ocean & coastal management · 2008). commercial crab gathering has been performed by these fig....

Ethnoecology, gathering techniques and traditional management of the crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 in a mangrove forest in south-eastern Brazil Laura Helena de Oliveira Côrtes a , Camilah Antunes Zappes b, * , Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto a a Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, Av. Alberto Lamego, 2.000, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brazil b Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Ciências da Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Regional, Departamento de Geograa de Campos, Rua José do Patrocínio, 71, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28010-385, Brazil article info Article history: Available online abstract This study presents the ethnoecology of the crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 through the perception of traditional gatherers in a mangrove forest of northern Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. The study also describes gathering techniques and assesses the development of traditional management actions. A total of 66 ethnographic interviews was performed, from which the gatherersability to correctly identify the target species and describe aspects of its biology, ecology and behavior was determined. The gath- erers who collect U. cordatus in this mangrove forest are primarily female, and the techniques applied include the redinhaor net method, the braceamentoor arm method, and the mãoor hand method. Crab gatherers have developed a traditional management system based on selective gathering according to the sex and size of the animals and the establishment of fallow areas in the mangrove forest. This system facilitates the long-term sustainability of the gathering activity. The existence of a traditional management system in this crab-gathering activity illustrates the fact that traditional knowledge can be applied in the conservation process. Integration of traditional knowledge with scientic knowledge plays a critical role in the development and execution of management plans. This study established a network of relationships between research institutions, the Fishermens Colony and the community. The acknowledgment of this traditional management system allowed the recognition of certain key in- dividuals who will facilitate the elaboration of educational programs. These local actors can be com- munity members who disseminate ideas and help with decisions related to shery management. Traditional knowledge can help researchers to understand the environmental conicts and interests of a community. The union of this knowledge with scientic information can provide support for dening conservation strategies and elaborating laws and thus might improve management plans. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Local ecological knowledge (LEK) is dened as the knowledge and experience of traditional communities regarding the natural and supernatural worlds that are transmitted orally from one generation to another (Berkes, 1993; Castro, 2000). These communities apply LEK in their exploitation practices and natural resource utilization to develop traditional management methods (Gelcich et al., 2006; Rasalato et al., 2010; Mirera, 2011). Although punctual, LEK has been used to improve the man- agement of natural resources in coastal areas. In some areas of world, successful projects related to shery management have been executed with the involvement of stakeholders (traditional knowledge), government (law) and researchers (scientic knowl- edge). In north-central California, a planning process for Californias Marine Life Protection Act was established and applied, using as strategic principles legislative mandate, political will, traditional knowledge and funding, which collectively permitted a transparent * Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ55 22 2733 0310. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.H. de Oliveira Côrtes), [email protected], [email protected] (C.A. Zappes), anapaula@uenf. br, [email protected] (A.P. Madeira Di Beneditto). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Ocean & Coastal Management journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ocecoaman http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.021 0964-5691/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 129e138

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Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 129e138

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Ethnoecology, gathering techniques and traditional management ofthe crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 in a mangrove forest insouth-eastern Brazil

Laura Helena de Oliveira Côrtes a, Camilah Antunes Zappes b,*,Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto a

a Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais,Av. Alberto Lamego, 2.000, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, BrazilbUniversidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Ciências da Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Regional, Departamento de Geografia de Campos,Rua José do Patrocínio, 71, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28010-385, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Available online

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ55 22 2733 0310E-mail addresses: [email protected] (

[email protected], [email protected] (Cbr, [email protected] (A.P. Madeira Di Bened

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.0210964-5691/� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

This study presents the ethnoecology of the crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 through the perceptionof traditional gatherers in a mangrove forest of northern Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. The studyalso describes gathering techniques and assesses the development of traditional management actions. Atotal of 66 ethnographic interviews was performed, fromwhich the gatherers’ ability to correctly identifythe target species and describe aspects of its biology, ecology and behavior was determined. The gath-erers who collect U. cordatus in this mangrove forest are primarily female, and the techniques appliedinclude the ‘redinha’ or net method, the ‘braceamento’ or arm method, and the ‘mão’ or hand method.Crab gatherers have developed a traditional management system based on selective gathering accordingto the sex and size of the animals and the establishment of fallow areas in the mangrove forest. Thissystem facilitates the long-term sustainability of the gathering activity. The existence of a traditionalmanagement system in this crab-gathering activity illustrates the fact that traditional knowledge can beapplied in the conservation process. Integration of traditional knowledge with scientific knowledge playsa critical role in the development and execution of management plans. This study established a networkof relationships between research institutions, the Fishermen’s Colony and the community. Theacknowledgment of this traditional management system allowed the recognition of certain key in-dividuals who will facilitate the elaboration of educational programs. These local actors can be com-munity members who disseminate ideas and help with decisions related to fishery management.Traditional knowledge can help researchers to understand the environmental conflicts and interests of acommunity. The union of this knowledge with scientific information can provide support for definingconservation strategies and elaborating laws and thus might improve management plans.

� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Local ecological knowledge (LEK) is defined as the knowledgeand experience of traditional communities regarding the naturaland supernatural worlds that are transmitted orally from onegeneration to another (Berkes, 1993; Castro, 2000). These

.L.H. de Oliveira Côrtes),.A. Zappes), [email protected]).

communities apply LEK in their exploitation practices and naturalresource utilization to develop traditional management methods(Gelcich et al., 2006; Rasalato et al., 2010; Mirera, 2011).

Although punctual, LEK has been used to improve the man-agement of natural resources in coastal areas. In some areas ofworld, successful projects related to fishery management havebeen executed with the involvement of stakeholders (traditionalknowledge), government (law) and researchers (scientific knowl-edge). In north-central California, a planning process for California’sMarine Life Protection Act was established and applied, using asstrategic principles legislative mandate, political will, traditionalknowledge and funding, which collectively permitted a transparent

Fig. 1. Location of Atafona and Gargaú communities in northern Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil.

L.H. de Oliveira Côrtes et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 129e138130

public planning process and achieved the support of stakeholders(Gleason et al., 2010). Another study was performed in the HuaveLagoon System of Mexico, where the integration of fishermen’sperspectives and opinions with the consensus-building processallowed the construction of a holistic management policy to con-servation of the lagoon and maintenance of traditional fishery ac-tivity (Espinoza-Tenorio et al., 2013). Considering the traditionalcommunities of fishers who inhabit coastal regions, little is knownabout how their traditional knowledge influences their ability toexploit natural resources or how this knowledge could be appliedto management practices (Mirera et al., 2013).

Brachyuran crustaceans, including Ucides cordatus Linnaeus,1763 (mangrove crab), Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1825 (‘guaia-mum’), and Goniopsis cruentata Latreille, 1803 (‘aratu’), are amongthe main resources exploited in Brazilian mangrove forests bysurrounding communities (Alves and Nishida, 2002, 2003; Firmoet al., 2011). The gathering of these species is practiced by in-dividuals who access the mangrove forest by canoe or by foot(Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002). Among these species, U. cordatus hasthe highest economic importance to traditional communities ofcrab gatherers in Brazil (e.g., Alves and Nishida, 2003; Glaser andDiele, 2004; Passos and Di Beneditto, 2005). This species is alsoan important component of the mangrove trophic web in thewestern Atlantic Ocean, being widely consumed by fish, birds andmammals (Pinheiro et al., 2005; Wunderlich et al., 2008).

In northern Rio de Janeiro (21e22�S), south-eastern Brazil,artisanal fisheries (including U. cordatus gathering) support thelocal economy, and traditional communities are dependent onthese activities (Vergara Filho and Pereira Filho, 1995; Di Beneditto,

2001; Passos and Di Beneditto, 2005). Thus, the non-rational use ofthese resources and decreases in exploited populations can lead tosocial problems that affect the economic well-being of those whodirectly depend on these activities.

The present study describes the ethnoecology of the crabU. cordatus in themangrove forest of northern Rio de Janeiro, with afocus on traditional knowledge related to this resource as well asgathering techniques. The study also assesses whether commu-nities have developed traditional management systems that willpromote the sustainability of this resource and the maintenance ofthe gathering activity in the future.

2. Material and methods

2.1. Study area

The study was conducted in the communities of Atafona (21�370

S; 41�030 W) and Gargaú (21�360 S; 41�030 W), which are located inareas surrounding the mangrove forest of the Paraíba do Sul Riverestuary in northern Rio de Janeiro (Fig. 1). The estuary has two exitstowards the sea: one is located in Atafona (main estuary), and theother near Gargaú (secondary estuary). This mangrove forest ischaracterized by the presence of black mangrove (Avicennia ger-minans [L.] Stearn. 1764), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa[L.] Gaertn f. 1807), and red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L. 1753).The black mangrove is dominant, occupying 53% of the cover, fol-lowed by white mangrove (28%) and red mangrove (19%) (Bernini,2008). Commercial crab gathering has been performed by these

Table 1Questionnaire topics to assess the aspects related to crab Ucides cordatus gatheringin northern Rio de Janeiro.

1. Characterization of gatherers’ communityGenderAgeEducation2. Ethnoecology of crab U. cordatusCarapace widthCarapace colorAbundanceReproduction and spawningEcdysis

L.H. de Oliveira Côrtes et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 129e138 131

traditional communities for decades (Vergara Filho and PereiraFilho, 1995; Passos and Di Beneditto, 2005).

Fishermen’s Colony Z-2, with approximately 3 600 registeredmembers, is located in Atafona, while Fishermen’s Colony Z-1, withapproximately 2 000 members, is located in Gargaú. Local crabgatherers are also registered in these colonies, totaling 46 pro-fessionals in Atafona and 50 in Gargaú. According to the presidentof Fishermen’s Colony Z-2, the effective number of gatherers whoperform this activity in Atafona is smaller (N ¼ 16) than denoted inofficial records because there are gatherers who no longer performthe activity.

Feeding3. Crab gathering and traditional managementMethodsAmountSex differentiationSex and carapace widthManagement of gathering activity4. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) about the lawAwareness of the periodPurpose of the closed seasonGathering during the closed season

2.2. Data collection

Data were obtained between March and October 2012 through66 interviews conducted with all active crab gatherers in bothcommunities. Participant observation was applied to establishcontact with the gatherers and learn about their daily routineswithout interfering with their activities (Malinowski, 1978). Allinterviews were conducted by same interviewer through dialogs(questioneanswer format) to maximize confidence between theinterviewer/researcher (L.H.O. Côrtes) and the interviewee andincrease the reliability of the data (Opdenakker, 2006).

To avoid the interference of one informant on the testimony ofothers, each interview was conducted individually, either in theresidence of the interviewee or in the mangrove forest where thecrab-gathering activity was performed. The interviewer/researcher(L.H.O. Côrtes) not only observed what was reported but alsoclosely observed the interviewereinterviewee contact and themeaning of each report so as to prevent the collection of false re-ports (Clifford, 1998).

Before each interview, the objectives of the research wereexplained to the interviewees, who were also asked whether theywould be willing to participate (Librett and Perrone, 2010). Inaddition, before each interview, the researchers explained to thelocal community members that their names would not be disclosedand that there was no need to provide their family names; only firstnames were requested for the purpose of polite communication.

The interviews were guided by a semi-structured questionnairewith open (N ¼ 47) (respondent has a chance to add more detailbeyond that anticipated in the questions) and closed (N ¼ 10)questions (yes or no answers or pre-established answers)(Huntington, 2000; Quivy and Campenhoudt, 1992; Schensul et al.,1999). Terms used on the questionnaire were in conformity withthe common vocabulary of the fishermen to avoid misinterpreta-tion of the questions asked. These terms were based on studiescarried out by authors in the same communities (Di Beneditto,2001; Passos and Di Beneditto, 2005; Tudesco et al., 2012; Rosaet al., 2012). To test the reliability of the information providedand confirm the accuracy of the data reported, the technique ofrepeating information in a synchronous situation was employed;hence, the same questionnaire was applied to all local communitymembers (Opdenakker, 2006).

The questionnaire was divided into the following categories: 1)characterization of the gatherer’s community, 2) ethnoecology ofthe crab, 3) crab gathering and traditional management, and 4)awareness about the law (Table 1). For the last category, the in-formation contained in the Ministerial Order No. 52 of September30th, 2003, of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment andRenewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) was taken into account. Thislaw governs U. cordatus gathering in the mangrove forests ofsouthern and south-eastern Brazil and establishes the closed sea-son for the species, when gathering must be suspended (IBAMA,2003).

Interviewees who participated in the study met the followingrequirements: 1) crab gatherers registered in Fishermen’s Colony Z-1 (Gargaú) or Z-2 (Atafona); 2) reported crab gathering as theirmain economic activity; and 3) performed the activity in northernRio de Janeiro. For the first contact in the community of Atafona, theinterviewer/researcher (L.H.O. Côrtes) had the aid of an employeeof the local Fishery Department who lives in the community andserved as a local guide (S.R. Gomes). In Gargaú, the local guide wasthe President of Fishermen’s Colony Z-1 (J.G. Soares).

The selection of the first respondent in each community wascarried out with the assistance of the local guides. After contactingthe second respondent, we applied the snowball sampling method,in which a potential respondent was indicated by communitymembers who had already responded to the questionnaire (Bailey,1982; Patton, 1990). Initially, this technique was used to acquire asampling of respondents, but in the end, all of the crab gathererswere interviewed due to the small size of this group (N ¼ 66). Thismethod works with reference chains, making use of relationshipsbetween people and acting as a “personal network” in which thereis a focal individual who is in direct or indirect contact with allother people in the community through his/her relationships. Theindications of new members allow the addition of varied insertionpoints (Goodman, 1961).

2.3. Data analysis

Only interviewees who were able to identify crabs belonging tothe species U. cordatus were selected for the present study. Theselection was based on knowing at least two of the following threecharacteristics that can be used to recognize adult crabs of species:1) a carapace width between 5 and 9 cm (Glaser and Diele, 2004;Passos and Di Beneditto, 2005), 2) carapace color varying fromsky-blue to dark brown (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001), and 3) feedson leaves, seeds, roots and sediment of the mangrove forest(Branco, 1993; Nordhaus and Wolf, 2007). These characteristics arespecific to the species U. cordatus and ensure the correct identifi-cation by the selected interviewees. Concerning the LEK about theclosed season for this species, responses that included at least twoof the three months established by law for gathering interruptionwere considered correct (OctobereDecember). The results werequantified and expressed as percentages.

L.H. de Oliveira Côrtes et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 129e138132

The information obtained in the participant observations andinterviews was grouped into thematic categories to classify thereports and facilitate their interpretation (Bogdan and Biklen,1994). This classification made it possible to clarify the relation-ship between the language and the social interaction between re-searcherseinterviewees with the crab U. cordatus. Data related to‘the characterization of the gatherer’s community’, ‘the ethno-ecology of the crab’, ‘crab gathering and traditional management’and ‘awareness about the law’ were quantified and expressed aspercentages.

3. Results

3.1. Characterization of the gatherers’ community

Of the 66 gatherers interviewed, 87.5% (N ¼ 14) in Atafona and100% (N ¼ 50) in Gargaú were selected for this study. Among theselected gatherers, most were women aged between 23 and 76years. Regarding education, most had not completed elementaryschool (Table 2).

3.2. Ethnoecology of the crab U. cordatus

According to the reports from both communities, the carapacewidth of this crab varies from 3.0 to just over 10 cm, and thecarapace color ranges from shades of blue to red. The greatestabundance of adult crabs occurs in January and February due to thespecies’ breeding migration (locally known as ‘andada’). Accordingto the gatherers, this event occurs between November and April or,more frequently, between January and February (Table 3).

Reproduction itself was described as an event that occurs be-tween December and February (Atafona: 57.1%, N¼ 8; Gargaú: 40%,N ¼ 20) (Table 3). During this period, the gatherers observed thatmale crabs become aggressive and ‘fight’with other individuals foraccess to females. Males can hit and break the carapace of theopponent with their largest chela, causing death.

Gatherers reported that copulation occurs in the mangrovesubstrate, and a few noted its occurrence inside burrows (Table 4).Whenmating occurs, the male grasps the female with the aid of thechela in an action called the ‘hug’, and their abdominal portions fitinto each other. At the end of copulation, the reproductive partnersdrift apart. Fertilized, or ‘egg-bearing’, females lodge the eggs onthe surface of their abdomen. These females migrate to the banks ofthe Paraíba do Sul River channels, inside the mangrove forest, andmove the abdomen to initiate spawning (Gargaú: 14%, N ¼ 7). Theycan also release their eggs on the flooded mangrove surface or in-side burrows during the high tide period (Atafona: 7.1%, N ¼ 1;Gargaú: 20%, N ¼ 10). In this region, this event occurs betweenMarch and May and is dependent on water (Table 3).

Table 2Gender and education level of gatherers from the communities Atafona and Gargaú,as reported by gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.


Atafona Gargaú

Gender of gatherersWomen 92.9% (N ¼ 13) 62% (N ¼ 31)Men 7.1% (N ¼ 1) 38% (N ¼ 19)EducationNot completed Elementary School 78.6% (N ¼ 11) 80% (N ¼ 40)Completed Elementary School e 2% (N ¼ 1)Not completed High School e 2% (N ¼ 1)Completed High School e 2% (N ¼ 1)Not studied 21.4% (N ¼ 3) 14% (N ¼ 7)

Ecdysis or crab molt is a phenomenon known as molt or ‘hullchange’ by the gatherers interviewed. Crabs prepare for molt bystocking mangrove vegetation leaves in their burrow. Burrowopenings are obstructed, and the tunnel excavated in the substratebecomes deeper. According to the gatherers, crabs tend to accu-mulate more fat during this life cycle stage; they become heavierand travel to the surface less frequently. The interviewees fullyrecognized the phenomenon and species behavior of this life cyclestage.

During the molt period, ‘milk crabs’ are observed. These areindividuals with a fragile and flexible carapace containing awhitishliquid (called ‘milk’) in their interior. The gatherers reported thatthe liquid begins to accumulate before the carapace (which will bechanged) loses rigidity and that they verify its formation byremoving one of the crab’s pereiopods. The gathering of crabs inthis state is hampered by the fragility of their carapaces, and theingestion of ‘milk crabs’ causes abdominal pain, nausea and diar-rhea, making them unfit for human consumption andcommercialization.

The crabs of this region consume black and redmangrove leaves,mud (sediment), seeds, and mangrove roots as food (Table 4). Eachgatherer described more than one food item.

3.3. Crab gathering and traditional management

Gatherers use the following techniques for crab gathering: the‘redinha’ or net method, the ‘braceamento’ or arm method and the‘mão’ or hand method (see explanations below) (Table 5). Eachgatherer can use more than one technique.

In Atafona, the gatherers generally obtain each between 100 and200 crabs per day, whereas in Gargaú, daily gathering does notexceed 100 crabs per gatherer. The resource is commercialized innatura, alive and without any type of processing (Table 5).

‘Redinha’ is a monofilament net made with silk thread (2 mmthick) that is 50 m long and 40 cm high, with an 8 cm meshmeasured between adjacent nodes. This gear is positioned over theopenings of the burrows built in the substrate of the mangroveforest by the crabs and identified as belonging to the males of thespecies. In ‘braceamento’, the gatherer keeps her/his body extendedon the substrate (or next to it) and introduces one of her/his armsinto the burrow, seizing the crab with the hand by the dorsal sec-tion of the carapace (Fig. 2). ‘Mão’ refers to the method of gatheringthe crabs using the hand as an instrument when the animals are outof their burrows, which occurs primarily during breeding migra-tion. The reports indicated that the proportional use of ‘redinha’ isincreasing in the Gargaú community and is gradually replacing the‘braceamento’ technique.

Some gatherers reported the emergence of diseases caused bycontact with the mangrove ecosystem during crab gathering (Ata-fona: 43%, N ¼ 6 and Gargaú: 14%, N ¼ 7). The diseases describedinclude mycoses, ear infection, gynecological problems, cuts on thebody, especially the feet, hands and arms, and ‘back pain’.

The interviewed gatherers were able to recognize males andfemales of the species through abdominal morphology, the pres-ence of bristles on the pereiopods, and/or the greater body size ofmales compared with the females (Table 5). Each gatherermentionedmore than one sexually dimorphic characteristic. Sexualdifferentiation is also made indirectly via characteristics of thecrab’s burrowopening (Atafona: 42.9%,N¼ 6; Gargaú: 84%,N¼ 42).A male burrow has a wide opening with blackened fecal materialand elongated deep traces on its edge (‘tracks’ or ‘footsteps’). Thetraces are left by the male’s bristles and pereiopods while moving.A female burrow has a narrower opening with thin brown fecalmaterial and superficial traces on its edge. This difference between

Table 3Ethnoecological information about the crab Ucides cordatus, its occurrence and period of gathering, as reported by gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.

Ethnoecological information Periods of occurrence

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Abundance of adult specimens X XBreeding migration X X X X X XBreeding migration (greatest frequency) X XReproduction/copulation X X XSpawning X X XCrab gathering X X X X X X X X X Xa Xa Xa

a Closed season for crab e October through December. This period was enacted for the protection of the species during its breeding migration according to Brazilian law(IBAMA, 2003). Even with the closure of crab gathering, some gatherers reported that this activity continues to occur in this period (see Results e Section 3.4. Awareness aboutthe law).

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male and female traces is related to the absence of bristles on thepereiopods and the lower body weight of the females.

Collection of both sexes of crab was reported by 78.6% (N ¼ 11)of gatherers in Atafona and 86% (N ¼ 43) in Gargaú. In both com-munities, males are preferentially gathered (Table 5). This prefer-ence is related to the highermarket value of the males and resourcemaintenance in the local mangrove forest. Females are mainlyintended for family consumption. All gatherers in Atafona and 88%(N¼ 44) in Gargaú stated that crabswith a carapace width between8 and 9 cm are used for commercial purposes.

Concerning themanagement of crab gathering, the intervieweesstated that there is a rotation of the mangrove areas that areexploited throughout the year. Crabs with a blue carapace (termedblue crab) are more common in areas with a predominance of blackmangrove, whereas those with a reddish carapace (termed redcrab) are more common in red mangrove areas. According to thereports, in red mangrove areas, the carapace becomes reddish dueto the release of a ‘tinting’ substance present in the plants (seeResults on the Ethnoecology of the crab U. cordatus).

During the summer (NovembereApril, according to the gath-erers), the crabs distributed in areas with a predominance of redmangrove are present at greater abundance and with larger cara-pace width. This makes the red crab the main target during thisperiod. Inwinter (MayeOctober), the catch-effort is greater in areaswith a predominance of black mangrove, where the blue crab ismore abundant. In this way, the mangrove areas that are exploitedover half of the year remain fallow (‘resting’) during the other half.This management was characterized as ‘unintentional’ by thegatherers, who called it ‘natural management’ (Fig. 3).

Table 4Local of copulation and food items consumed of the crab Ucides cordatus, as reportedby gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.


Atafona Gargaú

Place’s copulationMangrove substrate 50% (N ¼ 7) 38% (N ¼ 19)Inside the burrows 14.2% (N ¼ 2) e

Unable to respond 35.6% (N ¼ 5) 62% (N ¼ 31)Food items consumeda

Black and red mangrove leaves 73.7% (N ¼ 14) 83.1% (N ¼ 49)Mud (sediment) 15.8% (N ¼ 3) 10.2% (N ¼ 6)Seeds 10.5% (N ¼ 2) 1.7% (N ¼ 1)Mangrove roots e 5.1% (N ¼ 3)

a Each gatherer described more than one food item.

3.4. Awareness about the law

The period determined by law for the closure of crab gatheringin the region (OctobereDecember) was identified by gatherers ofAtafona and Gargaú. The closed season as a measure for speciesprotection was recognized in association with its reproduction,spawning, growth and ecdysis (Atafona: 85.7%, N ¼ 12; Gargaú:92%, N ¼ 46). However, the gatherers’ reports indicated that crabgathering continues during the closed season (Table 6).

Gatherers justified crab gathering during this period with thefollowing arguments: 1) compensation for the low income ob-tained through this activity via a catch-effort during the closureperiod, 2) delays in the payment of financial benefit to whichthey are entitled during the suspension of the activity (closureinsurance), and 3) surveillance deficiency. The gatherers re-ported that there is a discrepancy between the period estab-lished by law for the closed season in the region (OctobereDecember) and the period in which breeding migration reallyoccurs (OctobereApril, with greater frequency between Januaryand February).

4. Discussion

4.1. Characterization of the gatherers’ community

Crab gathering is predominantly performed by women, innorthern Rio de Janeiro, which is a peculiarity of the regioncomparedwith othermangrove areas along the Brazilian coast. Thisfact was reported by Vergara Filho and Pereira Filho (1995). In otherregions, men generally perform the crab gathering because of theunhealthy nature and danger of the activity, whereas womenengage in the processing of the gathered product (Fiscarelli andPinheiro, 2002; Alves and Nishida, 2003; Walter et al., 2012).

In recent years, the proportion of men engaged in crab gatheringin Gargaú has increased. This phenomenon may be related to thediversification of fishing activities practiced by community mem-bers to increase monthly income. Gargaú is characterized by astrong economic dependence on fishing activities, whereas inAtafona, there are other ways to generate income beyond artisanalfishing. Atafona is approximately 3 km from São João da Barra(county seat). This town underwent the installation of the mega-enterprise ‘Logistics and Industrial Complex of Porto of Açu’(CLIPA) approximately four years ago, which expanded incomeoptions for local residents due to the increase in commercial es-tablishments and residences. CLIPA, which is more accessible to thecommunity of Atafona than that of Gargaú, has attracted fishermenand gatherers with good offers of remuneration and workingconditions.

Both localities (Atafona and Gargaú) are characterized by a loweducation level. This pattern was also observed in other regions ofBrazil (Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002; Alves and Nishida, 2003).

4.2. Ethnoecology of the crab U. cordatus

The crab carapace widths reported by gatherers are comparableto those from other regions of Brazil (e.g., Ivo et al., 1999: 2.3e

Table 5Techniques for Ucides cordatus crab gathering, crabs obtained per day and identifi-cation of males and females, as reported by gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.


Atafona Gargaú

Techniques for crab gatheringa

‘Redinha’ or net method 20.8% (N ¼ 5) 40.2% (N ¼ 43)‘Braceamento’ or arm method 45.8% (N ¼ 11) 22.4% (N ¼ 24)‘Mão’ or hand method 33.3% (N ¼ 8) 37.4% (N ¼ 40)Crabs gathering per day>100 crabs/day 28,6% (N ¼ 4) 60% (N ¼ 30)Between 100 and 200 42,9% (N ¼ 6) 30% (N ¼ 15)Between 201 and 300 14,3% (N ¼ 2) 8% (N ¼ 4)Between 301 and 400 7,1% (N ¼ 1) e

<400 crabs/day e 2% (N ¼ 1)Unable to respond 7,1% (N ¼ 1) e

Identification of males and femalesb

Abdominal morphology 60% (N ¼ 12) 50% (N ¼ 41)Presence of bristles on the pereiopods 30% (N ¼ 6) 28.1% (N ¼ 12)Greater body size of

males compared to the females10% (N ¼ 1) 22% (N ¼ 18)

Preference by sex of crabMales 100% (N ¼ 14) 98% (N ¼ 49)Females e e

Unable to respond e 2% (N ¼ 1)

a Each gatherer uses more than one technique.b Each gatherer mentioned more than one sexually dimorphic characteristic.

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8.9 cm in Piauí [2� S]; Goes et al., 2010: 1.7e8.5 cm in Espírito Santo[20� S]; and Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002: 5.0e11 cm in Iguape [24�

S]). This demonstrates the gatherers’ skill in estimating the size ofthe crabs without measuring instruments. The reported carapacecolor ranged through shades of blue and red, which is in accordancewith the literature (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001; IBAMA, 2003).This color variation most likely gave rise to the popular de-nominations of ‘blue crab’ and ‘red crab’, which to date had notbeen described for this species. In some Brazilian mangrove areas,the popular denomination ‘blue crab’ applies to the ‘guaiamum’

(C. guanhumi) (IBAMA, 2002). According to Falqueto et al. (2008),the leaves of the red mangrove are rich in carotenoids. The influ-ence of food resources containing carotenoids on the carapace colorof crustaceans is a topic that has been widely described in theliterature (Meyers, 1994; Bjerkeng, 2008). In this way, the reddishcolor of the carapace, which inspired the popular denomination‘red crab’, is related to the crabs’ ingestion of this food, as suggestedby the interviewed gatherers.

Along the Brazilian coast, the breeding migration varies withinthe interval stated by the gatherers; monthly peaks have also beenrecorded (Ivo et al., 1999; Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002; Wunderlichet al., 2008). The breeding migration is characterized by a massivesearch for partners (Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002; Castilho-

Fig. 2. Techniques utilized in the gathering of crabs in northern Rio de Janeiro, southern BrazSilva) and c) ‘mão’ (Photo: Camila Silva).

Westphal et al., 2008) and occurs during conditions of high tem-perature, rainfall and photoperiod (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001;IBAMA, 2011). During this event, crabs walk on the mangrovesubstrate or roots, even at night, and do not maintain fidelity totheir burrows (Alves and Nishida, 2003; Diele and Koch, 2010;IBAMA, 2011).

The antagonistic behavior between male crabs described by thelocal gatherers is in accordance with the literature (Pinheiro andFiscarelli, 2001; Diele and Koch, 2010). The copulation behaviordescribed by the gatherers is also confirmed by the available in-formation on the mating behavior of U. cordatus (Pinheiro andFiscarelli, 2001). After copulation, U. cordatus females remainsheltered in burrows or under mangrove roots for threeefourweeks until the larvae are released; during this period, the eggsremain attached to the pleopods (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001;Diele and Koch, 2010). Spawning may occur once or twice a yearand is carried out on the banks of channels, on the mangrovesubstrate or inside burrows, in synchronicity with the largest tidalamplitudes (Castilho-Westphal et al., 2008; Wunderlich et al.,2008; Diele and Koch, 2010). There was a consensus among thegatherers that spawning is dependent on water, corroborating datafrom the literature.

The crabs’ preparation for molting and the presence of ‘milkcrabs’ or exuvial liquid were well described by gatherers. Storage ofleaves and other types of food (vegetation seeds and stalks) duringthe period preceding molt, for post-molt consumption, has beendescribed in the literature (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001; Alves andNishida, 2002). During this period, the burrows are excavated togreater depths, and crabs block their openings (Pinheiro andFiscarelli, 2001; Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002; Wunderlich et al.,2008). In the pre-molt period, when the crabs lose carapace ri-gidity, their internal organs turn a milky-white color due to theformation of exuvial liquid (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001; Fiscarelliand Pinheiro, 2002). The presence of high levels of carbonates inthe crabs’ bodily constitution during the pre-molt stage makesthem unfit for consumption because these compounds can affectthe nervous and digestive systems (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001;Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002). This reveals the gatherers’ under-standing of the entire molt process.

The gatherers reported more than one food item for these crabs.These reports agreewith studies on the feeding habits of U. cordatusthat noted the preferential consumption of leaves in addition tofruits, seeds, roots and sediment (Branco, 1993; Pinheiro andFiscarelli, 2001; Nordhaus and Wolf, 2007; Castilho-Westphalet al., 2008). Nordhaus and Wolf (2007) found that the species’preference for black and red mangrove leaves in Pará (1�S),northern Brazil, is due to the greater ease of chewing and digestion,in addition to the provision of a greater quantity of dry matter persheet consumed compared with white mangrove leaves. According

il: a) ‘Redinha’ (Photo: Laura Helena de Oliveira Côrtes), b) ‘braceamento’ (Photo: Camila

Fig. 3. Layout of the ‘natural management’ of crab (Ucides cordatus) gathering performed by gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.

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to the interviewed gatherers, U. cordatus also exhibits this foodpreference in the study area (21�S), suggesting a specific foodpattern.

4.3. Crab gathering and traditional management

Brazilian law prohibits the use of traps or fishing gear for crabgathering and forbids gathering during the crabs’ breeding migra-tion (IBAMA, 2003). This makes the use of ‘redinha’ and ‘mão’(during the breeding migration) illegal. Non-traditional gatheringmethods (such as ‘redinha’) are used by crab-gathering commu-nities to facilitate gathering, cause fewer physical injuries to gath-erers and increase production (Nascimento et al., 2012). The use of‘redinha’ does not seem to increase the number of crabs gathered,but its use is safer and preserves the physical health of the gath-erers. This is important for gatherers with long-term economicdependence on this activity, such as those in Gargaú.

‘Braceamento’ is a traditional technique for crab gatheringpermitted by law (Pinheiro and Fiscarelli, 2001; IBAMA, 2003).However, it requires great physical effort by gatherers and causesinjuries to their hands and arms (Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002).Despite this, ‘braceamento’ is themost commonmethod used by thegatherers of Atafona, and it is still widely used throughout Brazilianmangrove forests (e.g., Souto, 2007; Magalhães et al., 2011;Nascimento et al., 2012). The gatherers of the two communitiesshare capture sites in the mangrove forest of the Paraíba do SulRiver estuary. However, according to the interviews, the number ofcrabs gathered is lower among the gatherers of Gargaú, whopreferentially use the ‘redinha’ method, compared with those ofAtafona, who more frequently use ‘braceamento’. In this sense, it islikely that the Atafona gatherers are opting for the benefit ofincreased harvest over the detriment of the cost that this techniqueposes to physical health.

Some gatherers reported the emergence of diseases due tocontact with mangrove mud. This is a reality described in otherareas and indicates the existence of a public health problem incommunities that practice crab gathering (Walter et al., 2012).Despite the educational campaigns on mangrove and U. cordatusconservation executed bymanagement offices in both communities(Atafona and Gargaú), we did not identify any disease preventioncampaigns focused on diseases that can be acquired by contact ofthe gatherers with the mangrove ecosystem. According to Rosa andMattos (2007), the activity of crab gathering in Brazil can beconsidered potentially dangerous, as it can expose the gatherer topathological agents present in mangroves as well as accidentsrelated to perforation of the limbs (arms and legs) by vegetativematerial present in the sediment (roots and trunks). In this sense,despite the potential for the ‘braceamento’ method to impairphysical health, the gatherers prefer to use this technique over‘redinha’ because of the larger number of crabs that can be

gathered.While ‘braceamento’ allows the capture ofmore crabs, it islikely not more destructive than ‘redinha’. ‘Redinha’ is not selective,and parts of the equipment are sometimes abandoned in themangroves, causing pollution, in addition to the loss of the root andbranch fragments used to fix the ‘redinha’ and removed from themangrove. The ‘braceamento’ method is targeted and does notpollute the environment. In this sense, the development of atraditional management system by gatherers can offer a solution tothe problem of making crab gathering sustainable.

The gatherers were able to recognize males and females of thetarget crab species. Sexual differences are evident in this species,facilitating this recognition process. The ability to distinguish thesexes was also verified in other gatherer communities along theBrazilian coast (Fiscarelli and Pinheiro, 2002; Souto, 2008).Recognition of sexual differences allows the gathering of specimenswith the greatest commercial value and contributes to resourceconservation because females are spared and stock replacement ismaintained.

Gathered crabs with a carapace width between 8 and 9 cm arewithin the limit set by law, which only allows gathering of crabswith a carapace larger than 6 cm (IBAMA, 2003). Although the‘redinha’ is a prohibited technique, the ability of local gatherers toestimate the crabs’ sex and size in advance by assessing burrowopening characteristics and sexually dimorphic traits means thatthey target the more commercially valuable crabs and return therest to the mangrove, thus reducing the impact of this gear on thecrab population.

The rotation of the exploited mangrove areas described by thegatherers can be characterized as an ‘unintentional’ managementsystem. This management system allows mangrove areas of theParaíba do Sul River estuary to remain fallow for approximately sixmonths of the year. The fallow period allows reproduction andpopulation growth of the U. cordatus crab, contributing to thecontinuity of the resource for gathering.

4.4. Awareness about the law

The closed season for crab, established by law for southern andsouth-eastern Brazil, extends from October 1 to December 31 forfemales and from October 1 to December 1 for males. This periodwas intended for the protection of the species during its breedingmigration. The law also prohibits gathering and commercializationof ovigerous females and commercialization of the crab’s bodyparts during any period (IBAMA, 2003).

The law covers an extensive area of the Brazilian coast (18e28�S) that is exposed to different light intensities and photoperiodintervals. These factors directly influence the reproductive patternsof U. cordatus (Pinheiro et al., 2003). However, the law also estab-lishes that each Federation Unit (state) can set a closed season forthe species that better fits its environmental reality. In southern

Table 6Identification of the period determined by law for the closure of crab gathering andthe occurrence of crab gathering, as reported by gatherers in northern Rio de Janeiro.


Atafona Gargaú

Identification of closed seasonIdentified 50% (N ¼ 7) 80% (N ¼ 40)Not identified 7.1% (N ¼ 1) 6% (N ¼ 3)Unable to respond 42.9% (N ¼ 6) 14% (N ¼ 7)Crab gathering during the closed seasonPractice 42.9% (N ¼ 6) 28% (N ¼ 14)No practice 57.1% (N ¼ 8) 58% (N ¼ 29)Unable to respond e 14% (N ¼ 7)

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and south-eastern Brazil, Espírito Santo (18e21�S) is the only stateto have establish its own closed season for this crab, extending fromJanuary to April, with a 1-week prohibition for crab gathering eachmonth (IBAMA, 2013).

The laws regulating crab gathering do not consider the tradi-tional knowledge of gatherers and do not reflect the economic andsocial situation of these workers (Nordi, 1994). The inefficiency ofthese regulatory laws for crab gathering is mainly attributable tothe lack of awareness of the population, alternative work for thegatherers during the reproductive period and efficient monitoringby environmental agencies (Alves and Nishida, 2002). These justi-fications were reported by the gatherers in this study.

It is therefore sensible to suggest a review of the period estab-lished for the closed season in Rio de Janeiro state (21e23�S). Theestablishment of management plans based on the knowledge oftraditional communities encourages the enforcement of the law bythe inhabitants (McClanahan et al., 1997; Gelcich et al., 2006). Asproposals for improvements for crab-gathering activity and con-servation of this species, is suggested: 1) developing cooperativeproposals in partnership with educational and research institutionsthat could act together with the community to improve the productand marketing; 2) partnerships between the Fishermen’s Colonies(Z-1 and Z-2) and public health agencies that could assist in theprevention of diseases contracted in the mangroves; 3) partner-ships between environmental agencies, research institutions andFishermen’s Colonies (Z-1 and Z-2) to (i) conduct educationalcampaigns on species conservation, (ii) perform studies to under-stand the zoning in the capture region and (iii) delineate a crab-gathering projection, using as variables the reduction in the sizeof the U. cordatus population and changes in the local economy dueto port activities, public policies and co-management. Such mea-sures can make the gathering profession more sustainable andconsequently promote the preservation of U. cordatus and themangrove ecosystem (Linhares et al., 2008).

This study allowed us to understand the perception of gathererswith respect to the legislation and the problems that exist in thecrab-gathering activity. In this sense, the results presented hereinindicate the importance of conducting studies on local ecologicalknowledge (LEK) and how this knowledge can be incorporated intopublic policies.

4.5. How to ensure the quality of information obtained throughlocal ecological knowledge (LEK)?

Studies of local ecological knowledge (LEK) are based on thebeliefs and symbols of a community and, because of this, areconsidered subjective and complex (Begossi, 1992). The informa-tion obtained by reports of local communitymembers is sometimesnot quantifiable but allows the approach between subject and ob-ject and, in this sense, has proven to be appropriate for studies of

cultural perception. The reports enable the researcher to betterunderstand the historical, social and cultural context. Qualitativeresearch is concerned with meaning and not with generalized hy-pothesis statements, so the data is useful for understanding thesubjective process of a culture (Crouch and McKenzie, 2006).

In a traditional knowledge study, some information is providedwith pleasure, while other information is offered with reluctance orsimply not provided (Clifford, 1998). The response of the localcommunity member to the researcher may reveal the real reasonwhy some questions remain unanswered. Some questions elicitedclosed responses followed by open justifications or explanations,thus allowing the local community members to express theirreasoning (Librett and Perrone, 2010). It is therefore very importantthat researchers explain the objectives of their study to the in-terviewees before the interview (Librett and Perrone, 2010). In-terviews carried out through dialog are more effective for obtaininginformation that reflects the local reality. Dialog grants the in-formants the freedom to present their knowledge and allows in-terlocutors to have a shared vision of local reality (Kvale, 1996).

The process of obtaining information is facilitated when theresearcher breaks down the barriers between himself and the localcommunity member in terms of language, clothing, behavior andespecially the fact of not belonging to the group. In this sense, theresearcher will always be an outsider to the group and must care-fully evaluate and analyze what is captured in the discourse of localcommunity members (Zaluar, 1986).

5. Conclusions

Gatherers in the Atafona and Gargaú communities are skillful atrecognizing crabs belonging to the species U. cordatus anddescribing aspects of their biology, ecology and behavior. This in-dicates that the LEK of these communities is in accord with theavailable literature on the species.

The communities differ in some aspects that characterize theirgathering activities in the local mangrove forest. In Atafona, thelower number of gatherers indicates that crab gathering as aneconomic activity is declining, most likely because of a loss offamily tradition and/or the existence of other income-generatingopportunities. In Gargaú, the scarcity of work in other sectorsgenerates strong economic dependence on fishing activities,including crab gathering. This scenario led to the professionaliza-tion of crab gathering and the development of ‘redinha’ as apreferred technique, in spite of its legal prohibition. ‘Redinha’ doesnot seem to increase the number of crabs gathered per fishing effortundertaken but preserves the gatherers’ health and contributes totheir quality of life and longevity in the occupation. Although the‘braceamento’ method is considered the technique more effectivefor crab gathering, it apparently does not affect the conservation ofU. cordatus in the region because both communities have developedsome practices. These practices, together with the recognition ofsexual differences between crabs, the ability of the local gatherersto estimate crab size and the rotation of exploited mangrove areas,comprise a traditional management system. This system is basedon crab-gathering practices that involve the use of fallow areas andselective gathering of large animals, which should facilitate thesustainability of this activity in the region over the long term, ifthere is no loss of habitat and no anthropogenic disturbance.

A management plan aiming to minimize impacts on U. cordatusand conflicts between communities and government shouldestablish a partnership among research institutions, cooperatives,Fishermen’s Colonies, public health agencies and environmentalagencies. Establishing these partnerships is important to deepenthe discussion about the practices of crab gathering, the occurrenceof traditional management systems, educational programs and the

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socioeconomic reality of the fishing communities. To enact educa-tional programs, some key individuals from each communityshould be included in the management plan. These tasks must becarried out with the active participation of local communities.

Observing the interaction of a community with surroundingnatural elements is important to understand the reasons for andreality of its coexistence with nature. Cultural perceptions maytherefore aid in answering environmental questions. Local gath-erers are excellent candidates to act as partners in research activ-ities and in the development of management plans and local co-management. It is clear that such partnerships are always longprocesses that in some cases do not occur. The use of interviews inthis study allowed us to make the important step of establishingpartnerships based on trust between research institutions, Fisher-men’s Colonies and the community. The next challenge is to pro-mote closer relationships between public health andenvironmental agencies with local communities. Rapprochementamong fishery managers, regulatory agencies, researchers, andcommunity members is important for establishing successfulmanagement plans and for the adaptation of the closed season tothe environmental reality of northern Rio de Janeiro.


Thanks to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico eTecnológico e CNPq (grants n�. 300241/09-7; 403735/12-2 and301405/13-1) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pes-quisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e FAPERJ (grant n�. E-26/102.915/2011). L.H.O. Côrtes received an undergraduate fellowship fromCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(_501100002322) e CAPES and C.A. Zappes received a postdoctoralfellowship from CAPES (grant. 87414) and FAPERJ (grant. E-26/102.798/2011). A.P.M. Di Beneditto is member of CNPq INCT MaterialTransference from the Continent to the Ocean (grant n�. 573601/08-9). We would like to thank Silvana Ribeiro Gomes and CamilaVentura da Silva who helped us during the field activities, thepresidents of Fishermen Colonies Z-1 and Z-2 and the mangrovecrab gatherers to the collaboration during the interviews andSergio Carvalho Moreira who done the map.


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