
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR S T E P H E N P. R O B B I N S S T E P H E N P. R O B B I N S E L E V E N T H E D I T I O N E L E V E N T H E D I T I O N W W W . P R E N H A L L . C O M / R O B B I N S W W W . P R E N H A L L . C O M / R O B B I N S © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook Foundations of Individual Behavior Chapter 2

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  • Biographical CharacteristicsBiographical CharacteristicsPersonal characteristicssuch as age, gender, and marital statusthat are objective and easily obtained from personnel records.

  • Ability, Intellect, and IntelligenceAbility An individuals capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.Intellectual Ability The capacity to do mental activities.Multiple Intelligences Intelligence contains four subparts: cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural.

  • Physical AbilitiesPhysical AbilitiesThe capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.

  • LearningLearningInvolves changeIs relatively permanentIs acquired through experienceLearningAny relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

  • Theories of LearningKey ConceptsUnconditioned stimulusUnconditioned responseConditioned stimulusConditioned responseClassical ConditioningA type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response.

  • Theories of Learning (contd)Key ConceptsReflexive (unlearned) behaviorConditioned (learned) behaviorReinforcementOperant ConditioningA type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.

  • Theories of Learning (contd)Key ConceptsAttentional processesRetention processesMotor reproduction processesReinforcement processesSocial-Learning TheoryPeople can learn through observation and direct experience.

  • Theories of Learning (contd)Key ConceptsReinforcement is required to change behavior.Some rewards are more effective than others.The timing of reinforcement affects learning speed and permanence.Shaping BehaviorSystematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response.

  • Types of ReinforcementPositive reinforcementProviding a reward for a desired behavior.Negative reinforcementRemoving an unpleasant consequence when the desired behavior occurs.PunishmentApplying an undesirable condition to eliminate an undesirable behavior.ExtinctionWithholding reinforcement of a behavior to cause its cessation.

  • Schedules of ReinforcementContinuous ReinforcementA desired behavior is reinforced each time it is demonstrated.Intermittent ReinforcementA desired behavior is reinforced often enough to make the behavior worth repeating but not every time it is demonstrated.

  • Schedules of Reinforcement (contd)Fixed-Interval ScheduleRewards are spaced at uniform time intervals.Variable-Interval ScheduleRewards are initiated after a fixed or constant number of responses.

  • Behavior ModificationFive Step Problem-Solving ModelIdentify critical behaviorsDevelop baseline dataIdentify behavioral consequencesDevelop and apply interventionEvaluate performance improvementOB ModThe application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting.

  • OB MOD Organizational ApplicationsWell Pay versus Sick PayReduces absenteeism by rewarding attendance, not absence.Employee DisciplineThe use of punishment can be counter-productive.Developing Training ProgramsOB MOD methods improve training effectiveness.Self-managementReduces the need for external management control.