order no. 683 of 10th april 2012 approving the technical regulation “technical specifications for...

ORDER No. 683 of 10 th April 2012 approving the technical regulation Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements: performance requirements and criteria”, code ST 009-2011 In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 and Article 38(2) of Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications, the provisions of Article 2(3) and (4) of the Rules regarding the types of technical regulations and costs for regulatory activity in the field of constructions, town planning, landscaping, and habitat, approved by Government Decision No 203/2003, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, and the provisions of Government Decision No 1016/2004 regarding measures for organising and carrying out the exchange of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, as well as the rules regarding information society services between Romania and the EU Member States, as well as the European Commission, with its subsequent modifications, on the grounds of Article 5(II)(e) and Article13(6) of Government Decision No 1631/2009 concerning the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism hereby issues the following ORDER: Article 1. - The technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements: performance requirements and criteriaˮ, code ST 009-2011, drawn up by the Research Institute for Construction Equipment and Technology ICECON S.A., stipulated in the annex 1 which is an integrated part of the present order is hereby approved. Article 2. - The present order shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I and shall come into force 90 days after its date of publication. Article 3. - On the date the present order comes into force, the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements: performance requirements and criteria”, code ST 009-05, approved by Order No 1944/2005 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 1086 of 2 December 2005, shall cease to be applicable. This technical regulation was adopted in accordance with procedure No. 2011/0659/RO of 22 nd Decembrie 2011 stipulated by Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998, laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 204 of 21 July 1998, amended by Directive 98/48/EC of 20 July 1998 of the European Parliament and the Council, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 217 of 5 August 1998. p. Ministrul dezvoltãrii regionale şi turismului, Gheorghe Nastasia, secretar general 1 The Order and its annex shall also be published in the Constructions Journal edited by the “URBAN- INCERC” National Institute for Research and Development in the field of Constructions, Town Planning, and Sustainable Territorial Development, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. GOVERNMENT OF ROMANIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM www.mdrt.ro

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Page 1: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,


No. 683 of 10th April 2012

approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements: performance

requirements and criteria”, code ST 009-2011

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 and Article 38(2) of Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications, the provisions of Article 2(3) and (4) of the Rules regarding the types of technical regulations and costs for regulatory activity in the field of constructions, town planning, landscaping, and habitat, approved by Government Decision No 203/2003, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, and the provisions of Government Decision No 1016/2004 regarding measures for organising and carrying out the exchange of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, as well as the rules regarding information society services between Romania and the EU Member States, as well as the European Commission, with its subsequent modifications,

on the grounds of Article 5(II)(e) and Article13(6) of Government Decision No 1631/2009 concerning the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation,

the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism hereby issues the following

ORDER: Article 1. - The technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as

reinforcements: performance requirements and criteriaˮ, code ST 009-2011, drawn up by the Research Institute for Construction Equipment and Technology ICECON S.A., stipulated in the annex1 which is an integrated part of the present order is hereby approved.

Article 2. - The present order shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I and shall come into force 90 days after its date of publication.

Article 3. - On the date the present order comes into force, the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements: performance requirements and criteria”, code ST 009-05, approved by Order No 1944/2005 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 1086 of 2 December 2005, shall cease to be applicable.

This technical regulation was adopted in accordance with procedure No. 2011/0659/RO of 22nd Decembrie 2011 stipulated by Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998, laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 204 of 21 July 1998, amended by Directive 98/48/EC of 20 July 1998 of the European Parliament and the Council, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 217 of 5 August 1998.

p. Ministrul dezvoltãrii regionale şi turismului, Gheorghe Nastasia,

secretar general 1 The Order and its annex shall also be published in the Constructions Journal edited by the “URBAN-INCERC” National Institute for Research and Development in the field of Constructions, Town Planning, and Sustainable Territorial Development, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism.



Page 2: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Bucureşti, 10 aprilie 2012.

Nr. 683.

Annex to MDRT Order No. 683 of 10th April 2012



Code ST 009-2011


1. General provisions 1.1. Scope 1.2. Field of application 1.3. Harmonisation with European Union regulations 2. Specific requirements 2.1. Specific requirements for steel products 2.1.1. for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and

structures 2.1.2. for reinforcements used in prestressed concrete elements

and structures 2.2. Requirements for ensuring the required level of

performance during the design and execution activity 2.2.1. Specific characteristics guaranteed upon delivery of the

products Characteristics of steel products for reinforcements

designed to be used in reinforced concrete elements and structures whose performance must be guaranteed Characteristics of steel products for reinforcements designed to be used in prestressed concrete elements and structures whose performance must be guaranteed

2.2.2. Documented confirmation of the predicted usability Minimum test results evaluation conditions for products

that are not covered by the harmonised technical specifications a) for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete

elements and structures b) for reinforcements used in prestressed concrete

elements and structures 2.3. Requirements for steel products used as reinforcement

for reinforced concrete and as non-prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete

2.3.1. Requirements for the manufacturing and processing of steel 2.3.2. Requirements for the chemical composition - weldability 2.3.3. Requirements for mechanical characteristics

Page 3: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”, Tensile requirements: Re (Rp0.2), Rm, Rm/Re (Rp0.2), Agt, An, Re,act/Re,nom (if applicable) Requirements for the shear force of welded or mechanical joints (Fs; Fw; Fd) Requirements for fatigue behaviour Requirements for bendability 2.3.4. Requirements for technical characteristics 2.3.5. Requirements for dimensions, mass, and specific tolerances Diameters, cross-sections Mass per linear metre and tolerances Dimensions of welded wire mesh Dimensions of lattice frameworks 2.3.6. Requirements for surface adherence and geometry Geometry of ribbed steel surfaces Geometry of indented steel surfaces 2.3.7. Product identification requirements Product marking Product labelling 2.4. Determination of the performance of steel products used

as reinforcement for reinforced concrete or as non-prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete

2.5. Requirements for steel products used as prestressed reinforcement in concrete structures for constructions or other pre-compression works

2.5.1. Performance requirements for cold drawn wires 2.5.2. Performance requirements for strands 2.5.3. Performance requirements for bars 2.5.4. Requirements for mechanical characteristics. Measurable

values that are specific to the prestressed reinforcement 2.5.5. Product identification requirements 2.6. Determination of the performance of steel products used

as prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete 2.7. Requirements for the delivery, transportation, and

storage of steel products used as reinforcements in reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures

3. Normative references 4. Terms, definitions, and symbols

Annex 1 Minimum testing programmes for conformity certification Annex 2 Assessment of the extent to which constant performance is ensured for steel products that are not covered by harmonised specifications Annex 3 (informative) Hot rolling methods and their related ductility classes

Page 4: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

1. General provisions 1.1. Scope

The present technical regulation establishes the performance requirements and

criteria for smooth, ribbed, or indented steel products designed to be used as reinforcements in reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures, supplied as finished products in the form of:

a) hot rolled reinforcing steel supplied as bars, coils, or unwound products; b) welded wire mesh panels manufactured in a factory, using machines; cold

rolled wires; c) lattice frameworks; d) molded and/or assembled (bound) products; e) steel for prestressed reinforcements (wires, strands, bars). This technical regulation shall not apply to the following categories of products: a) non-weldable steel for concrete reinforcement; b) zinc-coated steel for concrete reinforcement; c) epoxy resin coated steel for concrete reinforcement; d) corrosion resistant steel for concrete reinforcement; e) indented strips; f) rolled sections used as rigid reinforcement; g) products used as dispersed reinforcement. The performance requirements and criteria established by the present technical

regulation comply with the provisions of the technical regulations in force regarding the design and execution of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures, as well as the design of buildings and other civil engineering structures in seismic areas.

1.2. Field of application

1.2.1. The requirements stipulated in the present technical regulation are compulsory for the persons responsible for using the products mentioned in Point 1.1, namely:

a) design engineers; b) design checkers; c) technical experts; d) technical works managers; e) site managers; f) processors, represented by the entities that fashion steel products into reinforcements, which they then supply to the contractors; g) contractors, represented by the entities that install reinforcements, including fashioned reinforcements, at their own premises.

1.2.2. Manufacturers, their authorised representatives, importers, and distributors of steel products designed to be used as reinforcements in reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures must comply with the provisions of the present technical regulation for the marketing documents issued for these products to achieve its purpose.

1.3. Harmonisation with European Union regulations

The performance requirements and criteria for this category of products are

established in the following context: a) by complying with the provisions of Government Decision No 622/2004

establishing the conditions for placing construction products on the market, republished,

Page 5: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

with its subsequent modifications and supplementation (transposes Directive 89/106/EEC);

b) by the Romanian Standards Association adopting the standards drawn up by the European Committee for Standardization on the basis of EC mandate M/115 and ISO and EN standards relating to testing;

c) by revising the EC mandate M/115; d) by taking into consideration the earthquake protection aspects specific to

Romania, which imply strict requirements for using this category of products that have a crucial contribution in complying with the essential requirement for mechanical resistance and stability of structures;

e) the provisions of the Romanian standards from Category A (in accordance with the Interpretative documents) and the technical regulations for the design and execution of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures.

2. Specific requirements 2.1. Specific requirements for steel products

2.1.1. for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and structures

(1) The main compulsory requirements for steel products for reinforcements used

in reinforced concrete elements and structures refer to: a) mechanical characteristics:

i. tensile characteristics: i.1 - Yield strength Re (Rp0.2); i.2 - tensile strength Rm; i.3 - Rm/Re (Rp0.2) ratio; i.4 - total elongation at maximum force Agt; i.5 - elongation at break An.

ii. the shear force of welded or mechanical joints (Fs; Fw; Fd); iii. fatigue behaviour; iv. bendability.

b) adherence and geometry of the surface: i. ribbed steel surface geometry fR; ii. indented steel surface geometry fP;

c) weldability and chemical composition (of liquid steel); d) dimensions, mass, and tolerances:

i. diameters, cross-sections; ii. mass per linear metre and tolerances; iii. bar length; iv. coil mass; v. dimensions of welded wire mesh; vi. dimensions of lattice frameworks.

(2) The categories of resistance for reinforcement steel products are in

accordance with Table 1, depending on the characteristic value of the Yield strength.

Page 6: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Table 1

Category of resistance Yield strength Re (Rp0.2) (N/mm2)

1 240 2 340 3 400 4 450 5 500 6 600

(3) The ductility classes as a function of the elongation at maximum force Agt,

the elongation at break An, as well as the Rm/Re(Rp0.2) (tensile strength / Yield strength) ratio are in accordance with Table 2.

In the absence of a harmonised technical regulation (harmonised European standard or European technical agreement), the following values shall be admitted:

Table 2 Ductility class Elongation at

maximum force Agt (%)

Elongation at break An (%)

Ratio Rm/Re(Rp0.2)

AS (*)

min. 1.5 (*) min. 6.0 min. 1.03 (*) A min. 2.5(**) min. 6 min. 1.05(**)

B min. 5.0 min. 10 min. 1.08

C min. 7.5 min. 16 min. 1.15 max. 1.35

Cs(***) min. 10 min. 20 min. 1.25

min. 7.5 min. 16 min. 1.25

(*) Until a harmonised technical regulation is adopted, Class As, as well as the following values shall also be admitted:

- for wires with a nominal diameter of 4.0–5.5 mm, inclusively, Agt ≥1.0 % and Rm/Re(Rp0.2) ≥ 1.02.

(**) Until a harmonised technical regulation is adopted, the following values shall also be admitted:

- for wires with a nominal diameter of 4.0–5.5 mm, inclusively, Agt ≥ 2.0 % and Rm/Re(Rp0.2) > ≥ 1.03.

(***) Until a harmonised technical regulation is adopted, Class Cs shall also be admitted.

(4) The adherence categories as a function of the surface geometry shall be established as follows:

a) for smooth products: non-ribbed products, as well as ribbed products with a relative surface of the rib fR smaller than the values given in Tables 3.1. and 3.2;

b) for highly adherent products: ribbed products whose relative surface of the rib fR is at least equal to the values given in Tables 3.1. and 3.2.

The minimum values of the relative surface of the rib fR for ribbed reinforcing steel supplied as bars and coils comply with Table 3.1.

Page 7: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Table 3.1. Nominal diameter


6 ≤ 8 ≤ 10 ≤ 11 – ≤ 40

Relative surface of the rib fR

0.039 0.045 0.052 0.056

The minimum values of the relative surface of the rib fR for the wires within

welded wire mesh and lattice frameworks are those given in Table 3.2. Table 3.2.

Nominal diameter


4–4.5 5–6 6.5–8.5 9–10 11–12

Relative surface of the rib fR

0.036 0.039 0.045 0.052 0.056

For indented products, the adherence (relative surface of the indent) fP shall be checked based on the indentation geometry stipulated in the related technical specifications.

(5) The related performance requirements and criteria are presented in detail, for

each of the reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and structures, in Chapter 2.4 of this technical regulation.

2.1.2. for reinforcements used in prestressed concrete elements and

structures (1) The main compulsory requirements for steel products for reinforcements used

in prestressed concrete elements and structures refer to: a) mechanical characteristics:

i. ratio of forces σ = Fp0.1 / Fm; ii. Yield strength at tension R p0.1; iii. tensile strength Rm; iv. deviated tensile strength D (only for strands); v. elongation at maximum force Agt; vi. modulus of elasticity E;

b) special characteristics: i. isothermal relaxation; ii. fatigue behaviour; iii. corrosion resistance.

(2) The categories of resistance for steel products for reinforcements used in

prestressed concrete elements and structures, in correlation with the nominal diameter, are in accordance with Table 4.

Page 8: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Table 4

Product Category of


Rupture strength

Rm (N/mm2)

Nominal diameter (mm)

Surface configuration

Smooth Indented Ribbed

Cold drawn wire

1 2110 1.5 X

2 2010 2 X

3 1910 1.5-2.5 X

4 1860 2.0-3.0-4.0-5.0-6.0-7.0 X X

5 1770 2.5-3.0-3.2-3.7-4.0-4.5-5.0-5.5-6.0-7.0


6 1720 4.0 X

7 1670 3.0-4.0-5.0-5.5-6.0-6.5 -6.9-7.0-7.5-8.0


8 1620 4.5-6.0-7.11 X X

9 1570 5.0-6.0-7.0-8.0-8.5-8.8-9.0-9.4-9.5-9.7-10.0-



10 1520 5.0 X

11 1470 6.0-7.0 X

2 wire strands

12 1860 4.5 X X

13 1770 5.6-6.0

3 wire strands

14 2160 5.2



15 2060 5.2

16 1960 4.8-5.2-6.5-6.85

17 1920 6.3-6.5

18 1860 4.85-6.5-6.9-7.5-8.6

19 1770 7.5

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Table 4 continued

7 wire strands

20 2160 6.85



21 2060 6.4-6.85-7.0-8.6-11.3-12.5-12.9

22 1960 9.0-9.3-9.6-11.0-11.3-12.5-12.9-13.0-15.2-


23 1860 6.9-9.0-9.3-9.6-11.0-12.5-12.9-15.2-15.3-


24 1770 6.9-9.0-9.3-9.6-11.0-12.5-12.9-15.2-15.3-


25 1670 12.0-15.2

7 compacted wire strands

26 1860 12.7-15.2 X

27 1820 15.2

28 1700 18.0

Bars 29 1230 26.0-26.5-32.0-36.0-40.0



30 1100 15.0-20.0

31 1050 17.5-26.0-26.5-32.0-36.0-40.0-47.0

32 1030 25.5-26.0-26.5-32.0-36.0-40.0-50.0

(3) The ductility class as a function of the elongation at maximum force Agt and the Rm/Rp0.1 ratio shall be defined in accordance with table 5.

Table 5 Ductility class Elongation at

maximum force Agt (%)

Ratio of forces σ = Fp0.1 / Fp

Steel products used as prestressed reinforcement


min. 3.5

0.85–0.95 Wires d ≥ 3mm


Strands dsw ≥ 3 mm

0.85–0.97 dsw < 3 mm 0.80–0.95 Bars

(4) The related performance requirements and criteria are presented in detail, for

each of the reinforcements used in prestressed concrete elements and structures, in Chapter 2.6 of this technical regulation.

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2.2. Requirements for ensuring the required level of performance during the design and execution activity

2.2.1. Specific characteristics guaranteed upon delivery of the products The products covered by the present technical regulation can be used on

condition that the manufacturer guarantees their specific performance established by design, in accordance with the provisions of the present technical regulation. Characteristics of steel products for reinforcements designed to be used in reinforced concrete elements and structures whose performance must be guaranteed

a) weldability and chemical composition (of liquid steel). b) mechanical characteristics (within the limits of the requirements for statistically

processed results, in accordance with ST 009): i. tensile characteristics:

i.1 - Yield strength Re (Rp0.2); i.2 - tensile strength Rm; i.3 - Rm/Re (Rp0.2) ratio; i.4 - total elongation at maximum force Agt; i.5 - elongation at break An.

ii. the shear force of welded or mechanical joints (Fs; Fw; Fd); iii. fatigue behaviour; iv. bendability.

c) dimensions, mass, and tolerances: i. diameters, cross-sections; ii. mass per linear metre and tolerances; iii. bar length; iv. coil mass; v. dimensions of welded wire mesh; vi. dimensions of lattice frameworks.

d) adherence and geometry of the surface: i. ribbed steel surface geometry fR; ii. indented steel surface geometry fP. Characteristics of steel products for reinforcements designed to be

used in prestressed concrete elements and structures whose performance must be guaranteed

a) mechanical characteristics (within the limits of the requirements for statistically processed results, in accordance with ST 009): i. tensile characteristics:

i.1 - ratio of forces σ = Fp0.1 / Fm; i.2 - Yield strength at tension R p0.1; i.3 - tensile strength Rm; i.4 - deviated tensile strength D (only for strands); i.5 - elongation at maximum force Agt; i.6 - modulus of elasticity E.

ii. resistance to reversible bending and/or bending; iii. isothermal relaxation; iv. fatigue behaviour; v. corrosion resistance.

b) Surface geometry, sections, dimensions, mass, and tolerances: i. nominal diameter (d); ii. nominal section area (Sn);

Page 11: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

iii. nominal mass per linear metre of product (M) and tolerances; iv. indentation size (for indented wires and strands; a - indentation depth and c -

gap between indents); v. wiring length (l) (for strands); vi. nominal dimensions of the ribs (for bars).

2.2.2. Documented confirmation of the predicted usability (1) For the products covered by the present technical regulation to be accepted,

their predicted usability must be assessed and confirmed by means of a conformity certification. The conformity certification shall be carried out, as applicable, by notified bodies that are authorised or accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93.

(2) Annex 1 includes the minimum testing programmes required for conformity certification and the minimum test results evaluation conditions for products that are not covered by harmonised technical specifications. Minimum test results evaluation conditions for products that are not covered by the harmonised technical specifications

Steel products that are not covered by harmonised technical specifications shall

be accepted for use in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete elements and structures providing that the following test results evaluation conditions have been complied with when assessing conformity:

a) for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and structures For all continuous production control units, the test results have been

correlated and statistically evaluated for Re(Rp0.2), Agt, Rm/Re(Rp0.2) and Re,act/Re,nom (if applicable) taking into account either the number of results that correspond to the production over the last six months, or the last 200 results or the largest of them.

The results were assessed for each nominal diameter. For Re(Rp0.2), Agt and Rm/Re(Rp0.2), the following condition was complied

with: M – ks ≥ Cv (1)

For Re,act/Re,nom and the upper limit for Rm/Re(Rp0.2) (if applicable), the

following condition was complied with: M + ks ≤ Cv (2)

where: M is the mean value of a series of tests; s is the standard deviation; k is the coefficient given as a function of the parameter taken into

consideration and the number of results, mentioned in Table A.2.1. for Re (Rp0.2) and Table A.2.2. for Agt and Rm/Re(Rp0.2), Re,act/Re,nom (see Annex 2);

Cv is the characteristic long-term value, specified for the parameters taken into consideration.

b) for reinforcements used in prestressed concrete elements and

structures The values obtained during testing, for all continuous production control

units, have been correlated and statistically evaluated for Fp0.1, Fm, Agt and the

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relaxation taking into account either the number of results that correspond to the production over the last six months, or the last 200 results or the largest of them.

The results were assessed for each nominal diameter. The following condition was complied with:

M – ks ≥ Cv (3) where:

M is the mean value of a series of tests; s is the standard deviation; k is the coefficient given as a function of the parameter taken into

consideration and the number of results, mentioned in Table A.2.3. Fp0.1, Fm, Agt (see Annex 2);

Cv is the characteristic long-term value, specified for the parameters taken into consideration.

2.3. Requirements for steel products used as reinforcement for reinforced

concrete and as non-prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete

2.3.1. Requirements for the manufacturing and processing of steel

(1) It is acceptable to use steel which has been melted and deoxidised using any procedure.

(2) It is acceptable to use coils and bars which have been manufactured using any hot rolling procedure, providing that this procedure is indicated by the manufacturer.

(3) For information purposes, Annex 3 presents hot rolling methods and their related ductility classes.

(4) It is not permitted to use steel products obtained by re-rolling finished products (e.g.: sheets, tracks) in order to reinforce concrete.

(5) Coiled material must be unwound using a machine especially designed for this purpose.

(6) It is permitted to use welded wire mesh which has been obtained via an industrial manufacturing process only and are welded on machines. The joints between the longitudinal wires and the transversal wires must be created by electric resistance welding, so that they provide the shear strength specified in the product standard. Welded wire mesh can consist of wires belonging to different technical classes placed in the two directions. Double-wire welded mesh must have double wires in one direction only.

(7) It is permitted to use lattice frameworks made using an industrial manufacturing process only. Lattice frameworks can be made of bars and coils or strips (only the upper feet) welded on machines. The joints between the feet and diagonals must be created by electric welding or mechanical joining, so that they provide the shear strength specified in the product standard.

2.3.2. Requirements for the chemical composition - weldability

(1) Weldability is determined by two characteristics:

a) the carbon equivalent (Ceq); b) the limits for the content of certain elements.

(2) The maximum admissible values for individual elements and the carbon

equivalent must not exceed the values given in Table 7.

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(3) The carbon equivalent value Ceq must be calculated using the following formula:



++++= (4)

where the symbols of the chemical elements indicate the content in % of the mass.

Table 7 Carbon a

% max.


% max.


% max.



% max.


% max.

Value a of the equivalent

carbon %


Chemical analysis of liquid steel

0.22 0.050 0.050 0.012 0.80 0.50

Chemical analysis per product

0.24 0.055 0.055 0.014 0.85 0.52

a The maximum carbon values can be exceeded by 0.03 %, providing that the carbon equivalent value is reduced by 0.02 %. b A higher nitrogen content is admissible if sufficient quantities of nitrogen fixation elements are present.

(4) In accordance with the present technical regulation, the durability of the

products is ensured by the chemical composition specified in Table 7. (5) The chemical composition can be determined by the manufacturer, but must

ensure compliance with the performance criteria for resistance, deformability, weldability, and mechanical processing capacity. Obtaining good corrosion behaviour shall also be taken into consideration.

2.3.3. Requirements for mechanical characteristics: Tensile requirements: Re (Rp0.2), Rm, Rm/Re (Rp0.2),

Agt, An, Re,act/Re,nom (if applicable) (1) In the present technical regulation, the characteristic value is (unless otherwise

specified) the lower or upper limit of the statistical confidence interval for which there is a 90 % (1-α=0.90) probability that 95 % (p=0.95) or 90 % (p=0.90) of the values are higher than or equal to the lower limit, or lower than or equal to the upper limit, respectively (see Tables A.2.1. and A.2.2.). This requirement refers to the extent to which constant performance is ensured for steel products that are not covered by harmonised technical specifications and shall be applied by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex 2.

(2) The values specified for the tensile characteristics (Re (Rp0.2), Rm/Re (Rp0.2),

Agt) and, if applicable, the actual value of the ratio between the apparent Yield strength / the specified value of the apparent Yield strength Re,act/Re,nom shall be considered to be the specified characteristic values corresponding to p=0.95 for Re and p=0.90 for Agt, Rm/Re and Re,act / Re, nom.

(3) The Re and Rm values shall be calculated using the nominal section of the product. For the apparent Yield strength (Re) the upper Yield strength (ReH) shall be used. If no flow interval is available, the conventional Yield strength shall be determined as 0.2 % (Rp0.2).

(4) The elongations shall be determined for each type of product. The unitary stress-specific deformation (σ - ε) or force-elongation (F-ΔL0) diagrams shall be traced during the tests.

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(5) The performance requirements for resistance and ductility are given in Table 8.

Table 8 Performance required Performance criteria Percentage of values that do not

exceed the characteristic value (p) Category of resistance

- Re,act / Re,nom (Rp0.2, act / Rp0.2, nom)

Deviation of the actual values from the

characteristic value min. 1.00; max. 1.30

p=0.95 for Re,nom (Rp0.2, nom)

p=0.10 for the maximum limit Re,act / Re,nom (Rp0.2, act / Rp0.2, nom)

- Rm,act / Rm,nom Ductility class

- An,act /An,nom (Agt,act /Agt,nom) min. 1.00 p=0.90 for An,nom and Agt,nom

- Rm,act / Re,act (Rm,act / R p0.2,act)

min. 1.08 for Classes A and B

min. 1.15 and max.

1.35 for Class C

p=0.90 for Rm,nom/Re,nom Rm,nom/(Rp0.2, nom)

p=0.10 for the maximum limit

Rm,nom / Re,nom (Rm, nom /Rp0.2, nom) for class C

Mean value of the individual results (M) *

M ≥ Cv+ a a = 10 N/mm2 for Re

(Rp0.2) a = 0 for Agt,

Rm,act/Re,act (Rp0.2,act)

* If all individual results are higher than the characteristic value (noted generically with Cv), the requirement for the mean value does not need to be verified. Requirements for the shear force of welded or

mechanical joints (Fs; Fw; Fd)

a) Welded wire mesh The shear force Fs of a weld point in a welded wire mesh must meet the following

requirement: Fs ≥ 0.30× Sn × Re (5)

where: Sn is the nominal section of the wire at the level of:

i. the thickest wire at the joint to a welded single-wire mesh; ii. one of the double wires in a welded two-wire mesh;

Re is the characteristic Yield strength specified.

b) Lattice frameworks (i) Welded joints The shear force of a weld point in a lattice framework, Fw, must meet the following

requirement: Fw ≥ 0.25 × SCh × Re,Ch (6)

or Fw ≥ 0.6 × SDi × Re,Di (7)

the smallest of them, where:

SCh is the nominal section of the thickest wire in the lattice framework foot; SDi is the nominal section of the thickest wire in the lattice framework diagonal; Re,Ch is the apparent Yield strength of the foot of a lattice framework; Re,Di is the apparent Yield strength of the lattice framework diagonal;

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To assess the results, one must record how many weld points were tested and broke at the same time.

(ii) Mechanical joints Mechanical joints shall only be used when joining the lower foot and the diagonals.

The shear force of a mechanical joint in a lattice framework, Fd, must meet the following requirement:

Fd ≥ 0.25 × SDi × Re,Di (8) where:

SDi is the nominal section of the thickest wire in the lattice framework diagonal; Re,Di is the apparent Yield strength of the lattice framework diagonal. Requirements for fatigue behaviour

The fatigue behaviour is expressed by the resistance to fatigue under specified

conditions. The performance criteria are given in Table 9. Table 9

Type of product

Conditions Performance criteria

Maximum stress


Fatigue stress range (N/mm2)

Number of cycles (N)

- Hot rolled bars - Hot rolled wire straightened from coils and unwound products

0.6 × Re (Rp0.2)

≥ 150

≥ 2 × 106

- Cold drawn wire (welded wire mesh)

0.6 × Re (Rp0.2) ≥ 100 ≥ 2 × 106 Requirements for bendability

(1) The bendability shall be determined by means of a bending test and/or

bending/unbending test, in accordance with the specific testing standard and in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the present technical regulation.

(2) The bending behaviour shall be expressed by the number of bends at certain angles, which can be borne without any fissures or cracks that can be seen by a person with normal or corrected sight.

(3) The performance criteria are given in Table 10. Table 10

Performance required

Conditions Criteria (number of bends)


Hot rolled bars

Hot rolled wire straightened from coils and unwound products

Cold drawn wire

(welded wire mesh)

diameter of the mandrel

3 d (d ≤ 16)

6 d (d > 16)

3 d - 4 d 1

bending angle 180o 160o - 180o

Bending - unbending

diameter of the mandrel

5 d (d ≤ 16)

8 d (> 16 ≤ 25)

10 d (d > 25)

5 d

1 bending angle 90o 90o unbending angle 20o 20o

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2.3.4. Requirements for technical characteristics

a. ensuring weldability

(i) The welding method specific to each type of product shall be specified by the manufacturer. It is not permitted to use products that have weld joints.

(ii) The maximum admissible values for the chemical composition and carbon equivalent are given in 2.3.2., Table 7. b. maintaining the mechanical characteristics and shape following unbending-

straightening operations The technical characteristics of ribbed (or indented) reinforcing steel, in

the form of coils: (i) the coil must be compact and ensure tangential unwinding of the thread in

an anti-clock direction; (ii) the orderly and continuous unwinding of the loops must be ensured; (iii) absence of axial twists in the thread; (iv) the mechanical characteristics along the thread are constant; (v) the projection of the cross-section must be circular and constant along the

thread (a reduction of parameter fR (fP) by a maximum of 15 % after the unwinding-straightening operation is admissible);

(vi) the maximum weight of the coil must be 3 000 kg. c. ensuring the mechanical processing capacity (threading, cutting, etc.).

(i) Products presented in the form of bars must allow processing, for threading, by cutting or cold rolling.

(ii) Products presented in the form of wires must allow for bulbs to be formed at the ends by cold deformation.

2.3.5. Requirements for dimensions, mass, and specific tolerances Diameters, cross-sections

Nominal diameters of less than 10.0 mm, inclusively, must be a multiple of 0.5 mm, whilst those above 10.0 mm must be an integer in millimetres. The preferential nominal diameters, cross-sections, and mass per linear metre are given in Table 11.

Table 11

Nominal diameter


Bars Coils and

unwound products

Welded wire


Lattice frameworks

Nominal section

area (mm2)

Nominal mass per

linear metre (Kg/m)

4.0 * * * 12.6 0.099 4.5 * * * 15.9 0.125 5.0 * * * 19.6 0.154 5.5 * * * 23.8 0.187 6.0 * * * * 28.3 0.222 6.5 * * * 33.2 0.260 7.0 * * * 28.5 0.302 7.5 * * * 44.2 0.347 8.0 * * * * 50.3 0.395 8.5 * * * 56.7 0.445 9.0 * * * 63.6 0.499 9.5 * * * 70.9 0.556

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Table 11 continued 10.0 * * * * 78.5 0.617 11.0 * * * 95.0 0.746 12.0 * * * * 113 0.888 14.0 * * * * 154 1.210 16.0 * * * * 201 1.580 18.0 * 254 1.990 20.0 * 314 2.470 22.0 * 380 2.983 25.0 * 491 3.850 28.0 * 616 4.830 32.0 * 804 6.310 36.0 * 1 017 7.984 40.0 * 1 257 9.860 50.0 * 1 963 15.40 Mass per linear metre and tolerances

(1) The values of the nominal mass per linear metre shall be calculated taking into account the values of the nominal section area and using the value of 7.85 kg/dm3 for the steel density.

(2) The admissible deviation in relation to the nominal mass per linear metre must comply with Table 12.

Table 12 Admissible deviation in relation to the nominal mass per linear metre

Nominal diameters

± 4.5 % > 8.0 mm ± 6.0 % ≤ 8.0 mm Dimensions of welded wire mesh

(1) The wires of a panel must be single wires and/or double wires. (2) For welded single-wire mesh, the nominal diameters of the wires must comply

with the following condition: dmin ≥ 0.6 dmax (9)

where: dmax is the nominal diameter of the thickest wire; dmin is the nominal diameter of the perpendicular wire.

(3) For welded mesh with double wires in one direction, the nominal diameters of the wires must comply with the following condition:

0.7 ds ≤ dT ≤ 1.25 ds (10) where:

ds is the nominal diameter of the single wires; dT is the nominal diameter of the double wires.

(4) The pitch of the longitudinal and transversal wires must not be smaller than 50 mm.

(5) The end length must not be smaller than 25 mm. (6) The lengths, width, pitch, and nominal lengths of the welded mesh ends must be established when requesting a quote and placing an order.

(7) The admissible deviations for welded wire mesh are given in Table 13.

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Table 13 Admissible deviations for welded wire mesh

- length and width of the welded wire mesh

the highest of the two values ± 15 mm or ± 0.5 %

- pitch between wires

the highest of the two values ± 15 mm or ± 7.5 %

- end length To be established when requesting a quote and placing an order

Special requirements for tolerances can be established between the manufacturer and buyer. Dimensions of lattice frameworks (1) From the point of view of the lattice framework configuration (see Figure 1),

when the wires are welded to each other, the following condition must be complied with dmin /dmax> 0.3. If metallic strips are welded to the wires, the following limitation must be applied:

ts ≥ 0.15 d (11) where:

d is the nominal diameter of the wires in the diagonals; ts is the thickness of the metallic strip.

(2) The nominal length, height, and nominal pitch of the lattice framework must be agreed upon when requesting a quote and placing an order.

(3) The maximum manufacturing tolerances must comply with Table 14. Table 14

Admissible deviations for welded frameworks - length (L) ± 40 mm if L ≤ 5.0 m

± 0.5 % if L > 5.0 m - height (H1, H2) - 3 mm – +1 mm - width (B1, B2) ± 7.5 mm - pitch (Ps) ± 2.5 mm

Fig.1a) Fig.1 b)

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Key 1 Upper foot 2 Diagonal 3 Lower foot

Figure 1 – Height (H1, H2), width (B1, B2), end length (u1, u2) and diagonal pitch (Ps) for a lattice framework

2.3.6. Requirements for surface adherence and geometry

(1) Ribbed and indented steel products included in this technical regulation are

characterised by the geometry of their surface, which ensures their adherence to concrete.

(2) The requirements for the adherence characteristics of ribbed and indented steel for reinforced concrete must be based on the geometry of the surface.

(3) Alternatively, the requirements for the adherence characteristics of ribbed and indented steel for reinforced concrete can be determined by carrying out the appropriate adherence tests. The criteria for assessing the results of these tests must be those specified in the technical product specifications or the applicable design provisions. In this latter situation, certain provisions for establishing the surface geometry requirements in order to control factory production must be specified, based on the adherence test results. Geometry of ribbed steel surfaces

(1) Ribbed steel is characterised by the dimensions, number, and configuration of

its transversal and longitudinal ribs. The products must have two or more rows of transversal ribs distributed uniformly within the perimeter. On each row, the transversal ribs must be spaced out in a uniform way. Longitudinal ribs may or may not be present.

(2) Steel which is supplied in coils and is to be processed by means of an unwinding-straightening procedure using specialised equipment should not have longitudinal ribs and the cross-section on the axis of the steel must be circular (round) in order to preserve the geometrical and adherence conditions after the winding-straightening process. The transversal ribs of the steel processed in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions can be positioned in two, three, or four rows (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Steel with transversal ribs positioned in two, three, or four rows

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(3) Steel which is supplied in form of bars may or may not have longitudinal ribs, and the transversal ribs can be positioned in two, three, or four rows.

(4) The parameters of the ribs can be specified depending either on the relative surface of the rib fR, a combination of the rib distances, rib height, and slope of the transversal ribs, or depending on both criteria.

(5) The rib parameters and relative rib surface fR shall be measured in accordance with the specific testing standard.

a) Transversal ribs (i) The values for the distances between the ribs, the rib height and the rib slope

must be within the intervals given in Table 15, where d is the nominal diameter of the bar or wire.

Table 15 Rib height, h Distance between

the ribs Rib slope, β

0.03 d up to 0.15 d 0.4 d up to 1.2 d 35o up to 75o (ii) The transversal ribs must be shaped as half-moons and be connected to the

product core. (iii) The projection of the transversal ribs must extend over at least 75 % of the

circumference of the product, which must be calculated from the nominal diameter. The slope of the transversal rib flank, angle α, must be ≥ 45o, and the passage from the rib to the product core must be connected.

b) Longitudinal ribs If there are longitudinal ribs present on the surface of steel bars, their height must

not exceed 0.15 d, where d is the nominal diameter of the product. Geometry of indented steel surfaces

(1) Indented steel is characterised by the dimensions, number, and configuration of its indentations. Indented steel must have at least two rows of equally spaced indentations. The indentations are sloped compared to the axis of the bar or wire.

(2) Indented steel must meet the requirements for the indentation parameters, given in Table 16, where d is the nominal diameter of the bar or wire.

Table 16 Indentation

depth, t Width, b Distance, c Sum of

the distances

Σe max.

Indentation slope, β

0.02 d up to 0.1 d

0.2 d up to 1.0 d

0.4 d up to 1.5 d

0.75 d 35o up to 75o

2.3.7. Product identification requirements Product marking

a) Bars and coils

These shall be identified on the basis of a mark, in accordance with the regulations in force.

b) Unwound products

In addition to the manufacturerʾs identification details, an unwinder identification mark must be applied on an attached durable label (made of plastic or metal).

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c) Welded wire mesh In the addition to the manufacturer and product marks applied on the individual

wires, a durable label (made of plastic or metal) must be applied to the pack of welded wire mesh, specifying the mesh manufacturer.

d) Lattice frameworks

In the addition to the manufacturer and product marks applied on the individual wires, a durable label (made of plastic or metal) must be applied to the pack of lattice frameworks, specifying the lattice framework manufacturer. Product labelling

Steel products for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and structures shall be identified by applying a well-tied, durable (metallic/plastic) label with the following information:

a) for each bar bundle, coil, or unwound product (i) type of steel used for the product; (ii) a description of the shape of the product (e.g.: bar, coil, unwound

product); (iii) the code of the technical product specification; (iv) the nominal dimensions of the product.

b) welded wire mesh (i) type of steel used for the product; (ii) a description of the form of the product (e.g. welded wire mesh); (iii) the code of the technical product specification; (iv) the nominal dimensions of the product (dimensions of the wires,

dimensions of the panel, distance between the wires, ends).

c) lattice frameworks (i) the type of steel used for the upper foot, the diagonal, and the lower foot; (ii) a description of the form of the product (e.g. lattice network); (iii) the code of the technical product specification; (iv) the design height of a lattice framework; (v) the nominal dimensions of the lattice framework.

2.4. Determination of the performance of steel products used as

reinforcement for reinforced concrete or as non-prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete

(1) The determination of the performance of each essential feature of steel

products used as reinforcements must be correlated with the product specification and the type of steel.

(2) The testing methods used to determine the performance of each essential feature are given in Table 18.

(3) It is acceptable to use any testing method that is equivalent to the one specified in the reference document listed in the second column of Table 18.

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Table 18 Essential features Testing method Hot rolled reinforcing steel supplied as bars, coils, or unwound products Weldability Chemical composition

SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 SR EN ISO 14284:2003

Tension test

SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010

- Yield strength Re (Rp0.2) - Tensile strength Rm - Stress ratio (tensile strength /

apparent Yield strength) Rm/Re (Rp0.2)

- Total elongation at maximum force Agt

- Elongation at break An Fatigue resistance SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Bendability SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011

SR EN ISO 7438:2005

Bendability-unbending capacity SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Dimensions, mass, and tolerances SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Adherence and geometry of the surface SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Welded wire mesh Weldability Chemical composition

SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 SR EN ISO 14284:2003

Tension test

SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010

- Yield strength Re (Rp0.2) - Tensile strength Rm - Stress ratio (tensile

strength/apparent Yield strength) Rm/Re (Rp0.2)

- Total elongation at maximum force Agt

- Elongation at break An Shear force (Fs) SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 Fatigue resistance Bendability SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011

SR EN ISO 7438:2005 Bendability-unbending capacity SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 Dimensions, mass, and tolerances SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 Adherence and geometry of the surface Lattice frameworks Weldability Chemical composition

SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 SR EN ISO 14284:2003

Tension test - Yield strength Re (Rp0.2)

SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010

- Tensile strength Rm - Stress ratio (tensile

strength/apparent Yield strength) Rm/Re (Rp0.2)

- Total elongation at maximum force Agt

- Elongation at break An Shear force (Fw; Fd) SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011

Bendability SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011

SR EN ISO 7438:2005 Bendability-unbending capacity SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Dimensions, mass, and tolerances SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Adherence and geometry of the surface

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2.5. Requirements for steel products used as prestressed reinforcement in concrete structures for constructions or other pre-compression works 2.5.1. Performance requirements for cold drawn wires

(1) Wires used as reinforcements in prestressed concrete elements and

structures are obtained by cold drawing hot rolled wires and then applying a final thermo-mechanical treatment. The surface of the wires can be smooth or indented. Their surface may be covered with drawing lubricant residues.

(2) The performance requirements for reinforcement wires used in prestressed concrete elements and structures are given in Table 19, as follows:

Table 19 Feature Specified value

Ratio of forces σ d ≥ 3mm 0.85–0.95 Elongation at maximum force Agt, for Lo ≥ 100 mm min 3.5 % Reduction of area at rupture Visible rupture of the

ductile wiresa) Minimum number of reversible bends

-for a smooth wire -for an indented wire

4 3d)

Maximum isothermal relaxation for 1 000 hb)

Class R1

Initial force corresponding to: - 70 % Fma

- 80 % Fma

2.5 %

4.5 %b) Maximum isothermal relaxation for 1 000 hc)

Class R2

Initial force corresponding to: - 70 % Fma

8 %

Force at fatigue Fr with the maximum limit Fup corresponding to 70 % Fma Class F1

-smooth wire

≥ 200 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2 x106 cycles

Force at fatigue Fr with the maximum limit Fup corresponding to 80 % Fma Class F2

-smooth wire

≥ 200 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2 x106 cycles

-indented wire ≥ 180 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2 x106 cycles

Corrosion resistance corresponding to 80 % Fma

Solution A test

Minimum (h)

Average (h)

Class C1 2.0 5.0 Class C1L 1.5 4.0 Class C2

Solution A test 2.0 5.0 Solution B test 2 000 -

Modulus of elasticity Ee) Declared value a)Ruptures near the wire sag after unwinding are prohibited. In case of a dispute, the area

reduction percentage must be determined and the value must be ≥ 25 % for smooth wire and ≥ 20 % for indented wire.

b)The requirement for 70 % Fma is compulsory. For specific applications, the requirements for the value 80 % Fma can be agreed between the customer and the manufacturer.

c)Class R2 shall only be used for very well straightened wires with a maximum curvature of 4 mm/length.

d)For Type T2 of indentation, the number of reversible bends shall be 2. e)The modulus of elasticity can be considered to be 205 GPa (KN/mm2). The real value may vary

between 195–210 GPa depending on the manufacturing procedure. (3) The performance requirements for the geometrical characteristics of wires

refer to the following conditions: (i) The ovality of smooth wires must not exceed 0.01 d. (ii) Checking by weighing is not necessary. The average diameter must be equal to

the nominal diameter with a tolerance of ±1 %. (iii) The geometrical characteristics of the indentations and the types of indentations

are described in the manufacturing specifications.

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2.5.2. Performance requirements for strands (1) The strands used as reinforcements for prestressed concrete are products

made by cabling a number of high-resistance reinforcing steel wires that undergo a thermo-mechanical treatment.

(2) Steel products for prestressed concrete can be twisted and/or indented strands. The structure of the strands depending on the number of wires is presented in Table 20.

Table 20 Twisted Smooth: - 2.3 wires

- the cabling length is 14–22 times bigger than the nominal diameter of the strand;

- 7 wires

- the cabling length is 14–18 times bigger than the nominal diameter of the strand; - the diameter of the central wire is at least 3 % larger than the diameter of the exterior wires.

Smooth and compacted: - 7 wires

- the diameter of the central wire is at least equal to the diameter of the spiral exterior wires; - the cabling length is 14–18 times bigger than the nominal diameter of the strand.

Indented: - 3 or 7 wires

- the dimensions comply with the reference standard.

(3) The performance requirements for strands are given in Table 21, as follows:

Table 21 Feature Specified value

Ratio of forces σ dsw≥ 3 mm dsw<3 mm

0.85–0.95 0.85–0.97

Elongation at maximum force Agt, for Lo ≥ 500 mm min 3.5 % Reduction of area at rupture Visible rupture of the ductile wiresa) Fm,max/Fm < 1.15

Maximum isothermal relaxation for 1 000 hb)

Class R1

Initial force corresponding to:

- 70 % Fma

- 80 % Fma

2.5 % 4.5 %b)

Force at fatigue Fr with the maximum limit Fup corresponding to 70 % Fma Class F1

- for smooth strands; - for indented strands

190 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2x106 cycles

170 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2x106 cycles

Force at fatigue Fr with the maximum limit Fup corresponding to 80 % Fma Class F2

- for smooth strands; - for indented strands.

200 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2x106 cycles

180 MPa x Sn for ≥ 2x106 cycles

Corrosion resistance corresponding to 80 % Fma

Class C1

Test A solution

c) min. (h)

average (h)

dsw≥ 3.2 mm 2.0 5 dsw<3.2 mm 1.5 3

Class C1L Test A solution

dsw≥ 3.2 mm 1.5 4

Class C2 Test A solution

dsw≥ 3.2 mm 2.0 5 dsw<3.2 mm 1.5 3

Test B solution

2 000 -

Coefficient D of the deviated tension applied: - 7-wire strands and compacted 7-wire strands with the nominal diameter ≥ 12.5 mm

28 %d)

Modulus of elasticity E Declared valuee)

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a)Ruptures near the strand sag after unwinding are prohibited. In case of a dispute, the area reduction percentage must be determined and the value must be ≥ 25 % for smooth wire and ≥ 20 % for indented wire.

b)The requirement for 70 % Fma is compulsory. For specific applications, the requirements for the value 80 % Fma can be agreed between the customer and the manufacturer.

c) This refers to the testing of strands whose exterior wires have a given diameter. d)For specific applications, this requirement may vary between the manufacturer and the

beneficiary, but the maximum value of the coefficient D cannot exceed 28 %. e)The modulus of elasticity can be considered to be 195 GPa (KN/mm2). The real value may vary

between 185–205 GPa depending on the manufacturing procedure.

2.5.3. Performance requirements for bars (1) Bars used as reinforcements for prestressed concrete elements and

structures shall be obtained by hot rolling and can be smooth, ribbed, or can have ribs positioned behind a helix (thread type). The ribs shall be designed similarly to a single right-hand thread. The distance between ribs must not exceed 0.8 d.

(2) The performance requirements for steel bars used as prestressed reinforcement are given in Table 22, as follows:

Table 22 Feature Specified value

Ratio of forces σ 0.80–0.95 Elongation at maximum force Agt, for Lo ≥ 200 mm min 3.5 % Reduction of area at rupture Visible rupture of the ductile

wires Fm,max/Fm < 1.15 Maximum isothermal relaxation for 1 000 h and initial force corresponding to 70 % of the maximum force

Class R1

≤ 15 mm

6 %

4 %

> 15 mm

Fatigue Class F1

Force at fatigue Fr, with the maximum limit Fup corresponding to 70 % Fma (N)

No of cycles without rupture

Smooth bars

d≤40: 200xSn

≥ 2x106 d > 40:150 xSn

Ribbed bars

d≤40: 180xSn

d > 40:120 xSn Corrosion resistance corresponds to 80 % Fma

Class C1

Test A solution

Bar diameter d (mm)

Minimum lifespan at rupture, in


Minimum of individual tests (h)

Average of mean values of

all tests (h)

d=15 20 50 15<d≤25 60 250 25<d≤32 100 400

Class C2

Test A solution

d=15 20 50 15<d≤25 60 250 25<d≤32 100 400

Test B solution

15<d≤32 2 000 -

Modulus of elasticity E Declared valuea)

a)The modulus of elasticity can be considered to be 205 GPa (KN/mm2). The real value may vary between 195–210 GPa depending on the manufacturing procedure.

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2.5.4. Requirements for mechanical characteristics. Measurable values that are specific to the prestressed reinforcement

(1) The performance criteria for resistance and ductility are given in Table 23.

Table 23 Performance required Performance criteria Percentage of values that do

not exceed the characteristic value (p) Ratio of forces

σ = Fp0.1 / Fp

Steel products used as

prestressed reinforcement

Fp0.1, nom / Fm,nom

0.85–0.95 Wires d ≥ 3 mm

p=0.95 for Fp0.1, nom / Fm,nom 0.85–0.95

Strands dsw≥ 3 mm

0.85–0.97 dsw<3 mm 0.80–0.95 Bars

Ductility class D p=0.95 for Agt (2) The bending behaviour shall be determined for wires and shall be expressed

by the number of alternating bends with certain bending radiuses which are borne without any fissures or cracks visible with the naked eye. The performance criteria are given in Table 24.

Table 24

Performance required

Conditions Criteria (number of bends) Nominal diameter Bending radius

Alternating bending test

1.5–3 5 6 3.7–< 5 7.5 4

5 15 3 6 17.5 3 7 20 3

(3) Two categories of relaxation are established: low relaxation and normal

relaxation. The performance criteria expressed by a unitary stress reduction are given in Table 25.

Table 25 Category of relaxation Conditions Unitary stress reduction

(%) wires strands bars


Initial stress: 0.7 Fma Duration: 1 000 h Temperature: 20oC



6 for d ≤ 15 mm

4 for d > 15 mm

Normal 5.5 7.7 -

(4) The performance criterion for the fatigue behaviour is that the fatigue

resistance is ensured in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 26.

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Table 26

Performance required

Conditions Type of product

Fatigue limit

Number of cycles

Maximum force (N)

Level of performance


≥ 2 x 106 0.7 Fma ≥ 200 MPa x Sn smooth wire 0.8 Fma ≥ 200 MPa x Sn smooth wire

≥ 180 MPa x Sn indented wire Strands

≥ 2 x 106

0.7 Fma 190 MPa x Sn smooth strands 170 MPa x Sn indented strands

0.8 Fma 200 MPa x Sn smooth strands 180 MPa x Sn indented strands


≥ 2 x 106

0.7 Fma 200 MPa x Sn Smooth bars d ≤ 40 150 MPa x Sn Smooth bars d > 40 180 MPa xSn Ribbed bars d ≤ 40 120 MPa xSn Ribbed bars d > 40

(5) The characteristic value of the modulus of elasticity (Ep) relating to the fatigue

behaviour is that the fatigue resistance is ensured in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 27.

Table 27 Type of product Ep

(N/mm2) Variation range

(N/mm2) Wires, bars 205 000 195 000 – 210 000

Strands 195 000 185 000 – 205 000

2.5.5. Product identification requirements

(1) The product identification shall be performed for each bar bundle or coil, by attaching a well-tied, durable (metallic/plastic) label containing the following information:

a) the name and mark of the products; b) the number of the coil or bar bundle; c) the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacturing; d) the code of the product manufacturing specifications.

(2) The product mark shall include the following data, as applicable: a) For wires:

i. Letter Y for prestressing steel; ii. the nominal value of the rupture strength, in MPa; iii. Letter C for cold drawing; iv. the nominal diameter of the wire, in mm; v. the type of indentation (T1, T2, T3, and T4); vi. relaxation Class R1 or R2; vii. Fatigue Class F1 or F2; viii. Corrosion Class (C1, C1L, or C2, if applicable).

b) For strands: i. Letter Y for prestressing steel; ii. the nominal value of the rupture strength, in MPa; iii. Letter T for strand; iv. Number 2, 3, or 7 indicating the number of wires within the strand; v. the nominal diameter of the strand, in mm; vi. Letter l indicating the indented products, if applicable;

Page 28: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

vii. Relaxation Class R1; viii. Fatigue Class (F1 or F2); ix. Corrosion Class (C1 or C2).

c) For bars: i. Letter Y for prestressing steel; ii. the nominal value of the rupture strength, in MPa; iii. Letter H for hot rolling; iv. the nominal diameter of the bar, in mm; v. Letter R indicating the ribbed products, if applicable; vi. Relaxation Class R1; vii. Fatigue Class F1; viii. Corrosion Class (C1 or C2).

2.6. Determination of the performance of steel products used as prestressed reinforcement for prestressed concrete

(1) The determination of the performance of each essential feature of the

products must be correlated with the technical product specifications and the type of steel.

(2) The testing methods used to determine the performance of each essential feature are given in Table 28.

(3) It is acceptable to use any testing method that is equivalent to the one specified in the reference document listed in the second column of Table 28.

Table 28 Essential features Testing method

Steel for prestressed reinforcements Tension test

SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011 SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010

- Ratio of forces σ = Fp0.1 / Fm

- Yield strength Re (Rp0.1) - Tensile strength Rm - Elongation at maximum force Agt - Fm,max/Fm - Reduction of area at rupture

Maximum isothermal relaxation for 1 000 h Class R1 or R2

SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011

Force at Fatigue Class F1 or F2 SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011 Modulus of elasticity E SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011 Deviated tension test *

- Coefficient D of deviated tension SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011

Durability - Corrosion resistance Class C1, C1L, or C2

SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011

Sections and size tolerances SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011 Geometry of the surface

Nominal mass per linear metre * Only for 7-wire strands with the nominal diameter ≥ 12.5 mm.

Page 29: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

2.7. Requirements for the delivery, transportation, and storage of steel

products used as reinforcements in reinforced and prestressed concrete elements and structures

(1) Each delivery shall be accompanied by a declaration of conformity (drawn up in accordance with the minimum compulsory requirements stipulated in SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-1.2) and documents containing the results of the tests carried out on cast batches corresponding to the metallic products delivered (drawn up in accordance with the minimum compulsory requirements stipulated in SR EN 10204, Clause 3.1).

(2) The transportation and handling shall be carried out in such a way as to avoid the residual deformation of the products (it is prohibited to hang coils on a wire or bar/mesh bundles onto a single point, as well as to support the products inappropriately inside the means of transportation).

(3) The products shall be stored in accordance with the following conditions: a) the way in which the products are supported must not lead to their residual

deformation; b) the products must not be in direct contact with soil or other materials that

can get them dirty or damaged by corrosion; c) the storage area and method must ensure ventilation in order to prevent

wetting of the products; d) the products must be easily and correctly identified in the warehouse.

3. Normative references

i) Government Decision No 622/2004 establishing the requirements for placing construction products on the market, republished, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation; (transposes Directive 89/106/EEC of the European Community Council of 21 December 1988 regarding construction products, published in the Official Journal of the European Community, L 40 of 11 February 1989, page 12, amended by Directive 93/68/EEC of the European Community Council of 22 July 1993, published in the Official Journal of the European Community, L 220 of 30 August 1993, page 1.). ii) Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications iii) Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93. iv) SR EN 1992-1-1:2004 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings; v) SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011-Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete – Test methods-Part 1: Bars, rolled wires and concrete reinforcing wires; vi) SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011-Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Test methods. Part 2: Welded wire mesh; vii) SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011-Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Test methods. Part 3: Prestressing reinforcements; viii) SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010 - Metallic materials. Tension testing. Part 1: Ambient temperature test method; ix) SR EN ISO 7438:2005 - Metallic materials. Bending test; x) SR EN ISO 14284:2003 – Cast iron and steel. Taking and preparing samples in order to determine the chemical composition;

Page 30: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

xi) SR Guide ISO /CEI 67:2006 - Conformity assessment. Fundamental principles of product certification; xii) SR EN 10204:2005 - Metallic products. Types of inspection documents; xiii) SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-1:2010 – Conformity assessment. Supplierʾs declaration of conformity. Part 1: General requirements; vi) SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-2:2005 – Conformity assessment. Supplierʾs declaration of conformity. Part 2: Supporting documentation.

4. Terms, definitions, and symbols



Symbol and equivalent term in SR EN 1992-1-1:2004 Measuring

unit Symbol Terms/definitions


Nominal section area

Ap Cross-sectional area of the reinforcement or prestressed reinforcements


As Cross-sectional area of reinforcements for reinforced concrete


Total elongation at maximum force


Specific deformation of reinforcements for reinforced concrete or prestressed under a maximum unitary stress


An Elongation at break (A5 or A10) - Elongation at break % b Indentation width - Indentation width mm c Distance between ribs or

indents - Distance between ribs or indents mm

Ceq Carbon equivalent value (CEV) - Carbon equivalent value (CEV) %

d Nominal diameter of concrete reinforcing steel or nominal diameter of the prestressed reinforcement

Diameter of a reinforcement bar or nominal diameter of the prestressed reinforcement


e Distance between the rows of ribs or indents

- Distance between the rows of ribs or indents


fR Relative rib surface - Relative rib surface - fP Relative indent surface - Relative indent surface - h Rib or indentation height - Rib or indentation height mm Re Apparent Yield strength fy Reinforcement elasticity limit N/mm2 ReH Upper Yield strength Upper Yield strength N/mm2


Tensile strength ft

Stretching resistance of reinforcements for reinforced concrete


fp Stretching resistance of prestressed reinforcements

Rm / Re Ratio between tensile strength / apparent Yield strength

ft/ fy

Ratio between tensile strength/apparent Yield strength


Rp0.2 Conventional Yield strength at a non-proportional elongation of 0.2 %

f0.2k Characteristic value of the conventional elasticity limit at 0.2 % of reinforcements for reinforced concrete



Modulus of elasticity

Es Design value of the modulus of elasticity for reinforcements for reinforced concrete

GPa Ep

Design value of the modulus of elasticity for prestressed reinforcements

α Transversal slope - Transversal slope °

β Slope angle of ribs or indentations

- Slope angle of ribs or indentations °

B Length of a transversal wire in - Length of a transversal wire in a mm

Page 31: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

a welded mesh welded mesh dC Diameter of the transversal

wires in a welded mesh - Diameter of the transversal wires

in a welded mesh mm

dL Diameter of the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh

- Diameter of the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh


L Length of the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh or the length of a lattice framework

- Length of the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh or the length of a lattice framework


NC Number of transversal wires in

a welded mesh - Number of transversal wires in a

welded mesh -

NL Number of longitudinal wires in a welded mesh

- Number of longitudinal wires in a welded mesh


PC Gaps between the transversal wires in a welded mesh

- Gaps between the transversal wires in a welded mesh


PL Gaps between the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh

- Gaps between the longitudinal wires in a welded mesh


Fs Shear force of the welded assemblies of a welded wire mesh

- Shear force of the welded assemblies of a welded wire mesh


Re, act Real value of the apparent Yield strength

fyd Characteristic design limit of reinforcements for reinforced concrete


Re, nom Specific value of the apparent Yield strength

fyk Characteristic elasticity limit of reinforcements for reinforced concrete


Re, act / Re, nom

Actual value of the ratio between the apparent Yield strength/the specified value of the apparent Yield strength

fyd/ fyk The characteristic design limit of reinforcements for reinforced concrete/characteristic elasticity limit of reinforcements for reinforced concrete


u1, u2 Length of the longitudinal wire ends in a welded mesh or length of the diagonals beyond the lower foot of a lattice framework

- Length of the longitudinal wire ends in a welded mesh or length of the diagonals beyond the lower foot of a lattice framework


u3, u4 Length of the transversal wire ends in a welded mesh

- Length of the transversal wire ends in a welded mesh


SCh Cross-sectional area of the foot - Cross-sectional area of the foot mm2 SDi Diagonal section area - Diagonal section area mm2 B1 Design width of a lattice

framework - Design width of a lattice framework mm

B2 Total width of a lattice framework

- Total width of a lattice framework mm

Fd Shear force in a mechanical joint of a lattice framework

- Shear force in a mechanical joint of a lattice framework


Fw Shear force of a single weld in a lattice framework

Shear force of a single weld in a lattice framework


H1 Design height of a lattice framework

- Design height of a lattice framework


H2 Total height of a lattice framework

- Total height of a lattice framework mm

Ps Diagonal pitch of a lattice framework

- - mm

Re,Ch Apparent Yield strength for the foot of a lattice framework

- - N/mm2

Re,Di Apparent Yield strength for the diagonal of a lattice framework


t Indentation depth - - mm ts Thickness of the metallic strip in

a lattice framework - - mm

Fm Characteristic value of the maximum force during a tension test

fpk Characteristic stretching resistance of prestressed reinforcements


Page 32: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Fm,max Specific maximum value of the maximum force

- Specific maximum value of the maximum force


Fp0.1 Fractal 0.1 of the characteristic value of the force during a tension test

- Fractal 0.1 of the characteristic value of the force during a tension test


Rp0.1 Conventional Yield strength at a non-proportional elongation of 0.1 %

fp0.1 Conventional elasticity limit at 0.1 % of prestressed reinforcements


Fma Actual maximum force during a tension test, determined using a test specimen adjacent to the one undergoing a special properties test

- Actual maximum force during a tension test, determined using a test specimen adjacent to the one undergoing a special properties test


Fup Maximum force during a fatigue axial loading test

- Maximum force during a fatigue axial loading test


Fr Force variation range for a fatigue axial loading test

- Force variation range for a fatigue axial loading test



Ratio of forces Fp0.1 / Fm (fractal 0.1 of the characteristic force during a tension test/the characteristic value of the maximum force during a tension test

- Ratio of forces Fp0.1 / Fm (fractal 0.1 of the characteristic force during a tension test/the characteristic value of the maximum force during a tension test


f Frequency of the loading cycles during a fatigue axial loading test

- Frequency of the loading cycles during a fatigue axial loading test


Rm Tensile strength - Tensile strength N/mm2 dsw Nominal diameter of a strand

wire - Nominal diameter of a strand wire mm

Di Minimum internal diameter of the strand coil

- Minimum internal diameter of the strand coil


D Maximum permissible value of the mean percentage reduction of the maximum force during a deviated tension test

- %

Page 33: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Annex 1

Minimum testing programmes for conformity certification

(1) Steel products for reinforcements supplied in the form of bars and coils, unwound products, welded wire mesh, or lattice framework, whose conformity is ensured by applying testing programmes that comply at least with the requirements stipulated in Tables A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, and A1.4, can be used in concrete elements and structures if they are not covered by harmonised technical regulations.

Table A1.1 Essential features

Tests requested by the appointed body

Tests carried

out by the manufacturer

Initial standard

model tests

Continuous monitoring Random tests

From the manufacturer

From the manufacturer

From the market

From the site




For t

he lo


, m


e, a

nd u




er o

f the




al ra





For o







For o







For o







For o




Bars and coils

Number of tests per batch Number of tests Re (Rp0.2)

3 ba


s pe

r bar


l dia




3 ba


s pe

r bar


l dia




3 ba


s pe

r bar


l dia




3 ba


s pe

r bar


l dia



10 At 30 t or per one

batch or

batch unit

3 Rm/Re(Rp0.2) 10 10 10 10 3 Re, act/Re,nom

a 10 10 10 10 3 Agt, An 10 10 10 10

Mass per linear metre

3 3 3 3

Per one

batch or

batch unit


Bendability b

3 3 3 3 1

Geometry of the surface

3 3 3 3 1

Chemical analysis of liquid steel (including Ceq)





Per one

batch or

batch unit


Number of samples Fatigue resistance c

For e









e a


5 O


a ye


5 O


a ye





a If applicable. b Bending and/or bending-unbending test. c If required. The samples shall be taken in such a way as to cover the maximum number and

maximum range of diameters given in the manufacturerʾs diameter range for a period of 5 years.

Note: a) The type and number of initial standard model tests for steel products supplied in the

form of bars and coils for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and structures shall be complied with for each type of manufacturing procedure.

b) The testing unit is a batch or part of a batch.

Page 34: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Table A1.2

Essential features Tests requested by the appointed body

Tests carried out by the contractor


Number of tests per coil



Minimum number

per machined dimension

Unwound products

Visual inspection for damage of the surface geometry


For each machined coil

Geometry of the surface

For each type of

straightening body (with rollers or rotating

frame) of the contractor

and for each coil

manufacturing procedure

3 A sample per day 1

Re (Rp0.2) 3 A sample per week for

each type of straightening body

(with rollers or rotating frame), for 2 machined



Rm/Re(Rp0.2) 3 1

Re, act/Re,nom a 3 1

Agt, An 3 1

Mass per linear metre 1 - - Bendability b 1 - - Chemical analysis of liquid steel (including Ceq)

0 - -

a If applicable. b Bending and/or bending-unbending test. c For testing, the samples must be chosen from a coil with the largest and one with the smallest product diameter. Note:

If the fatigue resistance value is required, 5 samples must be taken once a year, at random, from each production location, using unwinding equipment with the largest machined diameter. The sample shall be taken so that it complies with the material manufacturing process and the type of unwinding for a period of 5 years.

Page 35: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Table A1.3

Essential features

Tests requested by the appointed body


carried out by the


Initial standard

model tests

Continuous monitoring Random tests

From the manufacturer

From the manufacturer

From the market

From the site



y Fo

r the










of t










For o








For o








For o












r of



Welded wire mesh Re (Rp0.2) a

3 te


g un

its p

er d




2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

3 te


g un

its p

er d



4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

3 te


g un

its p

er d



4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

3 te


g un

its p

er d



4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)






Rm/Re(Rp0.2) a 4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)


Re, act/Re,nom a,b 4

2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)


Agt, An a 4

2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+


4 2(long.)+


4 2(long.)+



Dimensions 1 1 1 1 1 Shearing c force

3 3 3 3 2

Mass per d linear metre

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)


Bendability e - - - - 2 Geometry a of the surface

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)

4 2(long.)+ 2(transv.)


Number of samples Fatigue resistance f

For e









e a




e a




e a





a 1 in the longitudinal direction, 1 in the transversal direction. b If applicable. c See d Can be determined before welding. e Can be assessed using the constitutive wires, by carrying out a bending and/or bending-

unbending test. f If required. The samples shall be taken from different wires with the same nominal diameters so

that they include at least one weld node and comply with the maximum number and maximum range of dimensions given in the manufacturerʾs dimensions range for a period of 5 years. The tests shall be carried out using samples taken at random from each production stream.


a) The testing unit consists of 50 tonne panels which are made using the same technical welding equipment, have the same combination of types of hot rolled steel, and the same steel diameters.

b) To check the essential characteristics, the samples shall be taken by the manufacturer in accordance with Table 6.3, either from one panel or from different panels, so that different wires are tested.

Page 36: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

c) One must measure all the dimensions of the welded wire mesh, namely: length, width, pitch, end length.

d) The chemical analysis of liquid steel (including Ceq) must be determined by the steel manufacturer. The conformity of the chemical composition must be confirmed to the welded mesh manufacturer, who is obliged to include a declaration regarding the chemical composition, if requested by the buyer.

e) The sampling and initial standard model testing of welded wire mesh shall be carried out on products created by each technical welding equipment.

f) The type and number of initial standard type tests carried out for welded wire mesh shall be complied with for each manufacturing procedure.

Table A1.4 Essential features

Tests requested by the appointed body

Tests carried out

by the manufactur


Initial standard model tests and

Continuous monitoring Random tests

Upper foot Diagonal Lower foot






r of








r of








r of










r of



Lattice frameworks Re (Rp0.2) a




















1 Rm/Re(Rp0.2) a 2 2/2 2/2 1 Re, act/Re,nom

a,b 2 2/2 2/2 1 Agt, An

a 2 2/2 2/2 1 Dimensions c 1 1 1 1 Geometry h of the surface

2 2/2 2/2 -

Shearing d,e force

3 -/- 3/3 2

Mass per a,f linear metre

2 2/2 2/2 1

Bendability g - - - 1

a Each foot and each diagonal. b If applicable. c Each type of lattice framework. d Each foot. e See f Can be determined before welding. g Can be assessed using the constitutive wires, by carrying out a bending and/or bending-

unbending test. h For ribbed and indented rolled steel. Note:

a) The testing unit consists of lattice frameworks with a maximum mass of 50 tonnes, which are made using the same technical welding equipment, have the same combination of types of hot rolled steel, and the same steel diameters.

b) The height and length changes that occur in the lattice framework for each combination of nominal diameters must not influence the number of samples taken.

c) One must measure all the dimensions of the lattice frameworks, namely: length, height, width, pitch.

d) The chemical analysis of liquid steel (including Ceq) must be determined by the steel manufacturer. The conformity of the chemical composition must be confirmed to the lattice framework manufacturer, who is obliged to include a declaration regarding the chemical composition, if requested by the buyer.

e) Fatigue tests shall not be required for lattice frameworks.

Page 37: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Annex 2

Assessment of the extent to which constant performance is ensured for steel products that are not covered by harmonised specifications

a) for reinforcements used in reinforced concrete elements and


Table A.2.1. - Coefficient k for Re(Rp0.2) as a function of the number (n) of test results (for a failure rate of 5 % (p=0.95) and a probability of 95 %)

n k n k 5 3.40 30 2.08 6 3.09 40 2.01 7 2.89 50 1.97 8 2.75 60 1.93 9 2.65 70 1.90

10 2.57 80 1.89 11 2.50 90 1.87 12 2.45 100 1.86 13 2.40 150 1.82 14 2.36 200 1.79 15 2.33 250 1.78 16 2.30 300 1.77 17 2.27 400 1.75 18 2.25 500 1.74 19 2.23 1 000 1.71 20 2.21 ∞ 1.64

Table A.2.2. - Coefficient k for Agt and Rm/Re(Rp0.2) and Re,act/Re,nom

as a function of the number (n) of test results (for a failure rate of 10 % (p=0.90) and a probability of 90 %)

n k n k 5 2.74 30 1.66 6 2.49 40 1.60 7 2.33 50 1.56 8 2.22 60 1.53 9 2.13 70 1.51

10 2.07 80 1.49 11 2.01 90 1.48 12 1.97 100 1.47 13 1.93 150 1.43 14 1.90 200 1.41 15 1.87 250 1.40 16 1.84 300 1.39 17 1.82 400 1.37 18 1.80 500 1.36 19 1.78 1 000 1.34 20 1.77 ∞ 1.282

Page 38: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

b) for reinforcements used in prestressed concrete elements and structures

Table A.2.3. - Coefficient k for Fp0.1, Fm, Agt as a function of the number (n) of test results (for a failure rate of 5 % (p=0.95) and a probability of 95 %)

n k n k 5 4.21 30 2.22 6 3.71 40 2.13 7 3.40 50 2.07 8 3.19 60 2.02 9 3.03 70 1.99

10 2.91 80 1.97 11 2.82 90 1.94 12 2.74 100 1.93 13 2.67 150 1.87 14 2.61 200 1.84 15 2.57 250 1.81 16 2.52 300 1.80 17 2.49 400 1.78 18 2.45 500 1.76 19 2.42 1 000 1.73 20 2.40 ∞ -

Page 39: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

Annex 3

Hot rolling methods and their related ductility classes (informative)

The hot rolling process can be carried out using one of the following methods: a) by continuous rolling using the “TERMEXˮ or “TEMPCOREˮ thermo-

mechanical treatment (the steel structure is modified from austenite to a structure with a ferrite/perlite core and a surface layer made of tempered martensite); the steel products obtained this way shall belong to Ductility Class B or C;

b) by hot rolling of micro-alloyed steel, which requires the presence of vanadium in the chemical composition of the bar strips; the steel products obtained this way shall belong to Ductility Classes B and C;

c) by hot rolling of steel with a low carbon content, followed by cold processing procedures such as cold rolling (as is the case with welded wire mesh and lattice frameworks), the products obtained this way belonging to Ductility Class A, or by stretching, which is an alternative method for Ductility Class B.


Page 40: ORDER No. 683 of 10th April 2012 approving the technical regulation “Technical specifications for steel products used as reinforcements- performance requirements and criteria”,

List of references 1. List of standards

Item No

standards Name

1 SR EN 1992-1-1:2004 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

2 SR EN ISO 15630-1:2011 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Testing methods-Part 1: Bars, rolled wires, and concrete reinforcing wires

3 SR EN ISO 15630-2:2011 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Testing methods. Part 2: Welded wire mesh

4 SR EN ISO 15630-3:2011 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Testing methods. Part 3: Prestressing reinforcements

5 SR EN ISO 6892-1:2010 Metallic materials. Tension testing. Part 1: Ambient temperature test method

6 SR EN ISO 7438:2005 Metallic materials. Bending test 7 SR EN ISO 14284:2003 Cast iron and steel. Taking and preparing samples in order to

determine the chemical composition 8 SR Guide ISO /CEI 67:2006 Conformity assessment. Fundamental principles of product

certification 9 SR EN 10204:2005 Metallic products. Types of inspection documents 10 SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-1:2010 Conformity assessment. Supplierʾs declaration of conformity.

Part 1: General requirements 11 SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-2:2005 Conformity assessment. Supplierʾs declaration of conformity.

Part 2: Supporting documentation 2. Legislation

Item No

Legislative documents Publication

1. Law No 10/1995 Law regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications

Published in the Official Journal, Part I, No 12 of 24 January 1995

2. Government Decision No 622/2004 establishing the requirements for placing construction products on the market, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation.

Published in the Official Journal, Part I, No 487 of 20 July 2007