oregon cascades.andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/pubs/pdf/pub3020.pdf · 2011. 4. 29. · spears....

SPEARS. JULIE' and KATE LAJTFIA. Oregon State University. Coarse woody debris may influence soil chemistry and direct pedogenesis to- wards podzolization in the Oregon Cascades. Coarse woody debris (CWD) may affect pedogenesis through the release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) rich in acidic substances. Acidic DOM has been implicated in many soil processes such as podzolization, the dis- placement of anions from the soil matrix, the release of P from iron and aluminum hydroxides and the dissolution of soil minerals. We investigated the potential contribution of CWD to podzolization and the influence of CWD on soil nutrients in the Oregon Cascades. We measured soil solution from lysimeters at different depths under coarse woody debris for total DOC, organic acids, and polyphenols. DOC was further separated by chem- ical fractionation. We also sampled soil for total C. N and P, water soluble organic C, pH, exchangeable acidity and cations. exchangeable AI and Fe in BaCI,,, aluminum and iron bound Pi and Po, and sodium pyrophosphate, ammonium oxalate, and citrate-dithionate extractable Al and Fe. We found lower pH (p=0.004), higher exchangeable acidity (p=0.008) and more exchangeable aluminum (p=0.04) and iron (p=0.06) 0-5 cm under CWD than in adjacent soils. At 30-60 cm there were fewer differences between control soils and soils with CWD. These results suggest that CWD acidifies the surface soil as it decomposes by decreasing exchangeable bases and increasing exchangeable acidity and aluminum. CWD may have a long- term influence on soil pedogenesis and thus, removal may alter ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, pedogenesis and C storage. SPETICH, MARTIN A.)* STEPHEN R. SHIFLEY 2 and GEORGE R. PARKER.' ' USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station; USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station; ' Purdue University. Tree cavities of Midwestern old-growth forests. Cavities in trees serve a wide range of wildlife species in Midwestern old- growth forests. However these cavities have not been quantified on a re- gional basis. We present the results of a study that examines tree cavities across a four state region. Thirty 0.1 ha permanent plotSfsite were estab- lished at I I sites. For trees 2 cm in diameter the number and size of cavities were recorded. The mean number of cavities among sites was 38/ ha, 24/ha and II/ha for cavities 2 to 5 cm, 5 to 10 cm and >10 cm respectively. The mean number of cavities per square m of basal area was 17 cavities/square m for cavities > 2 and < 10 cm and 5 cavities/square m for cavities ^ 10 cm. The largest number of cavities existed in small diameter trees with 15 cavities/ha for 10 to 20 cm diameter trees, decreas- ing to < I/ha in the largest diameters. However. the percent of trees with cavities showed just the opposite trend with only 10 percent of trees in the 10 to 20 cm diameter class, increasing to 100 percent of the trees in the largest diameters. These findings should be useful as baseline data for com- parison to earlier stages of succession and in understanding the role and dynamics of Midwestern old-growth forests. SPRINGER, JUDITH D.,* PETER Z. FULE, MARGARET M. MOORE and W. WALLACE COVINGTON. Northern Arizona University. Effects of ecological restoration treatments on legumes, shrubs and C, grasses. Recovery of understory plant communities is essential following ecological restoration treatments in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Historical evidence suggests that a century of active fire suppression, along with heavy domestic and wild ungulate grazing and browsing has led to canopy closure and declines in abundance of shrubs, legumes, and C., grasses. and increases in non-native species. Restoration of these ecosystems involves thinning small diameter trees and reintroducing low intensity fire. We hy- pothesize that frequencies of these functional groups should increase fol- lowing thinning and prescribed burning treatments. To test these hypothe- ses. post-treatment surveys were conducted for 2 or 4 years at two sites in northern Arizona where cattle were excluded. Populations of C, grasses had not recovered to pre-treatment levels by post-treatment year 2 or 4, and one site had no naturally regenerating populations of C, grasses. How- ever. prescribed fire substantially enhanced legume abundance (500% or more in some cases) one year after burning. but species richness remained low. ranging from 0 to 4 species per plot post-treatment. Shrub abundance also increased following restoration treatments. This study demonstrates the need for long-term monitoring in these forests, and suggests that areas undergoing restoration are highly variable between and within la ndscapes I Decisions to seed or conduct repeated burnings should he dependentsI pre-treatment conditions (such as the abundance of species in the soil Seed hank) and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S." and JENNIFER L. RUESINK.2 of British Columbia: 2 University of Washington. Mechanisms maintain' ing ecosystem function after species loss: Numerical and per capita compensation by stream insects. The effects of species loss on ecosystem function will depend on the re- sponse of the remaining species. In principle. ecosystem function could )k maintained after species loss in two ways: the remaining species could increase their processing rates (per capita compensation) or they could in- crease in abundance (numerical compensation). We were able to distinguish between these two types of compensation by manipulating stream insect communities in flow-through enclosures and measuring the effects on an ecosystem function. processing of leaf litter. We also compared the effects of removing each of two dominant species separately, the stonefly Pier onarcys californica and the caddisfly Lepidosunna unicolor. To test for per capita compensation, we compared leaf processing rates in full-dhersit\ communities with those in similar communities missing one dominant spe- cies, i.e. reduced in both species number and abundance. Per capita com- pensation occurred after Pteronarcys loss but not Lepidosnuna loss. lh test the effectiveness of numerical compensation, we experimentally increased abundances in these depleted-diversity communities so that the expected metabolic capacity of the assemblage returned to original levels. These increases in abundance were always effective in maintaining rates of leaf breakdown after Pteronarcys loss, but not always after Lepidostoma loss In the latter case, it mattered which of the remaining species increased in abundance. In summary, the effect of species loss in our study depended on which species was lost, which species responded to this loss. and hoe they responded. These results indicate that a variety of different mecha- nisms may underlie patterns between hiodiversity loss and ecosystem fuse' Lion. STAMP, NANCY E. and ANGELA M. PAGANO.* BINGHAMTONUN1 VERSITY. Workshops in university science education. The regarding attitude indicated that both faculty and graduate students well most comfortable with more traditional classroom techniques (e.g., leetnto and discussion) and were unsure of the effectiveness of less traditions' teaching methods such as using case studies. portfolios. and the web.Fee(1- back surveys from workshops on case studies. learning styles. and the method of instruction showed an increase in both comfort level and ception of the effectiveness of the approach. Surveys also indicat ed as increase in planned use of the approaches or methods covered in the tow shops. Our results suggest that short. well-planned workshops can prosi!d an effective means for exposing graduate students and faculty to alternal teaching approaches and that this exposure may increase comfort witham planned use of these techniques in the future. Biological control has the potential to he a cost-effective alterna tive in pesticides. However, the current success rate for weed biocontr ol i s 'el:, low. Improving the efficacy of biological control requires an understand0± of what causes success or failure. Man y biocontrol agents suceessi# establish and spread. but fail to suppress the taTet weed. I con sider tif; non-exclusive hypotheses: first. the control attacks a robust life slagee' the target, such that the damage produces little population-level effect4 ternatively, interactions with other native species suppress the blow populations (e.g. predation. competition). To address these hypolbc'f` In general. university faculty and graduate students receive little instructior about teaching, especially relative to their subdiscipline. We conducted s series of 2-hour workshops to provide science faculty and graduate students a means for familiarizing themselves with current pedagogical issues. Ft this, we developed a generic workshop procedure. In addition. we doe( state oped three surveys for quantitative assessment of attitude about varial bin la teaching approaches and of effectiveness of the workshops. The sursei that that 1 syste of SI genii meso comp varier iation grow once revea effect Pond calm: STANLEY, AMANDA G.* University of Washington. Zoology . W sions, bugs, and mice: why two biocontrol insects failed. streng assum dation STE0 MAR! ergisti btst Storm, w hile STE min; and d 4.1 si H se of lit 5 en to 1st of po Gr ari Intl to Me abs Ca; Cue pre sv ht to 'vet not tack Bufi NIT mot' clou spec 210 Oral Presentation Abstracts

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Page 1: Oregon Cascades.andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/pubs/pdf/pub3020.pdf · 2011. 4. 29. · SPEARS. JULIE and KATE LAJTFIA. Oregon State University. Coarse woody debris may influence soil

SPEARS. JULIE' and KATE LAJTFIA. Oregon State University. Coarsewoody debris may influence soil chemistry and direct pedogenesis to-wards podzolization in the Oregon Cascades.

Coarse woody debris (CWD) may affect pedogenesis through the releaseof dissolved organic matter (DOM) rich in acidic substances. Acidic DOMhas been implicated in many soil processes such as podzolization, the dis-placement of anions from the soil matrix, the release of P from iron andaluminum hydroxides and the dissolution of soil minerals. We investigatedthe potential contribution of CWD to podzolization and the influence ofCWD on soil nutrients in the Oregon Cascades. We measured soil solutionfrom lysimeters at different depths under coarse woody debris for totalDOC, organic acids, and polyphenols. DOC was further separated by chem-ical fractionation. We also sampled soil for total C. N and P, water solubleorganic C, pH, exchangeable acidity and cations. exchangeable AI and Fein BaCI,,, aluminum and iron bound Pi and Po, and sodium pyrophosphate,ammonium oxalate, and citrate-dithionate extractable Al and Fe. We foundlower pH (p=0.004), higher exchangeable acidity (p=0.008) and moreexchangeable aluminum (p=0.04) and iron (p=0.06) 0-5 cm under CWDthan in adjacent soils. At 30-60 cm there were fewer differences betweencontrol soils and soils with CWD. These results suggest that CWD acidifiesthe surface soil as it decomposes by decreasing exchangeable bases andincreasing exchangeable acidity and aluminum. CWD may have a long-term influence on soil pedogenesis and thus, removal may alter ecosystemprocesses such as nutrient cycling, pedogenesis and C storage.

SPETICH, MARTIN A.)* STEPHEN R. SHIFLEY 2 and GEORGE R.PARKER.' ' USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station; USDAForest Service, North Central Research Station; ' Purdue University. Treecavities of Midwestern old-growth forests.

Cavities in trees serve a wide range of wildlife species in Midwestern old-growth forests. However these cavities have not been quantified on a re-gional basis. We present the results of a study that examines tree cavitiesacross a four state region. Thirty 0.1 ha permanent plotSfsite were estab-lished at I I sites. For trees 2 cm in diameter the number and size ofcavities were recorded. The mean number of cavities among sites was 38/ha, 24/ha and II/ha for cavities 2 to 5 cm, 5 to 10 cm and >10 cmrespectively. The mean number of cavities per square m of basal area was17 cavities/square m for cavities > 2 and < 10 cm and 5 cavities/squarem for cavities ^ 10 cm. The largest number of cavities existed in smalldiameter trees with 15 cavities/ha for 10 to 20 cm diameter trees, decreas-ing to < I/ha in the largest diameters. However. the percent of trees withcavities showed just the opposite trend with only 10 percent of trees in the10 to 20 cm diameter class, increasing to 100 percent of the trees in thelargest diameters. These findings should be useful as baseline data for com-parison to earlier stages of succession and in understanding the role anddynamics of Midwestern old-growth forests.

SPRINGER, JUDITH D.,* PETER Z. FULE, MARGARET M. MOOREand W. WALLACE COVINGTON. Northern Arizona University. Effectsof ecological restoration treatments on legumes, shrubs and C, grasses.

Recovery of understory plant communities is essential following ecologicalrestoration treatments in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Historicalevidence suggests that a century of active fire suppression, along withheavy domestic and wild ungulate grazing and browsing has led to canopyclosure and declines in abundance of shrubs, legumes, and C., grasses. andincreases in non-native species. Restoration of these ecosystems involvesthinning small diameter trees and reintroducing low intensity fire. We hy-pothesize that frequencies of these functional groups should increase fol-lowing thinning and prescribed burning treatments. To test these hypothe-ses. post-treatment surveys were conducted for 2 or 4 years at two sites innorthern Arizona where cattle were excluded. Populations of C, grasseshad not recovered to pre-treatment levels by post-treatment year 2 or 4,and one site had no naturally regenerating populations of C, grasses. How-ever. prescribed fire substantially enhanced legume abundance (500% ormore in some cases) one year after burning. but species richness remainedlow. ranging from 0 to 4 species per plot post-treatment. Shrub abundancealso increased following restoration treatments. This study demonstratesthe need for long-term monitoring in these forests, and suggests that areas

undergoing restoration are highly variable between and within landscapes IDecisions to seed or conduct repeated burnings should he dependentsIpre-treatment conditions (such as the abundance of species in the soil

Seedhank) and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S." and JENNIFER L. RUESINK.2of British Columbia: 2 University of Washington. Mechanisms maintain'ing ecosystem function after species loss: Numerical and per capitacompensation by stream insects.

The effects of species loss on ecosystem function will depend on the re-sponse of the remaining species. In principle. ecosystem function could )kmaintained after species loss in two ways: the remaining species couldincrease their processing rates (per capita compensation) or they could in-crease in abundance (numerical compensation). We were able to distinguishbetween these two types of compensation by manipulating stream insectcommunities in flow-through enclosures and measuring the effects on anecosystem function. processing of leaf litter. We also compared the effectsof removing each of two dominant species separately, the stonefly Pieronarcys californica and the caddisfly Lepidosunna unicolor. To test for percapita compensation, we compared leaf processing rates in full-dhersit\communities with those in similar communities missing one dominant spe-cies, i.e. reduced in both species number and abundance. Per capita com-pensation occurred after Pteronarcys loss but not Lepidosnuna loss. lh test

the effectiveness of numerical compensation, we experimentally increasedabundances in these depleted-diversity communities so that the expectedmetabolic capacity of the assemblage returned to original levels. Theseincreases in abundance were always effective in maintaining rates of leafbreakdown after Pteronarcys loss, but not always after Lepidostoma lossIn the latter case, it mattered which of the remaining species increased inabundance. In summary, the effect of species loss in our study dependedon which species was lost, which species responded to this loss. and hoethey responded. These results indicate that a variety of different mecha-nisms may underlie patterns between hiodiversity loss and ecosystem fuse'Lion.

STAMP, NANCY E. and ANGELA M. PAGANO.* BINGHAMTONUN1VERSITY. Workshops in university science education.


regarding attitude indicated that both faculty and graduate students wellmost comfortable with more traditional classroom techniques (e.g., leetntoand discussion) and were unsure of the effectiveness of less traditions'teaching methods such as using case studies. portfolios. and the web.Fee(1-back surveys from workshops on case studies. learning styles. and themethod of instruction showed an increase in both comfort level andception of the effectiveness of the approach. Surveys also indicated asincrease in planned use of the approaches or methods covered in the towshops. Our results suggest that short. well-planned workshops can prosi!dan effective means for exposing graduate students and faculty to alternalteaching approaches and that this exposure may increase comfort withamplanned use of these techniques in the future.

Biological control has the potential to he a cost-effective alterna tive in

pesticides. However, the current success rate for weed biocontrol i s 'el:,low. Improving the efficacy of biological control requires an understand0±of what causes success or failure. Man y biocontrol agents suceessi#establish and spread. but fail to suppress the taTet weed. I consider tif;non-exclusive hypotheses: first. the control attacks a robust life slagee'the target, such that the damage produces little population-level effect4ternatively, interactions with other native species suppress the blowpopulations (e.g. predation. competition). To address these hypolbc'f`

In general. university faculty and graduate students receive little instructiorabout teaching, especially relative to their subdiscipline. We conducted sseries of 2-hour workshops to provide science faculty and graduate studentsa means for familiarizing themselves with current pedagogical issues. Ftthis, we developed a generic workshop procedure. In addition. we doe( stateoped three surveys for quantitative assessment of attitude about varial bin lateaching approaches and of effectiveness of the workshops. The sursei that

that 1

systeof SIgeniimesocompvarieriationgrowonce


STANLEY, AMANDA G.* University of Washington. Zoology . W sions,bugs, and mice: why two biocontrol insects failed. streng



Storm,w hile

















210 Oral Presentation Abstracts

Page 2: Oregon Cascades.andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/pubs/pdf/pub3020.pdf · 2011. 4. 29. · SPEARS. JULIE and KATE LAJTFIA. Oregon State University. Coarse woody debris may influence soil

Keeping All the Parts:

Preserving, Restoring

fustaining Complex



AUGVT 5-10, 2001

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Washington, D.C. 20006Web: http://esa.sdsc.edu