ok 12b graphicsrevised kael

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  • 8/12/2019 OK 12B GraphicsREVISED Kael


    Mabuhay I.T. ParkAR9 Second FloorJan Ced Avenue General Santos City

    January to !ece"ber #$ %


    Project Title

    Project Description

    Project Proponent

    Project Beneficiaries

    Project Location

    Project Implementation

    Source of Fund

    Project Backround


    Trainin, on Co"-uter Gra-hics on !i,ital Caricature and!i,ital Paintin, usin, Adobe Illustrator and AdobePhotosho-

    City Mayors (//ice 0Co"-uter 1iteracy Pro,ra"2

    +i,h School Students$ Teachers and +obbyists

    CM( #999 3 Co"-uter 1iteracy Pro,ra"Trainin, *4-ense 5 67#

    In 1999, the Computer Literacy Program (CLP), a program under SHEEP, wasformuated and impemented to ensure socioogica !aance among sociacasses It was !irthed to prepare !oth the forma and informa socia institutionswithin the city for go!a competiti"eness#

    It was during this period when our ocaity first saw the disparity !etween therich and the poor in the fied of modern $nowedge and communicationtechnoogy# %he same disparity aso !ecame pre"aent !etween pri"ate

    institutions and pu!ic institutions during the same period#

    &hie pri"ate institutions had ad'usted uic$y to the processes of growingtechnoogica moderniation, owing to their simpified system through whichthey can readiy ha"e access to resources and decision*ma$ing mechanism, theCity +o"ernment was rendered una!e to catch up with the speeding train oftechnoogica modernity# City go"ernment empoyees who ha"e amost noaccess to a continuing computer*!ased technoogica education argeycharacteried the city go"ernment during this period#

    oreo"er, technoogica moderniation aso too$ its to on students and pupis

    studying in pu!ic schoos# &hie students and pupis in pri"ate schoos wereaready afforded adeuate access to computer technoogy and werecontinuousy honing and harnessing their s$is in this technoogicay ad"ancefied, their counterparts in pu!ic schoos were una!e to reate with the ad"entof modern technoogy for ac$ of access to computer faciities and education#

    This caused the e"er,ence o/ a serious sociolo,ical i"balance$ 8ith students and -u-ilsin -ublic schools ha-lessly situated in a disadvanta,ed -osition.

    %his im!aance !ecame more prominent whene"er students and pupis of pri"ate andpu!ic schoos reach the higher e"es of earning# &hen they meet at the higher stageof education, students and pupis in pu!ic schoo !ecame dismay !eow par thanthose who came from pri"ate schoos in terms of computer iteracy, if !y twist of fate,they ha"e had any# In any e"ent, products of pu!ic schoos ha"e pro"en themse"es nomatch at a against their counterparts from pri"ate schoos#

    %his is the socia ogic !ehind the !irthing of SHEEP*CLP in 1999#

    -rom 1999 to ./11 a tota of 00/ computers with the amount of . were awarded topu!ic schoos#

    In ./11 aone, more inno"ations under the City ayor2s 3ffice 4 Computer LiteracyProgram were introduced# 5 series of e"e*up trainings were conducted to IC%Coordinators, teachers, students, officers and staff of 6epEd, 5LS, 3ut*3f*Schoo7ouths, +SC Poice 3fficers, Senior Citiens, to name a few#

    Pu!ic high schoo students were trained to create a we! and "ideo !og# 6e"eopmentof we!pages of a 08 pu!ic schoos were competed, aunched and turned*o"er#

    In ./1., etensi"e !asic and ad"anced courses wi !e introduced across differentinstitutions and constituents# Ser"ices i$e we!page de"eopment and integration wi!e gi"en more attention to ad'ust to the need to con"ey information ocay and


    In the ast fi"e years of information technoogy in the country, a ma'or trendhas fueed the growth of this sector, the rise of the :usiness Process3utsourcing (:P3) industry# In a short span of time, this industry has thepotentia of !ecoming a ma'or growth dri"er for the Phiippine economy#

    It currenty empoys at east ;

  • 8/12/2019 OK 12B GraphicsREVISED Kael


    Project Rationale

    As the creative "inds o/ artists are endlessly cra/tin, better ideas everyday and the-recision o/ solvin, al,orith"s by "athe"aticians and scientists are /ast and e//icient 38ith the aid o/ co""unications$ so/t8are is beco"in, "ore -o8er/ul and easier to"aster. In co"-uter ,ra-hics alone$ color de-th and -recision ed,in, can be accuratelycontrolled 8ith a click o/ a "ouse. Co"-uter ani"ations like8ise beco"e easier to use8ith re"arkable -er/or"ance due to these innovations.

    !es-ite its -roven social i"-ortance$ the co"-uter literacy -ro,ra" needs to under,o

    ti"ely i"-rove"ent and enhance"ent to enable it to adust to the -revailin, conte4ts. The-ro,ra" has already e4isted /or thirteen 0#2 years and$ 8ithin this -eriod$ variouschan,es in the conditions and circu"stances a//ectin, its i"-le"entation have beentakin, -lace. There/ore$ the -ro,ra" needs to under,o so"e innovations andre/or"ations to con/or" to these continuin, chan,es.

    A need to conduct trainin oncomputer rap!ics to e"uip t!e#out!s of General Santos $it# forlo%al competiti&eness especiall#in t!e Business Process'utsourcin industr#(

  • 8/12/2019 OK 12B GraphicsREVISED Kael


    Project '%jecti&e


    Budetar# Re"uirements

    To increase awareness of the participants by equipping them with working knowledge onhow to maximize fully the tools required:

    1. To create a high-impact graphics as independent image using A!"#$hotoshop.

    %. To acquire working hands-on knowledge using Adobe &llustrator for igital'aricature (aking and Adobe $hotoshop for igital $ainting.


    CARICATURE1. Food P137,800.00

    #lementary $upils )1 meal for ** batches of 1+ pax for 1 day,:

    ** batches x 1+ pax x 1 day /% pax x $100.00 P57,200.00

    igh 2chool 2tudents $upils )1 meal for %3 batches of 1+ pax for 1 day,:

    %3 batches x 1+ pax x 1 day ++4 x $100.00 P33,800.00

    A52 2tudents 6 7alk-in )1 meal for +/ batches of 1+ pax for 1 day,:

    10 batches x 1+ pax x 1 day 1+0 pax x $100.00 P13,000.00

    2ummer"oot'amp )1 meal for %3 batches of 1+ pax for 1 day,:

    %3 batches x 1+ pax x 1 day ++4 x $100.00 P33,800.00

    ANIMATION P19,500.002. Food

    7alk-&n6 A526 2tudents

    )1 batches of 10 participants 8 % trainers 8 1 teacher for 1 day,19pax x $100.00 P19,500.00

    3. Training S!!"i#$



    (. Food P72,900.00 1$)Culmination

    )1 heay snack for 1 schools heads 810 guests 8%3 '5$ 2taffs 8 13 pupils ;adisers,%13 pax x $/.00 P1%,200.00


    )1 heay snack for %9 schools heads 810 guests 8%3 '5$ 2taffs 8+19 pupils ;

    adisers,+4* pax x $/.00 P28.800.00

    3rdCulmination for ALS and Walk-In in Caricature

    )1 heay snack for 1%0 participants 8 10 guests 8%3 '5$ 2taff,13 pax x $/.00 * P11,700.00

    ()+Culmination for Animation

    )1 heay snack for 140 participants 810 guests 8 %3 '5$ 2taff,%13 pax x $/.00 P1%,200.00

    5. Pri#$ P(1,7%0.00

    1$)Culmination P7,800.00

    )1 pcs (edals to be gien to 1 trainees awarded as "#2T 'A

  • 8/12/2019 OK 12B GraphicsREVISED Kael


    3rdCulmination to ALS and Walk-In in CaricatureP7,200.00

    )10 pcs (edals to be gien to 10 trainees awarded as "#2T 'A

  • 8/12/2019 OK 12B GraphicsREVISED Kael


    *e# Result Area

    Pre-ared by: Checked and ;eri/ied by:

    )AR+ BERNADETTE G( PAS$,A ERNEST' -,ISA+. /R(A( !esi,nate Proect !evelo-"ent (//ice III

    Reco""endin, A--roval:

    PER$I0AL D( PAS,EL'*4ecutive Assistant III


    DARLENE )AGN'LIA ANT'NIN' 1 $,ST'DI' City Mayor

    Achieved hands5on skills in caricature "akin, and -aintin, usin, relevant so/t8are.

    *stablished "astery in "ani-ulatin, Adobe Illustrator and Photosho- to attain the

    ob ectives.