omaha publishing coproprietors. . 916 farnham, bet. stk and. lotk strut*...

THE OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . 916 farnham , bet. Stk and. lOtk Strut * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 yew , In advance postpaid8.00 6 month * " " 1.00 8 month* " 2.00 TIME TABUS- THE MAILS.- C . , & R, W. E , R, (30 . m. , 8iO ; p. m 0. B. &Q6 SO a. m 240 p. m. 0. R. 11 P. B R. . 6.SQ , m. , fcttp. m CBt Joe 6:30 *. la. . P. R.E. , ll:40a.m. 0. * R. V. to Lincoln, 10 a, ro. ' 8. tlL UK840t. m. 0. * N. W. , ; dC a. m- .ornusa . 0. 4 H. W. E. B , 11 t tii. ,U p m.- U. . 0. B. & O., 11 1. . m. , ( t p. m- .C.R . I. i P. , li a. in , C. . .B, * Bt , Joo.11 vm. , U p m.- U. . . P. R. R. , i p m.- O. . . & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:13 p. m, t. City & P. , 11 a.m- .B.4M.ta . > eb.p. m. Local malls for States Iowa leave bat onoe t day, rlK 40 ft. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Snndayi. THOMAS F. HALUPostmartfr. Arrival And Departure of . Tralus UNION PACIFIC. . DftUy KxpraBnfl5pm. do Mired . Baop.m.- do . 4:25 p. m. Frelght.680 , m- .do . 1:40 p. m. . 8:16 . in. U:20a.m.- TIMX . OARD OF THE BURLINGTON.A- KRIVB . OHAH- A.Exprea . 240p. m. Kiprcas 10OOB.n , Hail . 6:00 a. m. MaU lROOp.m.- Eondayl . Bnndayi T.icepvcu. Excepted. CmCAOO , BOCK ISUND * PACIFIC. Man _ .eOC .m.l aa 10:0" " KzpreH t:40 p.m. I Expreeg..lO : CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN . . . . * * prei _ . . .Et4epS m. | Exprosa 10:00 a. m. Sundays excepted.- KAKBA3 . CITY , BT. JOE t COUNCIL BLUFFS tuvm ALKITI. Mall . _ .8:00 : . .m. I Expreas - .7:40 vm.- Kzprrai . . 6.00 p.m. | MaH . 7:2 I. m. The only line runnhut Pullman Sleeping Care out of Omaha to Union Depot.- .OMAHA . . & NORTHERN NEBRASKA. EAIL- WAT - COMPANY.- Leave. . . Arrive- .rxpr . i _ . .. 8KW . m. I Fxprea - 4SO p. m- .Kued . . .ISOp m. | Mixed . 10:45 a. m Daily Except Bnndtja.- B. . . & M. R. R. lu NEBRASKA.L- B1VB. . . ARRIVS, Express . 8SO ml Freteht . 850s m Freight . 6.65 p mf Expms . 4l. pin SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R.- M . U . - 8:10 am I Express . .1WO mt- abpren . 8.40pm M , . ---J 0 p m- WABA8H , ST. LOUI8 * PACIFIC- .lliTM. . . AKRIVES. all . - 8 *. m. I Mall - UB6 | s m- Expre . . . .8:40 : p. m. j Express. . .4:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION TJ. P. R. R. Leave Omaha , dally. 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m.. 1 p. m. , S p. m. , 8p. m , 6 p. 6 p. Leave Council BlnBa ; 82S a. m. , 9S6 ft. m, , 10aBftmll25fcin.lS6p m.SSB p. m. , IM p. m. , 6S5 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 1'our trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11- ft. . m. , S nd 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs U 9:26 , 11:26 ft m, , and 2.2S and IS& p. m.- PABSISOIR . TK1IK- 8.Leare . Omaha : 6 a. m, , 7 a. m. , 6:50 . tn. , 1- p. . nx 420 p. m. , 7 5 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:16 a. m,, 9:40 ft. m. , 111 , m. 6:25 p. m. , 70 p. m. ,7 0 p. m. Dally except Sunday.- OMAAA . & REPUBLICAN VALLEY tt. . AERIVB- .,43S . 10:46 a, m. . p. m. Dallv except KTTflRNEn-AT-lAW. CHARLES POWELL, OF THE PEACE Comer Uth and rUHTICE Sta. , Omaha Neb.- WM. . . SldXERAL , AT LAW Room8Creighton ATTORNEY St. . OMAHA , NEB.- D. . . L. THOMAS , A TTORNEY AT LAW Loans money, buys A and sells real estate. Room B , Orolghton- Block. . A. C. TRDUP , A TTORNET AT LAW Office ID Duncom's A Block , with George E. Prltchatt , 1MB- riirmnun St. _ OMAHA. NEB- .DEXTEK . L THOMAS , A TTOIINET LI LAW CrnlcJsn nk Build A. KCHADWICK , AT LAWOfilce IBM F mh in ATTORNEY _ _ _ TO. L. PEA800Y , Office In Orelgbica Block , nazt U Fort Office , OMAHA , UEBrlASSA- .gQIABY . fPBUO. OOLLKCTIOKB MAM- SO'BRIEN & 8ARTIETT , r Attorneys-at-Law , omCK-nnlon Cloek.Flfteenlli mi F rnh m ATTORNEY AT LAW.'- REACH . BLOCK. COR. DQDD & 16TJ1 CTS- .OKAHA . , NE- B.W. . . d. Conneli , A ttorney-at-Law. Office roomt , op itrln , In Euiccom'e- n brick building , K. W corner Fifteenth and m > i ui Streets. _ . C3I.E R. K29IC- LREDICK d HEDICK , SpocUl attention will bo given to all nuts % nnit eorpontiongo ! every dfescrlptlon ; will practice In J Ahe Courts ot the 8ut and the United 8UU*. Office. Farnham St. , opposite Oourt Home. EDWARD W. SIMERAL , A 1TORNKT AT LAW Boom 8 Oreljb.ton- jfV Block , 16th aad Donrlai BtrecU. noSdh 1. F. MAKDER30R , 1TORSSTA.T LAW Si J Twuluun 8Uea- tA. . Omib > fitbruka. . T. fl. J. IIUK- TBiGHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys t-Law. i > rnci 215 Sonth Fonrt enth Stree- t.8ANTA . OL.AUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the ARB. Wonderful dlscm e rles In the world haveb en made Among other things where Santa Claoa Bt J ed- Ohlldren ot ( ask U ho make * roods or not , If mlly he fives In a mountain of sno- w.Lt . ypar an eicureion Balled clear to the Pole And suddenlydropped into wnatBeemedllkeahole Where wonci r of wonders they Tound anew land, labile fjJry-r.ks b lnrt appcutxl en each hand. There were mocntalns like cure , with more beautiful preen , And far brighter skies than ever wore seen , Blrdi with the hneg of m rainbow were found, While Bowers of ezqnldte fngnnoe were grow- Ing around. * Not long were they lelt lo wonder In donb- A < belriir eoon cmo the ; had heard much about , TWM Suit * CUut' self and th IB they all cay, lo looked like the picture r esee every day He drove up a team that looked very qceor , Twas ft t ni of > asshoppers Instead of reindeer, Be rode In & ehoU Instead ot sleigh , But he took thorn on hoxrd *nd drova th m- w y- .He . ( hewed them J1 over his woDucrfnl realm , And factories makln ; irooJs tor women *nd mou- Furrten were working on h U rrc t and email , To Bunce's they said they were pen ling them all.- Crls . Klalo. the Glare Jdxkcr , told them it once. All oar alarm wo are a ending to Banes , 8 oU showed them susnrcidcrs and minv tolnri- more. . 6 yins I J o took thase to f rtejid Baacv's etovu 8 nU Cians then whlsperad n tacrct he'd tell , A* la Omaha every one knew Bcnee wall.- Qe . therefore shatud send his good * to his cue. Knowing his friends will get ticlr fall sttxre. Now romemborj'e dwellers tn unifch * town , All who want proscnti totand'a go round , For hlrta , collars , or gloves great cod emul ) . Send your sister or aunt out , And ! .. bnnce , Champlnn n tUr ot th * Wtwt , WORTH EEMEMBEfilNQ.- ArunxT . repreae * " In- tch bott.e thirty or forty vltatet ot Sp J DC- BeJUer Water , containing all the Tirtnca ot the celebrated German t-pring. It is jdn-ajra fresh nd J v * rc dy, and thru commends Itself to all for its ef&cacr. portability and cheapness. AIL DRDOQI'iTS HATE IT. AGENTS WAKTKD FOE CREATIVE SCIENCE and Serual Philosophy.Pr- oftMely . Ulnttnted. The most important in bat book pabllsbed. Erery funlly vantlt- Eztnordlnary IndocemenU offered Agent' . Addreai Awem' Prausnaa Co., Et. Lenis , Mo. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY , ART EMPORIUMS.- J. . . U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1516 Dodge Street , Steel Engravinfj , Oil Paintings , Chromoa Fancy Frames , FramiiigaS'CciaUy. Low prices.- J. . . BOSNEtt, 1303 Douglas EL Good Stylca, ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite postoffice.- W. . . B. BABTLETT. 317 South 13th Street.- ARCHITECTS. . . A T. LAEHE. Jr. , Boom 2. Crelghtan Block- .DUFKENE&MKSDKUibUON . , AKUUllTECIS * Room 1 , Creighton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES DsVIKE 4. CO , Fine Boots and Shoes A coed assortment o home TkQTtc. on baud , cor. 12th and Barney.- THO3 . ERlChSON , S. E. cor 'Oth aadDonglaa BED SPRINGS.- J. . . F. LVBRIHKB , Msmufa-turcr. Vlsachera'Blk CARRIAGES AND ROAD WACONS- WM. . SNYDEK , No. 1319 l h and Harney St CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW BCWbWATER , 1510 Farnham St Town Surreys , Grade and Scv.eia.fe Systems : Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS- .JOHNO. . . WILLIS , 1414 Dodge Street D. B. BEE1IEU , For details sus l rgo Advert as- ment in Dailand Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST 4 FR.T CHER , Manufacturers ot C.'eare and Who esale Daaleisin Tobicca * , 1305 Doug CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Wotk , Manufacturers Iron Coral e, Tin , Iron and Slate Kooflop. Orders from any loc&iity i romrtly executed in the best nuuner. Factory and Office J310 Dodge i-trcet Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window raps , etc- .minufac.ured . and put up in any part of the country. 1. 416 thirteenth St.- CROCKERY. . . J. BONKER , 1309 Dculai St. Good Line.- DENTISTS . - DR. PAUL , WHlUma' t luck. Cor. 15th & Rodga DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS- .KDON . & CO , . Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Dmglas Streets.- W. . . J. WHITEHOUSE , Wholcsi'e ' & ReUll.lC St.- C. . . C. F1FLD. 023 Xo'th-ide { umi"g Street FURNITURE.- A. . . F. GROSS , Kew and isocond Hand Fomitare and btoves , 1114 Douglas. E. 0. lurgeon Ag't.- J. . . BOXNEB,103 Douglas St. Fine Goods , ic. FENCE WORKS ' OMAHA FENCE CO- .GUST. . . FRIES & CO. , 12.3 TTarney St. Improv- ed Ice lioxcs , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Railings , Counteract Pin * and Walnut. ' IFLORIST- A. - . Donachue , plant ? , cu flowers , seeds , boqueta- etc. . , H. W. cor. 10th and Donglas StB- .GROCERS . - Z. STEVENS , 2l8tbetfteenCumlng and Izard.- T . A. McSIIANE. Corner S3d ard Com'ng St8- .HATTERS . - W. L. PAUROTTE & CO . 1SCC Douclas Street , Wholcsile Exclusively.H- ABDVARE. . . A. HOLMES , corner 16th ami Califoniia. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C.- E. . . B. WE1ST.32) 13th St. bet. Fam. & liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get jour Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE. PROPI- NTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MBS. - . LIZZIE DSrTT, 17 16th Street. JUNK H. BERTfTOLD. Rars and Metals LAMPS AND GLASSWARE.- J. . . CONNER. 1303 Douglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILOR.- G. . . A LINDQUESr , One ol our most popular Merchant tailors is re- ceiving ¬ the latest designs for Spring aad Sum- mer ¬ Geode tor centlem-n'B ear. Stylish , durable and prices low a? ever , 215 13th bet. Daug.fe Far. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market.- MOOLE& . JE3TER , Frcs'i and Cured MciU, Game. Fish. Poultrv , Etc. . 2020 Cuminz Street.- MILLINERY. . . MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in great variety. Zephyrs , Card Boards , Houerr , gloves , corsets , &a Cheapest House in the West. Purchase save Si per cent. Order by Mail HSFUtO'n'h-t. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. - . S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No. " 4, Creighton- Block. . 16th Street.- P. . . S. LSISENUING , M. D , Masonic Block.- C. . . D. HART , U. D. , Eye and far. opp. posteffice PHOTOGRAPHERS - PHOTOGRAPHS AND TJN TYPES.- GEO. . . HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallon. 212 sixteenth Street ncxr Masonic IltJl. Sattsliction Guaranteed or Money Rrtunded. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES.- D. . . FITZPATRICK , 1 03 DouglM Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HENRY A. KO EUa. 1412 Dod.'e Street. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. - . BHRMESTER , Dealer in Stoves and Tinwa-e , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Follows" Block.- J. . . BOXNER , 1S09 Doug. St. Gocdand Cheap.- J. . . EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and CultivatoM. Odd Fellows 11 all. SHOE STORES- .Ph'lipp . Lin ? , 1320 FarnhamEt. bet. 13th & 14th. SALOONS- DENBY - KAUFMANS , In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has jnst opened a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 1,0 to 12 every day- .FLANNERY. . . On Farnham , next to the B. & ll.-headquartcrs , has reopened a neat an 1 complete catablish- ment - which , barring FIRE , and Mother Ship- ton's - Prophecv , will bo open for the boys with Hot Lunch on and after present date.- "Caledonia. . . " J. FAI.COXER , 679 ISth Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Famham bet. lOtn & llth MAKE m MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GEEASE Composed large' ; uf po * lered mtcaandldnglasi- ts the beat and cu up =3t lubricator In the world- .It . isthebestbecau ci t does not gnm, but forms a highly polished mrface over tbo axle , delng away with m large amount of friction. It is the cheapest bccaun Ton need use but half tbe quantity in grouliig your wagon thatyou woull- of uy other wde grease made , and then iun your waron twice as long. It anrwera equally M wen for Mill Oeiring , Threshing MachlnM , Buggies, &C-.U for wagons Send for Pocket Cjclopedl of Things Worth Knowing. Hailed free to sny address MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , SI MICHIGAN AVENOK , CHICAG- O.ft . Ask Your Dealer For It _____ _ oct20tf- AOESTS WANTED FOR OCR NEW BOOK, ' 'Bible for tlie , Being the story of the Scriptures by Rev. Geo. Alexander Crook , D. D. . hi simple and attrac- tive ¬ language for old and 3 oung. Profusely Illustrated, making a most interesting and im- pressive youth's instructor. Every parent will secure this work. Preachers, 3 on should cir- culate ¬ It. Price $ S 00.- Senc" . lor circulars with txtr terms.- J. . . H. CHAMBERS & CO. , . St , Louis , JIo HAPET HOLDERS , The Lucky List in the Second Premium Distribution to The Weekly Bee , The Threshing Machine Will Wake the Echoes in- Waco While Douglas County Takes the Farm. The second annual premium distribution of THE OMAHA BEE took rlace Tuesday afternoon at THE BEE office , in the pres- ence ¬ of two hundred subscribers of this journal. The subscribers took the matter in their own hands and choose the follow- ing ¬ committee who conducted the drawing : Messrs. J. E. Moore and Wiley Taylor , of Union precinct , Douglas county ; John Miller and John Brinn of Sarpy county ; John Knight , of Washington county , and C. Pto'e , of Pottawattamie county , Iowa. The following is a list of the principal premiums drawn : 5977 J. L Case threshing machine , J. E. Taylor , Waco , Neb. 7112 Grand Piano , P. Terp , Fairbury , Neb. 59 Forty acre- farm, Clans Shumanu , Millard , Neb. 401 McCnnnick harvester , M. M. Stover, Table Eock , Neb. 2126 Lewis Header , A. T. Meacham , ISenesaw , Neb. 4480 Grand organ , WN Bowman. Wal- nut ¬ , Iowa. 5063 Side bar buggy , J Roberts , Amboy, Neb. 3884 Four ton scale , D J McLaughlin , Waterloo , Neb. 5403 Farm sheller, ( complete ) B Fuller , South Bend , Neb. 122 Parlor organ , John A Whitehead , Wilbur , Neb. 1350 Caldwell wagon , Eli G Wingerd , Spellville , Iowa. 6139 Mitchell , lew's & Co. wagon , P- Boulden , Western , Iowa. 885 Brown's planter , Nathan Starky , Stockham, Neb.- 48S . American grinding mill , Lucian Coeur , Nemaha , Neb. 269 Silver tea set , S Berry , Blair , Neb. 4866 Four Ton Moline scale , E. Conly, Scribner, Neb. - 4730 Wind mill , E Van Meter , Griswold , Iowa. 6105 Wind mill , A J Coddmgton , Boone , m. 2398 Gold watch , D Hendrix , Solon , Neb. 5699 Barlow corn planter , ( with drill ) S Chamberlain , Wilson , Neb. 1291 Gold watch , James Davis, Xenia , Neb. 551 American grinding mill , No 3 , Chas Draper , Richland , Neb. 6763 Deere corn planter , J Bauer , Brown- vil - e , Neb. 5765 Sulky plow , (16 inch beam ) G W Walton , Butler , Mo. 2045 Barlow planter , J H Orcutf, Crab Orchard , Neb. 2502 Gilpin sulky pl.w, J F Griffiii , Eiverton , Iowa. 193 Deere drop corn planter , C W Corn- wall ¬ , Wilson , Neb. 756 jinger sewing machine , David Samp- son ¬ , Plattsmouth , ITeb. 1487 Singer sewing machine , C R Stead- mn - , TJnadilla , Neb. 1397 Singer sewin ? machine , Patrick Murphy , Schuyler, Neb. 6193 Singer sewing machine , J G Ulings- worth , Red OaV , Iowa. 76.2 Singer sewing machine, Earnest Fuller , Orton , Neb. 0643 Singer sewing machine , G Moore , Adams , Neb. 5369 White sewing machine , E Arnett , Boulder, Col. . 7413 White sewing machine , G A York , Waterloo , Neb.- BG75 . White Sewing machine , Gee Henal , Humbolt , Neb , 7604 White sewing machine , A A Tries , Hayes , Neb- .J97JL7hlte . sewing-machine , O Johnson , SWJburgh , Neb. 5766 White sewing machine , F Nicholson , Oakfield , N. Y. 7460 White sewing machine , G Craig, Scotia , Neb. 3531 White sewing machine , Mas Homar , Omaha , Neb.- 5C07 . American wind mill grinder , A M- Armstrong , Salem, Kas. 4170 Quincy planter , A M Ball , Cam- bridge ¬ , Iowa. 7524 Taylor horse power, J W Phillips , Friend , -flTeb. 5125 Marseilles stalk cutter , Benj Cooper , Oakdale , JVeb. 603 Moline planter , Don Howies , La Platte , Areb , G04 Breech loadng rifle , R J Boggs , Irvington , Aeb. 7471 Life scholarship Omaha , Mrs V C- Witchey , Duncan , JTeb. 7499 Life scholarship , Denver , E Cligg , Jlock Springs, Wy. 511 Life scholarship St. Joe , BB Baker , Holden , Mo. 5625 375 Ibs painted fence wite. G W Allen , Belvidere.JVeb. 6091 SOD Ibs galvanized wire.E P Dorathy , Rtapleton, Iowa. 4252 Set farm harness , T Teepoon , Table Rock, JVeb. 3532 Set farm harness , John Mallin , Forest City , JVeb. 2346 Cooking stove , WH Carr , Harvard , JTeb. 2996 Hard coal stove , F Reynilds , JVeligh , Jfeb. 3962 Brown's cultivator , A J Woodward , Willow Creek, Mt. 847 Set Chamber's encyclopedia , JV- Whitesell. . Red Willow , Ifeb. 439 Breech loading shot-gun , F S Wood , RivertonATeb. . 2584 Cooper's novels , ( complete ), W H Barrows, Rising, JVeb. 372 Platform scale , Dan'l Sweeney.South Bend , -Areb. 5474 Deere cultivator , R A Lord , Salem , .ZVeb. 4511 Hunting case stem winder , J A- Kunkel , Seribner, JTeb. Hunting Case Stem Winder Watch , ta : R Sinnett , Honey Creek , Iowa. Mrs AE Rathbnrn , Elk Groove , Mo- .J . f Marshall , Wellington , Mo- .W . C Kenyon , Omaha , Neb.- S . P Hutchins. Springville , Utah.- S . Douglas, Sidney , Neb.- M . Cla son , Kalamazoo , Neb- .W . H Crabtiee , Wellsboro , El. Conrad Schroll , Westside , Iowa.- A . Morrell , Swaburg , Neb. Julia McCloskey , Edgar , Neb. Hunting Case Silver Watch , to : J Quinn , Douglas , Neb- .W . G Turner , David City , Neb- .W . R Livf sy, Blue Spring * . Neb- .A . Uolemnn , Louisville , Neb- .T . Shinn , Valley , Neb- .J . Kershaw, Ashland , Neb- .M . Wingate , Atlantic , Iowa- .J . R Bollard , Fairmont , Neb- .P . Minehan , Creighton , Neb. Coon Sailor* , Barada , Neb- .D . L Boeham , Shinn , Iowa. Mrs EE Hough , Sarpy Centre , Neb. Walking Cultivator, to : S BK ne , Madison , Neb- .BreakingPlow . , to : s .John B al , Crab Orchard, Neb. Walking Cultivator , to : P Smith , Walnut , Iowa. Lounge , to : T C Osborn. Clarion , Neb. Mrs LH Mapis , Schnyler, Neb- .J . Matties , Bell Creek , Neb. Fifteen Gallons Barn Paint , to : Jam s Gap. Colon , Neb- .Fourtteninch . Steel Beam Plow, to : J a. Mohr , L'ell Creek , Neb- .Dickens' . Works , complete , to: J G Leipoldt , Clear Creek , Neb- .Waverly . Novels , complete , to : J Calkins , Wilber , Neb. Beam Plow , 14-inch , to : Win Eby , Anita , Iowa- .M . Ballou , Ashland Neb. Fred GSchrnelzel , Humboldt Neb. Horse Hay Sweep-to Joseph Cm ley, Florence , Neb. Ten Gallons Enamel .Paint , to- Jos H-Bennet , Oakdale , Neb. Ten Gallons Railroad Paint to- J J Tracey , Jackson , Neb. Ten Gallons Cottage Paint te- A Norton , E > mma , Neb. Corn Stalk" Cutter te- L Willie , Gen-va , Neb. Silver Plated Butter Dish to- W G Scott , Doer City , Neb.- G . W Loomis , Malvern , Iowa.- O . D Tibbetts , Table Rock , Neb- .J . W Mulliken , Geneva , Neb.- C . Seheler , Grandview,Ne . Siler Plated Cabj Basket to- G W Small , Mission Creek , Neb. W A Snyder , OsceoU , Neb- .R . S Hart , Ly ons , Neb. Webster a Dictionary to- E Thompson , Syracuse , Neb- .WD . Thompson , Cowles , Neb. J FMartens , Millard , Neb- .Rnad . Scraper to- G G Gardner , Central City, Neb. Set Silver Plated Knives , te- D P Tipton , Brownvflle , Neb. Mrs M Jeffries , Rub , Neb , A McKinnon, Holland , Neb. Mrs J G Beveredge , Sonth Creek, Neb P W Jerry, Stanton , Neb- .MStrasser . , Duncan Neb- .F . L Stoser , Ft. Omaha , Neb- .L . O Farrington , North Platte , Neb- .F . M Youngsea , Eock Bloffa , Neb- .W . Eolgore , Indianola , Neb. Set silver-plated Table Spoons , to : B Adleman , Hastings , Neb. George Landon , Williston , Vt.- Jno. . . F Newhall , Dry Creek , Neb.- C . MBowmre , Luella. Neb. Jacob Back, Omaha , Neb. Mike Dee , Omaha , Neb. Revolver to : E W Stowell , Prairie Star , Neb- .J . Babbet , balem, Neb- .A . Crabtree , Indianola , Neb- .Goldplate . Vest Chain to : WE Horn , Western College , Iowa- .H . A Burton , Cowles , Neb. ' Tim Deegan , Buchaw, Neb.- G . U Johnson , North Lonp, Neb. Louis Lighe , Weeping Water , Neb. Asa Koge-s , Sarpy Centre, Neb.- G . W Deaver, Malvern , la- .J . Lack , Cedar Valley , Neb- .H . G Grant. Edgar , Neb.- Geo. . . C Snide , Papillion , Neb. Set Silver-plated Forks to- J M Eby , Bellevue , Neb ' CNPerdalen , Mead , Neb. Edward March , Humphrey , Neb. Arthur E Holden, Bardolph , IlL D Wintersieen , Wahoo , Neb- .F . Sterpofal , Crowell , Neb. Set SchiUer'a Works te- A Frnk , Humboldt , Neb- .Noyes . Feed Mill to , F E Higley , Decatur , Neb- .E . NNoiris , Atlantic , Iowa. Farm Churn to- Chas. . B Hough, Lebanon , Neb- .W . H James , Table Eock , Neb. Set of Gold Jewelry to- S Parker , Carleton. Neb- .M . K'nnedy , Courtland , N. Y- .E . C Smith , Brownville. Neb.- D . D Andrus. Weeping Water , Neb.- M . Buhler , Lamoille , 111. Gold Hand King to . . EE Mooburv , Pleasant Hill , Neb.- Mrs. . . J Nook , Western , la. John Bagley, jr. , Omaha- .J . F Lasch , Cloudy. Neb. John Bunn , Oak Grove , Neb.- C . F Huntington , Oakdale , Neb. Bolt Lon'sdale Muslin to : E J Jteese , Grandview, Neb- .J . Hardymarlen , Mlnden , Iowa. Lenis Berry , Fecnimore , Wis- .J . Edgerton , Guide Eock , Neb- .P . H Hulchcraft , Kellerton , Iowa.- M . M Martin. Eandolph , Wis- .W . E Nason , Omaha , Neb- .J . S Swihart , Flowtrdale , Neb- .E . C Budlocr , Wheatland , Neb- .J . H Pahlman. Johnson , Neb.- Geo. . . Cane , Kemma , Neb- .GO . Took , Hendrix , Neb- .F . C Ghost , Cedar Bluffs , Neb- .J . Kam , Edmonrt , Kaa- .W . ChiUcote , Crete. Neb. Daniel Elliot , E Hanover , Penn. Eli Warner , Ionia , Neb.- B . F Salmons. Shelron , Neb. Harrison Martin. Estena , Neb- .A . W Sarle. Mt Pleasant , Neb. Pair Gold Sleeve Buttons to- J CurryWahoo. Neb. Henry Gootsch , Sarpy Centre , Neb.- M . E Kyan , Jackson , Neb.- Wm. . . f. Miles , Plymouth. Neb.- G . L Straight , Omaha , JVebi Set bilverTea Spoons to : W H JVewcomer , York , JTeb- .G . W JVebbell. Wilber , Sfeb , J E Sems , Ulysses , JVeb- .J . W Bell , Genoa , Jfeb- .T . Wlch , Forest City , Neb- .J . W Cassell , Deloit , Iowa. Silver Vest Chain to- J Toof ? , Hampshire , HI- .SDeWeber . , Humbolt , JVeb. Andrew Tawle , Luella , Neb- .W . C Coon , Eepublican City, .Web. - O H McDonald, Shenandoah, Iowa- .GREASED'POLES . DOR PIBEMEN.- A . WESTERN DEVISE WHICH IS NOT POPU- LAR ¬ IN NEW YORE. Now York Sun In some of the western cities the fire engine companies- consider the ordinary means of descending from one story to another tedious. They therefore ignore the stair whan in a hurry , and slide down a pole instead.- Tbo . pole is round , polished and oiled , and runs from the first floor , where the engine stands , to the second floor where the firemen sleep. As soon as the alarm-gong sounds a trap door ia thrown open ill the tecond .floor , leav- ing ¬ a space arcupd the pole about four feet square , and the firemen tumble from their beds , rush to the pole and slide to the prou'nd floor. In Chicago this is considered a very clever and time saving devise , and the firemen ef that city look upon the departments of New York and Boston as being far behind the age- .A . San reporter called upon Fore- man ¬ McGill of No. 32 engine in John street. The foreman said : "The Chi- cago ¬ people are extremely proud of that bean polo of theirs. The last time Chief Swenie of that city was in New York he came down here and we had a long talk about it He claimed that It saved an immense amount of time , but that's all nonsense. It is utterly impossible to shorten the time now, for we've got it down to tr-e fin- est ¬ point. Our engine is a self-mover , and it takes a little longer to get her into the street that it would if she was dtawn by horses. Still we can all be abed except the night patrol when an alarm comes , and seven seconds after the first note of the gong will find as tearing up tbe street. The men are always down jtaira and by the engine in a couple of seconds , and all the tel- egraph ¬ poles in creation can'c make them any quicker. " Capt. G. L. Crum of No. 4 engine said : "Pole ? We don't want a pole- .It's . imp ossible to get an engine out any quicker than wo do. Three sec- onds ¬ after tbe first stroke of the gong oar engine and men are ready to start and waiting for the alarm to stop striking. Actually ready before you can count one two three. " The captain touched the gong and in 2 | seconds the driver' in his seat shouted "Beady. " "I'd like to know how a greased pole is going to better that time , " said the captain. Chief Ell Bates was found at the headquarters in Mercer street. He said Chicago's a queer town , isn't it ? That pole of theirs is all well enough for a country town , but what are you going to do with it in a'large city ? Of coarse of an afternoon it is very pleasant for the fire company to call in its lady friends and elide down to a greased pole for their ed- ification ¬ , but in the dead of night , when every minute is of vast impor- tance ¬ , it is nothing more or leaa than a bother. Oar men twist into their coats while running down stairs , and save time that way. We are now building our engine-houses so that the men sleep on the same floor where the engine is. When I was in Chicago they had their stairs made four feet wide. On one tide was a smoothly planed board , and the firemen , in- stead ¬ of running 1 own stairs , alM to the floor below on the board. It was a poeticil sight to see a bg two hundred and-hfty-pouuder rush for- ward ¬ and glide to the bottom of the shaft with a smiling countenance. I- don't think we'll adopt the Chicago pole. " OPKN1NG SARDINES THE DIFFICULTIES SIR. SPOOPENDYKE EXPERIENCED IN DOING SO. Brook ) } n Eagle- ."Look . here , my dear, " said Mr. Spoopendyke , tossing over the laces and ribbons in his wife's bureau draw- er ¬ , "what's become"of the can opener ? I don't see it anywhere. " "What do you want of it ? " asked Mrs. Spoopendyke , flattering ap to protect her trinketsand trying to gain a little time- ."I . want to open some sardines with it , " retorted Mr. Spoapendyke , aban ¬ doning the -drawer and hunting through the workbasket. "Think I wanted to comb my hair with it ? Im- agine ¬ I wanted to write a letter with it ? Well , I don't. I want some ear- dinea. - . What have you done with It ? " "You might take your big knife , " recommended Mrs. Spoopenkyke. " blade is jnst the thing for Mr. Spoopendyke seized the knife and bored away at ona comer of tha box , while his wife looked on with considerable distress- ."Hadn't . you better put a paper under the box ? You'll get the oil all- over the table doth , " suggested Mrs- .Spoopendyke . , aa the knife plunged through and the oil spattered.- "Serve . you right if I did , " he con- tinued ¬ , ploughing away at the tin , while the grease flair in all directions- ."B . would teach you to put the can opener where you could find it. What kind of housekeeping do you call this , anyhow ? " he yelled , as the blade slipped ont and closed up on hia fingers- ."Did . yon hnrt yourself , dear ? " asked Mrs. Spoopendyke , anxiously- ."No . , I didn't hurt myself , " grinned Mr. Spoopendyke. "The dod-gasted knife struck the bone , or I would have been dead with agony an hour ago. Give me some ether I" he howle- d."Feth . me some chloroform ! S'pose- I'm going to saw at this box any more without an antithetic ? Got any idea I'm going to chip off a couple dozen fingers without something to deaden the pain ? Where's the laughing gas ? Give me some laughing gas while I extract these measly old fish, " and Mr. Spoopendyke pranced around the room , and then jabbed the knife into the box again , and ripped away aa thoneh he was run by steam. "No use to hide away from me ! " ha yelled , hacking at the box with all his might. "I know you're in there , and there can't any dod gasted sardine that ever was built get away from me. Come ont, I tell ye ! " and he seized a fish by the tail and slang him across the room. "You're transacting busi- ness ¬ with Sppoopondyke now ! " and he clawed out a handful of mashed sardines and slapped them down on a plate- ."Won'tyou . spoil 'em dear1 ? asked Mrs. Spookendyke , dodging the flying heads and tails. "They won't be very good if you open 'etn in that way. " "Oh , won't they ? " howled Mr- .Spoopendyke. . . "If you don't like'em that way , what'd you ask them for ? Maybe you want me to take 'em out in a baby carriige. P'raps you've got an idea I ought to climb under 'em and let 'em oat. Maybe you want me- te gdt into that box with a boat and take 'em out with a seine. Well , I- won't , I tell ye. Give me tongs , 1 want that fish at the bottom.- Where'a . the tongs ? Gone to get mar- ried ¬ to the can opener , haven't they ] " end Mr. Spookeadyke grabbed anoth- er ¬ fhh and fired him into the grate "Be patient , my dear , " said Mrs- .Spoopeudyke . , soothingly. "Make the opening a little wideband they'll come out. " "Ain't I patient , " shouted Mr.- Spoopendyke. . . "P'haps you want me- te sing to 'em , 'I wish I was an angel and with the ' dod gaat the fish ! Come oat of that ! " and with a wrench Mr. Spoopendyke .hauled off the top and disclosed the mangled remains of ala enemies. "Now , give me a lemon , " and he eyed the repast with anything but contentment. "S ir around and get me a lemon ; quick now. " "Upon my word , my dear , I don't believe there's a lemon in the house , " stammered Mrs. Spoopendyke , "I had " one "Oh , you had one ! " proclaimed Mr.- Spoopendkye . , "only you're just out- .If . you'd been brought up right you'd only need an awninp and on the top floor to be a grocery shop ! S'pnae I'm going to eat these sardines ran ? Think I'm going to swallow these fish alive ? Uimme something to put on 'em, will ye? " "What would you like , my dear ? " queried Mrs. Spoopendyke- ."Ink . , dod gastit ! Fetch me some measly ink ! Got any nails ? Can't you find some laudanum somewhere ? " and Mr. Spoopendyke projected him- self ¬ into the closet and * praneed out with a bottle of arnica , "There , " he howled , as he dashed the contents over the sardines , "There's yonr fish all ready for yon , and the next time irouwan.meto open the things , you lave a lemon , will ye ? Find a can opener , won't ye ? " and Mr. Sppopan-t dkya flopped into bis e isy chair and' picked up the paper- ."Don't . you want some of the fish ? " asked Mrs. Spoupendyko , after a long pause- ."No . , I don't , " growled Mr. Spoo- pendyke. ¬ . "Bat this is afresh box , " said VIrs. Spoopendyko , displaying the sardines in neat layers. ' How'dyouget it open ? " demand- ed ¬ Mr. Spoopendyke- ."With . the can opener , " replied lis wife ; "I found It in your tool box , where you put it to sharpen it. " "Maybe I put the lemon in there b sharpen that too , " granted Mr. Spoop- sndyke - , pegglng'away at the box and looking up with his mouth full , but recognizing the taste of vinegar, he made some remarks about some people only needed a handle and a cord to be- a Fortunatns iug , and having finished the lot , he demanded why his wife liadn't asked for 'em if ohe wanted some , and went to bed with some in- coherent ¬ observations on the absurdi- ty ¬ of tolks sitting around like martyrs with fish within teach- .Eacsien'b . Arnica Salvo The BEST SALVE in the world for Oats , Braices , Snroa , Ulcers , " Salt Rhenra , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- ed ¬ Handa , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo- s [ guaranteed to give perfect aatlafac- tied In every case or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For solo by- 8dly TBh & McMabnn. Omaha. Free of Cost Du. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY fo Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given away in trial bottles free of coat to the afflicted. If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , loarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As yon value your existence you cannot afford to let this opportunity pass.- Wo . could not afford , and would not ; ive thU remedy away unless we- enow it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will cure one-half the oases that DE. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY will cure. For sale by (6) JAMES K. ISH , Omaha. Gentle- Women Who want glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful 'Hair must nse- LION'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont, arrests and cures gray- ness - , remoTes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau- tiful ¬ , healthy Hair is the sure result of using fiathairgn. THE GE- PK.C. . M- cIIYEB PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " ioi all the ilia that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head- ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER.- No . hetter cathartic can he used pre- paratory to , or after taking quinine. AJ- a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the Hd , with the impressionMcLANE'S LIVEB- PILL. . Each wrapper bears the signa- tures of C. McLo-E und FLEMIJ.O BROS- .Sf . % Insist upon having the genuine DR. C. McLANK'S LIVEU PILLS , pre- pared h"- FLEMING BROS. , Plltslmrgii , Pn. , the market being full of imitations of the name JXcTMnc , sxlled differently , but same pronunciation. HOW TO CUK- ECONSUMPTION COUGHS , , Colds , Asthma , Croup, All diseases or the Tbroat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Orfans.I USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM , LA&A7SVE Prepared 13' tropical ftnltJ ( nd plant- s.Is . the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For ( Constipation , IllHousiiess , Hentlnclie , Torpid , Hem orrlioids , Indisposition , and nil D'sortlcrs arlsiJiKT from an ob- structed ¬ state of . . and children , and those uho dislike- s pilU and nauseous medicines , arc espe- cially ¬ pleased with Its agreeable qualities- .TOOPI&FRUIT . LAXATIVE may be used In rll cases that need the aid of a purgative , cat hartlc.ornperient medicine , and whlleit pro- ducea - thn same result as the agents named ,U is entirely free from the usual objpctlonsconmioii- to them. Facked'in bronzed tla boxes only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BYALLFIRSTCLASSDRUGGIbTS.- C. . . F. Goo'min , Wholesale Agents , Omaha , Neb- .Ul . II MT F n l 003' ' Acents everywhere to aa- lWn I CU Tea , Coffee, Baking Powder. Flavoring Extracts , etc , by eample , to famlllaa , Profit good. Outfit froe. People's To. Co. , EOT 2050 , St. Louis. M- o.NO . CIIASJCIN C4RS BEMW- EESOMAffAAND 03IGAGO , Where Dira ct connection ? ore Hade With Through Sleeping 9Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel- phia ¬ , Baltimore , Wash- ington ¬ , . AND ALTj FASTERN ClTiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA fo * lndianapolisCincinnatiLouisv- ille. - . ASD ALT , roisia ra TUB THK BE3T LINE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the- UNION i-EPOT withThrouih T Car Lines (or all Points S O The New Line for XXSS The Favorite Eoute for IROOIK : The uneqnaleJ Indnceirents offered by this Line to Travelers and Touriits , are as follows : Ihe celebrated Pullman (16-whcel ) Palace Slosp- Ing - Cars , mn only on this Lino. C. , B. & Q- .PiUco . Iirawing-Koom Cors. with Ilorton's Ro- cllninjr - Ch Ira No citra charge for Seats in- Rcclinlns Chairs The famous O ,I?, ft Q. Palace Dinine Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars flttsd with Elegant ni h-Backed Rattan Retolvln ? Chairs for the exclmivo use of urst-clasa pisacn- gers. - . Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com- bined ¬ with their Great Throneh Car Arrange- ment ¬ , makes this , above all others , the favorite Route to the East , South , and Sonth-Eost. Try It , andyou will find traveling a luxury Instead of discomfort. Through Tickets via thu Tele' rated Line for sale at all offices in the United gtatesand Canada.- AH . information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car .Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , i.c , will be cheerfully given by appli inv to- JAMES R. WOOD , General Paaseneer Agent , Chicago.- T. . . J. POTTcR , General Manager , Chicago 1SSO. KC8TJ8EeBBB. , Is the only Dliect Line to- ST. . LOUIS AKI5 'SHE SAST From OMAHA and tha WEST.- Ho . change of can between Omah& and St. Loula- ind hut one boitrocn Omalm &nd Nsw York. SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS KUCSI5S ATi Eastern & Western Cities With lees charges indln tdrincs of other lints. This entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace Slcapin ; Cars , Palace Da > Coac- h'elllar'a ! Sataty Platform -aad Coupler and the celebrated . CiTSEE THAT YOOU TICKET SSADS'S * yVa ! Kancaa City , St Joae h i . ., fS"Joo and3tIioul8.Ta Tickets for gale nt all coupon eUtloaa ts f.u- West. . J. F. BABHARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Oenl Supt. , Gcn'l PiM. tt Ticket Ag't- St. . Joaeoh , Ho. Bt. Jcscpb Jo , W C. SEACnKEST , Tlckot Agan. ! 1020Farnhsin Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARNABD , Paaa. AeentOmah . Oon'ri A cent , Omaha- .M. . . E. KISDO9T. General Insurance _ w. ,f Lon- don. - . Cash Assets . ' . . 15.107.1E- IVE3TCHB3TEH , JT. Y. . Capital . l.OOO.KJ THE MERCHAM3 , of Newark. N.J. , l.OOC.O- OOIRARD FIREEhlladelph5aCaplal. ! . 1.00,000 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL.Cap- ital - . 9UCI- OFIREMEN'3 - , FUND , California . 800 BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co 1,200OCO- NEWA HK FIRE IMS. C0n ABEeta. .. . gflO.OC- OAMKRICAP CENTRAL , Assets . SOO KM 3 tut Cor. of Fifteenth & DotulM St. , OMAHA , NEB , FRITSCH'S PRUSSIAN THE LATEST " VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE- .Hie . only existing remedy for ewery spe- .cies . of Acute or Chronic Disease of the Organs of Respiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! nnHIS all-powerful vegetable preparaJ- L - tlonoxpelg from the lungsand air pas * ages , the mucus and muco-pas produced by pnlmonary inflammation , henls the Irritated inombraBcl , and renovates every organ -nhichtitulzes the breath of- Life. . It contains no stupefying poison , and U In all respects a healthful niedl- cino. - . Tha rapidity and certainty with which it - ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis- ease ¬ and discharges the cause from the jstom. Free and painless expectora- tion ¬ is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest and throat from the burdens ivhlch oppress them ; thus arresting Con- sumption ¬ and Bronchitis in the germ be- fore ¬ they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible sconrge of onr cli- mate ¬ will llnd FrHsch's Prussian Couch Syiop a potent ally, and will assuredly win the fight by adhering strictly to thlj great medicine. The GASES NOW ON RECORD In which it has been administered with entire suci'e-mis n. remedy for every va- riety ¬ of malnily which affects the Re- spiratory ¬ i'uutUons , omouutto _ more than FIVE THOUSAND at the present date , nndyettheprepnrat- ion is onlyin the Infancy of its useful ¬ ness. The great defect of all Cough Keiiifdies hitherto introduced is that they are simply expulsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up- nro removed.nnd the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re- stored ¬ to their natural tone , a. cure is- Impossible. . 1'ritsoh' * Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The niucits-Jind muco-pu ? which are the con- .srqiibnco . of LungDiseaso , are thrown off by it , while at the same time It soothes and intigorutes the weakened tissues- ."LIFE . FOR THE LUNGS. " l-"or coughs , colds , influenzabronchial- ditllculties , tightness of the chest.hoarsan- cs1 - * , sore throat , trachltls , inflamma- tion ¬ of the lungg , dimcnlty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sole agents la America , RICHABDSOM & CO , Bt. Louis , Mo- .SOLD.BY . . AT.T. DRUGGIST . PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. * WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing a Speciality. Their beauty, permanence and economy daily working the extinction ot Ml fencing cheap material. Elegant In dwlgn. Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme- tery ¬ PLits. Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , canopied and of rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron and Wire ornimentcl work designed ami manufactured by E T. BAKHUM'S WhM and- Iron Work , C7,29 and 31 Woodward Ave , De- troit ¬ , Mich g Bi"i ' " 1" i "atelogua and rlcn Hat S9D- 2JFEYER AGUE , Ther fane civilized nation in the Western Hemisphere In which the utility ot Hosteller's Stomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective , and anti- bilious medicine , la not known andappreciated. While it is a medicine for ill seasons and all climates , It is especially suited to the complaints ge nerated by the weather , being Uo purest and oost vegetable stimulant in the world. For sale by Druggists and Dealers , to whom ap- tilv - for IIo-.t tter'i Alminac for 1881- .A . now and hiihsito unknown remedy for all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder, and Urinary It vrill po3iti7 ely cnro Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- sy ¬ , firicht's Discaso , Inability to retain or expel ] th ? Urine , Catarih of the Bladder , high cole red and scanty crino. Painful Urinating, LAil ? BA.CK , Ucneri ! Weakness , and all Female Com- plaint ?. _ It avoids Internal medicines , la certain In It ejects and cures when nothing else can . for hale by all Druggists or eent by mall f t ee upon receipt of the price , 2. CO. DAY MEY PAD GO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. ? S your tddresa for onr little book , How e TOS Saved. " SIOCX CITY & PACIFIC - AT- OSt , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable. Sioux City Motitc ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COMOIE BLUFFS to- ST.. PAUL , MINNEAPOL-IS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Kortharn Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. TUs llaa b equipped with the Ira- proved Wcatlnjhousa Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPESD , SAFETY AHD COMFORT Ij unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room tnd Sleeping Cars wned and controlled " )y the com p&ny , run Tliroii h Without Change- between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffa , and St. Paul. Tralna leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffa , at 5:15 p m. , leashing Slonx City at 10:20 p. m , . and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , making HOURS in ADTAKOB OP- AHY OTHIB Roura. Returning , Isave St. Paul at 830 p. us. , r- riving at Sloox City at 1:15 s. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9 SO- a. . m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. fcP.B.R. ' F.C. HILLS. Superintendent , Ubscnrl Valley , low * P. E. KOBINSON , Asft Oen'l Faaa. AgenU- J.. H. 0-BBYAN , and Pasenger Agent , Council Bluff ! HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET GO.'S Weekly Line OJL SteamsMps Leaving Saw York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. England , Prance and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Pasaenge Agents , Broadway , NewYorfc KIDNEQ-BN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak- er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Blight's Disease, Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney or Bladder Tiseases. Also for Telloy Fever Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections.C- TBy . the dbtllbtlon of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIKS and BARLEY MALT we hart discovered KIDNEGEN.which acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , removing In Juriout deposits formed In the bladder and preventing any straining , smarting sensation heat 01 Irritation In the membranous llolni ? of tha ducU or water p-usage. It exdtes a healthy action In the Kidney * glvin ; them strength , Yigor ami restoring these organs to a healthy condition , showing 1U effect * on both tha color and easy Dow of urine. H can bo taken at all time*, In all climates and undent ! circumstances without Injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficult !** It has a-very pleasant and agre ibl taste and flavor. It has beea difficult to make a preparatloB containing positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to the stomach Before taking any Llvet medicine , try a bottle ot K1DNEQF.N to CLEANSE th KIDNEYS from foul matter. Try It and yon will always uad t as a family med dne. Ladlea especially will like It and Gentlemen will find KIDNEGEN tha best Kidney Tonic ever nsedt NOTICE Each bott'e bears the signature ot LAWRENCE & MARTIN , also ft Proprietary Govern- ment Stamp , which permits KIDNEOEN to be sold (without license ) by Druggists , Grocers and Other Persons everywhere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use.- If . not found at your DragjUta or Grocers , we will sendabottle prepaid to the nearest expres * office to you. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DKUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywhere Wholesale agents in Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , will supply the trade at mannf aetnj- prices.. IT IS- A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead- ily ¬ and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor. The White Machine instly claims to be the best made , the easiest running, the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in- tegrity ¬ , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres- ented. ¬ . Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , or. Davenport ami 15th Sts. Omaha. _ THIS NEW AtfD CORRECT MAP Proves beyond any reasonable question ttattto CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'YI- s by all odds the best road for you to take traveling In either direction bettreen ' Chicago and all of the Principal Points in tha West, North and Northwest. - Caret oily examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the TVert and Northwest are SUtto&s- on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ol all railroads at junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over allot Its principal lines , rmw each way dally from two to lourormoro FastExprew Trains. It Is the road that . , only west of. Chicago uses tha - r * +- , PULLMAN 'HOTEL DINING CASSV- It Is the only reid that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest ot Chicago. It has nearly S.OOO 3LLLHS OfJtO jf. It forma the following Trunk Lines : "Council Bluffs , Denver " by all Coupon Ticket Agents f Canadas. Remember to ask forTIcketsvlathlsroad.besnre they read over ltand take none other.- HCGHIIT . , Genl Manager , Chicago. A.VY. H. SmSETT , Geal Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. UOEii , Ticket Azent C. &N. W. Railway , 14th andfFarnhamJStrata- .i . ) . E KIMBALL , Assistant Ticket Agent C. & N. W. Rail way , llth and Farnham Btrocil.- J. . . BELL , .Ticket .Aeent C. & W. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depo- t.JAMlsST. . . CLARK General Agent.SHIVERICK. . I FURNiTURE BEDDING FEATHERS , , r r- X r- i r- o And Everything pertaining to the i-'nraitnre and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THl- V I ja 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. * li mca tb lit THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denver, Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of th West , la pre-eminently the best and most practi- cal ¬ of Its kind for the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING O- FYoungMen - - and Ladies.- G. . . W. FOSTER , Pmldent , D. W. OADY , Secretaiy The most extanslva , thorough and compJeta- netitntlon of the kind In the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , In tha prin- cipal ¬ dties and towns of the United States , owe their success to our coarse of tralnl- nTha . Rieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , fine , new brick block , at junction of three treet car Unci Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments or tbe application of and carrying out of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAINING , Young men who contemplate a business llf *, and parents having sons to educate , are parties.- Urly . requested to send for our n w Circular , which will give fall Information u to tcrzu, ondltlon of entrance , etc. Address "G, W. FOSTEE , President, ir Denver Colorado. DR. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AKB ITCHING PILES rtoM mt eafooa t&o t > lte ite or Bl- tto anfao'- frctly apoo tt > part * gfr- l&g Tmnora. Ulaylaaj- te merit *. DO NOT DELAY IE 1 tte drain oa tbe TRY IT * ® PRICE , 50 CEKT&. ASK YOUR DRUG6IST FOR IT , met wben yea eaa not obtate H rUa- > * Till wad It , prepaid , oa recent eTprlcK- 2r.. Bewuako' * Treat IseomFfleB Am Addre- uli OR, BQSJiKQ MEDffiiE CO- .PKTOA.O. . . C.IF. GOOMAN Agent, OaaMl

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916 farnham , bet. Stk and. lOtk Strut *


1 Copy 1 yew , In advance postpaid8.006 month* " " 1.008 month* " 2.00





, & R , W. E, R, (30 . m. , 8iO; p. m0. B. & Q 6 SO a. m 240 p. m.0. R. 11 P. B R.. 6.SQ , m. , fcttp. mCBt Joe 6:30 *. la.

. P. R.E. , ll:40a.m.0. * R. V. to Lincoln, 10 a, ro. '8. tlL UK840t. m.0. * N. W. , ;dC a. m-


0. 4 H. W. E. B , 11 t tii. , U p m.-


.0. B. & O., 11 1. . m. , ( t p. m-


I. i P. , li a. in ,


. B, * Bt , Joo.11 vm. , U p m.-


. P. R. R. , i p m.-


. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:13 p. m,t. City & P. , 11 a.m-.B.4M.ta

.> eb.p. m.

Local malls for States Iowa leave bat onoe tday, rlK 40 ft. m.Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Snndayi.

THOMAS F. HALUPostmartfr.

Arrival And Departure of. TralusUNION PACIFIC.

.DftUy KxpraBnfl5pm.

do Mired.Baop.m.-do

. 4:25 p. m.

Frelght.680 , m-

.do. 1:40 p. m..8:16 . in. U:20a.m.-







.240p. m. Kiprcas 10OOB.n ,

Hail.6:00 a. m. MaU lROOp.m.-Eondayl

.Bnndayi T.icepvcu. Excepted.


Man _ .eOC .m.l aa 10:0" "KzpreH t:40 p.m. I Expreeg..lO :

CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. . . .** prei _ . ..Et4epS m. | Exprosa 10:00 a. m.

Sundays excepted.-



tuvm ALKITI.

Mall. _ .8:00: ..m. I Expreas - .7:40 vm.-Kzprrai

..6.00 p.m. | MaH.7:2 I. m.The only line runnhut Pullman Sleeping Care

out of Omaha to Union Depot.-








.. Arrive-


i_ . . . 8KW . m. I Fxprea-4SO p. m-

.Kued.. .ISOp m. | Mixed.10:45 a. m

Daily Except Bnndtja.-



. & M. R. R. lu NEBRASKA.L-



Express .8SO ml Freteht. 850s mFreight. 6.65 p m f Expms. 4l. pin




U.- 8:10 am I Express. .1WO mt-abpren.8.40pm M ,. ---J 0 p m-




all.- 8 *. m. I Mall-UB6| s m-

Expre . . . .8:40: p. m. j Express. . .4:25 p. m.BRIDGE DIVISION TJ. P. R. R.

Leave Omaha , dally. 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. ,11 a. m.. 1 p. m. , S p. m. , 8p. m , 6 p. 6 p.

Leave Council BlnBa ; 82S a. m. , 9S6 ft. m , ,10aBftmll25fcin.lS6p m.SSB p. m. ,

IM p. m. , 6S5 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. ,1'our trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11-

ft. . m., S nd 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs U 9:26 ,

11:26 ft m,, and 2.2S and IS& p. m.-






Omaha : 6 a. m, , 7 a. m. , 6:50 . tn. , 1-

p. . nx 420 p. m. , 7 5 p. m. ,Leave Council Bluffs : 6:16 a. m, , 9:40 ft. m. ,

111 , m. 6:25 p. m. , 70 p. m. , 7 0 p. m.Dally except Sunday.-




10:46 a, m. . p. m.Dallv except



rUHTICE Sta. , Omaha Neb.-



. SldXERAL ,AT LAW Room8Creighton




. L. THOMAS ,A TTORNEY AT LAW Loans money, buysA and sells real estate. Room B , Orolghton-Block. .

A. C. TRDUP ,A TTORNET AT LAW Office ID Duncom'sA Block , with George E. Prltchatt , 1MB-

riirmnun St._







__TO. L. PEA800Y ,Office In Orelgbica Block , nazt U

Fort Office , OMAHA , UEBrlASSA-




SO'BRIEN & 8ARTIETT ,r Attorneys-at-Law ,

omCK-nnlon Cloek.Flfteenlli mi F rnh m





., NE-



. d. Conneli ,

A ttorney-at-Law.Office roomt , op itrln , In Euiccom'e-

n brick building , K. W corner Fifteenth andm>i ui Streets.


C3I.E R. K29IC-


SpocUl attention will bo given to all nuts%nnit eorpontiongo ! every dfescrlptlon ; willpractice In J Ahe Courts ot the 8ut and theUnited 8UU*. Office. Farnham St. , oppositeOourt Home.


jfV Block , 16th aad Donrlai BtrecU. noSdh

1. F. MAKDER30R ,1TORSSTA.T LAW SiJ Twuluun 8Uea-

tA.. Omib> fitbruka.

. T. fl. J. IIUK-


Attorneys t-Law.i>rnci 215 Sonth Fonrt enth Stree-



OL.AUS FOUND.Greatest Discovery of the ARB.

Wonderful dlscm e rles In the world haveb en madeAmong other things where Santa Claoa Bt J ed-

Ohlldren ot( ask U ho make * roods or not ,If mlly he fives In a mountain of sno-w.Lt

.ypar an eicureion Balled clear to the Pole

And suddenlydropped into wnatBeemedllkeaholeWhere wonci r of wonders they Tound anew land,labile fjJry-r.ks b lnrt appcutxl en each hand.There were mocntalns like cure , with more

beautiful preen ,And far brighter skies than ever wore seen ,Blrdi with the hneg of m rainbow were found,While Bowers of ezqnldte fngnnoe were grow-

Ing around. *

Not long were they lelt lo wonder In donb-A


belriir eoon cmo the; had heard much about ,TWM Suit * CUut' self and th IB they all cay,lo looked like the picture r esee every dayHe drove up a team that looked very qceor ,Twas ft t ni of > asshoppers Instead of reindeer,Be rode In & ehoU Instead ot sleigh ,But he took thorn on hoxrd *nd drova th m-

w y-


(hewed them J1 over his woDucrfnl realm ,And factories makln ; irooJs tor women *nd mou-Furrten were working on h U rrc t and email ,To Bunce's they said they were pen ling them all.-Crls

.Klalo. the Glare Jdxkcr , told them it once.

All oar alarm wo are a ending to Banes ,8 oU showed them susnrcidcrs and minv tolnri-

more. .6 yins I J o took thase to f rtejid Baacv's etovu8 nU Cians then whlsperad n tacrct he'd tell ,A* la Omaha every one knew Bcnee wall.-


therefore shatud send his good * to his cue.Knowing his friends will get ticlr fall sttxre.Now romemborj'e dwellers tn unifch * town ,All who want proscnti totand'a go round ,For hlrta, collars , or gloves great cod emul ) .Send your sister or aunt out , And ! ..

bnnce , Champlnn n tUr ot th * Wtwt,


.repreae *"


tch bott.e thirty or forty vltatet ot Sp J DC-

BeJUer Water , containing all the Tirtnca ot thecelebrated German t-pring. It is jdn-ajra fresh

nd J v* rc dy, and thru commends Itself toall for its ef&cacr. portability and cheapness.




.Ulnttnted. The most important in

bat book pabllsbed. Erery funlly vantlt-Eztnordlnary IndocemenU offered Agent' .

Addreai Awem' Prausnaa Co., Et. Lenis , Mo.




. U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1516 DodgeStreet , Steel Engravinfj , Oil Paintings , ChromoaFancy Frames , FramiiigaS'CciaUy. Low prices.-



. BOSNEtt, 1303 Douglas EL Good Stylca,


JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite postoffice.-



. B. BABTLETT. 317 South 13th Street.-




A T. LAEHE. Jr. , Boom 2. Crelghtan Block-



* Room 1 , Creighton Block.


JAMES DsVIKE 4. CO ,Fine Boots and Shoes A coed assortment ohome TkQTtc. on baud , cor. 12th and Barney.-


ERlChSON , S. E. cor 'Oth aadDonglaa




. F. LVBRIHKB , Msmufa-turcr. Vlsachera'Blk


WM. . SNYDEK , No. 1319 l h and Harney St


ANDREW BCWbWATER , 1510 Farnham StTown Surreys , Grade and Scv.eia.fe Systems :Specialty.




. WILLIS , 1414 Dodge Street

D. B. BEE1IEU , For details sus l rgo Advert as-

ment in Dailand Weekly.


WEST 4 FR.T CHER , Manufacturers ot C.'eareand Who esale Daaleisin Tobicca * , 1305 Doug


Western Cornice Wotk , Manufacturers IronCoral e, Tin , Iron and Slate Kooflop. Ordersfrom any loc&iity i romrtly executed in the bestnuuner. Factory and Office J310 Dodge i-trcet

Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window raps , etc-


and put up in any part of thecountry. 1. 416 thirteenth St.-



.J. BONKER , 1309 Dculai St. Good Line.-




DR. PAUL , WHlUma' t luck. Cor. 15th & Rodga




& CO , .Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and

Dmglas Streets.-



. J. WHITEHOUSE , Wholcsi'e' & ReUll.lC St.-



. C. F1FLD. 023 Xo'th-ide { umi"g Street




. F. GROSS , Kew and isocond Hand Fomitareand btoves , 1114 Douglas. E. 0. lurgeon Ag't.-



. BOXNEB,103 Douglas St. Fine Goods , ic.




. FRIES & CO. , 12.3 TTarney St. Improv-ed Ice lioxcs , Iron and Wood Fences , OfficeRailings , Counteract Pin * and Walnut.




. Donachue , plant ? , cu flowers , seeds , boqueta-

etc. . , H. W. cor. 10th and Donglas StB-




Z. STEVENS , 2l8tbetfteenCumlng and Izard.-



A. McSIIANE. Corner S3d ard Com'ng St8-




W. L. PAUROTTE & CO .1SCC Douclas Street , Wholcsile Exclusively.H-




A. HOLMES , corner 16th ami Califoniia.



.. B. WE1ST.32) 13th St. bet. Fam. & liar-


Ladies get jour Straw , Chip and Felt Hats doneup at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitolavenue. WM. DOVE. PROPI-




. LIZZIE DSrTT, 17 16th Street.

JUNKH. BERTfTOLD. Rars and Metals



.. CONNER. 1303 Douglas St. Good Variety.




. A LINDQUESr ,One ol our most popular Merchant tailors is re-


the latest designs for Spring aad Sum-



Geode tor centlem-n'B ear. Stylish , durableand prices low a? ever , 215 13th bet. Daug.fe Far.


The Boston Market.-



JE3TER , Frcs'i and Cured MciU ,

Game. Fish. Poultrv , Etc. . 2020 Cuminz Street.-



.MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail,Fancy Goods in great variety. Zephyrs , CardBoards , Houerr , gloves , corsets , &a CheapestHouse in the West. Purchase save Si percent. Order by Mail HSFUtO'n'h-t.




. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No. " 4, Creighton-Block. . 16th Street.-



. S. LSISENUING , M. D , Masonic Block.-



. D. HART , U. D. , Eye and far. opp. posteffice




Grand Central Gallon. 212 sixteenth Streetncxr Masonic IltJl. Sattsliction Guaranteed orMoney Rrtunded.




. FITZPATRICK , 1 03 DouglM Street.


HENRY A. KO EUa. 1412 Dod.'e Street.




Dealer in Stoves and Tinwa-e , and Manufacturerof Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building WorkOdd Follows" Block.-



. BOXNER , 1S09 Doug. St. Gocdand Cheap.-



. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drillsand CultivatoM. Odd Fellows 11 all.



Lin ?, 1320 FarnhamEt. bet. 13th & 14th.



KAUFMANS ,In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has

jnst opened a most elegant Beer Hall.Hot Lunch from 1,0 to 12

every day-



.On Farnham , next to the B. & ll.-headquartcrs ,has reopened a neat an 1 complete catablish-ment

-which , barring FIRE , and Mother Ship-


Prophecv , will bo open for the boys withHot Lunch on and after present date.-



." J. FAI.COXER , 679 ISth Street


CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Famham bet. lOtn & llth


MICA AXLE GEEASEComposed large'; uf po * lered mtcaandldnglasi-ts the beat and cu up=3t lubricator In the world-.It

.isthebestbecau ci t does not gnm, but forms

a highly polished mrface over tbo axle , delngaway with m large amount of friction. It is thecheapest bccaun Ton need use but half tbequantity in grouliig your wagon thatyou woull-of uy other wde grease made , and then iunyour waron twice as long. It anrwera equallyM wen for Mill Oeiring , Threshing MachlnM ,Buggies, &C-.U for wagons Send for PocketCjclopedl of Things Worth Knowing. Hailedfree to sny address





Ask Your Dealer For It______oct20tf-

AOESTS WANTED FOR OCR NEW BOOK,' 'Bible for tlie ,Being the story of the Scriptures by Rev. Geo.Alexander Crook , D. D. . hi simple and attrac-tive


language for old and 3 oung. ProfuselyIllustrated, making a most interesting and im-pressive youth's instructor. Every parent willsecure this work. Preachers, 3 on should cir-culate


It. Price $S 00.-


lor circulars with txtr terms.-J.

.. H. CHAMBERS & CO. , . St, Louis , JIo


The Lucky List in the SecondPremium Distribution to

The Weekly Bee ,

The Threshing Machine WillWake the Echoes in-


While Douglas County Takesthe Farm.

The second annual premium distribution

of THE OMAHA BEE took rlace Tuesday

afternoon at THE BEE office , in the pres-



of two hundred subscribers of this

journal. The subscribers took the matter

in their own hands and choose the follow-



committee who conducted the drawing :

Messrs. J. E. Moore and Wiley Taylor ,

of Union precinct , Douglas county; JohnMiller and John Brinn of Sarpy county ;

John Knight , of Washington county , and

C. Pto'e , of Pottawattamie county , Iowa.The following is a list of the principal

premiums drawn :

5977 J. L Case threshing machine , J. E.Taylor , Waco , Neb.

7112 Grand Piano , P. Terp , Fairbury ,Neb.

59 Forty acre- farm , Clans Shumanu ,Millard , Neb.

401 McCnnnick harvester , M. M. Stover,Table Eock , Neb.

2126 Lewis Header , A. T. Meacham ,ISenesaw , Neb.

4480 Grand organ , W N Bowman. Wal-nut


, Iowa.5063 Side bar buggy , J Roberts , Amboy,

Neb.3884 Four ton scale , D J McLaughlin ,

Waterloo , Neb.5403 Farm sheller, (complete ) B Fuller ,

South Bend , Neb.122 Parlor organ , John A Whitehead ,

Wilbur , Neb.1350 Caldwell wagon , Eli G Wingerd ,

Spellville , Iowa.6139 Mitchell , lew's & Co. wagon , P-

Boulden , Western , Iowa.885 Brown's planter , Nathan Starky ,

Stockham , Neb.-


American grinding mill , LucianCoeur , Nemaha , Neb.

269 Silver tea set , S Berry , Blair , Neb.4866 Four Ton Moline scale , E. Conly,

Scribner, Neb. -4730 Wind mill , E Van Meter , Griswold ,

Iowa.6105 Wind mill , A J Coddmgton , Boone ,

m.2398 Gold watch , D Hendrix , Solon , Neb.5699 Barlow corn planter , ( with drill) S

Chamberlain , Wilson , Neb.1291 Gold watch, James Davis, Xenia ,

Neb.551 American grinding mill , No 3 , Chas

Draper , Richland , Neb.6763 Deere corn planter , J Bauer , Brown-


e, Neb.5765 Sulky plow , ((16 inch beam ) G W

Walton , Butler , Mo.2045 Barlow planter , J H Orcutf, Crab

Orchard , Neb.2502 Gilpin sulky pl.w, J F Griffiii ,

Eiverton , Iowa.193 Deere drop corn planter , C W Corn-


, Wilson , Neb.756 jinger sewing machine , David Samp-


, Plattsmouth , ITeb.1487 Singer sewing machine , C R Stead-


, TJnadilla , Neb.1397 Singer sewin ? machine , Patrick

Murphy , Schuyler, Neb.6193 Singer sewing machine , J G Ulings-

worth , Red OaV , Iowa.76.2 Singer sewing machine, Earnest

Fuller , Orton , Neb.0643 Singer sewing machine , G Moore ,

Adams , Neb.5369 White sewing machine , E Arnett ,

Boulder, Col. .7413 White sewing machine , G A York ,

Waterloo , Neb.-BG75

.White Sewing machine , Gee Henal ,Humbolt , Neb ,

7604 White sewing machine , A A Tries ,Hayes , Neb-


sewing-machine , O Johnson ,SWJburgh , Neb.

5766 White sewing machine , F Nicholson ,Oakfield , N. Y.

7460 White sewing machine , G Craig,Scotia , Neb.

3531 White sewing machine , Mas Homar ,Omaha , Neb.-


American wind mill grinder , A M-

Armstrong , Salem, Kas.4170 Quincy planter , A M Ball , Cam-


, Iowa.7524 Taylor horse power, J W Phillips ,

Friend , -flTeb.5125 Marseilles stalk cutter , Benj Cooper ,

Oakdale , JVeb.603 Moline planter , Don Howies , La

Platte , Areb ,G04 Breech loadng rifle , R J Boggs ,

Irvington , Aeb.7471 Life scholarship Omaha , Mrs V C-

Witchey , Duncan , JTeb.7499 Life scholarship , Denver , E Cligg ,

Jlock Springs, Wy.511 Life scholarship St. Joe , B B Baker ,

Holden , Mo.5625 375 Ibs painted fence wite. G W

Allen , Belvidere.JVeb.6091 SOD Ibs galvanized wire.E P Dorathy ,

Rtapleton, Iowa.4252 Set farm harness , T Teepoon , Table

Rock, JVeb.3532 Set farm harness , John Mallin ,

Forest City , JVeb.2346 Cooking stove , W H Carr , Harvard ,

JTeb.2996 Hard coal stove , F Reynilds , JVeligh ,

Jfeb.3962 Brown's cultivator , A J Woodward ,

Willow Creek, Mt.847 Set Chamber's encyclopedia , JV-

Whitesell. . Red Willow , Ifeb.439 Breech loading shot-gun , F S Wood ,

RivertonATeb. .2584 Cooper's novels , (complete ) , W H

Barrows, Rising, JVeb.372 Platform scale , Dan'l Sweeney.South

Bend , -Areb.

5474 Deere cultivator , R A Lord , Salem ,.ZVeb.

4511 Hunting case stem winder , J A-

Kunkel , Seribner, JTeb.Hunting Case Stem Winder Watch , ta :

R Sinnett , Honey Creek , Iowa.Mrs A E Rathbnrn , Elk Groove , Mo-.J

.f Marshall, Wellington , Mo-


C Kenyon , Omaha , Neb.-


P Hutchins. Springville , Utah.-S

.Douglas, Sidney , Neb.-


Cla son , Kalamazoo , Neb-.W

.H Crabtiee , Wellsboro , El.

Conrad Schroll , Westside , Iowa.-A

.Morrell , Swaburg , Neb.

Julia McCloskey , Edgar , Neb.Hunting Case Silver Watch , to :

J Quinn , Douglas , Neb-.W


G Turner , David City , Neb-.W


R Livf sy, Blue Spring * . Neb-.A

.Uolemnn , Louisville , Neb-


Shinn , Valley , Neb-.J

.Kershaw , Ashland , Neb-


Wingate , Atlantic , Iowa-.J

.R Bollard , Fairmont , Neb-


Minehan , Creighton , Neb.Coon Sailor* , Barada , Neb-.D

.L Boeham , Shinn , Iowa.

Mrs E E Hough , Sarpy Centre , Neb.Walking Cultivator, to :

S B K ne , Madison , Neb-.BreakingPlow

., to :

s .John B al , Crab Orchard, Neb.Walking Cultivator , to :

P Smith , Walnut , Iowa.Lounge , to :

T C Osborn. Clarion , Neb.Mrs L H Mapis , Schnyler, Neb-.J

.Matties , Bell Creek , Neb.

Fifteen Gallons Barn Paint , to :Jam s Gap. Colon , Neb-


Steel Beam Plow, to :J a. Mohr, L'ell Creek , Neb-


Works , complete , to:

J G Leipoldt , Clear Creek , Neb-.Waverly

.Novels , complete , to :

J Calkins , Wilber , Neb.Beam Plow , 14-inch , to :

Win Eby , Anita , Iowa-.M

.Ballou , Ashland Neb.

Fred GSchrnelzel , Humboldt Neb.Horse Hay Sweep-to

Joseph Cm ley, Florence, Neb.Ten Gallons Enamel .Paint , to-

Jos H-Bennet , Oakdale , Neb.Ten Gallons Railroad Paint to-

J J Tracey , Jackson , Neb.Ten Gallons Cottage Paint te-

A Norton , E> mma , Neb.Corn Stalk" Cutter te-

L Willie , Gen-va , Neb.Silver Plated Butter Dish to-

W G Scott , Doer City , Neb.-


W Loomis , Malvern , Iowa.-O

.D Tibbetts , Table Rock , Neb-


W Mulliken , Geneva , Neb.-


Seheler, Grandview, Ne .Siler Plated Cabj Basket to-

G W Small , Mission Creek , Neb.W A Snyder , OsceoU , Neb-.R

.S Hart , Lyons , Neb.

Webster a Dictionary to-E Thompson , Syracuse , Neb-.WD

.Thompson , Cowles , Neb.

J FMartens , Millard , Neb-.Rnad

.Scraper to-

G G Gardner , Central City, Neb.Set Silver Plated Knives , te-

D P Tipton , Brownvflle , Neb.Mrs M Jeffries , Rub , Neb ,

A McKinnon, Holland , Neb.Mrs J G Beveredge , Sonth Creek, NebP W Jerry, Stanton , Neb-


, Duncan Neb-.F


L Stoser , Ft. Omaha , Neb-.L


O Farrington , North Platte , Neb-.F


M Youngsea , Eock Bloffa , Neb-


Eolgore , Indianola , Neb.Set silver-plated Table Spoons , to :

B Adleman , Hastings , Neb.George Landon , Williston , Vt.-


. F Newhall , Dry Creek , Neb.-


MBowmre , Luella. Neb.Jacob Back, Omaha , Neb.Mike Dee , Omaha , Neb.

Revolver to :

E W Stowell , Prairie Star , Neb-.J


Babbet , balem , Neb-.A

.Crabtree , Indianola , Neb-


Vest Chain to :W E Horn , Western College , Iowa-


A Burton , Cowles , Neb.' Tim Deegan , Buchaw, Neb.-


U Johnson , North Lonp, Neb.Louis Lighe , Weeping Water , Neb.Asa Koge-s , Sarpy Centre, Neb.-


W Deaver, Malvern , la-.J

.Lack , Cedar Valley , Neb-


G Grant. Edgar , Neb.-


. C Snide , Papillion , Neb.Set Silver-plated Forks to-

J M Eby , Bellevue , Neb' CNPerdalen , Mead , Neb.

Edward March , Humphrey , Neb.Arthur E Holden, Bardolph , IlLD Wintersieen , Wahoo , Neb-.F


Sterpofal , Crowell , Neb.Set SchiUer'a Works te-

A Frnk , Humboldt , Neb-.Noyes


Feed Mill to ,F E Higley , Decatur , Neb-.E

.NNoiris, Atlantic , Iowa.

Farm Churn to-Chas. . B Hough, Lebanon , Neb-.W


H James , Table Eock , Neb.Set of Gold Jewelry to-

S Parker , Carleton. Neb-.M

.K'nnedy , Courtland , N. Y-


C Smith , Brownville. Neb.-


D Andrus. Weeping Water , Neb.-


Buhler , Lamoille , 111.

Gold Hand King to . .E E Mooburv , Pleasant Hill , Neb.-


. J Nook , Western , la.John Bagley, jr. , Omaha-.J

.F Lasch , Cloudy. Neb.

John Bunn , Oak Grove , Neb.-


F Huntington , Oakdale , Neb.Bolt Lon'sdale Muslin to :

E J Jteese , Grandview, Neb-.J

.Hardymarlen , Mlnden , Iowa.

Lenis Berry , Fecnimore , Wis-.J


Edgerton , Guide Eock , Neb-.P

.H Hulchcraft , Kellerton , Iowa.-


M Martin. Eandolph , Wis-.W

.E Nason , Omaha , Neb-


S Swihart , Flowtrdale , Neb-.E


C Budlocr, Wheatland , Neb-.J

.H Pahlman. Johnson , Neb.-


. Cane , Kemma , Neb-.GO


Took , Hendrix , Neb-.F


C Ghost, Cedar Bluffs , Neb-.J

.Kam , Edmonrt , Kaa-


ChiUcote , Crete. Neb.Daniel Elliot , E Hanover , Penn.Eli Warner , Ionia , Neb.-


F Salmons. Shelron , Neb.Harrison Martin. Estena , Neb-.A

.W Sarle. Mt Pleasant , Neb.

Pair Gold Sleeve Buttons to-

J CurryWahoo. Neb.Henry Gootsch , Sarpy Centre , Neb.-


E Kyan , Jackson , Neb.-


. f. Miles , Plymouth. Neb.-


L Straight , Omaha , JVebiSet bilverTea Spoons to :

W H JVewcomer , York , JTeb-


W JVebbell. Wilber , Sfeb ,

J E Sems , Ulysses , JVeb-


W Bell , Genoa , Jfeb-.T


Wlch , Forest City , Neb-.J

.W Cassell , Deloit , Iowa.

Silver Vest Chain to-

J Toof? , Hampshire , HI-


, Humbolt , JVeb.Andrew Tawle , Luella , Neb-.W

.C Coon , Eepublican City, .Web. -

O H McDonald, Shenandoah, Iowa-










Now York Sun

In some of the western cities thefire engine companies- consider theordinary means of descending fromone story to another tedious. Theytherefore ignore the stair whan in ahurry , and slide down a pole instead.-Tbo


pole is round , polished and oiled ,and runs from the first floor , wherethe engine stands , to the second floorwhere the firemen sleep. As soon asthe alarm-gong sounds a trap door iathrown open ill the tecond .floor , leav-ing


a space arcupd the pole about fourfeet square , and the firemen tumblefrom their beds , rush to the pole andslide to the prou'nd floor. In Chicagothis is considered a very clever andtime saving devise , and the firemen efthat city look upon the departmentsof New York and Boston as being farbehind the age-


San reporter called upon Fore-man


McGill of No. 32 engine in Johnstreet. The foreman said : "The Chi-


people are extremely proud ofthat bean polo of theirs. The lasttime Chief Swenie of that city was inNew York he came down here and wehad a long talk about it He claimedthat It saved an immense amount oftime , but that's all nonsense. It isutterly impossible to shorten the timenow , for we've got it down to tr-e fin-


point. Our engine is a self-mover ,and it takes a little longer to get herinto the street that it would if she wasdtawn by horses. Still we can all beabed except the night patrol when analarm comes , and seven seconds afterthe first note of the gong will find astearing up tbe street. The men arealways down jtaira and by the enginein a couple of seconds , and all the tel-


poles in creation can'c makethem any quicker. "

Capt. G. L. Crum of No. 4 enginesaid : "Pole ? We don't want a pole-.It's

.imp ossible to get an engine out

any quicker than wo do. Three sec-onds


after tbe first stroke of the gongoar engine and men are ready to startand waiting for the alarm to stopstriking. Actually ready before youcan count one two three. "

The captain touched the gong andin 2| seconds the driver' in his seatshouted "Beady. "

"I'd like to know how a greasedpole is going to better that time , " saidthe captain.

Chief Ell Bates was found at theheadquarters in Mercer street. Hesaid Chicago's a queer town , isn'tit ? That pole of theirs is all wellenough for a country town , but whatare you going to do with it in a'largecity ? Of coarse of an afternoon it isvery pleasant for the fire company tocall in its lady friends and elidedown to a greased pole for their ed-ification


, but in the dead of night ,when every minute is of vast impor-tance


, it is nothing more or leaa thana bother. Oar men twist into theircoats while running down stairs , andsave time that way. We are nowbuilding our engine-houses so thatthe men sleep on the same floor wherethe engine is. When I was in Chicagothey had their stairs made four feetwide. On one tide was a smoothlyplaned board , and the firemen , in-


of running 1 own stairs , alM tothe floor below on the board. It wasa poeticil sight to see a bg twohundred and-hfty-pouuder rush for-ward


and glide to the bottom of theshaft with a smiling countenance. I-don't think we'll adopt the Chicagopole. "




here , my dear," said Mr.Spoopendyke , tossing over the lacesand ribbons in his wife's bureau draw-er


, "what's become"of the can opener ?

I don't see it anywhere. ""What do you want of it ? " asked

Mrs. Spoopendyke , flattering ap toprotect her trinketsand trying to gaina little time-


want to open some sardines withit ," retorted Mr. Spoapendyke , aban ¬

doning the -drawer and huntingthrough the workbasket. "Think Iwanted to comb my hair with it? Im-agine


I wanted to write a letter withit? Well , I don't. I want some ear-dinea.


. What have you done withIt? "

"You might take your big knife ,"recommended Mrs. Spoopenkyke." blade is jnst the thing for

Mr. Spoopendyke seized the knife

and bored away at ona comer of thabox , while his wife looked on withconsiderable distress-


you better put a paperunder the box ? You'll get the oil all-

over the table doth , " suggested Mrs-.Spoopendyke

., aa the knife plunged

through and the oil spattered.-"Serve


you right if I did , " he con-tinued


, ploughing away at the tin ,while the grease flair in all directions-."B

.would teach you to put the can

opener where you could find it. Whatkind of housekeeping do you call this ,anyhow ? " he yelled , as the bladeslipped ont and closed up on hiafingers-


yon hnrt yourself , dear ? "

asked Mrs. Spoopendyke , anxiously-."No


, I didn't hurt myself , " grinnedMr. Spoopendyke. "The dod-gastedknife struck the bone , or I wouldhave been dead with agony an hourago. Give me some ether I" he howle-d."Feth


me some chloroform ! S'pose-I'm going to saw at this box any morewithout an antithetic ? Got any ideaI'm going to chip off a couple dozenfingers without something to deadenthe pain ? Where's the laughing gas?

Give me some laughing gas while Iextract these measly old fish," andMr. Spoopendyke pranced around theroom , and then jabbed the knifeinto the box again , and ripped awayaa thoneh he was run by steam. "Nouse to hide away from me ! " hayelled , hacking at the box with allhis might. "I know you're in there ,

and there can't any dod gasted sardinethat ever was built get away from me.Come ont, I tell ye ! " and he seizeda fish by the tail and slang him acrossthe room. "You're transacting busi-ness


with Sppoopondyke now !" andhe clawed out a handful of mashedsardines and slapped them down on aplate-


spoil 'em dear1? askedMrs. Spookendyke , dodging the flyingheads and tails. "They won't be verygood if you open 'etn in that way. "

"Oh , won't they ? " howled Mr-


. "If you don't like'emthat way , what'd you ask them for ?

Maybe you want me to take 'em outin a baby carriige. P'raps you've gotan idea I ought to climb under 'emand let 'em oat. Maybe you want me-

te gdt into that box with a boat andtake 'em out with a seine. Well , I-

won't , I tell ye. Give me tongs ,1 want that fish at the bottom.-Where'a


the tongs ? Gone to get mar-ried


to the can opener , haven't they ] "end Mr. Spookeadyke grabbed anoth-er


fhh and fired him into the grate"Be patient , my dear," said Mrs-


, soothingly. "Make theopening a little wideband they'll comeout. "

"Ain't I patient , " shouted Mr.-


. "P'haps you want me-te sing to 'em , 'I wish I was an angeland with the ' dod gaat the fish !

Come oat of that ! " and with a wrenchMr. Spoopendyke .hauled off the topand disclosed the mangled remains ofala enemies. "Now , give me a lemon , "and he eyed the repast with anythingbut contentment. "S ir around andget me a lemon ; quick now. "

"Upon my word , my dear , I don'tbelieve there's a lemon in the house ,"stammered Mrs. Spoopendyke , "I had

"one"Oh , you had one ! " proclaimed Mr.-


, "only you're just out-.If


you'd been brought up right you'donly need an awninp and onthe top floor to be a grocery shop !

S'pnae I'm going to eat these sardinesran ? Think I'm going to swallow thesefish alive ? Uimme something to puton 'em , will ye?"

"What would you like , my dear ? "queried Mrs. Spoopendyke-


, dod gastit ! Fetch me somemeasly ink ! Got any nails ? Can'tyou find some laudanum somewhere ? "and Mr. Spoopendyke projected him-self


into the closet and* praneed outwith a bottle of arnica, "There ," hehowled , as he dashed the contentsover the sardines, "There's yonr fishall ready for yon , and the next timeirouwan.meto open the things , youlave a lemon , will ye? Find a canopener , won't ye ? " and Mr. Sppopan-tdkya flopped into bis e isy chair and'picked up the paper-


you want some of the fish? "asked Mrs. Spoupendyko , after a longpause-


, I don't , " growled Mr. Spoo-pendyke.



"Bat this is afresh box , " saidVIrs. Spoopendyko , displaying thesardines in neat layers.

' How'dyouget it open ? " demand-ed


Mr. Spoopendyke-."With


the can opener ," repliedlis wife ; "I found It in your tool box ,where you put it to sharpen it. "

"Maybe I put the lemon in there bsharpen that too , " granted Mr. Spoop-sndyke


, pegglng'away at the box andlooking up with his mouth full , butrecognizing the taste of vinegar, hemade some remarks about some peopleonly needed a handle and a cord to be-

a Fortunatns iug , and having finishedthe lot, he demanded why his wifeliadn't asked for 'em if ohe wantedsome , and went to bed with some in-


observations on the absurdi-ty


of tolks sitting around like martyrswith fish within teach-



Arnica SalvoThe BEST SALVE in the world for

Oats , Braices , Snroa , Ulcers , " SaltRhenra , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp-ed


Handa , Chilblains , Corns , and allkinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo-s[ guaranteed to give perfect aatlafac-tied In every case or money re funded.Price 25 cents per box. For solo by-

8dly TBh & McMabnn. Omaha.


Consumption , Coughs and ColdsAsthma , Bronchitis, etc. , is givenaway in trial bottles free of coat tothe afflicted. If you have a badcough , cold , difficulty of breathing ,loarseness or any affection of thethroat or lungs by all means give thiswonderful remedy a trial. As yonvalue your existence you cannotafford to let this opportunity pass.-Wo

.could not afford , and would not

;ive thU remedy away unless we-

enow it would accomplish what weclaim for it. Thousands of hopelesscases have already been completelycured by it. There is no medicine inthe world that will cure one-half theoases that DE. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY

will cure. For sale by(6)) JAMES K. ISH , Omaha.


Who want glossy , luxuriantand wavy tresses of abundant ,beautiful 'Hair must nse-LION'S KATHAIRON. Thiselegant, cheap article alwaysmakes the Hair grow freelyand fast , keeps it from fallingont, arrests and cures gray-ness

-, remoTes dandruff and

itching , makes the Hairstrong, giving it a curlingtendency ana keeping it inany desired position. Beau-tiful


, healthy Hair is the sureresult of using fiathairgn.



are not recommended as a remedy " ioiall the ilia that flesh is heir to." but inaffections of the Liver , and in all BiliousComplaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head-ache , or diseases of that character , theystand without a rival.


.hetter cathartic can he used pre-

paratory to , or after taking quinine. AJ-a simple purgative they are unequaled.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.The genuine are never sugar-coated.Each box has a red-wax seal on the Hd ,

with the impressionMcLANE'S LIVEB-PILL. . Each wrapper bears the signa-tures of C. McLo-E und FLEMIJ.O BROS-


% Insist upon having the genuineDR. C. McLANK'S LIVEU PILLS , pre-pared h"-FLEMING BROS. , Plltslmrgii , Pn. ,

the market being full of imitations ofthe name JXcTMnc , sxlled differently ,

but same pronunciation.HOW TO CUK-

ECONSUMPTION COUGHS, ,Colds , Asthma, Croup,

All diseases or the Tbroat , Lungs , andPulmonary Orfans.I



LA&A7SVEPrepared 13' tropical

ftnltJ ( nd plant-



the Best and Most

Agreeable Preparation

in the WorldFor (Constipation , IllHousiiess ,Hentlnclie , Torpid , Hemorrlioids , Indisposition , and nilD'sortlcrs arlsiJiKT from an ob-structed


state of. . and children , and those uho dislike-s pilU and nauseous medicines , arc espe-


pleased with Its agreeable qualities-.TOOPI&FRUIT


LAXATIVE may be usedIn rll cases that need the aid of a purgative ,cat hartlc.ornperient medicine , and whlleit pro-ducea


thn same result as the agents named , U isentirely free from the usual objpctlonsconmioii-to them. Facked'in bronzed tla boxes only.

Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc.SOLD BYALLFIRSTCLASSDRUGGIbTS.-



. F. Goo'min , Wholesale Agents , Omaha , Neb-



II MT F n l 003'' Acents everywhere to aa-lWn I CU Tea , Coffee, Baking Powder.Flavoring Extracts , etc , by eample , to famlllaa ,Profit good. Outfit froe. People's To. Co. , EOT2050 , St. Louis. M-




EESOMAffAAND 03IGAGO ,Where Dira ct connection ? ore Hade With

Through Sleeping 9Car LinesTO

New York , Boston , Philadel-phia


, Baltimore , Wash-ington


, .





.ASD ALT , roisia ra TUB


ST. LOUIS ,Where Direct Connections are made in the-

UNION i-EPOT withThrouih TCar Lines (or all Points

S OThe New Line for

XXSSThe Favorite Eoute for

IROOIK :The uneqnaleJ Indnceirents offered by this

Line to Travelers and Touriits , are as follows :Ihe celebrated Pullman ((16-whcel ) Palace Slosp-Ing

-Cars , mn only on this Lino. C. , B. & Q-


Iirawing-Koom Cors. with Ilorton's Ro-


Ch Ira No citra charge for Seats in-

Rcclinlns Chairs The famous O , I?, ft Q. PalaceDinine Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars flttsdwith Elegant ni h-Backed Rattan Retolvln ?Chairs for the exclmivo use of urst-clasa pisacn-gers.


.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com-


with their Great Throneh Car Arrange-ment


, makes this , above all others , the favoriteRoute to the East , South , and Sonth-Eost.

Try It , andyou will find traveling a luxuryInstead of discomfort.

Through Tickets via thu Tele' rated Line forsale at all offices in the United gtatesand Canada.-


information about Rates of Fare, SleepingCar .Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , i.c , will becheerfully given by appli inv to-

JAMES R. WOOD ,General Paaseneer Agent , Chicago.-


. J. POTTcR ,General Manager , Chicago


Is the only Dliect Line to-



.change of can between Omah& and St. Loula-

ind hut one boitrocn Omalm &nd Nsw York.SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS


Eastern & Western CitiesWith lees charges indln tdrincs of other lints.

This entire line la equipped with Pullman'sPalace Slcapin ; Cars , Palace Da> Coac-

h'elllar'a! Sataty Platform -aadCoupler and the celebrated

.CiTSEE THAT YOOU TICKET SSADS'S *yVa! Kancaa City , St Joae h i

. . ,fS"Joo and3tIioul8.Ta

Tickets for gale nt all coupon eUtloaa ts f.u-West. .J. F. BABHARD , A. C. DAWE3 ,

Oenl Supt. , Gcn'l PiM. tt Ticket Ag't-St.. Joaeoh , Ho. Bt. Jcscpb Jo ,

W C. SEACnKEST , Tlckot Agan. !1020Farnhsin Street ,

ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARNABD ,Paaa. AeentOmah . Oon'ri A cent , Omaha-




General Insurance

_ w. ,f Lon-don.

-. Cash Assets. '..15.107.1E-

IVE3TCHB3TEH , JT. Y. . Capital. l.OOO.KJTHE MERCHAM3 , of Newark. N.J. , l.OOC.O-OOIRARD FIREEhlladelph5aCaplal.! . 1.00,000NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL.Cap-

ital-. 9UCI-



3 tut Cor. of Fifteenth & DotulM St. ,OMAHA , NEB ,






only existing remedy for ewery spe-.cies

.of Acute or Chronic Disease of

the Organs of Respiration ,and an absolute


nnHIS all-powerful vegetable preparaJ-L

-tlonoxpelg from the lungsand air pas *

ages , the mucus and muco-pas producedby pnlmonary inflammation , henls theIrritated inombraBcl , and renovatesevery organ -nhichtitulzes the breath of-Life. . It contains no stupefying poison ,and U In all respects a healthful niedl-cino.

-. Tha rapidity and certainty with


Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper thanthe mere symptoms of pulmonary dis-ease


and discharges the cause from thejstom. Free and painless expectora-


is the mode by which it relieves thelungs , chest and throat from the burdensivhlch oppress them ; thus arresting Con-sumption


and Bronchitis in the germ be-fore


they reach the more dangerousstages. The emaciated sufferer

BATTLING FOR LIFEwith the most terrible sconrge of onr cli-mate


will llnd FrHsch's Prussian CouchSyiop a potent ally, and will assuredlywin the fight by adhering strictly to thljgreat medicine. The

GASES NOW ON RECORDIn which it has been administered withentire suci'e-mis n. remedy for every va-riety

¬of malnily which affects the Re-


i'uutUons , omouutto_ morethan

FIVE THOUSANDat the present date , nndyettheprepnrat-ion is onlyin the Infancy of its useful ¬

ness. The great defect of all CoughKeiiifdies hitherto introduced is thatthey are simply expulsory. Hence theyare useless ; for unless the causes of theacrid secretions which are coughed up-nro removed.nnd the ruptured , inflamedor maturated surfaces healed and re-stored


to their natural tone , a. cure is-Impossible. . 1'ritsoh' * Prussian CoughSyrup accomplishes these objects. Theniucits-Jind muco-pu ? which are the con-.srqiibnco

.of LungDiseaso , are thrown off

by it , while at the same time It soothesand intigorutes the weakened tissues-


FOR THE LUNGS. "l-"or coughs , colds , influenzabronchial-

ditllculties , tightness of the chest.hoarsan-cs1

-* , sore throat , trachltls , inflamma-


of the lungg , dimcnlty of breathing ,pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonarynature, it has never been equaled.

Sole agents la America , RICHABDSOM & CO ,Bt. Louis , Mo-




Wire Fencing and Railing a Speciality.Their beauty , permanence and economy

daily working the extinction ot Ml fencingcheap material.

Elegant In dwlgn. IndestructibleFences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme-


PLits.Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , canopied and of

rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description ofIron and Wire ornimentcl work designed amimanufactured by E T. BAKHUM'S WhM and-Iron Work , C7,29 and 31 Woodward Ave , De-


, Mich g Bi"i ' "1" i "atelogua andrlcn Hat S9D-


Ther fane civilized nation in the WesternHemisphere In which the utility ot Hosteller'sStomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective , and anti-bilious medicine , la not known andappreciated.While it is a medicine for ill seasons and allclimates , It is especially suited to the complaintsge nerated by the weather, being Uo purest andoost vegetable stimulant in the world.For sale by Druggists and Dealers , to whom ap-


for IIo-.t tter'i Alminac for 1881-



now and hiihsito unknown remedy for alldiseases of the Kidneys , Bladder, and Urinary

It vrill po3iti7 ely cnro Diabetes , Gravel , Drop-sy


, firicht's Discaso , Inability to retain or expel ]th ? Urine , Catarih of the Bladder , high cole redand scanty crino. Painful Urinating, LAil?BA.CK , Ucneri! Weakness , and all Female Com-plaint ?.

_It avoids Internal medicines , la certain In It

ejects and cures when nothing else can .for hale by all Druggists or eent by mall ftee

upon receipt of the price , 2. CO.


?S your tddresa for onr little book ,How e TOS Saved. "


OSt , Paul & Sioux CityRAILROADS.

The Old Reliable. Sioux City Motitc !100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I



And all points In Kortharn Iowa , Minnesota andDakota. TUs llaa b equipped with the Ira-proved Wcatlnjhousa Automatic Air Brakes andMiller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for

SPESD , SAFETY AHD COMFORTIj unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room tndSleeping Cars wned and controlled ")y the comp&ny , run Tliroii h Without Change- betweenUnion Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffa ,and St. Paul. Tralna leave the Union PacificTransfer Depot at Council Bluffa , at 5:15 p m. ,leashing Slonx City at 10:20 p. m , . and St. Paulat 11:05 a. m , making


AHY OTHIB Roura.Returning , Isave St. Paul at 830 p. us. , r-

riving at Sloox City at 1:15 s. m. , and UnionPacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9 SO-a. . m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C.fcP.B.R. ' F.C. HILLS.

Superintendent , Ubscnrl Valley , low *P. E. KOBINSON , Asft Oen'l Faaa. AgenU-

J.. H. 0-BBYAN ,and Pasenger Agent ,

Council Bluff !


Weekly Line OJL SteamsMpsLeaving Saw York Every Thursday at 2 p. m.

England , Prance and Germany.For Passage apply to

G. B. RICHARD & CO. ,Pasaenge Agents ,

Broadway , NewYorfc

KIDNEQ-BN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak-er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Blight's Disease, Loss of Energy ,Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney orBladder Tiseases. Also for Telloy Fever Blood and KidneyPoisoning , in infected malarial sections.C-



the dbtllbtlon of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIKS and BARLEY MALT we hartdiscovered KIDNEGEN.which acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , removing InJurioutdeposits formed In the bladder and preventing any straining , smarting sensation heat 01 IrritationIn the membranous llolni ? of tha ducU or water p-usage. It exdtes a healthy action In the Kidney *glvin ; them strength , Yigor ami restoring these organs to a healthy condition , showing 1U effect*on both tha color and easy Dow of urine. H can bo taken at all time*, In all climates and undent !

circumstances without Injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficult !**It has a-very pleasant and agre ibl taste and flavor. It has beea difficult to make a preparatloBcontaining positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to the stomachBefore taking any Llvet medicine , try a bottle ot K1DNEQF.N to CLEANSE th KIDNEYS fromfoul matter. Try It and yon will always uad t as a family med dne. Ladlea especially will like Itand Gentlemen will find KIDNEGEN tha best Kidney Tonic ever nsedt

NOTICE Each bott'e bears the signature ot LAWRENCE & MARTIN , also ft Proprietary Govern-ment Stamp , which permits KIDNEOEN to be sold (without license ) by Druggists , Grocers andOther Persons everywhere.

Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use.-If

.not found at your DragjUta or Grocers , we will sendabottle prepaid to the nearest expres *

office to you.

LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills.

Sold by DKUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywhereWholesale agents in Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , will supply the trade at mannf aetnj-



WHITE SEWING MACHINEGives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead-



and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor.

The White Machine instly claims to be thebest made , the easiest running, the 'simplest in

construction and the most perfect Machine in

the market.The White Co. employ as agents men of in-


, and purchasers are always satisfied ,

because they find everything just as repres-



.Everybody should use this Machine. The

sales so far this year are more than doublethe corresponding time last year.

All orders addressed to the Omaha Officewill be promptly filled.

JOHN ZEHRUNG ,or. Davenport ami 15th Sts. Omaha._

THIS NEW AtfD CORRECT MAPProves beyond any reasonable question ttattto


s by all odds the best road for you to take traveling In either direction bettreen '

Chicago and all of the Principal Points in tha West, North and Northwest. -

Caret oily examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the TVert and Northwest are SUtto&s-on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ol all railroads atjunction points.

THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY ,Over allot Its principal lines , rmw each way dally from two to lourormoro FastExprewTrains. It Is the road that . ,only west of. Chicago uses tha - r * +-,

PULLMAN 'HOTEL DINING CASSV-It Is the only reid that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest ot Chicago. It hasnearly S.OOO 3LLLHS OfJtO jf. It forma the following Trunk Lines :"Council Bluffs , Denver"

by all Coupon Ticket Agents fCanadas.

Remember to ask forTIcketsvlathlsroad.besnre they read over ltand take none other.-HCGHIIT

., Genl Manager , Chicago. A.VY. H. SmSETT, Geal Pass. Agent , Chicago.

HARRY P. UOEii , Ticket Azent C. &N. W. Railway , 14th andfFarnhamJStrata-.i

.) . E KIMBALL , Assistant Ticket Agent C. & N. W. Rail way , llth and Farnham Btrocil.-


. BELL , .Ticket .Aeent C. & W. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depo-t.JAMlsST.

.. CLARK General








And Everything pertaining to the i-'nraitnre andUpholstery Trade ,




1208 and 1210 Farnham Street.* li mca tb lit



This Institution , located at Denver, Colorado ,

the Educational and Commercial center of thWest , la pre-eminently the best and most practi-



of Its kind for the ]



- -and Ladies.-



. W. FOSTER , Pmldent ,

D. W. OADY, Secretaiy

The most extanslva , thorough and compJeta-

netitntlon of the kind In the world. Thousands

of accountants and Business men , In tha prin-



dties and towns of the United States , owe

their success to our coarse of tralnl-



Rieht Kind of Education for

Young Men and Ladies ,

fine , new brick block , at junction of threetreet car Unci Elegantly fitted and furnished

apartments or tbe application of and carryingout of our novel and systematic methods of


Young men who contemplate a business llf*,and parents having sons to educate , are parties.-


.requested to send for our n w Circular ,

which will give fall Information u to tcrzu,ondltlon of entrance , etc. Address

"G, W. FOSTEE , President,ir Denver Colorado.



rtoM mt eafooa t&o t>lte ite or Bl-

tto anfao'-frctly apoo tt> part* gfr-

l&g Tmnora. Ulaylaaj-

te merit *.DO NOT DELAY

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met wbenyea eaa not obtate H rUa->*Till wad It, prepaid , oa recent eTprlcK-2r.. Bewuako' * Treat IseomFfleB Am

Addre-uli OR, BQSJiKQ MEDffiiE CO-


.C.IF. GOOMAN Agent, OaaMl