online testing with a mission - testvision

Online testing with a mission TestVision Designed by educational experts Supports the full test cycle Extensive learning analytics Logical, intuitive navigation and control Suitable for both formative and summative testing Safe and steady Teelen is your partner

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Online testingwith a mission


Designed by educational experts

Supports the full test cycle

Extensive learning analytics

Logical, intuitive navigation and control

Suitable for both formative and summative testing

Safe and steady

Teelen is your partner

TestVision is user friendlyand efficient and supportsthe assessment process

About TestVision

TestVision is assessment software that aligns with every phase of the testing cycle. It is an extensive assessment solution that supports you in developing, taking, checking, assessing and analysing tests. TestVision was designed by Teelen’s educational experts. They will be happy to advise you about the possibilities and advantages of online testing.

Effective development Do you want to develop a good test? TestVision will assist you and is clear and structured. The software provides an overview and offers flexibility. You can adjust what you want at any time in the testing process.

An assessment solution must meet the highest standard. Testing has consequences and that demands reliability, quality, security and continuity.

Developing tests with TestVision

A wide choice of question types; you can easily change the question type

Integration of audio, video, links and images

With the test blueprint you create structure and balance

Well-arranged menu and clear interface thanks to adjustable roles and rights per task: only the relevant features are visible

Possibility to limit access to parts of the item bank

To support working together and peer advice, developers can adapt and/ or comment on each other’s questions and tests


and test

























Taking tests withTestVision

Completely online or on paper

Carefree assessing: the software is safe and stable, for small and large groups

Fixed and flexible start times - and the possibility to give extra time during the test

Choice of different lay-outs: candidates with colour blindness or dyslexia do not experience any disadvantage

Usefull Learning Analytics

TestVision records all assessment data for learning analytics. This data can be processed in (management) reports.

Scoring and gradingwith TestVision

Automatic scoring of most question types

Comprehensive settings for grading open ended questions, with rules for regrading and assignments to graders

Feedback function with personal feedback from the grader

Analysis of quality and effectiveness of test and items

Correction of test scores: individual or collective

Flexibility in developing andtaking tests, scoring andgrading

With TestVision

New users quickly know how to compose a test in TestVision. The navigation is logical and intuitive. The test system has a smart construction. TestVision supports the user with clear, bright functions.

Features of TestVision

The software supports the full test cycle

Easy to use

Dynamic interface that adapts to the user’s role

Preview of tests in the layout candidates see

In TestVision, the version of the test the candidate has taken is always at your disposal

Based on educational principles



Teelen provides practical courses about TestVision:

Functional implementation of TestVision

Developing questions and tests

Managing tests and results

Test and item analysis

Learning analytics

TestVision Users Association (TGV)

The TGV meets regularly to share knowledge, exchange experiences and ideas and discuss future developments.

Online assistance

Implementation manuals for a solid start

Tutorials and user guidelines for explanation and guidance

Job aids and an integrated help function to quickly find answers


Support by telephone

Online helpdesk portal

Not just softwareTestVision users have access to a variety of support.

The certaintiesof TestVision

Good to know

The certainties provided by TestVision

ISO certificates for security (ISO 27001) and quality (ISO 9001)

Software as a Service (SaaS): always the current version of the software, the infrastructure and the documentation

Easy to link with existing IT infrastructures and data files

Support desk and an online helpdesk portal

Courses and documentation for users

All data available for creating accountability reports

Support for archiving and deleting data to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

“TestVision turned out to be a user-friendly system that we quickly mastered. We have greatly improved our testing quality. Looking at the test results, we notice that the items score much better than before.”

Ruud Bijvoets, Secretary Stipel

“With TestVision, we are a lot more flexible. Employees can take exams faster and we have direct access to the results. The statistical analyses give us more information about the quality of the tests and thus also about the quality of our employees.”

Patricia Jonkers, Manager Learning Rabobank

“TestVision has provided more structure in our way of online testing. Previously, online testing was only used to deliver the exams. Now, we test online in the entire test cycle in a safe and reliable way.”

Roger Deimann, Program manager Digital Testing KWD Resultaatmanagement

What ourcustomers say

Teelen and TestVision

Teelen focuses entirely on learning and testing. Our mission is to make learning and testing better, more understandable and more accessible, so that people and organisations continue to develop.

TestVision is also constantly developing. It is a proven product that has been embraced by universities, recognized exam institutes and organisations in various business sectors. They have already taken many millions of tests with TestVision.

Educational support Teelen’s educational designers and test specialists have a wealth of experience they are happy to use to take your assessments to a higher level. They can review or improve your test programmes and tests and give practical support or training and strategic advice.


Teelen has published the following books in the sequence Test development made practical:

How to create good tests? (English version)

Hoe maak ik goede toetsen met gesloten en open vragen? (Dutch version)

Hoe maak ik goede opdrachten? (Dutch version)

Apply for your demo license at


Teelen B.V.Kasteel “De Lathmer”Lathmerweg 57384 AD WILPThe Netherlands

+31 571 – 277 [email protected]