oto brglez - tips for better tests

Tips for better tests Oto Brglez / March 2014 otobrglez.opalab.com

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Practical tips on how to improve your RSpec specs and test suites in general. Slides ware presented on Slovenian Ruby Meetup on March 2014.


Page 1: Oto Brglez - Tips for better tests

Tips for better testsOto Brglez / March 2014


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#1 Describing methods?describe 'the authenticate method for User' dodescribe 'if the user is an admin' do

describe '.authenticate' dodescribe '#admin?' do

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#2 Missing some context?it 'has 200 status code if logged in' do expect(response).to respond_with 200endit 'has 401 status code if not logged in' do expect(response).to respond_with 401end

context 'when logged in' do it { should respond_with 200 }endcontext 'when logged out' do it { should respond_with 401 }end

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#3 Descriptions...it 'has 422 status code if an unexpected params will be added' do

context 'when not valid' do it { should respond_with 422 }end

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#4 Who?it { expect(assigns('message')).to match /it was born in Maribor/ }it { expect(assigns('message').creator).to match /Ljubljana/ }

subject { assigns('message') }it { should match /it was born in Ljubljana/ }

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#5 Be lazy...describe '#type_id' do before { @resource = FactoryGirl.create :device } before { @type = Type.find @resource.type_id }

it 'sets the type_id field' do expect(@resource.type_id).to equal(@type.id) endend

describe '#type_id' do let(:resource) { FactoryGirl.create :device } let(:type) { Type.find resource.type_id }

it 'sets the type_id field' do expect(resource.type_id).to equal(type.id) endend

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#6 See this a lot?user = User.create( first_name: 'Oto', last_name: 'Brglez', country: 'Slovenia', email: '[email protected]' , active: true)

user = FactoryGirl.create :user

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#7 Can’t remember...lambda { model.save! }.to raise_error Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound

expect { model.save! }.to raise_error Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound

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#8 But it works just like...describe 'GET /devices' do let!(:resource) { FactoryGirl .create :device, created_from : user.id } let(:uri) { '/devices' }

context 'when shows all resources' do let!(:not_owned ) { FactoryGirl .create factory }

it 'shows all owned resources' do page.driver.get uri expect(page.status_code).to be( 200) contains_owned_resource resource does_not_contain_resource not_owned end end

describe '?start=:uri' do it 'shows the next page' do page.driver.get uri, start : resource.uri expect(page.status_code).to be( 200) contains_resource resources.first expect(page).to_not have_content resource.id.to_s end endend

describe 'GET /devices' do

let!(:resource) { FactoryGirl.create :device } let(:uri) { '/devices' }

it_behaves_like 'a listable resource' it_behaves_like 'a paginable resource' it_behaves_like 'a searchable resource' it_behaves_like 'a filterable list'end

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#9 Me, you, him? When?it 'should not change timings' do consumption.occur_at.should == valid.occur_atend

it 'does not change timings' do expect(consumption.occur_at).to equal(valid.occur_at)end

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#10 I don’t have the time...rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb

1. bundle exec guard # or zeus, spork, spin

2. rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb -l 10

3. rspec --no-drb spec/models/*

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#11 External is slow. :/require 'open-uri'file = open('http://otobrglez.opalab.com')contents = file.readputs contents

context "blog" do let(:uri) { 'http://otobrglez.opalab.com' } before { stub_request(:get, uri).to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('home.html')) } it "gets home page" do # magic here... expect(page).to have_content 'Oto Brglez' endend

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What else?1. Use formatters

2. Test what you see

3. Test edge-cases

4. Learn how to mock/stub

5. Decuple your code

6. Think about CI

7. Keep your tests fast and readable

8. Learn from OS projects

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ThanksInspired by betterspecs.org and nasty test suites.

Read my blog; and be ql.

- Oto