old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 5/brooklyn ny...no houm-call at .360 -. -. -n-s wanted...

i M i I I ) J I ! ! , i l l ) , \r-m m > i i I'.JU.!-'I;J.I.I:.I ^ppi^ssw^i»swB»jss8Baa!ite:):. i«sas»i§pii8f«iw«i mum THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAULK. NEW YOR& \Vi^^toi>AV, §m§ |ii$ 3. 1919. m WAJJTED HEIiB~iiE3MAlJE. r Nurses and Seamajyesseg. RELIABLE woman, child 3 years; good home; wages JS0-J55. Q. S., Box 4, Eagle tth et branch.. I -. -1-7 '•' RELIABLE woma'n wanted to. tako car© o •will at. Brooklyn. WASTBP HEIiP—MAIiE8._ IF "yo'tf are'TT"saleBmaiTWBl^cjiTJ _ approach the best'das* ot businessmen and intelligently present facts concerning a proposition that has had a successful sale .tor. 3}._y,«*jca*_ihin„y* u are tho man We want. We can use two men of this calibre, who are not afraid of hard work and who can stand prosperity,. if they qualify. We are paying; our best salesmen WANTED HELP—MALES. t two children and do light housework; i S^ m ^t M t0 «.ooo a month."" If "iou" are In rill pay from $60 to m'month. 1330 78th . gg&^ffi,, thlV kind 0 ™ money address for 1_ •RESPECTABLE white woman to mind children Mondays. Tuesdays, ..Fridays, from « to 4. 831 Myrtle av. top floor, t -< 2-3 TRUSTWORTHW woman to take charge at year-old baby. Mrs. MARTIN, » J & ,18th si, Flatbush. t - '• •. 3-7 2 " 2 terview. B o x \i. Eagle branch, Manhattan, WANTED girls to take * .f-months train- ing a* trained baby nurses at St Christo- pher's Hospital for Babies. 877. Hicks st t •"': "> 38-tt WANTED, nurse for Utile girl; work; good wages; carfare" paid. Clinton av. •' 1. ' ". no hOUM- Call at .360 -. -. -n-s WANTED middle-aged woman" to-take" cara of baby and assist with light housework; ref- erences. Call on J. HESTERBARG, 9 Lenox .road. Flatbush.' ', . --" 28-7 ,\ WANTED nurse or mother's helper, small comfortable homo; good wages, C. M. H A F - NER, 288 Rugby rd, Beverly rd station. Flatbush. t 2-3 ^^~WANTE» HELP—AtALES. 2S-T .' JOBS OPEN. • Dlemaker*. . Toolmaker*. —. — V Metal. patternmakers^ _^-^__i-^— All around machinists. •' Brass bench moMers. Steady work and good wages. Apply Em- ployment-Bureau, the Yale & Towno^Mfg. Co.. Stamtc-fd. Conn. LJ?2 RtlVHEK until to "work around -In boarding house and tend<furnace. 638 Putnam av. f ;.. BRIGHT^ Intelligent Christian boy In of, "flee of manufacturing plant; advancement ..for right "bpy; reference and salary. ' Ad- •dresx L..' Box 10, Eagle office. > $ BRICKLAYERS wanted: long Job; good pay. •Apply 2,'d st and Fillmore av, Elmhurst." ' V . h. I- t ,'.' '•'"-'•"'"T^r'.-^—~3<M BRONZE FIN'lSHERS, FILERS 'AND HELPERS ON ARCHITECTURAL WORK. APPLY W. H. JACKSON CO.. 878 PRESI- DENT 8T., BROOKLYN, t . -"-' »•»» ^BOOKKEHPER and cashlefjawm wanted In Brooklyn; flro Insurance office; must have fire Insurance experience Apply 161 Remsen sV- •••••• • . ' ^ .' - I '8-3 BOY wanted, with excellent; op> |?6rtunitie$ for advancement; $12 per week. Apply 1/ P. pRINK, 23? 1pm ave., New York Gity.f:v . ^ih^agle^Jfew^Xomposihg^oonv 8th ; floor, Eagje Buildings Wash ington and Johnson Sts. - ^ ^BOY^WAWED BY STOCK EXGHANGE BRO- KERAGE HOUSE. ADDRESS P-. O. BOX 1228, CITY HALL •STATION, NEW YORK; t . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT BUREXU. .'•' LONGACRB HUT, . 46TH ST AND BROADWAY, , TELEPHONE- BRYANT/8i«0. „. SERyiCK FREE Tp:ALjU.; : AMONG THE MANY OPENINGS w„ JURE THE;FOLLOWINGS - COLLEOB MEN. KNOWLEDGE' £- FRBNPH AND SPANISH. FOR FOREIGN SERVICE. LICENSED RADIO OPERATORS, ••-.>'•; GOOD 8ALARIKS: ; LABORERS, 45c-50o PER HOUR. ^-AFPLYr-*^A.M. TO.-2-- F.M^, ' t MACHINIST , MACHIN1 Learn: bluo print micrometer,-dtAwlng, trade mathematics, lathes.- SchjiolfTM De- catur »t. Brooklyn.- . - • 30-7 MACHINE 1 hands on woodworking;mould inr -machines, JACOBS, Flushing »nd Woodward av»v .'.- . -;. . '',--_''_L1- , MAN to do'pantry work and help In din- ing room.- Home For Aged, 745,Cla*son *v. . MAN for porter work In kltchen^ wages 835 per month, room and board. -Brooklyn ' Eye and Ear Hospital; H Llvlnirston st. t MEN—MEN—MEN. . STOPr-LOOK— READ NO LABOR TROUBLE STEADY WORK, / ~ LONG JOB. '> GOOD WAGES. . To' increase production we need :•'•'.'. 76 addlt'ona]- experienced •''. ' RIVETING GANGS ^ RIVETERS,. HOLDERS-ON HEATERS Bring your gang or come singly. .Nn,,DEIiATS ^nFY^WTTNTFTV——-T*~- '^TaTl'^OT^e-ionVInce-d •^h-at-Wff^sJ'earn f DKJl WAIN I CU, , ,, t Ieast 8100 weekly if you act immediately. ROOM 603.' Chamber of Commerce Building. 33 Court, sit r "P -•':•:• •:••-:.:--••-. •• .-•_-.•••8=7' BOY ^Another clean-cut Srooklyn.boy is needed,to carry mail and do general office work;. ojjportunity for aavance- nient for the boy who is interested and faithful. \Call between 8 and 5.. ' ; KIRKMAN & SON, t Bridge and Water Sts., Brooklyn. '. V: --.-. /•-;•••• --- : •••."' •.;•" .;;•;;.-1-;; - ' - - ^ - * ™*t .'-'.:.:'-' BOYS. ;•./:•: ,;V '-. • . A Ne.w York Trust Company. has posi- tions .open for boys with some high school education; good salary, liberal bonus, and unusual opportunity -for advancement. for Industrious and conscientious boys. Apply in own handwriting, stating age and education. Address Room 31, 7 Pine st. New York City. •-":••• '•-•• - v .--.- -"••:;••: :•;>•::::'; - > ? - -2-3 \- y :-:::-:r: :: ^ BOYS::[ : :-y^-^:•:•/-•. i-.-.-Two neat boys fot office routine and Important errands to banks and offices; 15 years;; excellent position; advahce- ment sure. t 2-2 LAMONT.GORLISS & COMPANY; ^^Hl0faHad8on?:Sl rcc^ : 4^w^¥orkT^^ •••-:..,, - ' BOYS ~ 'You can get permaneht Work ---H»r1th-^erNatfp^al^ty .New York. Ypu will be given indi- vidual training to fit you for y.6ur 77dutiesr::"Free~ed1rcatfpiT^class"es~a^^^^^ conducted for your benefit. Ati- yahcement;. : rapid. Future vun- limitedi Call 2r5 p.m., Room 602, SrJO^WiTTSIreerZ •4rf- m T :j:. •; JVlanuf^cturer .;; of, ^"mejal^ ; goods requires a number over 16 at various work in different - ^departmentsf mostly jriachiri work; start 23 cents and 27 ;. cents perl r hour;.some. piece^_: work .jobs -Where. others: are - 'making up to $25 weekly; ; •A^lunches at cost; full pay for J2^all holidays; steady work;; V $ 512 VANDERBILT AjVENUE, 1W Corner Atlantic Avenue, ; p' Brooklyn. rLi^i^^.^.-iti:...: :, ; -,;./^;. •:•- - > . ' - - - - . - . " - - '. - - . ' . . : ;" MEN WANTED ! ?: , : Good| wages,^ steady yeimplpy- ment; outdoor work. Apply, BROOKLYN-POSTER ADV. CO., 894' Fulton Street, Brooklyn, , : MEN-WANTED :: WHO MEAN BUSINESS. .;_/: NO LABOR>TROUBLES Newark 'Bay Shipyard -.wants' a - large number of healthy,- Intelligent. •'men, SO t o 36 years, , 140;-to 170 pounds, to enter our ;:.'.- : : ' TRAINING SCHOOL } We' teach you a trade and pay you 46c. to 66c' per hour while you are learning. RIVETING, HOLDING-ON REAMING; SHIPFITTING B0LT1NG-UP, :PIPEFITTING •|Or one : "of - t h e other, shlptrades. : Rapid and efficient instructions on real Jobs.' Graduation- In about .3 to 12 weeks, depending on thb trado - you choose- and.."the* ability of the worker. : Full'rates when placed on : production^; ^ ' . v '.;'• '-''.'•:• , . Alio w'-:;'' ; : :l ; " : : RIVET HEATERS ' Prevlpus-Experience DOiTT "WRITE, BUT APPLY "AT ONCE READY FOR WORK.. AND DON'T LET THIS OPPOR- y •••:•;• rTUNlTY-=-PA88-BY;;•-. y/ SEE MR. SWEENEY '& EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, --SUBMARINE BOAT,— -CORPORATION " _ •NEWARK BAY SHIPYARD,: PORT NEWARK^ N.; J; REPltESBNTATIVE. ~TBRTEN==: Lots of work, ready for. driving. > ALSO 35 STAGE BUILDERS 150 BOLTERS-UP : 20 REGULATORS 40 REGULATORS, 2D CLASS' 100 REGULATOR HELPERS ;. ^O^ASSERtBOYS - ." - - ' ALSO- * i .;. , v . 30Q LABORERS i GOOD WORKERS ARE ADVANCED. ~: We also want, a large number of, men to. enter our TRAINING SCHOOL to - learn a ship-trade. Semi-skilled and un-. skilled workmen, :\vha_arai;iodustrtoua,:,. and ambitious, will do well to.look Into ^hls opportunity; M to:S6 years of age, ' 140 to 170 pounds. Wo'pay 45c. to 66c. J per.;hour. while you are In training; . graduation In about 3 toUiwteks, de- pending oh the trade you Chooso' and th* - ability, of the worker. ; - , ' "\ VAPPLY AT ONCE. RSADt FOR WORK. ^Submarine Boat Corporation . NEWAPK BAY SHIPYAnD. '. m -PORT NEWARK, N; J.. •: ^ it WIIERB QUALITY MEN BUILD QUALITY SHIPfl.- ™OR SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVES: i\:: } -? : \ Mr. O'BRIEN ;,; ; ; : ^jL-Menday—lo_Frlday,_? a,m.' to 5-p.m. - .. . Saturday. 9 a.m. to -Noon.'•-• - STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, f 112 WEST 46TH ST, N. Y.- C. iv» ;•'; >;; : ; - M r . McNULTY i .••;,••>. Monday to Friday, gam, to t pm. Haturuay. 9 a.m. to Noon. WANTED—-SITUATIQyS->-rE<?xo»le8. I __\VANTED—SITUATIONS—Malcd. Immlwmjutas "ttiitt~WaWfggJ<S»7 OOMrETENT 8*cdlsh girl withes position. Z3it. wiltres* and cbsrabemuld. small family; dty " references. B.; Box 240, Eagle Flatbush »v. -.:.-»•. • .-- "».T •. ,-s^ : J- •- -v "COMPETENT Swedish girl wishes position as waitress, and chambermaid In small fami- ly; city..references.' S.- O., B o x I t , Eagle ofllce. r --HAIiyFEURL -^xaerlan.cid^ilrlv'pr, mar. ' t V.AJfliif" »; , ;<><l',P*rra»nePt position. E. J. VATIBR. MO lUld av. Tel. Bush I HOARDING. FLATDUS1.t-J^uu;t--rju--a«-aeA~lWr<l-^----<>.i—- .- l~i\iUvi O• jiV..-iVsK^n*' a':- Nc*' rY*i*>> -• land. REFINED married woman. former teacher, experienced-waitress;.serve dlnnere- drat class boarding house or hotel. 722 Dean st.-. -.« '''..•'• WANTED, position, to. do general work in apartment; chambermaid or waitress In' pri- vate house; no laundry, work. Call, 201 Hal- sey .st. phone 2282-J Decatur.- 2-2 ^WAITRESS;- serves Ndinners., 'iuncheons. A pr iy MI., A CAB-LSOM, U2 Tth «v T>I Sterl *-M tng 2583, 20- WORK wanted by the day, JO t o 6. as chambermaid and plain-sewing and nvendlng by'a'widow. E. W„ Box 2. Eagle otnee. ,. •- COOKS, Wasbct-a and Ironers. A YOUNG ' respectable- married woman needs a position, as good cook In apart- ment >house or-prlvate.family, but must be off a,fter dinner on/Sundays. u.Call .at.. 38. St. FellN at, Brooklyn. • ; STATE EMPLOYMENT OKFICE, .08 COOPER SQUARE N. :Y." G. ' - •>:- ; Mr. DRISCOLL, Monday to Saturday, 8 am. to 1'p.m. STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAUi ; -310 JAY ST, BROOKLYN, N.>Y.. Train service direct to our yard Via Jersey Central from Liberty st,-'Ne'w ; York;. f5 minutes run; .trains-leave .•.«:is„:6:30.v.«:40 and 7:55 a,m.--Trairi. : fare, round trip, Ji.ss per .week;- COLORED ,woman as.cook. Prospect 1 3 5 0 - W . S M I T H . -•: 2-- tabl^; near .Urlghs,^» Uc;uh U Klnxs Highway p*K2®^^^S^PS'S i IXATBUSH-.783 EAST 21ST ST^f." J 1 "'» c»rs. I* F. KlSCII. 904 Befgeri st. i Brl s ht.lan.iM. mo KO'O: il llof.r fn>rt r<ionf' I hone Prospect 4680. 3-7 | for :\ ^^lt^ bour.J: .l-tadi..! l-ouo-:- nt- anaoi CHAUFFEUR,-- white, desires position, coriu ' l^' a . l . : ° n '. " 0,u .' .^ c * k ! r V »V*^ lM«»'lon ,L. erclM or private: good meclvanlc and careful li. 1 *!Hi*^!l. a .M a H«s<r«_av tiollc)^ aflverj long experience; best of references, ci. BAIRD, 811 Ciasson av. Tel. Prospect sisj. rs-7 aV/uajCli roory. udj«0;v>"K bHtii ; ^ , u \ t»X'.ty..}i^t. cold t'uhufllg wii't-'. b08.in«! iti.n; rii>i-ykcf. •' ' ' ' • '.' " . '-'••* ' " ; . ' W'7 pXcinc STRIET, K-12. " r Am«..ic»vn.f-.i))iliy .ha* "J^v^-. ''*.'i : '''' l0 .^"*. ! '- '" PARK Pi^Cf ' CHAUKFEUR. colored. 84 years; familiar with standard make cars; slight repaint: private., GEO. WYATT, 69 Schenectady av! PJiona Decatur 1740, | 30.7 CHAUFFEUR. ,wfth 4 years experience, re- Qu.rcs position, -private or commercial; has references. OBOROE ARCHER. ji$ Tompkins av; Bedford 4JJ7. j)o~7 Call,'-phone . - 3-3 . .COOK, all around; lunch" rem. -factory Uinoh. Call or write M. CRANE.' 41 Down. Ing a t . , •••-,- -'. - •-,, •'--.•• ; • _ . > .COOlt in, private family; good reference. Call'for. two days at 448.1st at,' ring Kos- thlnge^bell.v' •' ; - -.. > •'. . - : - .-_.-.. 3^3 *.'-BJ{CELLENT laundressTwante~s"mall-fam- lly-'Washes to take .homo; open air drying. IhompsoD,-,1072 Fulton, st. - Phone Decatur 996-R. -- ; ,-; .-.- "•-.:.- •>'>• •-.;:..*.- -- '••J-3 CHAUFFEUR- wishes position, privaTe or commercial- experience; references. Phone 6743 Pros., EUGENE GAVIN. «9 DeKalb »ve., Brooklyn. N; Y. . j.7 CHAUFFEUR mechanic, private or corn?, morclal, 6 ycais experience on all makes ex- soldler; reference. .SCHIROW, 6 Tompkins aven.ue. - .- , . CHAUFFEUR. 26, with an excellent'5-y«ar referunce; desires position with prlvato fam- l ';:„ careful driver. WILIdAM ARN- SPBROER,. 481 Macon St. _t 3-7 - CHAUFFEUBr^V^a^'^^PWIcrfc^wTihe's position,, private or truck; best referc-nces. -087 Coney Island av. Telephone Coney Is- land C228. >: y > •-. ' • • •',.> 3-S CHAUFFEUR, wlt^h long expelrlence7"'on high grado cars, desires either private or commercial ; P25iHin; excellent references furnished. C\p5*ftx 2. Kagle Flatbusli brancio.v v "1 '.----'..:.' - l-l : FIR8T.CLA8S washing to take home; wash and- iron. FRANCES UNDERWOOD; 303 M. Marks'.av. - '.'••''•':•-^ .--.- •?'..• -.- • •-/.••• ; 3-3 TGFRL wishes position as-cook for four weeks: Write H:.tll>10lh;av.:- .: *. •'.GIRL wishes position -as- cook;- best of ref- erences.- Call for 3: days. {424 Prospect pi. -RELIABLE colored vglrl wishes position as cook or - bou'seworker., Call ~tt? Albany av.'.caro-.Mrs. Sweeting. - Phono Decatur 1833.',: •:.-.•, v - - t , > y ' -: ; > •-;,->•.;;-. -•;-.•,-,;.-. '.. »-a "RESPECTABLE "colored girl wishes posi- tion; .first - class; with; no laundry. - Call, write:.57; Sumpter st, 1 , PETTISM. . . 3^3 WANTEDT^To^cIo- washlhxnKHrr^tfonllsg; Thursdayiand Friday,- by a Norwegian wom- an;. $3. a. do,y .and carfare; no. cards an- swered.' Mrs. ANDERSEN, 363--17tn st, near 7th av, top. -floor. . . ,'•. - •; -•; - -- ' " . -. '.. . "WAHIKU, days' vvorK. washing, ironing or cooks', position, by first-class cook. --Call WADE, 150 South Elliott Pi. ?: 3-3 t 3»-« STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply Brenack Stevedoring CompanyrInc., 62-SO UtKn^BAoiCt lyn.. •• ;./.;•:; ,-: , - -v.:.;;:;--:. :>>!:« THE NEW YOKK bCHObi. OF. ' . ;- , . .- ; SECRETARIES.-'W --.- Three months course. Individual. Inatrdc- 7to^s.~"^tidTOtsvoTrT^6TiSHonr--nSr4;dUa'les registered. .::-:-.?; -.-.-. : - • > ' - . " 38 West 4J4 at. V. M. WHEAT. Director. THREE ; At automobile mechanics; must know their business. Apply, Mr, BAILEY, 1630 Atlantic av. Brooklyn, t '• - - ; 30?7 TQOL makers, several first-class men,- on Jig ahd fixture Work; also several men.';on surface grinding machine. Apply at H; W. Cotton,.-Inc., 84 35th st. Brooklyn.'$• 2^3 VICTROLA REPAIR MEN FREDERICICLpESER & CO: require a number of ^experienfjed during A.M. to Superihterident, fourth floor. ^ ^ \; V/ I .BOY, as assistant In growing depart- t mont of -largo mercantile houro; extra [1 gafxl'-chance- for advancement. Call, or ••-write, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Smith & !• Nesslo Company, 80 Hudson st. New I York. ' . ..-.-• .V . : :;. ; - i t - 3-8 w'th.'au BOY or young man for general office _rJs_^_exra.r^s^_.cJianjw_.fot_adKanca. jncnt. Apply In writing only to J. 7.EHRENKRAUS & SONS, 359 Fulton st, Brooklyn. . ; t 3-3 I BOY wanted for. swltcnboard, $12 per week. Apply, superintendent, 127 Parkslde ftv. Tel. Flatbush 924L t ' . . .. f'r-- 1 .- BUTLER WANTED. • Apply at 445 Centtal av, Jersey City Heights, N, J.; •'-,-.- - •-..-, . ' ; • 3-5 "CARPENTERS, 37.50 day; long Job. Apply Jr. C. DESMOND CO., Laurelton Station, L. I. itt. R.,'Xaurelton, L. I., 3 miles east ot Ja- frlaJca. t ..-, •-. 1-3 ^CARPENTER, »7.60 per day; long Job. Kpply C, C. Desmond & Co., Laurelton Sta- Jlon, L. I. R. R., Laurelton, I* I. t •'- •• " - .-•/.-'. 30-3 su m w- CARPET LAYER; must bo experienced; steady position. Call at 186 Springfield av, Newark, N. J. - t .' • 3-3 Monday to Friday.: 9 a.rri.iAQXP^rflu^i -• --' Saturday, 9 a.m.. to Noon. I STATE EMPLOYMENT' OFFICE, 112 WEST 46TH ST, Ni Y. CITY. ,L^ M> McNULTY Monday to Friday, i a.m., r td 6 p , m . •-"' Saturdays 9'a mr-to--Noon = - -• STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. S3 COOPER SOUARE, N. :Y, CITY, ; : MR. DRISCOLL Monday to'Saturday. 9 a.m, t o t p.m. LSTATB EMPLOYMENT -BUREAU, 31.«^JAT r : T 8TrrBROOKLYNr*l , 7r7Y.--— Train" service direct to our yard vla> Jtrrsey.Centrals from-Liberty at, - New York, 25 minutes' run;-leave - 6:13r6;30,- 6;40 and-7:53 a.m.. Train- - fare, . round.-' trip, $1.25 per week. •\-;-r' : K •-.: .•: W:- •--.-".-. t - l - » • NIGHT switchboard ahd elevator operator for apartment hotel.' Call-between 13 and 3, 69 S.Oxford at. t -21-7 OFFICE boy. wanted .by a large Now York fire Insurance company; good chance-for ad- vancement. Call 100 William st, eleventh floor New York/ '-::. : ,-. -•••':,•- .... - - '"-"..-•' < > M OPERATOR Singer, sewing machine, tar- paulins, canvas specialties; .steady work. A. L, Reach Textile Co., 18 Washington pl,*-N. Y. ' *.•-.--.':-.-> -"•->::-- "- t : . " : - • - ' - : : •-..-.- 2-2 PLATFORM MEN AND VEHICLE HELPERS. APPLY O; AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS; 67 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK. • CHA«ERS EXPERIENCED ON BRONZE TABLETS. APPLY. W. H. JACKSON CO., »7« IRE3IDENT ST.. BROOKLYN, t 23-24 CHAUFFEUR and wife, colored, free rent in douse, 2 rooms, steam hcut, hot water; gaa -ange: wife to assist with light housework; nust understand Ford thoroughly; $100 month, ,02 Washington av. $ , 24-7 J CHAUFFEUR, for Cadillac cV; reference tr-qulred. 650 4lh St. - Phone 6665 South, fall evenings. ' t ..-J-' .,-. .'• -.,. : . 7 - - - CLERKS WAnted with bookkeeping experience 'for iosnonslbln position; $100 per month *tart. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS •*» .•-• 119 AV EST I9TH ST, N. Y. t t-2 ^CLERKS" - lr\l.\DEU 1$ YEARS; WELL EDUCATED. $60 MONTH START AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS - jjS.WrgTJ»TH ST^ N*. T^«J 3-2 TCASTING ENGLVKER* wanted to dV «flKn nnd make drawings ot die* and .take •Hi;irKc of rlraftsmen In Targe die casting . fwhpany. State experience fully and salary. jj <> Drawer 47, 8y^AC>ls^ N. Y. f 3-5 .'T>KA .. .iAFTSMAN. Junior for general layout and rUlur-c* detnltlng In coftMnictlon department rtf Inrg« corporation; unusual opportunity to gain fructlcal experience: state ago, nation- illly snd quallflcatlon*. DRAFTSMAN, Kngla Manhattan branch, World building, f Ui ESPKRIENCED chauffeur wanted; mar- tlet man preferred; on« living In of near !,onK Island. Appty by letter only, LEO 'Rt^PPER. 2d pi, Elmhurat. U , l . » »•> OliADUATJsS of Lamb'* art sure of good - *(^l!i(»n»; we place them without chartet *i-,i"'-ll for a huatnena course and train for 4>H'< w. tJirnVa Buslneas Training Sflhool, Hfl WANT men and women can* Vrf.?^rs on a live wire proposition { salary and commission; big money for hustlers. Apply Mr. NUTTING, Circulation Department, Brooklyn Eagle. INSURANCE RAT.TCflMRN. lrrvMllK*i« our )>>an and Investment con- -tTarla, far «a»1er to cell than Insurance; no r»fdir»l examination; real leads fomlnhed; awnmlfston bail*; hlRheM refeVencta reaulred, (Suite 1*W, 110 SVm ««h »t, New York, f « - 7 -PACKERS CRATERS AND : SHEET WRITERS; MUST COMB WELL RECOMMENbBt). ' '' STEADY; EMPLOYMENT '; TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY. A-f WANAMAICER'S APPLY DELIVERY SECTION. ; ' • ' : y :: -'.-1' : -- "fo" ; •' '/: i-e PAINTERS wanted. Call, 1T» Atlantlo av. •• V - •: s - * PORTER and. automobile -washer com bined; night work; $2S per week; applicant must have references. Apply after Mohday. Plcrce-Arrow. 1119 Atlantlo av. - - $ — - - :-j».7 PORTER, a middle-aged man wanted to do porter work and cleaning. ' Apply with reference* tcT-N.rY. & Brooklyn Casket Co., 60J Atlantic av. .' 2-2 PORTER and night watchman; must keep place clean. 8t. George Laundry, cor Pine- apple and Henry sis, - , .. 3-» SALESMEN wanted; experienced oleomarga- rine men, to cover local trade. Apply Phenlx- Cheese Company, Greenwich, st, Manhat- tan, btween 9 and 12 dally. f 1-J SALESMEN FOR HOUSE AND BATH ROBES FREDERIGiCLOESER & CO require a number of experienced House and Bath Robe Salesmen. Apply during A.M. to Superin- tendent, fourth floor. t~ SALESMEN: 4 number of Intelligent men have Answered my «d. And some of them are already en the w«y to duplicate my record; let me explain to you how 1, without prior financial experience, made over $5,009, on commlaalon. In six months, celling the *»• eufitle* of an old-established financial in. Mltntlon that ha* AIWAV* paid dividends; prove that yon ara .hMtcat 'and Industrious and T will ahow you that by walking and" talking and telling the truth you can earn $100 or more weekly. Call M to 4. Sale* Manager, mill* 111 Franklin Trust Co, Building, 1(4 Mon- tagwe st, Brooklyn, t . . B0-« SALESMEN WHAT DO t OBTt STILL HAVE A JOB. WHERE DO I GETt HAVE A POSITION. MEN FROM 2S TO SS YEARS OP AOK THAT WANT A POSITION WITH A FUTURE LIMITED ONLY BY YOUR ABILITY ARE THE MEN THAT CAN FILL 10 VA- CANCIES. PHONE MAIN m « FOR APPOINT- MENT, , WAITERS, colored for hotel; best wages, 187-Hlcks at. ; -.••-.-... - .,--. ' t ' ••• :••:. WANTED young man for clerical ^work; must.ie g«d. at figures. _W.-K.^Box-4,^Eaglfr Gates -va branch,- ----- ^-—a- .. J ^----- - — ^ WANTED 200 men tor all wool overcoats at $15. TANNER'S UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP. $ 4th av; opposite L. I. R. R. f n4-tf WANTED, - an experienced houseman for general work: white or colored. Apply Mr. trAVIS, ,$«» CllntOn ay. $ S— 2+.^ TtBatlngr-jiiani, .able. to make minor repair*. Apply premlBi!»n9~sr"Uxford st. :t 29-7 •aire.' W.ANTED,i BOY^FOR ELEVATOR AND SWITCHBOARD IN SMALL APARTMENT HOTEL. -APPLY-204J3OLUMBIA HEIGHTS. -:' -:^*.0 ; v-::.•;:.-•-•' '-"• •:'••:•:•::..:/ US -"WASHING, lrbnlrtg and cleaning, i l a day. M_rs.V_HOU SB, 314 lat.st.i'i- . .•,.-. ' ; WOMAN-wlshes day's work washing, Iron- lng -.or. cleaning; DVat-class laundress. Call or, address: call after «.;.Mrs. 6CHROEDKR, 726 Sackett;st, near 5th".av, 2d : .flOor, ; right, care Rlckctt.'- ; . - --i'-v: -V -'•-•",3,-2 GREENE AVENUE, 696A. room. ;-u:.i:ic .- people. Alcove Bedford. S 601(5-J • 30-7 1 -Atttvicthv roOni, prtvrii.--'|i(ju» , .\-, sn/tt'-iuiin ! Ilrdiord !««-M. . K i1-3t : «Vi«*J HAISEY STREET; 4 1 , Unexpectedly vacant;' unutiually Ueslrablo ! largo runny front room; ull Imp.rovvmonls; ' two adults. HANSON PTiACE, 80, M CuUlno .unexcelled ; bonnU-r* ucominidat-il. ' I 3-7: HENRY ST, 280—Near Boro.. Hall.! Large parlor; Ay ell heated; with -r-.^r .1. : 1 i;;-7 Lafayette, Av,i5i-153—Tablf) G\isst I*nrgO room, suitable ?; good tulilf. t-, , PALMETTO" STREET, 15, ^ 7 I Hall room': home cooking: rcM-oiplilc. -\ PABXSLOPR-131 T-rospect Tlr ;•' Large and small rooms; good table, i '-9-7 J PIERREPONT STREET, 76. ;'•' .Attractive rooms; excellent taiile. -j p-7 t SiXTHTvrfcTABLE GUESTS. ' \ Alcote: steam heat, Clccttlclty, bot waler. - >...-•• - - . '• 1 - 3 CHAUFFEUR, young- man, noat apear- snee, desires position, private family: South Shore, Long Island preferred; best personal reference. . L. P. T.v- 1018-Fulton et. 2S-J CHAUFFEUR; -.'gentleman,-, disengaged December I, wishes poJltlon; will travel; Al mechanic on all makes of cars; with pri- vate party. - A. B. HOTCHKISS, 4St Warren street. - -. -•-.-' - - .:y- .; •-.-. . '. SJ.J CHA'uFFEUR,- colored, 12~years experTi ence. best^of^reference-frorrr-last 'employeri private, commercial.:-..-S. SMITH, 61 Mc- Dougal st: j-5 CHAUFFEUR, young man, » years experi- ence, wishes steady position; careful driver; mechanic; any car; private party preferred; best written references furnished. TED ZORN. 333 Wilson av, Tel. Bushwtck 16M. ; , ;__^ -£^£'0* _ 2«-7 CHAUFFEUR, fight-colored, wishes posl- -Uon,priva.te or commercial^-present-empioyer- Iaylng up car;can furnish best of references. ERNEST PAYNE. 1324 Fulton st; care Phln- nle. - « -;- ; . -- 2-t CHAUFFEURr^marr'led,-•: wlehe'iT"posTtion; 12—y^ars^eitpeilence. FRANK—FALK, i 1216 '6S85. ' 3-2 67th ' >t, Brooklyn'. Tel. Beosohhurst WOULD do cooking",'- Washing or . Ironing by-, day or week. -M Mlddagh ist., Brooklyn. -, v --';< .'-. -•••..' ---" . . 2 - 3 General Honsewarki : f i- •-- ' •-'- - .';i \\ -\i,-, i•-*".- : A CQIJORED girl wishes housework from 8 uhtil 6, with-wash',' $14'* week,; no cards answered unless - carfare '.paid, PUGH, 11 Fleet-pi. No Sundays. ; - - : . ; , ? - ; . *• - . AMERICAN white couple.-man" aiid wife, Cook and chambermaid,'waitress; refined, In- telligent; amiable^ lovojchlldreri;_clty,;coun-. tTyr^Tcl^tai'Meriini?.- ...—r—: ? .: AMERICAN girl, white, 'desires house- work, by dhy. C. T., KOKIC Jamaica, branch, Jamaica. v . J- '. COLORED woman wants-position at gen- eral housework; no washing. ' Call- Mrs, GERTRUDE HOLDER. 1594 Dean; St. 2-3 . COLORED girl desires a; position as dish washer, evenings, Write 670'Gates ave. 2-2 COLORED girl wishes general housework In apartment; plain cooking or day's work'. 610 Herkimer st. Phono'Bedford 490. >; 3-2 FINNISH, girl, wishes- position, - general liouiow.ork;_$60—^p8E^mon.tlu^g.«od-r.cooK-tT-noe laundry,— 866 42d• st, -Apartment- 1.. - -,. MIDDLE-AGED woman, for general houso- work with 9-yeareold girl; city limits. Phonp Sunsef 6182. 3906 8th av.. .-- ••' 3-2 -TNBATrgirr'desires voiitibh""to;~ do light housowork with small -family of. adults; good plain cook; -business .people-.'preferred; G. H., -Eagle Gates av branch. :-.-. 8-2 PART-TIME place desired •< by .colored girl, CORA. KENNEDY,- HI. Princcat, -basement..--. 2-2 RELIABLE .colored girl wishes' work or cooking. 1872 Dean .at. house- 3-2 RESPECTABLE woman, wishes i work, six days'a week; housework and laundry; can -do—plain cooking; from 8 till 6. or ' . Sunday ^beBt^clty^referenco^eait^two^tiayBf WANTED Janitor who .undorstands„steatrL 6?» Warren st. rlngf —RESPECTABLE-colored-glrl-^warrts-posl-- tlon as general hbusewortter; small family; no .washing. Ca~re POWELL, 202 Johnson at. WANTED 1 one porter and one washer: steady position with good pay. : Seo: Mr. BAILEY. Chevrolet Service station, 1530 At- lantlo av. ' •.-. t 2't WANTED, a trustworthy colored man, as assistant janitor. FRIENDS-SCir0^5L7li2 Schermerhorn:-stV-•; -.-."•»-; -. t ^ANTEP^JFQBIKB; .PERMAX rOTIOJTTMGHf_WOBK. APPLY, 6606 6TH AV, BROOKLYN. : t _ 3-2 -YOUNG competent woman wslhes - house- work; by the day; good city reference. 282% EXT-JO-j-Sackett-JBt—-^-~~ ^—^.—y^.'..-.:-—L^L- WANTED'young man to do clerical work In an office in-Brooklyn;' prefer man around 25 years of age who has had some -bookkeep- ing and clerical-experience; position is-'per- manent * with good possibilities for young man who.has necessary qualifications, and will apply himself. ; In replying please state experience In detail, ago and salary expected. T. L., Box 24, Eagle office, t 2-3 WANTED, .Janitor, to take charge of cleaning and furnace In small moving pic- ture theater;-Apply evenings at KINGSTON THEATER, St. John's, pi, near Kingston av. t WANTED, reliable chauffeur, having thor- ough knowledge of Brooklyn streets. .CaM'at National Casket Company, 29 "Ashland pi. - :••••:: -'-'' : -t ; '.-• .•-. i-» ^WANTED, names men, 18-33, wishing become Government Railway Malt Clerks; commence $1,100 year. Answer K. A., Box L Eagle office. { ''.:•'"••. -•-..:.'- •'.. 12-17t-wfisu WATCHMAKER who la thoroughly ex- perienced in repairing highest grade small lever movements; no others apply; man pre- ferred, with -foreign factbry experience: steady work and-good salary to-competent man; • state fully past^jil^jAaceU-^HatUaU--^- BrsnSt * C*>., , Liiwirtyjknd* Lafayette Newark;- N. sts. 31-7 -YOUNG man wanted for ofllce work; make himself generally use/ul; good, opportunity for wide-awake chap. Apply at, 9 a.m. to - JOHN K. H1NES. 139 6th av,- N." Y; City. $ , - YOUNG men, three, to'take order* for large publishing house, selling cxperiencb desirable but not essential; good for-$30 {6 440 weekly. Apply Room 305, Brooklyn Eagle Bldg., Brook- lyn,; N.- Y.: f^- - \ • , ., ,2-3 -•; ;YOU^G MAN. .; to assist receiving- clerk; steady employment Reply, stating experience and. wages desired, T. B„ 209 Cable bldg.. N. Y. C.'.f' : 3-1 YOUNG man wanted-aa clerk In sporting goods store; must bo willing to work evenings; good opportunity for right, man. MICHAEL- SON, 1274 .'Bedford-: av. • . • ,. YOUNG man-to act as stock clerk and time keeper. Apply Closure Service Corp 1 .,' 4« Ful- ton st YOUNG man tot meat market - to deliver orders and make himself useful. 10CO Flatbush avenue. 8-uw'thfsu YOUNG MEN, learn » tradK Our fr«a »oek- let "K" tell* you how to earn weekly. Day and «7»nlng classes. LINOTYPE SCHOOI., 244 West ltd ,rt. Manhattan, t a** tf WW WANTED—PROFKSSJONAD. MASSAOS and.-electric treatment by llcraied mawcuri c»n take one or two more casea. morn- ings, evenlni-t. Main 7416, or write I.KT. S57 Qalncy at. •> .• 28-7 PIANO PLAYER, good reader, for eve- nings and Saturday and Sunday matinee. Calt, 7 p,m., AMUSU THEATER, 877 Gates avenue, • • ,.-;_- ...-._ : _ .-•'_:;- TOCAL I,KSSONft. CHURCH SOLOIST DESIRES FEW MORA ruPIUI! BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED. HENRtKTTA A. ARNOLD ^TUDIO, 171 slAD1SON 8T. t 16-12t.W,f,sa v.'ANi Ki) f^oro tenor,.. lot JSrofljiiyn -nf- l6wli"*E"pfScopBi ChuTcn: good reader; $1$ monthly. - Phone-78ST-W Bedford for ap- polntment. $, -;- 8-1 SITUATIONS W A NTKl>-^riWATION8--Pcrn*l««. COUriJS. man, chaoffenr; wife, motlier'a helper *»d ttatht hoflMWork or rhamlyrwald: per- !<enal reference; aoawer by mull only : tv» ob- i ecOona to* Ix>ft» lalattd or out of tows, J. J'lORB. 70i> RntlaM toad. FlathtKh, TS-7 POSrriON In family, capabK''•Jprriinwd lady, a* companion, roader, teacher or ahy capacity; companaatlon a ptea«\nt home In a Christian. r*fln*d family. Apartment «, 1206 Pacifto *t. Phone •tenlnga, Bedford Ha. J-Jlwatm STENOGRAPHER and typewriter. Mveral year* expertencN virion* Jtti*»; comprt^nt; j^\:6. : JL», ,.4»_8t*U H. . \-i TYPIST—IJWrary ma»n«<rli>t* typed kecttntt*- ly »na pforapUf. Telephone Mai* eft7S. SO-2 tstw ..WANTED, by young colored woman, half- time place, from » until 1; no Sunday work. Call or write STANLEY, 17 Radde / »V. Brooklyn. - . - '' *-« YOtfNG lady,*~hlgh nohoo) gradoate, four yeftfs experlenc* In detail offle* wwlf, dealt** IA.T poaltton with reliable firm; Brooklyn prtfefttd, SEI MTB., BOX S. Eat1* Offlca. ' ' . Jt-i -WANTED, by" an eld^irTy w o m a n , houBO- wbrk'to do mornings. -Address: Mrs. - S. SEATON. Eagle 9th at. branch. ..' ' 8-2 -WANTED,' by a competent. !girl, ..general housewbork; good cook; can furnish good ref- flrehco; no cards. Call at 676 .6th. av, onp flight up: - **-- ''•"---.---''- __ji^2_ :%• Honselteepera. /<:••- % : ' : _[- HOUSEKEEPER for widower or bachelor; no- children; best references.- Phone 1926 Main. •-•:. ' ' -' ' -•.--'• '-'--' g - 3 • MID JLE. aged woman -as housekoeper or to attend Invalid and sew. 635 Pacing at. MIDDLE-AGED Protestant., widow desires position- as housekeeper -in small family; best references. M. W., BoxlO, Eagle office. ... •> - . - .- ^.. 3-3 REFINED woman wants position as house- keeper-for two gentlemen or; two , business women. 204 Myrtle av. -' j Karses and SeaiiMrtresaea..: NURSE. Canadian, undergraduate, .' ex- perienced; would attend Invalid* or conva- lescent* Write or-call, 364 »th *t, upper bell. •'-•- -•--'• -'• ' 8 - 5 WOMAN wishes to take care of > baby for a little pay. Apply 4$0 «l»tst, base- ment.' : ; -.-• -•-' . -'• 3 ** Wasbinjt <* Dfty*«-!Wprk. •* BUNDLE wash to take home; family'of. 2 or -.3. ROBINSON, 1939 Dean at. - - \. 2-2 /COLORED woman wishes : washes -,- a t home; will call.- 74 Lawrence st. 1-2 COLORED girl wanta'dAy'* worltior half tlmo Job.. 480, Baltic*t,- MOLLIS MOR- RIS. ' ' '''.-'- : -••-. -•'• »'? COLORED girl wishes half, time work -.morn- ing*, or cleaning by the-day. Call or write ADVERTISER, 685 Dean *tr COLORED girl want*, day'* work or go out for dinners evening*.•' > Ce.ll - : MARY WHITE, care of Russell, 417 Ralph av. 2-2 DAY'S work or clearrlng;, no objection to Flatbuah. Telepncfce 2144 Bedford. - DAY'S WORK wanted by, a .colored girl. Cal Main 2876-J. . - - ' -. •••----/-• DAY'S work for Wednesdays or Friday*! best reference; $3.25 day.-r-Writ* ail week H. MARTIN. » Hunterfiy pla.ee. .2-2 FANCY laundering to take home.. C»ll base- ment, door, VA Vahderbllt fty. ... ' 3-2 FIRST-CLASS laundress,- Uk« wash home or by the day. Call all week, 464 Vanderbllt av; tet. $233 Prospect. FINNISH girl wants day'* work, wash- ing,-' Ironing, cleaning. Mrs. ANNA ALANKO, 1137 88th St. 2-2 OERMAN- woman wUhe*: to jro Out_wa*h $3.10. r*. EBERT, 2-2 lng, 9. to S o'clock 794- Flushing *V;_ LAUNDRESS for Monday*, Tuesdays, Wednesdays; reference: colored woman; Car- fare, paid. M. BROWN. 256 Chauncey st. 3-2 ""RESPBCTAB'LB color*d"w«man w»nt»*d*ya' work or p»rt lime; firat-olasa laundr***, Call all week. O. WH^ON, 72$ Gate* ay. ' SETTLED colored woman Would like work In apartment, from 9 to 1, or burtnea* coupl»e or cook dinner*. A. W.. 1911A At- lantic av", \ . "3-2 WANTED, fronlnr Or mending, by the day. Call Prospect $$7«-W, 473 Carlton . j*y^a"A~>w-,^—-..-,...,-,-;.- -•-;-•"..•• -.-.-•-•-.• ——*»*• WASHtNG or Meaning: ho Ironing; J2.7S. day.- Wrlle A. F. C... Eagle Oateg av branch WOMAN want* day'* work, houaecleanlng, orker; wash dlahea Sund) 433 K*«t 3Kh rt, Fiatbuah. laundry: good worker; wa*h dlahea Sunday Mra. PROCTOR. WATN^El>--^riTt7ATIOyS-~M*lc<t. ACCOUNTANT offer* hi* Mrvlce* to p*r- tl«* reoulflng the asalatanc* of »n expert. GEORGE rtlDOUT. «!» East Uth It. 2-14 ACCOUNTING firm desire* to eatftbllah Brooklyn cllc-ntele, experienced In ail phases of'accounting. Book* opened *n4 elo**d: audited; office and oo*t *y*t*m« lmtalled; preparation and review of tax return*. C. S., Box 17, Eagle office. ^ . f |.f . ACCOUNTANT; hook* opened, " closedl simple ayatema inalalled, 'bookkeeping, $2.60 weekly. KEATING, 24$ Reld av; Tel. »tl, J9M Bu*hwlck. . 1-7 "BARKEEPERT man, »7, wlihe* portion: Al: Aral class, all around man; underatanda hualneaa thoroughly; heat referene**. CHARLES 8 MiTi^_*Lly' r ii5£J^ CARPENTER^ bulldar. lake* new and old Job* oti contract; altaratlona. repairs. ap«. clalty; work don* satisfactorily. Writ* or call. FKTERflTvN,_R4t2 *thjiv. ' "CHAUFFEUR wiihe* potitfon WHh pri- vate patly; only high grade car*; $85 pat wartt.j; Tel. $ 6 46 Con ay lal and. 1.$ CHAUKFEVR wlahe* poiililonT privftteT ifx- perleneed. J)*ll. *v«nln»*. -HURLEY, i»». 9th «t, Brooklyn. Sottlh *103, 2-2 CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, married, wishes a position, with a private family; experience on Cadillac, Hudson,'Packard- and all other high-class cars;- 1 bestVi'of - reffrenco, . E, STRA1U,E, 1119 Nostrand. «v.» .PhOno Flatbush 3H4. •.•.-•. ,:^--,.-..:-:;- ,- >.; .. . . . 28-7 CHAUFFEUR. yo'Ung man. neat appear- ance, careful and obliging,- desires position With'private family; capable'of making re- pairs:, experienced on high-class cars; can furnish best of reference. '• Tel. Bushwlck 343. •-.--•• v' ; ;:>:-,'' J .'."- i. .2-3 CUAUFFEUU-MEaHANIC, white, ex-Army ambulance drWcr. lately : discharged from over- seas wishes position with private Of commercial t good; careful driver.'with three yrarx AV refer? ence from Inst employer. MURRAY FRESTA; 1525 Dein st. Brooklyn. - . , : i , 1-T CHAUFFEUR, American',' 16 years expert ehco--for»IgTi-atid , 'Aiuei'lca-rr-cat-8r'"A-t- -mo>» chanlc. expert driver any car; recently dis- charged Inspector-tCBter - Motor Transport STERLING PL., 32i Sllbway: phone: large warm front pnrlt-r, rtdjbjnlpg- bedroom; hot, cold running-water; good "substantial board, '' ,- ; ,--- -yr,i :;r; ! .-.'.-' ^ -. »-3 Vandei-bilt Av, 424—Alcove Room.; . Well heated; vlcctrliity; rnod'*rh -Improvc- mentsj owner, - --;-• •-, ..' .:-_..-.- 3.3 ^^'MSTT^R^M^ET^ Comfortable homelike Tolephono Konmorc-173. accommodations, -t: •;••:' '-'---•-l n .-v-YOJJNG Spaniard : \ylshe_s to board with private American family: good references. Ad^rrssS. \v; B..BOX 3j. Eagle office. V House 288, 288 & 290 CLINTON ST. _1 ' . - > t oiO-tf BOARD. WArVTED. FAMILY with two children, 6 und 8 years, would like to make arrangements In.a nice private boarding houso In Bensonhurnt or Flatbush aogtlon. T. L., Box 29, Eagle office. . .- v, ' 1 • : -LADY would like room and board on Heights; terms 416 per week; references, Address L. R. - M„ Box 43. Eagle ofllce, SINGIiE room, with or without board. 120)5 Pacific st. Apartment G; Tel. evenings 9911 Bedford. ; •-. "••-.-. "• -. - Bedfot i,r."feren,cea; wngeiTtSrV,- ford av. BTRNH,-Sa7- ^L- 28-7 " ••CLEANING; 'windows cleaned, 10c. up; homes, factories or building's, special rates when done weekly'-or monthly. 582 'Sterling pi.'-Brooklyn. Phono 9856. Prospect. '• 3-3 TWO young men who aro able to: furnish any recommendations necessary, wish to ob- tain medium-sized room, Brooklyn Helghtn prcforablo: aiges 22 and 23.. Addross E. D. ALLEN or W. C. Smith,. 216 West 23d st, N. Y. C , Y, M. C, -A.: - j . " -.-•;: .:•>;-;' j . ^ - 2 - 7 YOUNG man, Christian, would like-good, board and largo room; modorn houso, -In private family of roflnoment: "good .neigh- BoflioouT. about .20" pilhiile's"-BSr-oTTifmiSIlT give price and. full particulars. . CONFIDEN-, TIAI.. Box 37, Eagle ofllce. 2-7 COLORED man wants position as fire- man or Janitor. Call SMITH, 870 Atlantic avenue. -. - r -' -..: COLORV3D man want*"tiorter Job. A. MARSHALL, 14 Downing st. MILES - 2-2 COLORED man deslreg position, anything; pre. fer Sunday off. W. S.. 032 Myrtle »v," BrooV- iy^- : ..- ... . -:; -' .;:.:.>:.:, :-:. :--:-..28-7 --^COLORED w*il*rH*l*he*rpo,eH4on^*6rvlng- dlnners, evenings, or butler In private family, at $16 week, Call 1090 Fulton st, first floor.2-3 FIRST-CLASS experienced chef seeks po- sition, city or country; hotel or restaurant. Address CHEF.-373,Cumberland sL_-.-_: 2^3. MAN 36 wishes work few hours nights after 6:80 o'clock. BRAITNER, 886 Quln- c y s t / : - ; .. .: ; .-."-•:.-•••- ' - - -. . 2-8. MAN. for.evenlngs. after 6 o'clock and Sat- urday .afterhoonsr- with clerical- and -selling experience. ADVERTISER, 802 Lincoln pi, Brooklyn.' Downstairs. 3-2 MASON.and plasterer wants work; chim- neys,' afeaway*. "stoop* pointed, repaired; plastering, cementing, etc, by an expert- enced mechanic; day'* work or contract; nrlc«»_.reasonaDW. ..ALLEN,_676__Slonroa. at. -- ••••~~~ '"•:••;-- ' " T :.-.-•-.. -':".- -'26-7 Furnished RooHisiM and Apartments FURNISHED ROQ»iS. ADELPHI ST, 317—TW0 LAROE Comfortable rooms! -first-class house; gentlemen. -, -.. '., - 28-7 BEDFORD SECTION—5 Jeftorson av; -ba-g-k_E.axlor, running.jvatei_jtfAJ^.pJxone.: gofitlemonT* *":";-'" -.. 'f~'"""'—;'~26-7 - JMASQN jtn<J plasterer wants work; chim- neys, areaways, stoops.'..pointed, ..'repaired; plastering,- cementing,- etc.,'--'.by an -experi- enced mechanic; day's work or Contract; pricesJreasonable^;«ALLEN.,;676 Monroe..*t.. 7;- ;•; •/"•-•-.-.- :->„ : - = ; ; . ' ;-.'. 2-7 NIGHT work wanted-by experienced ofllce man; capable and reliable; "M. L., Box. 2, Eagle Flatbush branch. --; .3-3 PAINTER, and plasterer in all its branches, want* work. J. J, HALL, 364 fcewis-avv—r- ——•— : ;•. .: :~ :• rt--86-7 -• PAINTER, papcrhangcr, plasterer; flr.it class work dono at reasonable prices; Wants -mpT*- " CUBtomors FELIX- ---MILLER; 612 Qulncy s t . --•• v'-- -..' ' -- . • • 30-7 PAINTERS and papcrhangers want more Work, Insido or outside, scaffold and ladders on hand; good work only-done. H. W. GRUH8 & SON, 1303 8t. John's pi. 30-7 PAINTER AND ART DECORATOR wants work In All branches, high class, work guar- anteed; Interior and exterior; reference* fur- nished: orders by mall/promptly attended to. W. L. DAVIDOW. 139 Dumont av, Brooklyn. ••'.-- 7n22-30 PAINTING, decorating and paperhan'glng don* by day or contract; first-class work guar- anteed. Nielsen &. Anderson, 62 Berkeley pi. Tclophons South 4?/>3. '•-' '' 29-7 PAINTING, paperhanglng, plastering, kal- aomlnlng, graining. Interior and exterior; reasonable; "estimates Tufrilsh'ed;. nrst-class work guaranteed. Wersan *•- Son, 2097 Nostrand av, ne»r Glenwood rd, Flatbush. t'-.--? - .- d2-30t PORTER, colored, wishes position hotel, factory; this country born. T. BOWMAN. 321 St. Mark's av. • -. .- •• •'/.-. 30-7 STONE renovator. Iron railing*, fences re- paired, sanded; chimney*: marble technical work; Postal, JOHN LALLEY, 935 Myrtle avenue.' - , ' n2J-14t —V7XNTED. a posltToS;' by a young colored man; -would prefer office work as typlat; willing and obliging. EDWARD HAMIL- TON, 195 Prince st. ; . ! ; WINDOW CLEANER, English American, want* window*, to clean In Apartment* and private house; special rate* If cleaned iteady. H. E. LEES, 493 U t h » t ; T*l.' 6030 South. '. '--';-? 30-7 YOUNG man, 20, handy man, wishes posi- tion; not afraid of hard work.' ADVER- TISER, 6J3 Paciflo'st .' 29-7 -YOUNG man, married, wishes position ns Otis elevator runner; experienced, J.' FAIR- CHILD, 51 Wyckoff ay, near Putham. 2-3 YOUNO man want* employment from j4 p.m. to 10 p.m.; clerical or salesman. N. W„ Box'8.'Eagle, office. 3-2 YOUNG man wants hour* after 4 o'clock. Tompkins .pi. ' - work for evening MAX TURKER. 4s ' •- 1-7 YOUNO man employed In- railroad office afternoons and evening* wishes position as clerk or typlat to occupy morning hours. Telephone South 7610. 328. l*t St. City Hotels and Boarding Houses sEiiKcrr rijACEs TO DIKC 50"UV1NGSTON STREET Oppo*lt* racket Oardea* tr«ak/ait of L*»(Ve«*, 50< Di»«r, 7S< Ptiigle MMI* ©r W**Hy A*riTk\**^MR*tit* ItSEnTCarden Restaurant RttdULAR DINNER SERVED " 18TO » P.M., $1.00 15J Ltwrtpce St. a m Fulton St Then* Mil Main. APAIITMKNT HOTELS, TO BENT, WITH BOARD. Large double room, comfortably furnished, running water; also large alngt* room; ex- ceptional table accompanied by heat service; two^ minute* from Btverly road *t*tion, Brighton U 24$ K*«t 14th «V t 2-1 2-ROOM *u!te, maid »etvlce, reataurant, fur* niahed or unfumiahed. Then* 122 South, nOARDlNO. BAINBR1DGR ST, 41; heated room, ault able 2 young bvialnca* p*ople; excellent tablet rilal; reaaonable; private, t $.-7 conge CARLTON AV, 536—Nftar Subtfay;' l^rge room. «ult*bla for 1 or 2 gentle- men; board if dcalrr-d, t .3-7 FLATBUSH; accond story; room with board; near Cortriyou road nation; Brighton Ilf.«; referenciis. <«$ Wcitmlniter road. 2-7 Bed Sec—Sterling PI, Bedford Av. Com'fortablo furnished room, bath; - steam heated, with private family. In apartment; "HoToTUeT roo'mer*. 7I7"-Stcfimirpl;~JU8EY.' • - ' •--. J . ' : - - - - . - • • - ' - - •'• •' : : ' 3-3 BERGEN STREET, 985.' ? Two comfortable square rooms.-together or aeparater-all cbh'Vcnia'nces, - ..--"" -29-'f ; BERGEN STREET, 1J08.: - ; *:. Large, front room and alcove;, privilege of light housekeeping; suitable business couple; furnished or unfurnished. Phone 3006 Decatur, " •:' - •-"-- - •--- j - r '•'• ' •:' t - 2 - 3 Bf|yfW4r3Pl^^^ilBf)g^^^B3^ "^uTfHy^alco^o roo'ro for two adults. • 30-7 CLASSON AV, 361, at.I^-fayette—Largo well heated room; choice; electricity; privato fam- lly; near car lines; business pcbp'.e.. 8 - ...-;. PAVk^rlXc1f7^l7^i»«^f^!*< / aW*rWtt>M-; A(trae-ttvo enuuio . roon>. Hciititiimu. -*>iiH; electricity, hot. water, '.tcltphofwf „vlrv*;it«l- dentin! section. ._. - »-v - •• ••-. zl^l PARK!'Si0PB— 6T7TH1LV, t-irg.. root'i or.*ecoud' tloor. .. PIEKREPONT yl'KEKT, bUl. r . ? : t'no large, teilifurthble" furnished .room, with lidtttll. . < • . - $ : ...,...•..';' 2-1 PllESIlU'S-l'" iff. '69$-Large"' front "parlor, tri ^U v f<-i two! ^rivotc IKHISC; near »iii>«uv». PROSrZCT PL? .SpNear'sVbwayr Mqi-.-xre room: conveniences; private houac; I'W.U')-. ., , • ,'.'; . PROSPECT PLACEvTirX"" .NVa:- Matbuih av; cU-»n, warm, well.furnished rooi.i; lictiK-kcciilny privileges; to!cph<ine. 3 -_ 8-2 PUTNAM AVr234—Near^ Bedford. Large f'tnt room: ^nvcnltnce*. -' .'•'••'• SS-7 PUTNAM AV, 642~PriVa _ tc r Honift." D..-clr:iblc ii.coml tlooi- room, nouthcrn-e-t- goaiuo, $ _ -. -24}1 QUINCy STREET797. : , "? Large mom, running water; heat; gentle- men, ^ '•''•"' •!_"•'" " , ' "H'l Bctutlf-jlly furnished Urgt doutftr- room. suitable for. rouple or nutseo or bachelor people;.domestic uonvcnlcnceH Decatur Jill. \«. .- ..t- " ••:- «•: ST. JAMES PLACE, 302. r ^: :Lorgb alcovo room; 1 two gentlomen' pre- •ferroil. __ . •• ,- ; - ^i-i S t r JOld'S^PLACE," : t36C" r ;«•' . 3 e ; r,:Clcai>.-*umu~luill.room. bath; private family: St: John*""PI., 862—Nr, : No8trand Av! llomellko room, -adjoining hath; parquet (loir, Irttgo clQjets; private hounol Phonc._j, _1_ _3-3 St. John'a Sl7il33?^rk Slojie. Large room, nicely, furnished parquet floor, hot'and-cold .water-in; room-; suitable, fojvtwo jcenllomoii. Phone. •._,;..- t ^ - ,'- , 2-il-.. St Jphn 7 * pi, 888-rNr. Nostrand Av. Sunny rooms;. all convonlonccs: private family; OhrlHtlaliHi ;buMiicss\ pc^plA Tclo- phono Decatur U!$. -.i HAWYER^.^ g -'ji->... j 3-2 St. Mark's Ay, "fi99-3fear Bedford. - : Attractive. InrgV. : r»'iid. W'~" .-<•'; - . »'?<)•* . S^r!SLARK , S"AV J MJ A T^-Uom ttoi-k ; pntlor; ikVy(-.s!-.rri :t r^-r-' :•r!^yy-'^ , encesi -gentleman.-; ...,./. .' -, :-\fi ' SE'COOTTBT,- #ix^$$M W$S> SInglo rooni; ;e;vcul •i'.:,-;' i>v;-.i-j : '.-.-- -"-'iV.'-:-- wpiinii, -': -. .^..--;,. :'i -'...-.-: ' .'.V:' : " Second St., 501-^-Cor Sfjyerith^Ay, » Kurnlslicd room, with-or without^ u.ie of kitchen:-third floor. PJOTERSKN. ;:'-.',•'' 3-.1 SIXTY-FIRST ST, 430. Vurn IsnjcdTroonv toV'lff; bnsbmen t $ SOUTH OXFORD ST, Z& '^ Hall room for Rcntle.man only, P r o v 62S9. t S0.O^0RB^ST^^^teWA^i Small : room, running water } . 3-7 SOUTH 0 ^ R B ^ S T p E T ^ 3 5 / ; Hall 'rooiii; aU'cohvciiIc'nccs;. nchr*nubway.- : . f ;.'••' :'--. _3-n SOUTH OXFORD STREET, 53. rT Deslrablo front room, hSJIrooin;).telephone — -•' ' '•;" 'I'-'-'V' " -'-" '•"•' '"'•'' '" '"' 8TBRLING P L , 611? a large front -rO'ojn.. heat rtnd bath;- two business-girls-preferred: "CKTTHtlails; 812{-retewilgcs;-n0r=cnniilimi- R.-G-: - Sterling PI, 877-^Bet. f f Y. & Nost. Large room, comfortably furnished,', with' board, for. 1 or 2 gentlemen;- tclcphono; rof- -crences.- ~~—;';-;$.;-::.'.,':—.-jjo-JtrBU-Wrf- STRONO PL, 39—Two beautifully fur- tilshod rooms complete for light; hou.iekoop- Ing; entire floor;' absolute privacy-with prl- vata Jamily^aJLconvcnienccs; uulct. refined . buslnens people preferred: 6 'minutes' from Boro Hall subway. II SMITH: phono llnm. ilton 26B9 ' - ' t Underhill Av, 142—Cor. Park Pi. 'CLERMONT "AV, 382-i-Comf6rtable fur- nished room, subway, running- water, bath same, floor; reasonable; refined" neighbor- hood; gentlemen only; references. 2-7 CLERMONT AVENUE, 435. \, •' Nice largo room; suitable for gentlemen; -cotyvenlent-rto .subway; : ... /,;.$. ; ; 28-7 CLTFTON PLACE. 80;, near Grand av; largo front room: heated: alt conveniences; nlso smaller-room'; -Apartment 1, right. 30-7 Dean St., 1242-—The Trinoda^> - ~ Largo sunny rooms(;adults; ho cooking. •-. .-- ; ' -:>.-•: .". . , ; '- 3-7 DKCATUR 8T, near Lewis av; large room, private family; every convenience: gentlemen or business couple; references. Phono Bed- ford 7610. . _ ,' '•••'•'•-$ .- ".'-."'-••'•'-'. 30-7 DEKALB AVENUE,. 2 1 3 ? : " Newly . furnished square room; gentlemen preferred. -". . .. $ 3-7 EAST 14TH _ ST, 933—FLATBUSH. Nicely furrilshetl room'near Av J atatlon, Brighton L KIKL,-tel Mldwood Sp63 $ 3-7 EIGHTH AVENUE, 917. r v - ~ - Kurhtshed rooms; gentlemen.' Tel. Pro»,iect 3SS1. 1 .,;•..-..„: ..-.'•' dl-29t fJIST STREET,-574, x; : Two furnished rooms-for light hou.ieiccplng. „'. $ 2-2 FLATBUSH, 3 minutes Brighton J>; private det.lched house, two rooms, single or en suite- no housekeeping; references requlrcij, 1713 .Coit«topft.ri,u\ ! j—U±i —;— . . FRANKLIN AVENUE, 477. ; I^rge front room; two business gentlemen. __, _ 1-7 mi ST, &0i~V/ti\ furnished* room, ad- joining bath; running" water, telephone, elec- tricity; suitable two gentlemen or business couple. $ - '' f -••-.-- - . • .--• 2.7 GARFIELD PLACE,V179. Clean, cosy, slngie-and double rooms'. 80-7 GREENE AVr467r^Nr; Nostrand'Av. Large room for gentleman;, private fami'y. HALSBY 'ST. 184; pHW^ihotiseJ large hall room, for gentleman; largo closetand phone, 3-7 20 minutes to Wall st; Ideal largo-sunny front rggTjTj furnlH1\t:di.etegi.rlcUy, hot watcr^ "phone; .private .rcferciiccs; gentlemen. VAN BUREN « T . 281; largo, sunny alcovo room; running water, adjoining bath; privato Christian, B u s h w l c k 3008, j - ,:-.J!S-7 WASHINGTON AVENUE; 564.' : '• Largo room, all convenlencrs. . :'.$';.-' - 29-0 W00DRUF AV, 45.. ; Largofront room, also room with kltchcn- ettO. ; ."'• ' ; ' •- .-:••:... '•:'$(.-. 3.-2'- THREE} large front rooms foe light house- keeping BROWN, 166 Oarlleld pi-• jl 2-^ FURNISHED light housckecplnjc room. Ap- ply LEONARD,-18 Patcheh av,-.Off rircaJwny. . LARGE -room,' southern oxposuro; heat, bath; .telephone; $6, .113 riarfleid .pi, IIALL bedroom, private' family; ring mid- die bell. 3<7 22d. stj_Brooltl_yn. 2 ROOMS, heated. HUltable for l i g h t jTousC- keeping. M Windsor pi,' - " .-;"-.i•-..••?. LARUE unr.ond floor front room to rent, furnished. 244 Hawthorne pt. i -.; ;- LARGE front, heat; ono oi two gotltlv* men; three minutes iobway; thrfo window*. Monjrose _Apt j; £82 Uoyt st. BRAH.LY.'. _ 2J-* 1. i OR if rooms, kitchen, bath-; flue brown- clone: ilectrlelty, Iieal.-hoftvater. itat. AflAlt. 175 UiiUey Bl._ _____ _ --3 FURNISHED rooms; steam heat, bath; r<a- conablc; hotel accommodations.' Hotel .Sin- clair, is: Fulton xt. - - - - --.--.--.. FURNISHED room, privato house; all 1m- provcment«; for gentlemen only; phono' Proy- pect Boii. t _ ' 19-7 - COMFORTABLE room, well hcatCilTcon- tlnual hot water In room; use of tolcphor.i;: gentleman; 36. 1106 Bergen st. J ','2-7 flEATJTII-'UL front bedroom, furnished ;~co*i~ trslly located; reflneil nplghborliood, 312 j;'f- fer*on By.- I'hono Decatur 2704, 5- 2-'. r I i X HALSEY STREET, 125, v , Fine house;~eoiiv»nlences; gentlemen. 1-3 HALSEY STREET, 80. .', Room; all conveniences; telephene; bu»lnf«i gentlernih. ' /. 2-7 HANCOCK. ST., 88»; Urge front room; southern expoiture; hot and cold water; heat, , electricity; Christian gentleman; private,, . ,_;v*..- t '.'--.'•' ' ,i*• 1 *HBIOHTS-163 Joralemon *t; Urge roonvfor twd; - will board: alio table bparders; I7-J3 week. • . . ; 1-7 HEIGHTS—142 MONTAGUE ST.. - Comfortable room*; all conveniences; phone. - ; - - -, : - '• •; . >i-7 JEFFERSON AV, 851—NR. RALPH. m in steam Nice large house. heated private 3-1 JORALEMON ST, 106. < Nicely turnl«hed front room; kitchenette. LEFFERTS PL, Vti^StiS Station. On* or. two ple**anl rooms^ reference*. LEFFERTS PLACE, 52A. . \ Squsre room, cecond atory, rear; Improve- ment*; gentlemen.. ' 3f-t LENOX ROAD. Large, sunny ftlcov* living and bedroom com- bined; g*ntiem*n only: private; $12 per week, J. E„ Box 4, F.sgle Flatbush branch. MCDONOUGH ST. 3»3—Larg* troht. •tin- ny, well hiatM, running w*t*r' connectloh to ear and elevated. Phone 4761 Decatur. 3-2 MCDONOUGH STREET, 333. v medtraui " t*U- n»tt Squar*; ' newly decomled; phone; owner. \ ' ' MoDonongh St, 199-Nr. Snnmer Av. Fulton L; Urge front room, alcove Nsjroom, n*xt b»th; healed; i*lephon« ; convenience*. 1-1 MACON STREET, 381. Small cosy fre«'t room: UUpboB*; |), a«-7 MACON ST, 589-Near R«id Av. S2 1 * S p l e n d i d fOOTft. TeUphon* Bedford 836*. - t J4-7 MADISON S T . 24J; back parlor, «te*m he»t, hot, cold water, e**> pnofi*; bu«ine** people only; private; owner. _ ; ,; MARCY AV, 728: *econd floor room*, «ln«ly of together; *n convenience*; very light hou«fkeeping; hu»lne*« people prefetred. MONROE STREET, SWA. Aicm-o room, kH«'h*n*tl4ri »l»o room*: h**t >~,'.-..V\vf-;*Vv',%I-";--.- IPACIFTO «fe- tilt; l*rg*~*^r**t<*tn. »*«ond •oor, well heated, It weekly. « ; other a-t FTtOTfT room, routhern eltp~oSureI privm" family; gentleman or 'business woman.. 1C1 Lefferts pi; references. f,~ :.. COM FORTA »liH • • laTge^Tront™oo T iir*>o7ith smnller. adjoining bath; h<5at and gas; second floor, 7S0 Lifqyctto av. 3-7 . SINGLE Inside room; rent reasonable. 5 Parksldo . Court. CARPENTER, - Eiglo Flat- bush brftneh.- •• --.---• '•«•-•« 3 .j LARGE sunny room, .heat, bath; handy'nil cars;-gentlemen or-bunlness coupia. 1SI Hem. lock st;' telephone Cypress 472S. - -f-3t w th su THIRD story-j^-ell' hcalodV aoutherh- exft?- suro room, ne*Tto tllo bath; electric lljth' wlth owner, ^M Oreenn a v. $ i g.j BEAUTIPtJL front suite. S~ ; r^in>.~batl». heat, electricity; no housekeeping; nubwny. HALL 7011 3d av, -BroOkl^fW -^ NICE Urge furnlahed room and _ bath, ivlh plenty hot water; nc*r «ub«-ay. , Mrs, f?. BLBfcH, 1047. 63d «ti 3-3 m TWO pteaiant room* In private family; ali convenience*;, .reference*.. jcqulrcd... Ji».. I'ui. nam av. j.;. ELEGANT furnished room, running water, electricity; nice for business COUP! 128 wnioughby 1< LARGE furnished room, heated, withMvrr- ning water; also near subway. 62 South-KI- Hott.pl; tel. prospect t472 .mX.it*—u—ta vnni pieatant large room in privrtto house': all modern conveplcnc**; apltable for tt-'o k'-i-- tlemen or business couplo; rent reasonable. Call m Mldwood *u_; ' :-; HOTEL TOURAINO, 23. Clinton *t. Bro>fe- lyn; Urge room, furnished or unfurnished; ruItAble for two or threo bachelors or profes- sional men. t f.J LARGE room with twin-bed*, beautifully furntithed, in private ribus»T*ullablS''for'Two" gentlemen; every convenience; reference* 488 4th «t. Phone South 64C8-J. r-3 FURN18HED room* fo^ gentlemen; pri- vate family; steam -neat, electricity and private bath. Phon* Mldwood 1214. 34» Av O. __ LARGE furnished room, with running water, b u t , telftphonerT^ttaTFTrmTiTrsoTr^- venienl location. 44* Sth »t, near 7th. av, t .,-*•! S FURNISHED room* In steam heated apartment; electricity, telephone. Adult*-, reference* «xeh»ng»d»- Mr* I/3TT, ttl.-JRv). lomt; Jamaica. | r |-1 •'NfCfcLY furnished room;' moderri' npartment: fit Jame* p', near Fulton st; medium price; ChrlMUn gentlemen preferred; reference fc- eiufrrd. Addrew F. M, BOOTH, 3d ay *n<! State st. '_;•_ •.;-- •• !._.,'; ._ 3-7 THE PROSPECT, SEA^CLIFF, L. I, Open all year; sle»m heated; electrletty and b*th; noon from etty; horn* environment; tab]* S e«t*: *S*d*l f*ll r»t«. . Pneae Ml OTeh -r*.' -:-vj-^ »I4 rdlO fiirmw ATTRACTIVE floor in wclLk'ept! privat* hoiffc: i bedroom*, living room, bath: newly decorated; cUetrlo light: phone; auhw*!'; 2 gentlemen; no housekeeping. 183"' P r o i p e t t Z*. c £~..*,>....-. J^.ju^^_;L^.^to^-, LARGE front room, one-family house, nil Improvements, telephon* connec-tIoi»r Chris- tian f»muy; good ne(ghberhw«i: ifentlemen only; best reference*. Apply.evening*; next corner Cortelyou rd, FlAtbush. Phon* 8JS-M Flatbush. K. 8. ARNOi.D,Cll«4 New York avenue. ./ • . '_,•?*" *"' ELEGANT ."ROOM" "ADJOININO BATH, FOR GENTLEMAN, MODERN CONVENIENCES, TEL,. 1500 BAY RtDGE —0—, APART. D-4. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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  • i M i I I ) J I ! ! , i l l ) , \r-m m >i i I'.JU.!-'I;J.I.I:.I ^ppi^ssw^i»swB»jss8Baa!ite:):. i«sas»i§pii8f«iw«i mum

    THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAULK. NEW YOR& \Vi^^toi>AV, §m§ | i i $ 3. 1919. m WAJJTED HEIiB~i iE3MAlJE. r

    Nurses and Seamajyesseg. R E L I A B L E woman, child 3 years ; good

    home; wages JS0-J55. Q. S., Box 4, Eagle t t h et branch. . I -. -1-7 '•' R E L I A B L E woma'n wanted to. tako car© o •will at. Brooklyn.

    WASTBP HEIiP—MAIiE8._ I F "yo'tf are'TT"saleBmaiTWBl^cjiTJ_approach

    the b e s t ' d a s * ot businessmen and intelligently present facts concerning a proposition that has had a successful sale . tor. 3}._y,«*jca*_ihin„y*u are tho man We want . W e can use t w o men of this calibre, who are not afraid of hard work and w h o can stand prosperity, . if they qualify. We are paying; our best salesmen

    W A N T E D H E L P — M A L E S .

    t two children and do l ight housework; i S ^ m ^ t M t 0 «.ooo a month."" If "iou" are In rill pay from $60 to m'month. 1330 78th . gg&^ff i , , thlV kind 0™ money address for 1_

    •RESPECTABLE white woman to mind children Mondays. Tuesdays, ..Fridays, from « to 4. 831 Myrtle av. top floor, t -< • 2-3

    TRUSTWORTHW woman to take charge at year-old baby. Mrs. MARTIN, » J & ,18th si, Flatbush. t - '• •. 3-7

    2"2 terview. B o x \ i . E a g l e branch, Manhattan,

    WANTED girls to take * .f-months train-ing a* trained baby nurses at S t Christo-pher's Hospital for Babies. 877. Hicks s t

    t •"': "> 38-tt WANTED, nurse for Utile girl;

    work; good wages; carfare" paid. Clinton av. •' 1. ' ".

    no hOUM-Call a t .360 -. -. -n-s

    WANTED middle-aged woman" to-take" cara of baby and assist with light housework; ref-erences. Call on J. HESTERBARG, 9 Lenox

    .road. Flatbush.' ', . --" 28-7 , \ W A N T E D nurse or mother's helper, small comfortable homo; good wages, C. M. H A F -NER, 288 Rugby rd, Beverly rd station. Flatbush. t 2-3



    .' JOBS OPEN. • Dlemaker*. .

    Toolmaker*. — . — V Metal. patternmakers^ _^-^__i-^—

    All around machinists. •' • Brass bench moMers. •

    Steady work and good wages. Apply Em-ployment-Bureau, the Yale & Towno^Mfg. Co.. Stamtc-fd. Conn. L J ? 2

    RtlVHEK until to "work around -In boarding house and tend $

    BRICKLAYERS wanted: long Job; good pay. •Apply 2,'d st and Fillmore av, Elmhurst."

    ' V . h. I- t ,'.' ' • ' " - ' • " ' " T ^ r ' . - ^ — ~ 3 < M BRONZE FIN'lSHERS, FILERS ' A N D

    HELPERS ON ARCHITECTURAL WORK. APPLY W. H. JACKSON CO.. 878 PRESI-DENT 8T., BROOKLYN, t . -"-' • »•»» ^BOOKKEHPER and cashlefjawm wanted In Brooklyn; flro Insurance office; must have fire Insurance experience Apply 161 Remsen sV-•••••• • . ' ^ .' - I '8-3

    BOY wanted, with excellent; op> |?6rtunitie$ for advancement; $12 per week. Apply 1/ P. pRINK, 23? 1pm ave., New York Gity.f:v .

    ^ih^agle^Jfew^Xomposihg^oonv 8th; floor, Eagje Buildings Wash ington and Johnson Sts. - ^





    , TELEPHONE- BRYANT/8i«0. „. SERyiCK FREE Tp:ALjU.; :




    ••-.>'•; GOOD 8 A L A R I K S : ; L A B O R E R S , 45c-50o P E R HOUR. ^ - A F P L Y r - * ^ A . M . TO.-2-- F . M ^ ,


    Learn: bluo p r i n t micrometer , -d tAwlng , trade mathemat ic s , lathes.- SchjiolfTM D e -catur »t. Brooklyn.- . - • • 3 0 - 7

    MACHINE1 hands on woodworking;mould inr -machines, JACOBS, Flushing »nd Woodward av»v .'.- . -;. . '' ,--_''_L1- • ,

    MAN to do'pantry work and help In din-ing room.- Home For Aged, 745,Cla*son *v.

    . MAN for porter work In kltchen^ wages 835 per month, room and board. -Brooklyn ' Eye and Ear Hospital; H Llvlnirston st. t





    To' increase production we need :•'•'.'. 76 addlt'ona]- experienced •''. '


    HEATERS Bring your gang or come singly.


    ^ n F Y ^ W T T N T F T V — — - T * ~ - '^TaTl'^OT^e-ionVInce-d •^h-at-Wff^sJ'earn f DKJl WAIN I C U , , , , t I e a s t 8100 weekly if you ac t immediate ly .

    ROOM 603.' Chamber of Commerce Building. 33 Court , s i t r " P -•':•:• •:••-:.:--••-. •• .-•_ - . • • • 8 = 7 '

    BOY ^Another clean-cut Srooklyn.boy is needed,to carry mail and do general office work;. ojjportunity for aavance-nient f or the boy who is interested and faithful. \Call between 8 and 5.. ' ;

    KIRKMAN & SON, t Bridge and Water Sts., Brooklyn.

    ' . V : - - . - . /•-;•••• ---: •••."' • . ; • " . ; ; • ; ; . - 1 - ; ; - ' - - ^ - * ™*t

    • . ' - ' . : .: '- ' BOYS. ;•./:•: ,;V '-. • . A Ne.w York Trust Company . has posi-t ions .open for boys w i t h some h igh school educat ion; good salary, liberal bonus, and unusual opportunity -for a d v a n c e m e n t . for Industrious and conscientious boys. Apply in own handwrit ing, s ta t ing age and education. Address Room 31, 7 P ine st . N e w York City.

    • - " : • • • '•-•• - v . - - . - • - " • • : ; • • : : • ; > • : : : : ' ; • • - > ? - - 2 - 3

    \-y:-:::-:r:::^ BOYS::[::-y^-^:•:•/-•.

    i-.-.-Two neat boys fot office routine and Important errands to banks and offices; 15 years;; excellent position; advahce-ment sure. t 2-2 LAMONT.GORLISS & COMPANY;

    ^^Hl0faHad8on?:Sl rcc^: 4^w^¥orkT^^ •••-:..,, - ' BOYS ~ 'You can get permaneht Work

    ---H»r1th-^erNatfp^al^ty .New York. Ypu will be given indi-vidual training to fit you for y.6ur

    77dutiesr::"Free~ed1rcatfpiT ĉlass"es~â ^^^^ conducted for your benefit. Ati-yahcement;.: rapid. Future vun-limitedi Call 2r5 p.m., Room 602,

    SrJO^WiTTSIreerZ • 4 r f - m


    :j:. •; JVlanuf^cturer .;; of, ^"mejal^

    ; goods requires a number over

    16 at various work in different

    - ^departmentsf mostly jriachiri

    work; start 23 cents and 27

    ;. cents perlrhour;.some. piece^_:

    work .jobs -Where. others: are-

    ' m a k i n g up to $25 weekly; ;

    •A^lunches at cost; full pay for

    J2̂ all holidays; steady work;; V

    $ 512 VANDERBILT AjVENUE, 1 W Corner Atlantic Avenue, ;

    p ' Brooklyn. r L i ^ i ^ ^ . ^ . - i t i : . . . : :,;-,;./^;. •:•- -• > . ' - - - - . - • • • — . " - - ' . - - • . • ' . . • • • • : •

    ;" MEN WANTED ! ?: • , : G o o d | wages,^ steady yeimplpy-

    ment; outdoor work. Apply, BROOKLYN-POSTER ADV. CO.,

    894' Fulton Street, Brooklyn, ,


    NO LABOR>TROUBLES Newark ' B a y Shipyard -.wants' a

    - large number of healthy,- Intel l igent . •'men, SO t o 36 years, , 140;-to 170 pounds, to enter our ;:.'.- :• : '

    TRAINING SCHOOL } We' teach you a trade and pay you

    46c. to 66c' per hour whi le you are learning.

    RIVETING, HOLDING-ON REAMING; SHIPFITTING B0LT1NG-UP, :PIPEFITTING •|Or o n e : "of -the other, sh lp trades . : Rapid and efficient instructions on real Jobs.' Graduation- In about .3 to 12 weeks , depending on thb trado

    - you choose- and.."the* abi l i ty of the worker. : Fu l l ' ra te s when placed on

    : production^; ^ ' . v '.;'• '-''.'•:• , .

    Alio w'-:;'';: :l ;":

    : RIVET HEATERS ' Prevlpus-Experience


    y •••:•;• rTUNlTY-=-PA88-BY; ;•-. y /

    SEE MR. SWEENEY '& E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T ,


    • N E W A R K B A Y S H I P Y A R D , : PORT NEWARK^ N.; J;

    REPl tESBNTATIVE. ~ T B R T E N = = :

    Lots of work, ready for. driving.




    ;. ^O^ASSERtBOYS - • • ." - - ' A L S O - * i

    . ; . ,v. 30Q LABORERS i GOOD WORKERS A R E ADVANCED. ~: W e also want, a large number of, men t o . e n t e r our T R A I N I N G SCHOOL to

    - learn a ship-trade. Semi-skilled and un-. skilled workmen, :\vha_arai;iodustrtoua,:,. and ambitious, will do well to.look Into • ^hls opportunity; M to:S6 years of age,

    ' 140 to 170 pounds. W o ' p a y 45c. to 66c. J • per.;hour. while you are In training; .

    graduation In about 3 t o U i w t e k s , de-pending oh the trade you Chooso' and th*

    - abil i ty, of the worker. ; - , ' "\


    ^Submarine Boat Corporation . N E W A P K BAY S H I P Y A n D . '.

    m -PORT NEWARK, N; J..•: ^ it W I I E R B QUALITY MEN


    ™OR S E E OUR R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S : i\::}-?

    :\ Mr. O'BRIEN ;,; ;; : ^jL-Menday—lo_Frlday,_? a,m.' to 5 -p .m. - ..

    . Saturday. 9 a.m. to -Noon.'•-• -S T A T E EMPLOYMENT O F F I C E , f

    • 112 W E S T 46TH ST , N . Y.- C. • iv» ;•'; >;;:; - M r . McNULTY i .••;,••>.

    • Monday to Friday, g a m , to t p m . Haturuay. 9 a.m. to Noon .