from fundraising, donaons, producve enterprises, grants, volunteer and corporate sponsorships. Held a Halloween 5K Walk-a-thon in support of Family Programs with 100+ parcipants and raised $3,189. Very special thanks to Event Sponsors: Starbucks local stores (Fleet St, Lower Spadina & CityPlace), Sobeys – Fort York, Tou Gela, Tim Hortons – Fort York, CityPlace Residents Assoc. Be a Bud annual community fundraiser raised $3,714 to send 25 children to summer camp. Successfully applied and secured 9 new grant partners, in addion to the annual grants which fund HCC programs for a total of $336,501. Approved as an Agency Partner with Kids Up Front Foundaon - Toronto which offers free ckets to local families for various cultural and recreaonal events throughout the year. Esmated total value of donated ckets: $34,588.84. Our longest standing corporate partner, TELUS returned with 100 employees and their families to complete over 75 clean up and building repair projects during their annual Day of Giving. Inkind project value: $37,500. Arranged for 14 local children to aend (FREE-of-charge) various Tim Horton’s March Break and Summer Camps across Canada. Inkind camp value: $7,000. Canadian Tire JumpStart Foundaon provided funding for 17 children so they could parcipate in a wide variety of sports and recreaon acvies. Acvity value: $5,120. HCC Annual Report 2014

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Page 1: Our Year in Review Family & Children Community Outreach & …15ardu25jqhm3k9jrp3msinj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/... · program and the new PowerGirls project. By

107107 sessions

Our Year in Review


Expanded HCC’s Youth program on the weekends with continued development of the Room 13 media arts program and the new PowerGirls project. By providing an additional day of programming, HCC now offers Youth programs 6 days per week! Room 13 programs are funded thanks to Ports Toronto. Youth core programming is funded in part thanks to City of Toronto, Community Services Partnership Program.

Launched PowerGIRLS - a new recreation project that actively engaged 35 girls (12-16 yrs) who learned new skills such as horseback riding, rock climbing, dance, fitness, volleyball & more. Funded in part thanks to the City of Toronto - Community Recreation Investment program.

Announced a new Bursary Fund for youth created by senior participants in the Monday Afternoon Tea and Social program. The Elders’ Advisory Committee financially assisted two post secondary students with their studies in 2014.

Communications, Membership & Strategic Work

Family & ChildrenCreated a new Mom’s Support Program offered weekly throughout the year, the program reached 16 different womenand 25-32 children, providing life support, fitness coaching andlinks to medical, financial, legal,and social service support agencies.

Solicited for HCC Holiday Gift drive for 83 families and 180 children/youth in need and 40 isolated adults/seniors. Special thanks to our many individual donors as well as Shoppers Drug Mart - Queen’s Quay, Bank of Montreal - Fort York, Tip Top Residents Assoc., Fort York Library, Porter Airlines & employees. Toronto Bathurst Lions Club generously provided a free Family Holiday Party and gifts for local families.

Celebrated the Growing Up Healthy Downtown 20th Anniversary celebration at HCC with 400 participants from all 8 partner agencies. HCC received an award for 20 years of participation from Public Health Agency of Canada.

HCC hosted a delegation of visitors from Kanto-Gakuin University of Japan. The group of university professors, nurses, school teachers and our former staff, Seiko Harada who acted as their translator received a tour and overview of HCC community services, Family and Children’s programs - much to their appreciation.



47%free Hosted and/or participated in over 30

special events. HCC participated in CityPlace Residents Association’s popular CityFest event which reached 200 new people in the Dan Leckie Way and Fort York Blvd area.

Increased support services to 75 individuals by arranging access to clothing, shower & towel programs, food, referral to housing, shelter and other services for the homeless,while also working with various agencies to stabilize housing for those vulnerable local adults facing eviction.

Established the Good Food Box Program for 16 new families, with a total of 40 families accessing this program.

Assisted in the planting of a rooftop garden at 150 Dan Leckie Way that engaged 30 residents who had recently moved into the 3 new Toronto Community Housing buildings, with a total of 427 units of affordable family rental housing in this new community at 150 Dan Leckie Way, 146 Fort York Blvd. & 125 Queen’s Wharf Rd.

Joined with our partner, Toronto Neighbourhood Centres in the Neighbourhhood Votes Project, leading up to the municipal election in October 2014. This project was funded by the City of Toronto to mobilize the voting of newly eligible voters; provide communities with accessible information on why voting matters and to promote resident discussions. Over 9000 residents were reached during this City-wide project.

Celebrated with the community at the grand opening of the Fort York Branch Library on May 29, 2014. A welcome addition to the neighbourhood!


Introduced a new TWEEN Program for those in grades 6 - 8 as an entry to the Youth program; enrolled 40 youth in the Youth Summer Leadership Program; showcased 30 music artists at a Listening Party Showcase and supported the Youth Advisory Committee’s independent fundraising efforts!

Provided summer employment and mural arts training to 70 youth and hired 5 additional youth artists through the City of Toronto – StreetARToronto program. Muralist Jim Bravo mentored youth in the creation of a special “Welcome to Harbourfront Community Centre” mural installed on the outside of HCC facing Queen’s Quay.

SeniorsImplemented a new iPad training program for 40 seniors with a Special Grant funded through Government of Ontario - Ontario Seniors Secretariat, Elderly Persons Centre.

Celebrated National Seniors Day on September 26th with “Our Stories Through Art & Dance” performance with 120 guests in attendance. Funded thanks to the Government of Canada, New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Welcomed 60+ seniors and community members to the “Urban Grannies Garden Project” which taught urban gardening techniques. We published “Community Gardening” a 40 page resource booklet and celebrated the project success at a Garden Party with 100+ garden volunteers and participants. Funded thanks to the support of the Government of Ontario, Ontario Seniors Secretariat - Seniors Community Grant.

Increased outreach to 45 isolated seniors with new partnerships with Community Living Toronto, the Sunshine Seniors Centre and The Alzheimer Society of Toronto for HCC’s Minds in Motion Program.

Initiated a new Walking Group with 25 participants, partnering a volunteer with a senior friend to promote increased mobility and reduce isolation.

Partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association on an “Older Adults Living Life to the Full” research study to gain a better understanding of community based mental health services and impact on wellbeing with seniors. Participants reported feeling more positive, having better self-esteem and learned new skills for coping with stress. Check out what HCC’s seniors have to say about the project in their video - http://www.llttf.ca/adultseniors/


Recruited, interviewed and maintained 650 community and corporate volunteers who volunteered 19,784 hours with a total in-kind value of $474,816 (based on the average hourly rate of $24/hour for volunteer work according to TD Economics study of 2012 – “An Economist Case for Volunteering”).

Created 40 new volunteer opportunities, hosted 2 volunteer open houses, a volunteer appreciation event and implemented a new volunteer database, “Kindness Connects” to track HCC’s volunteer hours and assist with recruitment.

Successfully implemented a technology replacement strategywhich included the desktop computer refresh of 28 computers, 4 notebooks, 2 network printers and a server replacement so that we could continue to have the necessary tools to carry out administration tasks and better communicate with members and volunteers.

Completed a strategic planning exercise with the Board and membership which resulted in a revised Mission, Vision and Value Statement along with a new Strategic Plan, “Priority Directions and Actions 2014-2018”, approved at the Annual General Meeting in May 2014. We introduced a refreshed logo and look forward to a newly designed website for 2015.

Recruited 35 new volunteer members for leadership positions on the Program Committee, Community Garden/Urban Grannies Garden Project Committee, Elders’ Advisory Committee, and Parent Advisory Committee to better guide program development.

The Board oversaw 79 employees. Of these 66% of HCC’s workforce (52 staff) were under the age of 35.

Community Outreach & Advocacy Youth


41 programs

128sessions 100%




Rentals & Program Development Although HCC’s gym was closed for 12 weeks due to burst ceiling water pipes during a very cold winter, HCC surpassed targeted rental levels for 2014 by 39.9% and raised $118,914 from building rentals!

HCC increased overall room bookings by 6.53%, from 444 to 473 rentals and the overall program/rental sessions by 2.6% from 2,233 to 2,291. Our building is well used by the community.

Funds from rentals support our program development and fee assistance which ensured program accessibility for 79 families and 196 individuals. In 2014, $55,000 was allocated to programs.

In 2014, HCC increased program provisions to the community by 20.21% and increased the number of FREE programs.In fact, 53% of HCC programs are offered FREE of charge!


650 Volunteers


less than 35 Yrs66%

Restructured the Adult Fitness and Weight Room programs now overseen by the Youth and Recreation Program Supervisor with the goal to develop and introduce new recreational programs such as dodge ball, volleyball and other adult sports activities and to expand our child recreational classes to meet the growing demand for activities for all ages.

Together in Movement & Exercise (TIME) project offered in partnership with Toronto Rehab assisted 40 adults regain their mobility and strength to return to active living and was highlighted by the University Health Network website: www.uhn.ca/TorontoRehab/PatientsFamilies/Clinics_Tests/TIME


Community & Corporate PartnershipsGenerated over $1,257,709 of program funding from fundraising, donations, productive enterprises, grants, volunteer and corporate sponsorships.

Held a Halloween 5K Walk-a-thon in support of Family Programs with 100+ participants and raised $3,189. Very special thanks to Event Sponsors: Starbucks local stores (Fleet St, Lower Spadina & CityPlace), Sobeys – Fort York, Touti Gelati, Tim Hortons – Fort York, CityPlace Residents Assoc.

Be a Bud annual community fundraiser raised $3,714 to send 25 children to summer camp.

Successfully applied and secured 9 new grant partners, in addition to the annual grants which fund HCC programs for a total of $336,501.

Approved as an Agency Partner with Kids Up Front Foundation - Toronto which offers free tickets to local families for various cultural and recreational events throughout the year. Estimated total value of donated tickets: $34,588.84.

Our longest standing corporate partner, TELUS returned with 100 employees and their families to complete over 75 clean up and building repair projects during their annual Day of Giving. Inkind project value: $37,500.

Arranged for 14 local children to attend (FREE-of-charge) various Tim Horton’s March Break and Summer Camps across Canada. Inkind camp value: $7,000.

Canadian Tire JumpStart Foundation provided funding for 17 children so they could participate in a wide variety of sports and recreation activities. Activity value: $5,120.

HCC Annual Report 2014