orangevalley event 2014 sea presentatie

SEA & Customer Journey Raoul Lemoine

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Post on 22-Dec-2014




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SEA en de customer journey


  • 1. SEA & Customer JourneyRaoul Lemoine

2. Agenda Touch, Tell, Sell Terugblik Trends 3. Touch Tell SellTouch Tell Sell3 4. Touch, Tell, SellTouch Tell Sell4SocialSEO SEO SEOAffiliatesDisplay Display DisplayYouTube YouTubeSEA SEAEmailConversie Conversie Conversie 5. Touch Tell SellSocialSEO SEO SEOAffiliatesDisplay Display DisplayYouTube YouTubeEmailSEASEO SEOSEA SEASEAConversie Conversie Conversie 6. Touch & SEATouch Tell SellSEO SEO SEOSurfvakantieSurfvakantie FrankrijkSurfvakantie PortugalSurfvakantie Canarische eilandenSurfvakantie 30 plusSEA SEASEAConversie Conversie Conversie 7. Touch Tell SellGold Coast hotelsGold Coast hotelsGold Coast hotels 5 starsGold Coast hotels luxuryGold Coast hotels dealsTell & SEASEO SEO SEOSEA SEASEAConversie Conversie Conversie 8. Sell & SEATouch Tell SellSEO SEO SEObooking.comSEA SEASEAConversie Conversie Conversie 9. Maturity model 10. SEA & Last ClickTouch Tell SellSEO SEOConversieCPAROIConversieCPAROISEA SEASEAConversieCPAROIConversie Conversie Conversie 11. SEA & Conversie AttributieTouch Tell SellSEO SEOMicro ConversionPage DepthAssisted ConversionLoyaltyRevenueConversion / CPASEA SEAIncrease in BrandAssisted ConversionSEA% New VisitsConversie Conversie Conversie 12. SEA & Conversie Attributie 13. SEA & Conversie Attributie 14. Facebook Atlas 15. Bing 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee theaccuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. 16. Google vs AmazonBut, really, our biggest search competitor is Amazon. People dontthink of Amazon as search, but if you are looking for something to buy,you are more often than not looking for it on Amazon . . Eric Schmidt 17. Social & Search 18. Social & Search 19. Social & Search 20. Social & Search 21. Enhanced Campaigns 22. Klant centraal 23. Multi DevicesTouch Tell Sell 24. Terugblik 2014 Exacte Zoektermen Automatische Targeting Power Tools 25. HuidigZoekwoorden Advertentie Landingspagina23 26. Exacte zoektermenZoekwoorden 27. Automatische targetingContent 28. Automatische targetingContentDynamischSitelinksData/Content 29. Gestructureerde gegevens 30. Kast 119Stoel 79Vloer 14,99 / m2GordijnKussensBedTafel 31. Gestructureerde gegevensVoordelen van gestructureerde gegevens Met gestructureerde gegevens krijgt Google meerinformatie over de inhoud van de website.Data/Content Deze gegevens kunnen de advertenties in Google verder verrijken. 32. Gestructureerde gegevensData/Content 33. Customized Creative atScaleAdvertentie op maatRealtime Call to actionRealtime RelevantieDynamischeAdvertenties 34. Customized Creative at Scale 35. HuidigZoekwoorden Advertentie Landingspagina23 36. ChangeZoekwoorden Advertentie Landingspagina 37. SamenwerkingCommunicatieMarketingServiceProductdevelopmentContentDataSearch 38. Conclusie Social en Search komen dichter bij elkaar. Online adverteren binnen vereist gestructureerde gegevens enContent binnen elke fase van Touch, Tell, Sell. Klant verwacht op elk moment Relevantie, Google neemt hierin deleiding en verwacht dat ook van de Adverteerder. 39. Contact / vragenRaoul [email protected]: 06 54 92 86 8539