obesity in pregnancy - final

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  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final



    Presenters: Lecturer:- Umesh Shanker Aiyar - Dr Neena- Ngiam Sin Yee- Dharini Subramaniam

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    Introduction Obesity is a complex costly and debilitatin!

    condition" Causes si!ni#cant complications $or t%e mot%er and

    t%e $etus T%e mec%anism seems to be related to t%e

    endocrine milieu associated &it% obesity ' increasedle(els o$ insulin andro!ens and leptin)" Obese &omen s%ould be encoura!ed to underta*e a

    &ei!%t mana!ement pro!ram prior to an attempt atconception"

    T%ey s%ould also try to maintain or ac%ie(e a normalB+I bet&een pre!nancies to minimi,e ris*s o$ad(erse pre!nancy outcomes in t%e $uture as &ellas t%e !eneral %ealt% ris*s o$ obesity"

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    +aternal &ei!%t and &ei!%t !ain-e#nitions and !uidelines"

    - In .//0 t%e Institute o$ +edicine 'IO+)recommended t%at B+I to be used to de#nematernal &ei!%t !roups"

    - Obesity &as de#ned as B+I 1 23*!4m2

    Pre(alence o$ obesity durin! pre!nancy


    5aries $rom 67238 dependin! on de#nition yearc%aracteristics o$ study population- -ata $rom 20097200: National ;ealt% < Nutrition

    Examination Sur(ey 'N;A=ES) s%o&ed t%at 23"/8o$ &omen o$ reproducti(e a!e &ere obese 'B+I 190) and 38 &ere extremely obese 'B+I 1 :0)

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    All maternity units s%ould %a(e accessiblemultidisciplinary !uidelines &%ic% are communicated toall indi(iduals and or!anisations pro(idin! care topre!nant &omen &it% a boo*in! B+I >90" T%ese

    !uidelines s%ould include consideration o$?@ Re$erral criteria@ acilities and e uipment@ Care in pre!nancy@ Place o$ birt% and care in labour@ Pro(ision o$ anaest%etic ser(ices@ +ana!ement o$ obstetric emer!encies@ Postnatal ad(ice

    Obesity in pre!nancy is reco!nised by t%e N;Siti!ation Aut%ority 'N;S A)Ds Clinical Ne!li!ence

    Sc%eme $or Trusts as one o$ t%e %i!% ris* conditions re uirin! t%e

    a(ailability o$ a local !uideline at all maternity units"

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    ertility and early pre!nancyissues

    ." Sub$ertility +ost commonly related to o(ulatory dys$unction andis also related to polycystic o(ary syndrome 'PCOS)"Increasin! obesity is associated &it% decreasin!spontaneous pre!nancy rates and increasin! time to

    pre!nancy"+ec%anism may be related to ad(erse e ects o$ele(ated insulin le(els on o(arian $unction"Also %as ne!ati(e impact on t%e outcome o$ treatmento$ $ertility"

    =ei!%t loss can lead to $a(ourable %ormonal c%an!esand impro(ement in $ertility

    2" Spontaneous AbortionIncreased ris* o$ miscarria!e may be because obese

    &omen o$ten %a(e PCOS or isolated insulin resistance

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    Antepartum issues

    ." Gestational and pre!estational diabetesFris* o$ T2-+ related to insulin resistance in t%e obesestate"American -iabetes Association recommends boo*in! 4. st trimester screenin! $or G-+ in obese pre!nant

    &omen"Glucose intolerance associated &it% G-+ resol(espostpartum %o&e(er t%ere is a 2x Fpre(alence o$subse uent T2-+ compared to lean &omen

    2" Pre!nancy associated %ypertension+ec%anism is not *no&n" It is su!!ested t%atpat%op%ysiolo!ic c%an!es related to cardio(ascular ris*'Insulin resistance %yperlipidemia subclinicalinHammation) are also responsible $or t%e increased

    incidence o$ preeclampsia in obese !ra(idas"

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    9" Preterm birt%Increased ris* primarily associated &it% obesity relatedcomplications rat%er t%an an intrinsic predisposition tospontaneous preterm birt%"

    :" Post term pre!nancy 7 Increased ris*

    " +ulti$etal pre!nancy

    F incidence o$ di,y!otic but not mono,y!otic t&ins%a(e been reported" T%is association %as been attributed to ele(ated S;le(els"

    6" +acrosomia and subse uent &ei!%tF prepre!nancy &ei!%t %as a linear relations%ip &it%birt% &ei!%t as a result F ris* o$ deli(erin! GA in$ant"

    T%is relations%ip is independent o$ t%e increasedpre(alence o$ G-+ in obese &omen"

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    J" T%romboembolic complications"Pre!nancy itsel$ is a prot%rombotic state &it% F inplasma concentration o$ $actors . J 3 < .0 a K

    in protein s and in%ibition o$ #brinolysis resultin!in L ris* o$ (enous t%rombosis"Obesity &it% B+I 1 90 F ris* o$ t%rombosis 2L"

    3" Con!enital anomalies"F ris* o$ con!enital anomalies especially neuraltube de$ects and ris*s may F&it% increasin!maternal &ei!%t"+ec%anism not *no&n but li*ely related toaltered nutritional milieu $or $etal de(elopment"Anomalies are more diMcult to detect &it%prenatal SG in obese &omen resultin! in $e&erantepartum dia!noses and more a ected li(e

    borns and stillborns amon! birt%s to obese&omen"

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final



    Increased ris* o$ prolon!ed labour Increased rate o$ induction o$

    labour due to G-+ and

    %ypertension ;i!%er incidences o$ prolon!ed

    pre!nancy 5a!inal deli(eries a$ter caesarean

    deli(ery less li*ely to be success$ul Increased incidences o$

    instrumental deli(eries

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    Increase in electi(e andemer!ency caesarean section

    due to CP- 4 $ailure to pro!ress Complications durin! caesarean


    7 Prolon!ed incision to deli(eryinter(al 7 blood loss 1.000ml 7 lon!er operati(e time 7 &ound in$ection 7 t%romboembolism 7 endometritis

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    consultation &it% an obstetricanaest%etist

    Obese pre!nant &omen %a(e ? 7 more initial epidural $ailure

    rate 7 increased rate o$ diMcult

    intubation 7 problems &it% placement o$


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    #ther c$m%&icati$ns

    macrosomia S%oulder dystocia +alpresentation

    ;emorr%a!e : t% de!ree perineal lacerations

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    P#STPARTUM ISSUES IN'E!TI#N - increased ris* o$ &ound

    episiotomy endometritis - &ound in$ection? poor

    (ascularity o$ subcutaneous$ats and $ormation o$ seromasand %ematoma

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    P#STPARTUM EM#RR A"E 7 due to increased incidence o$

    macrosomia7 or reduced bioa(ailability o$

    uterotonic a!ents at standard doses

    (REAST'EEDIN" - increased $ailure to initiatelactation < decreased duration o$lactation

    7 obese mot%ers %a(e lo&erprolactin response to suc*lin! in t%e. st &ee* postpartum

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    Increased incidences o$ stillbirt%sdue to? 7

    7 %i!%er rates o$ diabetes and

    %ypertension 7 metabolic c%an!es suc% as

    %yperlipidemia reduced prostacyclinproduction

    7 decreased a&areness o$ $etalmo(ement7 nocturnal apnea &it% transient

    oxy!en desaturation

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    RE!#MMENDATI#NS Recommendations $or &ei!%t !ain

    durin! pre!nancy

    Glucose tolerance test 6 &ee*s a$terc%ildbirt% $or t%ose dia!nosed &it%G-+ re!ular $ollo& up a$ter t%at


    nder&ei!%t .2"J .3"2 *!

    Normal ..": . "/ *!O(er&ei!%t 6"3 ..": *!

    Obese 6"3*!

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    Exercise durin! pre!nancy 7 minimum 90 minutes $or

    most days o$ t%e &ee* i$ note(ery day

    7 primary pre(ention o$

    !estational diabetes 7 %elp$ul ad uncti(e t%erapy

    &%en eu!lycemia is not

    ac%ie(ed by diet alone

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final



    =omen &it% a boo*in! B+I >90re uirin! p%armacolo!icalt%romboprop%ylaxis s%ould be prescribeddoses appropriate $or maternal &ei!%t

    7 /.7.90*! ? 60 m! Enoxaparin J 00 units-alteparin J000 units Tin,aparin daily

    7 .9.7.J0 *! ? 30 m! Enoxaparin .0000 units-alteparin /000 units Tin,aparin daily

    7 1.J0*! ? 0"6 m!4*!4day Enoxaparin Junits4*!4day -alteparin J units4*!4day


  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    mobilise as early as practicable$ollo&in! c%ildbirt% to reduce

    t%e ris* o$ t%romboembolism All &omen &it% a B+I >:0

    s%ould be o ered postnatal

    t%romboprop%ylaxis re!ardlesso$ t%eir mode o$ deli(ery

  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    Recommendations $or all&omen7 record %ei!%t and &ei!%t at

    initial prenatal (isit tocalculate B+I

    7 discuss t%e recommended&ei!%t !ain durin! pre!nancy


  • 8/9/2019 Obesity in Pregnancy - Final


    E)ects $* e+cess ,eightgain materna& ,eight $n $) s%ring :

    +aternal o(er nutrition4 ;i!% B+I

    Increased $etal plasma !lucose andinsulin concentrations

    Increased leptin synt%esis