oceans and climate review. wavelength 1. the lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c....

Oceans and Climate Review

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Page 1: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

Oceans and Climate Review

Page 2: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough


Page 3: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

1. The lowest point of a wave is the

a. wavelengthb. crestc. frequencyd. trough

Page 4: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

2. Salinity is a measure of which of the following in water?

a. magnesium chlorideb. sandc. Dissolved saltsd. oxygen

Page 5: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

3. Waves on the surface of the ocean are mostly caused by

a. earthquakesb. the Coriolis effectc. the moond. wind

Page 6: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

4. Which of the following areas in the ocean is likely to have the lowest salinity?

a. Deep parts of the Pacific Oceanb. The cold Artic Oceanc. A bay at the mouth of a big riverd. A warm, tropical sea

Page 7: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

5. The horizontal distance between wave crests is the

a. wavelengthb. troughc. frequencyd. wave height

Page 8: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

6. Zones of upwelling are often associated with

a. El Ninob. a lack of nutrientsc. enormous schools of fishd. the upward movement of warm water

Page 9: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

7. Deep currents are caused mostly by

a. upwellingb. the Coriolis effectc. surface windsd. differences in density

Page 10: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

8. In the Northern Hemisphere, currents curve to the right because of the

a. longshore driftb. densityc. moon’s gravityd. Coriolis effect

Page 11: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

9. A large stream of moving water that flows through the oceans is called a(n)

a. waveb. currentc. undertowd. tide

Page 12: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

10. The most dense water is generally found

a. in the deep zoneb. in the transition zonec. in the surface zoned. along the coast

Page 13: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

11. In which zone is the ocean temperature most affected by the weather?

a. Polar zoneb. Surface zonec. Deep zoned. Transition zone

Page 14: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

12. As you descend through the water column,

a. Light increasesb. Density decreasesc. Temperature decreasesd. Pressure decreases

Page 15: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

13. What directly causes waves to form in the ocean?

a. Friction between air and waterb. sunc. Friction between water and waterd. The Coriolis effect

Page 16: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

14. Another name for the height of a wave is

a. amplitudeb. wavelengthc. troughd. Crest length

Page 17: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

15. In the Northern Hemisphere, surface currents travel in this direction

a. Counterclockwiseb. Clockwisec. Northd. Both a and b

Page 18: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

16. In the Southern Hemisphere, surface currents flow in this direction

a. Counterclockwise b. Clockwisec. Southd. Both A and B

Page 19: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

17. The movement of cold, deep ocean water to replace warm water at the surface is called

a. The Coriolis effectb. El Ninoc. Upwelling d. A surface current

Page 20: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

18. The Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift both affect Europe’s climate. What type of current are they?

a. Warm surface currentsb. Warm deep currentsc. Cold surface currentsd. Cold deep currents

Page 21: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

19. Currents move at different depths or by layers in the oceans, what causes the water to travel at these different depths?

a. Friction between air and waterb. Temperature of waterc. Friction between air and the ocean floord. Density of the water

Page 22: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

20. As ocean water begins to evaporate it becomes

a. Saltierb. Darkerc. Coolerd. Calmer

Page 23: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

21. This current is very strong and warm and provides the Eastern U.S. and Northwestern U. Kingdom a warm, temperate climate

a. Canary Currentb. Gulf Stream c. West wind driftd. California current

Page 24: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

22. This current is known to be very strong, cold and circles the South Pole

a. Canary Currentb. Gulf Streamc. Antarctic Circumpolard. California current

Page 25: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

23. The winds that travel between 0 degrees and 30 degrees latitude are called

a. Trade Windsb. Prevailing Northwesterliesc. Polar windsd. Southwesterlies

Page 26: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

24. When comparing climate and weather, weather is considered to be

a. Average wind chillb. Average rainfallc. Cloud cover and windd. Regional temperature change

Page 27: Oceans and Climate Review. Wavelength 1. The lowest point of a wave is the a. wavelength b. crest c. frequency d. trough

Identify the currents.




A. North Pacific Equatorial CurrentB. South Pacific Equatorial CurrentC. Gulf StreamD. Japan Current