organizational culture (pims vs shifa hospital)

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1.1 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................5

1.2 Acknowledgement:......................................................................................................................6

1.3 Introduction.................................................................................................................................7

1.4 Definition:....................................................................................................................................7

1.5 Factors in creation of an organizational culture:.........................................................................8

1.6 Cultural perspective:....................................................................................................................9

1.7 A FEW DIMENSIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE..................................................................9

1.8 Importance of organization culture:..........................................................................................11

1.9 How did organizational culture start.........................................................................................13

1.10 Levels of culture:........................................................................................................................13

1.11 LEADERS ROLE IN SHAPING CULTURE:.......................................................................................16

1.12 ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALICATION:...........................................................................................16

CASE STUDIES:.......................................................................................................................................18

Shifa international hospital limited islamabad.......................................................................................18

PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES.........................................................................................23


LITERATURE REVIIEW:............................................................................................................................38

Culture and its implications:..................................................................................................................43

Culture maintain :..................................................................................................................................43

SWOT Analysis of SHIFFA:......................................................................................................................46

SWOT Analysis of PIMS:.........................................................................................................................49

Problems confronted:............................................................................................................................52



Picture gallery…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….57


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Submitted By : Communicators

Adeel Ahmad (01-120141-001)

Amir Zaib (01-120141-004)

Aziz Ali (01-120141-007)

Saad Sohail (01-120141-019)

Tayyab Javed (01-120141-020)

Submitted To: Mam Salma Atif Sheikh

Dated: 11th May 2015

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Executive Summary

People are affected by the culture in which they live. Similarly, an individual working for

any organizatdion with a firmly established culture will be taught the values, beliefs and

expected behaviors of that organization. There is at least some sound evidence that variations in

cultural values may have a significant impact on employee turnover and possibly employees’ job

performance. Hence the study of organizational culture is important for the understanding and

practice of organizational behavior.

Human resource is the vital resource among all other organizational resources. Without

the effective organizational culture, an organization cannot achive its goals. Protecting and

maintaining the human resource by providing various welfare measures is the pivotal role of any

management. Organizational culture plays a crucial role in the development of the organization.

The employee’s job satisfaction and motivation has attracted many research all over the world.

There are many studies related to this area.

In this study, an attempt has been made to study the effectiveness of organization culture

measures provided by PIMS Int. Hospital Islamabad and Shifa Int. Hospital Islamabad. The main

aim is to study the level of employee’s satisfaction towards the organization culture measures of


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Foremost, I want to offer this endeavor to our ALLAH Almighty for the wisdom and

perseverance that he has been best owed upon us, the strength, and peace of mind and good

health in order to finish this Project.

We would like to express our gratitude to Maam Salma Aatif for being an outstanding project

advisor and excellent professor. His constant encouragement, support and invaluable suggestions

made this work successfully.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to all my friends for guidance and

moral support during the whole time span.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our parents for their unconditional support both

financially and emotionally throughout my semester.

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1.1 Definition:Organizational culture is the collective behavior of people that are part of an organization,

it is also formed by the organization value, norms, working language, systems, and symbols, and it includes beliefs and habits. It is also the pattern of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling. Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients and with stake holders.

Organizational culture is defined as a pattern of basic assumption invented, discovered or developed by a given group, as it learns to cope with the problems of external adaption and internal investigation that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore is to be taught to the new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. Organizational culture is a set of shared understandings, norms, values, attitudes and beliefs of an organization which can foster or impede change.

When people join an organization, they bring with them the values and beliefs that they have been taught. Quite often, however these values and beliefs are insufficient for helping the individual succeed in the organization. The person needs to learn how the particular enterprise does things.

A common misconception is that an organization has a uniform culture. However, at least as anthropology uses the concept; it is probably more accurate to treat organizations “as of” they had a uniform culture. “All organizations have culture, in the sense that they are embedded in specific societal cultures and are part of them”. According to this view, organization culture is a common perception held by the organization’s members. Everyone in the organization would have to share this perception. However, all may not do so to the same degree. As a result, there can be a dominant culture as well as subcultures throughout a typical organization.

A dominant culture is a set of core values shared by a majority of the organization’s members. The values that create dominant cultures in organizations help guide the day-to-day behavior of the employees. Important, but often overlooked, are the subcultures in an organization. A subculture is a set of values shared by a minority, usually a small minority of the organization’s members. Subcultures typically are a result of problems or experience that is shared by members of a department or unit. Subcultures can weaken and undermine an organization if they are in conflict with the dominant culture and overall objectives. Successful firms, however find that this is not the case always. Most subcultures are formed to help the members of a particular group deal with the specific day-to-day problems with which they are confronted. The members may also support many, if not all, of the core values of the dominant culture.

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Changing the attitudes about the organization is one of the basic changes of today world. Today world belongs to the organizations. Human being is the founder of all organizations. This means that human is the most valuable source of the organizations. Organizational culture means all common beliefs in an organization. Then more and deeper common beliefs may result in more powerful culture and more different beliefs may result in little common aspects and weaker organizational culture.

According to the recent researches it is possible to specify seven major specifications including the organizational culture which are:

1. Innovation2. Risk acceptance3. Pay attention to details4. Pay attention to the result5. Pay attention to people6. Team making7. Change, Fixedness

1.2 Factors in creation of an organizational culture:

Followings are different factors with basic roles in creation of an organizational culture:

1.2.1 Founders:

It means the founders of an organization who will make final decisions about the nature of the established organizational and/or further goals. Therefore they have a basic and critical role.

1.2.2 Environment: It has a critical and indirect role in creation of an organizational culture. It may specify

any organizational policies and manner of finding them. Any organizations with lack of compatible culture without organizational necessities and surrounding environment of organization will never find any success and finally will be ruined.

1.2.3 Organizational personnel: Any election of non-compatible persons with organizational culture, primary methods

created by the founder and/or any persons who may not accept the primary culture of the organization especially master people and/or managers may finally resulted in changing of the organizational culture. For this purpose it is necessary to appoint any people for the organization and its activities who are in compatible with it.

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1.1 Functions of organizational Culture:These are the functions being served by the organization

1.2.4 Sense of Identity:Culture provides a sense of identity to the members and enhances their commitment

towards the organization.

1.2.5 Sense making device:Culture in the organization provides the employees to the interpret the meaning of the

organizational events.

1.2.6 Value Reinforcement:Values in the organization can be reinforced by the cultural activities

1.2.7 Control Mechanism:In shaping the behavior of members in the organization culture plays the big role

1.3 Cultural perspective:There are few cultural perspectives which are:

1.3.1 The Strong perspective: The strong culture facilitates performance with the intensity visible to the outsiders. It

states that organization with strong culture performs better than other organizations.

1.3.2 The Fit Perspective:Fit perspective argues that the culture of the organization is valid, if it fits the industry or

firm’s strategies. It is useful in explaining short term performances.

1.3.3 The Adaptation perspective:The cultures that help organizations adapt to environmental change are deeply associated

with excellent performance. It encourages confidence and risk taking capacity among the employees.


1.4.1 VigilancePrior to pondering whether or not to communicate an ethical, compliance, or legal

concern, an employee must first be in a position to detect violations. “What are the standards in this organization?” “What is my role in upholding these standards?” Accordingly, the first step in supporting employee communication and reporting behaviors is to influence a culture that promotes not only awareness of an organization’s commitment to integrity, but a shared

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understanding of organizational standards. A look out for threats to organizational integrity also must be cultivated among organization members.

Thoughtful attention to training employees on the values and standards outlined in the organization’s code of conduct will facilitate awareness building. However, the most fundamental and powerful values of an organization are not written down and exist only in the shared norms, beliefs and assumptions reflected in the organization’s culture. These norms, beliefs and assumptions guide how organization members think and act. The organizational culture informs members how to relate to each other and to outsiders, how to analyze problems, and how to respond to situations encountered in the organization. To promote a shared understanding of which code to follow, the formal code of conduct or the unwritten code of culture, the dynamics of organizational culture on an employee’s ability to accurately interpret the ethical standards of the organization must be addressed.

To support a culture of vigilance, employees also must be educated on the relationship between organizational integrity and the organization’s strategic positioning. Employees who observe wrongdoing may not report it because they cannot fully estimate the resulting damage. Therefore, the organization should ensure employees are in a position to identify the potential consequences of ethical, compliance and legal breaches including opportunity costs and harm to the organization, its reputation and stakeholders.

1.4.2 Engagement:The cultural dimension of engagement is multifaceted and complex. Engagement is

considered with organizational and individual factors that contribute to a personal state authentic involvement in the organization. Organizational processes used to recruit, orient socialize, and manage employees influence engagement. Employee’s sense making, psychological contracts, and perceptions of fairness in organizational dealings influence the degree of authentic involvement by them. Managing these organizational processes and individual perception to facilitate high degrees of organizational commitment and identification encourages a culture of engagement that supports internal whistle blowing.

If an organization member is not committed to high ethical standards there may be a tendency to rationalize questionable behavior as a common or even necessary practice in performing job duties. On the other hand, if an employee has high ethical standards that are not supported by the organization, there is a tendency for the employee to experience internal conflict. Such conflict will arise when organizational demands on employees are inconsistent with personal or professional values. The result is decreased commitment and an unwillingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization.

Once employees enter the organization, socialization methods, including training on ethical standards can be used to deepen employee commitment to organizational values and norms.

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1.4.3 Credibility:A culture of engagement that supports organizational commitment and identification,

however, may not be sufficient for prompting employee disclosures. An employee will also seek to test the organization’s commitment to integrity. Leadership behavior is a key determinant of employee’s perceptions and beliefs.

The most powerful strategy that can be relied upon to facilitate credibility is employee belief in espoused values is important practices for fostering credibility. Demonstrating personal commitment to organizational values builds trust and creates a safe environment for employees to come forward and report concerns.

1.4.4 Accountability:Accountability for communicating knowledge of wrongdoing will be carefully judged by

employees. “It is my job to report?” Isn’t this someone else’s responsibility? Why should I get involved? After all, I am not the only one aware of what is going here. “Again, values, beliefs and norms embedded in the organizational culture and picked up by employees will influence employee reflections.

1.5 Importance of organization culture: A common platform where individuals work in unison to earn profits as well as a livelihood for themselves is called an organization. A place where individuals realize the dream of making it big is called an organization. Every organization has its unique style of working which often contributes to its culture. The beliefs, ideologies, principles and values of an organization from its culture. The culture of the workplace controls the way employees behave amongst themselves as well as with people outside the organization.

The culture decides the way interact at their workplace. A healthy culture encourages the employees to stay motivated and loyal towards the management.

The culture of the workplace also goes a long way in promoting healthy competition at the workplace. Employees try their level best to perform better than their fellow workers and earn recognition and appreciation of the superiors. It is the culture of the workplace which actually motivates the employees to perform

Every organization must have set guidelines for the employees to work accordingly. The culture of an organization represents certain predefined policies which guide the employees and give them a sense of direction at the workplace. Every individual is clear about his roles and responsibilities in the organization and know how to accomplish the tasks ahead of the deadlines

No two organizations can have the same work culture. It is the culture of an organization which makes it distinct from others. The work culture goes .a long way in creating the brand image of the organization. The work culture gives an identity to the organization. In other words, an organization is known by its culture.

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The organization culture brings all the employees on a common platform. The employees must be treated equally and no one should feel neglected or left out at the workplace. It is essential for the employees to adjust well in the organization culture for them to deliver their level best.

The work culture unites the employees who are otherwise from different back grounds, families and have varied attitudes and mentalities. The culture gives the employees a sense at the workplace.

Certain organizations follow a culture where all the employees irrespective of their designations have to step into the office on time. Such a culture encourages the employees to be punctual which eventually benefits them in the long run. It is the culture of the organization which makes the individuals a successful professional.

Every employee is clear with his roles and responsibilities and strives hard to accomplish the tasks within the desired time frame as per the set guidelines. Implementation of policies is never a problem in organizations where people follow a set culture. The new employees also try their level best to understand the work culture and make the organization a better place to work.

The work culture promotes healthy relationship amongst the employees. No one treats work as a burden and moulds himself according to the culture.

It is the culture of the organization which extracts the best out of each team member. In a culture where management is very particular about the reporting system, the employees however busy they are would send their reports by end of the day.

Role of communication and relationship for a healthy organization culture the ideologies, principles, rules and policies of an organization from its culture. The ways the employees interact amongst themselves and with others outside the organization contribute to the culture of the workplace. The culture gives an identity to the organization and makes it distinct from others.

Communication and relationship play an important role in a healthy organization culture. Effective communication is essential for a positive culture at the workplace. Transparency in communication is mandatory at all levels for better understanding of work and better bonding among individuals. Culture is simply the result of the interaction amongst the employees working for a considerable period of time in the organization. A better employee relation promotes a positive vulture whereas conflicts and disagreements spoil the ambience and spread negatively all around the workplace. Communication plays an important role in increasing the comfort factor amongst the employees.

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1.6 How did organizational culture start While organizational cultures developed in different ways, the process usually involves some version of the following steps:

a. A single person (founder) has an idea for a new enterprise.b. The founder brings in one or more other key people and created a core group that shares a

common vision with the founder.c. The founding core group begins to act in concert to create an organization by raising

finds, obtaining patents, incorporating, locating space and building.d. At this point, others are brought into the organization and a common history begins to be


Most of today’s successful corporate giants in all industries basically followed these steps. Three well- known representative examples are Motorola, McDonald’s and Wal-Mart.

1.7 Levels of culture:

1.7.1 Artifacts:Artifacts are the most visible and accessible level of culture. It is symbol of culture in the

physical and social work environment of the organization

Artifacts of culture are:

1.7.2 Personal Enactment:Personal enactment is a behavior that reflects the value of organization, through the

examiner of the behavior of organization members.

1.7.3 Ceremonies and rites:Set of activities that are enacted time and again on important occasion. It provides the

opportunity to reward and recognize the employees whose behaviors are according to the values of the organization. Rites to the employees can be awarded as

a. Rites of Passes:

Rites of passes show the changed status of individuals in the respected organization. Retirement dinner

b. Rites of Renewal:

Rites of renewal show the holistic changing in organization by enhancing the dedication towards learning and growth

c. Rites of Integration:

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It emphasize on the commitment of the employees by uniting diverse group within the organization. Company function, annual picnic, cultural fest are the rites of integration in the organization.

d. Rites of Conflict Reduction:

Its primary objective is to dwindle the disagreements and keep up with the positive environment inside the organization by satisfying the tangible and intangible needs of the employee. Grievance hearing, negotiation of union contracts is rite of conflict reduction.

e. Rites of Degradation:

It is basically punishment oriented and organization people may be punished visibly if they don’t follow the organizational norms. Ribbon of shame, demotion in the organizational post reduction in salary can be under the rites of degradation.

1.7.4 Stories and legends:Stories are the most effective way to reinforce the organizational values. It give meaning

and identity to the organizations and very helpful in orienting new employees.

Stories can be delivered in different ways

Stories about the boss Stories about getting fired Stories about company details Stories about employees Stories about rules

1.7.5 Rituals:Rituals are unwritten and shows the way the employee follow the things to be done in the

organization. These are the everyday organizational practices repeated over and over.

1.7.6 Symbols:Symbols are again one important artifact of the organization which communicates about

the organizational culture by unspoken messages.

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VALUES:Values reflect a person’s underlying believes in the organization, it is often consciously articulated both in conversation and the company’s mission statement or annual report, a firm’s values and how it promotes and publicizes them can also affect workers feeling about their job and themselves.

1.7.8 ASSUMPTIONS:Assumptions are deeply held believes that guide behavior and awakens the members of the organization how to perceive and go about the things.

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1.8 LEADERS ROLE IN SHAPING CULTURE:i. What leaders pay attention to

ii. How leaders react to the crisesiii. How leaders behaveiv. How leaders allocate rewardsv. How leaders hire and fire people

1.9 ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALICATION:Another process that perpetuates culture is the way it is handed down from generation

employees. Newcomers learn the culture through organizational socialization, “The process by which newcomers are transformed from outsiders to participating, effective members of the organizations”. The process is also a vehicle for bringing newcomers into the organizational culture.

1.9.1 STAGES OF THE SOCIALIZATION PROCESS: Learning period:The first stage encompasses all of the learning that takes place prior to the newcomer’s

first day on the job. It includes the newcomer’s expectations. The two concerns at this stage are: Realism and Congruence.

Realism is the degree to which a newcomer holds realistic expectations about the job and about the organization. One thing newcomers should receive information about during entry into the organization is the culture. Information about values at this stage can help newcomers begin to construct a scheme for interpreting their organizational experiences. There are two types of congruence between an individual and an organization: Congruence between the individual’s abilities and the demand of the job, and the fit between the organization’s values and the individual’s values. Value congruence is particularly important for organizational culture. It is also important in terms of newcomer adjustment. Encounter:The second stage of socialization, encounter is, when newcomers learn the task

associated with the job, clarify their roles and establish new relationship at work. This stage commences on the first day at work and is thought to encompass the first six to nine months on the new job. Metamorphosis:In the third and final stage of socialization, change and acquisition, new comers begin to

master the demands of the job. They become proficient at managing their tasks, clarifying and negotiating their roles, and engaging in relationship at work. The end of the process is signaled by newcomers being considered by themselves and others as organizational insiders.

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1.9.2 OUTCOMES OF SOCIALIZATION:Newcomers who are successful socialized exhibit good performance, high job

satisfaction, and the intention to stay with the organization. In addition, they should exhibit low levels of distress symptoms. High levels of organizational commitment are also marks of successful socialization. Successful socialization is also signaled by mutual influences when socialization is effective; newcomers understand and adopt the organization values and norms. This provides employees a context for interpreting and responding to things that happen at work. New comers adopt the company’s norms and values more quickly when they receive positive support from organizational insiders.

1.9.3 SOCIALIZATION AS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION:Socialization is a powerful cultural communication tool while the transmission of

information about cultural artifacts is relatively easy; the transmission of value is more difficult. The communication of organizational assumption is almost impossible.

The primary purpose of socialization is the transmission of core values to new organization members. Newcomers are exposed to these values through the role models they interact with, training they receive, and the behavior they observe being rewarded and punished.

1.9.4 ASSESSING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE:Although some organizational scientists argue for assessing organizational culture with

quantitative methods, others say qualitative methods yield better results. Quantitative methods such as questionnaires are valuable because of their precision, comparability and objectivity.

1.9.5 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE INVENTORY:The OCI focuses on behaviors that help employees fit into the organization and meet the expectation of coworkers. Using Maslow’s motivational need hierarchy as its basis, it measures twelve cultural styles. The two underlying dimensions of the OCI are task/people and security/satisfaction. There are four satisfaction cultural styles and eight securities cultural styles.

1.9.6 KILMANN-SAXTON CULTURE-GAP SURVEY:The kilmann-saxton culture gap survey focuses on what actually happens and on the expectation of others in the organization. Its two underlying dimensions are technical/human and time. With these two dimensions, the actual operating norms and the ideal norms in four areas are assessed. The areas are task support, task innovation, social relationship and personal freedom.

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Shifa international hospital limited islamabad


The Hospital was incorporated on September 20, 1987 as a Private Limited Company and

converted into Public Limited Company on October 12, 1989. The first SHIFFA office was

established at the residence of Dr. Zaheer Ahmad in sector F-8/3 of Islamabad. Later it was

moved to a rental place in Blue Area (commercial buildings area in Islamabad), and finally the

site office building was established in January 1988.

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The construction activity to prepare the site for laying the foundation of the Hospital was

started in the beginning of 1988. The foundation ceremony took place on October 06, 1989 by

the parents and well-wishers of the sponsors and their dedicated team of colleagues and well-

wishers. Within three years and six months, the hospital’s Block-A structure of 65 ft. high with

70,000 square feet covered area.

The idea of developing a high class medical facility in Pakistan was conceived in New

York, USA in the mid of 1985. The initiator Dr. Zaheer Ahmad, who had just finished his

Internal Medicine Residency, called a meeting at his apartment in Brooklyn, New York on the

weekend of July 20 & 21. Five professionals gathered there and discussed the idea in detail and

approved it. The participants included Dr. Manzoor H. Qazi from Leesville, Louisiana, Mr.

Muhammad Zahid from Kew Gardens, New York, Mr. Samiulla Sharief from Brooklyn, New

York, Dr. Sabir Ali from Palm Bay, Florida besides the host. Dr. Zaheer Ahmad was asked to

prepare the feasibility report and the action plan. Subsequently Dr. Zaheer Ahmad moved to

Islamabad on December 17, 1985 to start the work on this project.

After extensive discussions and many meetings, the present site in the capital city of

Islamabad was selected for this project. The name SHIFA was approved because of its

comprehensiveness, originating from our culture, belief and values in totality.

After acquiring over 11 acres of land in Islamabad in 1987, CRI, and a hospital

development company in Princeton, New Jersey was hired to develop the plan and design of the

project. Mr. William Parker, Chief Architect of CRI headed the team, visited the site in

Islamabad besides visiting the other hospitals across Pakistan. CRI finished its job in 1989.

The hospital’s team (founders and sponsors) kept expanding from all across the globe. By

the time of its opening on June 26, 1993, it had crossed 400 plus sponsors, with Rupee 500

million equity. Till this time the Hospital has not borrowed a single rupee from any other source.

Within three and half years, the Hospital’s Block-A with a five storey structure, plus deck slab

area and a mosque with a total 100,000 square feet covered area was ready to take its first patient

on June 26, 1993. Medical equipment was installed in the areas of Radiology, Radiation

Oncology, Laboratories, Operating Rooms, Dialysis and ICU/CCU. The building was fully

equipped with all modern means i.e. central air conditioning, central gas supply systems, fire-

alarm system, 750 KVA standby generator etc.

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The humble start of June 26, 1993, with eight consultants in seven specialties, has

progressed to more than 70 highly qualified consultants in almost all specialties less than one

roof. SHIFFA International Hospital offers 150 IPD beds with quality care and OPD facility in

35 different specializations. Nevertheless it is an unending journey. People at SHIFFA are

continuously striving hard to bring improvement and novelty with every passing moment.

Now after more than one and a half decade SHIFFA International Hospital proudly

stands as a symbol of quality healthcare with its own brand name

SHIFA. The short history of SHIFFA witnessed rare dedication and devotion of its consultants,

management and staff who worked round the clock to make SHIFFA a reality of its own.

It was the vision of the founding Sponsors which took its shape into reality. The task was made

possible only with the help of their dedicated team of experts and managers under the quality-

oriented and inspiring leadership.

Today, the hospital’s Block-A along with Block-B and partially constructed Block-C and

Block-G sprawled on its site is efficiently functioning with already finished covered area of

315000 square feet. Last but not the least, as well as first and the foremost, is the grace of Allah

which has made it feasible and viable for us to carry out such a gigantic and enormous venture.

Unique in its concept and efforts by the expatriate Pakistanis to repay back their homeland with a

beautiful gift and a functional institution in the healthcare industry of Pakistan.

Our mission:Health care with compassion for all.

Our vision:To be the region’s leader by providing quality health care services.

Our values:Compassion, commitment, teamwork, quality, respect and accountability.

Our strategies: Physician partnership and enhanced clinical quality.

Provide seamless/easy access care delivery.

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Financial strength/viability.

Strategic growth.

Clinical services: Allergy/clinical immunology



Dental clinic




Internal medicine

Infectious diseases



Obstetrics &Gynecology





Surgical services: Cardiac surgery

Ear, Noise & Throat (ENT)

General surgery

Neuron surgery

Orthopedic surgery

Pediatric surgery

Plastic surgery

Clinical support: Anthesialogy

Coronary care unit

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Home health services

Intensive care unit

Labor and delivery

Neonatal intensive care unit

Nursing division


Rehabilitation center

Diagnostic services: Angiography

CT scan

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Nuclear medicine



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Islamabad Hospital (IH) is the major component of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. It is a 592 bedded hospital and has 22 medical and surgical specialties. The spacious, centrally air conditioned OPD of Islamabad Hospital started on 18th December 1985, inpatients and Accident & Emergency centre started in October 1986.

It was formally inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Muhammad Khan June in September 1987.  Its covered area is approximately 356976sq.ft.  The Administration block is located on the ground floor.


The main objective of the Islamabad Hospital is to provide medical facilities to the community of Rawalpindi/Islamabad as a National Referral Hospital for Northern areas Azad Jammu and Kashmir, KPK and Northern area of Punjab.  Another objective was to act as a focal point for research activities in health services.


Total number of employees working in the Islamabad Hospital is nearly 1800 which include Executive Director, Consultants, Specialists, Medical and Non-medical officers, Nurses and Paramedics.


Clinical Services

It has out patient, inpatient departments, which are fully equipped.  It has its own excellent diagnostic facilities i.e. Radiology, Pathology, Blood Bank, Angiography, Scanning, stress electrocardiography, EMG and Nerve Contraction, Bronchoscope, Endoscopy and other GI Procedure.  Islamabad Hospital has fully equipped Accident & Emergency Centre, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Coronary Care Unit (CCU), Operation Theatre (OT) and Private wards with most modern and necessary facilities.  Hospital has dialysis unit for Nephrology patients and a Head Injury Unit in Neurosurgery.

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Online doctors:

You can find online help to cure and suggestion about your disease. We can give you a better guideline and online prescription if possible. Please click on the department you feel that is relevant to your disease so feel free to send us about your conditions:

Supporting Services:

It has social welfare department, mustahaqeen zakat counter, Accounts Department, Physiotherapy Department, Pharmacy Department, Statistic and Medical Record Section, Library, Audiovisual, Auditorium, Blood bank etc.  Supporting services indirectly related to the patient care.  Other services provided at Institute comprises of sterilization system a modern laundry, kitchen, central HVAC system and lift for patients.


According to the patient statistics, daily work load in OPD is more than 1200 patients, daily average admissions in inpatients is 60.  The number of patients visiting Accident & Emergency is more than 200.

College of Medical Technologies



College of Medical Technology is a component of Pakistan Institute of medical Sciences; it imparts training to technicians in various disciplines of medical profession. CMT was donated by the Government of Japan to the people of Pakistan as a gesture of good will.  Its planning construction and equipping have been done by the government of Japan in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health. CMT start functioning in September 1987.


The objective of college of Medical Technology is to train health workers in a properly equipped and adequately staffed residential institution.

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Staff FacultyofMedicalTechnologyColAzraDr. Waseem Malik

CMT comprises of Principal, Medical Officers, Instructors and other officials.

Course Offered

The college imparts training to overcome the dearth of technicians in various disciplines and specialties of paramedics in medical professional in Pakistan.  Regular courses in bio-medical technology, dispensers and sanitary inspectors are for one year and other courses are for two years.


CMT has its own academic council under the Chairmanship of Executive Director PIMS.  It has following supporting facilities.

1. Library

2. Audiovisual

3. Cafeteria

4. Hostel

5. Games Hall

6. Dining Hall

7. Recreation Room

8. Separate Study Rooms


Up till now 4,305 eligible candidates have been applied in different disciplines and from which 1089 admitted.

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Nursing Educational Institutes:

The School of Nursing is one of the components of the Pakistan Institute of medical Sciences Islamabad.  The School of Nursing organized in September 14 1987.  Basic General Nursing training started from 1 October 1987 and School of Midwifery starts in 1992.  The School of Nursing is affiliated with Nursing Board, Lahore-Pakistan.  The total covered area will be 19942Sq.f.t and that of hostel will be 43485sq.ft. 

College of Nursing at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad has been in existence since February 1987 and was initiated through friendly cooperation between the Japanese and Pakistan Governments with funds from JICA.  Total covered area of the college is 70,000 sqft.  The College of Nursing imparts post basis training in the specialized field of nursing with at least 5years experience after being qualified nurse. 

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Article No.1:

Culture why it’s the hottest topic in business todayCulture is most important and popular term in organization. Organization faces some challenges like culture issues, employee’s engagement with work and their retention.

It is very difficult for organizations to maintain their employees for a longer period that’s why it has become a bigger challenge for organizations, as this article says that 31% are engaged to their work while 51% are disengaged and 17.5% are actively disengaged with work, so in order to make them engage as well, organization need to focus on their culture whether its employee’s supportive is or not.

Strong positive culture companies are more attractive for employees, as cultures winners are winning bigger that’s why younger companies also focuses on culture that’s why employee rate that company higher and would like to work there for a longer period of time and does their level best performance

They also give their staff free books and education and believe on transparency. One important part of this article was that to take care of your people, provide a positive culture to them and then they will take care of your organization.

A very universal truth is that if the employees are unhappy due to the working environment of the organization then they will be in searching of new job so in order to complete their engagement or to prevent them from leaving, organization focuses on their culture, they provide free food due to which they will not have to spend their own pocket money on meal, except this they also organize yoga classes and bright open offices. Some raise employee’s wages as well. Strong culture companies are more attractive, so when people encounter with the organization and if the culture is so opposite to which they can’t change their self then they do not use to join that company, strong culture can also be a barrier to the company because of diversity, change in environment etc

People also believe culture has a direct impact on financial performance because if the culture is good and good working environment then employees would like to work there and will also be so motivated to their work and will work as collectivism not as individualism.

To distinguish the culture, we must see type, strength and congruence of the culture.

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Article no. 2:

“Effects of corporate culture on organization performance by JOY Wangui Karanja”Culture is the pattern of shared assumption, belief and expectation that guide member’s

interpretation and action by defining appropriate behavior within the organization

Organizational cultureThe pattern of share values and beliefs that help individual understand organizational

functioning and thus provide them with norms value for behavior in organization

Organization performance I. Certain programmed or activity

II. Ability to attain its goals by using resources in effective mannerIII. Ability of organization to achieve its goals

There are three determinants of organizational performance Economic tradition Behavior and social paradigm

Purpose Its purpose is to analyze the organizational culture and their influence on organizational performance

Different types of culture Attributes of organizational culture according to danulatrn

Dominant characteristics / value

Dominant style of leadership

Basics for bonding / Coupling

Strategic emphasis on organizational performance

Relationship between organizational culture and performance According to researchers firm emphasis adoptability to change in their culture was more likely to perform well overtime. There is direct positive relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance

Organizational culture is a central driver of supplier business performance

Organizational culture must be adoptable to external environment for sustained competitive advantage

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Empirical investigation of cultural performance relationships

Strong culture

According to researchers strong culture is attributed by the commitment of organization employees and managers to the same set of values and norms will have positive results

According to another researchers under certain conditions a particular type of culture is appropriate and contributes to efficiency

Weak culture

Weak culture can be defined as that is loosely knit

Joint rules imposed strictly on the employees

Adoptive culture

Culture that are able to respond to changes in the environment

Criticism on effect of organizational performance

Relationship between culture and organizational performance is to be consistent of environmental conditions

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Article No. 3:“Improve Organizational Culture Can Be Challenging By OMG”

Improving or changing organization’s culture is difficult for its leaders. Culture is the combination of attitudes, communication, practices, goals, processes, rules and values which are interlocked. When new process or team introduces in the organization interlocked elements preserves existing culture against charge.

Improving organization’s culture will be successful if employee’s attitudes and perception are properly employed. When the elements are failed the power tools are used to change culture such as coercion and punishment.

Question arises here that how we identify negative culture. The answer is negative culture is characterized by animosity, intimidation four and laziness which is not limited to employees only also exist in management and executives.

The impact of negative culture on company is that it competitive edge can be lost if do not adopt open and flexible culture.

Improving culture means changes in the entire organization. It is difficult for organization to change their organizational culture to do business with other organizational imposing old culture into an environment also affect the company’s image. Many employees who became part of organizational culture can lose their identity because of work cantered and may not realized bad habits they have in their lives company culture matches when charge management style prevails.

If culture is culprit then it must be improved or it can be charged when people in organization realized that current culture is needed to be charged.

Three steps can keep to charge culture (I) understanding current culture (ii) organizations wants(iii) changes in employees behavior

Success can only achieved if all organizational elements work together for change.

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Article No.4:“Maximize Your Employee’s Productivity with Great Organizational Culture Strategy: By Olivia Watson”

This article depicts the significance of organizational culture. In every organization whether it is school, university government agency or nonprofit organization. They want to improve or increase their productivity in their organization. When we talk about organization culture it is just the behavior of human who are associated with their organizations therefore to increase productivity you must have an improved culture in your organization and provide training to your employees.

There are so many companies who provide excellent services and increase their productivity regularly. This company’s provide training to all employees to get excellent results in their organizations.

The best companies always improve their organizational culture with innovative techniques and modern methods. As a result such methods can increase their employee’s productivity in the organization.

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Article No. 5:

“Organizational Culture Improvement”This article discusses about organizational culture which prevails in every

organization. Every organization has its own culture rather private or government organization. Organization culture is the most powerful factor that can make or break a company. Organization culture involves Leadership style, Values, symbols and languages etc.

If the organizational culture remains same in the organization then organizational change efforts will definitely fail. The improvement strategy also plays an important role in the effectiveness of organizational change effort.

Benefits associated with cultural improvement includes encourage viewers relationship between organization and its environment, determine organization’s longevity, capability and effectiveness and focus on brand image and brand promise of an organization among many others.

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Article No. 6:

“ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND ITS THEMES”Organizational culture can be defined as the way we do things around us .It is the set of

values and beliefs that are shared by personnel .It can also be defined as values, norms, beliefs

and customs that an individual holds with other members. In organization cultural beliefs and

values are shared .culture is a software in an organization and plays a key role.

In strong culture reward are given and there is cooperation and dedication between

employees. In other words, organization culture can also be defined as the set of beliefs and

values that are learned through experience. Organization culture can also be defined as the set of

assumptions that are processed in a certain way.

Organization culture is based on assumption to solve internal and external problems.

According to Hosted organization culture consist of power distance, uncertainty avoidance,

individualism/collectivism and masculinity/Feminity.

Defining a culture depends upon ways of examination. Organization culture has four

themes .learned entity, belief system, strategy, mental programming .leaned entity tells us that

how the things are going around and how the employees are thinking, acting and behaving for

organization. Survival and growth culture is based on shared beliefs and values that are used in

daily life .They are Part of company culture and they are changing continuously with time.

Culture is a strategic phenomena and strategic development is a cultural development. Culture

can also be viewed as a mental processing of mind that distinguishes the member from other.

Culture is divided into four layers like symbols, heroes, rituals and values

Value represent ethical values , attitude and morale , thinking of people and personal

likings and disliking .Rituals are collective activities like greetings , paying respect ,social and

religious ceremonies . Heroes are real or imaginary persons and role model for behavior and they

is magician and motivate .symbols is gestures, word, cuts that signify something which have

some meaning. Seven elements are linked in a cultural web and they are established by the

organizational leaders and they show appropriate behaviors

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Study of four themes is not necessary to understand organizational culture its impact is

also necessary to understand .To understand people thinking and behavior study of

organizational culture is important. It has also other benefits like organizational efficiency and

effectiveness. Organizational role consist of function of organizational culture and influence of

organization culture. Organization function creates feeling of identity and competitive advantage.

It offers shared symbols of meaning .Influence behavior of people through different tools .It is a

human nature operation and has an impact on organization. It has also impact on efficiency,

productivity, innovation and creativity; improve business performance and gives competitive

advantage .It is also used as a tool for management control .It is used to satisfy needs of


Through organizational culture performance, individual satisfaction is increased.

Management must keep an eye on organizational culture because it can as a competitive


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Article No. 7 :

“Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance” This article is related to organization culture and its impact on organization performance organization culture has impact on employees and their performance. Strong culture is necessary to improve the performance of the employees and the organization. Organization development depends upon many factors that have an impact on the effectiveness of the organization. If employees are committed then it will automatically improve the productivity. Study of norms and values are important to understand the culture of organization. Management should introduce such type of organization culture that makes the employees familiar with system of organization. Employee’s performance is considered as a backbone of the organization so organization wants to get the loyalty of their employees toward the organization.

Culture of the organization should be designed in such a way so that it improves the employee’s performance. Culture differentiates one culture from the other. Culture is the collective thinking of the mind which creates difference between the members of one group from the other. Culture is the set of values and behavior and it is gained through knowledge explanation communication and behavior of large group of people at the same time and same place. Culture is based on the system which helps how to think and make decisions and how to hold the overall organization. Organization culture is used as a base for determining the differentiation among the organization that is doing the business in the national culture. Culture is defined as a system or structure that is expressed through people with different background at different level at the organization.

There are 4 major type of culture like counter culture, sub culture, strong culture and weak culture. In counter culture shared belief and values are directly opposed to their value and beliefs of organization culture it is consider as a danger for the original organization culture. Second type of culture is sub culture. Sub culture consists of segment of culture and which includes geographical area or departmental goals. Third type of culture is strong culture in which employees are considered more important than the rule of the organization and the employees embraced the same sort of values and belief in the values as in the organization. Fourth type of culture is the weak culture, it is one that is loosely jointed rules are strictly followed and it creates difference between personal objective ad organization goals

The dimension of the organizational culture which are classified by Hofstedeby gathering data from IBM employees such dimensions are 1: Power distance

2: Individualism

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3: Uncertainty Avoidance4: Masculinity

Later he added a new dimension of culture named short term verse long term orientation which is identified with the help of questioner. Schwartz developed a model which is based on the Hofstede’s studies that he fined two different dimensions of culture: affective and intellectual and self enhancement verse self transcendence. He categorize cultural standard of societies on the basis of life and work. Trempanaars identified some dimension of culture which are universalism verse particularize, diffuse verse specific, neutral verse emotional, individualism verse communication, ascription verse achievement and attitude to environment. This model support will for Hofstede’s model. According to Alvesson conceptualization of culture depends upon two extremes process oriented approach and classification approach. According to Roscin this approach shows organizational culture as permanent response for collective meaning. Schein’s model describe it as an outline of fundamental hypothesis and he defines three levels of culture behavior values ad basic assumption. According to classification approach number of quantitative methods are utilized to measure the culture of organization are of the most popular conceptualization of culture is to be understand by onion model.

Performance refer to the degree of achievement of the mission at work place that build up an employee’s job. According to barney performance is a continuous process to controversial issue between organizational researchers. Organizational performance not means identify the problem also solve the problems and to accppmlish its goals effectively and efficiently by using resources It is very important for organizations to make strategic performance measurement system which is very helpful to evaluating the achievement of organizational goals and developing strategic plans for the organizational.

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In this article (Why it is the Hottest topic in Business Today) by Josh Bersin, it is stated that the culture is “what happens when nobody is looking”

It tells culture is the most popular and important part of the organization, if you do not maintain your culture or you have poor culture then you may face some challenges like Employee’s engagement with work and Employee’s retention. In this articles were being told that 31% of employees are engaged to their work, while 51% are disengaged and 18% are actively disengaged. So in order to engage those employees, organization need to work hard on its culture whether it’s suitable for employees or not.

They have found some ways to prevent employees leaving from the organization which are providing free food, because due to this employees will feel motivated and they will not have to spend money for their own meal so that’s how they can save money as well, second thing is that to provide unlimited vacations but with responsibility, like an employee is feeling responsibility on him and he does hi work as well so he can take some more vacations if he wants, third thing is that to provide yoga classes due to which employees will remain healthy and fresh and will be able to do their work in a proper way and the last but not least is that to provide bright open offices. If organization provides a good working environment like bright open offices then employee would like to work there otherwise employee will feel dishearten if the working condition is not appropriate.

This article tells us that positive strong culture is more attractive for employees, because culture winners are winning bigger. In this article we are being told that younger companies focuses more on culture, that’s why employees rate that company higher, they also give their staff free books and education, they believes on transparency.

One more thing is that culture values varies in companies to companies like Zippo’s cultural values focus on innovation, Netflix’s culture manifesto is freedom with responsibility, Google has too many but one of that is to focus on their user and Sales force focuses on community and it goes on.

Traditional companies like Aetna heavily focused on culture like they have raised wages, improved health benefits, yoga and mind fullness training just to maintain their employees which also help those companies in improving their turnover ratio.

To sense the culture in an organization we have to see that are people busy and working with customers? Or are they quietly working alone? Do they get in early and leave late? Or does the parking lot empty at 4:30? Or is the office beautiful and inspiring with values or is it messy

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and busy? Or is there a sense of order or a sense of family? All of these questions help diagnose culture.

To diagnose your own culture, there are three issues to consider: type (what is your culture), strength (how strong is it), and congruence (how consistent is it).

One important issue is also being discussed here that there is a difference between climate and culture because culture is slow to build, pervasive and hard to change while climate can be changed quickly.

Bottom of the article tells us that mixing of the culture can damage a well culture of the organization for example engineering culture of quality mixes with low cost culture.

in the 2nd article which is Effects of corporate culture on organization performance written by joy wangui karanja on dec 2014 and in this article cultural aspects of organization are explained and it tells us that how the corporate culture effects organizational performance. Culture is the pattern of shared assumption, belief and expectation that guide member’s interpretation and action by defining appropriate behavior within the organization

The pattern of share values and beliefs that help individual understand organizational functioning and thus provide them with norms value for behavior In organization .organizational performance consist of the activities like

Certain programmed or activity

Ability to attain its goals by using resources in effective manner

Ability of organization to achieve its goals

There are three determinants of organizational performance

Economic traditionBehavior a social paradigm. Its purpose is to analyze the organizational culture and their influence on organizational performance

Various types of culture consists of

Attributes of organizational culture according to danulatrn, Dominant characteristics / value, Dominant style of leadership, Basics for bonding / Coupling, Strategic emphasis on organizational performance

According to researchers firm emphasis adoptability to change in their culture were more likely to perform well overtime. There is direct positive relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance. Organizational culture is a central driver of supplier business performance. Organizational culture must be adoptable to external environment for sustained competitive advantage

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According to researchers strong culture is attributed by the commitment of organization employees and managers to the same set of values and norms will have positive results

According to other researchers under certain conditions a particular type of culture is appropriate and contributes to efficiency.

Weak culture can be defined as that is loosely knit. Culture that are able to respond to changes in the environment, Relationship between culture and organizational performance is to be consistent of environmental conditions .Organizational culture has direct or indirect influence to performance which means a company should afford the type of culture that will promote optimal performance

Third article which is ‘Organization culture and its theme” i.e. written by shilin sun on dec, 2014 and it is related organizational culture. This article explains how an organizational culture is playing a critical role in organizations critical day to day operations. Definitions of many writers are mentioned along with Husted’s onion diagram model of organizational culture.

In this article organizational culture is defined as the way we do day to day things around us in our daily life. Organizational culture consists of set of values and beliefs that are shared by us. Like hardware and software culture acts as software and perform the faction of like a soul in an organization. Rewards are given in a strong culture and people are compensated according to their performance. Organizational culture is based on beliefs and values and they are cemented through experience

Organizations face many problems like outside and inside the organization and they create many problems for the organization they should be solved through the implication of strong organization culture. Organizational culture is based on assumptions that are proceeded further in an organization .Hosted explains various types of elements for the organizational aspects.

Culture cannot be examined in one way it can be examined in different ways and different techniques are used to examine the particular aspects of a culture. Organizational culture has four themes leaned entity, belief system, strategy; mental processing .leaned entity is related to how the employees are thinking acting and behaving according to situation. Culture can also be defined as the mental processing because every person thinks differently according to different criteria of his mental capability. Culture is also divided in four layers symbols, values, rituals and values.

Values are core values and it represents personal liking and disliking that exist in the society.

Values are an important element that represent ethical values, attitude and morale,

thinking of people and personal likings and disliking, what they like dislike enjoy or not

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personally like in all aspects .Rituals are collective activities like greetings, paying respect, social

and religious ceremonies, means they are events that are happened on festivals and events in our

day to day life. Heroes are real or imaginary persons and role model for behavior and they are

magician and motivate and they are symbols are gestures, word, acts that signify something

which have some meaning. Seven elements are linked in a cultural web and they are established

by the organizational leaders and they show appropriate behaviors of the people working in an


Study of four themes is not necessary to understand organizational culture its impact is

also necessary to understand .To understand people thinking and behavior study of

organizational culture is important. It has also other benefits like organizational efficiency and

effectiveness. Organizational role consist of function of organizational culture and influence of

organization culture. Organization function creates feeling of identity and competitive advantage.

It offers shared symbols of meaning .Influence behavior of people through different tools .It is a

human nature operation and has an impact on organization. It has also impact on efficiency,

productivity, innovation and creativity; improve business performance and gives competitive

advantage .It is also used as a tool for management control .It is used to satisfy needs of

members. Organizational culture measure performance, and through it individual satisfaction is

increased. Management must keep an eye on organizational culture because it can be used as a

competitive advantage and proper attention and focus must be given on organizational aspects of


In our next article which is “Improve Organizational Culture Can Be

Challenging” by the Arthur (OLIVIA WATSON & OMG) explains the

organizational culture and also discusses that how performance and productivity

can be improved in organization and article also depicts the significance of culture

In every organization whether it is school, university government agency or

nonprofit organization. They want to improve or increase their productivity in

their organization. When we talk about organization culture it is just the behavior

of human who are associated with their organizations therefore to increase

productivity you must have an improved culture in your organization and provide

training to your employees to improve their performance.

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Furthermore culture may be in the sense of positive and negative as well so the organization

must identified and fix it. A question arises here that how we identify negative culture. The

answer is negative culture is characterized by animosity, intimidation and laziness which is not

limited to employees only it also exist in management and executives as well. So organization

must remove negative culture from organization and try to improve it otherwise it has adverse

consequences on organization’s performance and productivity. Improving culture means changes

in the entire organization. It is difficult but it can be done by keeping three elements in mind.

i. Understanding current culture.

ii. An organization wants.

iii. Changes in employers behavior

Large companies always improve their organizational culture with innovative techniques and

modern methods. As a result such methods can increase their employees’ productivity in the


Author further explains that every organization has its own culture for example private

organization’s culture totally different from government culture. Organizational culture is a most

power factor that can make and break the company. So organization must improve their culture

with the passage of time for effective results.

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Culture and its implications:In our project we are discussing Culture and its implications with respect to two hospitals

that are

Shifta Int. Hospital Islamabad PIMS Hospital islamabad

In our essay we will discuss about the culture and its implication followed by the above organizations to see whether those applications which we learnt in articles and books,are implemented in hospitals or not.

Our ultimate goal is to get insight into how hospitals in various sectors are dealing with Culture. For this purpose we will analyze whether they maintain their culture or not, and how they maintain employees.

The health sector of any country occupies a very crucial position in its well being. Today, every organization is trying to cope with the changing demands of time, change in environment, due to which emplloyee does not retain in a single organization and they use to change organizations if they are not having appropriate job.

Shifa Vs PIMS:

Culture maintain : Culture is always made by the top management in shiffa Hospital. Everyone in

organization come on time every morning a meeting is conducted at 8:30 am in which CEO, COO, all general managers and Sr. Managers insure their presence. They interact with each other in very moderate manner as well as the outside the organization such as patients, and other stake holders. Strategic plan should be debeloped for implementing culture senior management implement that culture in all they do including : hiring, compensation, rewards and incentives, creating the environment and marketing. Old employees train new employees and develop a system where new employees learn the written and unwritten parameters of the culture. Constantly evaluate progress and success as organization grows. Top management is open to change and inform employees and customers of any changes and how they will benefit. While in PIMS no body is punctual for their timings and come to hospital at their own timings. Paitents have to wait for the doctors for many hours. However they have not maintained their culture strongly.

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Significant Trait:

According to our opinion we observed Extraversion trait in that person who met us in Shift who guide us about the project that person is social able, appreciative and friendly while in Pins the Doctor was good up to some extent but their staff was really not so good. They were not cooperative and helpful.


we observed that as we have learnt from books that cleanliness is an important part for the organization that’s why Shiffa int. hospital has also maintained its cleanliness more than our expectation while in PIMS there is a poor system of cleanliness, a normal person would get ill if he or she visit the hospital due to its smell and germs. All the things are open even the patients on the stretcher are also open.

Patients care:

Patient care is much important part in SHIFFA hospital even their Doctors also give their numbers to patients that in case of an emergency they might contact them and they seem interested in patients care even when if the casuality is little as well but in PIMS Doctors usually want to get rid from the patients and they don’t want to see them again, they just give treatment temporarily and and only get interested in patient safety only after an adverse event happens.

Staff behavior with patients:Staff of the shiffa behaves in a polite way with their patients, they make them feel like

their home and take care of them too while in PIMS they behaves unappropriate with patients. Why patients still visit this hospital is just because of free medicure otherwise no body wants to visit this hospital.


Infrastructure was maintained so good by Shiffa Int. Hospital, all the things like their waiting area and their equipment were so good and standardized while in PIMS, there was a poor infrastructure system, no cleanliness, no special equipments and not proper rooms.

Work shops and Events:

Shiffa Int. hospital also organize some workshops and events just like “Family Health Gala at Centaurus Mall” on april 5 where a number of interactive, informative and fun activities were held to raise awareness among the visitors, except this they also organize seminars like Awareness Seminar and free medical camp at National Press club while in PIMS there is no such

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type of activity. They do not use to aware people for their helth issues but how they can be because their own environment is so poor.


By analyzing our questionnaire we came to know that Shiffa Provides satisfactory treatment and they will treat the patient unless the patient is satisfied but in PIMS they don’t satisfied the patients, because they do not remove the cause of the illness.


Shiffa hospital has lower work load as compare to PIMS but according to their work load they have enough staff available, on the other side in Pims there is much work load with having unavailability of Doctors on their duties.


Corruption issue is not there in SHIFFA Int. Hospital because there system is too good while in PIMS there can be a heavy corruption. Doctors absenteeism on their duties is also a part of Corruption.

Security Management:

There is good security management in pims, they have security guards, cameras every where while there is a poor security managent in PIMS as we know that recently 3 adverse events occurred in PIMS just like firing in OT etc.

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SWOT Analysis of SHIFFA:


Latest Emergency:SHIFFA international provide latest emergency services with a team of highly skilled

physicians, nurses and support staff, specially trained in the emergency treatment of adults,

children and infants. For example SHIFFA Emergency Chest Pain Center The doctors and staff

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Latest Emergency


35 Specialties

Medical College & Nursing College

ISO Certified, JCI Certified


Limited Beds

Car Parking

Lab Pick up Points all over Pakistan

New Hospitals in major cities

New innovations in surgeries


Security threats

at Chest Pain center reduce time-to-treatment during the critical early stages of a heart attack

which not only saves lives, it also decreases cost and reduces un-necessary hospitalization.


It is strength for SHIFFA international that they have best ICU (intensive care unit) CCU

(Coronary Care unit) NICU Neurointensive Care Unit in their hospital.

Specialties:Shifa international facilitate patient in 35 different specializations under one roof.

Medical college and nursing college:Shifa international provide integrated curriculum being taught by one of the best faculties

of the country at Shifa College of Medicine allows students to grasp the concept of medicine and

health in a more comprehensive way. It also provide quality nursing care to individuals, families

and communities to train nursing students with sound knowledge and skills.

ISO Certified, JCI Certified:

They have international standardize certificate (ISO) joint commission international (JCI).


COSTLYShifa international charge high treatment charges from patients so, needy and poor people

cannot afford such charges.

Limited beds:Shifa International Hospital have limited beds for patients which are not sufficient as

compared to Pakistan institute of medical sciences (PIMS).

Car parking:They have limited car parking for their customers which creates problems for them.


Lab Pick up Points all over Pakistan:Shifa international have lab pick up points in most cities which serves patients very


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New Hospitals in major cities:New innovations in surgeries:


MIH, QIH and PIMS:Maroof international hospital, Quaid- e- Azam international hospital and PIMS are the

threats for shifa international.

Security threats:

As aware that security is big issue in the whole country so shifa hospital also has facing

such issue which can harm the hospital’s revenue.

SWOT Analysis of PIMS:

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Library services:PIMS library have about 30,000 books and 50 journals of all specialties are being

subscribed on regular basis. In addition to these 50 local journals are being received on

complementary basis and libraries remain open.

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Library services

Medical College, Nursing College

& university

Number of beds

Deteriorated infrastructure


Low cost

Government funds

MIH, QIH and shifa


Security threats

Medical College, Nursing College & university:PIMS provide the facility of medical college, nursing college and university for students

who want to start their carrier in medical field.

Number of beds:This is main strength for PIMS hospital that they offer 1168 beds for patients as compare

to any other private hospital.


Deteriorated infrastructure:PIMS hospital covered a huge area but the infrastructure is deteriorating day by day

which harms the image of hospital.

Cleanliness:Cleanliness is also a big issue in PIMS hospital this is a kind of weakness of hospital that

no proper and sufficient cleanliness in the hospital.


Low cost:As this is a government organization that’s why it has a low cost for their checkups.

Government Funds:

As this is a government organization it gets funds from the government for all the

services it provides and all the equipment it buys.

Threats:There are following threats usually faced by PIMS hospital is as under:

MIH, QIH and shifa international:Such private hospitals become threat for PIMS hospital because these private hospitals

provide healthcare and quality services to the patients.

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Problems confronted:

It is little bit difficult to perform a task without confronting any problem that’s why we

are also being confronted with so many problems.

1st Problem:

Tire Puncture:

when we were leaving university i.e. bahria uni then in the middle of the road, Aziz’s

Bike, Got punctured near to Centaurus. There we search for any shop from where we could fix

that problem, but after asking so many people we got to know that the only near place where our

problem could be solved is F8 Markaz but as We must had to fix that problem that is why we

decided to go to F8 Markaz which took 45 mins because we had to go to the on foot by taking

that bike with us, and after fixing that problem we left for PIMS from F8, But this problem was

too hectic because it was So warm weather and it reduced all of our energy and enthusiasm but

still we were motivated that’s why we were stuck to our work and we didn’t lose our patience but

we drank some juices in F8 which boosted our energy again.

2nd problem:


The second problem which we confronted was that when we arrived PIMS Int. Hospital

there we could not park our bikes in parking lot because as this hospital is government

organization that’s why a lot of poor people come here who cannot afford fees of private

hospitals that’s why there were already too many bikes of people due to which we could not find

a place to park our bikes plus parking lot was congested too, that’s why we had a problem while

parking our bikes and beside that we had to wait too in parking lot of PIMS due to rush, in a

sunny day, for taking token no. for our bikes parking but our huge commitment to our work was

not letting us divert from our work due to which we were telling each others that whatever comes

across we will have to do our work.

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3rd Problem:

Poor Environment:

Third problem which we faced is when we entered PIMS Int. Hospital that was a poor

environment there due to which we felt that if we spend some time here then for sure we are

going to ill and will be hospitalized in the same hospital but thank God we managed. We must

mention here that the environment was too smelly, crowded and unclean due to which we got

mentally disturbed because it was a first visit of ours to such type of crowded and unclean place

where patients are lying openly in stretcher and there was not a properly waiting area.

4th Problem:

Poor Behavior of PIMS’s Staff:

Fourth problem which we had gone through was that we were not being entertained by

their staff because we went to PIMS without taking any appointment just to see that how they

will treat us without being informed for an interview, one person was suggesting us to other and

other was suggesting us to any other person who shall help us but not a single body entertain us

in a proper way, at last we found a lady Doctor she directed us towards her office and were being

told that she will be there in 5 minutes but unfortunately she didn’t make that in time, we waited

too long but she didn’t come there, after too much struggle we found a Doctor and then we took

an interview from him.

5th Problem:

Change in KALSOOM Hospital’s Policies:

Fifth problem which was very terrible is that, after leaving PIMS, when we went to

KALSOOM Int. Hospital, there we were being told that they have been changed their policy and

they are not allowing any students for their research projects or any type of that projects, plus

they were not allowing us to take a single picture as well and they were telling us that they don’t

want to see us any more in the hospital that’s why we had to leave that place and we had to shift

from KALSOOM to SHIFA INT. Hospital, one more thing is that their behavior was so pathetic

with us and it was a poor experience of ours in fact they have lost their customers because we

don’t want to visit that hospital for any casualties if occurs.

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6th Problem:

Re issuance of Authority letter:

Sixth problem, not a big but hectic, was that after shifting from Kalsoom Int. Hospital to

Shifa Int. Hospital, we had to go back to university for making a new authority letter for shifa

international hospital which consumed our 2 hours at least because staff was not making any

issuance letter for us as soon as possible but due to our huge motivation, we were not letting this

work for next day, we stood in their office and we were not going back due to which they had to

make an issuance letter for us urgently just because we could leave their office.

7th Problem:

Traffic police:

Seventh and last problem was that while moving towards SHIFA Int. Hospital, one of our

group members, Adeel, got caught by traffic Police because he was not having front Number

plate of his bike, and he was about to give us a Challan but as we are students and our pocket

money does not give permission to us to give such amount that’s why we tried to negotiate that

please leave us for this time and we will resolve this issue very soon, it took us almost 20 mins

for negotiating but after negotiation thank God we got free without having Challan.

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In the recent work it is included that Culture is the most essential part of the organization,

organizations might face some difficulties, retaining employees or to engage them with their

work, if the organization is not focusing on its culture.

Culture would be a more integral part of the organization’s success because if employee is happy

with the working environment of the organization then he or she will not want to leave that


We also experienced the above mentioned point in the hospital industries where if people have

money, then they do not want to visit that hospital where the cultural environment is not so good

or where they cannot have proper treatment, they prefer to visit that hospital which is having a

good working environment.

One more thing which we also experienced was that if the employees are unhappy due to the

working environment of the organization then they will be in searching of new job as what

happened in PIMS in which our concerned Doctor was not happy with the cultural issue of the

hospital that’s why he wanted to leave that job though it is a government job but still he wants to

leave that why in order to complete their engagement or to prevent them from leaving,

organization focuses on their culture as well just to make its employee more happier.

It became a War to provide better working environment just to catch more and more employees.

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Hospital Survey On Culture

Name: ………………………………………………. Gender: ……………………………………………….

1. Doctors provide satisfactory treatment? :

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

2. Doctors/staff’s behavior with patient is good:

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

3. They have satisfactory infrastructure:

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

4. They maintain cleanliness in their department?

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

5. Each department has enough staff to handle the workload

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

6. In case of emergency, their services are :

(a) Delighted (b) satisfactory(c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfactory (e) Strongly Dissatisfactory

7. The actions of hospital management show that patient safety is a top priority

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Don’t know(d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

8. Hospital management seems interested in patient safety only after an adverse event happens

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

9. Their procedures and systems are good at preventing errors from happening

(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree

10. How you feel after visiting the hospital:

(a) Delighted (b) satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied(e) highly dissatisfied

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