old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 7/brooklyn ny daily...the magazine is very full and the...

WftV'" feaat^ggt—s~£ajti I'UIDAY F.VEN1NCJ, J A N . 1 9 . The tJltr Council. | Since the origin of the city, there never hat been j a mora able or intelligent body of men iu the com- , moo council, lh*n those which now compose it. « * Tho uumeaniug generalities" ai to corrup- tion, may be thrown back into the teeth of those who make them.— Eve. Star. The Star U at liberty to make just such an esti- mate of the present common council as it feels it- self obliged-to make in consequence of the* position _»hich it holds as the one half of the city {rioter. Wo understand it* delicate position, and can excuse it for the soft ioop^vhich it lays on the J' able nud intelligent" niea who feed it with pap and keep its bead above the water. But if the preseut common conned i» »» '' ahla »"d intelligent" aaita pliant iu- STATC LKOtsUTUEK.—In Seu»to\on Thursday, r'""^*"".',"" 7 ' A . . ,U\\JM,:^\ I Mri AVilkin reposed a bill to-amend tlw charter of 'LmW S o Sir? ££3f&?u 1 th0 f&»» Fire InJuraoee Co., *«d nw.lut the peti- Aomber of Qtigiual papewpHq llon j,j, A G . Thorn ptoh to amend thVpsury Laws. jautile reader. It is embellished J*^ bl ,j was mtro duced by oir. Baker relative to the with a portrait of Samuel Slater a celebratep ma-! 8a ino subject. A resolution was adopted for going nufaclurer and merchant of Providence, Rhodo Is- j iuto the election of a United Siatcs.Senalor Vn \he VTHK AU*c«Afc^MAOA*iNB for January hara rich •tore of materials economist and a teresttotho mercautilo reader. It is embellished laud and which is accompanied by en intciestmg biogoraphy. Thero is also'an article on California" giving some accouut of the gold region aud of the recent discoveries of the precious metals. It should, be followed by au article on the soil, climate, rivers arid general resources of the country. There is also in the magazine, au article on pro- tecting ships from lightning, which is full of inter- esting facts, ond was probably furnished by a gen- tleman in this city whose weather observations have attracted BO much notice. Tho statistical portiojytf the magazine is very full and the details useful to every mau of busiucss. We ore glud to learn "ilf rfor-pub at a plate of the enierpriwing-Biid success lisher is in course of preparation for tho magazine, aud that we may soon expect to see it embellish- ed with a first j a t e likeness of Freeman Hunt, Esq. In the Tribune of yesterday, was a btatcment showing what proportion of nieniu our (cgular.*,) ar- my during the Mexican war were from the free stales, and what proportion from tho slave states. The number enlisted iu ihe old regiments aud in thoteu 6th of February next After sorno debate a resolu- tion was adopted, Ayes 21 and Nays '3, in favor of a geueral insurance law. Iu the course of tho de- bate Mr. IlokeeHuid he thought the bill introduced iu the lloueo by Mr. Campbell, Would par*;-'-The bill to abolish capital punishment was taken.up in committee of tho whole. Mr. Bokee moved to nlriko out the enacting clause, Mr. Coffin support- »d tho bill. When he had concluded the,Senate adjourned . . : " - . In Assembly, Mr Brewer gave notice of a bill t'J tax existing Safety Fund Banks to pay the credi- j^ft^u^f the Canal Bank in full. Mr. Joboiou gave ' noljtyj of a b.li to amend au act to protect the pro- perty of married women. The bill to extend the limcto the Superiulondeiits of the Poor elected iu 1848, to fijo bonds and take oath of office, was pass- department. Ho behoved that the* fifemen coujd be tatighVdiffeN»ntly.r v v' ' . v , . : ;' \ ( A\d Fisk alluded/to the fact that thoref >vas* no question bafore. the board. Ho did not suppose,the board nad been convened to discuss the aupoiuttieul of chief engineer,'and ho would, therefore, .ofter a resolution which he fuueied would embrace tho vio\t B of his honor tho mayor id regard to the object I of the meeting, vk: < Resolved, That in view of the present condition of the fire depertment, his honor tho mayor, in con- junction with the tire department committee aud the chief engineer, bo authorised and requested to in- vite tho enrolrneut of the exempt firemen and citi- zens to assist the members in tho uiauafjcnioul of the several enginco, the members.of which, or a majority of them, have signified their iutcntiou of resigning; aud that the said chief engineer, under the advusoishipof his honor the mayor unci the fire department committee,-proceed forthwith.to the fttucin^ of the tiro depaitmeut in the manner set forth, in a n efficient pusiliuu to protect liio property of our citizens. , Aid Richards was opposed to any extreme mea -.. ,. r DIE». ,., ,'. ATe'iy suddenly on Thurtday moralay, Of congestion of the lungs, at hit restdeuce.vBush. Hill, U. \., Win. J. Fur man. Esq.. la the 01st year of bis agj. ... • --.^ His (uocrtil to which JiU.friends and acquaintances uro partlcnfsrly Invited," will take place on Saturday "tho UOtU Inst., at one o'clock. P , SI.' Carriage* will LB In attend- ance ut the Fulton ferry*. Brooklyn, at 13.1". M, to^convey 8 uch persons as wish to attendas above. „ • 21F* P r o c l u u m t l o i i . — W h e r e a s "notice has been received by uu> of the Intended resignation ofa majority of the itierubeis of the Fire Department of this city luluke effecton the 2v!.id day of J inuaiylost, whereby uiany of the companies will bo disbanded. Now, therefore, I, Francis U. tUrykor, Mayor of the city ot'Urooklvn, pursuant to & resolution of the Common Coun- cil, do earnestly Invite all exempt firemen la thU city, and the citizens geneislty, to enrol themselves without delay, and assist In taking charge of the deserted engines, hook nnd ladder j, trucks, 4-c , lor the protection of the lives and property of our fellow eltlzeni. The Chief Engineer and tha,Chief Engneer elect, will be in attendance at tbe Mayor'* office, in the City Hall, to hid llM^rmlng the citizens who may rally for tho safety of our cltyiu this emergency, into now companies, ard to re- organize tho department lor efficient service, FRANCIS Ii. fc>TKYKER,~M>tyor. Brooklyn, Jan. 1'Jth, \Wi. j s ! 9 Ct surcs in regard 10 Iho iirenieti, und 5u"ggeSTeTl t h a t the board should afford un opportunity to those who, after cool reflection, might havo arrived at the con- clusion that they had been engaged in a rash impo- lite course, and should desire still to remain in the department. Aid Fisk liked the (suggestion of tho gentleman, (or there was no doubt but that most of the firemen alter the exercise of their cool reason would decide to reuuiu. lie look occasion to say that there was no hostile feeling towards tho members of llio depart- ment in this board. Several of the aldermen discarded the idea of any feeling of animosity towards ilia tiremeu, uud that if l he action oi the board had heretofore seemed to bj unfavorable to their wishes, it had proceeded from motive* of a widely different character. .While there wus a disposition to favor tho true interests and ele- vate the cliuiacter of tho department, thero w a s a determined purpose IO subject the exciting rowdy- ism uud divest it of ( the bad order which unruly 15?~ BMyiuumi* tilmruli.—Thls'Cliureu- and congregation will worship next Sabbath morning in the 3rd fresby ierla.ii Church, in Jay street, and in I tie evening in tho Church of the Pilg/iius, corner of Henry and Item ren streets. Preaching by iho Pastor, Rev. UenrjiJUtBrd Ueecher. " jal9 2i* jy* Notice.—The Fair of the colored Presb'ytorhn Church, in Prince street, will be held In Washington Hall, on Thursday, Friday aud Saturday of this week. The citizens of this city are respectfully Invited to attend. Rev. Mr. Gloucester Is Pastor or this Church. . J08 3t t-jF" liuux Island Hunk.—Brooklyn, 17th Jan- uary Jr-'t3.—A dividend ot live pr cent, on tho Capital 8tock of ttili Bank, will be paid to the shareholders, on and alter the 1st day of February next, out of tho profits of the six months ending 31st Inst. By oiderof tho Board. jdl71w UEU. cJAMMO.N, Cashier. l~p" U a r f f a i t i x ! l l n r j r t t i u s t ! Will be offered at Hubbsrd's,97 asd99Maln st., junction of Fulton st.,Brook lyn. Mouslin da Lames At only Is 4d. Leea selling for 2s per'yard, will bo clostd but lor Is4dper yard. Cashmeres selling Oil'for only 2s per yam ; been selling for 3s. All wo it Mouslin deLalnes selling off at a preat sacrifice. L dies will save money and time by calling to view thii .tockot alt wool I, lines and Cr>hmerc<. French Merino",tbe be»l imported, soiling offvery cheap Print*! prints f\|reat-reduction In'prices; lOd uud dl prims selling for UJr-iter yard to close out. Sheetings 4-4, 5-4, G-4, t-4. 12-4 wide; sheetings at great bargains. CIIOMper than they can be feuad in an) othersli re in this city. Shirtln s! grealeflassortmenlover icen probably In one store soid at tempting pr ces if only seen, at Hubbard's stores. 97 and 99 Main, Junction of Fulton. AlpiiciK felltig olfat prices thtl jimke It un object for all to call and see them. Rerwan Merinos closing out at the greatest sacrfice ever heard of; only 3i tid per yard, to make room fjr spring goods 1'Kickiy Seui'onl-i'hero l a n o t it inun, woman or child, but should tike medicine at this season ot the year.hut more csfiexlall) at this present time: icr therouiobably wore never so many causes existing at ou,e |ierlodu« there are now, sollkely to produceasiate of sick ness.- 'I'n^reicniidcjjangcs In tho atmosphere, by actleg" as thoy.do i»jHm the cuustituiiim, and qunlity of the blood ltstlr, give occas'ioA for the un si fatal and uiallgnaut ds orders. The Life becomes (uudoiten uiihuuruny warning) lua most ei-rimornous condition from tho>o repeated than gesand if the iiomarh and Urn els have been iitglecitd ure- vlousjj-, the tlrsisyioptouis'require immediate attention. Even,those who have a healthy dlsposlnri of bo y utu stilject to sickness under these clrcuiustunces. Therefore to pitvent any danger, we ought carefully togunrd against it costive slate of our bow'bs. ULCC or twice they should ' be evaluated in twenty four hours. Tlicienre luauy CKU ICS which produce unhealthy blood :. smneihiies it may arise from grioijtt others when me system Is inaalauol fullness I. can take place fruru sudden Joys ; close u| plica- tion to a literary undertaking can I reduce it-In al, cuies Whore many pe/sons have to be »cen nndtpuKco to, which' producing nervous excltemeut, is a lei life eourco or uu healthy Uiuod occasioning that slow nervous lever which bus cuirltd oil" some of our best men, martyrs no their imputation, but which a knowiidgool the power* of Bran- ureth's PHU would have prevented. Those who doiire to tecuro their heailti, under utmost any adverse clrchuistau ces,can do so by havlnig Brandretb's Pit's un hand, and at' o ce resorting to them when the llrst feelings or disorutr take plxce in their bodies. As this advice Is Used to will the lieaHh be; The-tit rtnj- ino will-yet be when a man wl ni»' es a good medicine shall be honorcu uiore than he who is an adept In the art of w ar. Urundreth'sPillsaro sold, with fultdirecllons,at25cents perboxi at his Principal Offlce, 241 Broadway, New York, and by one agent in every-place of importance throughout tire world, each uj> e ni having a certiticate ol -Kyency f rom u a . HHANUKETH, having fat slmllies of labels on the Brandicth Pill boxes engraved therein. V&" Agent for Brooklyn—MK8. CUFF, No. 4 Market Street. * d29 a\v2p •trument would have us believe,its '« corrupt prac- tices" aro far more.inexcusable than they would bo if theso"ab!e aud intelligent" men could put in a plea of ignorance '. The Star, in perforining its duly of •' defender of tho f»ilh. ,, ortiathor'of the fathers, for which ^re- ceives its regular anuual stipend, asserts that the '• unmeaning generalities" as to corruption maybe thrown back into the teeth nf those that make Jthem." Now if the Star charges on us these "uu- meaning geueralttiea" we beg to be excused. We ed in committee oi the whole, additional regiments aftewards ordered were as fol» are not.very apt to use words without having a due lowg {a ^ fre() fcUlcf twenly lhreo thousand five " reference to their meaning Put, tiuce our neigh- h UIJf j re «j au a eixty uiao. In the slavo slates eleven bor h\s offered itself as the champion of this " able and intelligent 1 ' cnmmnn council and proposes to .do- fend it with the chivalrous braycry of a true Knight - against ull coiners wesHould like ..to have its-MpIan- ation of a few facts. Immediately after the election last spring, sevbal streets were ordered to be graded and paved 5 arid .in pursuance of the usages of the *• ablo and intelli- gent" body of men which has so challenged the ad- miration of tho Star, advertisements were published- offanug the workrto the lowest bidder. In process of lime the bids were opened by the- street committee, but iu no iustauce were tho contract giveu out t 0 those who had bidden the lowest. On the other hand Ihoy were parcelled out to well known politi- cal schemers who had been uctive in the late election at an enormous advance on tho lowest bids ; which, inlhoca8e3of Bedford avenue and Pacific street, amounted to a bonus of'about §7000 each to the political hacks who obtained the contracts. On one of Iheso streets the owners were arous< the " corruption" and made such a din iu the ears of .tho common enuueil.that it hesitated about couBum- ro&l'mg the agreement entered into with thecontrac- ' tor, and the matter was shuffled about for six mouths or more from one'committee to another by the "abl o and intelligent body" which the Star praises, and which was afraid to go forward, but still more alraid ^ to break with their political accomplice. At last, after a series of the most disgraceful manoeuvres ever made by such au "able and intelligent body of men,', they compromised the matter with the contracto r for Ihe Burn of §1500, and sent the job dovimjle>no- ther contractor, who was an original bidder at the timo when tho contract was corruptly given out and who is now engaged in doing tho work at hU original bjd.which is about §7000 less than was to have been g*»%n^o hie political competitor. Soon afte? this disgraceful and " corrupt" pro- "cecding was developed, the time arrived when it became necessary 10 provide for cleaning the streets . during the ensuing year. A great deal had been •aid the year before in regard to the fillhiuess of the city, and "our able and intelligent" city fathers gave out that the difficulty should be remedied. They deliberated long in couucil, as such "able aud intolligenl" men might be expected to do, and, at last, matured their plau, and advertised that the cleaning should bVdoue.hy wards; that the con- tractors should give bonds for the faithful perform- ance of the, work ; thai the streets should be swept ixty thousand eight hundr half, aud sixty oue, or uboot one . CONSTITUTION or FRANCIS.—The following sum. mary comprises the priucipal provisions of the new -Qpnstttulion of Frnuce: V- The press cannot in auy case be submitted to cen- sorship. Education will be under the surveilance of the State. All citiiens arc equally admissable to every public em >!oy without other motive and pre- ference than merit Nobility is forever abolished^ and all distinction of birth, class <pr caste. Each shall contribute to tho tuxes in proportion lohisfor- tune uud^eaus. The number of representatives to compose thc\Natierial Assembly is to be 700—elect- ed under very nearly tho same couditious as the Charter sought iu England. No member ol the Assembly can, during us sitting, he uamed or pro moted to u plain public office- The election is trien- nial. COL. BENTON ON GOLD DIOOINO —Mr. Benton in his recent speech on the subject of making grauts of land to the gild diggers, opposed the whole scheme- On the subjicl of gold digging-he said : I am a friend to gold curreucy, but not to gold mining. That is a pursuit which the experience of nations shows to bo both impoverishing and demo- ralizing to a nation. I regret that we have these miucs in California; but they are thero, uud I am for getting lid of them as soon as pussible. Wake tho working as free as possible. Instead of hoarding, and holding tlI em up, aud selling them iu dribtetB, lay them open to industry and enterprise. Ji«y ttieni open to uaturai capital—to labor— : lo the man that has stout arm3 uud a willing heart. Give him a luir chance. Give all a fiiir chance. It is no matter who digs up the gold, or where it gues. The digger will not eat it, and it Vvijbljo where commerce will carry it. Tho nationfl^^Tchhavc industry—which have agricultUi^^oihmerco and manuluclures— e( j t0 they will get Vhe (fold, provided always that they cut small paprt money.* If you want revenue, raise it from th* pennts—a small sum for each—aud upon the coiuage. In that way it would be practicable to raise us much us ought to be raised. But revenue is no object^com- pared to the object of putting the gold into circula- tion. 1 care not who digs it up. 1 want it dug up. 1 want the foVer to bo over I want the mining finished. Let all work that will. Let them ravage Iho earth—extirpare and e\tirminate the mines.— Then tho Sober industry will betiin which enobles and enriches a nation. Work as hard as wo rnuy, we cannot finish soon. These gold indications cover more than 2,000 miles They are in New Mexico —on the waterB of ib^c middle Colorado—on the mountains bojh beyond and on this side of the Si'erra Nevada. The Fresidcut of the Republic must ba a native of'France, aged 30,^ at least, and who shall nevur j boys, not members,"hud brought upon it hive lost his qualifications of citizenship, fie is elected for four years, and cauouly be re-eligiblo af- ter un :nt*rvalef four years, it^utiy candtdato lor the presidency has not ob.amed mo'ro than one half the suffrage*-, uud at least two millions of votes, or, if the conditions (»s to btrih, citix«nship, <kc) be uot fulfilled, the National Assembly shall elect the Pre*;, ident hy an absolute majority and seciet Bcrutiuy from among the five eligible candidates who have 'obtained ihe greatest number of votes. Tiio President shall d spose of tho armed force, without power ever to take the command in person. He shall see to the defence of the State, but caunot undertake any war without the consent of thB Na- tiouul Assembly. His salary is fixed at 600.0HO francs per annum. He has the power to uame and re-.oke his Minister, diplomatic agents, naval and mililju}' cqintnanders.the Governor of Colonies, and other functionaries of superror order. The Vice President shall bo named by the Nation- al Assembly, and cannot' be chosen from the kin- dred of the President to the 61I1 d e g r e e eLrelaiion- ship. B.ilh criminal and political delinquencies, and olFeuecs committed by the press, shall be tried by jury. Every tVnchmun shall be liable to military service, aud can be liberated only according to the law of recruit. The territory of Algiers is declared French territory, and will be governed by particular laws till a special law shall place it under the gov~ eminent of the constitution now proclaimed In addition to these, the penally of death for polit- cal offeucea is abolished. Slavery caunot exist on French soil, and each form of religious laith shall rectfive equal protection from the State. CONGRESS.—In the Senate on T h u r s d a y , Mr". Al- len of Ohio offered a resolution of inquiry, addressed" to the Postmaster General, as to what coutracls had been entered into or existed for carrying the Mails -between, the- Uuiled States aud foreign hatious, stating dates, terms, name3 of contractors, and piofits derived from the same by ihe Government.— Mr. Douglass of 111.-moved to take up the bill for the establishment ofa Territorial Government in the new Territory of Miuesota, which was agreed to, which, after being considered and amended, was |K)atponed. A number of private bills were causid- ered. In the Houso there was a discussion on the public printing, mostly between Mr. Tombs of Geo., and Mr. Hirdy of Indiana. In tho course of ihe debate Mr. Murphy justly remarked that the priutmg as now executed, was a disgrace lo congress The H o u s e thejxJ^ook up the civil and diplomatic appro- prialioij^bilf. Mr. Mullen of New York proposed •,,.-. , . . - , ,u^tl uu amondment to the saino in favor of making an to and so. and the garbage gathered so and so , tha L pprop , iaUoriforlllo eupporl 6f Wisconsin Territory, the bids should be opened at such a time, and the a s l n 0 \,\\\ contained one for Oregon, which was contracts given lo the lowest bidders. Well the bids were opened ; but the bidders did not suit the " able and intelligent body of men" which, in its wisdom and intelligence had made the Star the half of a city printer. Having so much " ability aud intelligence" they discovered al once that the bids were loo low ; that the work could not be done for any such money ; that it would ruin the poor contractors, &c. Thoy did not, however,agreo to give the bidders inure, but they raised the prices and then teak the contracts away from thoso who had bid low-st and gave them to certain political favorites who had done gi.od service lo the parly a t prices which drew from the city treasury sonic twelve or fifteen hundred dollars more than would have been required uudrr an honest and fair pro- ceeding. And whaLhaa been the result ? Let tho complaints of the Star aud the health officer answer. So dirty haye been the Hlreets that an extra meet- ing of ourM able and intelligent "council has been required to guard against the dangers nf pestilence. But lime and space crowd upon us and we must bring our article to.a close before it is half finished. However, this will do for the present. When the Star makes iheso matters clear, we havo.a plenty more to bring to its notice and will therefore end where we aro and " pause for u reply." CiiACRKs—Mr. Harris, who has just returned ftom Chagres, gives quite a dilTjrent account of the country iu the New Orleans pipers from that which has been published hero. Ho represents tho C.'ha- gres river us one of the mest beautiful he has ever seen, with a quick current, nnd not kss than eight feel of water between tho mouth and Crticcs. He also speaks of the country on the Islhinus as very bcantiful, and says that §100,000 would make nn excellent carriage road ncros*. discussed warmly by Messrs. .Vinton, Duer, Hoy- dou of North Carolina, Mr Thompson of Indiana, Mr Johnson of Arkansas, Mr Lyndc aad others.— Some contended iu the courso of debate thut the Territory of Wisconsin did not exist- Others look opposite ground and advocated the proposed amend. merit. After considerable discussion the amend- ment was rejected. v#hcu the Committee rose, having come to no conclusion. Tho House ad- journed. Madame Bishop, the vocalist, and her escort, Mr. Boxer, were arrested in Jersey City yesterday morn- ing, just as they were entering the cars for Phila-' delpluu, ou a warrant gotjjiit by Mr. St. Luke, of New York, for Hie recovery of the value of his ser- vices in playing the harp at one of Madame B's con- certs. After a collision, between St. Luke and Boxer, which the officers promptly flopped, the mat- ter was comprotnifcd, and lli^ parties wore suffered to go.— Newark Adv. . Wc presume Boxer should read lioscha.Tri- bune. OHIO.—The lower house havo adopted the report ., litpartedfor the Eagle. Common Council- '• THURSDAY, Jan. 18,1849. Present—His Honor, presiding, aud Aid McDon- ald, Cady, Hall, Pell, Wardwell, Beusou, Tnylor, Schullz, Richards, White, Cochran, Iiulbert, Hus- !ed, WIIPOU, Reeves, Redding and Fisk. The Fire Department.His honor, the Mayor, staled lo the board that he had received a commu- nication from R. J. Lucky, president of a meeliug of ihe fire department on Tuesday evening last, staling that several companies had signified theiriu- icntion to resign their connexion with the depart- ment. He had convened thi3 meeting for ine pur- po=L' of laying this document before tho board, and to roquest action thereon. Aid Pell ottered the following preamble and reso- lutions : Whereas, the chief engineer elect has uot taken his oath of office, as required by law. within ten days after his appointment, aud whereas the said chief engineer has, it is supposed, declined his ap- pointment, therefore Resolved, thai the law relative to the election of chief and assistant engineers, be and is hereby re- pealed. Resolved, that the report made by Aid Hall, giv- ing the selection oi chief and assistaut engineers lo ihe firemen, be adopted. Aid .McDonaldopposed the resolutions, aud hoped thut the common couucil would unwaveringly ad lierc to their previous action, even though it should break tip the present organization of the department ihe compumes which remaiti7~added lo the citizens wh > would volunteer their aervioes in case of need, would be sufficient to man the engines until a tho- rough reorganization of tho department could be ef- fected. He considered tho present a very favorablo opportunity for its accomplishment, and hoped the .Mayor wmld he permitted to issue his proclamation invoking the assistance and co-operatiou of the citi- zens. Aid ll.ill moved that the resolution offeted by Aid Pell lin un,the tablo: curried. Aid Taylor rrmurked that he thought, if tho firo- m'-n hud 'July reffeded upon llio pr; : ;\ in winch iliey blood tiioy would readily • t-i : Jiai limy WITH rtC.nig prematurely and hastily. . nl tint they were askiug lor no subiitiiitiul tig' , benefit or privilege Aid Cady advocated tho plan ol attending some- what to the wishes of the lire department, especially when the tiou fulfilment of them was likely lucauso the resignation of oue half of tho members. But notwithstanding this, he considered it loo late uow for this board to rctiuco their steps, consistently with their own dignity. He contlcinn.d the pre- text upon which tho board uclt-ti in refusing the deparlmei the selection of their officers. He epoke of the highly rt-spcclahle character of a 'arge portion of the firemen, nnd thought that the way oi elevating the character of ihe dcdartmeiit generally wasto meet their wishes, aud not lo degrade them by attempting to break down their self renuect His honor the Mayor, ill reply to au interroga- tory of Aid Hlllberl, slatetl that there were sume four hundred exempt firemen in ihe city, but ex- pressed his uuct-rlaimy us to the number wlio would be likely to render their services when called 111.— He had reason, however, to suppose that tho greater portion ofiheni would do so. Some disconnected conversation occurred, during which ihe resignation ot "Engine Company No. lo was remarked upon, when Aid Mc Donald slated that the teasons which had induced their withdraw- al Were connected with ihe ineligible aud unsatis- factory location of their engine house. It hall heeu located near the Atlantic Dock in accorduncc with the petition of the property owners iu that vicinity. The question was taken upyn the rcsulution of Aid. Fisk. and it was unanimously adopted. Theferry question.—Aid Mc Donald offered (he following preamble nnd resolution, v'z: '' Whereas, the iutorrsts of ihe city of Brooklyn hove for a long time suffered for the want of suit- able ferry facilities, in consequence ol the city of New York having assumed the exclusive right to establish ferries between New York and L-mg Island. Aud whereag, by an act of the legislature, paused by a two thitds^vole.ou ihe.14th of^.May, 1845—they having appointed a board of Commis- sioners to license ferries. And whercts, -a li- cense has been obtained from said Commissioners with tho assent of the present UusU'cs of the ferries named, and'iti accordance with.tbe views of the citi- zeus of Brooklyn, fo: four ferries from Fulton ferry south. .And whereas, the common council of New York have passed a resolution to employ addi- tional ooonool lo resist the establishment of said ferries aud the rights of Brooklyn- And whereas, it caunot reasonably be/?xpected that the granlcesof said licenses should be called upon, out of their pri- vate resources, to prosecute so important and expeu "stvtr a suit as may l;c uecessary to maintain the rights of the city of Brooklyn. " Therefore tesolvedj.lhat a special committoe of three members of this hoard be appointed to coufer with the grantees .of the license above named, in behalf of iho city of Brooklyn, with power to render such aid as may bo desired in viuJicating the rights of the cily uudersaid license, and for that purpose to employ counsel tin bohalfol the city ; said counsel- lor to advise with said parties and Iheir counsel as lo their rights, and in rc.rpect, also, to such arrange- ment as may bo effected with tho common council «f ihe city ol" New York for procuring u speedy and final decision ol the legal questions involved." The resolution was adopted and the following geullemeu were appointed the committee: Aid Mc Donald, Taylor and Schultz l-jf° t'ire!—In consequence of the Great Kiro, the subscriber has removed his store from llti tn 1C Fulton st, coruerof Columbia, where will he found 11 full assortment ot HAUNTS, OILS & Wl. UOW GLASS, which hewitl sell as low for IM8H as uny stoie In Brooklyn or New York. JEREMIAH MUNDELL, sl2 tf No. 1G Ftil'.ou street, setoud floor. tS** Car«l^Iu>UElt^jilJ51^^ business on Monday ihe I8lh Instant, at his Bakery No. 10 High street, oe T Fulton, where he will lie pleased toserve bis old customer.' and all new ones; they may givo hint n cill with everything in his line until ho shall lie able lo occupy his new store.now belnu erected at bis former lo- cationNo. 141 Fuilou street. Brooklyn, December lllli,. t'^ Important to person* bound for CALIFORNIA!—Just received for the Holidays, by P. CAKNES.Huir Uresser ami Perfumer, No 61 Fulion st, u freslt stork of Perfumery, Ftncy Good', etc. Luldu's Ex intcts, Cologne, Hit.r Oils.Oi marrow, black Pomatum tor tvbiskcrs, Hair dye, Hair wash lo p.event ihe hair from I'allina, Bay waier, Pearl ami Toot\ Powders, hat Brushes, hair do, tooth do, shaving do, nail do. Combs, Nubian KG ian Soap, whUe and bro^vn Wlixsor 1I0. Military having do, and n large assortment of Fancy do, superior Chinese MAOlt SXLitlj Four lots or ground, one in Franklin UJ Avenue, und three between Gates and Uuincy it., with fences and fruit trees, to be sold separately. Inquire at C.Vilacte. Kent avenue, between Park and Fiustiing" avenue. •"-•-.. jslO Iw» / A LUT u F CAP. CU.uMbKCl.-iL end oroinary sited letter paper jusl received and for sale Iu quantities to suit purthustrs by A M. WiLUElt,51 Fulton and jalO U'lLULU fa CO., 139 Atlantic st. C A01t4»«»iiAI*10.\ .-> O h I Ci:.—Public cislern J corner nt Clurk and Henry street.- Church street gradicg and paviin; iioui Smith street to Hamilton ttvdiue. The assessors having returned their assessment lists in the above entitled matters, notice is hereby given that the same will be'presented to the mayor and common council lor confirmation, at their regular meeting on Monday, .ihe ••JUth day 01J ,n'y, or as soon thereafter as they may conve- niently act upou the same. The lists can be examined at the otlice-of the clerk of the common council until the above dale. UUjections t-j said lists, [if any,] are to be made in writing, and presented to the common council on or beiorc that day. Dated Urounljn, Jauutry 18, 1849. EUW'IJ. COPLAND, j -Hi 'I'd Clerk 01 the Common Council. M JtiSUliljliJjOWiM ASf OCsA'J'IOIN, OF BROOKLYN.—Hon. John Greenwood, President- M..P. Uobbiis. Esq., Vice President; C. P. Pnn lc, Secro'. tary ; T. N. Dougbty, Treasurer; G. C. Rixtord, Librarian. Conduciof, J. L. Cuuitnioga. Trns Association, wntch la intended for tho performance oi classic Sucred Music, with orchestral accompaniment, has been duly ornniiiztd. arid is now in operation. Persons desiroiM of becoming performing members may apply 10 any of ihe officers, _• Subscribers Tickets*, admitting fr.ur persons to one per- formtuce in ench month, may be had of tho officers, and at the principal B011K and Music Stores. By order, C. P. PRINHLE, jtlO -Jiw-iw Secretary, ' L xlasi,s>tti.j\'A UOM1.UY, OLOYbd AND ' FANCY hosiery war*-* to be met with In the great- est variety at the "Cheap Ho-iery Store" of J. C, COT- TRbLL, »ii Fulton st. t,opp.i>ito j'illary st.) i : JHl7 2t W A:xXS— \ yo'u.ig lmm 01 good aUdress. business .^habits and coo I education, Just arrived from Eu roiie, .wishes lor a uliutnUm in any business whero he can be generally useful, fur a." siiinll compeusati.in. The best of refer.-nces given. Apply to nl ; ' " H. J. Tonf). cV< Ftilton stn et. J A'ltV iMAV nuVs.JU— A VVhlir, t,nu l l s e t x . - sei|.uences—j ust published and for sale by ELLIOTT & CO. 47 Atlantic street. Also, Vanity Fair—a novel without a Hero, by William M. Thackeray, complete in two |«trtSi n7 r- jjii. t-j.ii i tijii P K J K L h S PRESERVED FRUIT h. lie— Pickles by the hundred,by the barrel,or by tho '"•""' : """ r " " '••'- ' "• - P r e ner,tor Resignation.—A communic ilinfrvwas received from El^ha' B. .Murroll, tendering his resignation aa assistant engineer elect: accepted. The board then adjourned until next Monday evening. of tho committee on elections, giving lo Mr. itock- I f| they desired to be place-', upon Ihe same footing well of Portage county (whig) his couteited scat, as the firemen of New Y..rk, tiny would only pcr- ,»,. , n . nans m a lilftime, have the election of Chief Engni- and vacating the Lliuion county seat. Ihe joint . . ... . . *• R ' J eer, for tlio encumbent ol Ihnt otnct> w thne remova- committec of "the Legislature have reported that Ford has 300 majority for governor, and ir° therefore elected. A maj-irity of the committee express their decided opinion that Ford i» clearly elected, but the committeo differ relative to facts. ble ooly by the petiliou of two-thirds of the ineuibers of Ihe dtp.trtmetst In thin mailer the board had been placed under peculiar circumstance?, und could have coti'islautly done nothing more or less than they had done, and ho was somewlut surprised lo find any gentleman with a knowhdgeof those circuiru stances proposing thut the b>'ard r-hotiid reverbClhcir action. Un was very t-orry to witness the excile- It takes Mr. Grrelcy nearly «H tho lioc that he canVpare from his duties in tho House lo keep the people informed of his doing* Every d*y there i» some paragraph and, sometimes, whole columns in the " Tiibtriir, e»platr>mg-t<H'-r»a6a»>ft-of-hU-<--m>dt»ct T -iuib-- li«hing supp'CMr.d fpeeclic*, defending positions that ho would have taken if ho could have got the floor and parrying thf thrusts of the members Wo trust thai )IA will get the -publicJnirid.propcrly in-_ atructed in regard to the importance of Horace (ireelry, after a while* The teleg anh reports that the legislature is rn- (aged in passing laws to enable certain individuals topsy their debts, Wo trust that these special laws will bo fonued down If the solona at Albany will f ria grneral law to pay oor dcbt«,*wo will go for it >iith all our heart, but we cannot see why Mr. Burgh . hiitild be singled onl for tho special-recipient of inch favors. It ii said that Geu. Taylor and Mr. Cbiy will v loivr Baton Kongo for Washington about the lit of February. * WASIIUTOTON, Jan. 18.—The lloti-e of K-;i>rrJ>^II tativrs votrd to-day in Committeo of tho Whole, j men I which prevailed unions tho lircinen, and.ro thai flogging in the Navy must be abol'ishod. . 'J'he ' i»rc»lcd the pos ti.m ^hicli tney had .is.nmed in rcla- , j t;on to Hie matter. Little doubt W M , however, to majority is larue. I , . . . ... ,. ' , * ' , bi> Mpprcheiiued as lo any tlitncully 111 curylui.' on Barney O'Donnell, of Troy, has hern emivioted 1 »'>" o e p ' r t m e n t . He lavorcd ihe mil of,, mrelintr ,.-, . , , . . , ., , , .. 1 ,,1 the ctizeni, and thoiichi thero would bo uu troti- of the murder of the Italian boy, l u 0 al Nassau, ., . , . .„.„„_„. ,c, ,, ,1. „ ., '• j bin in ri-organiiing an einciein <icp tilnienl. Ia*t summer. | ^u JU-dding took the floor and made an anima- . ~ - I 10 I e,in ch, 111 which bo traced up tho history of the The election ofa United States .Senator for nix . fir dpp(ir i IIU . nl lo JH.'Jd, »nd remarked upon the years from Ihe 4th of March next, or.eiin in Ken- j dilficultips which h?tdalw«)s btcj iu>rptrnblc ffoui tuck'y on Monday urxu It \x Mill doubtful win Iher "l.and iho most proinincul abuses whiclj had tTrT" ti, /.1 n - ,'. . ,„ , , ., ,, , paired its tllicncv. Ho charged boldly that tho ,Mr Clay will bo induced to return lo the .Senate. ' . ,„- ,, • . ... ,, ,- L , \ J , present dilhculty wilh the litomon had been 'I'fcr bill r pealing the charter of the Erie nnd j brought about by the machinations of interested Ohio lU.lroad, has pru8#d the Srnatr of IVnnsylva. 1 "" ,l »"' bi " ot ''' >o'''Vidusls among tho nN/ istant cif . . r '. • i• , j giiicers who had an oyo to ihe chicl cugmncrsnip, rnnnt,, rvrrp rrr— j and who had pdisUtd'st very trntTitros cuurtii in re giinl to li.o principle of allowing iho firemen to T o C a p i t a l i s t s — C a l i f o r n i a u u d (he; UoU\ . Iler^iou. Tho Company heretofore advertised as about be- ing formea by a number of gentlemen at the head of whom was an experienced ami well known ship, master of lhi-«port, with a" cash capital ok.$20,000, in shares of $1,000 each, wilh which to purchase a fiiut class ship whose freight and passage money would be expected to amount to teu or fifteen thou- sand dollars, add fit her out as above, having nearly completed their arrangements, would receive sever- al more members lo lake up the remaining shares of the cash stock, uot yet appropriated.' It is contemplated that, about ten of the share- holders will go out in the ves«el, to engage, together with herolTicer.-i and crew, iu mining operations.— It i- confidently believed that this expedition, which will go provided with n supply of two >ears' provi- sions, and all tho means and appliances of every kind requisite for the purpose contemplated,presents one of ihe bc«l opportunities yet offered fur n safe and profitable investment, to those who wish lo em- bark a Mnall cn| itul am, thi'ir peisonal labor in such an onicrpmo. For further parlietilars inquire at No. 39 South sU cunef of Old slip, rear office, second fL-or, between the hours of 9 A . M . nnd -l V. M , or of ' .1. Sl'KNNKY JK. •^51 IVarl Sln'cl Brooklyn, in the evening. New York, Deo. Sis' \'jf - W i l l . S L . l ' e c k , has returned to h.s old stand II l Fultoil St., opposite S.tndi, where he is ready to hit anir«tp his friends and tbe public eencrally in the most «rpproK*tl-*tyie. Brooklyn..Jan. 8, 1843. ja8 J111 Z~&~ KeduciMl Prices lor IJoots!--! 1 A n n sty;at,flenr the American Museum, New York Tiv'«#'JOJfKS, having i-.doptcd ihe cash system, and the motto "Quick sales and small, profits," by which both buyer and seller are benefited, he_respeclfully invites both strangers and citizens tn au examination of the quality and prices of his CHOICE STOCK'OF BOOT.S. The assortment embrace^ tho following articles, which for style, durability and workmanship, challenge compe- tition! t'ino French Imperial Dress Boots. ,J4 50 to 4 75 Fine French Boots 3 50 to 4^00 j Congress Boots i 3 50 to 4 00 French Patent Leather Boots: 7 1)0 " French water proof Boots ». 4 50 to 6 00 ALL WAKK&KTICD TO OWE HATltnVlCTlOK. .It wit! I>e observed that the prices aro far otlow the or- linhry nenand for fashionable Boots of a superior quality, and therefore deserve the attention of all who may choose 10 suit themselves in tbe best manner ut the smallest ex- pense, tha principle adopted being that of " consulting the mutual interest nf both buyer and seller, by manufacturing a cood article and selling it at the lowest possible price for cash, and realizing a profit in the increased amount of sales and quick returns." Ileinembor iS'o, 14 ^ri" *trc<t, AVie York, nearthe Atne rican Museum. ol9 3m2pfc.c Z~jT The g r e a t e s t B a r g a i n s e v e r offered AT THE CKLEDRATKD'CnEir-KST C i R U T I'.STABLISIIMKST IN THE UNITED STATES, l\0. 99 UOWIRV, HIRAM ANUERSONV. Thoso about furnishing with Carpeting. Floor oil Cloth, Hearth ltugs, Drtifgets, Table Covers, Window Shades, etc, will have an opportunity ol securing tho following ar- ticles at unusual low prices, viz: 10,000 yds warnnied nil wool fine ingrain Carpeting,from 3=Gd to 4s per yard !!! 15.000 " double superfine English do do, 5s lo 7s!!! 5,000 " English Imperial three ply Carpeting; new"pat- terns, at low p'.iccs. ••2.:,00 large lufted Hearth Rugs, 20s each !! 10,000 pairs new and bcantiful Window Shades,from 8s to 20s the pair!!! I2,li00 sq yds Floor i 'II Cloth, 3 to24 ft wldj, allow prices. d4 tf HIItAM ANi EltdON.tQBowerv, t N. Y. 2"^" Ice C r e a m I — G r e a t Jtcductiun 1»» I'rice.— HANPLEY now proposes to furnish Par lies, etc with IceCreamof a sti|tcriorflavorandmanufacture.nttbc Vednced price of FIVE SHILLINGS PER QUART (in forms), equal to any In this or any other city in the Union Mr. H. prides himself in having been known by the citi- zens of Brooklyn for many years, to give entire satisfac- tion to his numerous patrons; and ptedgetlhose who may favor hlrn with a call to leave nothing nnitone to deserve ilAlr favors B. HAM)LEY.20il Fultonstrcc' lert if nearthe City Hall. «Ol.U S*»iiCXA.Cl.BSS-*Theani. scriberis prepared to supply a stipep.ii- ar- ticle of Spectacles, highlyfinished,"'"andwarranted for par- ty aud durability, at a reduction from last month's prices. \VM. ULSE^JR, watchmaker aud jeweller, ieM [ . 7<J Ftillon street nj&l£SihU 4 \KS KOIt XjJlfjlOl.Il>AV.S—A <a- large lot stone, cha;;eii and plain Rings, of the finest quality, for sale at W J. VAKDEKHOEF'S, '1-3 . Watelmiaker and Jeweler. 181 Fulton st. M,<A is 1 1 > A—HecKer's p.epurcd r'anna, a very ugreen 31? ble, light, nutritious article of Food, easily digested, and admirably adapted fir children und Invalids, for sale by JA..KS W. SMITH, Chemist and Apothecary. Court street, corner of Montague I'laeeC^*^ "3 O'n ncitr the City Hall. MA XTKiMSJOM TAULESfrom 10 to IB reetln ttbctU ILU — 25 per cent lower than atany"btherstore In Brook lyn—at the Furniture Depot of _je' :t _ R. J.-TODD, 88Fnltimst. li<U«.L,liS.—Gobi andSitver Buckles, plain ami ornamented, at J. D CHASE'S, 1H7 Fulton stieet since the ereat fire, fate 171 Fulton st. tl y •^va t i ' t ' S A K U ^ K I G l l K O R E K - A LARGE LT JL quantity of Ladles-' murls, superior quality of sleigh robes, etc. at HALr PRICE—by " at , R- J. TODD. f=8 Ftilton street. P U E S C N Y S , PRESENTS, PhEsrr.'l 8-Chll ar.d examine a large lot of fine silver Combs.V »ale cheap by W. J. V^NDERHOEF, d23 Watchmnker and Jeweler, 181 Falton st. J UST HI GUT FOR PRESENTS !-8llver, Pearl Tortoise shelland Velvet Card cases and Books, a neat assorLnientJust • ompleted and for sale at prices reduced from former rates, by WM. WISE, JK., ll2fl watchmakerandJewcller.79FoUo'nst <>«»KS FOR SCHOOLS—A very largo assortment, .for sale by R. HARMER SMITH, *' 191 F-Uon «tr»e» ifc.A I »»LHS—A large quantity or strictly ptlme and ordinary qualities of Feathers, for sale on mode- r.ite terms in lots to suit VurchsserJ, hy ,"»_. R. J. TOnt). F8 Fulton strpet. B UST PUISLISIli:u-Modern AccomplUhmenn % .i. 0t ,ha ,March nf Jntellect, by Miss Caihartne 8laclalr anthorof Modern Society, Charlie Seynmnr. &c—lusiree'd and for sale by R. HARMER SMITH. d2 Phenlx Bookstore. 191 Follnn-m. Jarrd W. Spnrks. the Itialrrinn, boon muni, nptfrj^hy the bo^rd^of oyerieers lo the Presidency of Harvard University, in place of Ptmidcut Kvoietl, resigned. ClloLKRA IN iN'r.w ORMCANS f.'holera ha« not quite d^appoari'd from .N'ew Dr- loaus after all. On the 11th nnd 12th there were 69 deaths in Iho city, .19 of which wtre from Cholera. TIIF. FIRK DrrARTvirNT-—For a full nccount of lho|itocrediu>js of ihe com in on council U-st n:j{hl, in relation lo tho troubles in ihe fire department, pa/! another column. PROCLAMATION.— Wo beg lo call Ihe attention of the public lo the mayor's .pioclanialion in another part of this days paper. frlicl th-ir otherrs--being oppotrd thrrrto when it suited their piirro. ; <\«, and iheii in favor ut it when they thought such favor wa< likely to i pToTiV'tfl U t r t r o w n e n t J t . H<» l«-l»Uy oh«rj;ed npoii j these .t^iktaiitsiiicfliciriiry nud inc(nnpci< ucy in the It ferr.K that llic perfsnniuce «>f their fiiiictioin, nnd rilloclrrl, nn an instance, lo the humiliating »'p»ctaclc of our duel eugintcr, al Ihe extensive coullagrstion in'Seplcni- ber Inst, beinf* coniprlled to invoke tho nosuirtnc* nntlco-oprralion of the chief engineer of New York- Un SJKI'KO «»f an ntlnuipt which had her n nimlc hy tho Hrtutant engineers who had rescued, nnd c»j>c- cia'lly lonicnled by Ijic first assir-taut, lo o.>crcc Iho common council into their measures. Tho threat had bei-n inadetohim tliBl HI member of tho rouimon council cotihl bo r e - e l e c t e d , unlr-fra he should fnvof the wnhe» of the fire department. II* denned to know if it had come to this, that ihe a'dennon hnd to succumb to tho ihreM*' H tho fw« department, or Ihev would resign and have the m y without the protection a well organized and well dinpoied A MEDICISE >QR At.LSKs»n'«>.--Wriiiht'« liiditn Xcxrt.t- ble I'illl MiTtnll rii-iipr-iinl* and nil «gt-<,ai.(l in iyTi" v T';,crrr' fit nil llinrs. ami nn.lrr all rircuin«t.incf». with p;rfrrl ssfe ty. They arn nainr.il uiiho human constiiulion as food; ami while they do nul injure rvrn the niotl rl.-lir no, there it iCANVly ii IIMI uly in the whole cstsliijnr- ofh'linan 111*, bat fill J iehl lo thnr Intliieneo. - 4Vrighi'»|ndisrt.VcjeLtb!eTilli thoroughly cle.Mi:<o_tb; • tonitrh nnd b iWet* from bilious and putrid hiimoM, :tiirl pnriff the hlood; ami ^re, Ihi-refore, ccmln to drive, ptln orriltlrcM ol tvtty dotrrlptlon from llio body. Httrnrt <•/ CaunUrJtili r>f nil \indi I Homo nrotoSlCil «-lth mianr; others ^r<> in vie t<f letoinliln, In outwnrd ap- p^-»r.tnf f, the orljlnul infillnne. THE ost.v ORIOISAL A^POKMIINI fSOIAN*VROETARI.K PILLS irAVK Tin «t(i»»TirtE or li'i li/itn H'rii-kt IVRITIKN WITH A r«s on Tin Tor LABEL or *Arii s o i . NONE orit (R II cinvinr, anil la fpntirftit Ihif ToROtRV, The genuine 0\r »»le l.y Mrl M Hayes, 18J Fultm >l; 4 A MnirU, I3t Honi) it; Wright k. Ilr.iiher, 1 All uitK-Ti," South Brooklyn; Elliott .«.- Co, 47 Atlantic St. dodo; C ,M Wright,cirorr Columbia and Snrkell sH; C Van Hcuren, pi I Myrtle nventie ; II Lorkwivnl.cor tlo'd and S-\n-l» «t« Wholesilo-tnd R-'lall H«prit,iSHI)rcenWl' bltrrrt,,\n\ Ynrkrllv ,ii II • •* • 11 n i i i . j I i IV t'elrtirnlril ((iisvlaii Kt<7.<ut S o u p. I > <• ii I In urn w i<hiiin nmi|^rir.r arlirlcforsTiavin* nr i\ nli ing. ran find a large supply at OARNErV Halr( uliinr; Ht iMn. 61 Fnltoa it. i lelrt £~e?~ A Cttrtt—Tie North American Fire Insurance Company Agency Ofiice having been rtcstrojed by the late fire in Fulton street, the ui.dersigned has accepted the kind ulier of Messrs .-lllwell U. Whiilng, N.,. <:r Fulton street, (next dimr lo 'he offico of the' Brooklyn Fire Insurance I'liinp-int.) for room for a desk, tinill he gets a more per nr inertt location, where he will receive applications lor Insurance. fnC If J J. E. UMIERIIILL. IJT A Cnr«l—DR. W. K NORPIIAI.L. Surgc.m Dentiit l»egs to lulorni bis friends mid ihe public that he bas removed his Olfirc from No. fc.1 Fulton street lo hi* residence, No. 43 Cranberrj street. Olficc hriurs from * .A.M. to 5 P M. , Kin tf N'ollr.c.«--I^»i»fmnpr litis bur fcoMe cx- i<res«lon lo render justice to iuy kind friomts, whoso nobly tame to the re-n-nc of my property from the great fire on '.he night of the 9th Sept. Inlt. I cnnnoi single outa-,ynne i i ln'ine most r.tfie.lent—all, all seemed to me ns superhn na i. I am overwhelmed with graltludo. r.otonly to thnin who nssisted, but to all llrooklyn for their expresteil sym- pathy. LC KKED.Utoof 14.1 Fulton at. N.ll. I wiitild Inform my tiMlotncr* that I have taken the ature No,24b Fulton Hrret. where hry may be ngaln *Mo to i/nnri to the mu»lc "fit find. s!9 Hot tor Sptinr will alitnd to discitnes of the F.yr and Kir on Tuesdays,Thursrlnys and Saturdays, Ir-iru It to'J P. M (Idire, I3.*i Henry »t. Urooklvn. nG aaSmt* ^luuilrll'n Firm I'rotnltiin Hoot A- Shoe STORF. HKMOVr.l).—The subscriber would mntt re- speriTrtlly Inform Ms friend* and cii'tomcr*. that In con»e- Tienre of the lain fire, he has r. moved to the Turner ol riTrrrirrTPT-fnlTTPV-niTtm.nppnUti' It. W:- Have's en>r»ty- Sto're, w here BOOTH At HIIOKflof hit own inanuiacturr IIIA\ be had, of the bcslijti&lil) and la'est st\lc. MO DAVID MUNDl'.LL, Win. 11. P e r k , slur<« (tie I'l rr, litis npoii- rd Ills tloro at &',) Fult'.iii vtreeLOj,posite Henry, where hr will be piennoil tonof M«fri«ft"iii>anlIci*fsiomersTfRiTit8Tr3'j" •iilly th.no whose nrr.uint» are unsettled)—where the) r.t.i be supplied Willi II AT.'- rrjunlln style tolhutr ulfereri in llrosdway. P.S. Ills tl-irk of Trtinki nnd Cirpet Bags ha» l.rrn rr- mnv't'd lu tho buemei'it undrr Hall ft Hughes' dry goods lore, 107 Fulton itrr*t. tt here lho«c In want of.lhr niirli. are invited tn rail. Ilr.mklvn.r-'cpt. 15th. Ifili 5 . «l.',t! l~*'~ Rcntnvnl n r i h o l'owl Olllro— Till .lit;sl l 0Jli9£.,b^ 1 , " pn " , f" r ^ r(1 l<i MO> TACl'R I)A 1.1. r.e'ul) opp niie thf Cily Hall. nl;, ;im Ifririltviire-'tVm. N, Clriu is n o w loco* ind al thn rornr-rjif Fnlbui and ('nlumbla s'rrrt', and will in THURSDAY, Septoiiiler '3l»l,0|>en bis mora wilh Rn entirely naw andole.'antstoi k of HAItDWAItr.—whrnhr t % ill be hippy to 'en hit old f-l..mi-r« indfri nd« •»'C» t' s i e t v n r l .v- « ' o . h r t v o r e m o v e , ! IIK-II wtorli if I'AUPr.fH, 'inrr iho Klre.ovff Hull At llughr.'. N., 107 Fnlton street. sl5 ti n I T S ON CORNKR PLYMOUTH &*JAY 8 T 8 . - 4 ILJ lots corner Plymouth and Jny street for sale, lease, ir to-let-well ca culated for a coal ynid. 1 avlng an office liable and sheds. Apply to I REDERICK R. WEST. U5 »>*nd»st.or liti Waterst. New York. "jyl.stl C ^SlA.-VIUKltS' MISCELLANY of Useful and En- J tertftining Knowledge, In 10 volumes, for >ale by AM WILDER. 51 FoltOn, ,."" nnd WILDER A- CO. 1P9 atlantle «t. t » »'Kit <:i-;rk r liisoiilfAT on pnrchaset o P btirnitureond UphnUtery from my very lowest cash prices, will be made to nil or any of the suffcrm by tho recent fires who may require goods from, tue * M "" It. J. TODD. PX Fnitor, „ir >et . BU\'l>«;r> LIKK nf COl.UMIH'S, Vol. ) ; also B. Knlfkcfoockcr's Hlswryof New York, and the81tetch Book. Forsalcby R. HARMER SMITH n!l ; fir EM x_Bo.)K-STORt 191 Futtonstett. C i A, J i J V ! A . SK ' S ~, A '"lerdld and fargo asiortment / orshsll Cues and of beautiful patterns, fur sale chcapMJD.CIIASK^ 187 Fulton St.! mannfaeturcr of jewelry, .liver ware .Ace. N. B. Tho tame itnie with Mn.Tntmbull. n7 l^ 1 * 1 '^*^ 11 J H J J," ,E P-WTB-it'ry.tMln. Cum, H. Arahls Drops, U Utar nnd Cough Lorenpf J. *c. ie '"f^lehy JAMES \V. SMITH, n Ohymlit anihArMthecary, Court street, °- 1 ' l J_ C'nfir Montague Place. il A t f l l K S AND SPOONS OF SILVER can be found r at FORSYTH'a.204 Fulton corner of Clinton ,(reel, eqiialto American halfdol|nr«,and as ckeapas atany et laMUhmrntlr New York. fcu ^j ' tf"V! , . ,, '!, > < .' F ' , '. ,,, i N»M,ftnd other Pocm»-hy r •,'/!• '"•, Annn '"Owh. «nlhor of •• Records ot the Heart," Aie—jiMt pnhlhhed and for sale by P0 ELLIOTT A- CO. 47 Allan lie. -t. Tl,o. .iyn. IC. HlllfKJjRS* nENTIFRICK-TJiUhlghlyap. proved Tooth Powder for sale by JAMES W. 8MI.TJ1. ChemUtand Apothccaiy, fonrt street, corner of Mont»en^ Plaee, _'* near the City flail i 1 < " » l~XUJt.\\ 7 f!S{;-Tl« «nnicr1ber ttonlrt »' suggest that early niientlnn be paid loordftM for cird jjl^ T A^Itjrinn^„ | ,, n|ll|leyMnr ^ f>Bt ^ x ^ al ^ lM ^ ueiavthan liter In the tcrnrn. Maivy rr rent ircelmenson hn,, d. . WM.WlSK.Jr, _^;. 1 Jctvttf-r, fte, TO Fhllon n S ^Olt CHILDREN—A rrw or tho«e «M<7,>r children comprising knift\«r«>on and Inrk. In beantlfnl ra,M ... . . JOHN I). CHAPE, m Pulton ,t, ' - iii.inur«ctiirerrirj,Mtr!iv andslTver" \\ nti'h, "p Atfitflrirtr' i-faXrrA and warranted w»r#. N ^ l l , V i : t i . PEARL AND T.-UT-'lSE 911 Kl.I, Card .1 I n«e«, ill every ilyle. f,,r sale rhcip hy ,>., „ . , , , U - ? - VANDERHORF, .'••l WMfhnntcr »nd Jeweler^ I'-fl Fnltnn st. A .ui:,noiit uF*"iTiTv. un, MILNOR he R.V ;\V Dr. John 8. Stone, for sale by '>•'"'*> n i K«» A ?»• WILDER. St FnllonUrrtt, tlj ' nnd_VV'H,nrH U CO, no Atlantic si. B U S T 1 A Lady', wljtr Cltmier llrrnrl rin VM" lo.*l >lrr lh. tlreet n few drt\-> •Inre.—The firdrt will t,«»o warded by leaving It at t|],,Jewrhy f .ote of ' r ° .. ' WM. WISE JR "'" Y. >.teb Mater and Jeweler.70 Fnlton'tl. »s New Edition revDe.1. \'o I iv'nieV/i»k«»v«» ^ l^<o,y of Ne« York. J„„ „i,bll,hVd andTfo S l l f e ? ELLIOTT *t i O.i 47 All.nt.e.V, 10 .gonih Brooklyn Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Brooklyn NY Daily...the magazine is very full and the details useful to every mau of busiucss . We ore glud to learn "ilf at a plat e of

WftV'" feaat^ggt—s~£ajti

I ' U I D A Y F . V E N 1 N C J , J A N . 1 9 .

T h e t J l t r C o u n c i l . | S i n c e t h e origin of the c i ty , there never h a t been j

a mora ab le or intel l igent body of men iu the c o m - , m o o counc i l , l h * n those w h i c h now compose it.

« * T h o u u m e a n i u g generalities" a i to corrup­tion, m a y be thrown back into the teeth of those w h o m a k e t h e m . — E v e . S t a r .

T h e Star U at liberty to make jus t such an esti­

m a t e of the present c o m m o n counc i l as it feels it­

self obliged-to m a k e in consequence of the* position

_ » h i c h it holds as the one half of the city {rioter.

W o understand it* del icate position, and can e x c u s e

i t for the soft i o o p ^ v h i c h it lays on the J' able nud

inte l l igent" n iea w h o feed it with pap and k e e p its

bead above the water . But if the preseut c o m m o n

c o n n e d i» »» '' ahla »"d intel l igent" a a i t a pliant iu-

STATC LKOtsUTUEK.—In Seu»to\on Thursday, r'"" *"".',"" 7 'A . . ,U\\JM,:^\ I Mri AVilkin reposed a bill to-amend tlw charter of 'LmW S o S i r ? ££3f&?u 1 t h 0 f&»» Fire InJuraoee Co., *«d nw.lut the peti-Aomber of Qtigiual papewpHq l l o n j , j ,A G.Thornptoh to amend thVpsury Laws.

jautile reader. It is embellished J*^ bl,j w a s mtroduced by oir. Baker relative to the with a portrait of Samuel Slater a celebratep ma-! 8aino subject. A resolution was adopted for going nufaclurer and merchant of Providence, Rhodo Is- j iuto the election of a United Siatcs.Senalor Vn \he

VTHK AU*c«Afc MAOA*iNB for January hara rich •tore of materials e c o n o m i s t and a t e r e s t t o t h o mercauti lo reader. I t is embel l i shed

laud and which is accompanied by e n intc ies tmg

biogoraphy. T h e r o is a lso'an article on California"

g iv ing some a c c o u u t of the gold region aud of the

recent discoveries of the precious metals. It should,

be followed by au article on the soil, c l imate , rivers

arid genera l resources o f the country .

T h e r e is also in the m a g a z i n e , au article on pro­

tec t ing sh ips from l ightning, w h i c h is full of inter­

e s t ing facts , ond was probably furnished by a g e n ­

t l e m a n in this c i ty whose weather observations h a v e

attracted BO m u c h not ice . T h o statist ical portiojytf

the magaz ine is very full and the details useful to

every m a u of busiucss. W e ore glud to learn

"ilf rfor-pub at a plate of the enierpriwing-Biid success

lisher is in course o f preparation for tho m a g a z i n e ,

a u d that w e m a y soon expec t to s ee it embel l i sh­

ed with a first j a t e l ikeness of F r e e m a n H u n t ,

E s q .

In the Tribune of yes terday , was a btatcment

s h o w i n g what proportion of n i e n i u our (cgular.*,) ar­

m y during the M e x i c a n war were from the free s ta le s ,

and w h a t proportion from tho s lave s tates . T h e

number enl isted iu ihe old reg iments aud in t h o t e u

6 t h of February n e x t After sorno debate a resolu­tion was adopted, A y e s 2 1 and N a y s '3, in favor of a geueral insurance law. Iu the course of tho de ­bate Mr. IlokeeHuid he thought the bill introduced iu the l l oueo by Mr. Campbel l , Would par*;- ' -The bill to abolish capita l punishment w a s t a k e n . u p in c o m m i t t e e of tho w h o l e . M r . B o k e e m o v e d to nlriko out the enact ing c lause , Mr. Coffin support-»d tho bill. W h e n h e had conc luded t h e , S e n a t e adjourned . . : • " - .

I n A s s e m b l y , Mr Brewer g a v e not ice of a bill t'J tax ex i s t ing Safety F u n d B a n k s to pay the credi-

j ^ f t ^ u ^ f the Cana l Bank in full. Mr. J o b o i o u g a v e ' noljtyj of a b.li to amend au act to protect t h e pro­

perty of married w o m e n . T h e bill to extend the l i m c t o the Superiulondei i ts of the Poor e lec ted iu 1 8 4 8 , to fijo bonds and take oath of office, w a s pass-

department. H o behoved that the* fifemen coujd b e tatighVdiffeN»ntly.rvv' ' . v, . : ;' \(A\d F isk a l l u d e d / t o the fact that thoref >vas* n o

question bafore. the board. Ho did not suppose , the board nad been convened to discuss the aupoiutt ieul of chief engineer, 'and ho would, therefore, .ofter a resolution w h i c h h e fuueied would embrace tho vio\t B of his honor tho mayor id regard to the object

I of the meet ing, v k : < Resolved, T h a t in v i ew of the present condit ion

of the fire depertment, his honor tho mayor , in con­junction with the tire department commit tee aud the chief engineer, bo authorised and requested to in ­vite tho enrolrneut of the exempt firemen and citi­zens to assist the members in tho uiauafjcnioul of the several enginco, the m e m b e r s . o f w h i c h , or a majority of them, have signified their iutcntiou of re s ign ing ; aud that the said chief e n g i n e e r , under the advusoishipof his honor the mayor unci the fire department c o m m i t t e e , - p r o c e e d forthwith.to the fttucin^ of the tiro d e p a i t m e u t in the manner set forth, in an efficient pusiliuu to protect liio property of our c i t i z ens . ,

Aid Richards w a s opposed to any extreme m e a

• -.. ,. r D I E » . • ,., ,'. ATe'iy suddenly on Thurtday moralay, Of congestion of

the lungs, at hit restdeuce.vBush. Hill, U. \., Win. J. Fur man. Esq.. la the 01st year of bis agj . ... • --.^

His (uocrtil to which JiU.friends and acquaintances uro partlcnfsrly Invited," will take place on Saturday "tho UOtU Inst., at one o'clock. P, SI.' Carriage* will LB In attend­ance ut the Fulton ferry*. Brooklyn, at 13.1". M, to^convey 8uch persons as wish to attendas above. „ •

21F* P r o c l u u m t l o i i . — W h e r e a s "notice has been received by uu> of the Intended resignation o f a majority of the itierubeis of the Fire Department of this city luluke effecton the 2v!.id day of J i n u a i y l o s t , whereby uiany of the companies will bo disbanded.

Now, therefore, I, Francis U. tUrykor, Mayor of the city ot'Urooklvn, pursuant to & resolution of the Common Coun­cil, do earnestly Invite all exempt firemen la thU city, and the citizens geneislty, to enrol themselves without delay, and assist In taking charge of the deserted engines, hook nnd ladder j , trucks, 4-c , lor the protection of the lives and property of our fellow eltlzeni.

The Chief Engineer and tha,Chief Engneer e lect , will be in attendance at tbe Mayor'* office, in the City Hall, to hid llM^rmlng the citizens who may rally for tho safety of our c l ty iu this emergency, into now companies, ard to re­organize tho department lor efficient service,

FRANCIS Ii. fc>TKYKER,~M>tyor. Brooklyn, Jan. 1'Jth, \Wi. j s !9 Ct

surcs in regard 10 Iho i irenieti , und 5u"ggeSTeTl that the board should afford un opportunity to those w h o , after cool reflection, m i g h t havo arrived at the con­clusion that they had been e n g a g e d in a rash impo­lite course, and should desire still to remain in the department.

Aid F i sk liked the (suggestion of tho g e n t l e m a n , (or there was no doubt but that most of the firemen alter the exercise of their cool reason would dec ide to reuuiu. l i e look occas ion to say that there w a s no hostile feeling towards tho members of llio depart­ment in this board.

Several of the aldermen discarded the idea of any feeling of animosity towards ilia t iremeu, uud that if l he action oi the board had heretofore s e e m e d to bj unfavorable to their w i shes , it had proceeded from motive* of a widely different character. . W h i l e there wus a disposition to favor tho true interests and e le ­vate the cl iuiacter of tho department, thero w a s a determined purpose IO subject the exc i t ing rowdy­ism uud divest it of( the bad order which unruly

—15?~ B M y i u u m i * tilmruli.—Thls'Cliureu- and congregation will worship next Sabbath morning in the 3rd fresby ierla.ii Church, in Jay street, and in I tie evening in tho Church of the Pilg/iius, corner of Henry and Item ren streets. Preaching by iho Pastor, Rev. UenrjiJUtBrd Ueecher. " ja l9 2i*

j y * N o t i c e . — T h e Fair of the colored Presb'ytorhn Church, in Prince street, will be held In Washington Hall, on Thursday, Friday aud Saturday of this week. The citizens of this city are respectfully Invited to attend. Rev. Mr. Gloucester Is Pastor or this Church. . J 0 8 3t

t-jF" l i u u x I s l a n d H u n k . — B r o o k l y n , 17th Jan­uary Jr-'t3.—A dividend ot live pr cent, on tho Capital 8tock of ttili Bank, will be paid to the shareholders, on and alter the 1st day of February next, out of tho profits of the six months ending 31st Inst. By oiderof tho Board.

jdl71w UEU. cJAMMO.N, Cashier.

l~p" U a r f f a i t i x ! l l n r j r t t i u s t ! Will be offered at Hubbsrd's,97 asd99Maln st., junction of Fulton st.,Brook lyn. Mouslin da Lames At only Is 4d. Leea selling for 2s per'yard, will bo clostd but lor Is4dper yard.

Cashmeres selling Oil'for only 2s per yam ; been selling for 3s.

All wo it Mouslin deLalnes selling off at a preat sacrifice. L dies will save money and time by calling to view thii .tockot alt wool I, lines and Cr>hmerc<.

French Merino",tbe be»l imported, soiling offvery cheap Print*! prints f\|reat-reduction In'prices; lOd uud dl

prims selling for UJr-iter yard to close out. Sheetings 4-4, 5-4, G-4, t -4 . 12-4 wide; sheetings at

great bargains. CIIOMper than they can be feuad in an) othersli re in this city.

Shirtln s ! grealeflassortmenlover icen probably In one store soid at tempting pr ces if only seen, at Hubbard's stores. 97 and 99 Main, Junction of Fulton.

AlpiiciK felltig olfat prices thtl jimke It un object for all to call and see them.

Rerwan Merinos closing out at the greatest sacrfice ever heard of; only 3i tid per yard, to make room fjr spring goods

1 ' K i c k i y S e u i ' o n l - i ' h e r o l a n o t i t i n u n , woman or child, but should t ike medicine at this season ot the year.hut more csfiexlall) at this present time: icr therouiobably wore never so many causes existing at ou,e |ierlodu« there are now, sollkely to produceasiate of sick ness.- 'I'n^reicniidcjjangcs In tho atmosphere, by actleg" • as thoy.do i»jHm the cuustituiiim, and qunlity of the blood ltstlr, give occas'ioA for the un si fatal and uiallgnaut d s orders. The Life becomes (uudoiten uiihuuruny warning) lua most ei-rimornous condition from tho>o repeated than gesand if the iiomarh and Urn els have been iitglecitd ure-vlousjj-, the tlrsisyioptouis'require immediate attention. Even,those who have a healthy dlsposlnri of bo y utu stilject to sickness under these clrcuiustunces. Therefore to pitvent any danger, we ought carefully togunrd against it costive slate of our bow'bs. ULCC or twice they should ' be evaluated in twenty four hours. Tlicienre luauy CKU ICS which produce unhealthy blood :. smneihiies it may arise from grioijtt others when me system Is i n a a l a u o l fullness I. can take place fruru sudden Joys ; close u| plica­tion to a literary undertaking can I reduce i t - I n al, cuies Whore many pe/sons have to be »cen nndtpuKco to, which' producing nervous excltemeut, is a lei life eourco or uu healthy Uiuod occasioning that slow nervous lever which bus cuirltd oil" some of our best men, martyrs no their imputation, but which a knowiidgool the power* of Bran-ureth's PHU would have prevented. Those who doiire to tecuro their heailti, under utmost any adverse clrchuistau ces ,can do so by havlnig Brandretb's Pit's un hand, and a t ' o ce resorting to them when the llrst feelings or disorutr take plxce in their bodies. As this advice Is Used to will the lieaHh be; The-t i t

rtnj-ino will-yet be when a man wl ni»' es a good medicine shall be honorcu uiore than he who is an adept In the art of w ar.

Urundreth'sPillsaro sold, with fultdirecllons,at25cents perboxi at his Principal Offlce, 241 Broadway, New York, and by one agent in every-place of importance throughout tire world, each uj>eni having a certiticate ol

-Kyency from u a . HHANUKETH, having fat slmllies of labels on the Brandicth Pill boxes engraved therein.

V&" Agent for Brooklyn—MK8. CUFF, No. 4 Market Street. * d29 a\v2p

• t rument would have us b e l i e v e , i t s '« corrupt prac­

t i ce s" aro far m o r e . i n e x c u s a b l e t h a n they would

bo if t h e s o " a b ! e aud i n t e l l i g e n t " m e n could p u t

in a plea o f i g n o r a n c e

'. T h e S tar , in perforining its d u l y of •' defender of

tho f» i lh . , , ort ia thor 'o f the fathers, for which ^ r e ­

ce ives its regular a n u u a l st ipend, asserts that the

'• unmeaning generalities" as to corruption m a y b e

thrown back into the teeth nf those t h a t m a k e

Jthem." N o w if the Star charges on us these " u u -

m e a n i n g geueraltt iea" w e b e g to be e x c u s e d . W e

ed in committee oi the whole ,

addit ional regiments aftewards ordered were as fol» are not .very apt to use words without h a v i n g a due l o w g {a ^ f r e ( ) fcUlcf t w e n l y l h r e o thousand five

" reference to their m e a n i n g Put , t i u c e our n e i g h - hUIJfjre«j a u a eixty u iao . I n the slavo s la tes e leven

bor h \ s offered itself as the champion of this " able

a n d intell igent1 ' cnmmnn counci l and proposes to .do-

fend it with the ch iva lrous braycry of a true Knight

- a g a i n s t ull coiners wesHould like ..to h a v e its-MpIan-

at ion of a few facts.

Immedia te ly after the e lect ion last spring, s e v b a l

streets were ordered to be graded and paved 5 arid

. in pursuance of the usages of the *• ablo a n d inte l l i ­

g e n t " body of m e n w h i c h has so cha l l enged the a d ­

miration of tho S tar , advert isements were published-

offanug the workrto the lowest bidder. In process

of l ime the bids were opened by the- street commit tee ,

but iu no iustauce were tho c o n t r a c t g i v e u out t 0

those w h o had bidden the lowes t . O n the o t h e r

h a n d Ihoy were parcelled out to wel l k n o w n politi­

ca l s chemers w h o had been uctive in the late e lect ion

at an enormous a d v a n c e on tho lowest bids ; w h i c h ,

i n l h o c a 8 e 3 o f Bedford a v e n u e and Pacific street,

amounted to a bonus o f ' a b o u t § 7 0 0 0 e a c h to the

political hacks w h o obta ined the contracts .

O n one of Iheso streets the owners were arous<

the " corruption" and made such a din iu the ears of

. t h o c o m m o n enuuei l . that it hesitated about couBum-

ro&l'mg the agreement entered into with t h e c o n t r a c -

' tor, and the matter w a s shuffled about for six mouths

or more from one 'commit t ee to another by the "abl o

and intell igent body" which t h e Star praises , and

which wa s afraid to go forward, but still more alraid

^ to break with their political accompl i ce . A t last,

after a series of the most disgraceful manoeuvres ever

m a d e by such au "ab le and intel l igent body of m e n , ' ,

t h e y compromised the matter with the contracto r

for Ihe Burn of § 1 5 0 0 , and sent the job dovimjle>no-

ther contractor, w h o w a s an original bidder at the

t imo when tho contract w as corruptly g iven out

and w h o is now e n g a g e d in doing tho work at

h U original b jd .wh ich is about § 7 0 0 0 less than was

to have been g*»%n^o hie political competitor.

Soon afte? this disgraceful and " corrupt" pro -

" c e c d i n g w a s deve loped, the time arrived w h e n it

b e c a m e n e c e s s a r y 10 provide for c l ean ing the streets

. during the ensu ing year. A great deal had been

•a id the year before in regard to the fillhiuess of

t h e c i ty , and "our able and inte l l igent" c i ty fathers

g a v e out that the difficulty should be remedied.

T h e y deliberated long in couuci l , as s u c h "able a u d

into l l igenl" m e n m i g h t be expected to do , a n d , at

las t , matured their p l a u , and advertised that the

c l ean ing should b V d o u e . h y w a r d s ; that t h e c o n ­

tractors should g ive bonds for the faithful per form­

a n c e of the, work ; t h a i the streets should be s w e p t


thousand e i g h t hundr


aud s i x t y oue , or uboot one

. CONSTITUTION or F R A N C I S . — T h e following s u m .

mary comprises the priucipal provisions of the n e w

-Qpnstttulion of F r n u c e :

V - T h e press cannot in auy case be submitted to c e n ­sorship. Educat ion will be under the survei lance of the S t a t e . Al l c i t i i ens arc equal ly admissable to every public e m >!oy without other motive and pre­ference t h a n merit Nobi l i ty is forever abolished^ and all distinction of birth, class <pr c a s t e . E a c h shal l contribute to t h o tuxes in proportion l o h i s f o r -tune u u d ^ e a u s . T h e number of representatives to compose thc\Natierial Assembly is to be 7 0 0 — e l e c t ­ed under very near ly tho same coudit ious as the Charter s o u g h t iu E n g l a n d . N o member ol the A s s e m b l y c a n , during us sitt ing, he uamed or pro moted to u plain public office- T h e election is trien­nial .

C O L . B E N T O N ON G O L D DIOOINO — M r . Benton in

his recent speech o n the subject of m a k i n g grauts of

land to the g i l d d iggers , opposed the whole scheme-

O n the s u b j i c l of gold d igg ing-he said :

I a m a friend to gold curreucy, but not to gold m i n i n g . T h a t is a pursuit which the experience o f nat ions s h o w s to bo both impoverishing and d e m o ­ralizing to a nation. I regret that w e have these miucs in Cal i fornia; but they are thero, uud I a m for ge t t ing lid of them as soon as pussible. W a k e tho working as free as possible. Instead of hoarding , and holding tlI e m up, aud sel l ing them iu dribtetB, lay them open to industry and enterprise. Ji«y ttieni open to uaturai cap i ta l—to labor— :lo the man that h a s stout arm3 uud a wil l ing heart . G i v e h im a luir c h a n c e . Give all a fiiir c h a n c e . It is no matter w h o digs up the gold, or where it gues. T h e digger will not eat it, and it Vvijbljo where c o m m e r c e will carry it. T h o nat ionf l^^Tchhavc i n d u s t r y — w h i c h have a g r i c u l t U i ^ ^ o i h m e r c o and m a n u l u c l u r e s —

e ( j t 0 they wil l g e t Vhe (fold, provided a l w a y s that they cut smal l paprt money.*

If you w a n t revenue , raise it from th* p e n n t s — a smal l s u m for e a c h — a u d upon the co iuage . In that w a y it would be practicable to raise us much us o u g h t to be raised. But revenue is no object^com-pared to the object of putting the gold into c ircula­tion. 1 care not w h o digs it up. 1 want it dug up. 1 w a n t the foVer to bo over I w a n t the min ing finished. Let a l l work that will. Let them ravage Iho earth—extirpare and e \ t i rminate the m i n e s . — T h e n tho Sober industry will betiin which enobles and enriches a nation. Work as hard as w o rnuy, we cannot finish soon. T h e s e gold indications cover more than 2 , 0 0 0 miles • T h e y are in N e w Mexico — o n the waterB of ib^c middle Colorado—on the mounta ins bojh beyond and on this side of the Si'erra N e v a d a .

T h e Fresidcut of the Republic must ba a nat ive o f ' F r a n c e , aged 30,^ at least, and w h o shall nevur j boys, not members,"hud brought upon it h i v e lost his qualifications of cit izenship, f i e is e lec ted for four years , and c a u o u l y be re-eligiblo af­ter un : n t * r v a l e f four years , it^utiy candtdato lor the presidency has not ob .amed mo'ro than one half t h e suffrage*-, uud a t least t w o mill ions o f votes , or, if the conditions ( » s to btrih, cit ix«nship, <kc) be uot fulfilled, the Nat iona l A s s e m b l y shall e lect the Pre*;, ident hy an absolute majority and s e c i e t Bcrutiuy from among the five eligible candidates w h o have

'obtained ihe greatest number of votes. T i i o President shall d spose of tho armed force,

without power ever to take the c o m m a n d in person. H e shall see to the defence of the S ta te , but caunot undertake any w a r without the consent of thB N a -tiouul Assembly . H i s salary is fixed at 600.0HO francs per a n n u m . H e has the power to u a m e and re-.oke his Minister, diplomatic agent s , nava l and mililju}' cqintnanders . the Governor of Colonies , and other functionaries of superror order.

T h e Vice President shall bo named by the N a t i o n ­al A s s e m b l y , and c a n n o t ' be chosen from the k i n ­dred of the President to the 61I1 degree e L r e l a i i o n -ship. B.ilh criminal and political del inquencies , and olFeuecs committed by the press, shall be tried by jury. E v e r y t V n c h m u n shal l be l iable to military service , aud c a n be liberated only according to the law of recruit. T h e territory of Algiers is declared French territory, and will be governed by particular laws till a specia l law shall place it under the gov~ e m i n e n t of the constitution now proclaimed

I n addition to these , the penally of death for polit-cal offeucea is abolished. S lavery caunot exist on French soil, and e a c h form of religious laith shall rectfive equal protection from the State .

C O N G R E S S . — I n the S e n a t e on T h u r s d a y , Mr". A l ­len of O h i o offered a resolution of inquiry, addressed" to the Postmaster General , as to w h a t coutracls had been entered into or existed for carrying the Mai ls

- b e t w e e n , the- U u i l e d S t a t e s aud foreign hat ious , s tat ing d a t e s , t erms , name3 of contractors, and piofits derived from the same by ihe Government .— Mr. Doug las s of 111.-moved to take up the bill for the es tabl i shment o f a Territorial Government in the n e w Territory of Miuesota , wh ich was agreed to, w h i c h , after being considered a n d amended , w a s |K)atponed. A number of private bills were causid-ered.

In the Houso there w a s a discussion on the public printing, mostly b e t w e e n Mr. T o m b s of G e o . , and Mr. Hirdy of Ind iana . In tho course of ihe debate Mr. Murphy jus t ly remarked that the priutmg as n o w e x e c u t e d , w a s a disgrace lo congress T h e H o u s e thejxJ^ook up the civi l and diplomatic appro-prialioij^bilf. Mr. Mul len of N e w York proposed

• , , . - . , . . - , , u ^ t l uu a m o n d m e n t to the saino in favor of m a k i n g an to and so. and the g a r b a g e gathered so and so , tha L p p r o p , i a U o r i f o r l l l o e u p p o r l 6f Wiscons in Territory, t h e bids should be opened a t such a t i m e , and the a s l n 0 \,\\\ conta ined one for O r e g o n , which was

contrac t s g i v e n l o the lowest bidders.

W e l l the bids w e r e opened ; but the bidders did

not suit the " able and inte l l igent body of m e n "

w h i c h , in its w i s d o m and intel l igence had made the

S tar the half of a city printer. H a v i n g so m u c h

" abil ity aud in te l l igence" they discovered al once

that the bids were loo low ; that the work cou ld not

be done for any such money ; that it would ruin t h e

poor contractors, & c . T h o y did not , however ,agreo

to g i v e the bidders inure, but they raised the prices

a n d then teak the c o n t r a c t s a w a y from thoso w h o

had bid l o w - s t and g a v e t h e m to certain polit ical

favorites w h o had done gi.od service lo the parly a t

prices wh ich d r e w from the city treasury sonic

t w e l v e or fifteen hundred dollars more than would

h a v e been required uudrr an honest and fair pro­

c e e d i n g . A n d w h a L h a a been the result ? Let tho

complaints of the Star aud the health officer answer .

S o dirty h a y e been the Hlreets that an extra m e e t ­

ing of ourM able and intel l igent "counc i l has been

required to guard against the dangers nf pes t i l ence .

But l ime and space crowd upon us and w e must

bring our article to .a close before it is half finished.

H o w e v e r , this will do for the present. W h e n the

Star m a k e s iheso matters clear, we h a v o . a p lenty

more to bring to its notice and will therefore end

where w e aro and " pause for u reply."

CiiACRKs—Mr. Harris , w h o has just returned

ftom Chagres , g i v e s quite a dilTjrent a c c o u n t of the

country iu the N e w Orleans p ipers from that wh ich

h a s been published hero. H o represents tho C.'ha-

gres river us one of the mest beautiful he has ever

s e e n , with a quick current, nnd not k s s than e ight

feel of water b e t w e e n tho mouth and Crticcs. H e

a l so speaks of the country on the Islhinus as very

bcantiful , and s a y s that § 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 would m a k e nn

exce l lent carriage road ncros*.

d iscussed w a r m l y by Messrs. .Vinton, Duer , Hoy-dou of North Carol ina, Mr T h o m p s o n of Indiana, Mr J o h n s o n of Arkansas , Mr L y n d c aad others.— S o m e contended iu the courso of debate thut the Territory of Wiscons in did not exist- Others look opposite ground and advocated the proposed a m e n d . merit. After considerable discussion the a m e n d ­m e n t w a s rejected. v#hcu the C o m m i t t e e rose, having c o m e to no conclus ion. T h o House ad­journed.

M a d a m e Bishop, the vocalist , and her escort, Mr. Boxer, were arrested in Jersey Ci ty yesterday morn­ing, jus t a s they were entering the cars for Phi la - ' delpluu, ou a warrant gotjj i i t by Mr. S t . L u k e , of N e w York , for Hie recovery of the value of his ser­vices in p laying the harp at one of M a d a m e B's con­certs . After a col l i s ion, be tween St . Luke and Boxer, which the officers promptly flopped, the mat ­ter was comprotnifcd, and lli^ parties wore suffered to g o . — N e w a r k Adv. .

W c presume Boxer should read lioscha.— Tri­bune.

O H I O . — T h e lower house havo adopted the report

., litpartedfor the Eagle.

C o m m o n C o u n c i l -

' • T H U R S D A Y , J a n . 1 8 , 1 8 4 9 .

P r e s e n t — H i s Honor, presiding, aud Aid M c D o n ­

ald , C a d y , H a l l , Pell , W a r d w e l l , Beusou, Tnylor ,

S c h u l l z , Richards , W h i t e , Cochran, I iulbert , H u s -

!ed, W I I P O U , R e e v e s , Redding and F i s k . The Fire Department.— H i s honor, the Mayor ,

s ta led lo the board that he had received a c o m m u ­nication from R. J . L u c k y , president of a m e e l i u g of ihe fire department on T u e s d a y evening last , s tal ing that several companies had signified their iu-icntion to resign their connexion wi th the depart­ment. He had c o n v e n e d thi3 meet ing for i n e pur-po=L' of lay ing this document before tho board, a n d to roquest act ion thereon.

Aid Pel l ottered the following preamble and reso­lutions :

W h e r e a s , the chief engineer e l ec t has uot taken his oath of office, as required by l a w . within ten days after his appointment , aud whereas the said chief engineer has , it is supposed, decl ined his ap­pointment, therefore

Reso lved , thai the law relative to the election of chief and ass i s tant engineers , be and is hereby re­pealed.

Resolved, that the report made by Aid Hal l , g iv­ing the se lect ion oi chief and assistaut engineers lo ihe firemen, be adopted.

Aid .McDonaldopposed the resolutions, aud hoped thut the c o m m o n couucil would unwaveringly ad lierc to their previous ac t ion , even though it should break tip the present organization of the department i h e compumes wh ich remaiti7~added lo the cit izens wh > would volunteer their aervioes in case of need, would be sufficient to man the engines until a tho­rough reorganization of tho department could be ef­fected. H e considered tho present a very favorablo opportunity for its accompl i shment , and hoped the .Mayor w m l d he permitted to issue his proclamation invoking the assistance and co-operatiou of the c i t i ­zens.

Aid l l . i l l moved that the resolution offeted by Aid Pell lin un,the t a b l o : curried.

Aid Taylor rrmurked that he thought, if tho firo-m'-n hud 'July reffeded upon llio pr; : ;\ in winch il iey blood tiioy would readily • t-i: J ia i limy WITH rtC.nig prematurely and hastily. . nl t in t they were askiug lor no subiitiiitiul tig' , benefit or privilege

Aid Cady advocated tho plan ol attending s o m e ­w h a t to the wishes of the lire department , especial ly when the tiou fulfilment of them w a s l ikely l u c a u s o the resignation of oue half of tho members . But notwithstanding this, he considered it loo late uow for this board to rct iuco their s teps , consis tent ly with their o w n dignity . H e contlc inn.d the pre­text upon which tho board uclt-ti in refusing the deparlmei the se lect ion of their officers. H e epoke of the highly rt-spcclahle character of a 'arge portion of the firemen, nnd thought that the w a y oi e levat ing the character of ihe dcdartmeiit general ly w a s t o meet their w i s h e s , aud not lo degrade them by at tempting to break down their self renuect

H i s honor the Mayor , ill reply to au interroga­tory of A i d Hl l lber l , slatetl that there were sume four hundred e x e m p t firemen in ihe c i ty , but e x ­pressed his uuct-rlaimy us to the number wlio would be likely to render their services when called 111.— H e had reason, however , to suppose that tho greater portion o f i h e n i would do so .

S o m e disconnected conversation occurred, during which ihe resignation ot "Engine Company N o . l o w a s remarked upon, w h e n Aid Mc Donald s la ted that the teasons which had induced their wi thdraw­al Were connected with ihe ine l ig ib le aud unsatis­factory location of their eng ine house . It hall heeu located near the At lant i c Dock in accorduncc with the petit ion of the property owners iu that vicinity.

The question w a s taken upyn the rcsulution of Aid. Fisk. and it w a s unanimously adopted.

Theferry question.—Aid M c Donald offered (he following preamble nnd resolution, v'z:

'' W h e r e a s , the iutorrsts of ihe city of Brooklyn hove for a long t ime suffered for the want of suit­able ferry facilities, in consequence ol the city of N e w York having assumed the exc lus ive right to establish ferries between N e w York and L-mg Island. A u d whereag, by an act of the legislature, paused by a two t h i t d s ^ v o l e . o u i h e . 1 4 t h of^.May, 1 8 4 5 — t h e y having appointed a board of Commis­sioners to license ferries. And w h e r c t s , -a li­cense has been obta ined from said Commiss ioners with tho assent of the present UusU'cs of the ferries named, and'iti accordance with.tbe v i ews of the citi-zeus of Brooklyn, fo: four ferries from Fulton ferry south. .And whereas , the c o m m o n counci l of N e w York have passed a resolution to employ addi­tional ooonool lo resist the establishment of said ferries aud the rights of Brooklyn- And whereas , it caunot reasonably be/?xpected that the granlcesof said licenses should be cal led upon, out of their pri­vate resources, to prosecute so important and expeu

"stvtr a suit as m a y l;c uecessary to maintain the rights of the c i ty of Brooklyn.

" Therefore tesolvedj. lhat a specia l commit toe of three members of this hoard be appointed to coufer with the grantees .of the l icense above n a m e d , in behalf of iho city of Brooklyn, with power to render such aid as may bo desired in viuJicat ing the rights of the ci ly uudersaid license, and for that purpose to employ counsel tin bohal fo l the city ; said counsel­lor to advise with said parties and Iheir counsel as lo their rights, and in rc.rpect, also, to such arrange­ment as may bo effected with tho common council «f ihe city ol" N e w York for procuring u speedy and final decision ol the legal questions involved."

T h e resolution was adopted and the following geul lemeu were appointed the c o m m i t t e e : Aid Mc Donald, T a y l o r and Schul tz

l-jf° t ' i r e ! — I n consequence of the Great Kiro, the subscriber has removed his store from llti tn 1C Fulton st, coruerof Columbia, where will he found 11 full assortment ot HAUNTS, OILS & Wl . UOW GLASS, which hewit l sell as low for IM8H as uny stoie In Brooklyn or New York. JEREMIAH MUNDELL,

s l2 tf No. 1G Ftil'.ou street, setoud floor.

t S * * C a r « l ^ I u > U E l t ^ j i l J 5 1 ^ ^ business on Monday ihe I8lh Instant, at his Bakery No. 10 High street, oe T Fulton, where he will lie pleased toserve bis old customer.' and all new ones; they may givo hint n ci l l with everything in his line until ho shall lie able lo occupy his new store.now belnu erected at bis former lo-cationNo. 141 Fuilou street. Brooklyn, December l l l l i , .

t ' ^ I m p o r t a n t t o p e r s o n * b o u n d f o r CALIFORNIA!—Just received for the Holidays, by P. CAKNES.Huir Uresser ami Perfumer, No 61 Fulion st, u freslt stork of Perfumery, Ftncy Good', etc. Luldu's Ex intcts, Cologne, Hit.r Oi l s .Oi marrow, black Pomatum tor tvbiskcrs, Hair dye, Hair wash lo p.event ihe hair from I'allina, Bay waier, Pearl ami Toot \ Powders, hat Brushes, hair do, tooth do, shaving do, nail do. Combs, Nubian KG ian Soap, whUe and bro^vn Wlixsor 1I0. Military h a v i n g do, and n large assortment of Fancy do, superior Chinese

M A O l t SXLitlj Four lots or ground, one in Franklin UJ Avenue, und three between Gates and Uuincy i t . , with fences and fruit trees, to be sold separately. Inquire at C.Vilacte. Kent avenue, between Park and Fiustiing" avenue. • " - • - . . jslO Iw» /

A L U T u F CAP. CU.uMbKCl.-iL end oroinary sited letter paper jusl received and for sale Iu

quantities to suit purthustrs by A M. WiLUElt ,51 Fulton and

jalO U'lLULU fa CO., 139 Atlantic s t .

CA 0 1 t 4 » « » i i A I * 1 0 . \ .-> O h I Ci:.—Public cislern J corner nt Clurk and Henry street.- Church street

gradicg and paviin; iioui Smith street to Hamilton ttvdiue. The assessors having returned their assessment lists in

the above entitled matters, notice is hereby given that the same will be'presented to the mayor and common council lor confirmation, at their regular meeting on Monday, .ihe ••JUth day 01J ,n'y, or as soon thereafter as they may conve­niently act upou the same. The lists can be examined at the otlice-of the clerk of the common council until the above dale. UUjections t-j said lists, [if any,] are to be made in writing, and presented to the common council on or beiorc that day. Dated Urounljn, Jauutry 18, 1849.

EUW'IJ. COPLAND, j -Hi 'I'd Clerk 01 the Common Council.

M J t i S U l i l j l i J j O W i M A S f O C s A ' J ' I O I N , O F BROOKLYN.—Hon. John Greenwood, President-

M..P. Uobbiis. Esq., Vice President; C. P. Pnn lc, Secro'. tary ; T. N. Dougbty, Treasurer; G. C. Rixtord, Librarian. Conduciof, J. L. Cuuitnioga.

Trns Association, wntch la intended for tho performance oi classic Sucred Music, with orchestral accompaniment, has been duly ornniiiztd. arid is now in operation.

Persons desiroiM of becoming performing members may apply 10 any of i h e officers, _• Subscribers Tickets*, admitting fr.ur persons to one per-formtuce in ench month, may be had of tho officers, and at the principal B011K and Music Stores.

By order, C. P. PRINHLE, jtlO -Jiw-iw Secretary, '

Lx l a s i , s > t t i . j \ ' A U O M 1 . U Y , OLOYbd AND ' FANCY hosiery war*-* to be met with In the great­

est variety at the "Cheap Ho-iery Store" of J. C, COT-T R b L L , »ii Fulton s t . t,opp.i>ito j'illary st.) i:JHl7 2t

W A : x X S — \ yo'u.ig lmm 01 good aUdress. business .^habits and coo I education, Just arrived from Eu

roiie, .wishes lor a uliutnUm in any business whero he can be generally useful, fur a." siiinll compeusati.in. The best of refer.-nces given. Apply to

nl ;' " H. J. T o n f ) . cV< Ftilton stn et.

J A ' l t V i M A V n u V s . J U — A VVhlir, t,nu l l se tx . -sei|.uences—j ust published and for sale by

ELLIOTT & CO. 47 Atlantic street. Also, Vanity Fair—a novel without a Hero, by William

M. Thackeray, complete in two |«trtSi n7 r- j j i i . t-j.ii i t i j i i P K J K L h S PRESERVED FRUIT h. lie— Pickles by the hundred,by the barrel,or by tho ' " • " " ' : " " " r " " '•• ' - ' "• • - P r e


Resignation.—A communic i l infrvwas received from El^ha' B. .Murroll, tendering his resignation aa assistant engineer e l e c t : accepted .

T h e board then adjourned until next Monday evening .

of tho c o m m i t t e e on elect ions, g iving lo Mr. i tock- I f| they desired to be place-', upon Ihe same footing well of Portage county (whig) his coute i t ed scat, as the firemen of N e w Y..rk, t i n y would only pcr-

,»,. , n . nans m a l i l f t ime, have the election of Chief Engni-and vacat ing the L l i u i o n county seat . I h e joint • . . ... . . *• R ' J eer, for tlio encumbent ol Ihnt otnct> w t h n e remova-c o m m i t t e c of "the Legis lature have reported that

Ford has 3 0 0 majority for governor, and ir° therefore

e lec ted . A maj-irity of the commit tee express their

decided opinion that Ford i» clearly e l ec ted , but the

c o m m i t t e o differ relat ive to facts.

ble ooly by the petiliou of two-thirds of the ineuibers of Ihe dtp.trtmetst In thin mai ler the board had been placed under peculiar circumstance?, und could have coti ' is lautly done nothing more or less than they had done, and ho wa s s o m e w l u t surprised lo find any gent l eman with a k n o w h d g e o f those circuiru s tances proposing thut the b>'ard r-hotiid reverbClhcir action. Un w a s very t-orry to witness the exc i l e -

It takes Mr. Grrelcy nearly «H tho l i o c that he

canVpare from his duties in tho House lo k e e p the

people informed of his doing* Every d*y there i» some

paragraph a n d , s o m e t i m e s , whole co lumns in the

" Tiibtriir, e»platr>mg-t<H'-r»a6a»>ft-of-hU-<--m>dt»ctT-iuib--

l i«hing supp'CMr.d fpeecl ic* , defending positions

that ho would h a v e taken if ho could have got the

floor and parrying thf thrusts of the members W o

trust thai )IA wil l g e t the -publ icJnir id .propcrly in-_

atructed in regard to the importance o f H o r a c e

( i r e e l r y , after a while*

T h e teleg anh reports that the legislature is rn -

( a g e d in pass ing laws to enable certain individuals

t o p s y their debts, W o trust that these special l a w s

will bo fonued d o w n If the solona at A lbany wi l l

f r i a grneral law to pay oor dcbt«,*wo will go for it

>iith all our heart, but we cannot s ee w h y Mr. Burgh

. hiitild be s ing led onl for tho spec ia l -rec ip ient of

i n c h favors.

It ii said that G e u . T a y l o r and Mr. C b i y will

v l o i v r Baton Kongo for W a s h i n g t o n about the l i t of

February. *

WASIIUTOTON, J a n . 1 8 . — T h e l lot i -e of K-;i>rrJ>^II

tativrs votrd to-day in Commit teo of tho W h o l e , j men I which prevailed unions tho lircinen, and .ro

thai f logging in the N a v y must be abol'ishod. . 'J'he ' i»rc»lcd the pos ti.m ^hicli tney had .is .nmed in rcla-, j t ;on to Hie matter . L i t t l e doubt W M , however, to

major i ty is larue. I , . . . ... ,. ' , * ' , bi> Mpprcheiiued as lo any tlitncully 111 curylui . ' on Barney O ' D o n n e l l , of T r o y , has hern emivioted 1 »'>" oep 'r tment . He lavorcd ihe m i l of, , mrelintr

,.-, . , , . . , . , , , . . 1 ,,1 the c t i z e n i , and thoiichi thero would bo uu troti-of the murder of the Ital ian boy, l u 0 al N a s s a u , . , . , . . „ . „ „ _ „ . , c , ,, ,1. „ .,

' • j bin in ri-organiiing an eincie in <icp t i lnienl . Ia*t summer . | ^ u JU-dding took the floor and made an anima-

. ~ - I 10 I e,in c h , 111 which bo traced up tho history of the The e lect ion o f a United States .Senator for nix . fir„ d p p ( i r i I I U . n l l o JH.'Jd, »nd remarked upon the

years from Ihe 4th of March next , or.ei in in K e n - j dilficultips w h i c h h ? t d a l w « ) s b t c j iu>rptrnblc ffoui tuck'y on Monday urxu • It \x Mill doubtful win Iher "l .and iho most proinincul abuses whiclj had tTrT" t i , /.1 n - ,'. . ,„ , , . , ,, , paired its t l l icncv . Ho charged boldly that tho ,Mr Clay will bo induced to return lo the .Senate. ' . , „ - ,, • . ... ,, ,- L , \

J , present di lhculty wi lh the litomon had been 'I'fcr bill r peal ing the char ter of the Erie nnd j brought about by the machinations of interested

Ohio lU . l road , has pru8#d the S r n a t r of I V n n s y l v a . 1 "" , l »" ' b i " o t ' ' ' >o'''Vidusls among tho n N / i s tant c i f . . r '. • i• , j giiicers w h o had an oyo to ihe chicl cugmncrsnip ,

r n n n t , , rvrrp rrr— j and who had pdisUtd'st very trntTitros cuurtii in r e giinl to li.o principle of a l lowing iho firemen to

T o C a p i t a l i s t s — C a l i f o r n i a u u d (he; UoU\ . I l e r ^ i o u .

T h o Company heretofore advertised as about be­

ing formea by a number of gent l emen at the head

of w h o m was an experienced ami we l l known ship,

master of lhi-«port, with a" cash capital o k . $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ,

in shares of $ 1 , 0 0 0 e a c h , wilh which to purchase

a fiiut c lass ship whose freight and passage money

would be expected to amount to teu or fifteen thou­

sand dollars, add fit her out as above, having nearly

completed their arrangements , would receive sever­

al more members lo lake up the remaining shares

of the cash s tock, uot yet appropriated.'

It is contemplated that, about ten of the share­

holders will go out in the ves«el, to e n g a g e , together

with herolTicer.-i and crew, iu mining operations.—

It i- confidently believed that this expedit ion, which

will go provided with n supply of two >ears' provi­

sions, and all tho means and appliances of every

kind requisite for the purpose contemplated,presents

one of ihe bc«l opportunities yet offered fur n safe

and profitable investment , to those who wish lo em­

bark a Mnall cn | itul am, thi'ir peisonal labor in such

an o n i c r p m o .

For further parlietilars inquire at N o . 39 South sU

c u n e f of Old slip, rear office, second fL-or, be tween

the hours of 9 A . M . nnd -l V. M , or of

' .1. S l ' K N N K Y JK. •^51 IVarl S ln 'c l Brooklyn, in the evening .

N e w York, D e o . Sis'

\'jf - W i l l . S L . l ' e c k , has returned to h.s old stand II l Fultoil St., opposite S.tndi, where he is ready to h i t anir«tp his friends and tbe public eencrally in the most «rpproK*tl-*tyie. Brooklyn..Jan. 8, 1843. ja8 J111

Z~&~ K e d u c i M l P r i c e s l o r I J o o t s ! - - ! 1 A n n sty;at,flenr the American Museum, New York

Tiv'«#'JOJfKS, having i-.doptcd ihe cash system, and the motto "Quick sales and small, profits," by which both buyer and seller are benefited, he_respeclfully invites both strangers and citizens tn au examination of the quality and prices of his

CHOICE STOCK'OF BOOT.S. The assortment embrace^ tho following articles, which

for style, durability and workmanship, challenge compe­tition!

t'ino French Imperial Dress Boots. ,J4 50 to 4 75 Fine French Boots 3 50 to 4^00 j Congress Boots i 3 50 to 4 00 French Patent Leather Boots: 7 1)0 " French water proof Boots ». 4 50 to 6 00

ALL WAKK&KTICD TO OWE HATltnVlCTlOK. .It wit! I>e observed that the prices aro far otlow the or-

linhry nenand for fashionable Boots of a superior quality, and therefore deserve the attention of all who may choose 10 suit themselves in tbe best manner ut the smallest ex­pense, tha principle adopted being that of " consulting the mutual interest nf both buyer and seller, by manufacturing a cood article and selling it at the lowest possible price for cash, and realizing a profit in the increased amount of sales and quick returns."

Ileinembor iS'o, 14 ^ri" *trc<t, AVie York, nearthe Atne rican Museum. o l9 3m2pfc.c

Z~jT T h e g r e a t e s t B a r g a i n s e v e r o f f e r e d AT THE CKLEDRATKD'CnEir-KST C i R U T


Thoso about furnishing with Carpeting. Floor oil Cloth, Hearth ltugs, Drtifgets, Table Covers, Window Shades, etc, will have an opportunity ol securing tho following ar­ticles at unusual low prices, viz: 10,000 yds warnnied nil wool fine ingrain Carpeting,from

3=Gd to 4s per yard !!! 15.000 " double superfine English do do, 5s lo 7 s ! ! ! 5,000 " English Imperial three ply Carpeting; new"pat­

terns, at low p'.iccs. ••2.:,00 large lufted Hearth Rugs, 20s each !! 10,000 pairs new and bcantiful Window Shades,from 8s

to 20s the pair!!! I2,li00 sq yds Floor i 'II Cloth, 3 to24 ft wldj, a l l o w prices.

d4 tf HIItAM ANi EltdON.tQBowerv, tN. Y.

2"^" I c e C r e a m I — G r e a t J t c d u c t i u n 1»» I ' r i c e . — HANPLEY now proposes to furnish Par lies, etc with IceCreamof a sti|tcriorflavorandmanufacture.nttbc

Vednced price of FIVE SHILLINGS PER QUART (in forms), equal to any In this or any other city in the Union

Mr. H. prides himself in having been known by the citi­zens of Brooklyn for many years, to give entire satisfac­tion to his numerous patrons; and ptedgetlhose who may favor hlrn with a call to leave nothing nnitone to deserve ilAlr favors B. HAM)LEY.20il Fultonstrcc'

lert if nearthe City Hall.

« O l . U S*» i iCXA.Cl .BSS-*Thean i . scriberis prepared to supply a stipep.ii- ar­

ticle of Spectacles, highly finished,"'"and warranted for p a r ­ty aud durability, at a reduction from last month's prices.

\VM. U L S E ^ J R , watchmaker aud jeweller, ieM [ . 7<J Ftillon street

n j & l £ S i h U 4 \ K S K O I t X j J l f j l O l . I l > A V . S — A <a- large lot stone, cha;;eii and plain Rings, of the finest

quality, for sale at W J. VAKDEKHOEF'S, '1-3 . Watelmiaker and Jeweler. 181 Fulton st.

M,<A i s 11> A—HecKer's p.epurcd r'anna, a very ugreen 31? ble, light, nutritious article of Food, easily digested,

and admirably adapted f ir children und Invalids, for sale by JA. .KS W . SMITH, Chemist and Apothecary.

Court street, corner of Montague I'laeeC^*^ "3 O'n ncitr the City Hall.

MA X T K i M S J O M TAULESfrom 10 to IB reetln ttbctU ILU — 25 per cent lower than atany"btherstore In Brook

lyn—at the Furniture Depot of _je' : t _ R. J.-TODD, 88Fnl t imst .

l i<U«.L,liS.—Gobi andSitver Buckles, plain ami ornamented, at J. D CHASE'S, 1H7 Fulton stieet

since the ereat fire, fate 171 Fulton st. t ly

•^va t i ' t ' S A K U ^ K I G l l K O R E K - A LARGE LT JL quantity of Ladles-' murls, superior quality of sleigh

robes, etc. at HALr PRICE—by " a t , R- J. TODD. f=8 Ftilton street.

PU E S C N Y S , PRESENTS, PhEsrr . ' l 8 - C h l l ar.d examine a large lot of fine silver Combs.V • »ale cheap

by W . J. V^NDERHOEF, d 2 3 Watchmnker and Jeweler, 181 Falton st .

J U S T H I G U T FOR PRESENTS ! - 8 l l v e r , Pearl Tortoise shelland Velvet Card cases and Books, a neat

assorLnientJust • ompleted and for sale at prices reduced from former rates, by WM. WISE, J K . ,

l l 2 f l watchmakerandJewcl ler .79FoUo'nst

<>«»KS FOR SCHOOLS—A very largo assortment, .for sale by R. HARMER SMITH,

*' 191 F-Uon «tr»e» ifc.A I » » L H S — A large quantity or strictly ptlme

and ordinary qualities of Feathers, for sale on mode-r.ite terms in lots to suit VurchsserJ, hy

,"»_. R. J. TOnt) . F8 Fulton strpet.

B U S T P U I S L I S I l i : u - M o d e r n AccomplUhmenn %.i.0t , h a ,March nf Jntellect, by Miss Caihartne 8laclalr anthorof Modern Society, Charlie Seynmnr. &c—lusiree'd and for sale by R. HARMER SMITH.

d2 Phenlx Bookstore. 191 Follnn-m.

Jarrd W . Spnrks. the Itialrrinn, h « boon muni ,

nptfrj^hy the bo^rd^of oyerieers lo the Pres idency of

Harvard Univers i ty , in place of Ptmidcut Kvo ie t l ,

res igned.


f.'holera ha« not quite d^appoari'd from .N'ew Dr-

loaus after all. On the 11th nnd 12th there were

69 deaths in Iho c i ty , .19 of which wtre from

Cholera .

TIIF . F I R K DrrARTvirNT-—For a full nccount of

lho | i tocrediu>js of ihe com in on counci l U-st n:j{hl,

in relation lo tho troubles in ihe fire department,

pa/! another column.

PROCLAMATION.— W o beg lo call Ihe attention of

the public lo the mayor's .p ioc lanial ion in another

part of this days paper.

f r l i c l th-ir o therrs - -be ing oppotrd thrrrto when it suited their piirro.;<\«, and iheii in favor ut it w h e n they thought such favor wa< likely to

i pToTiV'tfl UtrtrownentJt . H<» l«-l»Uy oh«rj;ed npoii j these .t^iktaiitsiiicfliciriiry nud inc(nnpci< ucy in the

It ferr.K that l l ic p e r f s n n i u c e «>f their fii i ictioin, nnd rilloclrrl, nn an ins tance , lo the humil iat ing »'p»ctaclc of our d u e l eug intcr , al Ihe extens ive coullagrst ion in 'Seplcni -ber Inst, beinf* coniprl led to invoke tho nosuirtnc* nntlco-oprral ion of the chief engineer of N e w York-Un SJKI'KO «»f an ntlnuipt which had her n nimlc hy tho Hrtutant engineers who had r e s c u e d , nnd c»j>c-cia'lly lonicnled by Ijic first assir-taut, lo o.>crcc Iho c o m m o n counci l into their measures. T h o threat had bei-n inade toh im tliBl H I member of tho rouimon counci l cotihl bo re-elected, unlr-fra he should fnvof the w n h e » of the fire department . I I* denned to know if it had come to this, that ihe a'dennon hnd to s u c c u m b to tho ihreM*' H tho fw« department, or Ihev would resign and h a v e the m y without the protection a well organized and well dinpoied

A MEDICISE >QR At.LSKs»n'«>.--Wriiiht'« liiditn Xcxrt.t-ble I'illl MiTtnll rii-iipr-iinl* and nil «gt-<,ai.(l in iyTi"vT';,crrr' fit nil llinrs. ami nn.lrr all rircuin«t.incf». with p;rfrrl ssfe ty. They arn nainr.il uiiho human constiiulion as food; ami while they do nul injure rvrn the niotl rl.-lir no, there it iCANVly ii IIMI uly in the whole cstsliijnr- ofh'linan 111*, bat f i l l J iehl lo thnr Intliieneo. - 4Vrighi'»|ndisrt.VcjeLtb!eTilli thoroughly cle.Mi:<o_tb; • tonitrh nnd b iWet* from bilious and putrid hiimoM, :tiirl pnriff the hlood; ami ^re, Ihi-refore, c cmln to drive, ptln orriltlrcM ol tvtty dotrrlptlon from llio body.

Httrnrt <•/ CaunUrJtili r>f nil \indi I Homo nrotoSlCil «-lth mianr; others r<> in v ie t<f letoinliln, In outwnrd ap-p -»r.tnff, the orljlnul infillnne.

T H E ost.v ORIOISAL A ^ P O K M I I N I fSOIAN*VROETARI.K PILLS irAVK Tin «t(i»»TirtE or li'i li/itn H'rii-kt IVRITIKN WITH A r«s on Tin Tor LABEL or *Arii s o i . NONE orit ( R I I cinvinr, anil la fpntirftit Ihif l« ToROtRV,

The genuine 0\r »»le l.y Mrl M Hayes, 18J Fultm >l; 4 A MnirU, I3t Honi) i t ; Wright k. Ilr.iiher, 1 All uitK-Ti," South Brooklyn; Elliott .«.- Co, 47 Atlantic St. dodo; C ,M Wright,cirorr Columbia and Snrkell sH; C Van Hcuren, pi I Myrtle nventie ; II Lorkwivnl.cor tlo'd and S-\n-l» «t«

Wholesilo-tnd R-'lall H«prit,iSHI)rcenWl' b l t r r r t , , \ n \ Ynrk r l l v , i i II • •* • 11 n i i i . j I i

I V t ' e l r t i r n l r i l ( ( i i s v l a i i Kt<7.<ut S o u p . I > <• ii I In urn w i<hiiin nmi|^rir.r arlirlcforsTiavin* nr i\ nli ing. ran find a large supply at OARNErV Halr( uliinr; Ht iMn. 61 Fnltoa i t . i lelrt

£~e?~ A C t t r t t — T i e North American Fire Insurance Company Agency Ofiice having been rtcstrojed by the late fire in Fulton street, the ui.dersigned has accepted the kind ulier of Messrs .-lllwell U. Whiilng, N.,. <:r Fulton street, (next dimr lo 'he offico of the' Brooklyn Fire Insurance I'liinp-int.) for room for a desk, tinill he gets a more per nr inertt location, where he will receive applications lor Insurance. fnC If J J. E. UMIERIIILL.

IJT A Cnr«l—DR. W. K NORPIIAI.L. Surgc.m Dentiit l»egs to lulorni bis friends mid ihe public that he bas removed his Olfirc from No. fc.1 Fulton street lo hi* residence, No. 43 Cranberrj street. Olficc hriurs from * .A.M. to 5 P M. , Kin tf

N ' o l l r . c . « - - I ^ » i » f m n p r l i t i s b u r f c o M e c x -i<res«lon lo render justice to iuy kind friomts, w h o s o nobly tame to the re-n-nc of my property from the great fire on '.he night of the 9th Sept. Inlt. I cnnnoi single outa-,ynne i i ln'ine most r.tfie.lent—all, all seemed to me ns superhn na i. I am overwhelmed with graltludo. r.otonly to thnin who nssisted, but to all llrooklyn for their expresteil sym­pathy. L C KKED.Utoof 14.1 Fulton at.

N.ll. I wiitild Inform my tiMlotncr* that I have taken the ature No,24b Fulton Hrret. where hry may be ngaln *Mo to i/nnri to the mu»lc "fit find. s!9

H o t t o r S p t i n r will alitnd to discitnes of the F.yr and Kir on Tuesdays,Thursrlnys and Saturdays, Ir-iru It to'J P. M (Idire, I3.*i Henry »t. Urooklvn. nG aaSmt*

^ l u u i l r l l ' n F i r m I ' r o t n l t i i n H o o t A- S h o e STORF. HKMOVr.l).—The subscriber would mntt re-speriTrtlly Inform Ms friend* and cii'tomcr*. that In con»e-Tienre of the lain fire, he has r. moved to the Turner ol riTrrrirrTPT-fnlTTPV-niTtm.nppnUti' It. W:- Have's en>r»ty-Sto're, w here BOOTH At HIIOKflof hit own inanuiacturr IIIA\ be had, of the bcslijti&lil) and la'est s t \ lc .


W i n . 1 1 . P e r k , slur<« ( t i e I'l r r , l i t i s n p o i i -rd Ills tloro at &',) Fult'.iii vtreeLOj,posite Henry, where hr will be piennoil tonof M«fri«ft"iii>anlIci*fsiomersTfRiTit8Tr3'j" •iilly th.no whose nrr.uint» are unsettled)—where the) r.t.i be supplied Willi II AT.'- rrjunlln style tolhutr ulfereri in llrosdway.

P.S. Ills tl-irk of Trtinki nnd Cirpet Bags ha» l.rrn rr-mnv't'd lu tho buemei'it undrr Hall ft Hughes' dry goods • lore, 107 Fulton itrr*t. tt here lho«c In want of.lhr n i i r l i . are invited tn rail. Ilr.mklvn.r-'cpt. 15th. Ifili5. «l.',t!

l~*'~ R c n t n v n l n r i h o l ' o w l O l l l r o — T i l l .lit;sll0Jli9£.,b^1 , " p n ",f"r^r(1 l<i MO> TACl'R I)A 1.1. r.e'ul) opp niie thf Cily Hall. nl;, ;im

I f r i r i l t v i i r e - ' t V m . N , C l r i u i s n o w l o c o * ind al thn rornr-rjif Fnlbui and ('nlumbla s'rrrt', and will in THURSDAY, Septoiiiler '3l»l,0|>en bis mora wilh Rn entirely naw andole.'antstoi k of HAItDWAItr.—whrnhr t% ill be hippy to 'en hit old f-l..mi-r« indfri nd« •»'C» t'

s i e t v n r l .v- « ' o . h r t v o r e m o v e , ! I I K - I I w t o r l i • if I'AUPr.fH, ' inrr iho Klre.ovff Hull At l lughr. ' . N., 107 Fnlton street. s l5 ti

n I T S ON CORNKR PLYMOUTH &*JAY 8 T 8 . - 4 ILJ lots corner Plymouth and Jny street for sale, lease, ir to - l e t -we l l ca culated for a coal ynid. 1 avlng an office liable and sheds. Apply to I REDERICK R. WEST. U5 »>*nd»st.or liti Waterst . New York. " jy l . s t l

C^ S l A . - V I U K l t S ' MISCELLANY of Useful and E n -J tertftining Knowledge, In 10 volumes, for >ale by

A M WILDER. 51 FoltOn, , . " " nnd WILDER A- CO. 1P9 atlantle «t.

t» » ' K i t <:i-;rk r l i i s o i i l f A T on pnrchaset o P btirnitureond UphnUtery from my very lowest cash

prices, will be made to nil or any of the suffcrm by tho recent fires who may require goods from, tue

* M "" It. J. TODD. PX Fnitor, „ i r > e t .

B U \ ' l > « ; r > LIKK n f COl.UMIH'S, Vol. ) ; also B. Knlfkcfoockcr's Hlswryof New York, and the81tetch Book. Forsalcby R. HARMER SMITH

n! l ; fir EM x_Bo.)K-STORt 191 Fut tons te t t .

Ci A , J i J V ! A . S K ' S ~ , A '"lerdld and fargo asiortment / or shs l l C u e s and of beautiful patterns, fur sale

c h c a p M J D . C I I A S K ^ 187 Fulton St.! mannfaeturcr of jewelry, .liver ware .Ace.

N. B. Tho tame itnie with Mn.Tntmbul l . n7

l ^ 1 * 1 ' ^ * ^ 1 1 J H J J ," , E P - W T B - i t ' r y . t M l n . Cum, H. Arahls Drops, U Utar nnd Cough Lorenpf J. * c . ie

' " f ^ l e h y JAMES \V. SMITH, n Ohymlit anihArMthecary, Court street,

°-1' lJ_ C'nfir Montague Place. il A t f l l K S AND SPOONS OF SILVER can be found r at FORSYTH'a.204 Fulton corner of Clinton ,(reel,

eqiialto American halfdol|nr«,and as ckeapas atany e t laMUhmrntlr New York. fcu^j '

tf"V!,.,,'!,> < . ' F ' , ' . , , , i N » M , f t n d other Pocm»-hy • r •,'/!• ' " • , A n n n '"Owh. «nlhor of •• Records ot the Heart," Aie—jiMt pnhlhhed and for sale by

P0 ELLIOTT A- CO. 47 Allan lie. -t. Tl,o. . iyn.

IC. H l l l f K J j R S * nENTIFRICK-TJiUhlgh lyap . proved Tooth Powder for sale by JAMES W. 8MI.TJ1. ChemUtand Apothccaiy,

fonrt street, corner of Mont»en^ Plaee, _'* ™ near the City flail

i 1 < " » l~XUJt.\\7f!S{;-Tl« «nnicr1ber ttonlrt » ' suggest that early niientlnn be paid loordftM for cird

j j l ^ T A ^ I t j r i n n ^ „ | , , n | l l | l e y M n r ^ f > B t ^ x ^ a l ^ l M ^ ueiavthan liter In the tcrnrn. Maivy rr rent ircelmenson h n , , d . . W M . W l S K . J r , _^;.1 Jctvttf-r, fte, TO Fhllon n •

S^ O l t CHILDREN—A rrw or tho«e «M<7,>r children comprising knift\«r«>on and Inrk. In beantlfnl ra,M

.. . . . JOHN I). CHAPE, m Pulton , t , ' - iii.inur«ctiirerrirj,Mtr!iv andslTver"

\ \ nti'h, "p Atfitflrirtr' i-faXrrA and warranted w»r#.


^ l l , V i : t i . PEARL AND T.-UT-' lSE 911 Kl.I, Card . 1 I n«e«, ill every i ly le . f,,r sale rhc ip hy

,>., „ . , , , U - ?- VANDERHORF, . '••l WMfhnntcr »nd Jeweler^ I'-fl Fnltnn st. A .ui: ,noiit uF*"iTiTv. un, MILNOR he R.V

;\V Dr. John 8. Stone, for sale by '>•'"'*> ni K«» A ?»• WILDER. St Fnl lonUrrt t ,

t l j ' nnd_VV'H,nrH U CO, n o Atlantic si.

B U S T 1 A Lady', w l j tr Cltmier llrrnrl rin V M " lo.*l >lrr lh. tlreet n few drt\-> •Inre.—The firdrt will t,«»o

warded by leaving It at t|],,Jewrhy f .ote of ' r ° . . ' WM. WISE JR

"'" Y. >.teb Mater and Jeweler.70 Fnlton'tl.

• »s New Edition revDe.1. \'o I iv'nieV/i»k«»v«» l^<o ,y of Ne« York. J „ „ „i,bll,hVd andTfo S l l f e ?

ELLIOTT *t i O.i 47 Al l .n t . e .V, 1 0 . gon ih Brooklyn

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