opposites attracts attentions

Opposites Attract Attention By Glen Wells

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“…why I, when I could not find what I was in need of, had to fashion it for myself, counterfeiting it or imagining it (and what poet or writer has ever done anything else, and what other purpose can all the art in the world possibly have?) ~ F. Nietzsche


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Opposites Attract Attention

By Glen Wells

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"What are they doing?" "Looking at the sky."

William Blake ~ "Everything is sacred."

Why walk on water when you have skis?

Someone took the tow rope.

A gas cloud dissipated, as anticipated.

Sometimes it gets deep, and that's called the deep end.

For the shallow side of things, amid the lumpiness of stuff,

symbiotic iambic pentameter erases doubts with one hand

while polishing off brouhahas with another.

(If you find one of the numbers fails to decrease to zero then it means there has

been a rupture in the very fabric of spacetime and the universe will explode in 30


Like any explosion, it can only happen once.

Whether or not the exploding universe ever ends

or stop and implode could very well depend

if the collapsing stars converge before evaporating,

or might condensation overcome the drought of raining fire

and have a never ending clash of subs enter continuously.

The far face of the sky may never see its tail,

still the feel of a wiggle brings a smile.

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Ignoring the big one

If it were only a war you were looking for,

you might find it at the corner drugstore.

Location, locale, locals.

Far flung, crowds gathered, to hang and to be...

Boycotts and education.

But whose? Yes, who's treating the stockades?

What flotilla breaks the blockade?

What animal surrenders unscathed?

Pride and respect, humble pie, forty souls get in the hold.

When its words you're fighting with, a cold one would do.

But the meets are on the table and the heels are dug in.

the stakes are unrelated, for to sacrifice the few, please one or two,

there's left of ready many to brew and brood.

I suppose working in constant shifts, keep the attention span glued,

lots of bribes, motives, mean and opportunities.

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filing pro

the edge of everyness is flame retarder

it won't destroy the shade

or shame the plain lit sky

while crossing Kansas

in jumbled times

the solitary flame of time awakes

as closer looks crusty

as once fractaled lips spoke

each adding anew, words

from old ones, not meaning to change anything

except to be the unchanging whisperer

her teeth grounded to a halt

one lone tree...and Andrew tried

he saw it ache, as a limb unencumbered

he watched it wreak into retreating glassy-eyed rills

now to come back, as to never leave

a thousand passing moments, distilled to one.

And so much it mattered then, till the leaves draw blank.

How less real, the deliberated mistake,

as opposed to the accidental improvement...

of practice.

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There are a plenty of places and spaces to escape from,

and few are as inviting as the ones to escape to.

If not for a last refuge,

a holding cell of imaginary corridors might lead one astray,

right into the labyrinths of no exits,

no signposts,

no suggested retail price,

a no doorman with bribery laced pants,

walking past the flooded lights,

no sirens screaming,

early warning detection on the blink from pointedly aimed sunspot activity

and a Mercury cooled satellite.

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A Bigger Bang to Come

Diffusion is after-effects, confusion is fully part of initial conditions.

Think of the pressure.

Has nowhere to go. And wants to.

There's friction.

Undecided and Temperature needs equilibrium.

Heat warms the coals and cold cools the building storm.

A cloud forms, amalogous.

Condenses further. Practically a paste, almost plastic.

Will stretch.

Boundaries, an after-thought.

Resistance breaks concentrations, puddles gather.

The make up commences.

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love the world, it won‟t hold you back

and completely ignore the dream of fear

turning from terror and all that's left is peace...

buried deep inside black wholes with one way walls,

leaking back out again,

the ooze eventually collecting into pools of a reflection,

bounded entirely by nothing but itself,

unrecognizable, until ....

you see you wore it out.

I think the idea is to make t-shirts with two types of material...

one being totally reflective (mirror-cloth)

and another that is completely opaque (invisible-cloth)...

eventually of course, some would go mosaic.

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Invisible Darkness

I lost a line of poetry.

Might be undercover.

Could be in disguise.

If you find it, let me know.

When you see it, give it sway.

Matter that's not dark is reflective

of this...a stretch Limo of hot summer days

long before its arrival, warmed nights and little breezes.

Unseen and silent flashlights

flick dimly with aged batteries

casting a soft shadow

hard though the wall be

it still lets water seep through

from a rising table of swift currents.

Rose the rabbit, tired.

With thicket gone,

and barking hounds.

cat city. the garden calls.

has carrots ripe for nibbling.

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Colored Measures

"tick is called to shock, an answer to a radioactive twitch"

color pollution minus dilution = neither fade nor shade.

The thing that is measured is amounts.


quality is like being rated, as in felt

we might say red silk has sheen

and blue felt is a soft touch

as the material gets cut to fit...sometimes draped.

Some days we might seem to be wandering little starlets

with little planets whirling about us

other days see passing comets smacking us silly

or give a 5am makeup call

dragging out the lead, we save for ballast

lest we fly away and never get scenes again

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Eon's Grasp

wind and rain.

thunder in the belly.

sleets of icy rovers.

edging not to where,

but when they retreat.

there marks a lair.

runaway effects.

one marble circling, one drain, a spiral of empty,


2 seconds ago.

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How to read a poem

Let the poem see all your different yous.

When you need a smile, it might break one open.

On a sad day it will bring a tear to rest upon your cheek.

It can recall a memory that you‟ve been longing for.

Let every breath of a poem, its words feel your emotion

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Choice: Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Minerva Amaryllis

"A doorway stands between our animal state and our divine inheritance."

how to write what cannot be written.

no way falls outside a divine nature and an anomaly's gift.

an opening sits

were they to split, neither being an entry or exit

walls that never existed would not have cause that one become in

and the other out

yet when one did and the other too

and they would do it together

forever and ever

to come apart

it might have been a great sacrifice

but then, it's been said, "free will by definition is without cause."

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'only'...the solipsist anthem

'Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it.'

~Anais Nin

difference without difference is no difference at all.

simulation, representation, rendition

it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't

only it might not be just one thing or another

but a multiplex drive out

to the boonies, or some midnight dessert at the oasis

if it weren't for change, there'd be no change at all.

oh well

the pastor wants to put me on a soapbox or in a soap dish

it ain't exactly clear

the woman wants to follow the sun like a cat with a leash law

the neighbors are moving cause they hate this place

we got more wars and civil unrest than we know what to do with

we'd sooner put it all on remote

and let it run in the background

with windows you can't see out of

viruses to the left of us, conspiracies in the right

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stuck in the center of a palace that has none.

I wonder if it will hold water,

drift out to sea, or sink to the bottom

settle next to an octopus's garden

and grow hydroponically.

When there's no them… that leaves us.


Lyrics by NIN

Well the tiniest little dot caught my eye and it turned out to be a scab

And I had this funny feeling like I just knew it's something bad

I just couldn't leave it alone, I kept picking at the scab

It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut

But I climbed through

Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be, and I can see things I know I really

shouldn't see

And now I know why, now, now, now I know why

Things aren't as pretty

On the inside

revealing....whether by influence by example by experience

each or not sees...unsees, what inside could..can.. color

A Universe that has no center is a center.

If not quite a pivot…then pivotal.

Trial by Aerial

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Shadow, shadow on the wall,

Who‟s the one you saw?

Tools to build

Cut the woody silhouettes

Piece them all together

Make 'em stand tall,

And they may last until the fall

of shady pines.

Opposites Attract Attention

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“A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of

jokes,” Wittgenstein

At play...it's a bit like 'Being There'... chancy

maybe also at rest... recuperating. as a pause

flaws of mistletoe, you're drawn to kiss it...touch it

when it's hanging over you...you might move

and leave it hovering where it stands, in its roots of immovability.

as incomplete...see partial..."wanna make dreams a reality"

dire straights...the radiating background...

another cause.

(i.e. absence of neurosis, waste, endless horrors, etc.)

periods continue, and life fills between the punctuality.


are they then made with lacks? Random acts of interests, duties and recreations.

Someone asked, "How do I get to Hell?"

follow the warden, outrage the mayor

though any partner seems urgently soliciting some fine of entanglement.

one way or another what's thrown is caught, dropped, missed, wildly and a

toss....some careless, as if throw-away moments have collected to form heaps and

piles, terrain, sculpted masses resembling towering infernos and shady lanes.

Something is a catalyst when it assists in the production of another something, or

some things, without itself being used up in the process.

Questions You Know

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Is gravity an engine?

Is space a container?

Is space contained?

Is time movement?

Is life as we know it, on the outside looking in?

Life cannot enter the most solid of elements.

The hardest of metals pressed in the largest of pieces.

Metals at the center/inside, when heated get out,

turning fluid re-cooling into sculpted shapes.

Breathe is directly connected to life,

as is water, and mostly every body within gravity‟s reach.

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