originality and creativity

Originality and Creativity Suman Uttamchandani

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Originality and creativity

Originality and Creativity

Suman Uttamchandani

Page 2: Originality and creativity

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Page 3: Originality and creativity

http://makeagif.com/i/PVUyoZI saved the picture as a gif, however on the PowePoint it does not flash. So, I found a website that will enable you to see flash as a gif while it is already on my computer.

Page 4: Originality and creativity

• Why did I choose the font that I did?

I chose to make the font in capital letters and yellow because it is more bold, people would be more aware of the text as it is clearer to view and that it is more eye-catching. Also, I chose to make the font yellow as it matches the Chinese flag, which makes the poster more persuasive.

Page 5: Originality and creativity

• Why did I choose my colour scheme?

I chose my colour scheme by just using the colours of the Chinese flag. I think that by replicating the flag will make the poster more attractive and persuasive. I also think that the colours red and yellow are very attractive because they are bright, therefore it would be more eye catching.

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Why did I choose the images I did?

I used the China flag because I think that it would be the most effective to persuade students to learn Chinese.

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• Why did I layout the graphical elements in the way that I did?

I thought that the way I set out the graphical elements was quite clever. To me, I interperate the big star to symbolize something very important while the small stars signify support as it surrounds the big star. So, with my interpretation, I thought that the ‘zhong wen’ replacing the star would signify that learning Chinese is very important. Also, with the ‘zhong wen’ the surrounding stars symbolize that learning Chinese would benefit and be the best for the future.

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Production Logo

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• Why did I choose the font that I did?

I chose to make the font in yellow and red to replicate the colours of the chinese flag. Also, I made the font in capital letters because it would be more attractive and easy to identify.

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Why did I choose my colour scheme?

I chose my colour scheme to replicate the chinese flag as I thought it would be more effective in terms of making me and my partner seem more professional. When we seem more professional and serious, more people would find the video to be more persuasive.

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Why did I choose the images I did?

I chose the star background because there are stars in the Chinese flag. As I said, this improves me and my partners brand image. I used the Warner Bros logo as inspiration, however the outline of the Warner Bros logo is similar to other brands such as the Superman and Lamborghini logo.

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I think that my logo looks similar to the Superman and Lamborghini logo due to the fact that the shape is similar. I think my logo looks most similar to the Superman logo because the colour scheme is very similar. I think the superman logo is more attractive because it comprises of the three primary colours which are all eye catching. And my logo is the same. However, the Lamborghini has grand colours such as black and gold, because of their posh target market. I need to reach out to children/teenagers, therefore I decided to use bright colours.

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The Xtranormal

• Why did I choose to Film in a particular location?

• I chose to film on Xtranormal because it seems interesting because of the animation and I honestly did think that it would be challenging to use.

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Why did I choose a particular camera shot?

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Mid Shot

I used this shot (Mid-shot) because it helps to show the girls body language where we are able to interporate how she feels. Here as you can see, she is slouching, which gives the impression that she is not confident. This is indeed the case, she is not confident in her self learning Mandarin because she thinks it will be hard.

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Close Up Shot

The close up helps to identify the boys expression, which expresses how one is feeling. From here, we can see that the boy seems very knowledeable, which means that he will be taken seriously. When the boy is taken seriously, the video will be more persuasive.

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Full Shot

The full shot, helps to identify the full bodies of the characters. This helps to identify the clothes of the characters. The boy is wearing athletic clothes which makes him seem more confident than the girl. Plus, the boy is the one giving his opinion why Chinese is important, therefore it makes the video seems all the more persuasive.